Rework ToC collapse to avoid reflow and jank.
[lw2-viewer.git] / src / legacy-archive.lisp
1 (uiop:define-package #:lw2.legacy-archive
2 (:use #:cl #:lw2.utils #:lw2.backend)
3 (:import-from #:cl-ppcre #:regex-replace-all)
4 (:export #:lw-legacy-url #:check-wayback-availability #:wayback-unmodified-url))
6 (in-package #:lw2.legacy-archive)
8 ;; Should match the behavior of
9 (defun lw-legacy-slug (title)
10 (let* ((max-length 50)
11 (title (regex-replace-all "\\s+" title "_"))
12 (title (regex-replace-all "\\W+" title ""))
13 (title (regex-replace-all "_+" title "_"))
14 (title (string-trim "_" title))
15 (title (string-downcase title)))
16 (if (> (length title) max-length)
17 (substring title 0 (or (position #\_ title :end max-length :from-end t)
18 max-length))
19 title)))
21 (defun lw-legacy-id-string (legacy-id)
22 (format nil "~(~36R~)"
23 (etypecase legacy-id
24 (string (parse-integer legacy-id))
25 (integer legacy-id))))
27 (defun lw-legacy-url (legacy-id title &key (section :main))
28 (format nil "~Alw/~A/~A"
29 (case section
30 (:main "")
31 (:discussion "")
32 (t ""))
33 (lw-legacy-id-string legacy-id)
34 (lw-legacy-slug title)))
36 (defun check-wayback-availability (url)
37 (let* ((wayback-api-url
38 (quri:make-uri :defaults ""
39 :query (alist "url" url
40 "timestamp" "2009")))
41 (timestamp
42 (trivia:match
43 (call-with-http-response #'json:decode-json wayback-api-url :want-stream t :force-string t)
44 ((assoc :archived--snapshots
45 (assoc :closest
46 (assoc :timestamp timestamp)))
47 timestamp))))
48 (and timestamp
49 (values (parse-integer timestamp)))))
51 (defun wayback-unmodified-url (url)
52 (let ((timestamp (check-wayback-availability url)))
53 (when timestamp
54 (format nil "" timestamp url))))