new beta-0.90.0
[luatex.git] / manual / luatex-fonts.tex
1 % language=uk
3 \environment luatex-style
4 \environment luatex-logos
6 \startcomponent luatex-fonts
8 \startchapter[reference=fonts,title={Font structure}]
10 All \TEX\ fonts are represented to \LUA\ code as tables, and internally as
11 \CCODE~structures. All keys in the table below are saved in the internal font
12 structure if they are present in the table returned by the \type {define_font}
13 callback, or if they result from the normal \TFM|/|\VF\ reading routines if there
14 is no \type {define_font} callback defined.
16 The column \quote {from \VF} means that this key will be created by the \type
17 {font.read_vf()} routine, \quote {from \TFM} means that the key will be created
18 by the \type {font.read_tfm()} routine, and \quote{used} means whether or not
19 the \LUATEX\ engine itself will do something with the key.
21 The top|-|level keys in the table are as follows:
23 \starttabulate[|Tl|l|l|l|l|p|]
24 \NC \ssbf key \NC \bf from vf \NC \bf from tfm \NC \bf used\NC \bf value type \NC
25 \bf description
26 \NC \NR
27 \NC name \NC yes \NC yes \NC yes \NC string \NC
28 metric (file) name
29 \NC \NR
30 \NC area \NC no \NC yes \NC yes \NC string \NC
31 (directory) location, typically empty
32 \NC \NR
33 \NC used \NC no \NC yes \NC yes \NC boolean\NC
34 used already? (initial: false)
35 \NC \NR
36 \NC characters \NC yes \NC yes \NC yes \NC table \NC
37 the defined glyphs of this font
38 \NC \NR
39 \NC checksum \NC yes \NC yes \NC no \NC number \NC
40 default: 0
41 \NC \NR
42 \NC designsize \NC no \NC yes \NC yes \NC number \NC
43 expected size (default: 655360 == 10pt)
44 \NC \NR
45 \NC direction \NC no \NC yes \NC yes \NC number \NC
46 default: 0 (TLT)
47 \NC \NR
48 \NC encodingbytes \NC no \NC no \NC yes \NC number \NC
49 default: depends on \type {format}
50 \NC \NR
51 \NC encodingname \NC no \NC no \NC yes \NC string \NC
52 encoding name
53 \NC \NR
54 \NC fonts \NC yes \NC no \NC yes \NC table \NC
55 locally used fonts
56 \NC \NR
57 \NC psname \NC no \NC no \NC yes \NC string \NC
58 actual (\POSTSCRIPT) name (this is the PS fontname in the incoming font
59 source, also used as fontname identifier in the \PDF\ output)
60 \NC \NR
61 \NC fullname \NC no \NC no \NC yes \NC string \NC
62 output font name, used as a fallback in the \PDF\ output
63 if the psname is not set
64 \NC \NR
65 \NC header \NC yes \NC no \NC no \NC string \NC
66 header comments, if any
67 \NC \NR
68 \NC hyphenchar \NC no \NC no \NC yes \NC number \NC
69 default: TeX's \type {\hyphenchar}
70 \NC \NR
71 \NC parameters \NC no \NC yes \NC yes \NC hash \NC
72 default: 7 parameters, all zero
73 \NC \NR
74 \NC size \NC no \NC yes \NC yes \NC number \NC
75 loaded (at) size. (default: same as designsize)
76 \NC \NR
77 \NC skewchar \NC no \NC no \NC yes \NC number \NC
78 default: TeX's \type {\skewchar}
79 \NC \NR
80 \NC type \NC yes \NC no \NC yes \NC string \NC
81 basic type of this font
82 \NC \NR
83 \NC format \NC no \NC no \NC yes \NC string \NC
84 disk format type
85 \NC \NR
86 \NC embedding \NC no \NC no \NC yes \NC string \NC
87 \PDF\ inclusion
88 \NC \NR
89 \NC filename \NC no \NC no \NC yes \NC string \NC
90 disk file name
91 \NC \NR
92 \NC tounicode \NC no \NC yes \NC yes \NC number \NC
93 if 1, \LUATEX\ assumes per-glyph tounicode entries are
94 present in the font
95 \NC \NR
96 \NC stretch \NC no \NC no \NC yes \NC number \NC
97 the \quote {stretch} value from \type {\expandglyphsinfont}
98 \NC \NR
99 \NC shrink \NC no \NC no \NC yes \NC number \NC
100 the \quote {shrink} value from \type {\expandglyphsinfont}
101 \NC \NR
102 \NC step \NC no \NC no \NC yes \NC number \NC
103 the \quote {step} value from \type {\expandglyphsinfont}
104 \NC \NR
105 \NC auto_expand \NC no \NC no \NC yes \NC boolean\NC
106 the \quote {autoexpand} keyword from\crlf \type {\expandglyphsinfont}
107 \NC \NR
108 \NC expansion_factor \NC no \NC no \NC no \NC number \NC
109 the actual expansion factor of an expanded font
110 \NC \NR
111 \NC attributes \NC no \NC no \NC yes \NC string \NC
112 the \type {\pdffontattr}
113 \NC \NR
114 \NC cache \NC no \NC no \NC yes \NC string \NC
115 this key controls caching of the \LUA\ table on the \type {tex} end. \type
116 {yes}: use a reference to the table that is passed to \LUATEX\ (this is the
117 default). \type {no}: don't store the table reference, don't cache any \LUA\
118 data for this font. \type {renew}: don't store the table reference, but save
119 a reference to the table that is created at the first access to one of its
120 fields in font.fonts. Note: the saved reference is thread-local, so be
121 careful when you are using coroutines: an error will be thrown if the table
122 has been cached in one thread, but you reference it from another thread
123 ($\approx$ coroutine)
124 \NC \NR
125 \NC nomath \NC no \NC no \NC yes \NC boolean\NC
126 this key allows a minor speedup for text fonts. if it is present and true,
127 then \LUATEX\ will not check the character enties for math-specific keys.
128 \NC \NR
129 \NC slant \NC no \NC no \NC yes \NC number \NC
130 This has the same semantics as the \type {SlantFont} operator in font map
131 files.
132 \NC \NR
133 \NC extent \NC no \NC no \NC yes \NC number \NC
134 This has the same semantics as the \type {ExtendFont} operator in font map
135 files.
136 \NC \NR
137 \stoptabulate
139 The key \type {name} is always required. The keys \type {stretch}, \type
140 {shrink}, \type {step} and optionally \type {auto_expand} only have meaning when
141 used together: they can be used to replace a post|-|loading \type
142 {\expandglyphsinfont} command. The \type {expansion_factor} is value that can be
143 present inside a font in \type {font.fonts}. It is the actual expansion factor (a
144 value between \type {-shrink} and \type {stretch}, with step \type {step}) of a
145 font that was automatically generated by the font expansion algorithm. The key
146 \type {attributes} can be used to replace \type {\pdffontattr}. The key \type {used}
147 is set by the engine when a font is actively in use, this makes sure that the
148 font's definition is written to the output file (\DVI\ or \PDF). The \TFM\ reader
149 sets it to false. The \type {direction} is a number signalling the \quote
150 {normal} direction for this font. There are sixteen possibilities:
152 \starttabulate[|Tc|c|c|c|]
153 \NC \ssbf number \NC \bf meaning \NC \bf number \NC \bf meaning \NC\NR
154 \NC 0 \NC LT \NC 8 \NC TT \NC\NR
155 \NC 1 \NC LL \NC 9 \NC TL \NC\NR
156 \NC 2 \NC LB \NC 10 \NC TB \NC\NR
157 \NC 3 \NC LR \NC 11 \NC TR \NC\NR
158 \NC 4 \NC RT \NC 12 \NC BT \NC\NR
159 \NC 5 \NC RL \NC 13 \NC BL \NC\NR
160 \NC 6 \NC RB \NC 14 \NC BB \NC\NR
161 \NC 7 \NC RR \NC 15 \NC BR \NC\NR
162 \stoptabulate
164 These are \OMEGA|-|style direction abbreviations: the first character indicates
165 the \quote {first} edge of the character glyphs (the edge that is seen first in
166 the writing direction), the second the \quote {top} side.
168 The \type {parameters} is a hash with mixed key types. There are seven possible
169 string keys, as well as a number of integer indices (these start from 8 up). The
170 seven strings are actually used instead of the bottom seven indices, because that
171 gives a nicer user interface.
173 The names and their internal remapping are:
175 \starttabulate[|lT|c|]
176 \NC \ssbf name \NC \bf internal remapped number \NC\NR
177 \NC slant \NC 1 \NC\NR
178 \NC space \NC 2 \NC\NR
179 \NC space_stretch \NC 3 \NC\NR
180 \NC space_shrink \NC 4 \NC\NR
181 \NC x_height \NC 5 \NC\NR
182 \NC quad \NC 6 \NC\NR
183 \NC extra_space \NC 7 \NC\LR
184 \stoptabulate
186 The keys \type {type}, \type {format}, \type {embedding}, \type {fullname} and
187 \type {filename} are used to embed \OPENTYPE\ fonts in the result \PDF.
189 The \type {characters} table is a list of character hashes indexed by an integer
190 number. The number is the \quote {internal code} \TEX\ knows this character by.
192 Two very special string indexes can be used also: \type {left_boundary} is a
193 virtual character whose ligatures and kerns are used to handle word boundary
194 processing. \type {right_boundary} is similar but not actually used for anything
195 (yet!).
197 Other index keys are ignored.
199 Each character hash itself is a hash. For example, here is the character \quote
200 {f} (decimal 102) in the font cmr10 at 10 points:
202 \starttyping
203 [102] = {
204 ['width'] = 200250,
205 ['height'] = 455111,
206 ['depth'] = 0,
207 ['italic'] = 50973,
208 ['kerns'] = {
209 [63] = 50973,
210 [93] = 50973,
211 [39] = 50973,
212 [33] = 50973,
213 [41] = 50973
215 ['ligatures'] = {
216 [102] = {
217 ['char'] = 11,
218 ['type'] = 0
220 [108] = {
221 ['char'] = 13,
222 ['type'] = 0
224 [105] = {
225 ['char'] = 12,
226 ['type'] = 0
230 \stoptyping
232 The following top|-|level keys can be present inside a character hash:
234 \starttabulate[|lT|c|c|c|l|p|]
235 \NC \ssbf key \NC \bf from vf \NC \bf from tfm \NC \bf used \NC \bf value type \NC \bf description \NC\NR
236 \NC width \NC yes \NC yes \NC yes \NC number \NC character's width, in sp (default 0) \NC\NR
237 \NC height \NC no \NC yes \NC yes \NC number \NC character's height, in sp (default 0) \NC\NR
238 \NC depth \NC no \NC yes \NC yes \NC number \NC character's depth, in sp (default 0) \NC\NR
239 \NC italic \NC no \NC yes \NC yes \NC number \NC character's italic correction, in sp (default zero) \NC\NR
240 \NC top_accent \NC no \NC no \NC maybe \NC number \NC character's top accent alignment place, in sp (default zero) \NC\NR
241 \NC bot_accent \NC no \NC no \NC maybe \NC number \NC character's bottom accent alignment place, in sp (default zero) \NC\NR
242 \NC left_protruding \NC no \NC no \NC maybe \NC number \NC character's \type {\lpcode} \NC\NR
243 \NC right_protruding \NC no \NC no \NC maybe \NC number \NC character's \type {\rpcode} \NC\NR
244 \NC expansion_factor \NC no \NC no \NC maybe \NC number \NC character's \type {\efcode} \NC\NR
245 \NC tounicode \NC no \NC no \NC maybe \NC string \NC character's \UNICODE\ equivalent(s), in \UTF|-|16BE hexadecimal format \NC\NR
246 \NC next \NC no \NC yes \NC yes \NC number \NC the \quote {next larger} character index \NC\NR
247 \NC extensible \NC no \NC yes \NC yes \NC table \NC the constituent parts of an extensible recipe \NC\NR
248 \NC vert_variants \NC no \NC no \NC yes \NC table \NC constituent parts of a vertical variant set \NC \NR
249 \NC horiz_variants \NC no \NC no \NC yes \NC table \NC constituent parts of a horizontal variant set \NC \NR
250 \NC kerns \NC no \NC yes \NC yes \NC table \NC kerning information \NC\NR
251 \NC ligatures \NC no \NC yes \NC yes \NC table \NC ligaturing information \NC\NR
252 \NC commands \NC yes \NC no \NC yes \NC array \NC virtual font commands \NC\NR
253 \NC name \NC no \NC no \NC no \NC string \NC the character (\POSTSCRIPT) name \NC\NR
254 \NC index \NC no \NC no \NC yes \NC number \NC the (\OPENTYPE\ or \TRUETYPE) font glyph index \NC\NR
255 \NC used \NC no \NC yes \NC yes \NC boolean \NC typeset already (default: false)? \NC\NR
256 \NC mathkern \NC no \NC no \NC yes \NC table \NC math cut-in specifications \NC\NR
257 \stoptabulate
259 The values of \type {top_accent}, \type {bot_accent} and \type {mathkern} are
260 used only for math accent and superscript placement, see the \at {math chapter}
261 [math] in this manual for details.
263 The values of \type {left_protruding} and \type {right_protruding} are used only
264 when \type {\protrudechars} is non-zero.
266 Whether or not \type {expansion_factor} is used depends on the font's global
267 expansion settings, as well as on the value of \type {\adjustspacing}.
269 The usage of \type {tounicode} is this: if this font specifies a \type
270 {tounicode=1} at the top level, then \LUATEX\ will construct a \type {/ToUnicode}
271 entry for the \PDF\ font (or font subset) based on the character|-|level \type
272 {tounicode} strings, where they are available. If a character does not have a
273 sensible \UNICODE\ equivalent, do not provide a string either (no empty strings).
275 If the font level \type {tounicode} is not set, then \LUATEX\ will build up \type
276 {/ToUnicode} based on the \TEX\ code points you used, and any character-level
277 \type {tounicodes} will be ignored. The string format is exactly the format that
278 is expected by Adobe \CMAP\ files (\UTF-16BE in hexadecimal encoding), minus the
279 enclosing angle brackets. Small example: the \type {tounicode} for a \type {fi}
280 ligature would be \type {00660069}. When you pass a number the conversion will be
281 done for you.
283 The presence of \type {extensible} will overrule \type {next}, if that is also
284 present. It in in turn can be overruled by \type {vert_variants}.
286 The \type {extensible} table is very simple:
288 \starttabulate[|lT|l|p|]
289 \NC \ssbf key \NC \bf type \NC \bf description \NC\NR
290 \NC top \NC number \NC \quote{top} character index \NC\NR
291 \NC mid \NC number \NC \quote{middle} character index \NC\NR
292 \NC bot \NC number \NC \quote{bottom} character index \NC\NR
293 \NC rep \NC number \NC \quote{repeatable} character index \NC\NR
294 \stoptabulate
296 The \type {horiz_variants} and \type {vert_variants} are arrays of components.
297 Each of those components is itself a hash of up to five keys:
299 \starttabulate[|lT|l|p|]
300 \NC \ssbf key \NC \bf type \NC \bf explanation \NC\NR
301 \NC glyph \NC number \NC The character index (note that this is an encoding number, not a name). \NC \NR
302 \NC extender \NC number \NC One (1) if this part is repeatable, zero (0) otherwise. \NC \NR
303 \NC start \NC number \NC Maximum overlap at the starting side (in scaled points). \NC \NR
304 \NC end \NC number \NC Maximum overlap at the ending side (in scaled points). \NC \NR
305 \NC advance \NC number \NC The total advance width of this item (can be zero or missing,
306 then the natural size of the glyph for character \type {component}
307 is used). \NC \NR
308 \stoptabulate
310 The \type {kerns} table is a hash indexed by character index (and \quote
311 {character index} is defined as either a non|-|negative integer or the string
312 value \type {right_boundary}), with the values the kerning to be applied, in
313 scaled points.
315 The \type {ligatures} table is a hash indexed by character index (and \quote
316 {character index} is defined as either a non|-|negative integer or the string
317 value \type {right_boundary}), with the values being yet another small hash, with
318 two fields:
320 \starttabulate[|lT|l|p|]
321 \NC \ssbf key \NC \bf type \NC \bf description \NC \NR
322 \NC type \NC number \NC the type of this ligature command, default 0 \NC \NR
323 \NC char \NC number \NC the character index of the resultant ligature \NC \NR
324 \stoptabulate
326 The \type {char} field in a ligature is required.
328 The \type {type} field inside a ligature is the numerical or string value of one
329 of the eight possible ligature types supported by \TEX. When \TEX\ inserts a new
330 ligature, it puts the new glyph in the middle of the left and right glyphs. The
331 original left and right glyphs can optionally be retained, and when at least one
332 of them is kept, it is also possible to move the new \quote {insertion point}
333 forward one or two places. The glyph that ends up to the right of the insertion
334 point will become the next \quote {left}.
336 \starttabulate[|l|c|l|l|]
337 \NC \bf textual (Knuth) \NC \bf number \NC \bf string \NC result \NC\NR
338 \NC l + r =: n \NC 0 \NC \type {=:} \NC \|n \NC\NR
339 \NC l + r =:\| n \NC 1 \NC \type {=:|} \NC \|nr \NC\NR
340 \NC l + r \|=: n \NC 2 \NC \type {|=:} \NC \|ln \NC\NR
341 \NC l + r \|=:\| n \NC 3 \NC \type {|=:|} \NC \|lnr \NC\NR
342 \NC l + r =:\|\> n \NC 5 \NC \type {=:|>} \NC n\|r \NC\NR
343 \NC l + r \|=:\> n \NC 6 \NC \type {|=:>} \NC l\|n \NC\NR
344 \NC l + r \|=:\|\> n \NC 7 \NC \type {|=:|>} \NC l\|nr \NC\NR
345 \NC l + r \|=:\|\>\> n \NC 11 \NC \type {|=:|>>} \NC ln\|r \NC\NR
346 \stoptabulate
348 The default value is~0, and can be left out. That signifies a \quote {normal}
349 ligature where the ligature replaces both original glyphs. In this table the~\|
350 indicates the final insertion point.
352 The \type {commands} array is explained below.
354 \section {Real fonts}
356 Whether or not a \TEX\ font is a \quote {real} font that should be written to the
357 \PDF\ document is decided by the \type {type} value in the top|-|level font
358 structure. If the value is \type {real}, then this is a proper font, and the
359 inclusion mechanism will attempt to add the needed font object definitions to the
360 \PDF.
362 Values for \type {type}:
364 \starttabulate[|Tl|p|]
365 \NC \ssbf value \NC \bf description \NC\NR
366 \NC real \NC this is a base font \NC\NR
367 \NC virtual \NC this is a virtual font \NC\NR
368 \stoptabulate
370 The actions to be taken depend on a number of different variables:
372 \startitemize[packed]
373 \startitem
374 Whether the used font fits in an 8-bit encoding scheme or not.
375 \stopitem
376 \startitem
377 The type of the disk font file.
378 \stopitem
379 \startitem
380 The level of embedding requested.
381 \stopitem
382 \stopitemize
384 A font that uses anything other than an 8-bit encoding vector has to be written
385 to the \PDF\ in a different way.
387 The rule is: if the font table has \type {encodingbytes} set to~2, then this is a
388 wide font, in all other cases it isn't. The value~2 is the default for \OPENTYPE\
389 and \TRUETYPE\ fonts loaded via \LUA. For \TYPEONE\ fonts, you have to set \type
390 {encodingbytes} to~2 explicitly. For \PK\ bitmap fonts, wide font encoding is not
391 supported at all.
393 If no special care is needed, \LUATEX\ currently falls back to the
394 mapfile|-|based solution used by \PDFTEX\ and \DVIPS. This behaviour will be
395 removed in the future, when the existing code becomes integrated in the new
396 subsystem.
398 But if this is a \quote {wide} font, then the new subsystem kicks in, and some
399 extra fields have to be present in the font structure. In this case, \LUATEX\
400 does not use a map file at all.
402 The extra fields are: \type {format}, \type {embedding}, \type {fullname}, \type
403 {cidinfo} (as explained above), \type {filename}, and the \type {index} key in
404 the separate characters.
406 Values for \type {format} are:
408 \starttabulate[|Tl|p|]
409 \NC \ssbf value \NC \bf description \NC \NR
410 \NC type1 \NC this is a \POSTSCRIPT\ \TYPEONE\ font \NC \NR
411 \NC type3 \NC this is a bitmapped (\PK) font \NC \NR
412 \NC truetype \NC this is a \TRUETYPE\ or \TRUETYPE|-|based \OPENTYPE\ font \NC \NR
413 \NC opentype \NC this is a \POSTSCRIPT|-|based \OPENTYPE\ font \NC \NR
414 \stoptabulate
416 \type {type3} fonts are provided for backward compatibility only, and do not
417 support the new wide encoding options.
419 Values for \type {embedding} are:
421 \starttabulate[|Tl|p|]
422 \NC \ssbf value \NC \bf description \NC \NR
423 \NC no \NC don't embed the font at all \NC \NR
424 \NC subset \NC include and atttempt to subset the font \NC \NR
425 \NC full \NC include this font in its entirety \NC \NR
426 \stoptabulate
428 It is not possible to artificially modify the transformation matrix
429 for the font at the moment.
431 The other fields are used as follows: The \type {fullname} will be the
432 \POSTSCRIPT|/|\PDF\ font name. The \type {cidinfo} will be used as the character
433 set (the CID \type {/Ordering} and \type {/Registry} keys). The \type {filename}
434 points to the actual font file. If you include the full path in the \type
435 {filename} or if the file is in the local directory, \LUATEX\ will run a little
436 bit more efficient because it will not have to re|-|run the \type {find_xxx_file}
437 callback in that case.
439 Be careful: when mixing old and new fonts in one document, it is possible to
440 create \POSTSCRIPT\ name clashes that can result in printing errors. When this
441 happens, you have to change the \type {fullname} of the font.
443 Typeset strings are written out in a wide format using 2~bytes per glyph, using
444 the \type {index} key in the character information as value. The overall effect
445 is like having an encoding based on numbers instead of traditional (\POSTSCRIPT)
446 name|-|based reencoding. The way to get the correct \type {index} numbers for
447 \TYPEONE\ fonts is by loading the font via \type {}; use the table
448 indices as \type {index} fields.
450 This type of reencoding means that there is no longer a clear connection between
451 the text in your input file and the strings in the output \PDF\ file. Dealing
452 with this is high on the agenda.
454 \section[virtualfonts]{Virtual fonts}
456 You have to take the following steps if you want \LUATEX\ to treat the returned
457 table from \type {define_font} as a virtual font:
459 \startitemize[packed]
460 \startitem
461 Set the top|-|level key \type {type} to \type {virtual}.
462 \stopitem
463 \startitem
464 Make sure there is at least one valid entry in \type {fonts} (see below).
465 \stopitem
466 \startitem
467 Give a \type {commands} array to every character (see below).
468 \stopitem
469 \stopitemize
471 The presence of the toplevel \type {type} key with the specific value \type
472 {virtual} will trigger handling of the rest of the special virtual font fields in
473 the table, but the mere existence of 'type' is enough to prevent \LUATEX\ from
474 looking for a virtual font on its own.
476 Therefore, this also works \quote {in reverse}: if you are absolutely certain
477 that a font is not a virtual font, assigning the value \type {base} or \type
478 {real} to \type {type} will inhibit \LUATEX\ from looking for a virtual font
479 file, thereby saving you a disk search.
481 The \type {fonts} is another \LUA\ array. The values are one- or two|-|key
482 hashes themselves, each entry indicating one of the base fonts in a virtual font.
483 In case your font is referring to itself, you can use the \type {font.nextid()}
484 function which returns the index of the next to be defined font which is probably
485 the currently defined one.
487 An example makes this easy to understand
489 \starttyping
490 fonts = {
491 { name = 'ptmr8a', size = 655360 },
492 { name = 'psyr', size = 600000 },
493 { id = 38 }
495 \stoptyping
497 says that the first referenced font (index 1) in this virtual font is \type
498 {ptrmr8a} loaded at 10pt, and the second is \type {psyr} loaded at a little over
499 9pt. The third one is previously defined font that is known to \LUATEX\ as font id
500 \quote {38}.
502 The array index numbers are used by the character command definitions that are
503 part of each character.
505 The \type {commands} array is a hash where each item is another small array,
506 with the first entry representing a command and the extra items being the
507 parameters to that command. The allowed commands and their arguments are:
509 \starttabulate[|Tl|l|l|p|]
510 \NC \ssbf command name \NC \bf arguments \NC \bf arg type \NC \bf description \NC\NR
511 \NC font \NC 1 \NC number \NC select a new font from the local \type {fonts} table\NC\NR
512 \NC char \NC 1 \NC number \NC typeset this character number from the current font,
513 and move right by the character's width\NC\NR
514 \NC node \NC 1 \NC node \NC output this node (list), and move right
515 by the width of this list\NC\NR
516 \NC slot \NC 2 \NC number \NC a shortcut for the combination of a font and char command\NC\NR
517 \NC push \NC 0 \NC \NC save current position\NC\NR
518 \NC nop \NC 0 \NC \NC do nothing \NC\NR
519 \NC pop \NC 0 \NC \NC pop position \NC\NR
520 \NC rule \NC 2 \NC 2 numbers \NC output a rule $ht*wd$, and move right.\NC\NR
521 \NC down \NC 1 \NC number \NC move down on the page\NC\NR
522 \NC right \NC 1 \NC number \NC move right on the page\NC\NR
523 \NC special \NC 1 \NC string \NC output a \type {\special} command\NC\NR
524 \NC lua \NC 1 \NC string \NC execute a \LUA\ script (at \type {\latelua} time)\NC\NR
525 \NC image \NC 1 \NC image \NC output an image (the argument can be either an \type
526 {<image>} variable or an \type {image_spec} table)\NC\NR
527 \NC comment \NC any \NC any \NC the arguments of this command are ignored\NC\NR
528 \stoptabulate
530 When a font id is set to~0 then it will be replaced by the currently assigned
531 font id. This prevents the need for hackery with future id's (normally one could
532 use \type {font.nextid} but when more complex fonts are built in the meantime
533 other instances could have been loaded.
535 Here is a rather elaborate glyph commands example:
537 \starttyping
539 commands = {
540 { 'push' }, -- remember where we are
541 { 'right', 5000 }, -- move right about 0.08pt
542 { 'font', 3 }, -- select the fonts[3] entry
543 { 'char', 97 }, -- place character 97 (ASCII 'a')
544 { 'pop' }, -- go all the way back
545 { 'down', -200000 }, -- move upwards by about 3pt
546 { 'special', 'pdf: 1 0 0 rg' } -- switch to red color
547 { 'rule', 500000, 20000 } -- draw a bar
548 { 'special','pdf: 0 g' } -- back to black
551 \stoptyping
553 The default value for \type {font} is always~1 at the start of the
554 \type {commands} array. Therefore, if the virtual font is essentially only a
555 re|-|encoding, then you do usually not have create an explicit \quote {font}
556 command in the array.
558 Rules inside of \type {commands} arrays are built up using only two dimensions:
559 they do not have depth. For correct vertical placement, an extra \type {down}
560 command may be needed.
562 Regardless of the amount of movement you create within the \type {commands}, the
563 output pointer will always move by exactly the width that was given in the \type
564 {width} key of the character hash. Any movements that take place inside the \type
565 {commands} array are ignored on the upper level.
567 \subsection{Artificial fonts}
569 Even in a \quote {real} font, there can be virtual characters. When \LUATEX\
570 encounters a \type {commands} field inside a character when it becomes time to
571 typeset the character, it will interpret the commands, just like for a true
572 virtual character. In this case, if you have created no \quote {fonts} array,
573 then the default (and only) \quote {base} font is taken to be the current font
574 itself. In practice, this means that you can create virtual duplicates of
575 existing characters which is useful if you want to create composite characters.
577 Note: this feature does {\it not\/} work the other way around. There can not be
578 \quote {real} characters in a virtual font! You cannot use this technique for
579 font re-encoding either; you need a truly virtual font for that (because
580 characters that are already present cannot be altered).
582 \subsection{Example virtual font}
584 Finally, here is a plain \TEX\ input file with a virtual font demonstration:
586 \startbuffer
587 \directlua {
588 callback.register('define_font',
589 function (name,size)
590 if name == 'cmr10-red' then
591 f = font.read_tfm('cmr10',size)
592 = 'cmr10-red'
593 f.type = 'virtual'
594 f.fonts = {{ name = 'cmr10', size = size }}
595 for i,v in pairs(f.characters) do
596 if (string.char(i)):find('[tacohanshartmut]') then
597 v.commands = {
598 {'special','pdf: 1 0 0 rg'},
599 {'char',i},
600 {'special','pdf: 0 g'},
602 else
603 v.commands = {{'char',i}}
606 else
607 f = font.read_tfm(name,size)
609 return f
614 \font\myfont = cmr10-red at 10pt \myfont This is a line of text \par
615 \font\myfontx= cmr10 at 10pt \myfontx Here is another line of text \par
616 \stopbuffer
618 \typebuffer
620 % \getbuffer
622 \stopchapter
624 \stopcomponent