Fix some bugs in previous commit.
[lw2-viewer.git] / src / admin.lisp
1 (uiop:define-package #:lw2.admin
2 (:use #:cl #:alexandria #:lw2.lmdb #:lw2.clean-html #:lw2.backend #:lw2.backlinks)
3 (:export #:reclean-html))
5 (in-package #:lw2.admin)
7 (defun map-posts-and-comments (fn &key skip-comments skip-posts)
8 (let ((total-count (count-database-entries "post-body-json"))
9 (done-count 0)
10 (last-done nil))
11 (format *error-output* "Press Enter to abort.~%")
12 (labels ((report-progress ()
13 (when (= 0 (mod done-count 1))
14 (format *error-output* "Finished ~A of ~A posts.~A" done-count total-count (string #\Return))
15 (force-output *error-output*))))
16 (loop
17 for (post post-id) = (with-cache-readonly-transaction
18 (call-with-cursor "post-body-json"
19 (lambda (db cursor)
20 (declare (ignore db))
21 (multiple-value-bind (post post-id)
22 (if last-done
23 (progn
24 (cursor-get cursor :set-range :key last-done :return-type 'existence)
25 (cursor-get cursor :next :value-type :json))
26 (cursor-get cursor :first :value-type :json))
27 (list (ignore-errors (postprocess-query-result post)) post-id)))))
28 while post-id
29 do (when (read-char-no-hang)
30 (format *error-output* "Aborted.~%")
31 (return-from map-posts-and-comments (values)))
32 do (report-progress)
33 do (progn
34 (unless skip-posts
35 (with-simple-restart (continue "Ignore this post and continue.")
36 (funcall fn post post-id)))
37 (unless skip-comments
38 (ignore-errors
39 (let ((comments (if (cdr (assoc :question post))
40 (append (get-post-comments post-id :revalidate nil)
41 (get-post-answers post-id :revalidate nil))
42 (get-post-comments post-id :revalidate nil))))
43 (loop for comment in comments
44 for comment-id = (cdr (assoc :--id comment))
45 do (with-simple-restart (continue "Ignore this comment and continue.")
46 (funcall fn comment post-id comment-id))))))
47 (incf done-count)
48 (setf last-done post-id)))
49 (report-progress)
50 (format *error-output* "~%Done.~%")
51 (values))))
53 (defun reclean-html ()
54 (map-posts-and-comments
55 (lambda (item post-id &optional comment-id)
56 (if (not comment-id)
57 (ignore-errors
58 (let ((*before-clean-hook* (lambda () (clear-backlinks post-id)))
59 (*link-hook* (lambda (link)
60 (add-backlink link post-id))))
61 (clean-html (or (cdr (assoc :html-body item)) "") :with-toc t :post-id post-id)))
62 (ignore-errors
63 (let ((*before-clean-hook* (lambda () (clear-backlinks post-id comment-id)))
64 (*link-hook* (lambda (link)
65 (add-backlink link post-id comment-id))))
66 (clean-html (or (cdr (assoc :html-body item)) ""))))))))
68 (defun grep-posts-and-comments (regex &key skip-comments print-ids)
69 (let* ((scanner (ppcre:create-scanner regex))
70 (printer (if print-ids
71 (lambda (item post-id &optional comment-id)
72 (when (ppcre:scan scanner (or (cdr (assoc :html-body item)) ""))
73 (format t "~A~@[/~A~]~%" post-id comment-id)))
74 (lambda (item post-id &optional comment-id)
75 (declare (ignore post-id comment-id))
76 (ppcre:do-matches-as-strings (match scanner (or (cdr (assoc :html-body item)) ""))
77 (write-line match))))))
78 (map-posts-and-comments
79 printer
80 :skip-comments skip-comments)))