[luatex.git] / source / texk / web2c / luatexdir / luasocket / src / luasocket.h
1 #ifndef LUASOCKET_H
2 #define LUASOCKET_H
3 /*=========================================================================*\
4 * LuaSocket toolkit
5 * Networking support for the Lua language
6 * Diego Nehab
7 * 9/11/1999
8 \*=========================================================================*/
9 #include "lua.h"
11 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
12 * Current socket library version
13 \*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
14 #define LUASOCKET_VERSION "LuaSocket 2.1-rc1"
15 #define LUASOCKET_COPYRIGHT "Copyright (C) 1999-2012 Diego Nehab"
16 #define LUASOCKET_AUTHORS "Diego Nehab"
18 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
19 * This macro prefixes all exported API functions
20 \*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
21 #ifndef LUASOCKET_API
22 #define LUASOCKET_API extern
23 #endif
25 #if LUA_VERSION_NUM > 501 & !( defined LUA_COMPAT_MODULE)
26 # error Lua 5.2 requires LUA_COMPAT_MODULE defined for luaL_openlib
27 #endif
29 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
30 * Initializes the library.
31 \*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
32 LUASOCKET_API int luaopen_socket_core(lua_State *L);
34 #endif /* LUASOCKET_H */