Add support for x-revalidate header.
[lw2-viewer.git] / src / data-viewers / comment.lisp
1 (uiop:define-package
2 (:use #:cl #:lw2.html-reader #:lw2.utils #:lw2.schema-type #:lw2.context #:lw2.user-context #:lw2.backend #:lw2.links #:lw2.interface-utils #:lw2.sites #:lw2.clean-html #:lw2.lmdb #:lw2.backlinks)
3 (:export #:*comment-individual-link* #:comment-to-html))
5 (in-package
7 (named-readtables:in-readtable html-reader)
9 (defparameter *comment-individual-link* nil)
11 (define-schema-type :comment ()
12 ((comment-id string :alias :--id)
13 (user-id string)
14 (posted-at string)
15 (highlight-new boolean :graphql-ignore t)
16 (replied list :graphql-ignore t)
17 (post-id (or null simple-string))
18 (tag list :backend-type backend-lw2-tags-comments :subfields (:--id :name :slug))
19 (base-score (or null fixnum))
20 (af-base-score (or null fixnum))
21 (vote-count (or null fixnum))
22 (extended-score list)
23 (page-url (or null string) :context-not :user-index) ; page-url sometimes causes "Cannot read property '_id' of undefined" error
24 (parent-comment list :backend-type backend-lw2-tags-comments :context :index :subfields (:--id :user-id :post-id (:tag :--id :name :slug)))
25 (parent-comment list :context :index :subfields (:--id :user-id :post-id))
26 (parent-comment-id (or null string))
27 (child-count (or null fixnum) :graphql-ignore t)
28 (children list :graphql-ignore t)
29 (af boolean :backend-type backend-alignment-forum)
30 (retracted boolean)
31 (deleted-public boolean)
32 (answer boolean :backend-type backend-q-and-a)
33 (debate-response boolean :backend-type backend-debates)
34 (parent-answer-id (or null string) :backend-type backend-q-and-a)
35 (nominated-for-review t :backend-type backend-lw2)
36 (reviewing-for-review t :backend-type backend-lw2)
37 (top-level-comment list :backend-type backend-lw2 :subfields (:nominated-for-review :reviewing-for-review))
38 (latest-children list
39 :backend-type backend-shortform
40 :context :shortform
41 :subfields (:--id :user-id :posted-at :post-id :base-score :af-base-score :page-url
42 :parent-comment-id :af :vote-count :retracted :deleted-public :html-body))
43 (html-body string)))
45 (defun comment-link (post-id tag &optional comment-id)
46 (when (or post-id tag)
47 (generate-item-link (if post-id :post :tag) (or post-id (cdr (assoc :slug tag))) :comment-id comment-id)))
49 (defun comment-to-html (out-stream comment &key with-post-title)
50 (if (or (cdr (assoc :deleted comment)) (cdr (assoc :deleted-public comment)) (not (cdr (assoc :html-body comment))))
51 (format out-stream "<div class=\"comment deleted-comment\"><div class=\"comment-meta\"><span class=\"deleted-meta\">[ ]</span></div><div class=\"body-text comment-body\">[deleted]</div></div>")
52 (schema-bind (:comment comment :auto :context :index)
53 (multiple-value-bind (pretty-time js-time) (pretty-time posted-at)
54 <div class=("comment~{ ~A~}"
55 (list-cond
56 ((and (logged-in-userid user-id)
57 (< (* 1000 (local-time:timestamp-to-unix (local-time:now))) (+ js-time 15000)))
58 "just-posted-comment")
59 (highlight-new "comment-item-highlight")
60 (retracted "retracted")
61 (debate-response "debate-response")))
62 data-post-id=post-id
63 data-tag-id=(cdr (assoc :--id tag))>
64 <div class="comment-meta">
65 (if (user-deleted user-id)
66 <span class="author">[deleted]</span>
67 <a class=("author~:[~; own-user-author~]" (logged-in-userid user-id))
68 href=("/users/~A" (encode-entities (get-user-slug user-id)))
69 data-userid=user-id
70 data-full-name=(get-user-full-name user-id)>
71 (get-username user-id)
72 </a>)
73 <a class="date" href=(comment-link post-id tag comment-id) data-js-date=js-time> (safe pretty-time) (safe (pretty-time-js))</a>
74 (when replied <a class="replied" title="You have replied to this comment" href=(apply 'generate-item-link replied)></a>)
75 (vote-buttons base-score :with-buttons *enable-voting* :vote-count vote-count :af-score (and af af-base-score) :extended-score extended-score :ea-agreement-voting (typep *current-site* 'ea-forum-viewer-site))
76 (when af <span class="alignment-forum">AF</span>)
77 (when post-id
78 <a class="permalink" href=("~A/~A/~A"
79 (generate-item-link :post post-id)
80 (cond ((or answer parent-answer-id) "answer") (t "comment"))
81 comment-id)
82 title="Permalink"></a>)
83 (with-html-stream-output
84 (when page-url
85 <a class="lw2-link" href=(clean-lw-link page-url) title=(main-site-abbreviation *current-site*)></a>)
86 (if with-post-title
87 <div class="comment-post-title">
88 (with-html-stream-output
89 (when parent-comment
90 (alist-bind ((user-id simple-string)
91 (post-id (or null simple-string))
92 (tag list)
93 (parent-id simple-string :--id))
94 parent-comment
95 <span class="comment-in-reply-to">in reply to:
96 <a href=("/users/~A" (get-user-slug user-id))
97 class=("inline-author~:[~; own-user-author~]" (logged-in-userid user-id))
98 data-userid=(progn user-id)>
99 (get-username user-id)</a>’s
100 <a href=(comment-link post-id tag parent-id)>comment</a>
101 (progn " ")
102 </span>)))
103 <span class="comment-post-title2">on: <a href=(comment-link post-id tag)>(safe (if (or post-id tag)
104 (clean-text-to-html (if post-id
105 (get-post-title post-id)
106 (cdr (assoc :name tag))))
107 "[unknown]"))</a></span>
108 </div>
109 (when parent-comment-id
110 (if *comment-individual-link*
111 <a class="comment-parent-link" href=(progn parent-comment-id) title="Parent"></a>
112 <a class="comment-parent-link" href=("#comment-~A" parent-comment-id)>Parent</a>)))
113 (when children
114 <div class="comment-child-links">
115 Replies:
116 (with-html-stream-output
117 (dolist (child children)
118 (alist-bind ((comment-id string)
119 (user-id string))
120 child
121 <a href=("#comment-~A" comment-id)>(">~A" (get-username user-id))</a>)))
122 </div>)
123 <div class="comment-minimize-button"
124 data-child-count=(progn child-count)>
125 </div>)
126 </div>
127 <div class="body-text comment-body" (safe ("~@[ data-markdown-source=\"~A\"~]"
128 (if (logged-in-userid user-id)
129 (encode-entities
130 (or (markdown-source :comment comment-id html-body)
131 html-body)))))>
132 (with-html-stream-output (:stream stream)
133 (if post-id
134 (let ((*before-clean-hook* (lambda () (clear-backlinks post-id comment-id)))
135 (*link-hook* (lambda (link)
136 (add-backlink link post-id comment-id)))
137 (lw2.lmdb:*memoized-output-stream* stream))
138 (clean-html* html-body))
139 (let ((lw2.lmdb:*memoized-output-stream* stream))
140 (clean-html* html-body))))
141 </div>
142 (when post-id (backlinks-to-html (get-backlinks post-id comment-id) (format nil "~A-~A" post-id comment-id)))
143 (when *enable-voting*
144 <script>initializeCommentControls\(\)</script>)
145 </div>))))