fix getsup (HH)
[luatex.git] / source / libs / gmp / gmp-src / mpn / powerpc32 / divrem_2.asm
1 dnl PPC-32 mpn_divrem_2 -- Divide an mpn number by a normalized 2-limb number.
3 dnl Copyright 2007, 2008, 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
5 dnl This file is part of the GNU MP Library.
6 dnl
7 dnl The GNU MP Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
8 dnl it under the terms of either:
9 dnl
10 dnl * the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
11 dnl Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
12 dnl option) any later version.
13 dnl
14 dnl or
15 dnl
16 dnl * the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
17 dnl Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any
18 dnl later version.
19 dnl
20 dnl or both in parallel, as here.
21 dnl
22 dnl The GNU MP Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
23 dnl WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
24 dnl or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
25 dnl for more details.
26 dnl
27 dnl You should have received copies of the GNU General Public License and the
28 dnl GNU Lesser General Public License along with the GNU MP Library. If not,
29 dnl see
31 include(`../config.m4')
33 C cycles/limb
34 C norm frac
35 C 7410 ~36.5 ~36.5
36 C 744x, 745x 29 29
39 C qp = r3
40 C fn = r4
41 C up = r5
42 C un = r6
43 C d = r7
46 C * Decrease register usage.
47 C * Make sure mul operands and optimal for early-out.
48 C * Check that things work well for a shared library build.
49 C * Write an invert_limb, perhaps inline, perhaps as a private call. Or at
50 C least vastly improve the current __udiv_qrnnd_c based code.
54 PROLOGUE(mpn_divrem_2)
55 stwu r1, -32(r1)
56 slwi r0, r6, 2
57 add r5, r5, r0
58 stmw r28, 8(r1)
59 addi r29, r5, -8 C up = up_param + un - 2
60 lwz r10, 4(r7)
61 lwz r12, 4(r29)
62 addi r8, r3, -12
63 lwz r7, 0(r7)
64 cmplw cr7, r12, r10
65 lwz r28, 0(r29)
66 blt- cr7, L(2)
67 bgt+ cr7, L(4)
68 cmplw cr7, r28, r7
69 blt- cr7, L(2)
70 L(4): subfc r28, r7, r28
71 subfe r12, r10, r12
72 li r3, 1
73 b L(6)
74 L(2): li r3, 0
76 L(6): add r0, r4, r6
77 addic. r30, r0, -2
78 ble- cr0, L(ret)
80 slwi r9, r0, 2
81 add r8, r8, r9 C rp += un + fn
82 mtctr r30
84 C Compute di from d1
85 srwi r11, r10, 16
86 nor r0, r10, r10
87 divwu r31, r0, r11
88 rlwinm r5, r10, 0, 16, 31
89 mullw r9, r11, r31
90 mullw r6, r5, r31
91 subf r0, r9, r0
92 slwi r0, r0, 16
93 ori r0, r0, 65535
94 cmplw cr7, r0, r6
95 bge- cr7, L(9)
96 add r0, r0, r10
97 cmplw cr7, r0, r10
98 cmplw cr6, r6, r0
99 addi r31, r31, -1 C q1--
100 crorc 28, 28, 25
101 bc+ 12, 28, L(9)
102 addi r31, r31, -1 C q1--
103 add r0, r0, r10
104 L(9): subf r0, r6, r0
105 divwu r6, r0, r11
106 mullw r9, r11, r6
107 mullw r11, r5, r6
108 subf r0, r9, r0
109 slwi r0, r0, 16
110 ori r0, r0, 65535
111 cmplw cr7, r0, r11
112 bge- cr7, L(13)
113 add r0, r0, r10
114 cmplw cr7, r0, r10
115 cmplw cr6, r11, r0
116 addi r6, r6, -1 C q0--
117 crorc 28, 28, 25
118 bc+ 12, 28, L(13)
119 C add r0, r0, r10 C final remainder
120 addi r6, r6, -1 C q0--
121 L(13): rlwimi r6, r31, 16, 0, 15 C assemble final quotient
123 C Adjust di by including d0
124 mullw r9, r10, r6 C t0 = LO(di * d1)
125 addc r11, r9, r7
126 subfe r0, r1, r1
127 mulhwu r9, r6, r7 C s1 = HI(di * d0)
128 addc r9, r11, r9
129 addze. r0, r0
130 blt cr0, L(17)
131 L(18): subfc r9, r10, r9
132 addi r6, r6, -1
133 addme. r0, r0
134 bge+ cr0, L(18)
135 L(17):
137 C r0 r3 r4 r5 r6 r7 r8 r9 r10 r11 r12 r28 r29 r30 r31
138 C msl di d0 qp d1 fn up un
139 L(loop):
140 mullw r0, r12, r6 C q0 = LO(n2 * di)
141 cmpw cr7, r30, r4
142 addc r31, r0, r28 C q0 += n1
143 mulhwu r9, r12, r6 C q = HI(n2 * di)
144 adde r12, r9, r12 C q += n2
145 addi r30, r30, -1
146 mullw r0, r10, r12 C d1 * q
147 li r9, 0
148 subf r0, r0, r28 C n1 -= d1 * q
149 addi r5, r12, 1
150 ble- cr7, L(23)
151 lwzu r9, -4(r29)
152 L(23): mullw r11, r12, r7 C t0 = LO(d0 * q)
153 subfc r28, r7, r9 C n0 -= d0
154 subfe r0, r10, r0 C n1 -= d1
155 mulhwu r12, r12, r7 C t1 = HI(d0 * q)
156 subfc r28, r11, r28 C n0 -= t0
157 subfe r12, r12, r0 C n1 -= t1
158 cmplw cr7, r12, r31
159 blt+ cr7, L(24)
160 addc r28, r28, r7
161 adde r12, r12, r10
162 addi r5, r5, -1
163 L(24): cmplw cr7, r12, r10
164 bge- cr7, L(fix)
165 L(bck): stw r5, 0(r8)
166 addi r8, r8, -4
167 bdnz L(loop)
169 L(ret): stw r28, 0(r29)
170 stw r12, 4(r29)
171 lmw r28, 8(r1)
172 addi r1, r1, 32
175 L(fix): cmplw cr6, r28, r7
176 bgt+ cr7, L(28)
177 blt- cr6, L(bck)
178 L(28): subfc r28, r7, r28
179 subfe r12, r10, r12
180 addi r5, r5, 1
181 b L(bck)