Add a non-fix to not work around clipboard link translation not working.
[lw2-viewer.git] / src / html-reader.lisp
1 (uiop:define-package #:lw2.html-reader
2 (:use #:cl #:alexandria #:iterate #:named-readtables)
3 (:export #:*html-output* #:with-html-stream-output #:safe #:encode-entities #:html-reader)
4 (:recycle #:lw2-viewer))
6 (in-package #:lw2.html-reader)
8 (defvar *html-output* nil)
10 (defun encode-entities (text &optional stream)
11 #||(if-client
12 (let ((output
13 (ps:chain text (replace (ps:regex "/[<>\"'&]/g")
14 (lambda (match)
15 (concatenate 'string
16 "&"
17 (ps:getprop (ps:create "<" "lt"
18 ">" "gt"
19 "\"" "quot"
20 "'" "apos"
21 "&" "amp")
22 match)
23 ";"))))))
24 (if stream
25 (progn (ps:chain stream (push output)) nil)
26 output))|#
27 (handler-bind
28 (((or plump:invalid-xml-character plump:discouraged-xml-character) #'abort))
29 (plump:encode-entities (princ-to-string text) stream)));)
31 (trivial-cltl2:define-declaration html-output (decl env) (declare (ignore env)) (values :declare (cons 'html-output (second decl))))
33 (defmacro with-html-stream-output (&environment env &body body)
34 (let ((body (trivia:match (first body)
35 ((list :stream stream-var)
36 `((let ((,stream-var html-output)) ,@(rest body))))
37 (_ body))))
38 (if (trivial-cltl2:declaration-information 'html-output env)
39 `(progn ,@body nil)
40 `(let ((html-output *html-output*))
41 (declare (ignorable html-output)
42 (html-output html-output))
43 ,@body
44 nil))))
46 (defun process-html-stream-output-forms (forms)
47 (iter (for form in forms)
48 (collect (trivia:match form
49 ((list* :stream _) nil)
50 ((list* (or 'write-string 'princ) string _) `(ps:chain html-output (push ,string)))
51 ((list* 'encode-entities _) form)
52 ((list* 'with-html-stream-output forms) `(progn ,@(process-html-stream-output-forms forms)))
53 (_ `(ps:chain html-output (push ,form)))))))
55 (ps:defpsmacro with-html-stream-output (&body body)
56 `(let ((html-output (make-array)))
57 (macrolet ((write-string (string stream)
58 (declare (ignore stream))
59 `(ps:chain html-output (push ,string)))
60 (princ (string stream)
61 (declare (ignore stream))
62 `(ps:chain html-output (push ,string)))
63 (with-html-stream-output (&body body)
64 `(progn ,@(process-html-stream-output-forms body) nil)))
65 ,@(process-html-stream-output-forms body))
66 (ps:chain html-output (join ""))))
68 (defun html-reader (stream char)
69 (declare (ignore char))
70 (let (element
71 out-body
72 (string-output "")
73 (buffer (make-array 128
74 :element-type 'character
75 :adjustable t
76 :fill-pointer 0)))
77 (labels ((output-strings (&rest strings)
78 (setf string-output (apply #'concatenate 'simple-string string-output strings)))
79 (flush-output ()
80 (unless (string= string-output "")
81 (appendf out-body `((write-string ,string-output html-output)))
82 (setf string-output "")))
83 (output-read-object ()
84 (let ((object (read-preserving-whitespace stream)))
85 (multiple-value-bind (safe object)
86 (if (and (consp object) (eq (first object) 'safe))
87 (values t (second object))
88 (values nil object))
89 (cond
90 ((and (consp object) (stringp (first object)))
91 (flush-output)
92 (appendf out-body
93 (if safe
94 `((format html-output ,@object))
95 `((encode-entities (format nil ,@object) html-output)))))
96 ((and (consp object) (eq (first object) 'with-html-stream-output))
97 (flush-output)
98 (appendf out-body (list object)))
99 ((and (constantp object) (or (stringp object) (numberp object)))
100 (output-strings (princ-to-string (eval object))))
102 (flush-output)
103 (appendf out-body
104 (if safe
105 `((princ ,object html-output))
106 `((encode-entities (or ,object "") html-output))))))))))
107 (loop for c = (peek-char nil stream)
108 while (not (member c '(#\Space #\Newline #\>)))
109 do (vector-push-extend (read-char stream) buffer))
110 (when-let ((symbol (find-symbol (concatenate 'string "<" buffer) *package*)))
111 (unless (eq (symbol-package symbol) *package*)
112 (return-from html-reader symbol)))
113 (setf element (coerce buffer 'simple-string))
114 (output-strings "<" element)
115 (loop
116 with need-whitespace = t
117 with in-leading-whitespace = nil
118 with in-tag = t
119 for c = (read-char stream)
120 when (eq c #\Newline) do (setf in-leading-whitespace t)
121 else when (not (member c '(#\Space #\Tab))) do (setf in-leading-whitespace nil)
122 when (eq c #\>)
123 do (progn
124 (output-strings ">")
125 (if (member element '("area" "base" "br" "col" "embed" "hr" "img" "input" "link" "meta" "param" "source" "track" "wbr")
126 :test #'string-equal)
127 (return nil)
128 (setf need-whitespace nil
129 in-tag nil)))
130 else when (and in-tag (eq c #\=))
131 do (progn
132 (output-strings "=\"")
133 (let ((*readtable* (find-readtable 'html-reader-inner)))
134 (output-read-object))
135 (output-strings "\""))
136 else when (eq c #\<)
137 do (cond
138 ((eq (peek-char nil stream) #\/)
139 (read-char stream)
140 (unless (and
141 (loop for x across element
142 when (not (eq (read-char stream) x))
143 return nil
144 finally (return t))
145 (eq (read-char stream) #\>))
146 (error "Mismatched HTML tag: ~A at position ~A." element (file-position stream)))
147 (output-strings "</" element ">")
148 (return nil))
150 (unread-char c stream)
151 (output-read-object)))
152 else when (eq c #\\)
153 do (output-strings (string (read-char stream)))
154 else when (eq c #\()
155 do (progn
156 (unread-char c stream)
157 (output-read-object))
158 else when (member c '(#\Space #\Newline #\Tab))
159 do (when (or need-whitespace (not in-leading-whitespace))
160 (output-strings " ")
161 (setf need-whitespace nil))
162 else do (progn
163 (output-strings (string c))
164 (setf need-whitespace t)))
165 (flush-output)
166 `(with-html-stream-output ,.out-body))))
168 (defreadtable html-reader
169 (:merge :standard)
170 (:macro-char #\< #'html-reader t)
171 #|(:macro-char #\" #'(lambda (stream char)
172 (let ((*readtable* (find-readtable :standard)))
173 (funcall (get-macro-character #\" *readtable*) stream char))))|#)
175 (defreadtable html-reader-inner
176 (:merge html-reader)
177 (:macro-char #\> #'(lambda (stream char) (declare (ignore stream char)) (values))))