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[luatex.git] / manual / luatex-backend.tex
1 % language=uk
3 \environment luatex-style
4 \environment luatex-logos
6 \startcomponent luatex-backend
8 \startchapter[reference=backend,title={The backend libraries}]
10 \section{The \type {pdf} library}
12 This library contains variables and functions that are related to the \PDF\
13 backend. You can find more details about the expected values to setters in \in
14 {section} [backendprimitives].
16 \subsection{\type {mapfile}, \type {mapline}}
18 \startfunctioncall
19 pdf.mapfile(<string> map file)
20 pdf.mapline(<string> map line)
21 \stopfunctioncall
23 These two functions can be used to replace primitives \type {\pdfmapfile} and
24 \type {\pdfmapline} inherited from \PDFTEX. They expect a string as only
25 parameter and have no return value. The first character in a map line can be
26 \type {-}, \type {+} or \type {=} which means as much as remove, add or replace
27 this line.
29 \subsection {\type {[set|get][catalog|info|names|trailer]}}
31 These functions complement the corresponding \PDF\ backend token lists dealing
32 with metadata. The value types are strings and they are written out to the \PDF\
33 file directly after the token registers.
35 \subsection {\type {[set|get][pageattributes|pageresources|pagesattributes]}}
37 These functions complement the corresponding \PDF\ backend token lists dealing
38 with page resources. The variables have no interaction with the corresponding \PDF\
39 backend token register. They are written out to the \PDF\ file directly after the
40 token registers.
42 \subsection{\type {[set|get][xformattributes|xformresources]}}
44 These functions complement the corresponding \PDF\ backend token lists dealing
45 with reuseable boxes and images. The variables have no interaction with the
46 corresponding \PDF\ backend token register. They are written out to the \PDF\
47 file directly after the token registers.
49 \subsection{\type {getversion} and \type {[set|get]minorversion}}
51 The version is frozen in the binary but you can set the minor version. What minor
52 version you set depends on what \PDF\ features you use. This is out of control
53 of \LUATEX.
55 \subsection{\type {[set|get]inclusionerrorlevel}, \type {[set|get]ignoreunknownimages}}
57 These variable control how error in included image are treated. They are modeled
58 after the \PDFTEX\ equivalents.
60 \subsection{\type {[set|get]suppressoptionalinfo}}
62 This bitset determnines what kind of info gets flushes. By default we flush all.
64 \subsection{\type {[set|get]trailerid}}
66 You can set your own trailer id. This has to be a valid array string
67 with checksums.
69 \subsection{\type {[set|get]compresslevel}}
71 These two functions set the level of compression. The minimum value is~0,
72 the maximum is~9.
74 \subsection{\type {[set|get]objcompresslevel}}
76 These two functions set the level of compression. The minimum value is~0,
77 the maximum is~9.
79 \subsection{\type {[set|get]decimaldigits}}
81 These two functions set the accuracy of floats written to the \PDF file. You can
82 set any value but the backend will not go below~3 and above~6.
84 \subsection{\type {[set|get]pkresolution}}
86 These setter takes two arguments: the resolution and an optional zero or one that
87 indicates if this is a fixed one. The getter returns these two values.
89 \subsection{\type {getlast[obj|link|annot]} and \type {getretval}}
91 These status variables are similar to the ones traditionally used in the backend
92 interface at the \TEX\ end.
94 \subsection{\type {maxobjnum} and \type {objtype}, \type {fontname}, \type {fontobjnum},
95 \type {fontsize}, \type {xformname}}.
97 These (and some other) introspective helpers were moved from the the \type {tex}
98 namespace to the \type {pdf} namespace but kept their original names. They are
99 mostly used when you construct \PDF\ objects yourself and need for instance
100 information about a (to be) embedded font.
102 \subsection{\type {[set|get]origin}}
104 This one is used to set the horizonal and|/|or vertical offset, a traditional
105 backend property.
107 \starttyping
108 pdf.setorigin() -- sets both to 0pt
109 pdf.setorigin(tex.sp("1in")) -- sets both to 1in
110 pdf.setorigin(tex.sp("1in"),tex.sp("1in"))
111 \stoptyping
113 The counterpart of this function returns two values.
115 \subsection {\type {[set|get][link|dest|thread|xform]margin}}
117 These functions can be used to set and retrieve the margins that are added to the
118 natural bounding boxes of the respective objects.
120 \subsection {\type {get[pos|hpos|vpos]}}
122 These function get current location on the output page, measured from its lower
123 left corner. The values return scaled points as units.
125 \starttyping
126 local h, v = pdf.getpos()
127 \stoptyping
129 \subsection {\type {[has|get]matrix}}
131 The current matrix transformation is available via the \type {getmatrix} command,
132 which returns 6 values: \type {sx}, \type {rx}, \type {ry}, \type {sy}, \type
133 {tx}, and \type {ty}. The \type {hasmatrix} function returns \type {true} when a
134 matrix is applied.
136 \starttyping
137 if pdf.hasmatrix() then
138 local sx, rx, ry, sy, tx, ty = pdf.getmatrix()
139 -- do something useful or not
141 \stoptyping
143 \subsection {\type {print}}
145 You can print string to the \PDF\ document from within a within a \type
146 {\latelua} call. This function is not to be used inside \type {\directlua} unless
147 you know {\it exactly} what you are doing.
149 \startfunctioncall
150 pdf.print(<string> s)
151 pdf.print(<string> type, <string> s)
152 \stopfunctioncall
154 The optional parameter can be used to mimic the behavior of \PDF\ literals: the
155 \type {type} is \type {direct} or \type {page}.
157 \subsection {\type {immediateobj}}
159 This function creates a \PDF\ object and immediately writes it to the \PDF\ file.
160 It is modelled after \PDFTEX's \type {\immediate} \type {\pdfobj} primitives. All
161 function variants return the object number of the newly generated object.
163 \startfunctioncall
164 <number> n =
165 pdf.immediateobj(<string> objtext)
166 <number> n =
167 pdf.immediateobj("file", <string> filename)
168 <number> n =
169 pdf.immediateobj("stream", <string> streamtext, <string> attrtext)
170 <number> n =
171 pdf.immediateobj("streamfile", <string> filename, <string> attrtext)
172 \stopfunctioncall
174 The first version puts the \type {objtext} raw into an object. Only the object
175 wrapper is automatically generated, but any internal structure (like \type {<<
176 >>} dictionary markers) needs to provided by the user. The second version with
177 keyword \type {file} as first argument puts the contents of the file with name
178 \type {filename} raw into the object. The third version with keyword \type
179 {stream} creates a stream object and puts the \type {streamtext} raw into the
180 stream. The stream length is automatically calculated. The optional \type
181 {attrtext} goes into the dictionary of that object. The fourth version with
182 keyword \type {streamfile} does the same as the third one, it just reads the
183 stream data raw from a file.
185 An optional first argument can be given to make the function use a previously
186 reserved \PDF\ object.
188 \startfunctioncall
189 <number> n =
190 pdf.immediateobj(<integer> n, <string> objtext)
191 <number> n =
192 pdf.immediateobj(<integer> n, "file", <string> filename)
193 <number> n =
194 pdf.immediateobj(<integer> n, "stream", <string> streamtext, <string> attrtext)
195 <number> n =
196 pdf.immediateobj(<integer> n, "streamfile", <string> filename, <string> attrtext)
197 \stopfunctioncall
199 \subsection{\type{obj}}
201 This function creates a \PDF\ object, which is written to the \PDF\ file only
202 when referenced, e.g., by \type {refobj()}.
204 All function variants return the object number of the newly generated object, and
205 there are two separate calling modes. The first mode is modelled after \PDFTEX's
206 \type {\pdfobj} primitive.
208 \startfunctioncall
209 <number> n =
210 pdf.obj(<string> objtext)
211 <number> n =
212 pdf.obj("file", <string> filename)
213 <number> n =
214 pdf.obj("stream", <string> streamtext, <string> attrtext)
215 <number> n =
216 pdf.obj("streamfile", <string> filename, <string> attrtext)
217 \stopfunctioncall
219 An optional first argument can be given to make the function use a previously
220 reserved \PDF\ object.
222 \startfunctioncall
223 <number> n =
224 pdf.obj(<integer> n, <string> objtext)
225 <number> n =
226 pdf.obj(<integer> n, "file", <string> filename)
227 <number> n =
228 pdf.obj(<integer> n, "stream", <string> streamtext, <string> attrtext)
229 <number> n =
230 pdf.obj(<integer> n, "streamfile", <string> filename, <string> attrtext)
231 \stopfunctioncall
233 The second mode accepts a single argument table with key--value pairs.
235 \startfunctioncall
236 <number> n = pdf.obj {
237 type = <string>,
238 immmediate = <boolean>,
239 objnum = <number>,
240 attr = <string>,
241 compresslevel = <number>,
242 objcompression = <boolean>,
243 file = <string>,
244 string = <string>
246 \stopfunctioncall
248 The \type {type} field can have the values \type {raw} and \type {stream}, this
249 field is required, the others are optional (within constraints).
251 Note: this mode makes \type{obj} look more flexible than it actually is: the
252 constraints from the separate parameter version still apply, so for example you
253 can't have both \type {string} and \type {file} at the same time.
255 \subsection {\type {refobj}}
257 This function, the \LUA\ version of the \type {\pdfrefobj} primitive, references an
258 object by its object number, so that the object will be written out.
260 \startfunctioncall
261 pdf.refobj(<integer> n)
262 \stopfunctioncall
264 This function works in both the \type {\directlua} and \type {\latelua} environment.
265 Inside \type {\directlua} a new whatsit node \quote {pdf_refobj} is created, which
266 will be marked for flushing during page output and the object is then written
267 directly after the page, when also the resources objects are written out. Inside
268 \type {\latelua} the object will be marked for flushing.
270 This function has no return values.
272 \subsection {\type {reserveobj}}
274 This function creates an empty \PDF\ object and returns its number.
276 \startfunctioncall
277 <number> n = pdf.reserveobj()
278 <number> n = pdf.reserveobj("annot")
279 \stopfunctioncall
281 \subsection {\type {registerannot}}
283 This function adds an object number to the \type {/Annots} array for the current
284 page without doing anything else. This function can only be used from within
285 \type {\latelua}.
287 \startfunctioncall
288 pdf.registerannot (<number> objnum)
289 \stopfunctioncall
291 \subsection {\type {newcolorstack}}
293 This function allocates a new color stack and returns it's id. The arguments
294 are the same as for the similar backend extension primitive.
296 \startfunctioncall
297 pdf.newcolorstack("0 g","page",true) -- page|direct|origin
298 \stopfunctioncall
300 \section {The \type {pdfscanner} library}
302 The \type {pdfscanner} library allows interpretation of \PDF\ content streams and
303 \type {/ToUnicode} (cmap) streams. You can get those streams from the \type
304 {epdf} library, as explained in an earlier section. There is only a single
305 top|-|level function in this library:
307 \startfunctioncall
308 pdfscanner.scan (<Object> stream, <table> operatortable, <table> info)
309 \stopfunctioncall
311 The first argument, \type {stream}, should be either a \PDF\ stream object, or a
312 \PDF\ array of \PDF\ stream objects (those options comprise the possible return
313 values of \type {<Page>:getContents()} and \type {<Object>:getStream()} in the
314 \type {epdf} library).
316 The second argument, \type {operatortable}, should be a \LUA\ table where the
317 keys are \PDF\ operator name strings and the values are \LUA\ functions (defined
318 by you) that are used to process those operators. The functions are called
319 whenever the scanner finds one of these \PDF\ operators in the content stream(s).
320 The functions are called with two arguments: the \type {scanner} object itself,
321 and the \type {info} table that was passed are the third argument to \type
322 {pdfscanner.scan}.
324 Internally, \type {pdfscanner.scan} loops over the \PDF\ operators in the
325 stream(s), collecting operands on an internal stack until it finds a \PDF\
326 operator. If that \PDF\ operator's name exists in \type {operatortable}, then the
327 associated function is executed. After the function has run (or when there is no
328 function to execute) the internal operand stack is cleared in preparation for the
329 next operator, and processing continues.
331 The \type {scanner} argument to the processing functions is needed because it
332 offers various methods to get the actual operands from the internal operand
333 stack.
335 A simple example of processing a \PDF's document stream could look like this:
337 \starttyping
338 function Do (scanner, info)
339 local val = scanner:pop()
340 local name = val[2] -- val[1] == 'name'
341 local resources = info.resources
342 local xobject = resources:lookup("XObject"):getDict():lookup(name)
343 print ( ..'Use XObject '.. name)
344 if xobject and xobject:isStream() then
345 local dict = xobject:getStream():getDict()
346 if dict then
347 local name = dict:lookup("Subtype")
348 if name:getName() == "Form" then
349 local newinfo = {
350 space = .. " " ,
351 resources = dict:lookup("Resources"):getDict()
353 pdfscanner.scan(xobject, operatortable, newinfo)
359 operatortable = { Do = Do }
361 doc =[1])
362 pagenum = 1
364 while pagenum <= doc:getNumPages() do
365 local page = doc:getCatalog():getPage(pagenum)
366 local info = {
367 space = " " ,
368 resources = page:getResourceDict()
370 print('Page ' .. pagenum)
371 pdfscanner.scan(page:getContents(), operatortable, info)
372 pagenum = pagenum + 1
374 \stoptyping
376 This example iterates over all the actual content in the \PDF, and prints out the
377 found \type {XObject} names. While the code demonstrates quite some of the \type
378 {epdf} functions, let's focus on the type \type {pdfscanner} specific code
379 instead.
381 From the bottom up, the following line runs the scanner with the \PDF\ page's
382 top-level content.
384 \starttyping
385 pdfscanner.scan(page:getContents(), operatortable, info)
386 \stoptyping
388 The third argument, \type {info}, contains two entries: \type {space} is used to
389 indent the printed output, and \type {resources} is needed so that embedded \type
390 {XForms} can find their own content.
392 The second argument, \type {operatortable} defines a processing function for a
393 single \PDF\ operator, \type {Do}.
395 The function \type {Do} prints the name of the current \type {XObject}, and then
396 starts a new scanner for that object's content stream, under the condition that
397 the \type {XObject} is in fact a \type {/Form}. That nested scanner is called
398 with new \type {info} argument with an updated \type {space} value so that the
399 indentation of the output nicely nests, and with an new \type {resources} field
400 to help the next iteration down to properly process any other, embedded \type
401 {XObject}s.
403 Of course, this is not a very useful example in practise, but for the purpose of
404 demonstrating \type {pdfscanner}, it is just long enough. It makes use of only
405 one \type {scanner} method: \type {scanner:pop()}. That function pops the top
406 operand of the internal stack, and returns a \LUA\ table where the object at index
407 one is a string representing the type of the operand, and object two is its
408 value.
410 The list of possible operand types and associated \LUA\ value types is:
412 \starttabulate[|lT|p|]
413 \NC integer \NC <number> \NC \NR
414 \NC real \NC <number> \NC \NR
415 \NC boolean \NC <boolean> \NC \NR
416 \NC name \NC <string> \NC \NR
417 \NC operator \NC <string> \NC \NR
418 \NC string \NC <string> \NC \NR
419 \NC array \NC <table> \NC \NR
420 \NC dict \NC <table> \NC \NR
421 \stoptabulate
423 In case of \type {integer} or \type {real}, the value is always a \LUA\ (floating
424 point) number.
426 In case of \type {name}, the leading slash is always stripped.
428 In case of \type {string}, please bear in mind that \PDF\ actually supports
429 different types of strings (with different encodings) in different parts of the
430 \PDF\ document, so may need to reencode some of the results; \type {pdfscanner}
431 always outputs the byte stream without reencoding anything. \type {pdfscanner}
432 does not differentiate between literal strings and hexadecimal strings (the
433 hexadecimal values are decoded), and it treats the stream data for inline images
434 as a string that is the single operand for \type {EI}.
436 In case of \type {array}, the table content is a list of \type {pop} return
437 values and in case of \type {dict}, the table keys are \PDF\ name strings and the
438 values are \type {pop} return values.
440 \blank
442 There are few more methods defined that you can ask \type {scanner}:
444 \starttabulate[|lT|p|]
445 \NC pop \NC as explained above \NC \NR
446 \NC popNumber \NC return only the value of a \type {real} or \type {integer} \NC \NR
447 \NC popName \NC return only the value of a \type {name} \NC \NR
448 \NC popString \NC return only the value of a \type {string} \NC \NR
449 \NC popArray \NC return only the value of a \type {array} \NC \NR
450 \NC popDict \NC return only the value of a \type {dict} \NC \NR
451 \NC popBool \NC return only the value of a \type {boolean} \NC \NR
452 \NC done \NC abort further processing of this \type {scan()} call \NC \NR
453 \stoptabulate
455 The \type {popXXX} are convenience functions, and come in handy when you know the
456 type of the operands beforehand (which you usually do, in \PDF). For example, the
457 \type {Do} function could have used \type {local name = scanner:popName()}
458 instead, because the single operand to the \type {Do} operator is always a \PDF\
459 name object.
461 The \type {done} function allows you to abort processing of a stream once you
462 have learned everything you want to learn. This comes in handy while parsing
463 \type {/ToUnicode}, because there usually is trailing garbage that you are not
464 interested in. Without \type {done}, processing only end at the end of the
465 stream, possibly wasting \CPU\ cycles.
467 \section{The \type {epdf} library}
469 The \type {epdf} library provides \LUA\ bindings to many \PDF\ access functions
470 that are defined by the poppler \PDF\ viewer library (written in C$+{}+$ by
471 Kristian H\o gsberg, based on xpdf by Derek Noonburg). Within \LUATEX\ xpdf
472 functionality is being used since long time to embed \PDF\ files. The \type
473 {epdf} library allows to scrutinize an external \PDF\ file. It gives access to
474 its document structure: catalog, cross|-|reference table, individual pages,
475 objects, annotations, info, and metadata. The \type {epdf} library only provides
476 read|-|only acess. At some point we might decide to limit the interface to a
477 reasonable subset.
479 For a start, a \PDF\ file is opened by \type {} with file name, e.g.:
481 \starttyping
482 doc ="foo.pdf")
483 \stoptyping
485 This normally returns a \type {PDFDoc} userdata variable; but if the file could
486 not be opened successfully, instead of a fatal error just the value \type {nil} is
487 returned.
489 All \LUA\ functions in the \type {epdf} library are named after the poppler
490 functions listed in the poppler header files for the various classes, e.g., files
491 \type {PDFDoc.h}, \type {Dict.h}, and \type {Array.h}. These files can be found
492 in the poppler subdirectory within the \LUATEX\ sources. Which functions are
493 already implemented in the \type {epdf} library can be found in the \LUATEX\
494 source file \type {}. For using the \type {epdf} library, knowledge of
495 the \PDF\ file architecture is indispensable.
497 There are many different userdata types defined by the \type {epdf} library,
498 currently these are \type {AnnotBorderStyle}, \type {AnnotBorder}, \type
499 {Annots}, \type {Annot}, \type {Array}, \type {Attribute}, \type {Catalog}, \type
500 {Dict}, \type {EmbFile}, \type {GString}, \type {LinkDest}, \type {Links}, \type
501 {Link}, \type {ObjectStream}, \type {Object}, \type {PDFDoc}, \type
502 {PDFRectangle}, \type {Page}, \type {Ref}, \type {Stream}, \type {StructElement},
503 \type {StructTreeRoot} \type {TextSpan}, \type {XRefEntry} and \type {XRef}.
505 All these userdata names and the \LUA\ access functions closely resemble the
506 classes naming from the poppler header files, including the choice of mixed upper
507 and lower case letters. The \LUA\ function calls use object|-|oriented syntax,
508 e.g., the following calls return the \type {Page} object for page~1:
510 \starttyping
511 pageref = doc:getCatalog():getPageRef(1)
512 pageobj = doc:getXRef():fetch(pageref.num, pageref.gen)
513 \stoptyping
515 But writing such chained calls is risky, as an intermediate function may return
516 \type {nil} on error. Therefore between function calls there should be \LUA\ type
517 checks (e.g., against \type {nil}) done. If a non|-|object item is requested (for
518 instance a \type {Dict} item by calling \type {page:getPieceInfo()}, cf.~\type
519 {Page.h}) but not available, the \LUA\ functions return \type {nil} (without
520 error). If a function should return an \type {Object}, but it's not existing, a
521 \type {Null} object is returned instead, also without error. This is in|-|line
522 with poppler behavior.
524 All library objects have a \type {__gc} metamethod for garbage collection. The
525 \type {__tostring} metamethod gives the type name for each object.
527 These are the object constructors:
529 \startfunctioncall
530 <PDFDoc> =<string> PDF filename)
531 <Annot> = epdf.Annot(<XRef>, <Dict>, <Catalog>, <Ref>)
532 <Annots> = epdf.Annots(<XRef>, <Catalog>, <Object>)
533 <Array> = epdf.Array(<XRef>)
534 <Attribute> = epdf.Attribute(<Type>,<Object>)| epdf.Attribute(<string>, <int>, <Object>)
535 <Dict> = epdf.Dict(<XRef>)
536 <Object> = epdf.Object()
537 <PDFRectangle> = epdf.PDFRectangle()
538 \stopfunctioncall
540 The functions \type {StructElement_Type}, \type {Attribute_Type} and \type
541 {AttributeOwner_Type} return a hash table \type {{<string>,<integer>}}.
543 \type {Annot} methods:
545 \startfunctioncall
546 <boolean> = <Annot>:isOK()
547 <Object> = <Annot>:getAppearance()
548 <AnnotBorder> = <Annot>:getBorder()
549 <boolean> = <Annot>:match(<Ref>)
550 \stopfunctioncall
552 \type {AnnotBorderStyle} methods:
554 \startfunctioncall
555 <number> = <AnnotBorderStyle>:getWidth()
556 \stopfunctioncall
558 \type {Annots} methods:
560 \startfunctioncall
561 <integer> = <Annots>:getNumAnnots()
562 <Annot> = <Annots>:getAnnot(<integer>)
563 \stopfunctioncall
565 \type {Array} methods:
567 \startfunctioncall
568 <Array>:incRef()
569 <Array>:decRef()
570 <integer> = <Array>:getLength()
571 <Array>:add(<Object>)
572 <Object> = <Array>:get(<integer>)
573 <Object> = <Array>:getNF(<integer>)
574 <string> = <Array>:getString(<integer>)
575 \stopfunctioncall
577 \type {Attribute} methods:
579 \startfunctioncall
580 <boolean> = <Attribute>:isOk()
581 <integer> = <Attribute>:getType()
582 <integer> = <Attribute>:getOwner()
583 <string> = <Attribute>:getTypeName()
584 <string> = <Attribute>:getOwnerName()
585 <Object> = <Attribute>:getValue()
586 <Object> = <Attribute>:getDefaultValue
587 <string> = <Attribute>:getName()
588 <integer> = <Attribute>:getRevision()
589 <Attribute>:setRevision(<unsigned integer>)
590 <boolean> = <Attribute>:istHidden()
591 <Attribute>:setHidden(<boolean>)
592 <string> = <Attribute>:getFormattedValue()
593 <string> = <Attribute>:setFormattedValue(<string>)
594 \stopfunctioncall
596 \type {Catalog} methods:
598 \startfunctioncall
599 <boolean> = <Catalog>:isOK()
600 <integer> = <Catalog>:getNumPages()
601 <Page> = <Catalog>:getPage(<integer>)
602 <Ref> = <Catalog>:getPageRef(<integer>)
603 <string> = <Catalog>:getBaseURI()
604 <string> = <Catalog>:readMetadata()
605 <Object> = <Catalog>:getStructTreeRoot()
606 <integer> = <Catalog>:findPage(<integer> object number, <integer> object generation)
607 <LinkDest> = <Catalog>:findDest(<string> name)
608 <Object> = <Catalog>:getDests()
609 <integer> = <Catalog>:numEmbeddedFiles()
610 <EmbFile> = <Catalog>:embeddedFile(<integer>)
611 <integer> = <Catalog>:numJS()
612 <string> = <Catalog>:getJS(<integer>)
613 <Object> = <Catalog>:getOutline()
614 <Object> = <Catalog>:getAcroForm()
615 \stopfunctioncall
617 \type {EmbFile} methods:
619 \startfunctioncall
620 <string> = <EmbFile>:name()
621 <string> = <EmbFile>:description()
622 <integer> = <EmbFile>:size()
623 <string> = <EmbFile>:modDate()
624 <string> = <EmbFile>:createDate()
625 <string> = <EmbFile>:checksum()
626 <string> = <EmbFile>:mimeType()
627 <Object> = <EmbFile>:streamObject()
628 <boolean> = <EmbFile>:isOk()
629 \stopfunctioncall
631 \type {Dict} methods:
633 \startfunctioncall
634 <Dict>:incRef()
635 <Dict>:decRef()
636 <integer> = <Dict>:getLength()
637 <Dict>:add(<string>, <Object>)
638 <Dict>:set(<string>, <Object>)
639 <Dict>:remove(<string>)
640 <boolean> = <Dict>:is(<string>)
641 <Object> = <Dict>:lookup(<string>)
642 <Object> = <Dict>:lookupNF(<string>)
643 <integer> = <Dict>:lookupInt(<string>, <string>)
644 <string> = <Dict>:getKey(<integer>)
645 <Object> = <Dict>:getVal(<integer>)
646 <Object> = <Dict>:getValNF(<integer>)
647 <boolean> = <Dict>:hasKey(<string>)
648 \stopfunctioncall
650 \type {Link} methods:
652 \startfunctioncall
653 <boolean> = <Link>:isOK()
654 <boolean> = <Link>:inRect(<number>, <number>)
655 \stopfunctioncall
657 \type {LinkDest} methods:
659 \startfunctioncall
660 <boolean> = <LinkDest>:isOK()
661 <integer> = <LinkDest>:getKind()
662 <string> = <LinkDest>:getKindName()
663 <boolean> = <LinkDest>:isPageRef()
664 <integer> = <LinkDest>:getPageNum()
665 <Ref> = <LinkDest>:getPageRef()
666 <number> = <LinkDest>:getLeft()
667 <number> = <LinkDest>:getBottom()
668 <number> = <LinkDest>:getRight()
669 <number> = <LinkDest>:getTop()
670 <number> = <LinkDest>:getZoom()
671 <boolean> = <LinkDest>:getChangeLeft()
672 <boolean> = <LinkDest>:getChangeTop()
673 <boolean> = <LinkDest>:getChangeZoom()
674 \stopfunctioncall
676 \type {Links} methods:
678 \startfunctioncall
679 <integer> = <Links>:getNumLinks()
680 <Link> = <Links>:getLink(<integer>)
681 \stopfunctioncall
683 \type {Object} methods:
685 \startfunctioncall
686 <Object>:initBool(<boolean>)
687 <Object>:initInt(<integer>)
688 <Object>:initReal(<number>)
689 <Object>:initString(<string>)
690 <Object>:initName(<string>)
691 <Object>:initNull()
692 <Object>:initArray(<XRef>)
693 <Object>:initDict(<XRef>)
694 <Object>:initStream(<Stream>)
695 <Object>:initRef(<integer> object number, <integer> object generation)
696 <Object>:initCmd(<string>)
697 <Object>:initError()
698 <Object>:initEOF()
699 <Object> = <Object>:fetch(<XRef>)
700 <integer> = <Object>:getType()
701 <string> = <Object>:getTypeName()
702 <boolean> = <Object>:isBool()
703 <boolean> = <Object>:isInt()
704 <boolean> = <Object>:isReal()
705 <boolean> = <Object>:isNum()
706 <boolean> = <Object>:isString()
707 <boolean> = <Object>:isName()
708 <boolean> = <Object>:isNull()
709 <boolean> = <Object>:isArray()
710 <boolean> = <Object>:isDict()
711 <boolean> = <Object>:isStream()
712 <boolean> = <Object>:isRef()
713 <boolean> = <Object>:isCmd()
714 <boolean> = <Object>:isError()
715 <boolean> = <Object>:isEOF()
716 <boolean> = <Object>:isNone()
717 <boolean> = <Object>:getBool()
718 <integer> = <Object>:getInt()
719 <number> = <Object>:getReal()
720 <number> = <Object>:getNum()
721 <string> = <Object>:getString()
722 <string> = <Object>:getName()
723 <Array> = <Object>:getArray()
724 <Dict> = <Object>:getDict()
725 <Stream> = <Object>:getStream()
726 <Ref> = <Object>:getRef()
727 <integer> = <Object>:getRefNum()
728 <integer> = <Object>:getRefGen()
729 <string> = <Object>:getCmd()
730 <integer> = <Object>:arrayGetLength()
731 = <Object>:arrayAdd(<Object>)
732 <Object> = <Object>:arrayGet(<integer>)
733 <Object> = <Object>:arrayGetNF(<integer>)
734 <integer> = <Object>:dictGetLength(<integer>)
735 = <Object>:dictAdd(<string>, <Object>)
736 = <Object>:dictSet(<string>, <Object>)
737 <Object> = <Object>:dictLookup(<string>)
738 <Object> = <Object>:dictLookupNF(<string>)
739 <string> = <Object>:dictgetKey(<integer>)
740 <Object> = <Object>:dictgetVal(<integer>)
741 <Object> = <Object>:dictgetValNF(<integer>)
742 <boolean> = <Object>:streamIs(<string>)
743 = <Object>:streamReset()
744 <integer> = <Object>:streamGetChar()
745 <integer> = <Object>:streamLookChar()
746 <integer> = <Object>:streamGetPos()
747 = <Object>:streamSetPos(<integer>)
748 <Dict> = <Object>:streamGetDict()
749 \stopfunctioncall
751 \type {Page} methods:
753 \startfunctioncall
754 <boolean> = <Page>:isOk()
755 <integer> = <Page>:getNum()
756 <PDFRectangle> = <Page>:getMediaBox()
757 <PDFRectangle> = <Page>:getCropBox()
758 <boolean> = <Page>:isCropped()
759 <number> = <Page>:getMediaWidth()
760 <number> = <Page>:getMediaHeight()
761 <number> = <Page>:getCropWidth()
762 <number> = <Page>:getCropHeight()
763 <PDFRectangle> = <Page>:getBleedBox()
764 <PDFRectangle> = <Page>:getTrimBox()
765 <PDFRectangle> = <Page>:getArtBox()
766 <integer> = <Page>:getRotate()
767 <string> = <Page>:getLastModified()
768 <Dict> = <Page>:getBoxColorInfo()
769 <Dict> = <Page>:getGroup()
770 <Stream> = <Page>:getMetadata()
771 <Dict> = <Page>:getPieceInfo()
772 <Dict> = <Page>:getSeparationInfo()
773 <Dict> = <Page>:getResourceDict()
774 <Object> = <Page>:getAnnots()
775 <Links> = <Page>:getLinks(<Catalog>)
776 <Object> = <Page>:getContents()
777 \stopfunctioncall
779 \type {PDFDoc} methods:
781 \startfunctioncall
782 <boolean> = <PDFDoc>:isOk()
783 <integer> = <PDFDoc>:getErrorCode()
784 <string> = <PDFDoc>:getErrorCodeName()
785 <string> = <PDFDoc>:getFileName()
786 <XRef> = <PDFDoc>:getXRef()
787 <Catalog> = <PDFDoc>:getCatalog()
788 <number> = <PDFDoc>:getPageMediaWidth()
789 <number> = <PDFDoc>:getPageMediaHeight()
790 <number> = <PDFDoc>:getPageCropWidth()
791 <number> = <PDFDoc>:getPageCropHeight()
792 <integer> = <PDFDoc>:getNumPages()
793 <string> = <PDFDoc>:readMetadata()
794 <Object> = <PDFDoc>:getStructTreeRoot()
795 <integer> = <PDFDoc>:findPage(<integer> object number, <integer> object generation)
796 <Links> = <PDFDoc>:getLinks(<integer>)
797 <LinkDest> = <PDFDoc>:findDest(<string>)
798 <boolean> = <PDFDoc>:isEncrypted()
799 <boolean> = <PDFDoc>:okToPrint()
800 <boolean> = <PDFDoc>:okToChange()
801 <boolean> = <PDFDoc>:okToCopy()
802 <boolean> = <PDFDoc>:okToAddNotes()
803 <boolean> = <PDFDoc>:isLinearized()
804 <Object> = <PDFDoc>:getDocInfo()
805 <Object> = <PDFDoc>:getDocInfoNF()
806 <integer> = <PDFDoc>:getPDFMajorVersion()
807 <integer> = <PDFDoc>:getPDFMinorVersion()
808 \stopfunctioncall
810 \type {PDFRectangle} methods:
812 \startfunctioncall
813 <boolean> = <PDFRectangle>:isValid()
814 \stopfunctioncall
816 %\type {Ref} methods:
818 %\startfunctioncall
819 %\stopfunctioncall
821 \type {Stream} methods:
823 \startfunctioncall
824 <integer> = <Stream>:getKind()
825 <string> = <Stream>:getKindName()
826 = <Stream>:reset()
827 = <Stream>:close()
828 <integer> = <Stream>:getChar()
829 <integer> = <Stream>:lookChar()
830 <integer> = <Stream>:getRawChar()
831 <integer> = <Stream>:getUnfilteredChar()
832 = <Stream>:unfilteredReset()
833 <integer> = <Stream>:getPos()
834 <boolean> = <Stream>:isBinary()
835 <Stream> = <Stream>:getUndecodedStream()
836 <Dict> = <Stream>:getDict()
837 \stopfunctioncall
839 \type {StructElement} methods:
841 \startfunctioncall
842 <string> = <StructElement>:getTypeName()
843 <integer> = <StructElement>:getType()
844 <boolean> = <StructElement>:isOk()
845 <boolean> = <StructElement>:isBlock()
846 <boolean> = <StructElement>:isInline()
847 <boolean> = <StructElement>:isGrouping()
848 <boolean> = <StructElement>:isContent()
849 <boolean> = <StructElement>:isObjectRef()
850 <integer> = <StructElement>:getMCID()
851 <Ref> = <StructElement>:getObjectRef()
852 <Ref> = <StructElement>:getParentRef()
853 <boolean> = <StructElement>:hasPageRef()
854 <Ref> = <StructElement>:getPageRef()
855 <StructTreeRoot> = <StructElement>:getStructTreeRoot()
856 <string> = <StructElement>:getID()
857 <string> = <StructElement>:getLanguage()
858 <integer> = <StructElement>:getRevision()
859 <StructElement>:setRevision(<unsigned integer>)
860 <string> = <StructElement>:getTitle()
861 <string> = <StructElement>:getExpandedAbbr()
862 <integer> = <StructElement>:getNumChildren()
863 <StructElement> = <StructElement>:getChild()
864 = <StructElement>:appendChild<StructElement>)
865 <integer> = <StructElement>:getNumAttributes()
866 <Attribute> = <StructElement>:geAttribute(<integer>)
867 <string> = <StructElement>:appendAttribute(<Attribute>)
868 <Attribute> = <StructElement>:findAttribute(<Attribute::Type>,boolean,Attribute::Owner)
869 <string> = <StructElement>:getAltText()
870 <string> = <StructElement>:getActualText()
871 <string> = <StructElement>:getText(<boolean>)
872 <table> = <StructElement>:getTextSpans()
873 \stopfunctioncall
875 \type {StructTreeRoot} methods:
877 \startfunctioncall
878 <StructElement> = <StructTreeRoot>:findParentElement
879 <PDFDoc> = <StructTreeRoot>:getDoc
880 <Dict> = <StructTreeRoot>:getRoleMap
881 <Dict> = <StructTreeRoot>:getClassMap
882 <integer> = <StructTreeRoot>:getNumChildren
883 <StructElement> = <StructTreeRoot>:getChild
884 <StructTreeRoot>:appendChild
885 <StructElement> = <StructTreeRoot>:findParentElement
886 \stopfunctioncall
888 \type {TextSpan} han only one method:
890 \startfunctioncall
891 <string> = <TestSpan>:getText()
892 \stopfunctioncall
894 \type {XRef} methods:
896 \startfunctioncall
897 <boolean> = <XRef>:isOk()
898 <integer> = <XRef>:getErrorCode()
899 <boolean> = <XRef>:isEncrypted()
900 <boolean> = <XRef>:okToPrint()
901 <boolean> = <XRef>:okToPrintHighRes()
902 <boolean> = <XRef>:okToChange()
903 <boolean> = <XRef>:okToCopy()
904 <boolean> = <XRef>:okToAddNotes()
905 <boolean> = <XRef>:okToFillForm()
906 <boolean> = <XRef>:okToAccessibility()
907 <boolean> = <XRef>:okToAssemble()
908 <Object> = <XRef>:getCatalog()
909 <Object> = <XRef>:fetch(<integer> object number, <integer> object generation)
910 <Object> = <XRef>:getDocInfo()
911 <Object> = <XRef>:getDocInfoNF()
912 <integer> = <XRef>:getNumObjects()
913 <integer> = <XRef>:getRootNum()
914 <integer> = <XRef>:getRootGen()
915 <integer> = <XRef>:getSize()
916 <Object> = <XRef>:getTrailerDict()
917 \stopfunctioncall
919 There is an experimental function \type {epdf.openMemStream} that takes three
920 arguments:
922 \starttabulate
923 \NC \type {stream} \NC this is a (in low level \LUA\ speak) light userdata
924 object, i.e.\ a pointer to a sequence of bytes \NC \NR
925 \NC \type {length} \NC this is the length of the stream in bytes \NC \NR
926 \NC \type {name} \NC this is a unique identifier that us used for hashing the
927 stream, so that mulltiple doesn't use more memory \NC \NR
928 \stoptabulate
930 Instead of a light userdata stream you can also pass a \LUA\ string, in which
931 case the given length is (at most) the string length.
933 The returned object can be used in the \type {img} library instead of a filename.
934 Both the memory stream and it's use in the image library is experimental and can
935 change. In case you wonder where this can be used: when you use the swiglib
936 library for \type {graphicmagick}, it can return such a userdata object. This
937 permits conversion in memory and passing the result directly to the backend. This
938 might save some runtime in one|-|pass workflows. This feature is currently not
939 meant for production.
941 \stopchapter
943 \stopcomponent