Mobile UI refactor, part III
[lw2-viewer.git] / src / utils.lisp
1 (uiop:define-package #:lw2.utils
2 (:use #:cl #:alexandria #:iterate
3 #:lw2.macro-utils)
4 (:export #:nalist #:nalist* #:alist #:alist*
5 #:alist-without-null #:alist-without-null*
6 #:dynamic-let #:dynamic-let* #:dynamic-flet #:dynamic-labels
7 #:with-semaphore
8 #:universal-time-to-unix #:get-unix-time #:as-timestamp #:timerange
9 #:substring #:nonempty-string
10 #:with-delimited-writer
11 #:regex-groups-min
12 #:regex-replace-body #:regex-case #:reg #:match
13 #:to-boolean #:nonzero-number-p #:truthy-string-p
14 #:firstn #:map-plist #:filter-plist #:alist-bind
15 #:list-cond #:list-cond*
16 #:hash-cond #:sethash
17 #:safe-decode-json
18 #:string-to-existing-keyword #:call-with-safe-json #:js-true
19 #:delete-easy-handler #:abnormal-unwind-protect
20 #:ignorable-multiple-value-bind
21 #:compare-streams #:ensure-character-stream
22 #:with-output-to-designator
23 #:with-atomic-file-replacement
24 #:random-string
25 #:values*
26 #:merge-uris)
27 (:recycle #:lw2-viewer #:lw2.backend))
29 (in-package #:lw2.utils)
31 (defun nalist (&rest params) (plist-alist params))
33 (defun nalist* (&rest params)
34 (nconc (plist-alist (butlast params))
35 (car (last params))))
37 (defun inner-make-alist (params &optional (env nil env-p))
38 (iter
39 (for (key val) on params by #'cddr)
40 (collect (if (and env-p (compiler-constantp key env) (compiler-constantp val env))
41 `'(,(eval-in-environment key env) . ,(eval-in-environment val env))
42 `(cons ,key ,val)))))
44 (define-compiler-macro nalist (&rest params)
45 `(list ,.(inner-make-alist params)))
47 (define-compiler-macro nalist* (&rest params)
48 `(list*
49 ,.(inner-make-alist (butlast params))
50 ,(car (last params))))
52 (declaim (ftype function alist alist*))
53 (setf (fdefinition 'alist) (fdefinition 'nalist)
54 (fdefinition 'alist*) (fdefinition 'nalist*))
56 (define-compiler-macro alist* (&rest params &environment env)
57 `(list*
58 ,.(inner-make-alist (butlast params) env)
59 ,(car (last params))))
61 (define-compiler-macro alist (&rest params &environment env)
62 (let ((count (length params))
63 (reverse (reverse params))
64 (constant-list nil)
65 (constant-count 0))
66 (iter (for (val key) on reverse by #'cddr)
67 (cond ((and (compiler-constantp key env) (compiler-constantp val env))
68 (push (cons (eval-in-environment key env) (eval-in-environment val env)) constant-list)
69 (incf constant-count))
70 (t (finish))))
71 (if (= (* constant-count 2) count)
72 `(quote ,constant-list)
73 `(alist* ,@(butlast params (* constant-count 2)) (quote ,constant-list)))))
75 (defun remove-alist-nulls (alist)
76 (remove-if (lambda (x) (null (cdr x))) alist))
78 (defun alist-without-null (&rest params)
79 (remove-alist-nulls (plist-alist params)))
81 (defun alist-without-null* (&rest params)
82 (list* (remove-alist-nulls (plist-alist (butlast params))) (car (last params))))
84 (define-compiler-macro alist-without-null (&rest params)
85 `(list-cond
86 ,@(iter (for (key val) on params by #'cddr)
87 (collect `(,val ,key ,val)))))
89 (define-compiler-macro alist-without-null* (&rest params)
90 `(list-cond*
91 ,@(iter (for (key val) on (butlast params) by #'cddr)
92 (collect `(,val ,key ,val)))
93 ,(car (last params))))
95 (defun dynamic-let-inner (initial functionp clauses body)
96 `(,initial ,clauses
97 (declare (dynamic-extent ,@(iter (for c in clauses)
98 (collect (if functionp `(function ,(first c)) (first c))))))
99 ,@body))
101 (defmacro dynamic-let ((&rest clauses) &body body)
102 (dynamic-let-inner 'let nil clauses body))
104 (defmacro dynamic-let* ((&rest clauses) &body body)
105 (dynamic-let-inner 'let* nil clauses body))
107 (defmacro dynamic-flet ((&rest clauses) &body body)
108 (dynamic-let-inner 'flet t clauses body))
110 (defmacro dynamic-labels ((&rest clauses) &body body)
111 (dynamic-let-inner 'labels t clauses body))
113 (defmacro with-semaphore ((sem &rest args) &body body)
114 (once-only (sem)
115 `(progn
116 (sb-thread:wait-on-semaphore ,sem ,@args)
117 (unwind-protect (progn ,@body)
118 (sb-thread:signal-semaphore ,sem)))))
120 (defun universal-time-to-unix (time)
121 (- time #.(encode-universal-time 0 0 0 1 1 1970 0)))
123 (defun get-unix-time ()
124 (universal-time-to-unix (get-universal-time)))
126 (defun as-timestamp (value)
127 (etypecase value
128 (string (local-time:parse-timestring value))
129 (local-time:timestamp value)))
131 (define-compiler-macro as-timestamp (&whole whole &environment env value)
132 (if (compiler-constantp value env)
133 (let ((real-value (eval-in-environment value env)))
134 (typecase real-value
135 (string `(load-time-value (local-time:parse-timestring ,real-value)))
136 (t whole)))
137 whole))
139 (defun timerange (&rest args)
140 (declare (dynamic-extent args))
141 (and (every #'to-boolean args)
142 (apply #'local-time:timestamp< (map 'list #'as-timestamp args))))
144 (define-compiler-macro timerange (&environment env &rest args)
145 (iter (for arg in args)
146 (cond ((compiler-constantp arg env)
147 (collect `(as-timestamp ,arg) into compare-args))
149 (let ((var (gensym)))
150 (collect `(,var ,arg) into let-args)
151 (collect var into test-args)
152 (collect `(as-timestamp ,var) into compare-args))))
153 (finally
154 (return
155 `(let ,let-args
156 (and ,@test-args (local-time:timestamp< ,@compare-args)))))))
158 (deftype array-dimension-type () `(integer 0 ,(- array-dimension-limit 1)))
160 (declaim (inline substring)
161 (ftype (function (string array-dimension-type &optional array-dimension-type) (values (and string (not simple-string)) &optional)) substring))
162 (defun substring (string start &optional (end (length string)))
163 (values (make-array (- end start) :element-type (array-element-type string) :displaced-to string :displaced-index-offset start)))
165 (declaim (inline nonempty-string)
166 (ftype (function (t) (values (or null string) &optional)) nonempty-string))
167 (defun nonempty-string (obj)
168 (when (and (stringp obj) (> (length obj) 0))
169 obj))
171 (defun call-with-delimited-writer (begin between end fn)
172 (let (begun)
173 (flet ((delimit ()
174 (if begun
175 (funcall between)
176 (funcall begin))
177 (setf begun t)))
178 (declare (dynamic-extent #'delimit))
179 (funcall fn #'delimit)
180 (when begun (funcall end)))))
182 (defmacro with-delimited-writer ((stream delimit &key begin between end) &body body)
183 (once-only (stream)
184 (flet ((as-writer-function (x)
185 (typecase x
186 (string `(lambda () (write-string ,x ,stream)))
187 (t `(lambda () ,x)))))
188 `(dynamic-let ((begin-fn ,(as-writer-function begin))
189 (between-fn ,(as-writer-function between))
190 (end-fn ,(as-writer-function end))
191 (fn (lambda (,delimit)
192 (flet ((,delimit () (funcall ,delimit)))
193 (declare (inline ,delimit))
194 ,@body))))
195 (call-with-delimited-writer begin-fn between-fn end-fn fn)))))
197 (trivial-cltl2:define-declaration regex-groups-min (decl env) (declare (ignore env)) (values :declare (cons 'regex-groups-min (second decl))))
199 (defmacro with-regex-accessors (&body body)
200 `(let ((reg-count (length reg-starts)))
201 (labels ((dynamic-reg (n) (when (> reg-count n)
202 (when-let ((start (aref reg-starts n)))
203 (substring target-string start (aref reg-ends n)))))
204 (match () (substring target-string match-start match-end)))
205 (declare (dynamic-extent #'dynamic-reg #'match))
206 (macrolet ((reg (n &environment env) (let ((static-reg-count (trivial-cltl2:declaration-information 'regex-groups-min env)))
207 (if (and static-reg-count (< n static-reg-count))
208 `(substring target-string (aref reg-starts ,n) (aref reg-ends ,n))
209 `(dynamic-reg ,n)))))
210 ,@body))))
212 (defmacro regex-replace-body ((regex target &rest args) &body body)
213 `(ppcre:regex-replace-all
214 ,regex ,target
215 (lambda (target-string start end match-start match-end reg-starts reg-ends)
216 (declare (ignore start end)
217 (type string target-string)
218 (type array-dimension-type match-start match-end)
219 (type simple-vector reg-starts reg-ends))
220 (with-regex-accessors ,@body))
221 ,@args))
223 (defmacro regex-case (target &rest clauses)
224 `(let ((target-string ,target)
225 match-start match-end reg-starts reg-ends)
226 (declare (type string target-string)
227 (type (or null array-dimension-type) match-start match-end)
228 (type (or null simple-vector) reg-starts reg-ends))
229 (cond
230 ,.(iter (for (regex . body) in clauses)
231 (collect
232 (if (member regex '(t :otherwise))
233 `(t ,@body)
234 `((multiple-value-setq (match-start match-end reg-starts reg-ends)
235 (ppcre:scan ,regex target-string))
236 (with-regex-accessors ,@body))))))))
238 (declaim (inline to-boolean))
239 (defun to-boolean (value)
240 (and value t))
242 (declaim (inline nonzero-number-p))
243 (defun nonzero-number-p (value)
244 (and (typep value 'number)
245 (/= 0 value)))
247 (defun truthy-string-p (string)
248 (and (typep string 'string)
249 (to-boolean (member string '("t" "true" "y" "yes" "1") :test #'string-equal))))
251 (defun firstn (list n)
252 (iter (for i from 1 to n)
253 (for x on list)
254 (collect (car x) into out)
255 (finally (return (values out (rest x))))))
257 (defun map-plist (fn plist)
258 (loop for (key val . rest) = plist then rest
259 while key
260 nconc (funcall fn key val)))
262 (defun filter-plist (plist &rest args)
263 (declare (dynamic-extent args))
264 (map-plist (lambda (key val) (when (member key args) (list key val))) plist))
266 (defmacro alist-bind (bindings alist &body body)
267 "Binds elements of ALIST so they can be used as if they were lexical variables.
269 Syntax: alist-bind (binding-entry*) alist forms*
270 => result*
271 binding-entry ::= (variable-name &optional type alist-key)
273 Each VARIABLE-NAME is bound to the corresponding datum in ALIST. Modifying these
274 bindings with SETF will also update the ALIST.
275 TYPE: type designator, not evaluated.
276 ALIST-KEY: the alist key, as in the first argument to ASSOC. If it is not
277 specified, the KEYWORD symbol with the same name as VARIABLE-NAME is used."
278 (once-only (alist)
279 (let ((inner-bindings (loop for x in bindings collect
280 (destructuring-bind (bind &optional type key) (if (consp x) x (list x))
281 (list (gensym (string bind)) (gensym (string bind)) (gensym (string bind)) bind (or type t) (or key (intern (string bind) '#:keyword)))))))
282 (macrolet ((inner-loop (&body body)
283 `(loop for (fn-gensym cons-gensym value-gensym bind type key) in inner-bindings collect
284 (progn fn-gensym cons-gensym value-gensym bind type key ,@body))))
285 `(let (,@(inner-loop cons-gensym))
286 (declare (type list ,@(inner-loop cons-gensym)))
287 (loop for elem in ,alist do
288 (case (car elem)
289 ,@(inner-loop `(,key (unless ,cons-gensym (setf ,cons-gensym elem))))))
290 (let (,@(inner-loop `(,value-gensym (cdr ,cons-gensym))))
291 (declare ,@(inner-loop `(type ,type ,value-gensym)))
292 (flet (,@(inner-loop `(,fn-gensym () ,value-gensym))
293 ,@(inner-loop `((setf ,fn-gensym) (new) (setf ,value-gensym new ,cons-gensym (cons ,key new) ,alist (cons ,cons-gensym ,alist)))))
294 (declare (inline ,@(inner-loop fn-gensym)))
295 (symbol-macrolet ,(inner-loop `(,bind (,fn-gensym)))
296 ,@body))))))))
298 (defmacro list-cond* (&body clauses &environment env)
299 (labels ((expand (clauses)
300 (if (endp (rest clauses))
301 (first clauses)
302 (destructuring-bind (predicate-form data-form &optional (value-form nil value-form-p)) (first clauses)
303 (with-gensyms (predicate data rest)
304 (let* ((data-constant (and (compiler-constantp data-form env) (compiler-constantp value-form env)))
305 (data-pure (or data-constant (and (symbolp data-form) (symbolp value-form))))
306 (data-expansion
307 (if value-form-p
308 (if data-constant
309 `'(,data-form . ,value-form)
310 `(cons ,data-form ,value-form))
311 data-form)))
312 (if (compiler-constantp predicate-form env)
313 (if (eval-in-environment predicate-form env)
314 `(list* ,data-expansion ,(expand (rest clauses)))
315 (expand (rest clauses)))
316 `(let* ((,predicate (and ,predicate-form t))
317 (,data ,(if data-pure
318 data-expansion
319 `(when ,predicate ,data-expansion)))
320 (,rest ,(expand (rest clauses))))
321 (if ,predicate
322 (cons ,data ,rest)
323 ,rest)))))))))
324 (expand clauses)))
326 (defmacro list-cond (&body clauses)
327 `(list-cond* ,@clauses nil))
329 (defmacro hash-cond (hash &body clauses)
330 (once-only (hash)
331 `(progn
332 ,@(iter (for (predicate-form key-form value-form) in clauses)
333 (collect `(when ,predicate-form (setf (gethash ,key-form ,hash) ,value-form))))
334 ,hash)))
336 (defmacro sethash (hash &rest pairs)
337 (once-only (hash)
338 `(progn
339 ,@(iter (for (key value) on pairs by #'cddr)
340 (collect `(setf (gethash ,key ,hash) ,value)))
341 ,hash)))
343 (defun safe-decode-json (source)
344 (when (or (streamp source) (nonempty-string source))
345 (let ((json:*identifier-name-to-key* #'json:safe-json-intern))
346 (ignore-errors (json:decode-json-from-source source)))))
348 ;; GraphQL and LW2 are picky about false/null distinctions, so make them explicit
350 (defmethod json:encode-json ((object (eql :false)) &optional stream)
351 (write-string "false" stream))
353 (defmethod json:encode-json ((object (eql :null)) &optional stream)
354 (write-string "null" stream))
356 (defun js-true (value)
357 (not (or (null value)
358 (eql value :false)
359 (eql value :null))))
361 (defun string-to-existing-keyword (string)
362 (or (find-symbol (json:camel-case-to-lisp string) (find-package '#:keyword))
363 string))
365 (defun call-with-safe-json (fn)
366 (let ((json:*json-identifier-name-to-lisp* #'identity)
367 (json:*identifier-name-to-key* #'string-to-existing-keyword))
368 (funcall fn)))
370 (defun delete-easy-handler (name)
371 (setf hunchentoot::*easy-handler-alist*
372 (remove name hunchentoot::*easy-handler-alist* :key #'third)))
374 (defmacro abnormal-unwind-protect (protected-form &body body)
375 (alexandria:with-gensyms (normal-return)
376 `(let ((,normal-return nil))
377 (unwind-protect
378 (multiple-value-prog1
379 ,protected-form
380 (setf ,normal-return t))
381 (unless ,normal-return
382 ,@body)))))
384 (defmacro ignorable-multiple-value-bind ((&rest bindings) value-form &body body)
385 (let (new-bindings ignores)
386 (dolist (binding (reverse bindings))
387 (if (eq binding '*)
388 (let ((gensym (gensym)))
389 (push gensym new-bindings)
390 (push gensym ignores))
391 (push binding new-bindings)))
392 `(multiple-value-bind ,new-bindings ,value-form
393 (declare (ignore ,.ignores))
394 ,@body)))
396 (defgeneric unwrap-stream (s)
397 (:method ((s stream)) nil)
398 (:method ((s flex:flexi-stream)) (flex:flexi-stream-stream s))
399 (:method ((s chunga:chunked-stream)) (chunga:chunked-stream-stream s)))
401 (defun compare-streams (a b)
402 (if (eq a b)
405 (if-let (u-a (unwrap-stream a))
406 (compare-streams u-a b))
407 (if-let (u-b (unwrap-stream b))
408 (compare-streams a u-b)))))
410 (defun ensure-character-stream (stream)
411 (etypecase stream
412 ((or flex:flexi-stream flex:in-memory-stream)
413 (setf (flex:flexi-stream-external-format stream) :utf-8)
414 stream)
415 (stream
416 (if (subtypep (stream-element-type stream) 'character)
417 stream
418 (flex:make-flexi-stream stream :external-format :utf-8)))))
420 (defmacro with-output-to-designator ((stream designator) &body body)
421 (with-gensyms (body-fn)
422 (once-only (designator)
423 `(flet ((,body-fn (,stream) ,@body))
424 (if ,designator
425 (progn (,body-fn ,designator) nil)
426 (with-output-to-string (,stream)
427 (,body-fn ,stream)))))))
429 (defun file-equal (file1 file2)
430 (with-open-file (stream1 file1 :direction :input :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
431 (with-open-file (stream2 file2 :direction :input :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
432 (loop
433 (let ((b1 (read-byte stream1 nil))
434 (b2 (read-byte stream2 nil)))
435 (unless (eq b1 b2) (return nil))
436 (when (eq b1 nil) (return t)))))))
438 (defun call-with-atomic-file-replacement (fn filename open-fn)
439 (let* ((normal-return nil)
440 (temp-filename (make-pathname :name (concatenate 'string (pathname-name filename) ".new")
441 :defaults filename))
442 (stream (funcall open-fn temp-filename)))
443 (unwind-protect
444 (multiple-value-prog1 (funcall fn stream)
445 (setf normal-return t))
446 (close stream)
447 (if (and normal-return
448 (or (not (probe-file filename))
449 (not (file-equal filename temp-filename))))
450 (uiop:rename-file-overwriting-target temp-filename filename)
451 (uiop:delete-file-if-exists temp-filename)))))
453 (defmacro with-atomic-file-replacement ((stream filename &rest open-options) &body body)
454 (with-gensyms (body-fn open-fn)
455 `(dynamic-flet ((,open-fn (filename) (open filename :direction :output :if-exists :supersede ,@open-options))
456 (,body-fn (,stream) ,@body))
457 (call-with-atomic-file-replacement #',body-fn ,filename #',open-fn))))
459 (defun random-string (length)
460 (let ((string (make-array length :element-type 'character :initial-element #\Space)))
461 (iter (for i from 0 below length)
462 (setf (aref string i) (code-char (+ (char-code #\a) (ironclad:strong-random 26)))))
463 string))
465 (defmacro values* (&rest multiple-value-forms)
466 `(multiple-value-call #'values ,@multiple-value-forms))
468 (declaim (ftype (function ((or string quri:uri) (or string quri:uri)) string) merge-uris))
470 (defun merge-uris (reference base)
471 (quri:render-uri (quri:merge-uris (quri:uri reference) (quri:uri base))))