[luatex.git] / source / libs / zziplib / zziplib-0.13.62 / docs /
2 use strict "vars";
4 my $x;
5 my $F;
6 my @regs;
7 my %file;
8 my %func;
10 my %o = ( verbose => 0 );
12 $o{version} =
13 `grep -i "^version *:" *.spec | sed -e "s/[Vv]ersion *: *//"`;
14 $o{package} =
15 `grep -i "^name *:" *.spec | sed -e "s/[Nn]ame *: *//"`;
16 $o{version} =~ s{\s*}{}gs;
17 $o{package} =~ s{\s*}{}gs;
19 $o{version} = `date +%Y.%m.%d` if not length $o{version};
20 $o{package} = "_project" if not length $o{package};
22 $o{suffix} = "-doc1";
23 $o{mainheader} = "$o{package}.h";
25 my %fn;
26 my $id = 1000;
28 for $F (@ARGV)
30 if ($F =~ /^(\w+)=(.*)/)
32 $o{$1} = $2;
33 }else{
34 open F, "<$F" or next;
35 my $T = join ("",<F>); close F;
37 $T =~ s/\&/\&amp\;/sg;
38 $T =~ s/¬/\&#AC\;/sg;
39 $T =~ s/\*\//¬/sg;
41 # cut per-function comment block
42 while ( $T =~
43 s{ [/][*][*](?=\s) ([^¬]+) ¬ ([^\{\}\;\#]+) [\{\;] }
44 { per_function_comment_and_declaration($F," ".$1,$2) }gsex
45 ) {}
47 # cut per-file comment block
48 if ( $T =~ m{ ^ [/][*]+(?=\s) ([^¬]+) ¬
49 (\s*\#include\s*<[^<>]*>(?:\s*/[/*][^\n]*)?) }sx)
51 $file{$F}{comment} = $1;
52 $file{$F}{include} = $2;
53 $file{$F}{comment} =~ s/¬/\*\//sg;
54 $file{$F}{include} =~ s/¬/\*\//sg;
55 $file{$F}{include} =~ s{[/][*]}{//}s;
56 $file{$F}{include} =~ s{[*][/]}{\n}s;
57 $file{$F}{include} =~ s{<}{\&lt\;}sg;
58 $file{$F}{include} =~ s{>}{\&gt\;}sg;
60 elsif ( $T =~ m{ ^ [/][*]+(?=\s) ([^¬]+) ¬ }sx)
62 $file{$F}{comment} = $1;
63 $file{$F}{comment} =~ s/¬/\*\//sg;
66 # throw away the rest - further processing on memorized strings only
70 $o{outputfilestem}= "$o{package}$o{suffix}" if not length $o{outputfilestem};
71 $o{docbookfile}= "$o{outputfilestem}.docbook" if not length $o{docbookfile};
72 $o{libhtmlfile}= "$o{outputfilestem}.html" if not length $o{libhtmlfile};
73 $o{dumpdocfile}= "$o{outputfilestem}.dxml" if not length $o{dumpdocfile};
75 sub per_function_comment_and_declaration
77 my ($filename, $comment, $prototype) = @_;
79 $prototype =~ s{¬}{*/}sg;
80 $comment =~ s{¬}{*/}sg;
81 $comment =~ s{<([\w\.\-]+\@[\w\.\-]+\w\w)>}{&lt;$1&gt;}sg;
82 $func{$id}{filename} = $filename;
83 $func{$id}{comment} = $comment;
84 $func{$id}{prototype} = $prototype;
85 $id ++;
86 return $prototype;
88 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
89 sub pre { # used for non-star lines in comment blocks
90 my $T = $_[0]; $T =~ s/\&/\&amp\;/g;
91 $T =~ s/\</\&lt\;/g; $T =~ s/\>/\&gt\;/g; $T =~ s/\"/\&quot\;/g;
92 $T =~ s/^/\ /gm; # $T =~ s/^/\| /gm;
93 return " <pre> $T </pre> ";
96 # per-file comment block handling
97 my $name;
98 for $name (keys %file)
100 $file{$name}{comment} =~ s{<([\w\.\-]+\@[\w\.\-]+\w\w)>}{&lt;$1&gt;}sg;
101 $file{$name}{comment} =~ s{ ^\s?\s?\s? ([^\*\s]+ .*) $}{&pre($1)}mgex;
102 $file{$name}{comment} =~ s{ ^\s*[*]\s* $}{ <p> }gmx;
103 $file{$name}{comment} =~ s{ ^\s?\s?\s?\* (.*) $}{ $1 }gmx;
104 $file{$name}{comment} =~ s{ </pre>(\s*)<pre> }{$1}gsx;
105 $file{$name}{comment} =~ s{ <([^<>\;]+\@[^<>\;]+)> }{<email>$1</email>}gsx;
106 $file{$name}{comment} =~ s{ \&lt\;([^<>\&\;]+\@[^<>\&\;]+)\&gt\; }
107 {<email>$1</email>}gsx;
108 $file{$name}{comment} .= "<p>";
110 $file{$name}{comment} =~ s{ \b[Aa]uthor\s*:(.*<\/email>) }
112 $file{$name}{author} = "$1";
113 "<author>"."$1"."</author>"
114 }sex;
116 $file{$name}{comment} =~ s{ \b[Cc]opyright[\s:]([^<>]*)<p> }
118 $file{$name}{copyright} = "$1";
119 "<copyright>"."$1"."</copyright>"
120 }sex;
121 # if ($name =~ /file/) {
122 # print STDERR $file{$name}{comment},"\n";
124 if ($file{$name}{include} =~ m{//\s*(\w+)[.][.][.]\s*})
126 if (length $o{$1}) {
127 $file{$name}{include} = "#include "
128 .$o{$1}."\n";
129 $file{$name}{include} =~ s{<}{\&lt\;}sg;
130 $file{$name}{include} =~ s{>}{\&gt\;}sg;
135 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
137 # pass 1 of per-func strings:
138 # (a) cut prototype into prespec/namespec/callspec
139 # (b) sanitize comment-block into proper docbook format
140 # do this while copying strings from $func{$name} to $fn{name} strstrhash
141 my @namelist;
142 for $x (sort keys %func)
144 my $name = $func{$x}{prototype};
145 $name =~ s/^.*[^.]\b(\w[\w.]*\w)\b\s*\(.*$/$1/s;
146 push @namelist, $name; # may be you want to omit some funcs from output?
148 $func{$x}{prototype} =~ m{ ^(.*[^.]) \b(\w[\w.]*\w)\b (\s*\(.*) $ }sx;
149 $fn{$name}{prespec} = $1;
150 $fn{$name}{namespec} = $2;
151 $fn{$name}{callspec} = $3;
153 $fn{$name}{comment} = $func{$x}{comment};
154 $fn{$name}{comment} =~ s/(^|\s)\=\>\"([^\"]*)\"/$1<link>$2<\/link>/gmx;
155 $fn{$name}{comment} =~ s/(^|\s)\=\>\'([^\"]*)\'/$1<link>$2<\/link>/gmx;
156 $fn{$name}{comment} =~ s/(^|\s)\=\>\s(\w[\w.]*\w)\b/$1<link>$2<\/link>/gmx;
157 $fn{$name}{comment} =~
158 s/(^|\s)\=\>\s([^\s\,\.\!\?\:\;\<\>\&\'\=\-]+)/$1<link>$2<\/link>/gmx;
160 # cut comment in first-line (describe) and only keep the rest in comment
161 $fn{$name}{describe} = $fn{$name}{comment};
162 $fn{$name}{describe} =~ s{^([^\n]*\n).*}{$1}gs;
163 $fn{$name}{comment} =~ s{^[^\n]*\n}{}gs;
164 if ($fn{$name}{describe} =~ /^\s*$/s)
166 $fn{$name}{describe} = "(".$func{$x}{filename}.")";
167 $fn{$name}{describe} =~ s,[.][.][/],,g;
170 $fn{$name}{comment} =~ s/ ^\s?\s?\s? ([^\*\s]+ .*) $/&pre($1)/mgex;
171 $fn{$name}{comment} =~ s/ ^\s?\s?\s?\* (.*) $/ <br \/> $1 /gmx;
172 $fn{$name}{comment} =~ s/ ^\s*<br\s*\/>\s* $/ <p> /gmx;
173 $fn{$name}{comment} =~ s{<<}{&lt;}sg;
174 $fn{$name}{comment} =~ s{>>}{&gt;}sg;
175 $fn{$name}{comment} =~ s/ (<p>\s*)<br\s*\/?>/$1/gsx;
176 $fn{$name}{comment} =~ s/ (<p>\s*)<br\s*\/?>/$1/gsx;
177 $fn{$name}{comment} =~ s/ (<br\s*\/?>\s*)<br\s*\/?>/$1/gsx;
178 $fn{$name}{comment} =~ s/<c>/<code>/gs;
179 $fn{$name}{comment} =~ s/<\/c>/<\/code>/gs;
180 $fn{$name}{comment} =~ s/<\/pre>(\s*)<pre>/$1/gs;
182 $fn{$name}{filename} = $func{$x}{filename};
183 $fn{$name}{callspec} =~ s{^ \s*}{}gsx;
184 $fn{$name}{prespec} =~ s{^ \s*}{}gsx;
185 $fn{$id} = $x;
188 # add extra docbook markups to callspec in $fn-hash
189 for $name (@namelist) # <paramdef>
191 $fn{$name}{callspec} =~ s:^([^\(\)]*)\(:$1<parameters>\(<paramdef>:s;
192 $fn{$name}{callspec} =~ s:\)([^\(\)]*)$:</paramdef>\)</parameters>$1:s;
193 $fn{$name}{callspec} =~ s:,:</paramdef>,<paramdef>:gs;
194 $fn{$name}{callspec} =~ s:<paramdef>(\s+):$1<paramdef>:gs;
195 $fn{$name}{callspec} =~ s:(\s+)</paramdef>:</paramdef>$1:gs;
198 # html-formatting of callspec strings
199 for $name (@namelist)
201 $fn{$name}{declcode} =
202 "<td valign=\"top\"><code>".$fn{$name}{prespec}."<\/code><\/td>"
203 ."<td valign=\"top\">&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>"
204 ."<td valign=\"top\"><a href=\"#$name\">"
205 ."\n <code>".$fn{$name}{namespec}."<\/code>\n"
206 ."<\/a><\/td>"
207 ."<td valign=\"top\">&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>"
208 ."<td valign=\"top\">".$fn{$name}{callspec}."<\/td>";
210 $fn{$name}{implcode} =
211 "<code>".$fn{$name}{prespec}."<\/code>"
212 ."\n <br \/><b><code>".$fn{$name}{namespec}."<\/code><\/b>"
213 ."\n &nbsp; <code>".$fn{$name}{callspec}."<\/code>";
215 $fn{$name}{declcode} =~ s{\s+<paramdef>}{\n<nobr>}gs;
216 $fn{$name}{implcode} =~ s{\s+<paramdef>}{\n<nobr>}gs;
217 $fn{$name}{declcode} =~ s{<paramdef>}{<nobr>}gs;
218 $fn{$name}{implcode} =~ s{<paramdef>}{<nobr>}gs;
219 $fn{$name}{declcode} =~ s{</paramdef>}{</nobr>}gs;
220 $fn{$name}{implcode} =~ s{</paramdef>}{</nobr>}gs;
221 $fn{$name}{declcode} =~ s{<parameters>}{\n <code>}gs;
222 $fn{$name}{implcode} =~ s{<parameters>}{\n <code>}gs;
223 $fn{$name}{declcode} =~ s{</parameters>}{</code>\n}gs;
224 $fn{$name}{implcode} =~ s{</parameters>}{</code>\n}gs;
227 # whether each function should get its own page or combined with others
228 my $combinedstyle = 1;
230 for $name (@namelist)
232 if ($fn{$name}{describe} =~ /^ \s* <link>(\w[\w.]*\w)<\/link> /sx)
234 if ($combinedstyle and exists $fn{$1})
236 # $into tells later steps which func-name is the leader of a man
237 # page and that this func should add its descriptions over there.
238 $fn{$name}{into} = $1;
242 if ($fn{$name}{describe} =~ s/(.*)also:(.*)/$1/)
244 $fn{$name}{_seealso} = $2;
247 # and prepare items for being filled in $combinedstyle (html-mode)
248 # which includes adding descriptions of the leader functions firsthand
249 $fn{$name}{_anchors} = "<a name=\"$name\" />";
250 $fn{$name}{_impcode} = "<code>".$fn{$name}{implcode}."</code>";
251 $fn{$name}{_comment} = "<p> &nbsp;".$fn{$name}{describe}."\n";
252 $fn{$name}{_comment} .= "<p>".$fn{$name}{comment};
255 for $name (@namelist) # and add descriptions of non-leader entries (html-mode)
257 next if not exists $fn{$name}{into}; # skip leader pages
258 my $into = $fn{$name}{into};
259 $fn{$into}{_anchors} .= "<a name=\"$name\" />";
260 $fn{$into}{_impcode} .= "<br />\n";
261 $fn{$into}{_impcode} .= "<code>".$fn{$name}{implcode}."</code>";
262 my $text = $fn{$name}{comment};
263 $text =~ s/ (T|t)his \s (function|procedure) /$1."he ".$name." ".$2/gsex;
264 $fn{$name}{_comment} .= "<p>".$text;
267 my $htmlTOC = "";
268 my $htmlTXT = "";
270 # generate the index-block at the start of the onepage-html file
271 for $name (@namelist)
273 $fn{$name}{_comment} =~ s/ (<p>\s*)<br\s*\/>/$1/gsx;
275 $htmlTOC .= "<tr valign=\"top\">\n".$fn{$name}{declcode}."</tr>";
276 next if $combinedstyle and exists $fn{$name}{into};
278 $htmlTXT .= "\n<dt>".$fn{$name}{_anchors}.$fn{$name}{_impcode}."<dt>";
279 $htmlTXT .= "\n<dd>".$fn{$name}{_comment};
280 $htmlTXT .= "\n<p align=\"right\"><small>("
281 .$fn{$name}{filename}.")</small></p></dd>";
284 # link ref-names in this page with its endpoints on the same html page
285 $htmlTXT =~ s/ <link>(\w+)([^<>]*)<\/link> / &a_name($1,$2) /gsex;
286 sub a_name
288 my ($n,$m) = @_;
289 if (exists $fn{$n}) { return "<a href=\"#$n\"><code>$n$m</code></a>"; }
290 else { return "<code>$n$m</code>"; }
292 $htmlTXT =~ s/ \-\> /<small>-\&gt\;<\/small>/gsx; # just sanitize
294 # and finally print the html-formatted output
295 open F, ">$o{libhtmlfile}" or die "could not open '$o{libhtmlfile}': $!";
296 print F "<html><head><title> $o{package} autodoc documentation </title>";
297 print F "</head>\n<body>\n";
298 print F "\n<h1>",$o{package}," <small><small><i>-", $o{version};
299 print F "</i></small></small></h1>";
300 print F "\n<table border=0 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=0>";
301 print F $htmlTOC;
302 print F "\n</table>";
303 print F "\n<h3>Documentation</h3>\n";
304 print F "\n<dl>";
305 print F $htmlTXT;
306 print F "\n</dl>";
307 print F "\n</body></html>\n";
308 close F;
310 # =========================================================================== #
311 # let's go for the pure docbook, a reference type master file for all man pages
312 my @headerlist; # leader function pages - a file will be created for each of th
313 my @mergedlist; # non-leader function that end up in one of those in headerlist
315 for $name (@namelist)
317 push @headerlist, $name if not exists $fn{$name}{into};
318 push @mergedlist, $name if exists $fn{$name}{into};
320 # and initialize the fields need for a man page entry - the fields are
321 # named after the docbook-markup that encloses (!!) the text we store
322 # in the strstrhash - therefore, {}{_refhint} = "hello" will be printed
323 # as <refhint>hello</refhint>. Names with scores at the end are only used
324 # as temporaries but they are memorized - perhaps they are useful later.
326 $fn{$name}{_refhint} =
327 "\n<!--========= ".$name." (3) ===========-->\n";
328 $fn{$name}{_refstart} = "";
329 $fn{$name}{_date_} = $o{version};
330 $fn{$name}{_date_} =~ s{\s*}{}gs;
331 $fn{$name}{_refentryinfo}
332 = "\n <date>".$fn{$name}{_date_}."</date>";
333 $fn{$name}{_productname_} = $o{package};
334 $fn{$name}{_productname_} =~ s{\s*}{}gs;
335 $fn{$name}{_refentryinfo}
336 .= "\n <productname>".$fn{$name}{_productname_}."</productname>";
337 # if (exists $file{ $fn{$name}{filename} }{author})
339 # $H = $file{ $fn{$name}{filename} }{author};
340 # $H =~ s{ \s* ([^<>]*) (<email>[^<>]*</email>) }{
341 # $fn{$name}{_refentryinfo} .= "\n <author>".$1.$2."</author>";
342 # "" }gmex;
344 $fn{$name}{_refmeta} = "";
345 $fn{$name}{_refnamediv} = "";
346 $fn{$name}{_mainheader} = $o{mainheader};
347 $fn{$name}{_includes} = $file{ $fn{$name}{filename} }{include};
348 $fn{$name}{_manvolnum} = "3";
349 $fn{$name}{_funcsynopsisinfo} = "";
350 $fn{$name}{_funcsynopsis} = "";
351 $fn{$name}{_description} = "";
352 $fn{$name}{_refends} = "";
355 push @headerlist, @mergedlist; # aaahmm...
357 # let's walk all (!!) entries...
358 for $name (@headerlist)
360 # $into is the target-manpage to add descriptions to. Initially it does
361 # reference the name of the function itself - but it overridden in the
362 # next line when we see an {into} mark. The self/into state is registered
363 # in two vars: $into is an index into %fn-strstrhash to be used instead of
364 # the $name-runvar and $me just a boolean value to conditionally add texts
365 my $into = $name; my $me = 1;
367 if (exists $fn{$name}{into})
369 $into = $fn{$name}{into}; $me = 0;
370 $fn{$name}{_refhint} =
371 "\n <!-- see ".$fn{$name}{mergeinto}." -->\n";
374 $fn{$into}{_refstart} .= '<refentry id="'.$name.'">' if $me;
375 $fn{$into}{_refends} .= "\n</refentry>\n" if $me;
377 $fn{$name}{_title_} = $name;
378 $fn{$name}{_title_} =~ s{\s*}{}gs;
379 $fn{$name}{_refentryinfo}
380 .= "\n <title>".$fn{$name}{_title_}."</title>" if $me;
381 $fn{$into}{_refmeta}
382 .= "\n <manvolnum>".$fn{$name}{_manvolnum}."</manvolnum>" if $me;
383 $fn{$into}{_refmeta}
384 .= "\n <refentrytitle>".$name."</refentrytitle>" if $me;
386 $fn{$name}{_funcsynopsisinfo}
387 = "\n".' #include &lt;'.$fn{$into}{_mainheader}.'&gt;' if $me;
388 $fn{$name}{_funcsynopsisinfo}
389 = "\n".$fn{$into}{_includes} if $me and length $fn{$into}{_includes};
390 $fn{$name}{_funcsynopsisinfo}
391 .= " // ".$o{synopsis} if $me and length $o{synopsis};
393 $fn{$into}{_refnamediv} .= "\n ".
394 "<refpurpose>".$fn{$name}{describe}." </refpurpose>" if $me;
395 $fn{$into}{_refnamediv} .= "\n".' <refname>'.$name.'</refname>';
397 # add to {}{_funcsynopsis}...
398 $fn{$into}{_funcsynopsis} .= "\n <funcprototype>\n <funcdef>";
399 $fn{$into}{_funcsynopsis} .= $fn{$name}{prespec}
400 ." <function>".$name."</function></funcdef>";
401 $fn{$name}{_callspec_} = $fn{$name}{callspec};
402 $fn{$name}{_callspec_} =~ s{<parameters>\s*\(}{ }gs;
403 $fn{$name}{_callspec_} =~ s{\)\s*</parameters>}{ }gs;
404 $fn{$name}{_callspec_} =~ s{</paramdef>\s*,\s*}{</paramdef>\n }gs;
405 $fn{$into}{_funcsynopsis}
406 .= "\n".$fn{$name}{_callspec_}." </funcprototype>";
408 # add to {}{_description}...
409 $fn{$name}{_comment_} = "<para>\n".$fn{$name}{comment}."\n</para>";
410 $fn{$name}{_comment_} =~ s{ (T|t)his \s (function|procedure) }
411 { $1."he <function>".$name."</function> ".$2 }gsex;
412 $fn{$name}{_comment_} =~ s{<p>}{"\n</para><para>\n"}gsex;
413 $fn{$name}{_comment_} =~ s{<br\s*/?>}{}gs;
414 $fn{$name}{_comment_} =~ s{(</?)em>}{$1emphasis>}gs;
415 $fn{$name}{_comment_} =~ s{<code>}{<userinput>}gs;
416 $fn{$name}{_comment_} =~ s{</code>}{</userinput>}gs;
417 $fn{$name}{_comment_} =~ s{<link>}{<function>}gs;
418 $fn{$name}{_comment_} =~ s{</link>}{</function>}gs;
419 $fn{$name}{_comment_} =~ s{<pre>}{<screen>}gs; # only xmlto .8 and
420 $fn{$name}{_comment_} =~ s{</pre>}{</screen>}gs; # higher !!
421 # $fn{$name}{_comment_} =~ s{<ul>}{</para><itemizedlist>}gs;
422 # $fn{$name}{_comment_} =~ s{</ul>}{</itemizedlist><para>}gs;
423 # $fn{$name}{_comment_} =~ s{<li>}{<listitem><para>}gs;
424 # $fn{$name}{_comment_} =~ s{</li>}{</para></listitem>\n}gs;
425 $fn{$name}{_comment_} =~ s{<ul>}{</para><programlisting>\n}gs;
426 $fn{$name}{_comment_} =~ s{</ul>}{</programlisting><para>}gs;
427 $fn{$name}{_comment_} =~ s{<li>}{}gs;
428 $fn{$name}{_comment_} =~ s{</li>}{}gs;
429 $fn{$into}{_description} .= $fn{$name}{_comment_};
431 if (length $fn{$name}{_seealso} and not $me)
433 $fn{$into}{_seealso} .= ", " if length $fn{$into}{_seealso};
434 $fn{$into}{_seealso} .= $fn{$name}{_seealso};
437 if (exists $file{ $fn{$name}{filename} }{author})
439 my $authors = $file{ $fn{$name}{filename} }{author};
440 $fn{$into}{_authors} = "<itemizedlist>";
441 $authors =~ s{ \s* ([^<>]*) (<email>[^<>]*</email>) }{
442 $fn{$into}{_authors}
443 .= "\n <listitem><para>".$1." ".$2."</para></listitem>";
444 "" }gmex;
445 $fn{$into}{_authors} .= "</itemizedlist>";
448 if (exists $file{ $fn{$name}{filename} }{copyright})
450 $fn{$into}{_copyright}
451 = "<screen>\n".$file{ $fn{$name}{filename} }{copyright}."</screen>\n";
455 # printing the docbook file is a two-phase process - we spit out the
456 # leader pages first - later we add more pages with _refstart pointing
457 # to the lader page, so that xmlto will add the functions there. Only the
458 # leader page contains some extra info needed for troff page processing.
460 my %header;
462 open F, ">$o{docbookfile}" or die "could not open $o{docbookfile}: $!";
463 print F '<!DOCTYPE reference PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN"';
464 print F "\n",' "">';
465 print F "\n\n",'<reference><title>Manual Pages</title>',"\n";
466 for $name (@namelist)
468 print F $fn{$name}{_refhint};
469 next if exists $fn{$name}{into};
470 print F $fn{$name}{_refstart};
471 print F "\n<refentryinfo>", $fn{$name}{_refentryinfo}
472 , "\n</refentryinfo>\n" if length $fn{$name}{_refentryinfo};
473 print F "\n<refmeta>", $fn{$name}{_refmeta}
474 , "\n</refmeta>\n" if length $fn{$name}{_refmeta};
475 print F "\n<refnamediv>", $fn{$name}{_refnamediv}
476 , "\n</refnamediv>\n" if length $fn{$name}{_refnamediv};
478 print F "\n<refsynopsisdiv>" if length $fn{$name}{_funcsynopsis};
479 print F "\n<funcsynopsisinfo>", $fn{$name}{_funcsynopsisinfo}
480 , "\n</funcsynopsisinfo>" if length $fn{$name}{_funcsynopsisinfo};
481 print F "\n<funcsynopsis>", $fn{$name}{_funcsynopsis}
482 , "\n</funcsynopsis>" if length $fn{$name}{_funcsynopsis};
483 print F "\n</refsynopsisdiv>" if length $fn{$name}{_funcsynopsis};
484 print F "\n<refsect1><title>Description</title>", $fn{$name}{_description}
485 , "\n</refsect1>" if length $fn{$name}{_description};
486 print F "\n<refsect1><title>Author</title>", $fn{$name}{_authors}
487 , "\n</refsect1>" if length $fn{$name}{_authors};
488 print F "\n<refsect1><title>Copyright</title>", $fn{$name}{_copyright}
489 , "\n</refsect1>" if length $fn{$name}{_copyright};
490 print F "\n<refsect1><title>See Also</title>", $fn{$name}{_seealso}
491 , "\n</refsect1>" if length $fn{$name}{_seealso};
493 print F $fn{$name}{_refends};
495 # ------------------------------------------------------------------
496 # creating the per-header manpage - a combination of function man pages
498 my $H = $fn{$name}{_mainheader}; # a shorthand for the mainheader index
499 my $me = 0; $me = 1 if not exists $header{$H};
500 my $HH = $H; $HH =~ s/[^\w\.]/-/g;
501 $header{$H}{_refstart} = "\n<refentry id=\"".$HH."\">" if $me;
502 $header{$H}{_refends} = "\n</refentry>\n" if $me;
503 $header{$H}{_refentryinfo} = $fn{$name}{_refentryinfo} if $me;
504 $header{$H}{_refentryinfo}
505 =~ s/(<title>)([^<>]*)(<\/title>)/$1 the library $3/s if $me;
506 $header{$H}{_refmeta}
507 = "\n <manvolnum>".$fn{$name}{_manvolnum}."</manvolnum>\n"
508 . "\n <refentrytitle>".$fn{$name}{_mainheader}."</refentrytitle>" if $me;
509 $header{$H}{_refnamediv} = "\n <refpurpose> library </refpurpose>";
510 $header{$H}{_refnamediv} .= "\n <refname>".$HH."</refname>";
512 $header{$H}{_refsynopsisinfo}
513 = $fn{$name}{_refsynopsisinfo} if exists $fn{$name}{_refsynopsisinfo};
514 $header{$H}{_funcsynopsis}
515 .= "\n".$fn{$name}{_funcsynopsis} if exists $fn{$name}{_funcsynopsis};
516 # $header{$H}{_funcsynopsisdiv} .= "\n<funcsynopsis>"
517 # .$fn{$name}{_funcsynopsis}."</funcsynopsis>"
518 # if exists $fn{$name}{_funcsynopsis};
519 $header{$H}{_copyright}
520 = $fn{$name}{_copyright} if exists $fn{$name}{_copyright} and $me;
521 $header{$H}{_authors}
522 = $fn{$name}{_authors} if exists $fn{$name}{_authors} and $me;
523 if ($me)
525 my $T = `cat $o{package}.spec`;
526 if ($T =~ /\%description\b([^\%]*)\%/s)
528 $header{$H}{_description} = $1;
529 }elsif (not length $header{$H}{_description})
531 $header{$H}{_description} = "$o{package} library";
536 my $H;
537 for $H (keys %header) # second pass
539 next if not length $header{$H}{_refstart};
540 print F "\n<!-- _______ ",$H," _______ -->";
541 print F $header{$H}{_refstart};
542 print F "\n<refentryinfo>", $header{$H}{_refentryinfo}
543 , "\n</refentryinfo>\n" if length $header{$H}{_refentryinfo};
544 print F "\n<refmeta>", $header{$H}{_refmeta}
545 , "\n</refmeta>\n" if length $header{$H}{_refmeta};
546 print F "\n<refnamediv>", $header{$H}{_refnamediv}
547 , "\n</refnamediv>\n" if length $header{$H}{_refnamediv};
549 print F "\n<refsynopsisdiv>" if length $header{$H}{_funcsynopsis};
550 print F "\n<funcsynopsisinfo>", $header{$H}{_funcsynopsisinfo}
551 , "\n</funcsynopsisinfo>" if length $header{$H}{_funcsynopsisinfo};
552 print F "\n<funcsynopsis>", $header{$H}{_funcsynopsis}
553 , "\n</funcsynopsis>" if length $header{$H}{_funcsynopsis};
554 print F "\n</refsynopsisdiv>" if length $header{$H}{_funcsynopsis};
556 print F "\n<refsect1><title>Description</title>", $header{$H}{_description}
557 , "\n</refsect1>" if length $header{$H}{_description};
558 print F "\n<refsect1><title>Author</title>", $header{$H}{_authors}
559 , "\n</refsect1>" if length $header{$H}{_authors};
560 print F "\n<refsect1><title>Copyright</title>", $header{$H}{_copyright}
561 , "\n</refsect1>" if length $header{$H}{_copyright};
563 print F $header{$H}{_refends};
565 print F "\n",'</reference>',"\n";
566 close (F);
568 # _____________________________________________________________________
569 open F, ">$o{dumpdocfile}" or die "could not open $o{dumpdocfile}: $!";
571 for $name (sort keys %fn)
573 print F "<fn id=\"$name\"><!-- FOR \"$name\" -->\n";
574 for $H (sort keys %{$fn{$name}})
576 print F "<$H name=\"$name\">",$fn{$name}{$H},"</$H>\n";
578 print F "</fn><!-- END \"$name\" -->\n\n";
580 close F;