Add debate-response comment class.
[lw2-viewer.git] / src / data-viewers / post.lisp
1 (uiop:define-package
2 (:use #:cl #:lw2.utils #:lw2.sites #:lw2.backend #:lw2.context #:lw2.clean-html #:lw2.schema-type #:lw2.html-reader #:lw2.interface-utils #:lw2.user-context #:lw2.links #:lw2.backlinks)
3 (:import-from #:lw2.comment-threads #:output-comments)
4 (:import-from #:alexandria #:when-let)
5 (:export #:post-headline-to-html #:post-body-to-html))
7 (in-package
9 (named-readtables:in-readtable html-reader)
11 (define-schema-type :post ()
12 ((post-id string :alias :--id)
13 (slug string)
14 (title string)
15 (user-id (or null string))
16 (coauthors (or null list) :backend-type backend-lw2 :subfields (:--id))
17 (url (or null string))
18 (feed-link (or null string) :backend-type backend-feed-crossposts)
19 (canonical-source (or null string) :backend-type backend-feed-crossposts)
20 (posted-at string)
21 (base-score (or null fixnum))
22 (af-base-score (or null fixnum))
23 (comment-count (or null fixnum))
24 (page-url (or null string))
25 (word-count (or null fixnum))
26 (frontpage-date (or null string))
27 (curated-date (or null string))
28 (legacy-id t :backend-type backend-lw2)
29 (meta boolean)
30 (af boolean :backend-type backend-alignment-forum)
31 (draft boolean)
32 (question boolean :backend-type backend-q-and-a)
33 (debate boolean :backend-type backend-debates)
34 (debate-responses list :graphql-ignore t)
35 ;; todo: allow recursive schema types and clean this up
36 (target-post-relations list
37 :context :body
38 :backend-type backend-related-questions
39 :subfields ((:target-post :--id :slug :title :user-id :url :feed-link
40 :posted-at :base-score :comment-count :page-url
41 :word-count :frontpage-date :curated-date :meta
42 :af :question :vote-count)))
43 (source-post-relations list
44 :context :body
45 :backend-type backend-related-questions
46 :subfields ((:source-post :--id :slug :title :user-id :url :feed-link
47 :posted-at :base-score :comment-count :page-url
48 :word-count :frontpage-date :curated-date :meta
49 :af :question :vote-count)))
50 (vote-count (or null fixnum))
51 (review-count (or null fixnum) :backend-type backend-lw2)
52 (is-event boolean :backend-type backend-events)
53 (local-start-time (or null string) :backend-type backend-events)
54 (local-end-time (or null string) :backend-type backend-events)
55 (location (or null string) :backend-type backend-events)
56 (google-location (or null list) :backend-type backend-events)
57 (contact-info (or null string) :backend-type backend-events)
58 (comment-sort-order (or null string) :backend-type backend-lw2)
59 (tags list :graphql-ignore t)
60 (submit-to-frontpage boolean :backend-type backend-lw2-misc-features)
61 (fm-crosspost list :backend-type backend-magnum-crossposts)
62 (html-body (or null string) :context :body)))
64 (defgeneric rectify-post* (backend post) ; TODO this should go in a more generic postprocessing method
65 (:method ((backend t) post) post)
66 (:method ((backend backend-lw2-misc-workarounds) post)
67 (let* ((post (if (next-method-p) (call-next-method) post))
68 (url (cdr (assoc :url post)))
69 (url (and url (string-trim " " url))))
70 (cond ((null url) post)
71 ((or (uiop:string-prefix-p "http" url) (uiop:string-prefix-p "/" url)) post)
72 (t (acons :url (concatenate 'string "http://" url) post)))))
73 (:method ((backend backend-feed-crossposts) post)
74 (if (cdr (assoc :url post))
75 post
76 (acons :url (cdr (assoc :feed-link post)) post))))
78 (defun rectify-post (post) (rectify-post* *current-backend* post))
80 (defgeneric tag-list-to-html (backend tags)
81 (:method ((backend backend-accordius) tags)
82 (dolist (tag tags) (alist-bind ((text string)) tag <a href=("/tags/~A" text)>(progn text)</a>)))
83 (:method ((backend backend-lw2-tags) tags)
84 (dolist (tag tags) (alist-bind ((name string) (slug string)) (cdr (assoc :tag tag)) <a href=("/tag/~A" slug)>(progn name)</a>))))
86 (defun qualified-linking (url meta-location)
87 <nav class="qualified-linking">
88 <input type="checkbox" tabindex="-1" id=("qualified-linking-toolbar-toggle-checkbox-~(~A~)" meta-location)>
89 <label for=("qualified-linking-toolbar-toggle-checkbox-~(~A~)" meta-location)><span>&#xf141\;</span></label>
90 <div class="qualified-linking-toolbar">
91 <a href=url>Post permalink</a>
92 <a href=("~A?comments=false" url)>Link without comments</a>
93 <a href=("~A?hide-nav-bars=true" url)>Link without top nav bars</a>
94 <a href=("~A?comments=false&hide-nav-bars=true" url)>Link without comments or top nav bars</a>
95 </div>
96 </nav>)
98 (defun post-section-to-html (post &key skip-section)
99 (schema-bind (:post (rectify-post post) (user-id frontpage-date curated-date meta is-event af draft))
100 (multiple-value-bind (class title href)
101 (cond (af (if (eq skip-section :alignment-forum) nil (values "alignment-forum" "View Alignment Forum posts" "/index?view=alignment-forum")))
102 ; show alignment forum even if skip-section is t
103 ((eq skip-section t) nil)
104 (draft nil)
105 (curated-date (if (eq skip-section :featured) nil (values "featured" "View Featured posts" "/index?view=featured")))
106 (frontpage-date (if (eq skip-section :frontpage) nil (values "frontpage" "View Frontpage posts" "/")))
107 (meta (if (eq skip-section :meta) nil (values "meta" "View Meta posts" "/index?view=meta")))
108 (is-event (values "events" "View Events" "/index?view=events"))
109 (t (if (eq skip-section :personal) nil (values "personal" (format nil "View posts by ~A" (get-username user-id)) (format nil "/users/~A?show=posts" (get-user-slug user-id))))))
110 <a class=("post-section ~A" class) title=title href=href></a>)))
112 (defun post-meta-to-html (post context skip-section meta-location)
113 (schema-bind (:post (rectify-post post) :auto)
114 <div class=("post-meta~@[ ~(~A~)-post-meta~]" meta-location)>
115 (labels ((emit-author (user-id)
116 (if (user-deleted user-id)
117 <span class="author">[deleted]</span>
118 <a class=("author~{ ~A~}" (list-cond
119 ((logged-in-userid user-id) "own-user-author")))
120 href=("/users/~A" (get-user-slug user-id))
121 data-userid=user-id
122 data-full-name=(get-user-full-name user-id)>
123 (get-username user-id)
124 </a>)))
125 (if coauthors
126 <div class="coauthors">
127 (emit-author user-id)
128 (do ((remaining-coauthors coauthors (rest remaining-coauthors))) ((not remaining-coauthors))
129 (with-html-stream-output (:stream stream)
130 (write-string
131 (cond ((second remaining-coauthors) ", ")
132 (t " and "))
133 stream))
134 (emit-author (cdr (assoc :--id (first remaining-coauthors)))))
135 </div>
136 (emit-author user-id)))
137 (pretty-time-html posted-at)
138 (vote-buttons base-score :with-buttons (eq context :body) :vote-count vote-count :post-id post-id :af-score (and (eq context :body) af af-base-score))
139 <a class="comment-count" href=("~A#comments" (if (eq context :body) "" (generate-item-link :post post)))>
140 (safe (pretty-number (or comment-count 0) "comment"))
141 </a>
142 (when (and (eq context :listing) word-count)
143 <span class="read-time" title=(safe (pretty-number word-count "word" :text))>(max 1 (round word-count 300))<span> min read</span></span>)
144 (if page-url <a class="lw2-link" href=(clean-lw-link page-url)>(main-site-abbreviation *current-site*)<span> link</span></a>)
145 (when (and legacy-id (eq context :body))
146 <a class="archive-link" href=("*/~A" (lw2.legacy-archive:lw-legacy-url legacy-id title))>Archive</a>)
147 (when (nonzero-number-p review-count)
148 <a href=("~A#reviews" (if (eq context :body) "" (generate-item-link :post post))) class="review-count">(safe (pretty-number review-count "review"))</a>)
149 (with-html-stream-output (post-section-to-html post :skip-section skip-section))
150 (when (and (eq context :body) tags)
151 <div id="tags">
152 (tag-list-to-html *current-backend* tags)
153 </div>)
154 (when-let ((url-host (and (eq context :listing) url (ignore-errors (quri:uri-host (quri:uri (string-trim " " url)))))))
155 <div class="link-post-domain">("(~A)" url-host)</div>)
156 (when (eq context :body)
157 (qualified-linking (generate-item-link :post post) meta-location))
158 </div>))
160 (defun post-headline-to-html (post &key skip-section need-auth)
161 (schema-bind (:post (rectify-post post) (post-id user-id url question title is-event))
162 <h1 class=("listing~{ ~A~}" (list-cond
163 (url "link-post-listing")
164 (question "question-post-listing")
165 ((logged-in-userid user-id) "own-post-listing")))>
166 (if url <a class="link-post-link" href=(presentable-link url)>&#xf0c1;</a>)
167 <a class="post-title-link" href=(generate-post-auth-link post :need-auth need-auth :item-subtype (if is-event "event" "post"))>
168 (if question <span class="post-type-prefix">[Question] </span>)
169 (safe (clean-text-to-html (or (nonempty-string title) "[untitled post]")))
170 </a>
171 (if (logged-in-userid user-id) <a class="edit-post-link button" href=("/edit-post?post-id=~A" post-id)></a>)
172 </h1>
173 (post-meta-to-html post :listing skip-section nil)))
175 (defun post-body-to-html (post)
176 (schema-bind (:post (rectify-post post) (post-id url question title html-body debate debate-responses is-event local-start-time local-end-time location google-location contact-info) :context :body)
177 <main class=("post~{ ~A~}" (list-cond
178 (url "link-post")
179 (question "question-post")))>
180 <h1 class="post-title">
181 (if question <span class="post-type-prefix">[Question] </span>)
182 (safe (clean-text-to-html title :hyphenation nil))
183 </h1>
184 (with-html-stream-output (post-meta-to-html post :body nil :top))
185 (when is-event
186 (labels ((brief-date (timestamp)
187 (local-time:format-timestring nil timestamp :timezone local-time:+utc-zone+ :format '(:day #\Space :long-month #\Space :year)))
188 (brief-time (timestamp)
189 (local-time:format-timestring nil timestamp :timezone local-time:+utc-zone+ :format '(:hour12 #\: (:min 2) #\Space :ampm))))
190 <div class="event-info">
191 (alist-bind ((geometry list)
192 (google-maps-url (or null string) :url))
193 google-location
194 (alist-bind ((lat (or null real)) (lng (or null real))) (cdr (assoc :location geometry))
195 (when (and lat lng)
196 (let* ((north (+ lat 0.125)) (south (- lat 0.125)) (east (+ lng 0.25)) (west (- lng 0.25)))
197 <div class="map">
198 <iframe src=(",~F,~F,~F&layer=mapnik&marker=~F,~F" west south east north lat lng)></iframe>
199 </div>))
200 (let* ((start-timestamp (and local-start-time (local-time:parse-timestring local-start-time)))
201 (end-timestamp (and local-end-time (local-time:parse-timestring local-end-time)))
202 (same-day (and start-timestamp end-timestamp (= (local-time:day-of start-timestamp) (local-time:day-of end-timestamp)))))
203 <ul>
204 (when (and lat lng)
205 <li><a href=(",~F" lat lng)>[Open in Google Maps]</a> <a href=("geo:~F,~F" lat lng)>[Open in local app]</a></li>)
206 (when start-timestamp
207 <li>(brief-date start-timestamp), (brief-time start-timestamp)
208 (when end-timestamp
209 <span>—(unless same-day (format nil "~A, " (brief-date end-timestamp)))(brief-time end-timestamp)</span>)
210 </li>)
211 (when location
212 <li>(safe (clean-text-to-html location))</li>)
213 (when contact-info
214 <li>Contact: (safe (clean-text-to-html contact-info))</li>)
215 </ul>)))
216 </div>))
217 (when (and (or url (nonempty-string html-body))
218 (not (and debate debate-responses)))
219 <div class="body-text post-body">
220 (if url <p><a class="link-post-link" href=(presentable-link url)>Link post</a></p>)
221 (with-html-stream-output (:stream stream)
222 (let ((*before-clean-hook* (lambda () (clear-backlinks post-id)))
223 (*link-hook* (lambda (link) (add-backlink link post-id)))
224 (lw2.lmdb:*memoized-output-stream* stream))
225 (clean-html* (or html-body "") :with-toc t :post-id post-id)))
226 </div>)
227 (when debate-responses
228 (with-html-stream-output (:stream stream)
229 (output-comments stream "debate-response" debate-responses nil :replies-open nil)))
230 (backlinks-to-html (get-backlinks post-id) post-id)
231 (when (nonempty-string html-body)
232 (with-html-stream-output (post-meta-to-html post :body nil :bottom)))
233 </main>))