[luatex.git] / source / libs / gmp / gmp-src / mpz / fib_ui.c
1 /* mpz_fib_ui -- calculate Fibonacci numbers.
3 Copyright 2000-2002, 2005, 2012, 2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
5 This file is part of the GNU MP Library.
7 The GNU MP Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
8 it under the terms of either:
10 * the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
11 Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
12 option) any later version.
16 * the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
17 Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any
18 later version.
20 or both in parallel, as here.
22 The GNU MP Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
23 WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
24 or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
25 for more details.
27 You should have received copies of the GNU General Public License and the
28 GNU Lesser General Public License along with the GNU MP Library. If not,
29 see */
31 #include <stdio.h>
32 #include "gmp.h"
33 #include "gmp-impl.h"
34 #include "longlong.h"
37 /* change to "#define TRACE(x) x" to get some traces */
38 #define TRACE(x)
41 /* In the F[2k+1] below for k odd, the -2 won't give a borrow from the low
42 limb because the result F[2k+1] is an F[4m+3] and such numbers are always
43 == 1, 2 or 5 mod 8, whereas an underflow would leave 6 or 7. (This is
44 the same as in mpn_fib2_ui.)
46 In the F[2k+1] for k even, the +2 won't give a carry out of the low limb
47 in normal circumstances. This is an F[4m+1] and we claim that F[3*2^b+1]
48 == 1 mod 2^b is the first F[4m+1] congruent to 0 or 1 mod 2^b, and hence
49 if n < 2^GMP_NUMB_BITS then F[n] cannot have a low limb of 0 or 1. No
50 proof for this claim, but it's been verified up to b==32 and has such a
51 nice pattern it must be true :-). Of interest is that F[3*2^b] == 0 mod
52 2^(b+1) seems to hold too.
54 When n >= 2^GMP_NUMB_BITS, which can arise in a nails build, then the low
55 limb of F[4m+1] can certainly be 1, and an mpn_add_1 must be used. */
57 void
58 mpz_fib_ui (mpz_ptr fn, unsigned long n)
60 mp_ptr fp, xp, yp;
61 mp_size_t size, xalloc;
62 unsigned long n2;
63 mp_limb_t c;
66 if (n <= FIB_TABLE_LIMIT)
68 PTR(fn)[0] = FIB_TABLE (n);
69 SIZ(fn) = (n != 0); /* F[0]==0, others are !=0 */
70 return;
73 n2 = n/2;
74 xalloc = MPN_FIB2_SIZE (n2) + 1;
75 fp = MPZ_NEWALLOC (fn, 2 * xalloc);
78 TMP_ALLOC_LIMBS_2 (xp,xalloc, yp,xalloc);
79 size = mpn_fib2_ui (xp, yp, n2);
81 TRACE (printf ("mpz_fib_ui last step n=%lu size=%ld bit=%lu\n",
82 n >> 1, size, n&1);
83 mpn_trace ("xp", xp, size);
84 mpn_trace ("yp", yp, size));
86 if (n & 1)
88 /* F[2k+1] = (2F[k]+F[k-1])*(2F[k]-F[k-1]) + 2*(-1)^k */
89 mp_size_t xsize, ysize;
91 #if HAVE_NATIVE_mpn_add_n_sub_n
92 xp[size] = mpn_lshift (xp, xp, size, 1);
93 yp[size] = 0;
94 ASSERT_NOCARRY (mpn_add_n_sub_n (xp, yp, xp, yp, size+1));
95 xsize = size + (xp[size] != 0);
96 ASSERT (yp[size] <= 1);
97 ysize = size + yp[size];
98 #else
99 mp_limb_t c2;
101 c2 = mpn_lshift (fp, xp, size, 1);
102 c = c2 + mpn_add_n (xp, fp, yp, size);
103 xp[size] = c;
104 xsize = size + (c != 0);
105 c2 -= mpn_sub_n (yp, fp, yp, size);
106 yp[size] = c2;
107 ASSERT (c2 <= 1);
108 ysize = size + c2;
109 #endif
111 size = xsize + ysize;
112 c = mpn_mul (fp, xp, xsize, yp, ysize);
115 /* no overflow, see comments above */
116 ASSERT (n & 2 ? fp[0] >= 2 : fp[0] <= GMP_NUMB_MAX-2);
117 fp[0] += (n & 2 ? -CNST_LIMB(2) : CNST_LIMB(2));
118 #else
119 if (n & 2)
121 ASSERT (fp[0] >= 2);
122 fp[0] -= 2;
124 else
126 ASSERT (c != GMP_NUMB_MAX); /* because it's the high of a mul */
127 c += mpn_add_1 (fp, fp, size-1, CNST_LIMB(2));
128 fp[size-1] = c;
130 #endif
132 else
134 /* F[2k] = F[k]*(F[k]+2F[k-1]) */
136 mp_size_t xsize, ysize;
137 #if HAVE_NATIVE_mpn_addlsh1_n
138 c = mpn_addlsh1_n (yp, xp, yp, size);
139 #else
140 c = mpn_lshift (yp, yp, size, 1);
141 c += mpn_add_n (yp, yp, xp, size);
142 #endif
143 yp[size] = c;
144 xsize = size;
145 ysize = size + (c != 0);
146 size += ysize;
147 c = mpn_mul (fp, yp, ysize, xp, xsize);
150 /* one or two high zeros */
151 size -= (c == 0);
152 size -= (fp[size-1] == 0);
153 SIZ(fn) = size;
155 TRACE (printf ("done special, size=%ld\n", size);
156 mpn_trace ("fp ", fp, size));