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6 <meta name="description" content="LuaSocket: The core namespace">
7 <meta name="keywords" content="Lua, LuaSocket, Socket, Network, Library, Support">
8 <title>LuaSocket: The socket namespace</title>
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21 <img width=128 height=128 border=0 alt="LuaSocket" src="luasocket.png">
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23 <tr><td align=center valign=top>Network support for the Lua language
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37 <!-- socket +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
39 <h2 id=socket>The socket namespace</h2>
41 <p>
42 The <tt>socket</tt> namespace contains the core functionality of LuaSocket.
43 </p>
45 <p>
46 To obtain the <tt>socket</tt> namespace, run:
47 </p>
49 <pre class=example>
50 -- loads the socket module
51 local socket = require("socket")
52 </pre>
54 <!-- bind ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
56 <p class=name id=bind>
57 socket.<b>bind(</b>address, port [, backlog]<b>)</b>
58 </p>
60 <p class=description>
61 This function is a shortcut that creates and returns a TCP server object
62 bound to a local <tt>address</tt> and <tt>port</tt>, ready to
63 accept client connections. Optionally,
64 user can also specify the <tt>backlog</tt> argument to the
65 <a href=tcp.html#listen><tt>listen</tt></a> method (defaults to 32).
66 </p>
68 <p class=note>
69 Note: The server object returned will have the option "<tt>reuseaddr</tt>"
70 set to <tt><b>true</b></tt>.
71 </p>
73 <!-- connect ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
75 <p class=name id=connect>
76 socket.<b>connect[46](</b>address, port [, locaddr] [, locport] [, family]<b>)</b>
77 </p>
79 <p class=description>
80 This function is a shortcut that creates and returns a TCP client object
81 connected to a remote <tt>address</tt> at a given <tt>port</tt>. Optionally,
82 the user can also specify the local address and port to bind
83 (<tt>locaddr</tt> and <tt>locport</tt>), or restrict the socket family
84 to "<tt>inet</tt>" or "<tt>inet6</tt>".
85 Without specifying <tt>family</tt> to <tt>connect</tt>, whether a tcp or tcp6
86 connection is created depends on your system configuration. Two variations
87 of connect are defined as simple helper functions that restrict the
88 <tt>family</tt>, <tt>socket.connect4</tt> and <tt>socket.connect6</tt>.
89 </p>
91 <!-- debug ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
93 <p class=name id=debug>
94 socket.<b>_DEBUG</b>
95 </p>
97 <p class=description>
98 This constant is set to <tt><b>true</b></tt> if the library was compiled
99 with debug support.
100 </p>
102 <!-- get time +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
104 <p class=name id=gettime>
105 socket.<b>gettime()</b>
106 </p>
108 <p class=description>
109 Returns the time in seconds, relative to the origin of the
110 universe. You should subtract the values returned by this function
111 to get meaningful values.
112 </p>
114 <pre class=example>
115 t = socket.gettime()
116 -- do stuff
117 print(socket.gettime() - t .. " seconds elapsed")
118 </pre>
120 <!-- socket.headers ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
122 <p class=name id="headers.canonic">
123 socket.headers.<b>canonic</b></p>
125 <p> The <tt>socket.headers.canonic</tt> table
126 is used by the HTTP and SMTP modules to translate from
127 lowercase field names back into their canonic
128 capitalization. When a lowercase field name exists as a key
129 in this table, the associated value is substituted in
130 whenever the field name is sent out.
131 </p>
133 <p>
134 You can obtain the <tt>headers</tt> namespace if case run-time
135 modifications are required by running:
136 </p>
138 <pre class=example>
139 -- loads the headers module
140 local headers = require("headers")
141 </pre>
143 <!-- newtry +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
145 <p class=name id=newtry>
146 socket.<b>newtry(</b>finalizer<b>)</b>
147 </p>
149 <p class=description>
150 Creates and returns a <em>clean</em>
151 <a href="#try"><tt>try</tt></a>
152 function that allows for cleanup before the exception
153 is raised.
154 </p>
156 <p class=parameters>
157 <tt>Finalizer</tt> is a function that will be called before
158 <tt>try</tt> throws the exception. It will be called
159 in <em>protected</em> mode.
160 </p>
162 <p class=return>
163 The function returns your customized <tt>try</tt> function.
164 </p>
166 <p class=note>
167 Note: This idea saved a <em>lot</em> of work with the
168 implementation of protocols in LuaSocket:
169 </p>
171 <pre class=example>
172 foo = socket.protect(function()
173 -- connect somewhere
174 local c = socket.try(socket.connect("somewhere", 42))
175 -- create a try function that closes 'c' on error
176 local try = socket.newtry(function() c:close() end)
177 -- do everything reassured c will be closed
178 try(c:send("hello there?\r\n"))
179 local answer = try(c:receive())
181 try(c:send("good bye\r\n"))
182 c:close()
183 end)
184 </pre>
187 <!-- protect +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
189 <p class=name id=protect>
190 socket.<b>protect(</b>func<b>)</b>
191 </p>
193 <p class=description>
194 Converts a function that throws exceptions into a safe function. This
195 function only catches exceptions thrown by the <a href=#try><tt>try</tt></a>
196 and <a href=#newtry><tt>newtry</tt></a> functions. It does not catch normal
197 Lua errors.
198 </p>
200 <p class=parameters>
201 <tt>Func</tt> is a function that calls
202 <a href=#try><tt>try</tt></a> (or <tt>assert</tt>, or <tt>error</tt>)
203 to throw exceptions.
204 </p>
206 <p class=return>
207 Returns an equivalent function that instead of throwing exceptions,
208 returns <tt><b>nil</b></tt> followed by an error message.
209 </p>
211 <p class=note>
212 Note: Beware that if your function performs some illegal operation that
213 raises an error, the protected function will catch the error and return it
214 as a string. This is because the <a href=#try><tt>try</tt></a> function
215 uses errors as the mechanism to throw exceptions.
216 </p>
218 <!-- select +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
220 <p class=name id=select>
221 socket.<b>select(</b>recvt, sendt [, timeout]<b>)</b>
222 </p>
224 <p class=description>
225 Waits for a number of sockets to change status.
226 </p>
228 <p class=parameters>
229 <tt>Recvt</tt> is an array with the sockets to test for characters
230 available for reading. Sockets in the <tt>sendt</tt> array are watched to
231 see if it is OK to immediately write on them. <tt>Timeout</tt> is the
232 maximum amount of time (in seconds) to wait for a change in status. A
233 <tt><b>nil</b></tt>, negative or omitted <tt>timeout</tt> value allows the
234 function to block indefinitely. <tt>Recvt</tt> and <tt>sendt</tt> can also
235 be empty tables or <tt><b>nil</b></tt>. Non-socket values (or values with
236 non-numeric indices) in the arrays will be silently ignored.
237 </p>
239 <p class=return> The function returns a list with the sockets ready for
240 reading, a list with the sockets ready for writing and an error message.
241 The error message is "<tt>timeout</tt>" if a timeout condition was met and
242 <tt><b>nil</b></tt> otherwise. The returned tables are
243 doubly keyed both by integers and also by the sockets
244 themselves, to simplify the test if a specific socket has
245 changed status.
246 </p>
248 <p class=note>
249 <b>Note: </b>: <tt>select</tt> can monitor a limited number
250 of sockets, as defined by the constant <tt>socket._SETSIZE</tt>. This
251 number may be as high as 1024 or as low as 64 by default,
252 depending on the system. It is usually possible to change this
253 at compile time. Invoking <tt>select</tt> with a larger
254 number of sockets will raise an error.
255 </p>
257 <p class=note>
258 <b>Important note</b>: a known bug in WinSock causes <tt>select</tt> to fail
259 on non-blocking TCP sockets. The function may return a socket as
260 writable even though the socket is <em>not</em> ready for sending.
261 </p>
263 <p class=note>
264 <b>Another important note</b>: calling select with a server socket in the receive parameter before a call to accept does <em>not</em> guarantee
265 <a href=tcp.html#accept><tt>accept</tt></a> will return immediately.
266 Use the <a href=tcp.html#settimeout><tt>settimeout</tt></a>
267 method or <tt>accept</tt> might block forever.
268 </p>
270 <p class=note>
271 <b>Yet another note</b>: If you close a socket and pass
272 it to <tt>select</tt>, it will be ignored.
273 </p>
275 <p class=note>
276 <b>Using select with non-socket objects</b>: Any object that implements <tt>getfd</tt> and <tt>dirty</tt> can be used with <tt>select</tt>, allowing objects from other libraries to be used within a <tt></tt> driven loop.
277 </p>
279 <!-- sink ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
281 <p class=name id=sink>
282 socket.<b>sink(</b>mode, socket<b>)</b>
283 </p>
285 <p class=description>
286 Creates an
287 <a href="">LTN12</a>
288 sink from a stream socket object.
289 </p>
291 <p class=parameters>
292 <tt>Mode</tt> defines the behavior of the sink. The following
293 options are available:
294 </p>
295 <ul>
296 <li> <tt>"http-chunked"</tt>: sends data through socket after applying the
297 <em>chunked transfer coding</em>, closing the socket when done;
298 <li> <tt>"close-when-done"</tt>: sends all received data through the
299 socket, closing the socket when done;
300 <li> <tt>"keep-open"</tt>: sends all received data through the
301 socket, leaving it open when done.
302 </ul>
304 <tt>Socket</tt> is the stream socket object used to send the data.
305 </p>
307 <p class=return>
308 The function returns a sink with the appropriate behavior.
309 </p>
311 <!-- skip ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
313 <p class=name id=skip>
314 socket.<b>skip(</b>d [, ret<sub>1</sub>, ret<sub>2</sub> ... ret<sub>N</sub>]<b>)</b>
315 </p>
317 <p class=description>
318 Drops a number of arguments and returns the remaining.
319 </p>
321 <p class=parameters>
322 <tt>D</tt> is the number of arguments to drop. <tt>Ret<sub>1</sub></tt> to
323 <tt>ret<sub>N</sub></tt> are the arguments.
324 </p>
326 <p class=return>
327 The function returns <tt>ret<sub>d+1</sub></tt> to <tt>ret<sub>N</sub></tt>.
328 </p>
330 <p class=note>
331 Note: This function is useful to avoid creation of dummy variables:
332 </p>
334 <pre class=example>
335 -- get the status code and separator from SMTP server reply
336 local code, sep = socket.skip(2, string.find(line, "^(%d%d%d)(.?)"))
337 </pre>
339 <!-- sleep ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
341 <p class=name id=sleep>
342 socket.<b>sleep(</b>time<b>)</b>
343 </p>
345 <p class=description>
346 Freezes the program execution during a given amount of time.
347 </p>
349 <p class=parameters>
350 <tt>Time</tt> is the number of seconds to sleep for. If
351 <tt>time</tt> is negative, the function returns immediately.
352 </p>
354 <!-- source +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
356 <p class=name id=source>
357 socket.<b>source(</b>mode, socket [, length]<b>)</b>
358 </p>
360 <p class=description>
361 Creates an
362 <a href="">LTN12</a>
363 source from a stream socket object.
364 </p>
366 <p class=parameters>
367 <tt>Mode</tt> defines the behavior of the source. The following
368 options are available:
369 </p>
370 <ul>
371 <li> <tt>"http-chunked"</tt>: receives data from socket and removes the
372 <em>chunked transfer coding</em> before returning the data;
373 <li> <tt>"by-length"</tt>: receives a fixed number of bytes from the
374 socket. This mode requires the extra argument <tt>length</tt>;
375 <li> <tt>"until-closed"</tt>: receives data from a socket until the other
376 side closes the connection.
377 </ul>
379 <tt>Socket</tt> is the stream socket object used to receive the data.
380 </p>
382 <p class=return>
383 The function returns a source with the appropriate behavior.
384 </p>
386 <!-- setsize ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
388 <p class=name id=setsize>
389 socket.<b>_SETSIZE</b>
390 </p>
392 <p class=description>
393 The maximum number of sockets that the <a
394 href=#select><tt>select</tt></a> function can handle.
395 </p>
397 <!-- try ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
399 <p class=name id=try>
400 socket.<b>try(</b>ret<sub>1</sub> [, ret<sub>2</sub> ... ret<sub>N</sub>]<b>)</b>
401 </p>
403 <p class=description>
404 Throws an exception in case of error. The exception can only be caught
405 by the <a href=#protect><tt>protect</tt></a> function. It does not explode
406 into an error message.
407 </p>
409 <p class=parameters>
410 <tt>Ret<sub>1</sub></tt> to <tt>ret<sub>N</sub></tt> can be arbitrary
411 arguments, but are usually the return values of a function call
412 nested with <tt>try</tt>.
413 </p>
415 <p class=return>
416 The function returns <tt>ret</tt><sub>1</sub> to <tt>ret</tt><sub>N</sub> if
417 <tt>ret</tt><sub>1</sub> is not <tt><b>nil</b></tt>. Otherwise, it calls <tt>error</tt> passing <tt>ret</tt><sub>2</sub>.
418 </p>
420 <pre class=example>
421 -- connects or throws an exception with the appropriate error message
422 c = socket.try(socket.connect("localhost", 80))
423 </pre>
425 <!-- version ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
427 <p class=name id=version>
428 socket.<b>_VERSION</b>
429 </p>
431 <p class=description>
432 This constant has a string describing the current LuaSocket version.
433 </p>
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446 </p>
448 <small>
449 Last modified by Diego Nehab on <br>
450 Thu Apr 20 00:25:54 EDT 2006
451 </small>
452 </p>
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