Add workaround for LW API change: userId can sometimes be null.
[lw2-viewer.git] / src / lw2-login.lisp
1 (uiop:define-package #:lw2.login
2 (:use #:cl #:lw2-viewer.config #:lw2.utils #:lw2.graphql #:lw2.backend #:lw2.backend-modules #:alexandria #:cl-json #:flexi-streams #:websocket-driver-client)
3 (:import-from #:ironclad #:byte-array-to-hex-string #:digest-sequence)
4 (:import-from #:lw2.context #:*current-backend*)
5 (:export #:do-lw2-resume #:do-login #:do-lw2-create-user #:do-lw2-forgot-password #:do-lw2-reset-password #:do-logout
6 #:do-login-with-oidc-access-token
7 #:do-lw2-post-query #:do-lw2-post-query*
8 #:do-lw2-post #:do-lw2-post-edit #:do-lw2-post-remove #:do-lw2-comment #:do-lw2-comment-edit #:do-lw2-comment-remove
9 #:do-lw2-vote #:do-user-edit #:do-create-conversation #:do-create-message)
10 (:unintern #:parse-login-result)
11 (:recycle #:lw2.utils))
13 (in-package #:lw2.login)
15 (defparameter *sockjs-debug-output* nil)
17 (declaim (inline maybe-output))
18 (defun maybe-output (stream prefix message)
19 (if stream (format stream "~&~A: ~A~%" prefix message))
20 message)
22 (defun sockjs-encode-alist (alist)
23 (encode-json-to-string (list (encode-json-alist-to-string alist))))
25 (defun sockjs-decode (msg)
26 (if (eq (elt msg 0) #\a)
27 (let ((response (map 'list #'decode-json-from-string (decode-json-from-string (subseq msg 1)))))
28 (if (= (length response) 1)
29 (first response)
30 (error "Unsupported sockjs message.")))))
32 (defun password-digest (password &key (algorithm :sha256))
33 (byte-array-to-hex-string
34 (digest-sequence algorithm
35 (string-to-octets password :external-format :utf8))))
37 (defun do-lw2-sockjs-operation (operation)
38 (let ((client (wsd:make-client (concatenate 'string (websocket-uri *current-backend*) "sockjs/329/" (random-string 8) "/websocket")
39 :additional-headers (forwarded-header)))
40 (debug-output *sockjs-debug-output*)
41 (result-semaphore (sb-thread:make-semaphore))
42 result)
43 (unwind-protect
44 (progn
45 (wsd:start-connection client)
46 (wsd:on :message client (lambda (encoded-message)
47 (maybe-output debug-output "sockjs recd" encoded-message)
48 (let ((message (sockjs-decode encoded-message)))
49 (switch ((cdr (assoc :msg message)) :test 'equal)
50 ("connected"
51 (wsd:send client (maybe-output debug-output "sockjs sent" (sockjs-encode-alist operation))))
52 ("result"
53 (setf result message)
54 (sb-thread:signal-semaphore result-semaphore))))))
55 (wsd:send client (maybe-output debug-output "sockjs sent" (sockjs-encode-alist (alist "msg" "connect"
56 "version" "1"
57 "support" '("1")))))
58 (unless (sb-thread:wait-on-semaphore result-semaphore :timeout 10)
59 (error "Timeout while waiting for LW2 server.")))
60 (wsd:close-connection client))
61 result))
63 (defun do-lw2-sockjs-method (method &rest params)
64 (do-lw2-sockjs-operation (alist :msg "method"
65 :method method
66 :params params
67 :id "3")))
69 (defun parse-websocket-login-result (result)
70 (let* ((result-inner (cdr (assoc :result result)))
71 (userid (cdr (assoc :id result-inner)))
72 (token (cdr (assoc :token result-inner)))
73 (expires (cdadr (assoc :token-expires result-inner))))
74 (if (and userid token)
75 (values userid token nil (and expires (floor expires 1000)))
76 (if-let (error-message (cdr (assoc :reason (cdr (assoc :error result)))))
77 (values nil nil error-message)
78 (error "Unknown response from LW2: ~A" result)))))
80 (defun do-graphql-post-query (auth-token data)
81 (call-with-http-response
82 #'json:decode-json
83 (graphql-uri *current-backend*)
84 :method :post
85 :want-stream t
86 :headers (backend-request-headers auth-token t)
87 :content (encode-json-to-string data)))
89 (defun do-lw2-resume (auth-token)
90 (let ((result (do-lw2-sockjs-method "login" (alist :resume auth-token))))
91 (parse-websocket-login-result result)))
93 (define-backend-function do-login (user-designator password &key (try-legacy t))
94 (backend-websocket-login
95 (let ((result (do-lw2-sockjs-method "login"
96 (alist :user (alist "username" user-designator)
97 :password (alist :digest (password-digest password)
98 :algorithm "sha-256")))))
99 (trivia:match result
100 ((assoc :error (trivia:alist (:error . "legacy-account")
101 (:details . (trivia:alist (:salt . legacy-salt)
102 (:username . legacy-username)))))
103 (if try-legacy
104 (do-login user-designator
105 (format nil "~A~A" legacy-salt
106 (password-digest (format nil "~A~A ~A" legacy-salt legacy-username password)
107 :algorithm :sha1))
108 :try-legacy nil)
109 (values nil nil "Incorrect password")))
111 (parse-websocket-login-result result))))))
113 (defun do-login-with-oidc-access-token (access-token)
114 (multiple-value-bind (body status response-headers)
115 (dex:get (quri:make-uri :defaults (quri:uri (graphql-uri *current-backend*))
116 :path "/auth/useAccessToken"
117 :query (alist "access_token" access-token))
118 :max-redirects 0
119 :keep-alive nil)
120 (unless (< status 400)
121 (error "Login failed: ~A" body))
122 (let ((cookies (gethash "set-cookie" response-headers)))
123 (or (some (lambda (cookie)
124 (regex-case cookie
125 ("\\bloginToken=([^;]+)"
126 (reg 0))))
127 cookies)
128 (error "Backend server did not send login token.")))))
130 (define-backend-function do-lw2-create-user (username email password)
131 (backend-websocket-login
132 (let ((result (do-lw2-sockjs-method "createUser"
133 (alist :username username
134 :email email
135 :password (alist :digest (password-digest password)
136 :algorithm "sha-256")))))
137 (parse-websocket-login-result result))))
139 (define-backend-function do-lw2-forgot-password (email)
140 (backend-websocket-login
141 (let ((result (do-lw2-sockjs-method "forgotPassword"
142 (alist :email email))))
143 (if-let (error-data (cdr (assoc :error result)))
144 (values nil (cdr (assoc :reason error-data)))
145 t))))
147 (define-backend-function do-lw2-reset-password (auth-token password)
148 (backend-websocket-login
149 (let ((result (do-lw2-sockjs-method "resetPassword"
150 auth-token
151 (alist :digest (password-digest password)
152 :algorithm "sha-256"))))
153 (parse-websocket-login-result result))))
155 (define-backend-function do-logout (auth-token)
156 (backend-websocket-login
157 (declare (ignore auth-token))))
159 (defun parse-passport-js-login-result (result)
160 (let* ((res-errors (first (cdr (assoc :errors result))))
161 (res-data (cdr (first (cdr (assoc :data result)))))
162 (token (cdr (assoc :token res-data))))
163 (if res-errors
164 (values nil nil (cdr (assoc :message res-errors)))
165 (let ((user-id (cdr (first (do-lw2-post-query
166 token (alist "query"
167 (graphql-query-string :current-user nil '(:--id))))))))
168 (values user-id token nil)))))
170 (defun do-passport-js-login-operation (operation params)
171 (parse-passport-js-login-result
172 (do-graphql-post-query nil (alist :query (graphql-operation-string :mutation operation params '(:token))))))
174 (define-backend-operation do-login backend-passport-js-login (user-designator password &key try-legacy)
175 (declare (ignore try-legacy))
176 (do-passport-js-login-operation :login (alist :username user-designator
177 :password password)))
179 (define-backend-operation do-lw2-create-user backend-passport-js-login (username email password)
180 (do-passport-js-login-operation :signup (alist :username username
181 :email email
182 :password password)))
184 (define-backend-operation do-logout backend-passport-js-login (auth-token)
185 (do-graphql-post-query auth-token (alist :query (graphql-operation-string :mutation :logout nil '(:token)))))
187 ; (do-lw2-post-query "OCP7NeJEW9fPpYGG_nCN3g0felGTTNd0eg5uiLNQqBR" `((("query" . "mutation vote($documentId: String, $voteType: String, $collectionName: String) { vote(documentId: $documentId, voteType: $voteType, collectionName: $collectionName) { ... on Post { currentUserVotes { _id, voteType, power } } } }") ("variables" ("documentId" . "sqhAntEGpYgFXXH2H") ("voteType" . "upvote") ("collectionName" . "Posts")) ("operationName" . "vote"))))
189 (defun do-lw2-post-query (auth-token data)
190 (lw2.backend::do-graphql-debug data)
191 (let* ((response-alist (do-graphql-post-query auth-token data))
192 (res-errors (cdr (assoc :errors response-alist)))
193 (res-data (rest (first (cdr (assoc :data response-alist))))))
194 (cond
195 (res-errors (lw2.backend:signal-lw2-errors res-errors))
196 (res-data res-data)
197 (t (error "Unknown response from LW2 server: ~A" response-alist)))))
199 (defun do-lw2-post-query* (auth-token data)
200 (cdr (assoc :--id (do-lw2-post-query auth-token data))))
202 (define-backend-function lw2-mutation-string (target-type mutation-type terms fields)
203 (backend-lw2-legacy
204 (let* ((mutation-type-string (case mutation-type
205 (:create "New")
206 (:update "Edit")
207 (:delete "Remove")))
208 (mutation-name (concatenate 'string
209 (if (eq target-type :user)
210 (string-downcase target-type)
211 (string-capitalize target-type))
212 "s" mutation-type-string)))
213 (values (graphql-mutation-string mutation-name terms fields) mutation-name)))
214 (backend-lw2-modernized
215 (let* ((mutation-name (concatenate 'string (string-downcase mutation-type) (string-capitalize target-type)))
216 (selector-type (concatenate 'string (string-capitalize target-type) "SelectorUniqueInput"))
217 (data-type (concatenate 'string (string-capitalize mutation-type) (string-capitalize target-type) "DataInput"))
218 (data (append
219 (cdr (assoc :document terms))
220 (cdr (assoc :set terms))
221 (map 'list (lambda (x) (cons (car x) :null)) (cdr (assoc :unset terms)))))
222 (data (map 'list (lambda (x) (destructuring-bind (k . v) x
223 (if (eq k :body)
224 (cons :contents
225 (alist :original-contents (alist :data v :type "markdown")
226 :update-type "minor"
227 :commit-message ""))
228 x)))
229 data))
230 (terms (nconc
231 (loop for (k . v) in terms nconc
232 (case k
233 (:document nil)
234 (:set nil)
235 (:unset nil)
236 (:document-id (alist :selector (alist :document-id v)))
237 (t (list (cons k v)))))
238 (when data
239 (nalist :data data)))))
240 (values (with-output-to-string (stream)
241 (format stream "mutation ~A(~@[$selector: ~A!, ~]$data: ~A!)~3:*{~A(~:[~;selector: $selector, ~]data: $data)"
242 mutation-name
243 (if (cdr (assoc :selector terms)) selector-type)
244 data-type)
245 (write-graphql-simple-field-list (list (list* :data fields)) stream)
246 (write-string "}" stream))
247 mutation-name
248 terms))))
250 do-lw2-mutation:
252 Low level graphQL mutation string builder. This is a good function to override
253 with a define-backend-operation and translate into the semantics of higher level functions,
254 that way you can avoid having to recreate them all for each backend service.
256 auth-token - The authentication token to use with the API, fairly straightforward.
257 target-type - The type of object that we're mutating
258 mutation-type - The request method (or analogous equivalent) that we're using
259 terms - The additional parameters/variables/etc that we're sending to the server with our request
260 fields - The return values we want to get from the server after it completes our request
262 (define-backend-function do-lw2-mutation (auth-token target-type mutation-type terms fields)
263 (backend-lw2-legacy
264 (multiple-value-bind (mutation-string operation-name variables)
265 (lw2-mutation-string target-type mutation-type terms fields)
266 (do-lw2-post-query auth-token (alist "query" mutation-string
267 "variables" variables
268 "operationName" operation-name))))
269 (backend-lw2-modernized
270 (cdr (assoc :data (call-next-method)))))
272 (defun do-lw2-post (auth-token data)
273 (do-lw2-mutation auth-token :post :create (alist :document data) '(:--id :slug :html-body)))
275 (defun do-lw2-post-edit (auth-token post-id set &optional unset)
276 (let* ((terms (alist* :document-id post-id :set set
277 (alist-without-null :unset unset))))
278 (declare (dynamic-extent terms))
279 (do-lw2-mutation auth-token :post :update terms '(:--id :slug :html-body))))
281 (defun do-lw2-post-remove (auth-token post-id)
282 (do-lw2-mutation auth-token :post :delete (alist :document-id post-id) '(:----typename)))
284 (defun do-lw2-comment (auth-token data)
285 (do-lw2-mutation auth-token :comment :create (alist :document data) '(:--id :html-body)))
287 (defun do-lw2-comment-edit (auth-token comment-id set)
288 (do-lw2-mutation auth-token :comment :update (alist :document-id comment-id :set set) '(:--id :html-body)))
290 (define-backend-function do-lw2-comment-remove (auth-token comment-id &key reason)
291 (backend-lw2-legacy
292 (declare (ignore reason)) ; reasons not supported
293 (do-lw2-mutation auth-token :comment :delete (alist :document-id comment-id) '(----typename)))
294 (backend-lw2-modernized
295 (do-lw2-comment-edit auth-token comment-id (alist :deleted t :deleted-public t
296 :deleted-reason reason))))
298 (defun do-lw2-vote (auth-token target-collection target-id vote)
299 (let* ((mutation (format nil "setVote~:(~A~)" target-collection))
300 (karma-vote (or (nonempty-string vote)
301 (cdr (assoc :karma vote))))
302 (extended-vote (remove :karma vote :key #'car))
303 (ret (do-lw2-post-query auth-token
304 (alist "query" (graphql-mutation-string mutation
305 (remove-if #'null
306 (alist :document-id target-id
307 :vote-type karma-vote
308 :extended-vote extended-vote)
309 :key #'cdr)
310 '(:--id :base-score :af :af-base-score :vote-count :extended-score
311 :current-user-vote :current-user-extended-vote))
312 "variables" nil
313 "operationName" mutation)))
314 (confirmed-vote (block nil
315 (alist-bind (current-user-vote current-user-extended-vote) ret
316 (return (list-cond* (current-user-vote :karma current-user-vote)
317 current-user-extended-vote))))))
318 (values confirmed-vote ret)))
321 (defun do-user-edit (auth-token user-id data)
322 (do-lw2-mutation auth-token :user :update (alist :document-id user-id :set data) '(--id)))
324 (define-backend-function do-create-conversation (auth-token data)
325 (backend-lw2-legacy
326 (cdr (assoc :--id (do-lw2-mutation auth-token :conversation :create (alist :document data) '(:--id))))))
328 (define-backend-function generate-message-document (conversation-id text)
329 (backend-lw2-legacy
330 (alist :content
331 (alist :blocks (loop for para in (ppcre:split "\\n+" text)
332 collect (alist :text para :type "unstyled"))
333 :entity-map (make-hash-table))
334 :conversation-id conversation-id))
335 (backend-lw2-modernized
336 (alist :body text
337 :conversation-id conversation-id)))
339 (define-backend-function do-create-message (auth-token conversation-id text)
340 (backend-lw2-legacy
341 (do-lw2-mutation auth-token :message :create (alist :document (generate-message-document conversation-id text)) '(:--id))))