Fix bugs caused by using the wrong FALSE symbol.
[lw2-viewer.git] / src / macro-utils.lisp
1 (uiop:define-package #:lw2.macro-utils
2 (:documentation "Facilities for working with macros.")
3 (:use #:cl #:iterate #:trivial-cltl2)
4 (:import-from #:introspect-environment #:compiler-macroexpand #:compiler-macroexpand-1)
5 (:export #:compiler-constantp #:macroexpand-both-1 #:macroexpand-both
6 #:eval-in-environment
7 #:augment-macros #:macro-as-lambda #:macro-list-as-lambdas))
9 (in-package #:lw2.macro-utils)
11 (defun compiler-constantp (form &optional environment)
12 "Like CONSTANTP, but also try expanding compiler macros."
13 (or (constantp form environment)
14 (constantp (compiler-macroexpand form environment) environment)))
16 (defun macroexpand-both-1 (form &optional environment)
17 (multiple-value-bind (result expandedp) (macroexpand-1 form environment)
18 (multiple-value-bind (result c-expandedp) (compiler-macroexpand-1 result environment)
19 (values result (or expandedp c-expandedp)))))
21 (defun macroexpand-both (form &optional environment)
22 (let (result expandedp any-expandedp)
23 (iter
24 (multiple-value-setq (result expandedp) (macroexpand-both-1 form environment))
25 (while expandedp)
26 (setf any-expandedp t))
27 (values result any-expandedp)))
29 (defun eval-in-environment (form &optional environment)
30 (funcall (enclose `(lambda () ,form) environment)))
32 (defun augment-macros (environment macro-bindings)
33 "Add a set of MACROLET-style macro bindings to an environment."
34 (let ((macro-list (iter (for (name args . body) in macro-bindings)
35 (for macro-lambda = (parse-macro name args body))
36 (for macro-fn = (enclose macro-lambda environment))
37 (collect (list name macro-fn)))))
38 (augment-environment environment :macro macro-list)))
40 (defmacro macro-as-lambda (name args &body body)
41 "Create a macro expander function as a lambda form."
42 (parse-macro name args body))
44 (defmacro macro-list-as-lambdas (&rest clauses)
45 "Create a list of macro expander functions as lambda forms. This is
46 suitable for passing to AUGMENT-ENVIRONMENT."
47 `(list
48 ,@(iter (for (name args . body) in clauses)
49 (collect `(list ',name ,(parse-macro name args body))))))