A *bunch* of tests for AVX intrinsics
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6 <title>The LLVM Target-Independent Code Generator</title>
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9 <body>
11 <div class="doc_title">
12 The LLVM Target-Independent Code Generator
13 </div>
15 <ol>
16 <li><a href="#introduction">Introduction</a>
17 <ul>
18 <li><a href="#required">Required components in the code generator</a></li>
19 <li><a href="#high-level-design">The high-level design of the code
20 generator</a></li>
21 <li><a href="#tablegen">Using TableGen for target description</a></li>
22 </ul>
23 </li>
24 <li><a href="#targetdesc">Target description classes</a>
25 <ul>
26 <li><a href="#targetmachine">The <tt>TargetMachine</tt> class</a></li>
27 <li><a href="#targetdata">The <tt>TargetData</tt> class</a></li>
28 <li><a href="#targetlowering">The <tt>TargetLowering</tt> class</a></li>
29 <li><a href="#targetregisterinfo">The <tt>TargetRegisterInfo</tt> class</a></li>
30 <li><a href="#targetinstrinfo">The <tt>TargetInstrInfo</tt> class</a></li>
31 <li><a href="#targetframeinfo">The <tt>TargetFrameInfo</tt> class</a></li>
32 <li><a href="#targetsubtarget">The <tt>TargetSubtarget</tt> class</a></li>
33 <li><a href="#targetjitinfo">The <tt>TargetJITInfo</tt> class</a></li>
34 </ul>
35 </li>
36 <li><a href="#codegendesc">Machine code description classes</a>
37 <ul>
38 <li><a href="#machineinstr">The <tt>MachineInstr</tt> class</a></li>
39 <li><a href="#machinebasicblock">The <tt>MachineBasicBlock</tt>
40 class</a></li>
41 <li><a href="#machinefunction">The <tt>MachineFunction</tt> class</a></li>
42 </ul>
43 </li>
44 <li><a href="#codegenalgs">Target-independent code generation algorithms</a>
45 <ul>
46 <li><a href="#instselect">Instruction Selection</a>
47 <ul>
48 <li><a href="#selectiondag_intro">Introduction to SelectionDAGs</a></li>
49 <li><a href="#selectiondag_process">SelectionDAG Code Generation
50 Process</a></li>
51 <li><a href="#selectiondag_build">Initial SelectionDAG
52 Construction</a></li>
53 <li><a href="#selectiondag_legalize_types">SelectionDAG LegalizeTypes Phase</a></li>
54 <li><a href="#selectiondag_legalize">SelectionDAG Legalize Phase</a></li>
55 <li><a href="#selectiondag_optimize">SelectionDAG Optimization
56 Phase: the DAG Combiner</a></li>
57 <li><a href="#selectiondag_select">SelectionDAG Select Phase</a></li>
58 <li><a href="#selectiondag_sched">SelectionDAG Scheduling and Formation
59 Phase</a></li>
60 <li><a href="#selectiondag_future">Future directions for the
61 SelectionDAG</a></li>
62 </ul></li>
63 <li><a href="#liveintervals">Live Intervals</a>
64 <ul>
65 <li><a href="#livevariable_analysis">Live Variable Analysis</a></li>
66 <li><a href="#liveintervals_analysis">Live Intervals Analysis</a></li>
67 </ul></li>
68 <li><a href="#regalloc">Register Allocation</a>
69 <ul>
70 <li><a href="#regAlloc_represent">How registers are represented in
71 LLVM</a></li>
72 <li><a href="#regAlloc_howTo">Mapping virtual registers to physical
73 registers</a></li>
74 <li><a href="#regAlloc_twoAddr">Handling two address instructions</a></li>
75 <li><a href="#regAlloc_ssaDecon">The SSA deconstruction phase</a></li>
76 <li><a href="#regAlloc_fold">Instruction folding</a></li>
77 <li><a href="#regAlloc_builtIn">Built in register allocators</a></li>
78 </ul></li>
79 <li><a href="#codeemit">Code Emission</a>
80 <ul>
81 <li><a href="#codeemit_asm">Generating Assembly Code</a></li>
82 <li><a href="#codeemit_bin">Generating Binary Machine Code</a></li>
83 </ul></li>
84 </ul>
85 </li>
86 <li><a href="#targetimpls">Target-specific Implementation Notes</a>
87 <ul>
88 <li><a href="#tailcallopt">Tail call optimization</a></li>
89 <li><a href="#sibcallopt">Sibling call optimization</a></li>
90 <li><a href="#x86">The X86 backend</a></li>
91 <li><a href="#ppc">The PowerPC backend</a>
92 <ul>
93 <li><a href="#ppc_abi">LLVM PowerPC ABI</a></li>
94 <li><a href="#ppc_frame">Frame Layout</a></li>
95 <li><a href="#ppc_prolog">Prolog/Epilog</a></li>
96 <li><a href="#ppc_dynamic">Dynamic Allocation</a></li>
97 </ul></li>
98 </ul></li>
100 </ol>
102 <div class="doc_author">
103 <p>Written by <a href="mailto:sabre@nondot.org">Chris Lattner</a>,
104 <a href="mailto:isanbard@gmail.com">Bill Wendling</a>,
105 <a href="mailto:pronesto@gmail.com">Fernando Magno Quintao
106 Pereira</a> and
107 <a href="mailto:jlaskey@mac.com">Jim Laskey</a></p>
108 </div>
110 <div class="doc_warning">
111 <p>Warning: This is a work in progress.</p>
112 </div>
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115 <div class="doc_section">
116 <a name="introduction">Introduction</a>
117 </div>
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120 <div class="doc_text">
122 <p>The LLVM target-independent code generator is a framework that provides a
123 suite of reusable components for translating the LLVM internal representation
124 to the machine code for a specified target&mdash;either in assembly form
125 (suitable for a static compiler) or in binary machine code format (usable for
126 a JIT compiler). The LLVM target-independent code generator consists of five
127 main components:</p>
129 <ol>
130 <li><a href="#targetdesc">Abstract target description</a> interfaces which
131 capture important properties about various aspects of the machine,
132 independently of how they will be used. These interfaces are defined in
133 <tt>include/llvm/Target/</tt>.</li>
135 <li>Classes used to represent the <a href="#codegendesc">machine code</a>
136 being generated for a target. These classes are intended to be abstract
137 enough to represent the machine code for <i>any</i> target machine. These
138 classes are defined in <tt>include/llvm/CodeGen/</tt>.</li>
140 <li><a href="#codegenalgs">Target-independent algorithms</a> used to implement
141 various phases of native code generation (register allocation, scheduling,
142 stack frame representation, etc). This code lives
143 in <tt>lib/CodeGen/</tt>.</li>
145 <li><a href="#targetimpls">Implementations of the abstract target description
146 interfaces</a> for particular targets. These machine descriptions make
147 use of the components provided by LLVM, and can optionally provide custom
148 target-specific passes, to build complete code generators for a specific
149 target. Target descriptions live in <tt>lib/Target/</tt>.</li>
151 <li><a href="#jit">The target-independent JIT components</a>. The LLVM JIT is
152 completely target independent (it uses the <tt>TargetJITInfo</tt>
153 structure to interface for target-specific issues. The code for the
154 target-independent JIT lives in <tt>lib/ExecutionEngine/JIT</tt>.</li>
155 </ol>
157 <p>Depending on which part of the code generator you are interested in working
158 on, different pieces of this will be useful to you. In any case, you should
159 be familiar with the <a href="#targetdesc">target description</a>
160 and <a href="#codegendesc">machine code representation</a> classes. If you
161 want to add a backend for a new target, you will need
162 to <a href="#targetimpls">implement the target description</a> classes for
163 your new target and understand the <a href="LangRef.html">LLVM code
164 representation</a>. If you are interested in implementing a
165 new <a href="#codegenalgs">code generation algorithm</a>, it should only
166 depend on the target-description and machine code representation classes,
167 ensuring that it is portable.</p>
169 </div>
171 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
172 <div class="doc_subsection">
173 <a name="required">Required components in the code generator</a>
174 </div>
176 <div class="doc_text">
178 <p>The two pieces of the LLVM code generator are the high-level interface to the
179 code generator and the set of reusable components that can be used to build
180 target-specific backends. The two most important interfaces
181 (<a href="#targetmachine"><tt>TargetMachine</tt></a>
182 and <a href="#targetdata"><tt>TargetData</tt></a>) are the only ones that are
183 required to be defined for a backend to fit into the LLVM system, but the
184 others must be defined if the reusable code generator components are going to
185 be used.</p>
187 <p>This design has two important implications. The first is that LLVM can
188 support completely non-traditional code generation targets. For example, the
189 C backend does not require register allocation, instruction selection, or any
190 of the other standard components provided by the system. As such, it only
191 implements these two interfaces, and does its own thing. Another example of
192 a code generator like this is a (purely hypothetical) backend that converts
193 LLVM to the GCC RTL form and uses GCC to emit machine code for a target.</p>
195 <p>This design also implies that it is possible to design and implement
196 radically different code generators in the LLVM system that do not make use
197 of any of the built-in components. Doing so is not recommended at all, but
198 could be required for radically different targets that do not fit into the
199 LLVM machine description model: FPGAs for example.</p>
201 </div>
203 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
204 <div class="doc_subsection">
205 <a name="high-level-design">The high-level design of the code generator</a>
206 </div>
208 <div class="doc_text">
210 <p>The LLVM target-independent code generator is designed to support efficient
211 and quality code generation for standard register-based microprocessors.
212 Code generation in this model is divided into the following stages:</p>
214 <ol>
215 <li><b><a href="#instselect">Instruction Selection</a></b> &mdash; This phase
216 determines an efficient way to express the input LLVM code in the target
217 instruction set. This stage produces the initial code for the program in
218 the target instruction set, then makes use of virtual registers in SSA
219 form and physical registers that represent any required register
220 assignments due to target constraints or calling conventions. This step
221 turns the LLVM code into a DAG of target instructions.</li>
223 <li><b><a href="#selectiondag_sched">Scheduling and Formation</a></b> &mdash;
224 This phase takes the DAG of target instructions produced by the
225 instruction selection phase, determines an ordering of the instructions,
226 then emits the instructions
227 as <tt><a href="#machineinstr">MachineInstr</a></tt>s with that ordering.
228 Note that we describe this in the <a href="#instselect">instruction
229 selection section</a> because it operates on
230 a <a href="#selectiondag_intro">SelectionDAG</a>.</li>
232 <li><b><a href="#ssamco">SSA-based Machine Code Optimizations</a></b> &mdash;
233 This optional stage consists of a series of machine-code optimizations
234 that operate on the SSA-form produced by the instruction selector.
235 Optimizations like modulo-scheduling or peephole optimization work
236 here.</li>
238 <li><b><a href="#regalloc">Register Allocation</a></b> &mdash; The target code
239 is transformed from an infinite virtual register file in SSA form to the
240 concrete register file used by the target. This phase introduces spill
241 code and eliminates all virtual register references from the program.</li>
243 <li><b><a href="#proepicode">Prolog/Epilog Code Insertion</a></b> &mdash; Once
244 the machine code has been generated for the function and the amount of
245 stack space required is known (used for LLVM alloca's and spill slots),
246 the prolog and epilog code for the function can be inserted and "abstract
247 stack location references" can be eliminated. This stage is responsible
248 for implementing optimizations like frame-pointer elimination and stack
249 packing.</li>
251 <li><b><a href="#latemco">Late Machine Code Optimizations</a></b> &mdash;
252 Optimizations that operate on "final" machine code can go here, such as
253 spill code scheduling and peephole optimizations.</li>
255 <li><b><a href="#codeemit">Code Emission</a></b> &mdash; The final stage
256 actually puts out the code for the current function, either in the target
257 assembler format or in machine code.</li>
258 </ol>
260 <p>The code generator is based on the assumption that the instruction selector
261 will use an optimal pattern matching selector to create high-quality
262 sequences of native instructions. Alternative code generator designs based
263 on pattern expansion and aggressive iterative peephole optimization are much
264 slower. This design permits efficient compilation (important for JIT
265 environments) and aggressive optimization (used when generating code offline)
266 by allowing components of varying levels of sophistication to be used for any
267 step of compilation.</p>
269 <p>In addition to these stages, target implementations can insert arbitrary
270 target-specific passes into the flow. For example, the X86 target uses a
271 special pass to handle the 80x87 floating point stack architecture. Other
272 targets with unusual requirements can be supported with custom passes as
273 needed.</p>
275 </div>
277 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
278 <div class="doc_subsection">
279 <a name="tablegen">Using TableGen for target description</a>
280 </div>
282 <div class="doc_text">
284 <p>The target description classes require a detailed description of the target
285 architecture. These target descriptions often have a large amount of common
286 information (e.g., an <tt>add</tt> instruction is almost identical to a
287 <tt>sub</tt> instruction). In order to allow the maximum amount of
288 commonality to be factored out, the LLVM code generator uses
289 the <a href="TableGenFundamentals.html">TableGen</a> tool to describe big
290 chunks of the target machine, which allows the use of domain-specific and
291 target-specific abstractions to reduce the amount of repetition.</p>
293 <p>As LLVM continues to be developed and refined, we plan to move more and more
294 of the target description to the <tt>.td</tt> form. Doing so gives us a
295 number of advantages. The most important is that it makes it easier to port
296 LLVM because it reduces the amount of C++ code that has to be written, and
297 the surface area of the code generator that needs to be understood before
298 someone can get something working. Second, it makes it easier to change
299 things. In particular, if tables and other things are all emitted
300 by <tt>tblgen</tt>, we only need a change in one place (<tt>tblgen</tt>) to
301 update all of the targets to a new interface.</p>
303 </div>
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306 <div class="doc_section">
307 <a name="targetdesc">Target description classes</a>
308 </div>
309 <!-- *********************************************************************** -->
311 <div class="doc_text">
313 <p>The LLVM target description classes (located in the
314 <tt>include/llvm/Target</tt> directory) provide an abstract description of
315 the target machine independent of any particular client. These classes are
316 designed to capture the <i>abstract</i> properties of the target (such as the
317 instructions and registers it has), and do not incorporate any particular
318 pieces of code generation algorithms.</p>
320 <p>All of the target description classes (except the
321 <tt><a href="#targetdata">TargetData</a></tt> class) are designed to be
322 subclassed by the concrete target implementation, and have virtual methods
323 implemented. To get to these implementations, the
324 <tt><a href="#targetmachine">TargetMachine</a></tt> class provides accessors
325 that should be implemented by the target.</p>
327 </div>
329 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
330 <div class="doc_subsection">
331 <a name="targetmachine">The <tt>TargetMachine</tt> class</a>
332 </div>
334 <div class="doc_text">
336 <p>The <tt>TargetMachine</tt> class provides virtual methods that are used to
337 access the target-specific implementations of the various target description
338 classes via the <tt>get*Info</tt> methods (<tt>getInstrInfo</tt>,
339 <tt>getRegisterInfo</tt>, <tt>getFrameInfo</tt>, etc.). This class is
340 designed to be specialized by a concrete target implementation
341 (e.g., <tt>X86TargetMachine</tt>) which implements the various virtual
342 methods. The only required target description class is
343 the <a href="#targetdata"><tt>TargetData</tt></a> class, but if the code
344 generator components are to be used, the other interfaces should be
345 implemented as well.</p>
347 </div>
349 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
350 <div class="doc_subsection">
351 <a name="targetdata">The <tt>TargetData</tt> class</a>
352 </div>
354 <div class="doc_text">
356 <p>The <tt>TargetData</tt> class is the only required target description class,
357 and it is the only class that is not extensible (you cannot derived a new
358 class from it). <tt>TargetData</tt> specifies information about how the
359 target lays out memory for structures, the alignment requirements for various
360 data types, the size of pointers in the target, and whether the target is
361 little-endian or big-endian.</p>
363 </div>
365 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
366 <div class="doc_subsection">
367 <a name="targetlowering">The <tt>TargetLowering</tt> class</a>
368 </div>
370 <div class="doc_text">
372 <p>The <tt>TargetLowering</tt> class is used by SelectionDAG based instruction
373 selectors primarily to describe how LLVM code should be lowered to
374 SelectionDAG operations. Among other things, this class indicates:</p>
376 <ul>
377 <li>an initial register class to use for various <tt>ValueType</tt>s,</li>
379 <li>which operations are natively supported by the target machine,</li>
381 <li>the return type of <tt>setcc</tt> operations,</li>
383 <li>the type to use for shift amounts, and</li>
385 <li>various high-level characteristics, like whether it is profitable to turn
386 division by a constant into a multiplication sequence</li>
387 </ul>
389 </div>
391 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
392 <div class="doc_subsection">
393 <a name="targetregisterinfo">The <tt>TargetRegisterInfo</tt> class</a>
394 </div>
396 <div class="doc_text">
398 <p>The <tt>TargetRegisterInfo</tt> class is used to describe the register file
399 of the target and any interactions between the registers.</p>
401 <p>Registers in the code generator are represented in the code generator by
402 unsigned integers. Physical registers (those that actually exist in the
403 target description) are unique small numbers, and virtual registers are
404 generally large. Note that register #0 is reserved as a flag value.</p>
406 <p>Each register in the processor description has an associated
407 <tt>TargetRegisterDesc</tt> entry, which provides a textual name for the
408 register (used for assembly output and debugging dumps) and a set of aliases
409 (used to indicate whether one register overlaps with another).</p>
411 <p>In addition to the per-register description, the <tt>TargetRegisterInfo</tt>
412 class exposes a set of processor specific register classes (instances of the
413 <tt>TargetRegisterClass</tt> class). Each register class contains sets of
414 registers that have the same properties (for example, they are all 32-bit
415 integer registers). Each SSA virtual register created by the instruction
416 selector has an associated register class. When the register allocator runs,
417 it replaces virtual registers with a physical register in the set.</p>
419 <p>The target-specific implementations of these classes is auto-generated from
420 a <a href="TableGenFundamentals.html">TableGen</a> description of the
421 register file.</p>
423 </div>
425 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
426 <div class="doc_subsection">
427 <a name="targetinstrinfo">The <tt>TargetInstrInfo</tt> class</a>
428 </div>
430 <div class="doc_text">
432 <p>The <tt>TargetInstrInfo</tt> class is used to describe the machine
433 instructions supported by the target. It is essentially an array of
434 <tt>TargetInstrDescriptor</tt> objects, each of which describes one
435 instruction the target supports. Descriptors define things like the mnemonic
436 for the opcode, the number of operands, the list of implicit register uses
437 and defs, whether the instruction has certain target-independent properties
438 (accesses memory, is commutable, etc), and holds any target-specific
439 flags.</p>
441 </div>
443 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
444 <div class="doc_subsection">
445 <a name="targetframeinfo">The <tt>TargetFrameInfo</tt> class</a>
446 </div>
448 <div class="doc_text">
450 <p>The <tt>TargetFrameInfo</tt> class is used to provide information about the
451 stack frame layout of the target. It holds the direction of stack growth, the
452 known stack alignment on entry to each function, and the offset to the local
453 area. The offset to the local area is the offset from the stack pointer on
454 function entry to the first location where function data (local variables,
455 spill locations) can be stored.</p>
457 </div>
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460 <div class="doc_subsection">
461 <a name="targetsubtarget">The <tt>TargetSubtarget</tt> class</a>
462 </div>
464 <div class="doc_text">
466 <p>The <tt>TargetSubtarget</tt> class is used to provide information about the
467 specific chip set being targeted. A sub-target informs code generation of
468 which instructions are supported, instruction latencies and instruction
469 execution itinerary; i.e., which processing units are used, in what order,
470 and for how long.</p>
472 </div>
475 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
476 <div class="doc_subsection">
477 <a name="targetjitinfo">The <tt>TargetJITInfo</tt> class</a>
478 </div>
480 <div class="doc_text">
482 <p>The <tt>TargetJITInfo</tt> class exposes an abstract interface used by the
483 Just-In-Time code generator to perform target-specific activities, such as
484 emitting stubs. If a <tt>TargetMachine</tt> supports JIT code generation, it
485 should provide one of these objects through the <tt>getJITInfo</tt>
486 method.</p>
488 </div>
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491 <div class="doc_section">
492 <a name="codegendesc">Machine code description classes</a>
493 </div>
494 <!-- *********************************************************************** -->
496 <div class="doc_text">
498 <p>At the high-level, LLVM code is translated to a machine specific
499 representation formed out of
500 <a href="#machinefunction"><tt>MachineFunction</tt></a>,
501 <a href="#machinebasicblock"><tt>MachineBasicBlock</tt></a>,
502 and <a href="#machineinstr"><tt>MachineInstr</tt></a> instances (defined
503 in <tt>include/llvm/CodeGen</tt>). This representation is completely target
504 agnostic, representing instructions in their most abstract form: an opcode
505 and a series of operands. This representation is designed to support both an
506 SSA representation for machine code, as well as a register allocated, non-SSA
507 form.</p>
509 </div>
511 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
512 <div class="doc_subsection">
513 <a name="machineinstr">The <tt>MachineInstr</tt> class</a>
514 </div>
516 <div class="doc_text">
518 <p>Target machine instructions are represented as instances of the
519 <tt>MachineInstr</tt> class. This class is an extremely abstract way of
520 representing machine instructions. In particular, it only keeps track of an
521 opcode number and a set of operands.</p>
523 <p>The opcode number is a simple unsigned integer that only has meaning to a
524 specific backend. All of the instructions for a target should be defined in
525 the <tt>*InstrInfo.td</tt> file for the target. The opcode enum values are
526 auto-generated from this description. The <tt>MachineInstr</tt> class does
527 not have any information about how to interpret the instruction (i.e., what
528 the semantics of the instruction are); for that you must refer to the
529 <tt><a href="#targetinstrinfo">TargetInstrInfo</a></tt> class.</p>
531 <p>The operands of a machine instruction can be of several different types: a
532 register reference, a constant integer, a basic block reference, etc. In
533 addition, a machine operand should be marked as a def or a use of the value
534 (though only registers are allowed to be defs).</p>
536 <p>By convention, the LLVM code generator orders instruction operands so that
537 all register definitions come before the register uses, even on architectures
538 that are normally printed in other orders. For example, the SPARC add
539 instruction: "<tt>add %i1, %i2, %i3</tt>" adds the "%i1", and "%i2" registers
540 and stores the result into the "%i3" register. In the LLVM code generator,
541 the operands should be stored as "<tt>%i3, %i1, %i2</tt>": with the
542 destination first.</p>
544 <p>Keeping destination (definition) operands at the beginning of the operand
545 list has several advantages. In particular, the debugging printer will print
546 the instruction like this:</p>
548 <div class="doc_code">
549 <pre>
550 %r3 = add %i1, %i2
551 </pre>
552 </div>
554 <p>Also if the first operand is a def, it is easier to <a href="#buildmi">create
555 instructions</a> whose only def is the first operand.</p>
557 </div>
559 <!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
560 <div class="doc_subsubsection">
561 <a name="buildmi">Using the <tt>MachineInstrBuilder.h</tt> functions</a>
562 </div>
564 <div class="doc_text">
566 <p>Machine instructions are created by using the <tt>BuildMI</tt> functions,
567 located in the <tt>include/llvm/CodeGen/MachineInstrBuilder.h</tt> file. The
568 <tt>BuildMI</tt> functions make it easy to build arbitrary machine
569 instructions. Usage of the <tt>BuildMI</tt> functions look like this:</p>
571 <div class="doc_code">
572 <pre>
573 // Create a 'DestReg = mov 42' (rendered in X86 assembly as 'mov DestReg, 42')
574 // instruction. The '1' specifies how many operands will be added.
575 MachineInstr *MI = BuildMI(X86::MOV32ri, 1, DestReg).addImm(42);
577 // Create the same instr, but insert it at the end of a basic block.
578 MachineBasicBlock &amp;MBB = ...
579 BuildMI(MBB, X86::MOV32ri, 1, DestReg).addImm(42);
581 // Create the same instr, but insert it before a specified iterator point.
582 MachineBasicBlock::iterator MBBI = ...
583 BuildMI(MBB, MBBI, X86::MOV32ri, 1, DestReg).addImm(42);
585 // Create a 'cmp Reg, 0' instruction, no destination reg.
586 MI = BuildMI(X86::CMP32ri, 2).addReg(Reg).addImm(0);
587 // Create an 'sahf' instruction which takes no operands and stores nothing.
588 MI = BuildMI(X86::SAHF, 0);
590 // Create a self looping branch instruction.
591 BuildMI(MBB, X86::JNE, 1).addMBB(&amp;MBB);
592 </pre>
593 </div>
595 <p>The key thing to remember with the <tt>BuildMI</tt> functions is that you
596 have to specify the number of operands that the machine instruction will
597 take. This allows for efficient memory allocation. You also need to specify
598 if operands default to be uses of values, not definitions. If you need to
599 add a definition operand (other than the optional destination register), you
600 must explicitly mark it as such:</p>
602 <div class="doc_code">
603 <pre>
604 MI.addReg(Reg, RegState::Define);
605 </pre>
606 </div>
608 </div>
610 <!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
611 <div class="doc_subsubsection">
612 <a name="fixedregs">Fixed (preassigned) registers</a>
613 </div>
615 <div class="doc_text">
617 <p>One important issue that the code generator needs to be aware of is the
618 presence of fixed registers. In particular, there are often places in the
619 instruction stream where the register allocator <em>must</em> arrange for a
620 particular value to be in a particular register. This can occur due to
621 limitations of the instruction set (e.g., the X86 can only do a 32-bit divide
622 with the <tt>EAX</tt>/<tt>EDX</tt> registers), or external factors like
623 calling conventions. In any case, the instruction selector should emit code
624 that copies a virtual register into or out of a physical register when
625 needed.</p>
627 <p>For example, consider this simple LLVM example:</p>
629 <div class="doc_code">
630 <pre>
631 define i32 @test(i32 %X, i32 %Y) {
632 %Z = udiv i32 %X, %Y
633 ret i32 %Z
635 </pre>
636 </div>
638 <p>The X86 instruction selector produces this machine code for the <tt>div</tt>
639 and <tt>ret</tt> (use "<tt>llc X.bc -march=x86 -print-machineinstrs</tt>" to
640 get this):</p>
642 <div class="doc_code">
643 <pre>
644 ;; Start of div
645 %EAX = mov %reg1024 ;; Copy X (in reg1024) into EAX
646 %reg1027 = sar %reg1024, 31
647 %EDX = mov %reg1027 ;; Sign extend X into EDX
648 idiv %reg1025 ;; Divide by Y (in reg1025)
649 %reg1026 = mov %EAX ;; Read the result (Z) out of EAX
651 ;; Start of ret
652 %EAX = mov %reg1026 ;; 32-bit return value goes in EAX
654 </pre>
655 </div>
657 <p>By the end of code generation, the register allocator has coalesced the
658 registers and deleted the resultant identity moves producing the following
659 code:</p>
661 <div class="doc_code">
662 <pre>
663 ;; X is in EAX, Y is in ECX
664 mov %EAX, %EDX
665 sar %EDX, 31
666 idiv %ECX
667 ret
668 </pre>
669 </div>
671 <p>This approach is extremely general (if it can handle the X86 architecture, it
672 can handle anything!) and allows all of the target specific knowledge about
673 the instruction stream to be isolated in the instruction selector. Note that
674 physical registers should have a short lifetime for good code generation, and
675 all physical registers are assumed dead on entry to and exit from basic
676 blocks (before register allocation). Thus, if you need a value to be live
677 across basic block boundaries, it <em>must</em> live in a virtual
678 register.</p>
680 </div>
682 <!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
683 <div class="doc_subsubsection">
684 <a name="ssa">Machine code in SSA form</a>
685 </div>
687 <div class="doc_text">
689 <p><tt>MachineInstr</tt>'s are initially selected in SSA-form, and are
690 maintained in SSA-form until register allocation happens. For the most part,
691 this is trivially simple since LLVM is already in SSA form; LLVM PHI nodes
692 become machine code PHI nodes, and virtual registers are only allowed to have
693 a single definition.</p>
695 <p>After register allocation, machine code is no longer in SSA-form because
696 there are no virtual registers left in the code.</p>
698 </div>
700 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
701 <div class="doc_subsection">
702 <a name="machinebasicblock">The <tt>MachineBasicBlock</tt> class</a>
703 </div>
705 <div class="doc_text">
707 <p>The <tt>MachineBasicBlock</tt> class contains a list of machine instructions
708 (<tt><a href="#machineinstr">MachineInstr</a></tt> instances). It roughly
709 corresponds to the LLVM code input to the instruction selector, but there can
710 be a one-to-many mapping (i.e. one LLVM basic block can map to multiple
711 machine basic blocks). The <tt>MachineBasicBlock</tt> class has a
712 "<tt>getBasicBlock</tt>" method, which returns the LLVM basic block that it
713 comes from.</p>
715 </div>
717 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
718 <div class="doc_subsection">
719 <a name="machinefunction">The <tt>MachineFunction</tt> class</a>
720 </div>
722 <div class="doc_text">
724 <p>The <tt>MachineFunction</tt> class contains a list of machine basic blocks
725 (<tt><a href="#machinebasicblock">MachineBasicBlock</a></tt> instances). It
726 corresponds one-to-one with the LLVM function input to the instruction
727 selector. In addition to a list of basic blocks,
728 the <tt>MachineFunction</tt> contains a a <tt>MachineConstantPool</tt>,
729 a <tt>MachineFrameInfo</tt>, a <tt>MachineFunctionInfo</tt>, and a
730 <tt>MachineRegisterInfo</tt>. See
731 <tt>include/llvm/CodeGen/MachineFunction.h</tt> for more information.</p>
733 </div>
735 <!-- *********************************************************************** -->
736 <div class="doc_section">
737 <a name="codegenalgs">Target-independent code generation algorithms</a>
738 </div>
739 <!-- *********************************************************************** -->
741 <div class="doc_text">
743 <p>This section documents the phases described in the
744 <a href="#high-level-design">high-level design of the code generator</a>.
745 It explains how they work and some of the rationale behind their design.</p>
747 </div>
749 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
750 <div class="doc_subsection">
751 <a name="instselect">Instruction Selection</a>
752 </div>
754 <div class="doc_text">
756 <p>Instruction Selection is the process of translating LLVM code presented to
757 the code generator into target-specific machine instructions. There are
758 several well-known ways to do this in the literature. LLVM uses a
759 SelectionDAG based instruction selector.</p>
761 <p>Portions of the DAG instruction selector are generated from the target
762 description (<tt>*.td</tt>) files. Our goal is for the entire instruction
763 selector to be generated from these <tt>.td</tt> files, though currently
764 there are still things that require custom C++ code.</p>
766 </div>
768 <!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
769 <div class="doc_subsubsection">
770 <a name="selectiondag_intro">Introduction to SelectionDAGs</a>
771 </div>
773 <div class="doc_text">
775 <p>The SelectionDAG provides an abstraction for code representation in a way
776 that is amenable to instruction selection using automatic techniques
777 (e.g. dynamic-programming based optimal pattern matching selectors). It is
778 also well-suited to other phases of code generation; in particular,
779 instruction scheduling (SelectionDAG's are very close to scheduling DAGs
780 post-selection). Additionally, the SelectionDAG provides a host
781 representation where a large variety of very-low-level (but
782 target-independent) <a href="#selectiondag_optimize">optimizations</a> may be
783 performed; ones which require extensive information about the instructions
784 efficiently supported by the target.</p>
786 <p>The SelectionDAG is a Directed-Acyclic-Graph whose nodes are instances of the
787 <tt>SDNode</tt> class. The primary payload of the <tt>SDNode</tt> is its
788 operation code (Opcode) that indicates what operation the node performs and
789 the operands to the operation. The various operation node types are
790 described at the top of the <tt>include/llvm/CodeGen/SelectionDAGNodes.h</tt>
791 file.</p>
793 <p>Although most operations define a single value, each node in the graph may
794 define multiple values. For example, a combined div/rem operation will
795 define both the dividend and the remainder. Many other situations require
796 multiple values as well. Each node also has some number of operands, which
797 are edges to the node defining the used value. Because nodes may define
798 multiple values, edges are represented by instances of the <tt>SDValue</tt>
799 class, which is a <tt>&lt;SDNode, unsigned&gt;</tt> pair, indicating the node
800 and result value being used, respectively. Each value produced by
801 an <tt>SDNode</tt> has an associated <tt>MVT</tt> (Machine Value Type)
802 indicating what the type of the value is.</p>
804 <p>SelectionDAGs contain two different kinds of values: those that represent
805 data flow and those that represent control flow dependencies. Data values
806 are simple edges with an integer or floating point value type. Control edges
807 are represented as "chain" edges which are of type <tt>MVT::Other</tt>.
808 These edges provide an ordering between nodes that have side effects (such as
809 loads, stores, calls, returns, etc). All nodes that have side effects should
810 take a token chain as input and produce a new one as output. By convention,
811 token chain inputs are always operand #0, and chain results are always the
812 last value produced by an operation.</p>
814 <p>A SelectionDAG has designated "Entry" and "Root" nodes. The Entry node is
815 always a marker node with an Opcode of <tt>ISD::EntryToken</tt>. The Root
816 node is the final side-effecting node in the token chain. For example, in a
817 single basic block function it would be the return node.</p>
819 <p>One important concept for SelectionDAGs is the notion of a "legal" vs.
820 "illegal" DAG. A legal DAG for a target is one that only uses supported
821 operations and supported types. On a 32-bit PowerPC, for example, a DAG with
822 a value of type i1, i8, i16, or i64 would be illegal, as would a DAG that
823 uses a SREM or UREM operation. The
824 <a href="#selectinodag_legalize_types">legalize types</a> and
825 <a href="#selectiondag_legalize">legalize operations</a> phases are
826 responsible for turning an illegal DAG into a legal DAG.</p>
828 </div>
830 <!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
831 <div class="doc_subsubsection">
832 <a name="selectiondag_process">SelectionDAG Instruction Selection Process</a>
833 </div>
835 <div class="doc_text">
837 <p>SelectionDAG-based instruction selection consists of the following steps:</p>
839 <ol>
840 <li><a href="#selectiondag_build">Build initial DAG</a> &mdash; This stage
841 performs a simple translation from the input LLVM code to an illegal
842 SelectionDAG.</li>
844 <li><a href="#selectiondag_optimize">Optimize SelectionDAG</a> &mdash; This
845 stage performs simple optimizations on the SelectionDAG to simplify it,
846 and recognize meta instructions (like rotates
847 and <tt>div</tt>/<tt>rem</tt> pairs) for targets that support these meta
848 operations. This makes the resultant code more efficient and
849 the <a href="#selectiondag_select">select instructions from DAG</a> phase
850 (below) simpler.</li>
852 <li><a href="#selectiondag_legalize_types">Legalize SelectionDAG Types</a>
853 &mdash; This stage transforms SelectionDAG nodes to eliminate any types
854 that are unsupported on the target.</li>
856 <li><a href="#selectiondag_optimize">Optimize SelectionDAG</a> &mdash; The
857 SelectionDAG optimizer is run to clean up redundancies exposed by type
858 legalization.</li>
860 <li><a href="#selectiondag_legalize">Legalize SelectionDAG Types</a> &mdash;
861 This stage transforms SelectionDAG nodes to eliminate any types that are
862 unsupported on the target.</li>
864 <li><a href="#selectiondag_optimize">Optimize SelectionDAG</a> &mdash; The
865 SelectionDAG optimizer is run to eliminate inefficiencies introduced by
866 operation legalization.</li>
868 <li><a href="#selectiondag_select">Select instructions from DAG</a> &mdash;
869 Finally, the target instruction selector matches the DAG operations to
870 target instructions. This process translates the target-independent input
871 DAG into another DAG of target instructions.</li>
873 <li><a href="#selectiondag_sched">SelectionDAG Scheduling and Formation</a>
874 &mdash; The last phase assigns a linear order to the instructions in the
875 target-instruction DAG and emits them into the MachineFunction being
876 compiled. This step uses traditional prepass scheduling techniques.</li>
877 </ol>
879 <p>After all of these steps are complete, the SelectionDAG is destroyed and the
880 rest of the code generation passes are run.</p>
882 <p>One great way to visualize what is going on here is to take advantage of a
883 few LLC command line options. The following options pop up a window
884 displaying the SelectionDAG at specific times (if you only get errors printed
885 to the console while using this, you probably
886 <a href="ProgrammersManual.html#ViewGraph">need to configure your system</a>
887 to add support for it).</p>
889 <ul>
890 <li><tt>-view-dag-combine1-dags</tt> displays the DAG after being built,
891 before the first optimization pass.</li>
893 <li><tt>-view-legalize-dags</tt> displays the DAG before Legalization.</li>
895 <li><tt>-view-dag-combine2-dags</tt> displays the DAG before the second
896 optimization pass.</li>
898 <li><tt>-view-isel-dags</tt> displays the DAG before the Select phase.</li>
900 <li><tt>-view-sched-dags</tt> displays the DAG before Scheduling.</li>
901 </ul>
903 <p>The <tt>-view-sunit-dags</tt> displays the Scheduler's dependency graph.
904 This graph is based on the final SelectionDAG, with nodes that must be
905 scheduled together bundled into a single scheduling-unit node, and with
906 immediate operands and other nodes that aren't relevant for scheduling
907 omitted.</p>
909 </div>
911 <!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
912 <div class="doc_subsubsection">
913 <a name="selectiondag_build">Initial SelectionDAG Construction</a>
914 </div>
916 <div class="doc_text">
918 <p>The initial SelectionDAG is na&iuml;vely peephole expanded from the LLVM
919 input by the <tt>SelectionDAGLowering</tt> class in the
920 <tt>lib/CodeGen/SelectionDAG/SelectionDAGISel.cpp</tt> file. The intent of
921 this pass is to expose as much low-level, target-specific details to the
922 SelectionDAG as possible. This pass is mostly hard-coded (e.g. an
923 LLVM <tt>add</tt> turns into an <tt>SDNode add</tt> while a
924 <tt>getelementptr</tt> is expanded into the obvious arithmetic). This pass
925 requires target-specific hooks to lower calls, returns, varargs, etc. For
926 these features, the <tt><a href="#targetlowering">TargetLowering</a></tt>
927 interface is used.</p>
929 </div>
931 <!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
932 <div class="doc_subsubsection">
933 <a name="selectiondag_legalize_types">SelectionDAG LegalizeTypes Phase</a>
934 </div>
936 <div class="doc_text">
938 <p>The Legalize phase is in charge of converting a DAG to only use the types
939 that are natively supported by the target.</p>
941 <p>There are two main ways of converting values of unsupported scalar types to
942 values of supported types: converting small types to larger types
943 ("promoting"), and breaking up large integer types into smaller ones
944 ("expanding"). For example, a target might require that all f32 values are
945 promoted to f64 and that all i1/i8/i16 values are promoted to i32. The same
946 target might require that all i64 values be expanded into pairs of i32
947 values. These changes can insert sign and zero extensions as needed to make
948 sure that the final code has the same behavior as the input.</p>
950 <p>There are two main ways of converting values of unsupported vector types to
951 value of supported types: splitting vector types, multiple times if
952 necessary, until a legal type is found, and extending vector types by adding
953 elements to the end to round them out to legal types ("widening"). If a
954 vector gets split all the way down to single-element parts with no supported
955 vector type being found, the elements are converted to scalars
956 ("scalarizing").</p>
958 <p>A target implementation tells the legalizer which types are supported (and
959 which register class to use for them) by calling the
960 <tt>addRegisterClass</tt> method in its TargetLowering constructor.</p>
962 </div>
964 <!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
965 <div class="doc_subsubsection">
966 <a name="selectiondag_legalize">SelectionDAG Legalize Phase</a>
967 </div>
969 <div class="doc_text">
971 <p>The Legalize phase is in charge of converting a DAG to only use the
972 operations that are natively supported by the target.</p>
974 <p>Targets often have weird constraints, such as not supporting every operation
975 on every supported datatype (e.g. X86 does not support byte conditional moves
976 and PowerPC does not support sign-extending loads from a 16-bit memory
977 location). Legalize takes care of this by open-coding another sequence of
978 operations to emulate the operation ("expansion"), by promoting one type to a
979 larger type that supports the operation ("promotion"), or by using a
980 target-specific hook to implement the legalization ("custom").</p>
982 <p>A target implementation tells the legalizer which operations are not
983 supported (and which of the above three actions to take) by calling the
984 <tt>setOperationAction</tt> method in its <tt>TargetLowering</tt>
985 constructor.</p>
987 <p>Prior to the existence of the Legalize passes, we required that every target
988 <a href="#selectiondag_optimize">selector</a> supported and handled every
989 operator and type even if they are not natively supported. The introduction
990 of the Legalize phases allows all of the canonicalization patterns to be
991 shared across targets, and makes it very easy to optimize the canonicalized
992 code because it is still in the form of a DAG.</p>
994 </div>
996 <!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
997 <div class="doc_subsubsection">
998 <a name="selectiondag_optimize">SelectionDAG Optimization Phase: the DAG
999 Combiner</a>
1000 </div>
1002 <div class="doc_text">
1004 <p>The SelectionDAG optimization phase is run multiple times for code
1005 generation, immediately after the DAG is built and once after each
1006 legalization. The first run of the pass allows the initial code to be
1007 cleaned up (e.g. performing optimizations that depend on knowing that the
1008 operators have restricted type inputs). Subsequent runs of the pass clean up
1009 the messy code generated by the Legalize passes, which allows Legalize to be
1010 very simple (it can focus on making code legal instead of focusing on
1011 generating <em>good</em> and legal code).</p>
1013 <p>One important class of optimizations performed is optimizing inserted sign
1014 and zero extension instructions. We currently use ad-hoc techniques, but
1015 could move to more rigorous techniques in the future. Here are some good
1016 papers on the subject:</p>
1018 <p>"<a href="http://www.eecs.harvard.edu/~nr/pubs/widen-abstract.html">Widening
1019 integer arithmetic</a>"<br>
1020 Kevin Redwine and Norman Ramsey<br>
1021 International Conference on Compiler Construction (CC) 2004</p>
1023 <p>"<a href="http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?doid=512529.512552">Effective
1024 sign extension elimination</a>"<br>
1025 Motohiro Kawahito, Hideaki Komatsu, and Toshio Nakatani<br>
1026 Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN 2002 Conference on Programming Language Design
1027 and Implementation.</p>
1029 </div>
1031 <!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
1032 <div class="doc_subsubsection">
1033 <a name="selectiondag_select">SelectionDAG Select Phase</a>
1034 </div>
1036 <div class="doc_text">
1038 <p>The Select phase is the bulk of the target-specific code for instruction
1039 selection. This phase takes a legal SelectionDAG as input, pattern matches
1040 the instructions supported by the target to this DAG, and produces a new DAG
1041 of target code. For example, consider the following LLVM fragment:</p>
1043 <div class="doc_code">
1044 <pre>
1045 %t1 = fadd float %W, %X
1046 %t2 = fmul float %t1, %Y
1047 %t3 = fadd float %t2, %Z
1048 </pre>
1049 </div>
1051 <p>This LLVM code corresponds to a SelectionDAG that looks basically like
1052 this:</p>
1054 <div class="doc_code">
1055 <pre>
1056 (fadd:f32 (fmul:f32 (fadd:f32 W, X), Y), Z)
1057 </pre>
1058 </div>
1060 <p>If a target supports floating point multiply-and-add (FMA) operations, one of
1061 the adds can be merged with the multiply. On the PowerPC, for example, the
1062 output of the instruction selector might look like this DAG:</p>
1064 <div class="doc_code">
1065 <pre>
1066 (FMADDS (FADDS W, X), Y, Z)
1067 </pre>
1068 </div>
1070 <p>The <tt>FMADDS</tt> instruction is a ternary instruction that multiplies its
1071 first two operands and adds the third (as single-precision floating-point
1072 numbers). The <tt>FADDS</tt> instruction is a simple binary single-precision
1073 add instruction. To perform this pattern match, the PowerPC backend includes
1074 the following instruction definitions:</p>
1076 <div class="doc_code">
1077 <pre>
1078 def FMADDS : AForm_1&lt;59, 29,
1079 (ops F4RC:$FRT, F4RC:$FRA, F4RC:$FRC, F4RC:$FRB),
1080 "fmadds $FRT, $FRA, $FRC, $FRB",
1081 [<b>(set F4RC:$FRT, (fadd (fmul F4RC:$FRA, F4RC:$FRC),
1082 F4RC:$FRB))</b>]&gt;;
1083 def FADDS : AForm_2&lt;59, 21,
1084 (ops F4RC:$FRT, F4RC:$FRA, F4RC:$FRB),
1085 "fadds $FRT, $FRA, $FRB",
1086 [<b>(set F4RC:$FRT, (fadd F4RC:$FRA, F4RC:$FRB))</b>]&gt;;
1087 </pre>
1088 </div>
1090 <p>The portion of the instruction definition in bold indicates the pattern used
1091 to match the instruction. The DAG operators
1092 (like <tt>fmul</tt>/<tt>fadd</tt>) are defined in
1093 the <tt>include/llvm/Target/TargetSelectionDAG.td</tt> file. "
1094 <tt>F4RC</tt>" is the register class of the input and result values.</p>
1096 <p>The TableGen DAG instruction selector generator reads the instruction
1097 patterns in the <tt>.td</tt> file and automatically builds parts of the
1098 pattern matching code for your target. It has the following strengths:</p>
1100 <ul>
1101 <li>At compiler-compiler time, it analyzes your instruction patterns and tells
1102 you if your patterns make sense or not.</li>
1104 <li>It can handle arbitrary constraints on operands for the pattern match. In
1105 particular, it is straight-forward to say things like "match any immediate
1106 that is a 13-bit sign-extended value". For examples, see the
1107 <tt>immSExt16</tt> and related <tt>tblgen</tt> classes in the PowerPC
1108 backend.</li>
1110 <li>It knows several important identities for the patterns defined. For
1111 example, it knows that addition is commutative, so it allows the
1112 <tt>FMADDS</tt> pattern above to match "<tt>(fadd X, (fmul Y, Z))</tt>" as
1113 well as "<tt>(fadd (fmul X, Y), Z)</tt>", without the target author having
1114 to specially handle this case.</li>
1116 <li>It has a full-featured type-inferencing system. In particular, you should
1117 rarely have to explicitly tell the system what type parts of your patterns
1118 are. In the <tt>FMADDS</tt> case above, we didn't have to tell
1119 <tt>tblgen</tt> that all of the nodes in the pattern are of type 'f32'.
1120 It was able to infer and propagate this knowledge from the fact that
1121 <tt>F4RC</tt> has type 'f32'.</li>
1123 <li>Targets can define their own (and rely on built-in) "pattern fragments".
1124 Pattern fragments are chunks of reusable patterns that get inlined into
1125 your patterns during compiler-compiler time. For example, the integer
1126 "<tt>(not x)</tt>" operation is actually defined as a pattern fragment
1127 that expands as "<tt>(xor x, -1)</tt>", since the SelectionDAG does not
1128 have a native '<tt>not</tt>' operation. Targets can define their own
1129 short-hand fragments as they see fit. See the definition of
1130 '<tt>not</tt>' and '<tt>ineg</tt>' for examples.</li>
1132 <li>In addition to instructions, targets can specify arbitrary patterns that
1133 map to one or more instructions using the 'Pat' class. For example, the
1134 PowerPC has no way to load an arbitrary integer immediate into a register
1135 in one instruction. To tell tblgen how to do this, it defines:
1136 <br>
1137 <br>
1138 <div class="doc_code">
1139 <pre>
1140 // Arbitrary immediate support. Implement in terms of LIS/ORI.
1141 def : Pat&lt;(i32 imm:$imm),
1142 (ORI (LIS (HI16 imm:$imm)), (LO16 imm:$imm))&gt;;
1143 </pre>
1144 </div>
1145 <br>
1146 If none of the single-instruction patterns for loading an immediate into a
1147 register match, this will be used. This rule says "match an arbitrary i32
1148 immediate, turning it into an <tt>ORI</tt> ('or a 16-bit immediate') and
1149 an <tt>LIS</tt> ('load 16-bit immediate, where the immediate is shifted to
1150 the left 16 bits') instruction". To make this work, the
1151 <tt>LO16</tt>/<tt>HI16</tt> node transformations are used to manipulate
1152 the input immediate (in this case, take the high or low 16-bits of the
1153 immediate).</li>
1155 <li>While the system does automate a lot, it still allows you to write custom
1156 C++ code to match special cases if there is something that is hard to
1157 express.</li>
1158 </ul>
1160 <p>While it has many strengths, the system currently has some limitations,
1161 primarily because it is a work in progress and is not yet finished:</p>
1163 <ul>
1164 <li>Overall, there is no way to define or match SelectionDAG nodes that define
1165 multiple values (e.g. <tt>SMUL_LOHI</tt>, <tt>LOAD</tt>, <tt>CALL</tt>,
1166 etc). This is the biggest reason that you currently still <em>have
1167 to</em> write custom C++ code for your instruction selector.</li>
1169 <li>There is no great way to support matching complex addressing modes yet.
1170 In the future, we will extend pattern fragments to allow them to define
1171 multiple values (e.g. the four operands of the <a href="#x86_memory">X86
1172 addressing mode</a>, which are currently matched with custom C++ code).
1173 In addition, we'll extend fragments so that a fragment can match multiple
1174 different patterns.</li>
1176 <li>We don't automatically infer flags like isStore/isLoad yet.</li>
1178 <li>We don't automatically generate the set of supported registers and
1179 operations for the <a href="#selectiondag_legalize">Legalizer</a>
1180 yet.</li>
1182 <li>We don't have a way of tying in custom legalized nodes yet.</li>
1183 </ul>
1185 <p>Despite these limitations, the instruction selector generator is still quite
1186 useful for most of the binary and logical operations in typical instruction
1187 sets. If you run into any problems or can't figure out how to do something,
1188 please let Chris know!</p>
1190 </div>
1192 <!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
1193 <div class="doc_subsubsection">
1194 <a name="selectiondag_sched">SelectionDAG Scheduling and Formation Phase</a>
1195 </div>
1197 <div class="doc_text">
1199 <p>The scheduling phase takes the DAG of target instructions from the selection
1200 phase and assigns an order. The scheduler can pick an order depending on
1201 various constraints of the machines (i.e. order for minimal register pressure
1202 or try to cover instruction latencies). Once an order is established, the
1203 DAG is converted to a list
1204 of <tt><a href="#machineinstr">MachineInstr</a></tt>s and the SelectionDAG is
1205 destroyed.</p>
1207 <p>Note that this phase is logically separate from the instruction selection
1208 phase, but is tied to it closely in the code because it operates on
1209 SelectionDAGs.</p>
1211 </div>
1213 <!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
1214 <div class="doc_subsubsection">
1215 <a name="selectiondag_future">Future directions for the SelectionDAG</a>
1216 </div>
1218 <div class="doc_text">
1220 <ol>
1221 <li>Optional function-at-a-time selection.</li>
1223 <li>Auto-generate entire selector from <tt>.td</tt> file.</li>
1224 </ol>
1226 </div>
1228 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
1229 <div class="doc_subsection">
1230 <a name="ssamco">SSA-based Machine Code Optimizations</a>
1231 </div>
1232 <div class="doc_text"><p>To Be Written</p></div>
1234 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
1235 <div class="doc_subsection">
1236 <a name="liveintervals">Live Intervals</a>
1237 </div>
1239 <div class="doc_text">
1241 <p>Live Intervals are the ranges (intervals) where a variable is <i>live</i>.
1242 They are used by some <a href="#regalloc">register allocator</a> passes to
1243 determine if two or more virtual registers which require the same physical
1244 register are live at the same point in the program (i.e., they conflict).
1245 When this situation occurs, one virtual register must be <i>spilled</i>.</p>
1247 </div>
1249 <!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
1250 <div class="doc_subsubsection">
1251 <a name="livevariable_analysis">Live Variable Analysis</a>
1252 </div>
1254 <div class="doc_text">
1256 <p>The first step in determining the live intervals of variables is to calculate
1257 the set of registers that are immediately dead after the instruction (i.e.,
1258 the instruction calculates the value, but it is never used) and the set of
1259 registers that are used by the instruction, but are never used after the
1260 instruction (i.e., they are killed). Live variable information is computed
1261 for each <i>virtual</i> register and <i>register allocatable</i> physical
1262 register in the function. This is done in a very efficient manner because it
1263 uses SSA to sparsely compute lifetime information for virtual registers
1264 (which are in SSA form) and only has to track physical registers within a
1265 block. Before register allocation, LLVM can assume that physical registers
1266 are only live within a single basic block. This allows it to do a single,
1267 local analysis to resolve physical register lifetimes within each basic
1268 block. If a physical register is not register allocatable (e.g., a stack
1269 pointer or condition codes), it is not tracked.</p>
1271 <p>Physical registers may be live in to or out of a function. Live in values are
1272 typically arguments in registers. Live out values are typically return values
1273 in registers. Live in values are marked as such, and are given a dummy
1274 "defining" instruction during live intervals analysis. If the last basic
1275 block of a function is a <tt>return</tt>, then it's marked as using all live
1276 out values in the function.</p>
1278 <p><tt>PHI</tt> nodes need to be handled specially, because the calculation of
1279 the live variable information from a depth first traversal of the CFG of the
1280 function won't guarantee that a virtual register used by the <tt>PHI</tt>
1281 node is defined before it's used. When a <tt>PHI</tt> node is encountered,
1282 only the definition is handled, because the uses will be handled in other
1283 basic blocks.</p>
1285 <p>For each <tt>PHI</tt> node of the current basic block, we simulate an
1286 assignment at the end of the current basic block and traverse the successor
1287 basic blocks. If a successor basic block has a <tt>PHI</tt> node and one of
1288 the <tt>PHI</tt> node's operands is coming from the current basic block, then
1289 the variable is marked as <i>alive</i> within the current basic block and all
1290 of its predecessor basic blocks, until the basic block with the defining
1291 instruction is encountered.</p>
1293 </div>
1295 <!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
1296 <div class="doc_subsubsection">
1297 <a name="liveintervals_analysis">Live Intervals Analysis</a>
1298 </div>
1300 <div class="doc_text">
1302 <p>We now have the information available to perform the live intervals analysis
1303 and build the live intervals themselves. We start off by numbering the basic
1304 blocks and machine instructions. We then handle the "live-in" values. These
1305 are in physical registers, so the physical register is assumed to be killed
1306 by the end of the basic block. Live intervals for virtual registers are
1307 computed for some ordering of the machine instructions <tt>[1, N]</tt>. A
1308 live interval is an interval <tt>[i, j)</tt>, where <tt>1 &lt;= i &lt;= j
1309 &lt; N</tt>, for which a variable is live.</p>
1311 <p><i><b>More to come...</b></i></p>
1313 </div>
1315 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
1316 <div class="doc_subsection">
1317 <a name="regalloc">Register Allocation</a>
1318 </div>
1320 <div class="doc_text">
1322 <p>The <i>Register Allocation problem</i> consists in mapping a program
1323 <i>P<sub>v</sub></i>, that can use an unbounded number of virtual registers,
1324 to a program <i>P<sub>p</sub></i> that contains a finite (possibly small)
1325 number of physical registers. Each target architecture has a different number
1326 of physical registers. If the number of physical registers is not enough to
1327 accommodate all the virtual registers, some of them will have to be mapped
1328 into memory. These virtuals are called <i>spilled virtuals</i>.</p>
1330 </div>
1332 <!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
1334 <div class="doc_subsubsection">
1335 <a name="regAlloc_represent">How registers are represented in LLVM</a>
1336 </div>
1338 <div class="doc_text">
1340 <p>In LLVM, physical registers are denoted by integer numbers that normally
1341 range from 1 to 1023. To see how this numbering is defined for a particular
1342 architecture, you can read the <tt>GenRegisterNames.inc</tt> file for that
1343 architecture. For instance, by
1344 inspecting <tt>lib/Target/X86/X86GenRegisterNames.inc</tt> we see that the
1345 32-bit register <tt>EAX</tt> is denoted by 15, and the MMX register
1346 <tt>MM0</tt> is mapped to 48.</p>
1348 <p>Some architectures contain registers that share the same physical location. A
1349 notable example is the X86 platform. For instance, in the X86 architecture,
1350 the registers <tt>EAX</tt>, <tt>AX</tt> and <tt>AL</tt> share the first eight
1351 bits. These physical registers are marked as <i>aliased</i> in LLVM. Given a
1352 particular architecture, you can check which registers are aliased by
1353 inspecting its <tt>RegisterInfo.td</tt> file. Moreover, the method
1354 <tt>TargetRegisterInfo::getAliasSet(p_reg)</tt> returns an array containing
1355 all the physical registers aliased to the register <tt>p_reg</tt>.</p>
1357 <p>Physical registers, in LLVM, are grouped in <i>Register Classes</i>.
1358 Elements in the same register class are functionally equivalent, and can be
1359 interchangeably used. Each virtual register can only be mapped to physical
1360 registers of a particular class. For instance, in the X86 architecture, some
1361 virtuals can only be allocated to 8 bit registers. A register class is
1362 described by <tt>TargetRegisterClass</tt> objects. To discover if a virtual
1363 register is compatible with a given physical, this code can be used:</p>
1365 <div class="doc_code">
1366 <pre>
1367 bool RegMapping_Fer::compatible_class(MachineFunction &amp;mf,
1368 unsigned v_reg,
1369 unsigned p_reg) {
1370 assert(TargetRegisterInfo::isPhysicalRegister(p_reg) &amp;&amp;
1371 "Target register must be physical");
1372 const TargetRegisterClass *trc = mf.getRegInfo().getRegClass(v_reg);
1373 return trc-&gt;contains(p_reg);
1375 </pre>
1376 </div>
1378 <p>Sometimes, mostly for debugging purposes, it is useful to change the number
1379 of physical registers available in the target architecture. This must be done
1380 statically, inside the <tt>TargetRegsterInfo.td</tt> file. Just <tt>grep</tt>
1381 for <tt>RegisterClass</tt>, the last parameter of which is a list of
1382 registers. Just commenting some out is one simple way to avoid them being
1383 used. A more polite way is to explicitly exclude some registers from
1384 the <i>allocation order</i>. See the definition of the <tt>GR8</tt> register
1385 class in <tt>lib/Target/X86/X86RegisterInfo.td</tt> for an example of this.
1386 </p>
1388 <p>Virtual registers are also denoted by integer numbers. Contrary to physical
1389 registers, different virtual registers never share the same number. The
1390 smallest virtual register is normally assigned the number 1024. This may
1391 change, so, in order to know which is the first virtual register, you should
1392 access <tt>TargetRegisterInfo::FirstVirtualRegister</tt>. Any register whose
1393 number is greater than or equal
1394 to <tt>TargetRegisterInfo::FirstVirtualRegister</tt> is considered a virtual
1395 register. Whereas physical registers are statically defined in
1396 a <tt>TargetRegisterInfo.td</tt> file and cannot be created by the
1397 application developer, that is not the case with virtual registers. In order
1398 to create new virtual registers, use the
1399 method <tt>MachineRegisterInfo::createVirtualRegister()</tt>. This method
1400 will return a virtual register with the highest code.</p>
1402 <p>Before register allocation, the operands of an instruction are mostly virtual
1403 registers, although physical registers may also be used. In order to check if
1404 a given machine operand is a register, use the boolean
1405 function <tt>MachineOperand::isRegister()</tt>. To obtain the integer code of
1406 a register, use <tt>MachineOperand::getReg()</tt>. An instruction may define
1407 or use a register. For instance, <tt>ADD reg:1026 := reg:1025 reg:1024</tt>
1408 defines the registers 1024, and uses registers 1025 and 1026. Given a
1409 register operand, the method <tt>MachineOperand::isUse()</tt> informs if that
1410 register is being used by the instruction. The
1411 method <tt>MachineOperand::isDef()</tt> informs if that registers is being
1412 defined.</p>
1414 <p>We will call physical registers present in the LLVM bitcode before register
1415 allocation <i>pre-colored registers</i>. Pre-colored registers are used in
1416 many different situations, for instance, to pass parameters of functions
1417 calls, and to store results of particular instructions. There are two types
1418 of pre-colored registers: the ones <i>implicitly</i> defined, and
1419 those <i>explicitly</i> defined. Explicitly defined registers are normal
1420 operands, and can be accessed
1421 with <tt>MachineInstr::getOperand(int)::getReg()</tt>. In order to check
1422 which registers are implicitly defined by an instruction, use
1423 the <tt>TargetInstrInfo::get(opcode)::ImplicitDefs</tt>,
1424 where <tt>opcode</tt> is the opcode of the target instruction. One important
1425 difference between explicit and implicit physical registers is that the
1426 latter are defined statically for each instruction, whereas the former may
1427 vary depending on the program being compiled. For example, an instruction
1428 that represents a function call will always implicitly define or use the same
1429 set of physical registers. To read the registers implicitly used by an
1430 instruction,
1431 use <tt>TargetInstrInfo::get(opcode)::ImplicitUses</tt>. Pre-colored
1432 registers impose constraints on any register allocation algorithm. The
1433 register allocator must make sure that none of them are overwritten by
1434 the values of virtual registers while still alive.</p>
1436 </div>
1438 <!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
1440 <div class="doc_subsubsection">
1441 <a name="regAlloc_howTo">Mapping virtual registers to physical registers</a>
1442 </div>
1444 <div class="doc_text">
1446 <p>There are two ways to map virtual registers to physical registers (or to
1447 memory slots). The first way, that we will call <i>direct mapping</i>, is
1448 based on the use of methods of the classes <tt>TargetRegisterInfo</tt>,
1449 and <tt>MachineOperand</tt>. The second way, that we will call <i>indirect
1450 mapping</i>, relies on the <tt>VirtRegMap</tt> class in order to insert loads
1451 and stores sending and getting values to and from memory.</p>
1453 <p>The direct mapping provides more flexibility to the developer of the register
1454 allocator; however, it is more error prone, and demands more implementation
1455 work. Basically, the programmer will have to specify where load and store
1456 instructions should be inserted in the target function being compiled in
1457 order to get and store values in memory. To assign a physical register to a
1458 virtual register present in a given operand,
1459 use <tt>MachineOperand::setReg(p_reg)</tt>. To insert a store instruction,
1460 use <tt>TargetRegisterInfo::storeRegToStackSlot(...)</tt>, and to insert a
1461 load instruction, use <tt>TargetRegisterInfo::loadRegFromStackSlot</tt>.</p>
1463 <p>The indirect mapping shields the application developer from the complexities
1464 of inserting load and store instructions. In order to map a virtual register
1465 to a physical one, use <tt>VirtRegMap::assignVirt2Phys(vreg, preg)</tt>. In
1466 order to map a certain virtual register to memory,
1467 use <tt>VirtRegMap::assignVirt2StackSlot(vreg)</tt>. This method will return
1468 the stack slot where <tt>vreg</tt>'s value will be located. If it is
1469 necessary to map another virtual register to the same stack slot,
1470 use <tt>VirtRegMap::assignVirt2StackSlot(vreg, stack_location)</tt>. One
1471 important point to consider when using the indirect mapping, is that even if
1472 a virtual register is mapped to memory, it still needs to be mapped to a
1473 physical register. This physical register is the location where the virtual
1474 register is supposed to be found before being stored or after being
1475 reloaded.</p>
1477 <p>If the indirect strategy is used, after all the virtual registers have been
1478 mapped to physical registers or stack slots, it is necessary to use a spiller
1479 object to place load and store instructions in the code. Every virtual that
1480 has been mapped to a stack slot will be stored to memory after been defined
1481 and will be loaded before being used. The implementation of the spiller tries
1482 to recycle load/store instructions, avoiding unnecessary instructions. For an
1483 example of how to invoke the spiller,
1484 see <tt>RegAllocLinearScan::runOnMachineFunction</tt>
1485 in <tt>lib/CodeGen/RegAllocLinearScan.cpp</tt>.</p>
1487 </div>
1489 <!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
1490 <div class="doc_subsubsection">
1491 <a name="regAlloc_twoAddr">Handling two address instructions</a>
1492 </div>
1494 <div class="doc_text">
1496 <p>With very rare exceptions (e.g., function calls), the LLVM machine code
1497 instructions are three address instructions. That is, each instruction is
1498 expected to define at most one register, and to use at most two registers.
1499 However, some architectures use two address instructions. In this case, the
1500 defined register is also one of the used register. For instance, an
1501 instruction such as <tt>ADD %EAX, %EBX</tt>, in X86 is actually equivalent
1502 to <tt>%EAX = %EAX + %EBX</tt>.</p>
1504 <p>In order to produce correct code, LLVM must convert three address
1505 instructions that represent two address instructions into true two address
1506 instructions. LLVM provides the pass <tt>TwoAddressInstructionPass</tt> for
1507 this specific purpose. It must be run before register allocation takes
1508 place. After its execution, the resulting code may no longer be in SSA
1509 form. This happens, for instance, in situations where an instruction such
1510 as <tt>%a = ADD %b %c</tt> is converted to two instructions such as:</p>
1512 <div class="doc_code">
1513 <pre>
1514 %a = MOVE %b
1515 %a = ADD %a %c
1516 </pre>
1517 </div>
1519 <p>Notice that, internally, the second instruction is represented as
1520 <tt>ADD %a[def/use] %c</tt>. I.e., the register operand <tt>%a</tt> is both
1521 used and defined by the instruction.</p>
1523 </div>
1525 <!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
1526 <div class="doc_subsubsection">
1527 <a name="regAlloc_ssaDecon">The SSA deconstruction phase</a>
1528 </div>
1530 <div class="doc_text">
1532 <p>An important transformation that happens during register allocation is called
1533 the <i>SSA Deconstruction Phase</i>. The SSA form simplifies many analyses
1534 that are performed on the control flow graph of programs. However,
1535 traditional instruction sets do not implement PHI instructions. Thus, in
1536 order to generate executable code, compilers must replace PHI instructions
1537 with other instructions that preserve their semantics.</p>
1539 <p>There are many ways in which PHI instructions can safely be removed from the
1540 target code. The most traditional PHI deconstruction algorithm replaces PHI
1541 instructions with copy instructions. That is the strategy adopted by
1542 LLVM. The SSA deconstruction algorithm is implemented
1543 in <tt>lib/CodeGen/PHIElimination.cpp</tt>. In order to invoke this pass, the
1544 identifier <tt>PHIEliminationID</tt> must be marked as required in the code
1545 of the register allocator.</p>
1547 </div>
1549 <!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
1550 <div class="doc_subsubsection">
1551 <a name="regAlloc_fold">Instruction folding</a>
1552 </div>
1554 <div class="doc_text">
1556 <p><i>Instruction folding</i> is an optimization performed during register
1557 allocation that removes unnecessary copy instructions. For instance, a
1558 sequence of instructions such as:</p>
1560 <div class="doc_code">
1561 <pre>
1562 %EBX = LOAD %mem_address
1563 %EAX = COPY %EBX
1564 </pre>
1565 </div>
1567 <p>can be safely substituted by the single instruction:</p>
1569 <div class="doc_code">
1570 <pre>
1571 %EAX = LOAD %mem_address
1572 </pre>
1573 </div>
1575 <p>Instructions can be folded with
1576 the <tt>TargetRegisterInfo::foldMemoryOperand(...)</tt> method. Care must be
1577 taken when folding instructions; a folded instruction can be quite different
1578 from the original
1579 instruction. See <tt>LiveIntervals::addIntervalsForSpills</tt>
1580 in <tt>lib/CodeGen/LiveIntervalAnalysis.cpp</tt> for an example of its
1581 use.</p>
1583 </div>
1585 <!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
1587 <div class="doc_subsubsection">
1588 <a name="regAlloc_builtIn">Built in register allocators</a>
1589 </div>
1591 <div class="doc_text">
1593 <p>The LLVM infrastructure provides the application developer with three
1594 different register allocators:</p>
1596 <ul>
1597 <li><i>Linear Scan</i> &mdash; <i>The default allocator</i>. This is the
1598 well-know linear scan register allocator. Whereas the
1599 <i>Simple</i> and <i>Local</i> algorithms use a direct mapping
1600 implementation technique, the <i>Linear Scan</i> implementation
1601 uses a spiller in order to place load and stores.</li>
1603 <li><i>Fast</i> &mdash; This register allocator is the default for debug
1604 builds. It allocates registers on a basic block level, attempting to keep
1605 values in registers and reusing registers as appropriate.</li>
1607 <li><i>PBQP</i> &mdash; A Partitioned Boolean Quadratic Programming (PBQP)
1608 based register allocator. This allocator works by constructing a PBQP
1609 problem representing the register allocation problem under consideration,
1610 solving this using a PBQP solver, and mapping the solution back to a
1611 register assignment.</li>
1613 </ul>
1615 <p>The type of register allocator used in <tt>llc</tt> can be chosen with the
1616 command line option <tt>-regalloc=...</tt>:</p>
1618 <div class="doc_code">
1619 <pre>
1620 $ llc -regalloc=linearscan file.bc -o ln.s;
1621 $ llc -regalloc=fast file.bc -o fa.s;
1622 $ llc -regalloc=pbqp file.bc -o pbqp.s;
1623 </pre>
1624 </div>
1626 </div>
1628 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
1629 <div class="doc_subsection">
1630 <a name="proepicode">Prolog/Epilog Code Insertion</a>
1631 </div>
1632 <div class="doc_text"><p>To Be Written</p></div>
1633 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
1634 <div class="doc_subsection">
1635 <a name="latemco">Late Machine Code Optimizations</a>
1636 </div>
1637 <div class="doc_text"><p>To Be Written</p></div>
1638 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
1639 <div class="doc_subsection">
1640 <a name="codeemit">Code Emission</a>
1641 </div>
1642 <div class="doc_text"><p>To Be Written</p></div>
1643 <!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
1644 <div class="doc_subsubsection">
1645 <a name="codeemit_asm">Generating Assembly Code</a>
1646 </div>
1647 <div class="doc_text"><p>To Be Written</p></div>
1648 <!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
1649 <div class="doc_subsubsection">
1650 <a name="codeemit_bin">Generating Binary Machine Code</a>
1651 </div>
1653 <div class="doc_text">
1654 <p>For the JIT or <tt>.o</tt> file writer</p>
1655 </div>
1658 <!-- *********************************************************************** -->
1659 <div class="doc_section">
1660 <a name="targetimpls">Target-specific Implementation Notes</a>
1661 </div>
1662 <!-- *********************************************************************** -->
1664 <div class="doc_text">
1666 <p>This section of the document explains features or design decisions that are
1667 specific to the code generator for a particular target.</p>
1669 </div>
1671 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
1672 <div class="doc_subsection">
1673 <a name="tailcallopt">Tail call optimization</a>
1674 </div>
1676 <div class="doc_text">
1678 <p>Tail call optimization, callee reusing the stack of the caller, is currently
1679 supported on x86/x86-64 and PowerPC. It is performed if:</p>
1681 <ul>
1682 <li>Caller and callee have the calling convention <tt>fastcc</tt> or
1683 <tt>cc 10</tt> (GHC call convention).</li>
1685 <li>The call is a tail call - in tail position (ret immediately follows call
1686 and ret uses value of call or is void).</li>
1688 <li>Option <tt>-tailcallopt</tt> is enabled.</li>
1690 <li>Platform specific constraints are met.</li>
1691 </ul>
1693 <p>x86/x86-64 constraints:</p>
1695 <ul>
1696 <li>No variable argument lists are used.</li>
1698 <li>On x86-64 when generating GOT/PIC code only module-local calls (visibility
1699 = hidden or protected) are supported.</li>
1700 </ul>
1702 <p>PowerPC constraints:</p>
1704 <ul>
1705 <li>No variable argument lists are used.</li>
1707 <li>No byval parameters are used.</li>
1709 <li>On ppc32/64 GOT/PIC only module-local calls (visibility = hidden or protected) are supported.</li>
1710 </ul>
1712 <p>Example:</p>
1714 <p>Call as <tt>llc -tailcallopt test.ll</tt>.</p>
1716 <div class="doc_code">
1717 <pre>
1718 declare fastcc i32 @tailcallee(i32 inreg %a1, i32 inreg %a2, i32 %a3, i32 %a4)
1720 define fastcc i32 @tailcaller(i32 %in1, i32 %in2) {
1721 %l1 = add i32 %in1, %in2
1722 %tmp = tail call fastcc i32 @tailcallee(i32 %in1 inreg, i32 %in2 inreg, i32 %in1, i32 %l1)
1723 ret i32 %tmp
1725 </pre>
1726 </div>
1728 <p>Implications of <tt>-tailcallopt</tt>:</p>
1730 <p>To support tail call optimization in situations where the callee has more
1731 arguments than the caller a 'callee pops arguments' convention is used. This
1732 currently causes each <tt>fastcc</tt> call that is not tail call optimized
1733 (because one or more of above constraints are not met) to be followed by a
1734 readjustment of the stack. So performance might be worse in such cases.</p>
1736 </div>
1737 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
1738 <div class="doc_subsection">
1739 <a name="sibcallopt">Sibling call optimization</a>
1740 </div>
1742 <div class="doc_text">
1744 <p>Sibling call optimization is a restricted form of tail call optimization.
1745 Unlike tail call optimization described in the previous section, it can be
1746 performed automatically on any tail calls when <tt>-tailcallopt</tt> option
1747 is not specified.</p>
1749 <p>Sibling call optimization is currently performed on x86/x86-64 when the
1750 following constraints are met:</p>
1752 <ul>
1753 <li>Caller and callee have the same calling convention. It can be either
1754 <tt>c</tt> or <tt>fastcc</tt>.
1756 <li>The call is a tail call - in tail position (ret immediately follows call
1757 and ret uses value of call or is void).</li>
1759 <li>Caller and callee have matching return type or the callee result is not
1760 used.
1762 <li>If any of the callee arguments are being passed in stack, they must be
1763 available in caller's own incoming argument stack and the frame offsets
1764 must be the same.
1765 </ul>
1767 <p>Example:</p>
1768 <div class="doc_code">
1769 <pre>
1770 declare i32 @bar(i32, i32)
1772 define i32 @foo(i32 %a, i32 %b, i32 %c) {
1773 entry:
1774 %0 = tail call i32 @bar(i32 %a, i32 %b)
1775 ret i32 %0
1777 </pre>
1778 </div>
1780 </div>
1781 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
1782 <div class="doc_subsection">
1783 <a name="x86">The X86 backend</a>
1784 </div>
1786 <div class="doc_text">
1788 <p>The X86 code generator lives in the <tt>lib/Target/X86</tt> directory. This
1789 code generator is capable of targeting a variety of x86-32 and x86-64
1790 processors, and includes support for ISA extensions such as MMX and SSE.</p>
1792 </div>
1794 <!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
1795 <div class="doc_subsubsection">
1796 <a name="x86_tt">X86 Target Triples supported</a>
1797 </div>
1799 <div class="doc_text">
1801 <p>The following are the known target triples that are supported by the X86
1802 backend. This is not an exhaustive list, and it would be useful to add those
1803 that people test.</p>
1805 <ul>
1806 <li><b>i686-pc-linux-gnu</b> &mdash; Linux</li>
1808 <li><b>i386-unknown-freebsd5.3</b> &mdash; FreeBSD 5.3</li>
1810 <li><b>i686-pc-cygwin</b> &mdash; Cygwin on Win32</li>
1812 <li><b>i686-pc-mingw32</b> &mdash; MingW on Win32</li>
1814 <li><b>i386-pc-mingw32msvc</b> &mdash; MingW crosscompiler on Linux</li>
1816 <li><b>i686-apple-darwin*</b> &mdash; Apple Darwin on X86</li>
1818 <li><b>x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu</b> &mdash; Linux</li>
1819 </ul>
1821 </div>
1823 <!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
1824 <div class="doc_subsubsection">
1825 <a name="x86_cc">X86 Calling Conventions supported</a>
1826 </div>
1829 <div class="doc_text">
1831 <p>The following target-specific calling conventions are known to backend:</p>
1833 <ul>
1834 <li><b>x86_StdCall</b> &mdash; stdcall calling convention seen on Microsoft
1835 Windows platform (CC ID = 64).</li>
1837 <li><b>x86_FastCall</b> &mdash; fastcall calling convention seen on Microsoft
1838 Windows platform (CC ID = 65).</li>
1839 </ul>
1841 </div>
1843 <!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
1844 <div class="doc_subsubsection">
1845 <a name="x86_memory">Representing X86 addressing modes in MachineInstrs</a>
1846 </div>
1848 <div class="doc_text">
1850 <p>The x86 has a very flexible way of accessing memory. It is capable of
1851 forming memory addresses of the following expression directly in integer
1852 instructions (which use ModR/M addressing):</p>
1854 <div class="doc_code">
1855 <pre>
1856 SegmentReg: Base + [1,2,4,8] * IndexReg + Disp32
1857 </pre>
1858 </div>
1860 <p>In order to represent this, LLVM tracks no less than 5 operands for each
1861 memory operand of this form. This means that the "load" form of
1862 '<tt>mov</tt>' has the following <tt>MachineOperand</tt>s in this order:</p>
1864 <div class="doc_code">
1865 <pre>
1866 Index: 0 | 1 2 3 4 5
1867 Meaning: DestReg, | BaseReg, Scale, IndexReg, Displacement Segment
1868 OperandTy: VirtReg, | VirtReg, UnsImm, VirtReg, SignExtImm PhysReg
1869 </pre>
1870 </div>
1872 <p>Stores, and all other instructions, treat the four memory operands in the
1873 same way and in the same order. If the segment register is unspecified
1874 (regno = 0), then no segment override is generated. "Lea" operations do not
1875 have a segment register specified, so they only have 4 operands for their
1876 memory reference.</p>
1878 </div>
1880 <!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
1881 <div class="doc_subsubsection">
1882 <a name="x86_memory">X86 address spaces supported</a>
1883 </div>
1885 <div class="doc_text">
1887 <p>x86 has an experimental feature which provides
1888 the ability to perform loads and stores to different address spaces
1889 via the x86 segment registers. A segment override prefix byte on an
1890 instruction causes the instruction's memory access to go to the specified
1891 segment. LLVM address space 0 is the default address space, which includes
1892 the stack, and any unqualified memory accesses in a program. Address spaces
1893 1-255 are currently reserved for user-defined code. The GS-segment is
1894 represented by address space 256, while the FS-segment is represented by
1895 address space 257. Other x86 segments have yet to be allocated address space
1896 numbers.</p>
1898 <p>While these address spaces may seem similar to TLS via the
1899 <tt>thread_local</tt> keyword, and often use the same underlying hardware,
1900 there are some fundamental differences.</p>
1902 <p>The <tt>thread_local</tt> keyword applies to global variables and
1903 specifies that they are to be allocated in thread-local memory. There are
1904 no type qualifiers involved, and these variables can be pointed to with
1905 normal pointers and accessed with normal loads and stores.
1906 The <tt>thread_local</tt> keyword is target-independent at the LLVM IR
1907 level (though LLVM doesn't yet have implementations of it for some
1908 configurations).<p>
1910 <p>Special address spaces, in contrast, apply to static types. Every
1911 load and store has a particular address space in its address operand type,
1912 and this is what determines which address space is accessed.
1913 LLVM ignores these special address space qualifiers on global variables,
1914 and does not provide a way to directly allocate storage in them.
1915 At the LLVM IR level, the behavior of these special address spaces depends
1916 in part on the underlying OS or runtime environment, and they are specific
1917 to x86 (and LLVM doesn't yet handle them correctly in some cases).</p>
1919 <p>Some operating systems and runtime environments use (or may in the future
1920 use) the FS/GS-segment registers for various low-level purposes, so care
1921 should be taken when considering them.</p>
1923 </div>
1925 <!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
1926 <div class="doc_subsubsection">
1927 <a name="x86_names">Instruction naming</a>
1928 </div>
1930 <div class="doc_text">
1932 <p>An instruction name consists of the base name, a default operand size, and a
1933 a character per operand with an optional special size. For example:</p>
1935 <div class="doc_code">
1936 <pre>
1937 ADD8rr -&gt; add, 8-bit register, 8-bit register
1938 IMUL16rmi -&gt; imul, 16-bit register, 16-bit memory, 16-bit immediate
1939 IMUL16rmi8 -&gt; imul, 16-bit register, 16-bit memory, 8-bit immediate
1940 MOVSX32rm16 -&gt; movsx, 32-bit register, 16-bit memory
1941 </pre>
1942 </div>
1944 </div>
1946 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
1947 <div class="doc_subsection">
1948 <a name="ppc">The PowerPC backend</a>
1949 </div>
1951 <div class="doc_text">
1953 <p>The PowerPC code generator lives in the lib/Target/PowerPC directory. The
1954 code generation is retargetable to several variations or <i>subtargets</i> of
1955 the PowerPC ISA; including ppc32, ppc64 and altivec.</p>
1957 </div>
1959 <!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
1960 <div class="doc_subsubsection">
1961 <a name="ppc_abi">LLVM PowerPC ABI</a>
1962 </div>
1964 <div class="doc_text">
1966 <p>LLVM follows the AIX PowerPC ABI, with two deviations. LLVM uses a PC
1967 relative (PIC) or static addressing for accessing global values, so no TOC
1968 (r2) is used. Second, r31 is used as a frame pointer to allow dynamic growth
1969 of a stack frame. LLVM takes advantage of having no TOC to provide space to
1970 save the frame pointer in the PowerPC linkage area of the caller frame.
1971 Other details of PowerPC ABI can be found at <a href=
1972 "http://developer.apple.com/documentation/DeveloperTools/Conceptual/LowLevelABI/Articles/32bitPowerPC.html"
1973 >PowerPC ABI.</a> Note: This link describes the 32 bit ABI. The 64 bit ABI
1974 is similar except space for GPRs are 8 bytes wide (not 4) and r13 is reserved
1975 for system use.</p>
1977 </div>
1979 <!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
1980 <div class="doc_subsubsection">
1981 <a name="ppc_frame">Frame Layout</a>
1982 </div>
1984 <div class="doc_text">
1986 <p>The size of a PowerPC frame is usually fixed for the duration of a
1987 function's invocation. Since the frame is fixed size, all references
1988 into the frame can be accessed via fixed offsets from the stack pointer. The
1989 exception to this is when dynamic alloca or variable sized arrays are
1990 present, then a base pointer (r31) is used as a proxy for the stack pointer
1991 and stack pointer is free to grow or shrink. A base pointer is also used if
1992 llvm-gcc is not passed the -fomit-frame-pointer flag. The stack pointer is
1993 always aligned to 16 bytes, so that space allocated for altivec vectors will
1994 be properly aligned.</p>
1996 <p>An invocation frame is laid out as follows (low memory at top);</p>
1998 <table class="layout">
1999 <tr>
2000 <td>Linkage<br><br></td>
2001 </tr>
2002 <tr>
2003 <td>Parameter area<br><br></td>
2004 </tr>
2005 <tr>
2006 <td>Dynamic area<br><br></td>
2007 </tr>
2008 <tr>
2009 <td>Locals area<br><br></td>
2010 </tr>
2011 <tr>
2012 <td>Saved registers area<br><br></td>
2013 </tr>
2014 <tr style="border-style: none hidden none hidden;">
2015 <td><br></td>
2016 </tr>
2017 <tr>
2018 <td>Previous Frame<br><br></td>
2019 </tr>
2020 </table>
2022 <p>The <i>linkage</i> area is used by a callee to save special registers prior
2023 to allocating its own frame. Only three entries are relevant to LLVM. The
2024 first entry is the previous stack pointer (sp), aka link. This allows
2025 probing tools like gdb or exception handlers to quickly scan the frames in
2026 the stack. A function epilog can also use the link to pop the frame from the
2027 stack. The third entry in the linkage area is used to save the return
2028 address from the lr register. Finally, as mentioned above, the last entry is
2029 used to save the previous frame pointer (r31.) The entries in the linkage
2030 area are the size of a GPR, thus the linkage area is 24 bytes long in 32 bit
2031 mode and 48 bytes in 64 bit mode.</p>
2033 <p>32 bit linkage area</p>
2035 <table class="layout">
2036 <tr>
2037 <td>0</td>
2038 <td>Saved SP (r1)</td>
2039 </tr>
2040 <tr>
2041 <td>4</td>
2042 <td>Saved CR</td>
2043 </tr>
2044 <tr>
2045 <td>8</td>
2046 <td>Saved LR</td>
2047 </tr>
2048 <tr>
2049 <td>12</td>
2050 <td>Reserved</td>
2051 </tr>
2052 <tr>
2053 <td>16</td>
2054 <td>Reserved</td>
2055 </tr>
2056 <tr>
2057 <td>20</td>
2058 <td>Saved FP (r31)</td>
2059 </tr>
2060 </table>
2062 <p>64 bit linkage area</p>
2064 <table class="layout">
2065 <tr>
2066 <td>0</td>
2067 <td>Saved SP (r1)</td>
2068 </tr>
2069 <tr>
2070 <td>8</td>
2071 <td>Saved CR</td>
2072 </tr>
2073 <tr>
2074 <td>16</td>
2075 <td>Saved LR</td>
2076 </tr>
2077 <tr>
2078 <td>24</td>
2079 <td>Reserved</td>
2080 </tr>
2081 <tr>
2082 <td>32</td>
2083 <td>Reserved</td>
2084 </tr>
2085 <tr>
2086 <td>40</td>
2087 <td>Saved FP (r31)</td>
2088 </tr>
2089 </table>
2091 <p>The <i>parameter area</i> is used to store arguments being passed to a callee
2092 function. Following the PowerPC ABI, the first few arguments are actually
2093 passed in registers, with the space in the parameter area unused. However,
2094 if there are not enough registers or the callee is a thunk or vararg
2095 function, these register arguments can be spilled into the parameter area.
2096 Thus, the parameter area must be large enough to store all the parameters for
2097 the largest call sequence made by the caller. The size must also be
2098 minimally large enough to spill registers r3-r10. This allows callees blind
2099 to the call signature, such as thunks and vararg functions, enough space to
2100 cache the argument registers. Therefore, the parameter area is minimally 32
2101 bytes (64 bytes in 64 bit mode.) Also note that since the parameter area is
2102 a fixed offset from the top of the frame, that a callee can access its spilt
2103 arguments using fixed offsets from the stack pointer (or base pointer.)</p>
2105 <p>Combining the information about the linkage, parameter areas and alignment. A
2106 stack frame is minimally 64 bytes in 32 bit mode and 128 bytes in 64 bit
2107 mode.</p>
2109 <p>The <i>dynamic area</i> starts out as size zero. If a function uses dynamic
2110 alloca then space is added to the stack, the linkage and parameter areas are
2111 shifted to top of stack, and the new space is available immediately below the
2112 linkage and parameter areas. The cost of shifting the linkage and parameter
2113 areas is minor since only the link value needs to be copied. The link value
2114 can be easily fetched by adding the original frame size to the base pointer.
2115 Note that allocations in the dynamic space need to observe 16 byte
2116 alignment.</p>
2118 <p>The <i>locals area</i> is where the llvm compiler reserves space for local
2119 variables.</p>
2121 <p>The <i>saved registers area</i> is where the llvm compiler spills callee
2122 saved registers on entry to the callee.</p>
2124 </div>
2126 <!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
2127 <div class="doc_subsubsection">
2128 <a name="ppc_prolog">Prolog/Epilog</a>
2129 </div>
2131 <div class="doc_text">
2133 <p>The llvm prolog and epilog are the same as described in the PowerPC ABI, with
2134 the following exceptions. Callee saved registers are spilled after the frame
2135 is created. This allows the llvm epilog/prolog support to be common with
2136 other targets. The base pointer callee saved register r31 is saved in the
2137 TOC slot of linkage area. This simplifies allocation of space for the base
2138 pointer and makes it convenient to locate programatically and during
2139 debugging.</p>
2141 </div>
2143 <!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
2144 <div class="doc_subsubsection">
2145 <a name="ppc_dynamic">Dynamic Allocation</a>
2146 </div>
2148 <div class="doc_text">
2150 <p><i>TODO - More to come.</i></p>
2152 </div>
2155 <!-- *********************************************************************** -->
2156 <hr>
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2163 <a href="mailto:sabre@nondot.org">Chris Lattner</a><br>
2164 <a href="http://llvm.org">The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure</a><br>
2165 Last modified: $Date$
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