Tweak oklab to work better with dark colors.
[lw2-viewer.git] / src / resources.lisp
1 (uiop:define-package #:lw2.resources
2 (:use #:cl #:iterate #:lw2-viewer.config #:lw2.utils #:lw2.sites #:lw2.context)
3 (:import-from #:alexandria #:with-gensyms #:once-only #:when-let #:appendf)
4 (:import-from #:parse-float #:parse-float)
5 (:export #:*page-resources* #:inverted-media-query #:with-page-resources #:require-resource #:generate-versioned-link #:with-resource-bindings #:call-with-fonts-source-resources #:site-resources)
6 (:recycle #:lw2-viewer)
7 (:unintern #:fonts-source-resources))
9 (in-package #:lw2.resources)
11 (defparameter *page-resources* nil)
12 (defparameter *link-header* (constantly nil))
13 (defparameter *style-tags* (constantly nil))
14 (defparameter *script-tags* (constantly nil))
15 (defparameter *async-script-tags* (constantly nil))
17 (defparameter *push-option* nil)
19 (defun inverted-media-query ()
20 (alexandria:switch ((hunchentoot:cookie-in "dark-mode") :test #'string-equal)
21 ("dark" "all")
22 ("light" "not all")
23 (t (if (string= (hunchentoot:cookie-in "theme") "dark")
24 "all"
25 "all and (prefers-color-scheme: dark)"))))
27 (defmacro with-page-resources (&body body)
28 `(let* ((*link-header* *link-header*)
29 (*style-tags* *style-tags*)
30 (*script-tags* *script-tags*)
31 (*async-script-tags* *async-script-tags*)
32 (*push-option* (when (hunchentoot:cookie-in "push") "nopush"))
33 (*page-resources* (site-resources *current-site*)))
34 (dynamic-flet ((fn () ,@body))
35 (call-with-site-resources *current-site* #'fn))))
37 (defmacro with-appended-functions ((&rest clauses) &body body)
38 `(let* ,(iter (for (old-function new-name lambda-list . inner-body) in clauses)
39 (let ((old-function-name (gensym)))
40 (collect `(,old-function-name ,old-function))
41 (collect `(,new-name (lambda ,lambda-list (funcall ,old-function-name ,@lambda-list) ,@inner-body)))))
42 ,@body))
44 (defun require-resource (type &rest args)
45 (push (list* type args) *page-resources*))
47 (defun generate-versioned-link (file)
48 (let* ((filename (format nil "www~A" file)))
49 (or (ignore-errors (format nil "~A?v=~A" file (universal-time-to-unix (file-write-date filename))))
50 file)))
52 (defgeneric call-with-fonts-source-resources (site fn))
54 (defun output-link-header-element (stream uri type)
55 (multiple-value-bind (rel type as push-option)
56 (case type
57 (:preconnect (values "preconnect"))
58 (:stylesheet (values "preload" "text/css" "style" *push-option*))
59 (:script (values "preload" "text/javascript" "script" *push-option*)))
60 (format stream "<~A>;rel=~A~@[;type=~A~]~@[;as=~A~]~@[;~A~]" uri rel type as push-option)))
62 (defun output-style-tag (stream uri media class)
63 (format stream "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"~A\"~@[ media=\"~A\"~]~@[ class=\"~A\"~]>" uri media class))
65 (defun output-script-tag (stream uri &key async)
66 (format stream "<script src=\"~A\"~:[~; async~]></script>" uri async))
68 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
69 (defun preconnect-resource-forms (stream uri)
70 (alist :link-header `((funcall delimit) (output-link-header-element ,stream ,uri :preconnect))))
72 (defun style-resource-forms (stream uri &optional media class)
73 (with-gensyms (versioned-uri)
74 (alist :bindings `((,versioned-uri (generate-versioned-link ,uri)))
75 :link-header `((funcall delimit) (output-link-header-element ,stream ,versioned-uri :stylesheet))
76 :style-tags `((output-style-tag ,stream ,versioned-uri ,media ,class)))))
78 (defun script-resource-forms (stream uri &rest args &key async)
79 (with-gensyms (versioned-uri)
80 (alist :bindings `((,versioned-uri (generate-versioned-link ,uri)))
81 :link-header `((funcall delimit) (output-link-header-element ,stream ,versioned-uri :script))
82 (if async :async-script-tags :script-tags) `((output-script-tag ,stream ,versioned-uri ,@args))))))
84 (defmacro with-resource-bindings ((&rest clauses) &body body)
85 (let ((forms (make-hash-table :test 'eq)))
86 (iter (for (resource-type . params) in clauses)
87 (iter (for (form-type . form-body) in (apply (case resource-type
88 (:preconnect #'preconnect-resource-forms)
89 (:style #'style-resource-forms)
90 (:script #'script-resource-forms))
91 'stream params))
92 (appendf (gethash form-type forms) form-body)))
93 `(let* ,(gethash :bindings forms)
94 ,(let (w-a-f-clauses special-names lexical-names)
95 (iter (for (form-type special-name lexical-name extra-lambda-list)
96 in '((:link-header *link-header* link-header-fn (delimit))
97 (:style-tags *style-tags* style-tags-fn nil)
98 (:script-tags *script-tags* script-tags-fn nil)
99 (:async-script-tags *async-script-tags* async-script-tags-fn nil)))
100 (when-let ((form-body (gethash form-type forms)))
101 (push `(,special-name ,lexical-name (stream ,@extra-lambda-list) ,@form-body) w-a-f-clauses)
102 (push special-name special-names)
103 (push lexical-name lexical-names)))
104 `(with-appended-functions ,(reverse w-a-f-clauses)
105 ,(when body `(declare (dynamic-extent ,@lexical-names)))
106 (setf ,@(iter (for special in special-names) (for lexical in lexical-names)
107 (collect special) (collect lexical)))
108 ,@body)))))
110 (defgeneric call-with-site-resources (site fn)
111 (:method ((site site) fn)
112 (with-resource-bindings ((:script "/head.js")
113 (:script "/script.js" :async t))
114 (call-with-fonts-source-resources (site-fonts-source site) fn))))
116 (defun file-valid-date (file)
117 (max (file-write-date file)
118 (load-time-value (get-universal-time))))
120 (defgeneric site-resources (site)
121 (:method-combination append :most-specific-first)
122 (:method append ((s site))
123 (labels ((gen-theme (theme os)
124 (let* ((basename (format nil "~@[-~A~].~A.css" theme os))
125 (filename (format nil "www/css/style~A" basename))
126 (version (universal-time-to-unix (file-valid-date filename)))
127 (baseurl (format nil "~A?v=~A" basename version)))
128 (with-resource-bindings ((:style (format nil "/generated-css/style~A" baseurl) nil "theme")
129 (:style (format nil "/generated-css/colors~A" baseurl) nil "theme light-mode")
130 (:style (format nil "/generated-css/inverted~A" baseurl) (inverted-media-query) "theme dark-mode"))))))
131 (let* ((ua (hunchentoot:header-in* :user-agent))
132 (theme (or (and *preview* (nonempty-string (hunchentoot:get-parameter "theme")))
133 (nonempty-string (hunchentoot:cookie-in "theme"))))
134 (theme (if (or (string= theme "default") (string= theme "dark")) nil theme))
135 (os (cond ((search "Windows" ua) "windows")
136 ((search "Mac OS" ua) "mac")
137 (t "linux"))))
138 (handler-case (gen-theme theme os)
139 (serious-condition () (gen-theme nil os)))
140 *html-global-resources*))))
142 (sb-ext:defglobal *static-assets* nil)
144 (let ((new-static-assets (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
145 (flet ((defres (uri content-type)
146 (vector (concatenate 'string "www" uri) content-type)))
147 (loop for system in '("mac" "windows" "linux") nconc
148 (loop for theme in '(nil "dark" "grey" "ultramodern" "zero" "brutalist" "rts" "classic" "less")
149 do (let ((uri (format nil "/css/style~@[-~A~].~A.css" theme system)))
150 (setf (gethash uri new-static-assets) (defres uri "text/css")))))
151 (loop for (uri content-type) in
152 '(("/fonts.css" "text/css")
153 ("/arbital.css" "text/css")
154 ("/head.js" "text/javascript")
155 ("/script.js" "text/javascript")
156 ("/assets/favicon.ico" "image/x-icon")
157 ("/assets/telegraph.jpg" "image/jpeg")
158 ("/assets/popup.svg" "image/svg+xml"))
159 do (setf (gethash uri new-static-assets) (defres uri content-type))))
160 (setf *static-assets* new-static-assets))
162 (hunchentoot:define-easy-handler
163 (view-versioned-resource
164 :uri (lambda (r)
165 (when-let ((asset-data (gethash (hunchentoot:script-name r) *static-assets*)))
166 (let ((file (svref asset-data 0))
167 (content-type (svref asset-data 1)))
168 (when (assoc "v" (hunchentoot:get-parameters r) :test #'string=)
169 (setf (hunchentoot:header-out "Cache-Control") #.(format nil "public, max-age=~A, immutable" (- (expt 2 31) 1))))
170 (hunchentoot:handle-static-file file content-type))
171 t)))
172 nil)
174 (defmacro override-scan (name in-line)
175 (once-only (in-line)
176 `(let ((reg-matches (nth-value 1 (ppcre:scan-to-strings ,(format nil "~A:\\s*(.*?)\\s*(?:;|\\*/|$)" name) ,in-line))))
177 (if (>= (length reg-matches) 1) (aref reg-matches 0)))))
179 (defun process-css-line (in-line default-gamma default-background-gamma)
180 (let* ((invert-override (override-scan "invert-override" in-line))
181 (gamma-override (override-scan "gamma-override" in-line))
182 (backgroundp (to-boolean (ppcre:scan "background|shadow" in-line)))
183 (gamma (cond (gamma-override (parse-float gamma-override :type 'double-float))
184 (backgroundp default-background-gamma)
185 (t default-gamma))))
186 (values
187 (format nil "--theme~A-color"
188 (cond (invert-override (format nil "-override-~A" (multiple-value-call #'lw2.colors::safe-color-name (lw2.colors::decode-css-color invert-override))))
189 (gamma-override (format nil "-gamma-~F" gamma))
190 (backgroundp "-bg")
191 (t "")))
192 invert-override
193 gamma)))
195 (defmacro with-css-lines ((line-var stream &rest vars) &body body)
196 (with-gensyms (default-gamma default-background-gamma part-line full-line)
197 `(let ((,default-gamma 1.8d0)
198 (,default-background-gamma 1.5d0))
199 (loop for ,line-var = (loop with ,full-line = nil
200 for ,part-line = (read-line ,stream nil)
201 while ,part-line
202 do (progn
203 (when (not ,part-line)
204 (return ,full-line))
205 (when-let ((x (override-scan "default-gamma" ,part-line)))
206 (setf ,default-gamma (parse-float x :type 'double-float)))
207 (when-let ((x (override-scan "default-background-gamma" ,part-line)))
208 (setf ,default-background-gamma (parse-float x :type 'double-float)))
209 (setf ,full-line (concatenate 'string ,full-line (string #\Newline) ,part-line))
210 (when (ppcre:scan "[;{}]\\s*$" ,part-line)
211 (return ,full-line))))
212 while ,line-var
213 do (multiple-value-bind ,vars
214 (process-css-line ,line-var ,default-gamma ,default-background-gamma)
215 ,@body)))))
217 (defun output-tweakable-css (file out-stream)
218 (with-open-file (in-stream file)
219 (with-css-lines (in-line in-stream variable-prefix)
220 (let ((out-line (ppcre:regex-replace-all
221 lw2.colors::-css-color-scanner-
222 in-line
223 (lambda (target-string start end match-start match-end reg-starts reg-ends)
224 (declare (ignore start end reg-starts reg-ends))
225 (let ((color-string (substring target-string match-start match-end)))
226 (format nil "var(~A-~A)"
227 variable-prefix
228 (multiple-value-call #'lw2.colors::safe-color-name (lw2.colors::decode-css-color color-string))))))))
229 (write-line out-line out-stream)))))
231 (defun output-css-colors (file out-stream invert)
232 (let ((used-colors (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
233 (with-open-file (in-stream file)
234 (format out-stream ":root {~%")
235 (with-css-lines (in-line in-stream variable-prefix invert-override gamma)
236 (ppcre:do-matches-as-strings (color-string lw2.colors::-css-color-scanner- in-line)
237 (multiple-value-bind (r g b a) (lw2.colors::decode-css-color color-string)
238 (let ((color-name (format nil "~A-~A"
239 variable-prefix
240 (lw2.colors::safe-color-name r g b a))))
241 (unless (equal (gethash color-name used-colors) gamma)
242 (setf (gethash color-name used-colors) gamma)
243 (format out-stream "~A: ~A;~%"
244 color-name
245 (if invert
246 (or invert-override
247 (multiple-value-call #'lw2.colors::encode-css-color (lw2.colors::perceptual-invert-rgba r g b a gamma)))
248 color-string)))))))))
249 (format out-stream "}~%"))
251 (sb-ext:defglobal *css-generator-lock* (sb-thread:make-mutex :name "CSS generator lock"))
253 (hunchentoot:define-easy-handler
254 (view-generated-css
255 :uri (lambda (r)
256 (let ((regs (nth-value 1 (ppcre:scan-to-strings "^/generated-css/(style|colors|inverted)([-.][a-z.-]+)$" (hunchentoot:script-name r)))))
257 (when (= (length regs) 2)
258 (setf (hunchentoot:header-out "Content-Type") "text/css")
259 (when (assoc "v" (hunchentoot:get-parameters r) :test #'string=)
260 (setf (hunchentoot:header-out "Cache-Control") #.(format nil "public, max-age=~A, immutable" (- (expt 2 31) 1))))
261 (let ((source-file (format nil "www/css/style~A" (aref regs 1)))
262 (cache-file (format nil "www/generated-css/~A~A" (aref regs 0) (aref regs 1)))
263 (out-stream (flex:make-flexi-stream (hunchentoot:send-headers) :external-format :utf-8)))
264 (flet ((cache-valid-p () (and (probe-file cache-file) (<= (file-valid-date source-file) (file-write-date cache-file)))))
265 (unless (cache-valid-p)
266 (sb-thread:with-mutex (*css-generator-lock*)
267 (unless (cache-valid-p)
268 (ensure-directories-exist cache-file)
269 (with-atomic-file-replacement (cache-stream cache-file :element-type 'character :external-format :utf-8)
270 (cond
271 ((string= (aref regs 0) "style")
272 (output-tweakable-css source-file cache-stream))
273 ((string= (aref regs 0) "colors")
274 (output-css-colors source-file cache-stream nil))
275 ((string= (aref regs 0) "inverted")
276 (output-css-colors source-file cache-stream t))))))))
277 (with-open-file (cache-stream cache-file :direction :input :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
278 (alexandria:copy-stream cache-stream out-stream)))
279 t))))
280 nil)