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[lw2-viewer.git] / src / colors.lisp
1 (uiop:define-package #:lw2.colors
2 (:use #:cl #:iterate #:lw2.utils)
3 (:import-from #:alexandria #:when-let #:emptyp)
4 (:import-from #:parse-float #:parse-float)
5 (:export #:decode-css-color #:encode-css-color #:safe-color-name #:perceptual-invert-rgba #:perceptual-invert-color-string))
7 (in-package #:lw2.colors)
9 ;;;; Refer to https://drafts.csswg.org/css-color/#numeric-srgb
11 (defparameter *web-colors-list*
12 (with-open-file (stream (asdf:system-relative-pathname :lw2-viewer "data/webcolors.json") :direction :input)
13 (map 'list
14 (lambda (color-data)
15 (cons (cdr (assoc :name color-data))
16 (map 'list (lambda (x) (/ (the (integer 0 255) (cdr x)) 255.0d0)) (cdr (assoc :rgb color-data)))))
17 (json:decode-json stream))))
19 (defun parse-multi-hex (string count length &key (start 0) (key #'identity))
20 (values-list
21 (iter (for i from start below (+ start (* count length)) by length)
22 (collect (funcall key (parse-integer string :start i :end (+ i length) :radix 16))))))
24 (defun parse-css-rgb-value (string)
25 (let ((number (parse-integer string :junk-allowed t)))
26 (if (ppcre:scan "%$" string)
27 (/ number 100.0d0)
28 (/ number 255.0d0))))
30 (defun parse-css-hue-value (string)
31 (let ((number (parse-float string :junk-allowed t)))
32 (regex-case string
33 ("grad$" (* number (/ 360.0d0 400.0d0)))
34 ("rad$" (* number (/ 360.0d0 (* 2 pi))))
35 ("turn$" (* number 360.0d0))
36 ("%$" (* number (/ 360.0d0 100.0d0)))
37 (t number))))
39 (defun parse-css-alpha-value (string)
40 (let ((number (and (not (emptyp string)) (parse-float string :junk-allowed t))))
41 (if number
42 (regex-case string
43 ("%$" (/ number 100d0))
44 (t number))
45 1.0d0)))
47 (defun decode-css-color (color-string)
48 (regex-case color-string
49 ("#[0-9a-fA-F]{3}\\s*$" (values* (parse-multi-hex color-string 3 1 :start 1 :key (lambda (x) (declare (type (integer 0 15) x)) (/ (+ x (* x 16)) 255.0d0))) 1.0d0))
50 ("#[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\\s*$" (parse-multi-hex color-string 4 1 :start 1 :key (lambda (x) (declare (type (integer 0 15) x)) (/ (+ x (* x 16)) 255.0d0))))
51 ("#[0-9a-fA-F]{6}\\s*$" (values* (parse-multi-hex color-string 3 2 :start 1 :key (lambda (x) (declare (type (integer 0 255) x)) (/ x 255.0d0))) 1.0d0))
52 ("#[0-9a-fA-F]{8}\\s*$" (parse-multi-hex color-string 4 2 :start 1 :key (lambda (x) (declare (type (integer 0 255) x)) (/ x 255.0d0))))
53 ("rgba?\\((.*?)\\)"
54 (multiple-value-bind (rgb-list a-list) (firstn (ppcre:split "[ ,]+" (reg 0)) 3)
55 (values* (values-list (map 'list #'parse-css-rgb-value rgb-list))
56 (parse-css-alpha-value (first a-list)))))
57 ("hsla?\\((.*?)\\)"
58 (destructuring-bind (h s l &optional a) (ppcre:split "[ ,/]+" (reg 0))
59 (values* (dufy/core:hsl-to-rgb (parse-css-hue-value h)
60 (parse-css-rgb-value s)
61 (parse-css-rgb-value l))
62 (parse-css-alpha-value a))))
64 (when-let ((color-list (cdr (assoc color-string *web-colors-list* :test #'string-equal))))
65 (values* (values-list color-list) 1.0d0)))))
67 (defun encode-css-color (r g b a)
68 (format nil "#~6,'0X~2,'0X" (dufy/core:rgb-to-rgbpack r g b) (round (* a 255))))
70 (defun safe-color-name (r g b a)
71 (format nil "~6,'0X~2,'0X" (dufy/core:rgb-to-rgbpack r g b) (round (* a 255))))
73 (defun gamma-invert-lightness (l)
74 (if (>= l 100d0)
75 0d0
76 (* 100d0 (expt (- 1d0 (/ l 100d0)) (/ 1.25d0)))))
78 (defun perceptual-invert-rgba (r g b alpha)
79 (multiple-value-bind (l a b)
80 (multiple-value-call #'dufy/core:xyz-to-lab (dufy/core:rgb-to-xyz r g b))
81 (multiple-value-bind (nr ng nb)
82 (multiple-value-call #'dufy/core:xyz-to-rgb
83 (dufy/core:lab-to-xyz (gamma-invert-lightness l) a b))
84 (values nr ng nb alpha))))
86 (defun perceptual-invert-color-string (color-string)
87 (multiple-value-call #'encode-css-color (multiple-value-call #'perceptual-invert-rgba (decode-css-color color-string))))