Initial implementation of collections.
[lw2-viewer.git] / src / backend.lisp
1 (uiop:define-package #:lw2.backend
2 (:use #:cl #:sb-thread #:flexi-streams #:alexandria #:iterate #:lw2-viewer.config #:lw2.sites #:lw2.context #:lw2.graphql #:lw2.lmdb
3 #:lw2.utils #:lw2.hash-utils #:lw2.backend-modules #:lw2.schema-type #:lw2.conditions #:lw2.web-push)
4 (:import-from #:collectors #:with-collector)
5 (:import-from #:lw2.user-context #:*current-auth-token*)
6 (:reexport #:lw2.backend-modules)
7 (:export #:*use-alignment-forum*
8 #:*graphql-debug-output*
9 #:*revalidate-default* #:*force-revalidate-default*
10 #:*messages-index-fields*
11 #:*notifications-base-terms*
12 #:start-background-loader #:stop-background-loader #:background-loader-running-p
13 #:call-with-http-response
14 #:forwarded-header #:backend-request-headers
15 #:lw2-graphql-query #:lw2-query-string* #:lw2-query-string
16 #:lw2-graphql-query-map #:lw2-graphql-query-multi
17 #:signal-lw2-errors
18 #:earliest-post-time
19 #:flatten-shortform-comments #:get-shortform-votes
20 #:get-tag-posts
21 #:get-post-tag-votes #:get-tag-post-votes
22 #:get-slug-tagid
23 #:get-posts-index #:get-posts-json #:get-post-body #:get-post-vote #:get-post-comments #:get-post-answers
24 #:get-post-comments-votes
25 #:get-tag-comments-votes
26 #:get-recent-comments #:get-recent-comments-json
27 #:get-collection
28 #:sequence-post-ids #:get-sequence #:get-post-sequence-ids #:get-sequence-post
29 #:get-conversation-messages
30 #:markdown-source
31 #:get-user
32 #:get-notifications #:check-notifications
33 #:mark-comment-replied #:check-comment-replied
34 #:lw2-search-query #:get-post-title #:get-post-slug #:get-slug-postid #:get-username #:get-user-full-name #:get-user-slug
35 #:do-wl-rest-mutate #:do-wl-rest-query #:do-wl-create-tag)
36 (:recycle #:lw2-viewer)
37 (:unintern #:get-posts #:make-posts-list-query #:define-backend-fields
38 #:*posts-index-fields* #:posts-index-fields #:post-body-fields
39 #:*comments-index-fields* #:comments-index-fields
40 #:*post-comments-fields* #:post-comments-fields
41 #:define-index-fields #:decode-graphql-json
42 #:lw2-graphql-query-noparse #:lw2-graphql-query-streamparse
43 #:*cookie-jar*
44 #:with-connection-pool #:call-with-connection-pool))
46 (in-package #:lw2.backend)
48 ;; Dexador settings required for the system to work properly.
49 (setf dex:*default-connect-timeout* nil
50 dex:*default-read-timeout* nil
51 dex:*use-connection-pool* nil)
53 (defvar *use-alignment-forum* nil)
55 (defvar *graphql-debug-output* nil)
57 (defvar *revalidate-default* t)
58 (defvar *force-revalidate-default* nil)
60 (defparameter *messages-index-fields* '(:--id :user-id :created-at (:contents :html) (:conversation :--id :title) :----typename))
61 (defparameter *user-fields* '(:--id :slug :display-name :karma))
63 (defparameter *notifications-base-terms* (alist :view "userNotifications" :created-at :null :viewed :null))
65 (defun request-fields (query-type return-type context)
66 "Returns the desired fields for a given type of request."
67 (case return-type
68 (:total nil)
70 (with-collector (col)
71 (let ((backend *current-backend*)
72 (schema-type (find-schema-type query-type))
73 (added (make-hash-table :test 'eq)))
74 (dolist (field (cdr (assoc :fields schema-type)) (col))
75 (destructuring-bind (field-name field-type &key alias backend-type graphql-ignore subfields ((:context field-context)) context-not &allow-other-keys) field
76 (declare (ignore field-type))
77 (when (and (not (gethash field-name added))
78 (not graphql-ignore)
79 (or (not backend-type) (typep backend backend-type))
80 (or (not field-context) (eq context field-context))
81 (or (not context-not) (not (eq context context-not))))
82 (setf (gethash field-name added) t)
83 (col
84 (let ((result-name (or alias field-name)))
85 (if subfields
86 (list* result-name subfields)
87 result-name)))))))))))
89 (define-backend-function user-fields ()
90 (backend-lw2-legacy (load-time-value *user-fields*))
91 (backend-lw2-modernized (append (call-next-method) '(:groups :deleted :html-bio)))
92 (backend-alignment-forum (append (call-next-method) '(:af-karma :full-name))))
94 (define-cache-database 'backend-lw2-legacy
95 "index-json"
96 "post-comments-json" "post-comments-json-meta" "post-answers-json" "post-answers-json-meta"
97 "post-body-json" "post-body-json-meta"
98 "sequence-json" "sequence-json-meta" "post-sequence"
99 "user-json" "user-json-meta"
100 "user-page-items" "user-page-items-meta")
102 (define-cache-database 'backend-lw2-modernized
103 "user-deleted")
105 (define-backend-function comments-list-to-graphql-json (comments-list)
106 (backend-lw2-legacy
107 (json:encode-json-to-string
108 (plist-hash-table (list :data (plist-hash-table (list :*comments-list comments-list))))))
109 (backend-lw2-modernized
110 (json:encode-json-to-string
111 (plist-hash-table (list :data (plist-hash-table (list :*comments-list (plist-hash-table (list :results comments-list)))))))))
113 (defun do-graphql-debug (query)
114 (when *graphql-debug-output*
115 (format *graphql-debug-output* "~&GraphQL query: ~A~%" query)))
117 (defmacro with-retrying ((maybe-retry-fn-name &key retries before-maybe-retry before-retry) &body body)
118 (with-gensyms (remaining-retries retry)
119 `(let ((,remaining-retries ,retries))
120 (tagbody ,retry
121 (labels ((,maybe-retry-fn-name ()
122 ,before-maybe-retry
123 (when (> ,remaining-retries 0)
124 (decf ,remaining-retries)
125 ,before-retry
126 (go ,retry))))
127 ,@body)))))
129 (defun force-close (stream)
130 (ignore-errors (close stream :abort t)))
132 (sb-ext:defglobal *connection-pool* (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
133 (sb-ext:defglobal *connection-pool-lock* (sb-thread:make-mutex :name "*connection-pool-lock*"))
135 (defun connection-push (dest connection)
136 (let ((connection-pool *connection-pool*)
137 old-connection)
138 (sb-thread:with-mutex (*connection-pool-lock*)
139 (let ((vector (or (gethash dest connection-pool)
140 (setf (gethash dest connection-pool)
141 (make-array 4 :fill-pointer 0)))))
142 (unless (vector-push connection vector)
143 (setf old-connection (vector-pop vector))
144 (vector-push connection vector))))
145 (when old-connection
146 (force-close old-connection))))
148 (defun connection-pop (dest)
149 (let ((connection-pool *connection-pool*))
150 (sb-thread:with-mutex (*connection-pool-lock*)
151 (when-let (vector (gethash dest connection-pool))
152 (when (> (fill-pointer vector) 0)
153 (vector-pop vector))))))
155 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
156 (defstruct (token-bucket (:constructor %make-token-bucket))
157 (tokens internal-time-units-per-second :type fixnum)
158 (base-cost internal-time-units-per-second :type fixnum)
159 (last-update (get-internal-real-time) :type fixnum)
160 (tokens-per-unit 1 :type fixnum)
161 (token-limit internal-time-units-per-second :type fixnum))
163 (defun make-token-bucket (&key rate burst (fill-ratio 1.0))
164 (let* ((scaled-rate (rationalize (/ internal-time-units-per-second rate)))
165 (base-cost (numerator scaled-rate))
166 (tokens-per-unit (denominator scaled-rate))
167 (token-limit (* base-cost burst)))
168 (%make-token-bucket
169 :base-cost base-cost
170 :tokens-per-unit tokens-per-unit
171 :token-limit token-limit
172 :tokens (round (* token-limit fill-ratio))))))
174 (defun token-bucket-decrement (token-bucket n &optional with-punishment)
175 (let* ((time (get-internal-real-time))
176 (tpu (token-bucket-tokens-per-unit token-bucket))
177 (limit (token-bucket-token-limit token-bucket))
178 (cost (round (* n (token-bucket-base-cost token-bucket))))
179 (max-increment (+ limit cost))
180 (max-timediff (ceiling max-increment tpu))
181 (increment 0)
182 (result nil))
183 (declare (type (and fixnum (integer 0)) time)
184 (type (unsigned-byte 32) limit cost max-increment increment)
185 (type (integer 1 10000000) tpu))
186 (sb-ext:atomic-update (token-bucket-last-update token-bucket)
187 (lambda (previous)
188 (declare (type (and fixnum (integer 0)) previous))
189 (if (> (- time max-timediff) previous)
190 (setf increment max-increment)
191 (let ((timediff (- time (min previous time))))
192 (declare (type (unsigned-byte 32) timediff))
193 (setf increment (* timediff tpu))))
194 (max previous time)))
195 (sb-ext:atomic-update (token-bucket-tokens token-bucket)
196 (lambda (previous)
197 (declare (type (signed-byte 32) previous))
198 (let* ((new-refill (+ previous increment))
199 (new (- new-refill cost)))
200 (setf result (> new 0))
201 (if (or result with-punishment)
202 (min new limit)
203 (max (- limit) (min new-refill limit))))))
204 result))
206 (defun parse-ipv4 (string)
207 (let ((l (map 'list #'parse-integer
208 (split-sequence:split-sequence #\. string))))
209 (loop with res = 0
210 for n in l
211 do (setf res (+ n (ash res 8)))
212 finally (return res))))
214 (defparameter *rate-limit-cost-factor* 1)
216 (sb-ext:defglobal *global-token-bucket* (make-token-bucket :rate 3 :burst 180))
218 (defun check-rate-limit ()
219 (or (token-bucket-decrement *global-token-bucket* *rate-limit-cost-factor*)
220 (error "Rate limit exceeded. Try again later.")))
222 (defun call-with-http-response (fn uri-string &rest args &key &allow-other-keys)
223 (check-rate-limit)
224 (let* ((uri (quri:uri uri-string))
225 (uri-dest (concatenate 'string (quri:uri-host uri) ":" (format nil "~d" (quri:uri-port uri))))
226 (stream (connection-pop uri-dest)))
227 (let (response status-code headers response-uri new-stream success)
228 (with-retrying (maybe-retry :retries 3
229 :before-retry (sleep 0.2))
230 (unwind-protect
231 (handler-bind (((or dex:http-request-failed usocket:ns-condition usocket:socket-condition)
232 (lambda (condition)
233 (if-let ((r (find-restart 'dex:ignore-and-continue condition))
234 (ct (gethash "content-type" (dex:response-headers condition))))
235 (if (ppcre:scan "^application/json" ct)
236 (invoke-restart r)
237 (maybe-retry))))))
238 (setf (values response status-code headers response-uri new-stream)
239 (apply 'dex:request uri :use-connection-pool nil :keep-alive t :stream stream args))
240 (unless (eq stream new-stream)
241 (when stream (force-close stream))
242 (setf stream new-stream
243 new-stream nil))
244 (when (<= 500 status-code 599)
245 (maybe-retry)
246 (error 'lw2-connection-error :message (format nil "HTTP status ~A" status-code)))
247 (setf success t))
248 (when (not success)
249 (when (streamp response)
250 (force-close response))
251 (when stream
252 (force-close stream))
253 (setf stream nil))))
254 (unwind-protect
255 (funcall fn response)
256 (when (streamp response)
257 (close response))
258 (when stream ; the connection is reusable
259 (connection-push uri-dest stream))))))
261 (defun forwarded-header ()
262 (let ((addr (and (boundp 'hunchentoot:*request*) (hunchentoot:real-remote-addr))))
263 (list-cond (addr "X-Forwarded-For" addr))))
265 (defun signal-lw2-errors (errors)
266 (loop for error in errors
267 do (let ((message (cdr (assoc :message error)))
268 (path (cdr (assoc :path error))))
269 (unless (and path (> (length path) 1))
270 (cond
271 ((search "document_not_found" message) (error 'lw2-not-found-error))
272 ((search "app.missing_document" message) (error 'lw2-not-found-error))
273 ((search "only visible to logged-in users" message) (error 'lw2-login-required-error))
274 ((search "not_allowed" message) (error 'lw2-not-allowed-error))
275 (t (error 'lw2-unknown-error :message message)))))))
277 (define-backend-function earliest-post-time ()
278 (backend-lw2 (load-time-value (local-time:parse-timestring "2005-01-01")))
279 (backend-ea-forum (load-time-value (local-time:parse-timestring "2011-11-24"))))
281 (define-backend-function fixup-lw2-return-value (value)
282 (backend-base
283 value)
284 (backend-lw2-modernized
285 (values-list
286 (map 'list
287 (lambda (x)
288 (if (member (car x) '(:result :results :total-count))
289 (cdr x)
291 value)))
292 (backend-accordius
293 value))
295 (define-backend-function deserialize-query-result (result-source)
296 (backend-base
297 (let ((string-source (typecase result-source
298 (string
299 result-source)
300 (vector
301 (flexi-streams:make-in-memory-input-stream result-source))
302 (stream
303 (ensure-character-stream result-source)))))
304 (json:decode-json-from-source string-source))))
306 (define-backend-function postprocess-query-result (result)
307 (backend-base
308 result)
309 (backend-lw2-legacy
310 (signal-lw2-errors (cdr (assoc :errors result)))
311 (fixup-lw2-return-value (cdadr (assoc :data result)))))
313 (define-backend-function decode-query-result (result-source)
314 (backend-base
315 (postprocess-query-result
316 (deserialize-query-result result-source))))
318 (defmethod graphql-uri ((backend backend-alignment-forum))
319 (if *use-alignment-forum*
320 ""
321 (call-next-method)))
323 (define-backend-function backend-request-headers (auth-token forwarded)
324 (backend-websocket-login
325 (list-cond* (auth-token :authorization auth-token)
326 (call-next-method)))
327 (backend-passport-js-login
328 (list-cond* (auth-token :cookie (concatenate 'string "loginToken=" auth-token))
329 (call-next-method)))
330 (backend-graphql
331 (alist* :content-type "application/json"
332 (if forwarded (forwarded-header)))))
334 (define-backend-function call-with-backend-response (fn query &key return-type auth-token)
335 (backend-graphql
336 (call-with-http-response
338 (graphql-uri *current-backend*)
339 :method :post
340 :headers (backend-request-headers auth-token nil)
341 :content (dynamic-let ((q (alist :query query))) (json:encode-json-to-string q))
342 :want-stream (not return-type))))
344 (define-backend-function lw2-graphql-query (query &key auth-token return-type (decoder 'decode-query-result))
345 (backend-base
346 (do-graphql-debug query)
347 (call-with-backend-response
348 (ecase return-type
349 ((nil) decoder)
350 (:string #'identity)
351 (:both (lambda (string) (values (funcall decoder string) string))))
352 query
353 :return-type return-type
354 :auth-token auth-token)))
356 (defun lw2-graphql-query-map (fn data &key auth-token postprocess)
357 (multiple-value-bind (map-values queries)
358 (loop for d in data
359 as out-values = (multiple-value-list (funcall fn d))
360 as (out passthrough-p) = out-values
361 collect out-values into map-values
362 when (not passthrough-p) collect out into queries
363 finally (return (values map-values queries)))
364 (let* ((query-string
365 (with-output-to-string (stream)
366 (format stream "{")
367 (loop for n from 0
368 for q in queries
369 do (format stream "g~6,'0D:~A " n q))
370 (format stream "}")))
371 (query-result-data (when queries (lw2-graphql-query query-string :decoder 'deserialize-query-result :auth-token auth-token)))
372 (errors (cdr (assoc :errors query-result-data))))
373 (signal-lw2-errors errors)
374 (values
375 (loop as results = (sort (cdr (assoc :data query-result-data)) #'string< :key #'car) then (if passthrough-p results (rest results))
376 for (out passthrough-p) in map-values
377 as result-data-cell = (first results)
378 as result-data = (if passthrough-p out (fixup-lw2-return-value (cdr result-data-cell)))
379 for input-data in data
380 collect (if postprocess (funcall postprocess input-data result-data) result-data))
381 errors))))
383 (defun lw2-graphql-query-multi (query-list &key auth-token)
384 (values-list (lw2-graphql-query-map #'identity query-list :auth-token auth-token)))
386 (defvar *background-cache-update-threads* (make-hash-table :test 'equal
387 :weakness :value
388 :synchronized t))
390 (defun cache-update (cache-db key data)
391 (let ((meta-db (format nil "~A-meta" cache-db))
392 (new-hash (hash-string data))
393 (current-time (get-unix-time)))
394 (with-cache-transaction
395 (let* ((metadata (cache-get meta-db key :value-type :lisp))
396 (same-data (equalp new-hash (cdr (assoc :city-128-hash metadata))))
397 (last-mod (if same-data
398 (or (cdr (assoc :last-modified metadata)) current-time)
399 current-time)))
400 (cache-put meta-db key (alist :last-checked current-time :last-modified last-mod :city-128-hash new-hash) :value-type :lisp)
401 (unless same-data
402 (cache-put cache-db key data))))))
404 (defun cache-mark-stale (cache-db key)
405 (let ((meta-db (format nil "~A-meta" cache-db))
406 (current-time (get-unix-time)))
407 (with-cache-transaction
408 (let* ((metadata (cache-get meta-db key :value-type :lisp))
409 (metadata (alist* :last-modified current-time (delete :last-modified metadata :key #'car))))
410 (cache-put meta-db key metadata :value-type :lisp)))))
412 (declaim (type (and fixnum (integer 1)) *cache-stale-factor* *cache-skip-factor*))
413 (defparameter *cache-stale-factor* 100)
414 (defparameter *cache-skip-factor* 5000)
416 (defun cache-is-fresh (cache-db key)
417 (let ((metadata (cache-get (format nil "~A-meta" cache-db) key :value-type :lisp))
418 (current-time (get-unix-time)))
419 (if-let ((last-mod (cdr (assoc :last-modified metadata)))
420 (last-checked (cdr (assoc :last-checked metadata))))
421 (let ((unmodified-time (- last-checked last-mod))
422 (last-checked-time (- current-time last-checked)))
423 (if (> unmodified-time (* *cache-skip-factor* last-checked-time))
424 :skip
425 (> unmodified-time (* *cache-stale-factor* last-checked-time)))))))
427 (defgeneric run-query (query)
428 (:method ((query string))
429 (lw2-graphql-query query :return-type :string))
430 (:method ((query function))
431 (funcall query)))
433 (declaim (inline make-thread-with-current-backend))
435 (defun make-thread-with-current-backend (fn &rest args)
436 (let ((current-backend *current-backend*))
437 (apply #'sb-thread:make-thread
438 (lambda ()
439 (let ((*current-backend* current-backend))
440 (funcall fn)))
441 args)))
443 (defun ensure-cache-update-thread (query cache-db cache-key)
444 (let ((key (format nil "~A-~A" cache-db cache-key)))
445 (labels ((background-fn ()
446 (unwind-protect
447 (multiple-value-bind (value error)
448 (log-and-ignore-errors
449 (sb-sys:with-deadline (:seconds 60)
450 (nth-value 0
451 (cache-update cache-db cache-key (run-query query)))))
452 (or value error))
453 (remhash key *background-cache-update-threads*))))
454 (sb-ext:with-locked-hash-table (*background-cache-update-threads*)
455 (let ((thread (gethash key *background-cache-update-threads*)))
456 (if thread thread
457 (setf (gethash key *background-cache-update-threads*)
458 (make-thread-with-current-backend #'background-fn :name "background cache update"))))))))
460 (define-backend-function lw2-graphql-query-timeout-cached (query cache-db cache-key &key (decoder 'decode-query-result)
461 (revalidate *revalidate-default*) (force-revalidate *force-revalidate-default*))
462 (backend-base
463 (multiple-value-bind (cached-result is-fresh) (with-cache-readonly-transaction
464 (values (cache-exists cache-db cache-key)
465 (cache-is-fresh cache-db cache-key)))
466 (labels ((get-cached-result ()
467 (with-cache-readonly-transaction (funcall decoder (cache-get cache-db cache-key :return-type 'binary-stream)))))
468 (if (and cached-result (or (not revalidate)
469 (and (not force-revalidate) (eq is-fresh :skip))))
470 (get-cached-result)
471 (let ((timeout (if cached-result
472 (if force-revalidate nil 3)
473 nil))
474 (thread (ensure-cache-update-thread query cache-db cache-key)))
475 (block retrieve-result
476 (if (and cached-result (if force-revalidate (not revalidate) (or is-fresh (not revalidate))))
477 (get-cached-result)
478 (handler-bind
479 ((fatal-error (lambda (c)
480 (declare (ignore c))
481 (if cached-result
482 (return-from retrieve-result (get-cached-result))))))
483 (let ((new-result (sb-thread:join-thread thread :timeout timeout)))
484 (typecase new-result
485 (condition (error new-result))
486 (t (funcall decoder new-result)))))))))))))
488 (define-backend-function lw2-query-string* (query-type return-type args &key context fields with-total))
490 (define-backend-operation lw2-query-string* backend-lw2-legacy (query-type return-type args &key context (fields (request-fields query-type return-type context)) with-total)
491 (declare (ignore with-total))
492 (labels ((lisp-to-lw2-case (x) (json:lisp-to-camel-case (format nil "*~A" x))))
493 (graphql-query-string*
494 (concatenate 'string
495 (lisp-to-lw2-case query-type)
497 (lisp-to-lw2-case return-type))
498 (if (eq return-type :single)
499 args
500 (alist :terms args))
501 fields)))
503 (define-backend-operation lw2-query-string* backend-lw2-modernized (query-type return-type args &key context (fields (request-fields query-type return-type context)) with-total)
504 (graphql-query-string*
505 (if (eq return-type :single)
506 (json:lisp-to-camel-case (string query-type))
507 (concatenate 'string (json:lisp-to-camel-case (string query-type)) "s"))
508 (alist :input (case return-type
509 (:single (alist :selector args))
510 (:list (alist :enable-total with-total :terms args))
511 (:total (alist :enable-total t :terms args))))
512 (case return-type
513 (:total '(:total-count))
514 (:list (list-cond (t :results fields)
515 (with-total :total-count)))
516 (:single (alist :result fields)))))
518 (define-backend-function lw2-query-string (query-type return-type args &key context fields with-total))
520 (define-backend-operation lw2-query-string backend-lw2-legacy (query-type return-type args &rest rest &key context fields with-total)
521 (declare (ignore context fields with-total))
522 (format nil "{~A}" (apply 'lw2-query-string* query-type return-type args rest)))
524 (define-backend-function lw2-query-list-limit-workaround (query-type terms &rest rest &key fields context auth-token)
525 (backend-graphql
526 (declare (ignore fields context))
527 (let (items-list)
528 (loop for offset from 0 by 500
529 as items-next = (lw2-graphql-query (apply 'lw2-query-string query-type :list (alist* :limit 500 :offset offset terms) (filter-plist rest :fields :context))
530 :auth-token auth-token)
531 as length = (length items-next)
532 do (setf items-list (nconc items-list items-next))
533 while (>= length 500))
534 items-list))
535 (backend-accordius
536 (declare (ignore fields context))
537 (lw2-graphql-query (apply 'lw2-query-string query-type :list terms (filter-plist rest :fields :context)) :auth-token auth-token)))
539 (defun get-cached-index-query (cache-id query)
540 (labels ((query-and-put ()
541 (let* ((result (lw2-graphql-query query :return-type :string))
542 (decoded-result (multiple-value-list (decode-query-result result))))
543 (cache-put "index-json" cache-id result)
544 (values-list decoded-result)))
545 (get-cached-result ()
546 (with-cache-readonly-transaction (decode-query-result (cache-get "index-json" cache-id :return-type 'binary-stream)))))
547 (let ((cached-result (cache-get "index-json" cache-id :return-type 'existence)))
548 (if (and cached-result (background-loader-ready-p))
549 (get-cached-result)
550 (if cached-result
551 (handler-case
552 (query-and-put)
553 (t () (get-cached-result)))
554 (query-and-put))))))
556 (define-backend-function get-posts-index-query-terms (&key view (sort "new") (limit 21) offset before after karma-threshold &allow-other-keys)
557 (backend-lw2-legacy
558 (let ((sort-key (alexandria:switch (sort :test #'string=)
559 ("new" "new")
560 ("hot" "magic")
561 ("active" "recentComments")
562 ("top" "top")
563 ("old" "old"))))
564 (multiple-value-bind (view-terms cache-key)
565 (alexandria:switch (view :test #'string=)
566 ("featured" (alist :sorted-by sort-key :filter "curated"))
567 ("all" (alist :sorted-by sort-key :filter "all"))
568 ("alignment-forum" (alist :sorted-by sort-key :af t))
569 ("questions" (alist :sorted-by sort-key :filter "questions"))
570 ("events" (alist :sorted-by sort-key :filter "events"))
571 ("nominations" (alist :view "nominations2019"))
572 ("reviews" (alist :view "reviews2019"))
573 (t (values
574 (alist :sorted-by sort-key :filter "frontpage")
575 (if (not (or (string/= sort "new") (/= limit 21) offset before after karma-threshold)) "new-not-meta"))))
576 (let ((terms
577 (alist-without-null* :before before
578 :after after
579 :limit limit
580 :offset offset
581 :karma-threshold karma-threshold
582 view-terms)))
583 (values terms cache-key))))))
585 (define-backend-operation get-posts-index-query-terms backend-lw2-tags :around (&key hide-tags &allow-other-keys)
586 (multiple-value-bind (query-terms cache-key) (call-next-method)
587 (if hide-tags
588 (values (acons :filter-settings (alist :tags (list* :list (map 'list (lambda (tagid) (alist :tag-id tagid :filter-mode "Hidden"))
589 hide-tags)))
590 query-terms)
591 nil)
592 (values query-terms cache-key))))
594 (define-backend-function get-posts-index-query-string (&rest args &key &allow-other-keys)
595 (backend-lw2-legacy
596 (declare (dynamic-extent args))
597 (multiple-value-bind (query-terms cache-key)
598 (apply #'%get-posts-index-query-terms backend args)
599 (values (lw2-query-string :post :list query-terms)
600 cache-key))))
602 (define-backend-function get-posts-index (&rest args &key &allow-other-keys)
603 (backend-lw2-legacy
604 (declare (dynamic-extent args))
605 (multiple-value-bind (query-string cache-key)
606 (apply #'%get-posts-index-query-string backend args)
607 (if cache-key
608 (get-cached-index-query cache-key query-string)
609 (lw2-graphql-query query-string)))))
611 (define-backend-operation get-posts-index backend-lw2-tags :around (&rest args &key hide-tags offset (limit 21) &allow-other-keys)
612 ;; Workaround for
613 (declare (dynamic-extent args))
614 (if hide-tags
615 (let ((offset (or offset 0)))
616 (subseq
617 (apply #'call-next-method backend :offset 0 :limit (+ limit offset) args)
618 offset))
619 (call-next-method)))
621 (defun get-posts-json ()
622 (lw2-graphql-query (get-posts-index-query-string) :return-type :string))
624 (defun get-recent-comments (&key with-total)
625 (get-cached-index-query "recent-comments" (lw2-query-string :comment :list '((:view . "allRecentComments") (:limit . 20)) :context :index :with-total with-total)))
627 (defun get-recent-comments-json ()
628 (lw2-graphql-query (lw2-query-string :comment :list '((:view . "allRecentComments") (:limit . 20)) :context :index) :return-type :string))
630 (defun process-vote-result (res)
631 (alist-bind ((id (or null simple-string) :--id)
632 current-user-votes
633 current-user-vote
634 current-user-extended-vote)
636 (let ((karma-vote (or (nonempty-string current-user-vote)
637 (cdr (assoc :vote-type (first current-user-votes))))))
638 (values (list-cond* (karma-vote :karma karma-vote)
639 current-user-extended-vote)
640 id))))
642 (defun process-votes-result (res)
643 (let ((hash (make-hash-table)))
644 (dolist (v res hash)
645 (multiple-value-bind (vote id) (process-vote-result v)
646 (when vote
647 (setf (gethash id hash) vote))))))
649 (defun flatten-shortform-comments (comments)
650 (let ((output comments))
651 (loop for comment in comments do
652 (setf output (append (cdr (assoc :latest-children comment)) output)))
653 output))
655 (defun get-shortform-votes (auth-token &key (offset 0) (limit 20))
656 (process-votes-result
657 (flatten-shortform-comments
658 (lw2-graphql-query (lw2-query-string :comment :list (alist :view "shortform" :offset offset :limit limit)
659 :fields '(:--id :current-user-vote :current-user-extended-vote (:latest-children :--id :current-user-vote :current-user-extended-vote)))
660 :auth-token auth-token))))
662 (defun get-post-vote (post-id auth-token)
663 (process-vote-result (lw2-graphql-query (lw2-query-string :post :single (alist :document-id post-id) :fields '(:--id :current-user-vote :current-user-extended-vote)) :auth-token auth-token)))
665 (define-cache-database 'backend-lw2-tags "tag-posts" "tag-posts-meta" "post-tags" "post-tags-meta")
667 (define-backend-function get-tag-posts (slug &key (revalidate *revalidate-default*) (force-revalidate *force-revalidate-default*))
668 (backend-base (declare (ignore revalidate force-revalidate)) nil)
669 (backend-lw2-tags
670 (let* ((tagid (get-slug-tagid slug))
671 (query-fn (lambda ()
672 (comments-list-to-graphql-json
673 (lw2-query-list-limit-workaround
674 :tag-rel
675 (alist :view "postsWithTag" :tag-id tagid)
676 :fields (list (list* :post (request-fields :post :list :index))))))))
677 (iter
678 (for x in (lw2-graphql-query-timeout-cached query-fn "tag-posts" tagid :revalidate revalidate :force-revalidate force-revalidate))
679 (when-let (post (cdr (assoc :post x)))
680 (collect post))))))
682 (define-backend-function get-tag-post-votes (tag-id auth-token)
683 (backend-base (progn tag-id auth-token nil))
684 (backend-lw2-tags
685 (process-votes-result
686 (map 'list #'cdr
687 (lw2-query-list-limit-workaround
688 :tag-rel
689 (alist :view "postsWithTag" :tag-id tag-id)
690 :fields '(:--id :current-user-vote :current-user-extended-vote)
691 :auth-token auth-token)))))
693 (define-backend-function get-post-tags (post-id &key (revalidate *revalidate-default*) (force-revalidate *force-revalidate-default*))
694 (backend-base (declare (ignore revalidate force-revalidate)) nil)
695 (backend-lw2-tags
696 (let ((query-string (lw2-query-string :tag-rel :list (alist :view "tagsOnPost" :post-id post-id) :fields '((:tag :name :slug)))))
697 (lw2-graphql-query-timeout-cached query-string "post-tags" post-id :revalidate revalidate :force-revalidate force-revalidate))))
699 (define-backend-function get-post-tag-votes (post-id auth-token)
700 (backend-base (progn post-id auth-token nil))
701 (backend-lw2-tags
702 (process-votes-result
703 (lw2-graphql-query (lw2-query-string :tag-rel :list (alist :view "tagsOnPost" :post-id post-id) :fields '(:--id :current-user-vote :current-user-extended-vote))
704 :auth-token auth-token))))
706 (define-backend-function get-post-body (post-id &key (revalidate *revalidate-default*) (force-revalidate *force-revalidate-default*) auth-token)
707 (backend-graphql
708 (let ((query-string (lw2-query-string :post :single (alist :document-id post-id) :context :body)))
709 (block nil
710 (tagbody retry
711 (handler-bind ((lw2-login-required-error (lambda (&rest args)
712 (declare (ignore args))
713 (let ((current-auth-token *current-auth-token*))
714 (when (and (not auth-token) current-auth-token)
715 (setf auth-token current-auth-token)
716 (go retry))))))
717 (return
718 (if auth-token
719 (lw2-graphql-query query-string :auth-token auth-token)
720 (lw2-graphql-query-timeout-cached query-string "post-body-json" post-id :revalidate revalidate :force-revalidate force-revalidate))))))))
721 (backend-lw2-tags
722 (declare (ignore auth-token))
723 (acons :tags (get-post-tags post-id :revalidate revalidate :force-revalidate force-revalidate) (call-next-method)))
724 (backend-magnum-crossposts
725 (declare (ignore auth-token))
726 (let ((post (call-next-method)))
727 (alist-bind (is-crosspost hosted-here foreign-post-id) (cdr (assoc :fm-crosspost post))
728 (cond ((not (and (backend-magnum-crosspost-site backend)
729 (not (boundp '*retrieve-crosspost*))
730 is-crosspost foreign-post-id))
731 post)
732 (:otherwise
733 (let* ((*current-site* (find-site (backend-magnum-crosspost-site backend)))
734 (*current-backend* (site-backend *current-site*))
735 (*retrieve-crosspost* nil)
736 (foreign-post (get-post-body foreign-post-id :revalidate revalidate :force-revalidate force-revalidate))
737 (foreign-post-body (cdr (assoc :html-body foreign-post))))
738 (declare (special *retrieve-crosspost*))
739 (if foreign-post-body
740 (list-cond*
741 ((not hosted-here) :html-body foreign-post-body)
742 (t :foreign-post foreign-post)
743 post)
744 post))))))))
746 (defun get-post-comments-list (post-id view &rest rest &key auth-token parent-answer-id fields context)
747 (declare (ignore fields context auth-token))
748 (let ((terms (alist :view view :post-id post-id)))
749 (when parent-answer-id
750 (setf terms (acons :parent-answer-id parent-answer-id terms)))
751 (apply 'lw2-query-list-limit-workaround :comment terms (filter-plist rest :fields :context :auth-token))))
753 (defun get-post-answer-replies (post-id answers &rest rest &key auth-token fields context)
754 ;; todo: support more than 500 answers per question
755 (declare (ignore fields context))
756 (let* ((terms (alist :view "repliesToAnswer" :post-id post-id :limit 500))
757 (result (lw2-graphql-query-map
758 #'identity
759 (mapcar (lambda (answer) (apply 'lw2-query-string* :comment :list
760 (acons :parent-answer-id (cdr (assoc :--id answer)) terms)
761 (filter-plist rest :fields :context)))
762 answers)
763 :auth-token auth-token)))
764 (apply #'nconc result)))
766 (define-backend-function get-post-comments-votes (post-id auth-token)
767 (backend-graphql
768 (let ((fields '(:--id :current-user-vote :current-user-extended-vote)))
769 (process-votes-result
770 (get-post-comments-list post-id "postCommentsTop" :auth-token auth-token :fields fields))))
771 (backend-q-and-a
772 (let* ((fields '(:--id :current-user-vote :current-user-extended-vote))
773 (answers (get-post-comments-list post-id "questionAnswers" :auth-token auth-token :fields fields)))
774 (process-votes-result
775 (nconc
776 (get-post-comments-list post-id "postCommentsTop" :auth-token auth-token :fields fields)
777 (get-post-answer-replies post-id answers :auth-token auth-token :fields fields)
778 answers)))))
780 (define-backend-function get-tag-comments-votes (tag-id auth-token)
781 (backend-lw2-tags-comments
782 (process-votes-result (lw2-graphql-query (lw2-query-string :comment :list (alist :tag-id tag-id :view "tagDiscussionComments") :fields '(:--id :current-user-vote :current-user-extended-vote))
783 :auth-token auth-token))))
785 (define-backend-function get-post-comments (post-id &key (revalidate *revalidate-default*) (force-revalidate *force-revalidate-default*))
786 (backend-graphql
787 (let ((fn (lambda ()
788 (comments-list-to-graphql-json
789 (get-post-comments-list post-id "postCommentsTop")))))
790 (lw2-graphql-query-timeout-cached fn "post-comments-json" post-id :revalidate revalidate :force-revalidate force-revalidate)))
791 (backend-ea-forum
792 ;; Work around bizarre parent comment bug in EA forum
793 (declare (ignore revalidate force-revalidate))
794 (let ((comments (call-next-method)))
795 (dolist (c comments)
796 (if-let (parent-id-cons (assoc :parent-comment-id c))
797 (if (and (string= (cdr parent-id-cons) "rjgZaK8uzHG3jAu2p")
798 (not (string= post-id "h26Kx7uGfQfNewi7d")))
799 (setf (cdr parent-id-cons) nil))))
802 (defun get-post-answers (post-id &key (revalidate *revalidate-default*) (force-revalidate *force-revalidate-default*))
803 (let ((fn (lambda ()
804 (let ((answers (get-post-comments-list post-id "questionAnswers")))
805 (comments-list-to-graphql-json
806 (nconc
807 answers
808 (get-post-answer-replies post-id answers)))))))
809 (lw2-graphql-query-timeout-cached fn "post-answers-json" post-id :revalidate revalidate :force-revalidate force-revalidate)))
811 (define-backend-function get-collection (collection-id)
812 (backend-graphql
813 (lw2-graphql-query
814 (lw2-query-string :collection :single
815 (alist :document-id collection-id)
816 :fields `(:--id :title (:contents :html) :grid-image-id :----typename
817 (:books :title :subtitle (:contents :html) :----typename
818 (:sequences :title (:contents :html) :grid-image-id :----typename
819 (:chapters :title :subtitle :number (:contents :html) (:posts ,@(request-fields :post :list nil))))))))))
821 (defun sequence-iterate (sequence fn)
822 (dolist (chapter (cdr (assoc :chapters sequence)))
823 (dolist (post (cdr (assoc :posts chapter)))
824 (funcall fn post))))
826 (defun sequence-post-ids (sequence)
827 (with-collector (col)
828 (sequence-iterate sequence
829 (lambda (post)
830 (col (cdr (assoc :--id post)))))
831 (col)))
833 (defun get-sequence-post (sequence post-id)
834 (sequence-iterate sequence
835 (lambda (post)
836 (when (string= (cdr (assoc :--id post)) post-id)
837 (return-from get-sequence-post post))))
838 nil)
840 (define-backend-function get-sequence (sequence-id)
841 (backend-graphql
842 (let ((fn (lambda ()
843 (multiple-value-bind (sequence sequence-json)
844 (lw2-graphql-query
845 (lw2-query-string :sequence :single
846 (alist :document-id sequence-id)
847 :fields `(:--id :title :created-at :user-id
848 (:contents :html)
849 (:chapters :title :subtitle :number (:contents :html) (:posts ,@(request-fields :post :list nil)))
850 :grid-image-id :----typename))
851 :return-type :both)
852 (let ((posts (sequence-post-ids sequence)))
853 (with-cache-transaction
854 (dolist (post-id posts)
855 (let ((old-seqs (cache-get "post-sequence" post-id :value-type :json)))
856 (unless (member sequence-id old-seqs :test #'string=)
857 (cache-put "post-sequence" post-id (cons sequence-id old-seqs) :value-type :json)))))
858 sequence-json)))))
859 (lw2-graphql-query-timeout-cached fn "sequence-json" sequence-id))))
861 (define-backend-function get-post-sequence-ids (post-id)
862 (backend-graphql
863 (cache-get "post-sequence" post-id :value-type :json)))
865 (defun preload-sequences-cache ()
866 (declare (optimize space (compilation-speed 2) (speed 0)))
867 (let ((sequences (apply #'append
868 (loop for view in '("curatedSequences" "communitySequences")
869 collect (lw2-graphql-query (lw2-query-string :sequence :list (alist :view view) :fields '(:--id)))))))
870 (dolist (sequence sequences)
871 (get-sequence (cdr (assoc :--id sequence))))
872 (format t "Retrieved ~A sequences." (length sequences)))
873 (values))
875 (define-backend-function user-deleted (user-id &optional (status nil set))
876 (backend-base
877 (declare (ignore user-id status set))
878 nil)
879 (backend-lw2-modernized
880 (if set
881 (if status
882 (cache-put "user-deleted" user-id "1")
883 (cache-del "user-deleted" user-id))
884 (cache-get "user-deleted" user-id :return-type 'existence))))
886 (define-backend-function get-user (user-identifier-type user-identifier &key (revalidate *revalidate-default*) (force-revalidate *force-revalidate-default*) auth-token)
887 (backend-graphql
888 (let* ((user-id (ccase user-identifier-type
889 (:user-id user-identifier)
890 (:user-slug (get-slug-userid user-identifier))))
891 (query-string (lw2-query-string :user :single (alist :document-id user-id) :fields (list-cond* (auth-token :last-notifications-check) (user-fields))))
892 (result (if auth-token
893 (lw2-graphql-query query-string :auth-token auth-token)
894 (lw2-graphql-query-timeout-cached query-string "user-json" user-id :revalidate revalidate :force-revalidate force-revalidate))))
895 (alist-bind ((user-id (or simple-string null) :--id)
896 (display-name (or simple-string null))
897 (full-name (or simple-string null))
898 (slug (or simple-string null))
899 (deleted boolean))
900 result
901 (when user-id
902 (with-cache-transaction
903 (when display-name
904 (cache-username user-id display-name))
905 (when full-name
906 (cache-user-full-name user-id full-name))
907 (when slug
908 (cache-user-slug user-id slug)
909 (cache-slug-userid slug user-id))
910 (user-deleted user-id deleted))))
911 result)))
913 (define-backend-function get-notifications (&key user-id (offset 0) (limit 21) auth-token)
914 (backend-lw2-legacy
915 (lw2-graphql-query (lw2-query-string :notification :list
916 (alist* :user-id user-id :limit limit :offset offset *notifications-base-terms*)
917 :fields '(:--id :document-type :document-id :link :title :message :type :viewed))
918 :auth-token auth-token))
919 (backend-lw2-modernized
920 (declare (ignore user-id offset limit auth-token))
921 (let ((*notifications-base-terms* (remove :null *notifications-base-terms* :key #'cdr)))
922 (call-next-method))))
924 (define-backend-function check-notifications (user-id auth-token &key full since)
925 (backend-lw2-legacy
926 (multiple-value-bind (notifications user-info)
927 (lw2-graphql-query-multi (list
928 (lw2-query-string* :notification :list (alist* :user-id user-id :limit (if full 3 1) *notifications-base-terms*)
929 :fields (if full '(:--id :message :created-at) '(:created-at)))
930 (lw2-query-string* :user :single (alist :document-id user-id) :fields '(:last-notifications-check)))
931 :auth-token auth-token)
932 (let ((last-check (or since
933 (let ((last-check-string (cdr (assoc :last-notifications-check user-info))))
934 (when (and (stringp last-check-string) (not (equal last-check-string "")))
935 (local-time:parse-timestring last-check-string))))))
936 (when notifications
937 (labels ((unread-p (notification)
938 (if last-check
939 (local-time:timestamp>
940 (local-time:parse-timestring (cdr (assoc :created-at notification)))
941 last-check)
942 ;; User has never checked notifications before -- all are unread
943 t)))
944 (if full
945 (remove-if-not #'unread-p notifications)
946 (unread-p (first notifications))))))))
947 (backend-lw2-modernized
948 (declare (ignore user-id auth-token full since))
949 (let ((*notifications-base-terms* (remove :null *notifications-base-terms* :key #'cdr)))
950 (call-next-method))))
952 (define-cache-database 'backend-lw2-legacy "comment-reply-by-user")
954 (define-backend-function mark-comment-replied (reply)
955 (backend-lw2-legacy
956 (alexandria:when-let* ((parent-comment-id (cdr (assoc :parent-comment-id reply)))
957 (reply-id (cdr (assoc :--id reply)))
958 (user-id (cdr (assoc :user-id reply))))
959 (cache-put "comment-reply-by-user" (concatenate 'string parent-comment-id " " user-id) reply-id))))
961 (define-backend-function check-comment-replied (comment-id user-id)
962 (backend-lw2-legacy
963 (cache-get "comment-reply-by-user" (concatenate 'string comment-id " " user-id))))
965 (define-backend-function get-user-page-items (user-id request-type &key (offset 0) (limit 21) (sort-type :date) drafts
966 (revalidate *revalidate-default*) (force-revalidate *force-revalidate-default*) auth-token)
967 (backend-lw2-legacy
968 (multiple-value-bind (real-offset real-limit) (if (eq request-type :both)
969 (values 0 (+ offset limit))
970 (values offset limit))
971 (let* ((cache-database (when (and (eq request-type :both)
972 (or (not offset) (= offset 0))
973 (= limit 21)
974 (eq sort-type :date)
975 (not drafts)
976 (not auth-token))
977 "user-page-items"))
978 (return-type (if cache-database :string nil))
979 (fn (lambda ()
980 (labels ((posts-query-string ()
981 (let* ((base-terms
982 (cond
983 (drafts (alist :view "drafts"))
984 ((eq sort-type :score) (alist :view "top"))
985 ((eq sort-type :date-reverse) (alist :view "old"))
986 (t (alist :view "userPosts"))))
987 (terms (alist* :offset real-offset :limit real-limit :user-id user-id base-terms)))
988 (declare (dynamic-extent base-terms terms))
989 (lw2-query-string* :post :list terms)))
990 (comments-query-string ()
991 (let* ((view (ecase sort-type
992 (:score "postCommentsTop")
993 (:date "allRecentComments")
994 (:date-reverse "postCommentsOld")))
995 (terms (alist :offset real-offset
996 :limit real-limit
997 :user-id user-id
998 :view view)))
999 (declare (dynamic-extent view terms))
1000 (lw2-query-string* :comment :list terms
1001 :context :index))))
1002 (declare (dynamic-extent #'posts-query-string #'comments-query-string))
1003 (case request-type
1004 (:both (let ((result (multiple-value-call #'concatenate 'list
1005 (lw2-graphql-query-multi (list (posts-query-string) (comments-query-string))))))
1006 (ecase return-type
1007 (:string (json:encode-json-to-string result))
1008 ((nil) result))))
1009 (:posts (lw2-graphql-query (format nil "{~A}" (posts-query-string)) :auth-token auth-token :return-type return-type))
1010 (:comments (lw2-graphql-query (format nil "{~A}" (comments-query-string)) :auth-token auth-token :return-type return-type)))))))
1011 (if cache-database
1012 (lw2-graphql-query-timeout-cached fn cache-database user-id :decoder 'deserialize-query-result :revalidate revalidate :force-revalidate force-revalidate)
1013 (funcall fn))))))
1015 (define-backend-function get-conversation-messages (conversation-id auth-token)
1016 (backend-lw2-legacy
1017 (lw2-graphql-query-multi
1018 (list
1019 (lw2-query-string* :conversation :single (alist :document-id conversation-id) :fields '(:title (:participants :display-name :slug)))
1020 (lw2-query-string* :message :list (alist :view "messagesConversation" :conversation-id conversation-id) :fields *messages-index-fields*))
1021 :auth-token auth-token)))
1023 (define-backend-function lw2-search-query (query &key (indexes '("test_tags" "test_posts" "test_comments")))
1024 (backend-algolia-search
1025 (call-with-http-response
1026 (lambda (req-stream)
1027 (values-list (loop for r in (cdr (assoc :results (json:decode-json req-stream)))
1028 collect (cdr (assoc :hits r)))))
1029 (algolia-search-uri *current-backend*)
1030 :method :post
1031 :headers '(("Origin" . "")
1032 ("Referer" . "")
1033 ("Content-Type" . "application/json"))
1034 :content (json:encode-json-alist-to-string
1035 (alist "requests" (loop for index in indexes
1036 collect (alist "indexName" index
1037 "params" (format nil "query=~A&hitsPerPage=20&page=0"
1038 (url-rewrite:url-encode query))))))
1039 :want-stream t)))
1041 (define-backend-function get-username-wrapper (user-id fn)
1042 (backend-base
1043 (funcall fn user-id))
1044 (backend-lw2-modernized
1045 (if (user-deleted user-id)
1046 "[deleted]"
1047 (funcall fn user-id))))
1049 (define-cache-database 'backend-lw2-legacy "comment-markdown-source" "post-markdown-source")
1051 (defun markdown-source-db-name (target-type)
1052 (ecase target-type (:comment "comment-markdown-source") (:post "post-markdown-source")))
1054 (define-backend-function markdown-source (target-type id version)
1055 (backend-lw2-modernized
1056 (let ((db-name (markdown-source-db-name target-type))
1057 (version (base64:usb8-array-to-base64-string (hash-string version))))
1059 (if-let ((cache-data (cache-get db-name id :value-type :lisp)))
1060 (alist-bind ((cached-version simple-string :version)
1061 (markdown simple-string))
1062 cache-data
1063 (when (string= version cached-version)
1064 markdown)))
1065 (trivia:ematch (lw2-graphql-query (lw2-query-string target-type :single
1066 (alist :document-id id)
1067 :fields '(:html-body (:contents :markdown)))
1068 :auth-token *current-auth-token*)
1069 ((trivia:alist (:html-body . html-body)
1070 (:contents . (assoc :markdown markdown)))
1071 (cache-put db-name id (alist :version (base64:usb8-array-to-base64-string (hash-string html-body)) :markdown markdown) :value-type :lisp)
1072 markdown))))))
1074 (define-backend-function (setf markdown-source) (markdown target-type id version)
1075 (backend-lw2-modernized
1076 (let ((version (base64:usb8-array-to-base64-string (hash-string version))))
1077 (cache-put (markdown-source-db-name target-type)
1079 (alist :version version :markdown markdown)
1080 :value-type :lisp))))
1082 (defun get-elicit-question-title (question-id)
1083 (cdr
1084 (lw2-graphql-query (graphql-query-string "ElicitBlockData" (alist :question-id question-id) '(:title)))))
1086 (defun make-rate-limiter (delay)
1087 (let ((rl-hash (make-hash-table :test 'equal :synchronized t)))
1088 (lambda (datum fn)
1089 (let ((unix-time (get-unix-time)))
1090 (if (sb-ext:with-locked-hash-table (rl-hash)
1091 (maphash (lambda (k v)
1092 (if (> (- unix-time v) delay)
1093 (remhash k rl-hash)))
1094 rl-hash)
1095 (not (gethash datum rl-hash)))
1096 (progn
1097 (setf (gethash datum rl-hash) unix-time)
1098 (funcall fn))
1099 (error "Request aborted due to rate limit."))))))
1101 (defmacro with-rate-limit (&body outer-body)
1102 `(let ((rate-limiter (make-rate-limiter 30)))
1103 (macrolet ((rate-limit ((key) &body inner-body)
1104 `(funcall rate-limiter ,key (lambda () ,@inner-body))))
1105 ,@outer-body)))
1107 (with-rate-limit
1108 (simple-cacheable ("post-title" 'backend-lw2-legacy "postid-to-title" post-id)
1109 (rate-limit (post-id) (cdr (first (lw2-graphql-query (lw2-query-string :post :single (alist :document-id post-id) :fields '(:title))))))))
1111 (with-rate-limit
1112 (simple-cacheable ("post-slug" 'backend-lw2-legacy "postid-to-slug" post-id)
1113 (rate-limit (post-id) (cdr (first (lw2-graphql-query (lw2-query-string :post :single (alist :document-id post-id) :fields '(:slug))))))))
1115 (with-rate-limit
1116 (simple-cacheable ("slug-postid" 'backend-lw2-legacy "slug-to-postid" slug)
1117 (rate-limit (slug) (cdr (first (lw2-graphql-query (lw2-query-string :post :single (alist :slug slug) :fields '(:--id))))))))
1119 (with-rate-limit
1120 (simple-cacheable ("username" 'backend-lw2-legacy "userid-to-displayname" user-id :get-wrapper #'get-username-wrapper)
1121 (rate-limit (user-id) (cdr (first (lw2-graphql-query (lw2-query-string :user :single (alist :document-id user-id) :fields '(:display-name))))))))
1123 (with-rate-limit
1124 (simple-cacheable ("user-slug" 'backend-lw2-legacy "userid-to-slug" user-id)
1125 (rate-limit (user-id) (cdr (first (lw2-graphql-query (lw2-query-string :user :single (alist :document-id user-id) :fields '(:slug))))))))
1127 (with-rate-limit
1128 (simple-cacheable ("user-full-name" 'backend-lw2-legacy "userid-to-full-name" user-id)
1129 (rate-limit (user-id) (or (cdr (first (lw2-graphql-query (lw2-query-string :user :single (alist :document-id user-id) :fields '(:full-name)))))
1130 ""))))
1132 (with-rate-limit
1133 (simple-cacheable ("slug-userid" 'backend-lw2-legacy "slug-to-userid" slug)
1134 (rate-limit (slug) (cdr (first (lw2-graphql-query (lw2-query-string :user :single (alist :slug slug) :fields '(:--id))))))))
1136 (with-rate-limit
1137 (simple-cacheable ("slug-tagid" 'backend-lw2-tags "slug-to-tagid" slug :catch-errors nil)
1138 (rate-limit (slug) (cdr (first (first (lw2-graphql-query (lw2-query-string :tag :list (alist :view "tagBySlug" :slug slug) :fields '(:--id)))))))))
1140 (defun preload-username-cache ()
1141 (declare (optimize space (compilation-speed 2) (speed 0)))
1142 (let ((user-list (lw2-graphql-query (lw2-query-string :user :list '() :fields '(:--id :slug :display-name)))))
1143 (with-cache-transaction
1144 (loop for user in user-list
1145 do (alist-bind ((user-id (or simple-string null) :--id)
1146 (slug (or simple-string null))
1147 (display-name (or simple-string null)))
1148 user
1149 (when user-id
1150 (when display-name
1151 (cache-username user-id display-name))
1152 (when slug
1153 (cache-user-slug user-id slug)
1154 (cache-slug-userid slug user-id))))))))