Imported from ../lua-3.0.tar.gz.
[lua.git] / test / examples / www / db.lua
1 dofile("staff.lua")
3 global{
4 ROOT='',
6 WWW="|ROOT|/~|LOGIN|",
7 webmast='|ROOT|/webmaster.html',
8 TECGRAF='<A HREF="">TeCGraf</A>',
9 CS='<A HREF="">Computer Science Department</A>',
10 PUCRIO='<A HREF="">PUC-Rio</A>',
13 staff{
14 DI="",
15 LOGIN="roberto",
16 NAME="Roberto Ierusalimschy",
17 TITLE="D.Sc., |PUCRIO|, 1990",
18 POSITION="Associate Professor, |CS|, |PUCRIO|",
19 AREAS="Programming Languages, Object Oriented Programming",
20 EMAIL="|LOGIN|@|DI|",
21 WWW="http://www.|DI|/~|LOGIN|",
24 staff{
25 PCG="",
26 LOGIN="celes",
27 NAME="Waldemar Celes",
28 TITLE="D.Sc., |PUCRIO|, 1995",
29 POSITION="Postdoctoral Associate at "..
30 '<A HREF="|PCG|">Program of Computer Graphics</A>, '..
31 '<A HREF="">Cornell University</A>',
32 WWW="|PCG|/~celes/",
33 AREAS="Image segmentation and 3D reconstruction; "
34 .."Physical simulation and educational software;"
35 .."Geometric modeling and topological data structures;"
36 .."Extension languages and customizable applications"
39 staff{
40 LOGIN="lhf",
41 NAME="Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo",
42 TITLE='D.Sc., <A HREF="">IMPA</A>, 1992',
43 POSITION='Visiting Research fellow at <A HREF="">LNCC</A>; Consultant at |TECGRAF|',
44 AREAS="Geometric modeling; Software tools",
45 WWW="",