[luatex.git] / source / libs / zziplib / zziplib-0.13.62 / docs / zzipdoc /
1 #! /usr/bin/python
2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3 # @creator (C) 2003 Guido U. Draheim
4 # @license
6 import re
8 # ---------------------------------------------------------- Regex Match()
9 # beware, stupid python interprets backslashes in replace-parts only partially!
10 class MatchReplace:
11 """ A MatchReplace is a mix of a Python Pattern and a Replace-Template """
12 def __init__(self, matching, template, count = 0, flags = None):
13 """ setup a substition from regex 'matching' into 'template',
14 the replacement count default of 0 will replace all occurrences.
15 The first argument may be a Match object or it is a string that
16 will be turned into one by using Match(matching, flags). """
17 self.template = template
18 MatchReplace.__call__(self, matching, template, count, flags)
19 def __call__(self, matching, template = None, count = 0, flags = None):
20 """ other than __init__ the template may be left off to be unchanged"""
21 if isinstance(count, basestring): # count/flags swapped over?
22 flags = count; count = 0
23 if isinstance(matching, Match):
24 self.matching = matching
25 else:
26 self.matching = Match()(matching, flags) ## python 2.4.2 bug
27 if template is not None:
28 self.template = template
29 self.count = count
30 def __and__(self, string):
31 """ z = MatchReplace('foo', 'bar') & 'foo'; assert z = 'bar' """
32 text, self.matching.replaced = \
33 self.matching.regex.subn(self.template, string, self.count)
34 return text
35 def __rand__(self, string):
36 """ z = 'foo' & Match('foo') >> 'bar'; assert z = 'bar' """
37 text, self.matching.replaced = \
38 self.matching.regex.subn(self.template, string, self.count)
39 return text
40 def __iand__(self, string):
41 """ x = 'foo' ; x &= Match('foo') >> 'bar'; assert x == 'bar' """
42 string, self.matching.replaced = \
43 self.matching.regex.subn(self.template, string, self.count)
44 return string
45 def __rshift__(self, count):
46 " shorthand to set the replacement count: Match('foo') >> 'bar' >> 1 "
47 self.count = count ; return self
48 def __rlshift__(self, count):
49 self.count = count ; return self
51 class Match(str):
52 """ A Match is actually a mix of a Python Pattern and MatchObject """
53 def __init__(self, pattern = None, flags = None):
54 """ flags is a string: 'i' for case-insensitive etc.; it is just
55 short for a regex prefix: Match('foo','i') == Match('(?i)foo') """
56 Match.__call__(self, pattern, flags)
57 def __call__(self, pattern, flags = None):
58 assert isinstance(pattern, str) or pattern is None
59 assert isinstance(flags, str) or flags is None
60 str.__init__(self, pattern)
61 self.replaced = 0 # set by subn() inside MatchReplace
62 self.found = None # set by search() to a MatchObject
63 self.pattern = pattern
64 if pattern is not None:
65 if flags:
66 self.regex = re.compile("(?"+flags+")"+self.pattern)
67 else:
68 self.regex = re.compile(self.pattern)
69 return self
70 def __truth__(self):
71 return self.found is not None
72 def __and__(self, string):
73 self.found =
74 return self.__truth__()
75 def __rand__(self, string):
76 self.found =
77 return self.__truth__()
78 def __rshift__(self, template):
79 return MatchReplace(self, template)
80 def __rlshift__(self, template):
81 return MatchReplace(self, template)
82 def __getitem__(self, index):
83 return
84 def group(self, index):
85 assert self.found is not None
86 return
87 def finditer(self, string):
88 return self.regex.finditer(string)
90 if __name__ == "__main__":
91 # matching:
92 if "foo" & Match("oo"):
93 print "oo"
94 x = Match()
95 if "foo" & x("(o+)"):
96 print x[1]
97 # replacing:
98 y = "fooboo" & Match("oo") >> "ee"
99 print y
100 r = Match("oo") >> "ee"
101 print "fooboo" & r
102 s = MatchReplace("oo", "ee")
103 print "fooboo" & s