New example: Dump colormap
[luaxcb.git] /
1 #!/usr/bin/perl
3 # Known bugs:
4 # - Does not support _checked or _unchecked variants of function calls
5 # - Allows Lua to underflow and (maybe) crash C, when it should lua_error instead (so pcall can catch it)
6 # - ChangeProperty is limited to the 8-bit datatype
8 # Known warts:
9 # - Should get string lengths (and other lengths) from Lua, instead of requiring the length to be passed from the script
11 use warnings;
12 use strict;
14 use XML::Simple qw(:strict);
17 my %xcbtype = (
18 BOOL => 'uint8_t',
19 BYTE => 'uint8_t',
20 CARD8 => 'uint8_t',
21 CARD16 => 'uint16_t',
22 CARD32 => 'uint32_t',
23 INT8 => 'int8_t',
24 INT16 => 'int16_t',
25 INT32 => 'int32_t',
27 char => 'const char',
28 void => 'const void', # Hack, to partly support ChangeProperty, until we can reverse 'op'.
29 float => 'float',
30 double => 'double',
33 my %luatype = (
34 BOOL => 'boolean',
35 BYTE => 'integer',
36 CARD8 => 'integer',
37 CARD16 => 'integer',
38 CARD32 => 'integer',
39 INT8 => 'integer',
40 INT16 => 'integer',
41 INT32 => 'integer',
43 char => 'integer',
44 void => 'integer', # Hack, to partly support ChangeProperty, until we can reverse 'op'.
45 float => 'number',
46 double => 'number',
49 my %luachecktype = (
56 INT16 => 'LUA_TNUMBER',
57 INT32 => 'LUA_TNUMBER',
59 char => 'LUA_TNUMBER',
60 void => 'LUA_TNIL',
61 float => 'LUA_TNUMBER',
62 double => 'LUA_TNUMBER',
65 sub mangle($;$)
67 my %simple = (
68 CHAR2B => 1,
69 INT64 => 1,
70 FLOAT32 => 1,
71 FLOAT64 => 1,
72 BOOL32 => 1,
73 STRING8 => 1,
74 Family_DECnet => 1
76 my $name = shift;
77 my $clean = shift;
78 my $mangled = '';
80 $mangled = 'xcb_' unless ($clean);
82 if ($simple{$name}) {
83 $mangled .= lc($name);
84 } else {
85 while (length ($name)) {
86 $name =~ /^(.)(.*)$/;
87 my $char = $1;
88 my $next = $2;
90 $mangled .= lc($char);
92 if (
93 $name =~ /^[[:lower:]][[:upper:]]/ ||
94 $name =~ /^\d[[:alpha:]]/ ||
95 $name =~ /^[[:alpha:]]\d/ ||
96 $name =~ /^[[:upper:]][[:upper:]][[:lower:]]/)
98 $mangled .= '_';
101 $name = $next;
104 return $mangled;
107 sub cname($)
109 my %bad = (
110 new => 1,
111 delete => 1,
112 class => 1,
113 operator => 1 );
114 my $name = shift;
115 return "_$name" if ($bad{$name});
116 return $name;
119 sub do_push($$;$)
121 my $indent = ' ' x ((shift) * 4);
122 my $type = shift;
123 my $name = shift;
125 my $base;
127 if (defined($name)) {
128 $base = "x->".cname($name);
129 } else {
130 $base = "";
133 if ($luatype{$type}) {
134 # elemental type
135 $base = '*'.$base if (!defined($name));
136 print OUT $indent."lua_push".$luatype{$type}."(L, $base);\n";
137 } else {
138 # complex type
139 $base = '&'.$base if (defined($name));
140 print OUT $indent."push_$type(L, $base);\n";
144 sub do_push_list($$$$;$)
146 my $indent = shift;
147 my $name = shift;
148 my $type = shift;
149 my $fn = shift;
150 my $const = shift;
152 my $spaces = ' ' x (($indent) * 4);
153 my $mtype = mangle($type);
155 if ($type eq 'char') {
156 # String
157 my $get = mangle($name)."_".$fn;
158 print OUT $spaces."lua_pushlstring(L, ";
159 print OUT "$get(x), ";
160 print OUT $get."_length(x) );\n";
161 print OUT $spaces."lua_setfield(L, -2, \"$fn\");\n";
162 } elsif ($type eq 'void') {
163 # Evil hack for GetProperty
164 my $get = mangle($name)."_".$fn;
165 print OUT $spaces."lua_pushlstring(L, ";
166 print OUT "$get(x), ";
167 print OUT $get."_length(x) * (x->format / 8) );\n";
168 print OUT $spaces."lua_setfield(L, -2, \"$fn\");\n";
169 } elsif (defined($luatype{$type})) {
170 # Array of elemental type
171 my $get = mangle($name)."_".$fn;
172 print OUT $spaces."{\n";
173 print OUT "$spaces const ".$xcbtype{$type}." *i;\n";
174 print OUT "$spaces int len, j;\n\n";
175 if (defined($const)) {
176 my $cfn = cname($fn);
177 my $len = $const->[0];
178 print OUT "$spaces i = x->$cfn;\n";
179 print OUT "$spaces len = $len;\n";
180 } else {
181 print OUT "$spaces i = $get(x);\n";
182 print OUT "$spaces len = $get"."_length(x);\n";
184 print OUT "$spaces lua_newtable(L);\n";
185 print OUT "$spaces for (j=0; j<len; j++) {\n";
186 print OUT "$spaces lua_push".$luatype{$type}."(L, i[j]);\n";
187 print OUT "$spaces lua_rawseti(L, -2, j+1);\n";
188 print OUT "$spaces }\n";
189 print OUT "$spaces lua_setfield(L, -2, \"$fn\");\n";
190 print OUT "$spaces}\n";
191 } else {
192 # Array of complex type
193 print OUT $spaces."{\n";
194 print OUT "$spaces $mtype"."_iterator_t i;\n";
195 print OUT "$spaces int j=0;\n\n";
196 print OUT "$spaces i = ".mangle($name)."_".$fn."_iterator(x);\n";
197 print OUT "$spaces lua_newtable(L);\n";
198 print OUT "$spaces while (i.rem) {\n";
199 do_push($indent + 2, $type);
200 print OUT "$spaces lua_rawseti(L, -2, ++j);\n";
201 print OUT "$spaces $mtype"."_next(&i);\n";
202 print OUT "$spaces }\n";
203 print OUT "$spaces lua_setfield(L, -2, \"$fn\");\n";
204 print OUT "$spaces}\n";
208 sub do_structs($)
210 my $xcb = shift;
211 foreach my $struct (@{$xcb->{'struct'}}) {
212 my $name = $struct->{'name'};
213 my $xcbname = mangle($name).'_t';
214 my $dogetter = 1;
216 my %nostatic = ( # These structs are used from the base protocol
217 xcb_setup_t => 1,
220 print OUT "static " unless ($nostatic{$xcbname});
222 print OUT "void push_$name (lua_State *L, const $xcbname *x)\n";
223 print OUT "{\n";
224 print OUT " lua_newtable(L);\n";
225 foreach my $field (@{$struct->{'field'}}) {
226 my $fn = $field->{'name'};
227 do_push(1, $field->{'type'}, $fn);
228 print OUT " lua_setfield(L, -2, \"$fn\");\n";
230 if ($struct->{'list'}) {
231 $dogetter = 0; # If it has a list, the get half shouldn't (can't?) be needed.
232 foreach my $list (@{$struct->{'list'}}) {
233 do_push_list(1, $name, $list->{'type'}, $list->{'name'}, $list->{'value'});
236 print OUT "}\n\n";
238 if ($dogetter) {
239 print OUT "static void get_$name (lua_State *L, int pos, $xcbname *x)\n";
240 print OUT "{\n";
241 print OUT " luaL_checktype(L, pos, LUA_TTABLE);\n";
242 foreach my $field (@{$struct->{'field'}}) {
243 my $fn = $field->{'name'};
244 my $type = $luatype{$field->{'type'}};
245 my $checktype = $luachecktype{$field->{'type'}};
246 my $cfn = cname($fn);
247 print OUT " lua_getfield(L, pos, \"$fn\");\n";
248 print OUT " luaL_checktype(L, -1, $checktype);\n";
249 print OUT " x->$cfn = lua_to$type(L, -1);\n";
250 print OUT " lua_pop(L, 1);\n";
252 print OUT "}\n\n";
255 foreach my $union (@{$xcb->{'union'}}) {
256 my $name = $union->{'name'};
257 my $xcbname = mangle($name).'_t';
259 print OUT "static ";
260 print OUT "void push_$name (lua_State *L, const $xcbname *x)\n";
261 print OUT "{\n";
262 print OUT " lua_newtable(L);\n";
263 foreach my $field (@{$union->{'field'}}) {
264 my $fn = $field->{'name'};
265 do_push(1, $field->{'type'}, $fn);
266 print OUT " lua_setfield(L, -2, \"$fn\");\n";
268 if ($union->{'list'}) {
269 foreach my $list (@{$union->{'list'}}) {
270 do_push_list(1, $name, $list->{'type'}, $list->{'name'}, $list->{'value'});
273 print OUT "}\n\n";
277 sub do_typedefs($)
279 my $xcb = shift;
280 foreach my $tdef (@{$xcb->{'typedef'}}) {
281 $xcbtype{$tdef->{'newname'}} = $xcbtype{$tdef->{'oldname'}};
282 $luatype{$tdef->{'newname'}} = $luatype{$tdef->{'oldname'}};
283 $luachecktype{$tdef->{'newname'}} = $luachecktype{$tdef->{'oldname'}};
285 foreach my $tdef (@{$xcb->{'xidtype'}}) {
286 $xcbtype{$tdef->{'name'}} = $xcbtype{'CARD32'};
287 $luatype{$tdef->{'name'}} = $luatype{'CARD32'};
288 $luachecktype{$tdef->{'name'}} = $luachecktype{'CARD32'};
290 foreach my $tdef (@{$xcb->{'xidunion'}}) {
291 $xcbtype{$tdef->{'name'}} = $xcbtype{'CARD32'};
292 $luatype{$tdef->{'name'}} = $luatype{'CARD32'};
293 $luachecktype{$tdef->{'name'}} = $luachecktype{'CARD32'};
297 sub get_vartype($)
299 my $type = shift;
300 return $xcbtype{$type} if (defined ($xcbtype{$type}));
301 return mangle($type)."_t";
304 sub do_get($$$;$)
306 my $index = shift;
307 my $type = shift;
308 my $name = shift;
309 my $indent = shift;
311 $indent = 1 unless (defined($indent));
312 $indent = ' ' x (($indent) * 4);
314 if ($luatype{$type}) {
315 # elemental type
316 print OUT $indent.$name." = lua_to".$luatype{$type}."(L, $index);\n";
317 } else {
318 # complex type
319 print OUT $indent."get_$type(L, $index, &$name);\n";
323 sub do_get_list($$$;$)
325 my $index = shift;
326 my $type = shift;
327 my $name = shift;
328 my $indent;
329 my $autolen = shift;
331 $indent = 1 unless (defined($indent));
332 my $spaces = ' ' x (($indent) * 4);
334 if ($type eq 'char' or $type eq 'void') {
335 # Simple case: String
336 print OUT $spaces.$name." = lua_tostring(L, $index);\n";
337 return;
340 print OUT $spaces."{\n";
341 print OUT "$spaces size_t i, count;\n";
342 print OUT "$spaces int idx = lua_gettop(L) + 1;\n";
343 print OUT "$spaces luaL_checktype(L, $index, LUA_TTABLE);\n";
344 if ($autolen) {
345 print OUT "$spaces ${name}_len = lua_objlen(L, $index);\n";
346 print OUT "$spaces count = ${name}_len;\n";
347 } else {
348 print OUT "$spaces count = lua_objlen(L, $index);\n";
350 print OUT "$spaces $name = malloc(count * sizeof(";
352 if ($xcbtype{$type}) {
353 # elemental type
354 print OUT $xcbtype{$type};
355 } else {
356 # complex type
357 print OUT mangle($type)."_t";
359 print OUT "));\n";
360 print OUT "$spaces for (i=0; i<count; i++) {\n";
361 print OUT "$spaces lua_rawgeti(L, $index, i+1);\n";
362 do_get('idx', $type, $name.'[i]', $indent + 2);
363 print OUT "$spaces lua_pop(L, 1);\n";
364 print OUT "$spaces }\n";
366 print OUT $spaces."}";
369 sub do_requests($\%)
371 my $xcb = shift;
372 my $func = shift;
374 foreach my $req (@{$xcb->{'request'}}) {
375 # Function header
376 print OUT "static int ";
377 print OUT $req->{'name'};
378 print OUT "(lua_State *L)\n{\n";
380 my $cookie = mangle($req->{'name'})."_cookie_t";
382 # Declare variables
383 if (defined($req->{'reply'})) {
384 print OUT " $cookie *cookie;\n";
386 print OUT " xcb_connection_t *c;\n";
387 foreach my $var (@{$req->{'field'}}) {
388 print OUT " ".get_vartype($var->{'type'})." ";
389 print OUT $var->{'name'}.";\n";
391 if (defined($req->{'list'})) {
392 foreach my $var (@{$req->{'list'}}) {
393 if (!defined($var->{'fieldref'}) && !defined($var->{'op'}) && !defined($var->{'value'})) {
394 print OUT " uint32_t ";
395 print OUT $var->{'name'}."_len;\n";
397 print OUT " ".get_vartype($var->{'type'})." *";
398 print OUT $var->{'name'}.";\n";
401 if (defined($req->{'valueparam'})) {
402 foreach my $var (@{$req->{'valueparam'}}) {
403 print OUT " ".get_vartype($var->{'value-mask-type'})." ";
404 print OUT $var->{'value-mask-name'}.";\n";
405 print OUT " uint32_t *".$var->{'value-list-name'}.";\n";
408 print OUT "\n";
410 # Set up userdata
411 if (defined($req->{'reply'})) {
412 print OUT " lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(*cookie));\n";
413 print OUT " luaL_getmetatable(L, \"$cookie\");\n";
414 print OUT " lua_setmetatable(L, -2);\n";
415 print OUT " cookie = ($cookie *)lua_touserdata(L, -1);\n";
416 print OUT " lua_createtable(L, 0, 2);\n";
417 print OUT " lua_pushvalue(L, 1);\n";
418 print OUT " lua_setfield(L, -2, \"display\");\n";
419 print OUT " lua_pushboolean(L, 1);\n";
420 print OUT " lua_setfield(L, -2, \"collect\");\n";
421 print OUT " lua_setfenv(L, -2);\n\n";
424 # Read variables from lua
425 print OUT " c = ((xcb_connection_t **)luaL_checkudata(L, 1, \"XCB.display\"))[0];\n";
426 my $index = 1;
427 foreach my $var (@{$req->{'field'}}) {
428 do_get(++$index, $var->{'type'}, $var->{'name'});
430 if (defined($req->{'list'})) {
431 foreach my $var (@{$req->{'list'}}) {
432 if (!defined($var->{'fieldref'}) && !defined($var->{'op'}) && !defined($var->{'value'})) {
433 # do_get(++$index, 'CARD32', $var->{'name'}."_len");
434 do_get_list(++$index, $var->{'type'}, $var->{'name'}, 1);
435 } else {
436 do_get_list(++$index, $var->{'type'}, $var->{'name'});
440 if (defined($req->{'valueparam'})) {
441 foreach my $var (@{$req->{'valueparam'}}) {
442 do_get(++$index, $var->{'value-mask-type'}, $var->{'value-mask-name'});
443 do_get_list(++$index, 'CARD32', $var->{'value-list-name'});
446 print OUT "\n";
448 # Function call
449 print OUT " ";
450 if (defined($req->{'reply'})) {
451 print OUT "*cookie = ";
453 print OUT mangle($req->{'name'})."(";
454 my $glob = 'c, ';
455 foreach my $var (@{$req->{'field'}}) {
456 $glob .= $var->{'name'};
457 $glob .= ", ";
459 if (defined($req->{'list'})) {
460 foreach my $var (@{$req->{'list'}}) {
461 if (!defined($var->{'fieldref'}) && !defined($var->{'op'}) && !defined($var->{'value'})) {
462 $glob .= $var->{'name'}.'_len';
463 $glob .= ", ";
465 $glob .= $var->{'name'};
466 $glob .= ", ";
469 if (defined($req->{'valueparam'})) {
470 foreach my $var (@{$req->{'valueparam'}}) {
471 $glob .= $var->{'value-mask-name'};
472 $glob .= ", ";
473 $glob .= $var->{'value-list-name'};
474 $glob .= ", ";
477 chop $glob; chop $glob; # removing trailing comma
478 print OUT "$glob);\n\n";
480 # Cleanup
481 if (defined($req->{'list'})) {
482 foreach my $var (@{$req->{'list'}}) {
483 if ($var->{'type'} ne 'char' and $var->{'type'} ne 'void') {
484 print OUT " free(". $var->{'name'}.");\n";
489 if (defined($req->{'valueparam'})) {
490 foreach my $var (@{$req->{'valueparam'}}) {
491 print OUT " free(". $var->{'value-list-name'}.");\n";
495 my $retcount = 0;
496 $retcount = 1 if (defined($req->{'reply'}));
497 print OUT " return $retcount;\n}\n\n";
499 my $manglefunc = mangle($req->{'name'}, 1);
500 $func->{$manglefunc} = $req->{'name'};
504 sub do_events($)
506 my $xcb = shift;
507 my %events;
509 foreach my $event (@{$xcb->{'event'}}) {
510 my $xcbev = mangle($event->{'name'})."_event_t";
511 print OUT "/* This function adds the remaining fields into the table\n that is on the top of the stack */\n";
512 print OUT "static void set_";
513 print OUT $event->{'name'};
514 print OUT "(lua_State *L, xcb_generic_event_t *event)\n{\n";
515 print OUT " $xcbev *x = ($xcbev *)event;\n";
516 foreach my $var (@{$event->{'field'}}) {
517 my $name = $var->{'name'};
518 do_push(1, $var->{'type'}, $name);
519 print OUT " lua_setfield(L, -2, \"$name\");\n";
521 print OUT "}\n\n";
522 $events{$event->{'number'}} = 'set_'.$event->{'name'};
525 foreach my $event (@{$xcb->{'eventcopy'}}) {
526 $events{$event->{'number'}} = 'set_'.$event->{'ref'};
529 print OUT "static void init_events()\n{\n";
530 foreach my $i (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %events) {
531 print OUT " RegisterEvent($i, $events{$i});\n";
533 print OUT "}\n\n";
536 sub do_replies($\%\%)
538 my $xcb = shift;
539 my $func = shift;
540 my $collect = shift;
542 foreach my $req (@{$xcb->{'request'}}) {
543 my $rep = $req->{'reply'};
544 next unless defined($rep);
546 my $name = mangle($req->{'name'});
547 my $cookie = $name."_cookie_t";
549 $collect->{$cookie} = $req->{'name'}."_gc";
551 # Garbage collection function
552 print OUT "static int ";
553 print OUT $req->{'name'}.'_gc';
554 print OUT "(lua_State *L)\n{\n";
555 print OUT " $cookie *cookie = ($cookie *)luaL_checkudata(L, 1, \"$cookie\");\n";
556 print OUT " lua_getfenv(L, 1);\n";
557 print OUT " lua_getfield(L, -1, \"collect\");\n";
558 print OUT " if (lua_toboolean(L, -1)) {\n";
559 print OUT " xcb_connection_t *c;\n";
560 print OUT " xcb_generic_error_t *e = NULL;\n";
561 print OUT " $name"."_reply_t *x = NULL;\n";
562 print OUT " lua_getfield(L, -2, \"display\");\n";
563 print OUT " c = ((xcb_connection_t **)luaL_checkudata(L, -1, \"XCB.display\"))[0];\n\n";
565 print OUT " lua_getfenv(L, -1);\n";
566 print OUT " lua_getfield(L, -1, \"closed\");\n";
567 print OUT " if (!lua_toboolean(L, -1))\n";
568 print OUT " x = $name"."_reply(c, *cookie, &e);\n\n";
570 print OUT " if (x) free(x);\n";
571 # TODO: Needs a way to report errors in GC'd replies
572 print OUT " if (e) free(e);\n";
573 print OUT " }\n";
574 print OUT " return 0;\n";
575 print OUT "}\n\n";
577 # Function header
578 print OUT "static int ";
579 print OUT $req->{'name'}.'_reply';
580 print OUT "(lua_State *L)\n{\n";
582 # Declare variables
583 print OUT " xcb_connection_t *c;\n";
584 print OUT " xcb_generic_error_t *e = NULL;\n";
585 print OUT " $name"."_reply_t *x;\n";
586 print OUT " $cookie *cookie;\n";
587 print OUT "\n";
589 # Read variables from lua
590 print OUT " c = ((xcb_connection_t **)luaL_checkudata(L, 1, \"XCB.display\"))[0];\n";
591 print OUT " lua_getfenv(L, 1);\n";
592 print OUT " lua_getfield(L, -1, \"closed\");\n";
593 print OUT " if (lua_toboolean(L, -1))\n";
594 print OUT " luaL_error(L, \"Error: already disconnected\");\n";
595 print OUT " lua_pop(L, 2);\n\n";
597 print OUT " cookie = ($cookie *)luaL_checkudata(L, 2, \"$cookie\");\n";
598 print OUT "\n";
600 # Function call
601 print OUT " x = $name"."_reply(c, *cookie, &e);\n\n";
603 # Mark reply as not collectable
604 print OUT " lua_getfenv(L, 2);\n";
605 print OUT " lua_getfield(L, -1, \"collect\");\n";
606 print OUT " if (!lua_toboolean(L, -1)) {\n";
607 print OUT " luaL_error(L, \"Error: Attempted to wait for the same %s cookie twice\", \"$name\");\n";
608 print OUT " }\n";
609 print OUT " lua_pushboolean(L, 0);\n";
610 print OUT " lua_setfield(L, -3, \"collect\");\n";
611 print OUT " lua_pop(L, 2);\n\n";
613 # Push reply to lua
614 print OUT " if (x) {\n";
615 print OUT " lua_newtable(L);\n";
616 foreach my $var (@{$rep->[0]->{'field'}}) {
617 my $name = $var->{'name'};
618 do_push(2, $var->{'type'}, $name);
619 print OUT " lua_setfield(L, -2, \"$name\");\n";
621 if (defined $rep->[0]->{'list'}) {
622 foreach my $list (@{$rep->[0]->{'list'}}) {
623 do_push_list(2, $req->{'name'}, $list->{'type'}, $list->{'name'}, $list->{'value'});
627 print OUT " free(x);\n";
628 print OUT " } else\n";
629 print OUT " lua_pushnil(L);\n\n";
631 print OUT " if (e) {\n";
632 print OUT " push_ERROR(L, e);\n";
633 print OUT " free(e);\n";
634 print OUT " } else\n";
635 print OUT " lua_pushnil(L);\n\n";
637 print OUT " return 2;\n}\n\n";
639 my $manglefunc = mangle($req->{'name'}, 1);
640 $func->{$manglefunc.'_reply'} = $req->{'name'}.'_reply';
644 sub do_enums($)
646 my $xcb = shift;
648 print OUT "/* This function adds enums into the table that is on the top of the stack */\n";
649 print OUT "static void set_enums(lua_State *L)\n{\n";
651 foreach my $enum (@{$xcb->{'enum'}}) {
652 print OUT " lua_newtable(L);\n";
653 foreach my $item (@{$enum->{'item'}}) {
654 my $value = $item->{'value'};
655 my $bit = $item->{'bit'};
656 if ($value) {
657 print OUT " lua_pushinteger(L, $value->[0]);\n";
658 } elsif ($bit) {
659 print OUT " lua_pushinteger(L, 1u << $bit->[0]);\n";
660 } else {
661 die ("Unexpected enum type on ".$item->{'name'}."\n");
664 my $name = mangle($item->{'name'}, 1);
665 $name = uc($name);
666 print OUT " lua_setfield(L, -2, \"$name\");\n";
668 my $name = mangle($enum->{'name'}, 1);
669 $name = uc($name);
670 print OUT " lua_setfield(L, -2, \"$name\");\n";
673 # Events
674 print OUT "\n lua_newtable(L);\n";
675 foreach my $event (@{$xcb->{'event'}}) {
676 my $name = $event->{'name'};
677 my $number = $event->{'number'};
678 print OUT " lua_pushinteger(L, $number);\n";
679 print OUT " lua_setfield(L, -2, \"$name\");\n";
682 foreach my $event (@{$xcb->{'eventcopy'}}) {
683 my $name = $event->{'name'};
684 my $number = $event->{'number'};
685 print OUT " lua_pushinteger(L, $number);\n";
686 print OUT " lua_setfield(L, -2, \"$name\");\n";
688 print OUT " lua_setfield(L, -2, \"event\");\n";
690 # Errors
691 print OUT "\n lua_newtable(L);\n";
692 foreach my $error (@{$xcb->{'error'}}) {
693 my $name = $error->{'name'};
694 my $number = $error->{'number'};
695 print OUT " lua_pushinteger(L, $number);\n";
696 print OUT " lua_setfield(L, -2, \"$name\");\n";
699 foreach my $error (@{$xcb->{'errorcopy'}}) {
700 my $name = $error->{'name'};
701 my $number = $error->{'number'};
702 print OUT " lua_pushinteger(L, $number);\n";
703 print OUT " lua_setfield(L, -2, \"$name\");\n";
705 print OUT " lua_setfield(L, -2, \"error\");\n";
707 print OUT "}\n\n";
710 sub do_gcs($\%)
712 my $xcb = shift;
713 my $collect = shift;
715 print OUT "static void init_gcs(lua_State *L)\n{\n";
716 foreach my $cookie (keys(%$collect)) {
717 my $func = $collect->{$cookie};
718 print OUT " luaL_newmetatable(L, \"$cookie\");\n";
719 print OUT " lua_pushcfunction(L, $func);\n";
720 print OUT " lua_setfield(L, -2, \"__gc\");\n";
721 print OUT " lua_pop(L, 1);\n";
723 print OUT "}\n\n";
726 sub do_init($\%)
728 my $xcb = shift;
729 my $func = shift;
731 print OUT "/* This function adds function calls into the table\n that is on the top of the stack */\n";
732 print OUT "void init_".$xcb->{'header'}."(lua_State *L)\n{\n";
733 print OUT " init_events(L);\n";
734 print OUT " init_gcs(L);\n";
735 print OUT " set_enums(L);\n";
736 foreach my $name (keys %{$func}) {
737 my $funcname = $func->{$name};
738 print OUT " lua_pushcfunction(L, $funcname);\n";
739 print OUT " lua_setfield(L, -2, \"$name\");\n";
741 print OUT "}\n";
745 my @files;
747 opendir(DIR, '.');
748 @files = grep { /\.xml$/ } readdir(DIR);
749 closedir DIR;
751 foreach my $name (@files) {
752 $name =~ s/\.xml$//;
754 my $xcb = XMLin("$name.xml", KeyAttr => undef, ForceArray => 1);
756 open(OUT, ">$name.c") or die ("Cannot open $name.c for writing");
758 print OUT <<eot
760 * This file generated automatically from $name.xml by
761 * Edit at your peril.
764 #include <string.h>
765 #include <stdlib.h>
767 #include <lua5.1/lua.h>
768 #include <lua5.1/lauxlib.h>
770 #include <xcb/xcb.h>
771 #include <xcb/xcbext.h>
772 #include <xcb/$name.h>
774 typedef void (*eventFunc)(lua_State *L, xcb_generic_event_t *);
775 extern void RegisterEvent(int index, eventFunc func);
777 void push_ERROR(lua_State *L, xcb_generic_error_t *e)
779 xcb_value_error_t *ve = (xcb_value_error_t *)e;
780 lua_newtable(L);
782 lua_pushinteger(L, ve->response_type);
783 lua_setfield(L, -2, "response_type");
784 lua_pushinteger(L, ve->error_code);
785 lua_setfield(L, -2, "error_code");
786 lua_pushinteger(L, ve->sequence);
787 lua_setfield(L, -2, "sequence");
788 lua_pushinteger(L, ve->bad_value);
789 lua_setfield(L, -2, "bad_value");
790 lua_pushinteger(L, ve->minor_opcode);
791 lua_setfield(L, -2, "minor_opcode");
792 lua_pushinteger(L, ve->major_opcode);
793 lua_setfield(L, -2, "major_opcode");
795 lua_pushinteger(L, e->full_sequence);
796 lua_setfield(L, -2, "full_sequence");
802 my %functions;
803 my %collectors;
804 do_typedefs($xcb);
805 do_structs($xcb);
806 do_events($xcb);
807 do_requests($xcb, %functions);
808 do_replies($xcb, %functions, %collectors);
809 do_enums($xcb);
810 do_gcs($xcb, %collectors);
811 do_init($xcb, %functions);
812 close OUT;