fix getsup (HH)
[luatex.git] / source / libs / gmp / gmp-src / mpn / powerpc32 / mode1o.asm
1 dnl PowerPC-32 mpn_modexact_1_odd -- mpn by limb exact remainder.
3 dnl Copyright 2002, 2003, 2005, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
5 dnl This file is part of the GNU MP Library.
6 dnl
7 dnl The GNU MP Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
8 dnl it under the terms of either:
9 dnl
10 dnl * the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
11 dnl Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
12 dnl option) any later version.
13 dnl
14 dnl or
15 dnl
16 dnl * the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
17 dnl Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any
18 dnl later version.
19 dnl
20 dnl or both in parallel, as here.
21 dnl
22 dnl The GNU MP Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
23 dnl WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
24 dnl or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
25 dnl for more details.
26 dnl
27 dnl You should have received copies of the GNU General Public License and the
28 dnl GNU Lesser General Public License along with the GNU MP Library. If not,
29 dnl see
31 include(`../config.m4')
34 C cycles/limb
35 C 603e: ?
36 C 604e: 6.0
37 C 75x (G3): 6.0-13.0, depending on divisor
38 C 7400,7410 (G4): 6.0-13.0, depending on divisor
39 C 744x,745x (G4+): 8.0-10.0, depending on divisor
40 C power4/ppc970: 12.0
41 C power5: 12.0
44 C mp_limb_t mpn_modexact_1_odd (mp_srcptr src, mp_size_t size,
45 C mp_limb_t divisor);
46 C mp_limb_t mpn_modexact_1c_odd (mp_srcptr src, mp_size_t size,
47 C mp_limb_t divisor, mp_limb_t carry);
49 C For PIC, the inverse is established arithmetically since it measures about
50 C 5 cycles faster than the nonsense needed to access binvert_limb_table in
51 C SVR4 or Darwin style PIC. AIX might be better, since it avoids bl/mflr to
52 C get at the GOT/TOC/whatever.
54 C Using divwu for size==1 measured about 10 cycles slower on 604e, or about
55 C 3-5 cycles faster on 750. For now it doesn't seem worth bothering with.
57 C The loop allows an early-out on mullw for the inverse, and on mulhwu for
58 C the divisor. So the fastest is for instance divisor==1 (inverse==-1), and
59 C the slowest is anything giving a full 32-bits in both, such as
60 C divisor==0xDEADBEEF (inverse==0x904B300F). These establish the stated
61 C range above for 750 and 7400.
66 EXTERN(binvert_limb_table)
68 PROLOGUE(mpn_modexact_1_odd)
69 li r6, 0
71 PROLOGUE(mpn_modexact_1c_odd)
73 mtctr r4 C size
75 ifdef(`PIC_SLOW',`
76 C Load from our table with PIC is so slow on Linux and Darwin that we avoid it
77 rlwinm r7, r5, 1,28,28 C (divisor << 1) & 8
78 rlwinm r8, r5, 2,28,28 C (divisor << 2) & 8
79 xor r7, r7, r8 C ((divisor << 1) ^ (divisor << 2)) & 8
80 rlwinm r4, r5, 0,28,31 C divisor low 4 bits, speedup mullw
81 xor r4, r4, r7 C inverse, 4 bits
82 mullw r7, r4, r4 C i*i
83 slwi r4, r4, 1 C 2*i
84 rlwinm r8, r5, 0,24,31 C divisor low 8 bits, speedup mullw
85 mullw r7, r7, r8 C i*i*d
86 sub r4, r4, r7 C inverse, 8 bits
87 ',`
88 LEA( r7, binvert_limb_table)
89 rlwinm r4, r5, 31,25,31 C (divisor/2) & 0x7F
90 lbzx r4, r4,r7 C inverse, 8 bits
93 mullw r7, r4, r4 C i*i
94 slwi r4, r4, 1 C 2*i
95 mullw r7, r5, r7 C i*i*d [i*i is 16 bits, so second operand]
96 sub r4, r4, r7 C inverse, 16 bits
97 mullw r7, r4, r4 C i*i
98 slwi r4, r4, 1 C 2*i
99 mullw r7, r7, r5 C i*i*d
100 lwz r0, 0(r3) C src[0]
101 sub r4, r4, r7 C inverse, 32 bits
102 subfc r7, r6, r0 C l = src[0] - carry
104 mullw r7, r7, r4 C q = l * inverse
105 bdz L(one)
107 lwzu r0, 4(r3) C src[1]
108 mulhwu r6, r7, r5 C carry = high(q*divisor)
109 subfe r7, r6, r0 C l = src[1] - carry
110 bdz L(two)
112 L(top):
113 mullw r7, r7, r4 C q = l * inverse
114 lwzu r0, 4(r3) C src[i]
115 mulhwu r6, r7, r5 C carry = high(q*divisor)
116 subfe r7, r6, r0 C l = src[i] - carry
117 bdnz L(top)
119 L(two): mullw r7, r7, r4 C q = l * inverse
120 L(one): subfe r3, r3, r3 C ca 0 or -1
121 mulhwu r6, r7, r5 C carry = high(q*divisor)
122 subf r3, r3, r6 C carry + ca
125 EPILOGUE(mpn_modexact_1c_odd)
126 EPILOGUE(mpn_modexact_1_odd)
127 ASM_END()