Mark that the return is using EAX so that we don't use it for some other
[llvm.git] / docs / SourceLevelDebugging.html
2 "">
3 <html>
4 <head>
5 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
6 <title>Source Level Debugging with LLVM</title>
7 <link rel="stylesheet" href="llvm.css" type="text/css">
8 </head>
9 <body>
11 <div class="doc_title">Source Level Debugging with LLVM</div>
13 <table class="layout" style="width:100%">
14 <tr class="layout">
15 <td class="left">
16 <ul>
17 <li><a href="#introduction">Introduction</a>
18 <ol>
19 <li><a href="#phil">Philosophy behind LLVM debugging information</a></li>
20 <li><a href="#consumers">Debug information consumers</a></li>
21 <li><a href="#debugopt">Debugging optimized code</a></li>
22 </ol></li>
23 <li><a href="#format">Debugging information format</a>
24 <ol>
25 <li><a href="#debug_info_descriptors">Debug information descriptors</a>
26 <ul>
27 <li><a href="#format_compile_units">Compile unit descriptors</a></li>
28 <li><a href="#format_files">File descriptors</a></li>
29 <li><a href="#format_global_variables">Global variable descriptors</a></li>
30 <li><a href="#format_subprograms">Subprogram descriptors</a></li>
31 <li><a href="#format_blocks">Block descriptors</a></li>
32 <li><a href="#format_basic_type">Basic type descriptors</a></li>
33 <li><a href="#format_derived_type">Derived type descriptors</a></li>
34 <li><a href="#format_composite_type">Composite type descriptors</a></li>
35 <li><a href="#format_subrange">Subrange descriptors</a></li>
36 <li><a href="#format_enumeration">Enumerator descriptors</a></li>
37 <li><a href="#format_variables">Local variables</a></li>
38 </ul></li>
39 <li><a href="#format_common_intrinsics">Debugger intrinsic functions</a>
40 <ul>
41 <li><a href="#format_common_declare">llvm.dbg.declare</a></li>
42 <li><a href="#format_common_value">llvm.dbg.value</a></li>
43 </ul></li>
44 </ol></li>
45 <li><a href="#format_common_lifetime">Object lifetimes and scoping</a></li>
46 <li><a href="#ccxx_frontend">C/C++ front-end specific debug information</a>
47 <ol>
48 <li><a href="#ccxx_compile_units">C/C++ source file information</a></li>
49 <li><a href="#ccxx_global_variable">C/C++ global variable information</a></li>
50 <li><a href="#ccxx_subprogram">C/C++ function information</a></li>
51 <li><a href="#ccxx_basic_types">C/C++ basic types</a></li>
52 <li><a href="#ccxx_derived_types">C/C++ derived types</a></li>
53 <li><a href="#ccxx_composite_types">C/C++ struct/union types</a></li>
54 <li><a href="#ccxx_enumeration_types">C/C++ enumeration types</a></li>
55 </ol></li>
56 </ul>
57 </td>
58 <td class="right">
59 <img src="img/venusflytrap.jpg" alt="A leafy and green bug eater" width="247"
60 height="369">
61 </td>
62 </tr></table>
64 <div class="doc_author">
65 <p>Written by <a href="">Chris Lattner</a>
66 and <a href="">Jim Laskey</a></p>
67 </div>
70 <!-- *********************************************************************** -->
71 <div class="doc_section"><a name="introduction">Introduction</a></div>
72 <!-- *********************************************************************** -->
74 <div class="doc_text">
76 <p>This document is the central repository for all information pertaining to
77 debug information in LLVM. It describes the <a href="#format">actual format
78 that the LLVM debug information</a> takes, which is useful for those
79 interested in creating front-ends or dealing directly with the information.
80 Further, this document provides specific examples of what debug information
81 for C/C++ looks like.</p>
83 </div>
85 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
86 <div class="doc_subsection">
87 <a name="phil">Philosophy behind LLVM debugging information</a>
88 </div>
90 <div class="doc_text">
92 <p>The idea of the LLVM debugging information is to capture how the important
93 pieces of the source-language's Abstract Syntax Tree map onto LLVM code.
94 Several design aspects have shaped the solution that appears here. The
95 important ones are:</p>
97 <ul>
98 <li>Debugging information should have very little impact on the rest of the
99 compiler. No transformations, analyses, or code generators should need to
100 be modified because of debugging information.</li>
102 <li>LLVM optimizations should interact in <a href="#debugopt">well-defined and
103 easily described ways</a> with the debugging information.</li>
105 <li>Because LLVM is designed to support arbitrary programming languages,
106 LLVM-to-LLVM tools should not need to know anything about the semantics of
107 the source-level-language.</li>
109 <li>Source-level languages are often <b>widely</b> different from one another.
110 LLVM should not put any restrictions of the flavor of the source-language,
111 and the debugging information should work with any language.</li>
113 <li>With code generator support, it should be possible to use an LLVM compiler
114 to compile a program to native machine code and standard debugging
115 formats. This allows compatibility with traditional machine-code level
116 debuggers, like GDB or DBX.</li>
117 </ul>
119 <p>The approach used by the LLVM implementation is to use a small set
120 of <a href="#format_common_intrinsics">intrinsic functions</a> to define a
121 mapping between LLVM program objects and the source-level objects. The
122 description of the source-level program is maintained in LLVM metadata
123 in an <a href="#ccxx_frontend">implementation-defined format</a>
124 (the C/C++ front-end currently uses working draft 7 of
125 the <a href="">DWARF 3
126 standard</a>).</p>
128 <p>When a program is being debugged, a debugger interacts with the user and
129 turns the stored debug information into source-language specific information.
130 As such, a debugger must be aware of the source-language, and is thus tied to
131 a specific language or family of languages.</p>
133 </div>
135 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
136 <div class="doc_subsection">
137 <a name="consumers">Debug information consumers</a>
138 </div>
140 <div class="doc_text">
142 <p>The role of debug information is to provide meta information normally
143 stripped away during the compilation process. This meta information provides
144 an LLVM user a relationship between generated code and the original program
145 source code.</p>
147 <p>Currently, debug information is consumed by DwarfDebug to produce dwarf
148 information used by the gdb debugger. Other targets could use the same
149 information to produce stabs or other debug forms.</p>
151 <p>It would also be reasonable to use debug information to feed profiling tools
152 for analysis of generated code, or, tools for reconstructing the original
153 source from generated code.</p>
155 <p>TODO - expound a bit more.</p>
157 </div>
159 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
160 <div class="doc_subsection">
161 <a name="debugopt">Debugging optimized code</a>
162 </div>
164 <div class="doc_text">
166 <p>An extremely high priority of LLVM debugging information is to make it
167 interact well with optimizations and analysis. In particular, the LLVM debug
168 information provides the following guarantees:</p>
170 <ul>
171 <li>LLVM debug information <b>always provides information to accurately read
172 the source-level state of the program</b>, regardless of which LLVM
173 optimizations have been run, and without any modification to the
174 optimizations themselves. However, some optimizations may impact the
175 ability to modify the current state of the program with a debugger, such
176 as setting program variables, or calling functions that have been
177 deleted.</li>
179 <li>LLVM optimizations gracefully interact with debugging information. If
180 they are not aware of debug information, they are automatically disabled
181 as necessary in the cases that would invalidate the debug info. This
182 retains the LLVM features, making it easy to write new
183 transformations.</li>
185 <li>As desired, LLVM optimizations can be upgraded to be aware of the LLVM
186 debugging information, allowing them to update the debugging information
187 as they perform aggressive optimizations. This means that, with effort,
188 the LLVM optimizers could optimize debug code just as well as non-debug
189 code.</li>
191 <li>LLVM debug information does not prevent many important optimizations from
192 happening (for example inlining, basic block reordering/merging/cleanup,
193 tail duplication, etc), further reducing the amount of the compiler that
194 eventually is "aware" of debugging information.</li>
196 <li>LLVM debug information is automatically optimized along with the rest of
197 the program, using existing facilities. For example, duplicate
198 information is automatically merged by the linker, and unused information
199 is automatically removed.</li>
200 </ul>
202 <p>Basically, the debug information allows you to compile a program with
203 "<tt>-O0 -g</tt>" and get full debug information, allowing you to arbitrarily
204 modify the program as it executes from a debugger. Compiling a program with
205 "<tt>-O3 -g</tt>" gives you full debug information that is always available
206 and accurate for reading (e.g., you get accurate stack traces despite tail
207 call elimination and inlining), but you might lose the ability to modify the
208 program and call functions where were optimized out of the program, or
209 inlined away completely.</p>
211 <p><a href="TestingGuide.html#quicktestsuite">LLVM test suite</a> provides a
212 framework to test optimizer's handling of debugging information. It can be
213 run like this:</p>
215 <div class="doc_code">
216 <pre>
217 % cd llvm/projects/test-suite/MultiSource/Benchmarks # or some other level
218 % make TEST=dbgopt
219 </pre>
220 </div>
222 <p>This will test impact of debugging information on optimization passes. If
223 debugging information influences optimization passes then it will be reported
224 as a failure. See <a href="TestingGuide.html">TestingGuide</a> for more
225 information on LLVM test infrastructure and how to run various tests.</p>
227 </div>
229 <!-- *********************************************************************** -->
230 <div class="doc_section">
231 <a name="format">Debugging information format</a>
232 </div>
233 <!-- *********************************************************************** -->
235 <div class="doc_text">
237 <p>LLVM debugging information has been carefully designed to make it possible
238 for the optimizer to optimize the program and debugging information without
239 necessarily having to know anything about debugging information. In
240 particular, the use of metadata avoids duplicated debugging information from
241 the beginning, and the global dead code elimination pass automatically
242 deletes debugging information for a function if it decides to delete the
243 function. </p>
245 <p>To do this, most of the debugging information (descriptors for types,
246 variables, functions, source files, etc) is inserted by the language
247 front-end in the form of LLVM metadata. </p>
249 <p>Debug information is designed to be agnostic about the target debugger and
250 debugging information representation (e.g. DWARF/Stabs/etc). It uses a
251 generic pass to decode the information that represents variables, types,
252 functions, namespaces, etc: this allows for arbitrary source-language
253 semantics and type-systems to be used, as long as there is a module
254 written for the target debugger to interpret the information. </p>
256 <p>To provide basic functionality, the LLVM debugger does have to make some
257 assumptions about the source-level language being debugged, though it keeps
258 these to a minimum. The only common features that the LLVM debugger assumes
259 exist are <a href="#format_files">source files</a>,
260 and <a href="#format_global_variables">program objects</a>. These abstract
261 objects are used by a debugger to form stack traces, show information about
262 local variables, etc.</p>
264 <p>This section of the documentation first describes the representation aspects
265 common to any source-language. The <a href="#ccxx_frontend">next section</a>
266 describes the data layout conventions used by the C and C++ front-ends.</p>
268 </div>
270 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
271 <div class="doc_subsection">
272 <a name="debug_info_descriptors">Debug information descriptors</a>
273 </div>
275 <div class="doc_text">
277 <p>In consideration of the complexity and volume of debug information, LLVM
278 provides a specification for well formed debug descriptors. </p>
280 <p>Consumers of LLVM debug information expect the descriptors for program
281 objects to start in a canonical format, but the descriptors can include
282 additional information appended at the end that is source-language
283 specific. All LLVM debugging information is versioned, allowing backwards
284 compatibility in the case that the core structures need to change in some
285 way. Also, all debugging information objects start with a tag to indicate
286 what type of object it is. The source-language is allowed to define its own
287 objects, by using unreserved tag numbers. We recommend using with tags in
288 the range 0x1000 through 0x2000 (there is a defined enum DW_TAG_user_base =
289 0x1000.)</p>
291 <p>The fields of debug descriptors used internally by LLVM
292 are restricted to only the simple data types <tt>i32</tt>, <tt>i1</tt>,
293 <tt>float</tt>, <tt>double</tt>, <tt>mdstring</tt> and <tt>mdnode</tt>. </p>
295 <div class="doc_code">
296 <pre>
297 !1 = metadata !{
298 i32, ;; A tag
301 </pre>
302 </div>
304 <p><a name="LLVMDebugVersion">The first field of a descriptor is always an
305 <tt>i32</tt> containing a tag value identifying the content of the
306 descriptor. The remaining fields are specific to the descriptor. The values
307 of tags are loosely bound to the tag values of DWARF information entries.
308 However, that does not restrict the use of the information supplied to DWARF
309 targets. To facilitate versioning of debug information, the tag is augmented
310 with the current debug version (LLVMDebugVersion = 8 &lt;&lt; 16 or 0x80000 or
311 524288.)</a></p>
313 <p>The details of the various descriptors follow.</p>
315 </div>
317 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
318 <div class="doc_subsubsection">
319 <a name="format_compile_units">Compile unit descriptors</a>
320 </div>
322 <div class="doc_text">
324 <div class="doc_code">
325 <pre>
326 !0 = metadata !{
327 i32, ;; Tag = 17 + <a href="#LLVMDebugVersion">LLVMDebugVersion</a>
328 ;; (DW_TAG_compile_unit)
329 i32, ;; Unused field.
330 i32, ;; DWARF language identifier (ex. DW_LANG_C89)
331 metadata, ;; Source file name
332 metadata, ;; Source file directory (includes trailing slash)
333 metadata ;; Producer (ex. "4.0.1 LLVM (LLVM research group)")
334 i1, ;; True if this is a main compile unit.
335 i1, ;; True if this is optimized.
336 metadata, ;; Flags
337 i32 ;; Runtime version
339 </pre>
340 </div>
342 <p>These descriptors contain a source language ID for the file (we use the DWARF
343 3.0 ID numbers, such as <tt>DW_LANG_C89</tt>, <tt>DW_LANG_C_plus_plus</tt>,
344 <tt>DW_LANG_Cobol74</tt>, etc), three strings describing the filename,
345 working directory of the compiler, and an identifier string for the compiler
346 that produced it.</p>
348 <p>Compile unit descriptors provide the root context for objects declared in a
349 specific compilation unit. File descriptors are defined using this context.</p>
351 </div>
353 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
354 <div class="doc_subsubsection">
355 <a name="format_files">File descriptors</a>
356 </div>
358 <div class="doc_text">
360 <div class="doc_code">
361 <pre>
362 !0 = metadata !{
363 i32, ;; Tag = 41 + <a href="#LLVMDebugVersion">LLVMDebugVersion</a>
364 ;; (DW_TAG_file_type)
365 metadata, ;; Source file name
366 metadata, ;; Source file directory (includes trailing slash)
367 metadata ;; Reference to compile unit where defined
369 </pre>
370 </div>
372 <p>These descriptors contain information for a file. Global variables and top
373 level functions would be defined using this context.k File descriptors also
374 provide context for source line correspondence. </p>
376 <p>Each input file is encoded as a separate file descriptor in LLVM debugging
377 information output. Each file descriptor would be defined using a
378 compile unit. </p>
380 </div>
382 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
383 <div class="doc_subsubsection">
384 <a name="format_global_variables">Global variable descriptors</a>
385 </div>
387 <div class="doc_text">
389 <div class="doc_code">
390 <pre>
391 !1 = metadata !{
392 i32, ;; Tag = 52 + <a href="#LLVMDebugVersion">LLVMDebugVersion</a>
393 ;; (DW_TAG_variable)
394 i32, ;; Unused field.
395 metadata, ;; Reference to context descriptor
396 metadata, ;; Name
397 metadata, ;; Display name (fully qualified C++ name)
398 metadata, ;; MIPS linkage name (for C++)
399 metadata, ;; Reference to file where defined
400 i32, ;; Line number where defined
401 metadata, ;; Reference to type descriptor
402 i1, ;; True if the global is local to compile unit (static)
403 i1, ;; True if the global is defined in the compile unit (not extern)
404 {}* ;; Reference to the global variable
406 </pre>
407 </div>
409 <p>These descriptors provide debug information about globals variables. The
410 provide details such as name, type and where the variable is defined.</p>
412 </div>
414 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
415 <div class="doc_subsubsection">
416 <a name="format_subprograms">Subprogram descriptors</a>
417 </div>
419 <div class="doc_text">
421 <div class="doc_code">
422 <pre>
423 !2 = metadata !{
424 i32, ;; Tag = 46 + <a href="#LLVMDebugVersion">LLVMDebugVersion</a>
425 ;; (DW_TAG_subprogram)
426 i32, ;; Unused field.
427 metadata, ;; Reference to context descriptor
428 metadata, ;; Name
429 metadata, ;; Display name (fully qualified C++ name)
430 metadata, ;; MIPS linkage name (for C++)
431 metadata, ;; Reference to file where defined
432 i32, ;; Line number where defined
433 metadata, ;; Reference to type descriptor
434 i1, ;; True if the global is local to compile unit (static)
435 i1 ;; True if the global is defined in the compile unit (not extern)
436 i32 ;; Virtuality, e.g. dwarf::DW_VIRTUALITY__virtual
437 i32 ;; Index into a virtual function
438 metadata, ;; indicates which base type contains the vtable pointer for the
439 ;; derived class
440 i1 ;; isArtificial
441 i1 ;; isOptimized
442 Function *;; Pointer to LLVM function
444 </pre>
445 </div>
447 <p>These descriptors provide debug information about functions, methods and
448 subprograms. They provide details such as name, return types and the source
449 location where the subprogram is defined.</p>
451 </div>
453 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
454 <div class="doc_subsubsection">
455 <a name="format_blocks">Block descriptors</a>
456 </div>
458 <div class="doc_text">
460 <div class="doc_code">
461 <pre>
462 !3 = metadata !{
463 i32, ;; Tag = 11 + <a href="#LLVMDebugVersion">LLVMDebugVersion</a> (DW_TAG_lexical_block)
464 metadata,;; Reference to context descriptor
465 i32, ;; Line number
466 i32 ;; Column number
468 </pre>
469 </div>
471 <p>These descriptors provide debug information about nested blocks within a
472 subprogram. The line number and column numbers are used to dinstinguish
473 two lexical blocks at same depth. </p>
475 </div>
477 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
478 <div class="doc_subsubsection">
479 <a name="format_basic_type">Basic type descriptors</a>
480 </div>
482 <div class="doc_text">
484 <div class="doc_code">
485 <pre>
486 !4 = metadata !{
487 i32, ;; Tag = 36 + <a href="#LLVMDebugVersion">LLVMDebugVersion</a>
488 ;; (DW_TAG_base_type)
489 metadata, ;; Reference to context (typically a compile unit)
490 metadata, ;; Name (may be "" for anonymous types)
491 metadata, ;; Reference to file where defined (may be NULL)
492 i32, ;; Line number where defined (may be 0)
493 i64, ;; Size in bits
494 i64, ;; Alignment in bits
495 i64, ;; Offset in bits
496 i32, ;; Flags
497 i32 ;; DWARF type encoding
499 </pre>
500 </div>
502 <p>These descriptors define primitive types used in the code. Example int, bool
503 and float. The context provides the scope of the type, which is usually the
504 top level. Since basic types are not usually user defined the compile unit
505 and line number can be left as NULL and 0. The size, alignment and offset
506 are expressed in bits and can be 64 bit values. The alignment is used to
507 round the offset when embedded in a
508 <a href="#format_composite_type">composite type</a> (example to keep float
509 doubles on 64 bit boundaries.) The offset is the bit offset if embedded in
510 a <a href="#format_composite_type">composite type</a>.</p>
512 <p>The type encoding provides the details of the type. The values are typically
513 one of the following:</p>
515 <div class="doc_code">
516 <pre>
517 DW_ATE_address = 1
518 DW_ATE_boolean = 2
519 DW_ATE_float = 4
520 DW_ATE_signed = 5
521 DW_ATE_signed_char = 6
522 DW_ATE_unsigned = 7
523 DW_ATE_unsigned_char = 8
524 </pre>
525 </div>
527 </div>
529 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
530 <div class="doc_subsubsection">
531 <a name="format_derived_type">Derived type descriptors</a>
532 </div>
534 <div class="doc_text">
536 <div class="doc_code">
537 <pre>
538 !5 = metadata !{
539 i32, ;; Tag (see below)
540 metadata, ;; Reference to context
541 metadata, ;; Name (may be "" for anonymous types)
542 metadata, ;; Reference to file where defined (may be NULL)
543 i32, ;; Line number where defined (may be 0)
544 i64, ;; Size in bits
545 i64, ;; Alignment in bits
546 i64, ;; Offset in bits
547 metadata ;; Reference to type derived from
549 </pre>
550 </div>
552 <p>These descriptors are used to define types derived from other types. The
553 value of the tag varies depending on the meaning. The following are possible
554 tag values:</p>
556 <div class="doc_code">
557 <pre>
558 DW_TAG_formal_parameter = 5
559 DW_TAG_member = 13
560 DW_TAG_pointer_type = 15
561 DW_TAG_reference_type = 16
562 DW_TAG_typedef = 22
563 DW_TAG_const_type = 38
564 DW_TAG_volatile_type = 53
565 DW_TAG_restrict_type = 55
566 </pre>
567 </div>
569 <p><tt>DW_TAG_member</tt> is used to define a member of
570 a <a href="#format_composite_type">composite type</a>
571 or <a href="#format_subprograms">subprogram</a>. The type of the member is
572 the <a href="#format_derived_type">derived
573 type</a>. <tt>DW_TAG_formal_parameter</tt> is used to define a member which
574 is a formal argument of a subprogram.</p>
576 <p><tt>DW_TAG_typedef</tt> is used to provide a name for the derived type.</p>
578 <p><tt>DW_TAG_pointer_type</tt>,<tt>DW_TAG_reference_type</tt>,
579 <tt>DW_TAG_const_type</tt>, <tt>DW_TAG_volatile_type</tt>
580 and <tt>DW_TAG_restrict_type</tt> are used to qualify
581 the <a href="#format_derived_type">derived type</a>. </p>
583 <p><a href="#format_derived_type">Derived type</a> location can be determined
584 from the compile unit and line number. The size, alignment and offset are
585 expressed in bits and can be 64 bit values. The alignment is used to round
586 the offset when embedded in a <a href="#format_composite_type">composite
587 type</a> (example to keep float doubles on 64 bit boundaries.) The offset is
588 the bit offset if embedded in a <a href="#format_composite_type">composite
589 type</a>.</p>
591 <p>Note that the <tt>void *</tt> type is expressed as a type derived from NULL.
592 </p>
594 </div>
596 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
597 <div class="doc_subsubsection">
598 <a name="format_composite_type">Composite type descriptors</a>
599 </div>
601 <div class="doc_text">
603 <div class="doc_code">
604 <pre>
605 !6 = metadata !{
606 i32, ;; Tag (see below)
607 metadata, ;; Reference to context
608 metadata, ;; Name (may be "" for anonymous types)
609 metadata, ;; Reference to file where defined (may be NULL)
610 i32, ;; Line number where defined (may be 0)
611 i64, ;; Size in bits
612 i64, ;; Alignment in bits
613 i64, ;; Offset in bits
614 i32, ;; Flags
615 metadata, ;; Reference to type derived from
616 metadata, ;; Reference to array of member descriptors
617 i32 ;; Runtime languages
619 </pre>
620 </div>
622 <p>These descriptors are used to define types that are composed of 0 or more
623 elements. The value of the tag varies depending on the meaning. The following
624 are possible tag values:</p>
626 <div class="doc_code">
627 <pre>
628 DW_TAG_array_type = 1
629 DW_TAG_enumeration_type = 4
630 DW_TAG_structure_type = 19
631 DW_TAG_union_type = 23
632 DW_TAG_vector_type = 259
633 DW_TAG_subroutine_type = 21
634 DW_TAG_inheritance = 28
635 </pre>
636 </div>
638 <p>The vector flag indicates that an array type is a native packed vector.</p>
640 <p>The members of array types (tag = <tt>DW_TAG_array_type</tt>) or vector types
641 (tag = <tt>DW_TAG_vector_type</tt>) are <a href="#format_subrange">subrange
642 descriptors</a>, each representing the range of subscripts at that level of
643 indexing.</p>
645 <p>The members of enumeration types (tag = <tt>DW_TAG_enumeration_type</tt>) are
646 <a href="#format_enumeration">enumerator descriptors</a>, each representing
647 the definition of enumeration value for the set.</p>
649 <p>The members of structure (tag = <tt>DW_TAG_structure_type</tt>) or union (tag
650 = <tt>DW_TAG_union_type</tt>) types are any one of
651 the <a href="#format_basic_type">basic</a>,
652 <a href="#format_derived_type">derived</a>
653 or <a href="#format_composite_type">composite</a> type descriptors, each
654 representing a field member of the structure or union.</p>
656 <p>For C++ classes (tag = <tt>DW_TAG_structure_type</tt>), member descriptors
657 provide information about base classes, static members and member
658 functions. If a member is a <a href="#format_derived_type">derived type
659 descriptor</a> and has a tag of <tt>DW_TAG_inheritance</tt>, then the type
660 represents a base class. If the member of is
661 a <a href="#format_global_variables">global variable descriptor</a> then it
662 represents a static member. And, if the member is
663 a <a href="#format_subprograms">subprogram descriptor</a> then it represents
664 a member function. For static members and member
665 functions, <tt>getName()</tt> returns the members link or the C++ mangled
666 name. <tt>getDisplayName()</tt> the simplied version of the name.</p>
668 <p>The first member of subroutine (tag = <tt>DW_TAG_subroutine_type</tt>) type
669 elements is the return type for the subroutine. The remaining elements are
670 the formal arguments to the subroutine.</p>
672 <p><a href="#format_composite_type">Composite type</a> location can be
673 determined from the compile unit and line number. The size, alignment and
674 offset are expressed in bits and can be 64 bit values. The alignment is used
675 to round the offset when embedded in
676 a <a href="#format_composite_type">composite type</a> (as an example, to keep
677 float doubles on 64 bit boundaries.) The offset is the bit offset if embedded
678 in a <a href="#format_composite_type">composite type</a>.</p>
680 </div>
682 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
683 <div class="doc_subsubsection">
684 <a name="format_subrange">Subrange descriptors</a>
685 </div>
687 <div class="doc_text">
689 <div class="doc_code">
690 <pre>
691 !42 = metadata !{
692 i32, ;; Tag = 33 + <a href="#LLVMDebugVersion">LLVMDebugVersion</a> (DW_TAG_subrange_type)
693 i64, ;; Low value
694 i64 ;; High value
696 </pre>
697 </div>
699 <p>These descriptors are used to define ranges of array subscripts for an array
700 <a href="#format_composite_type">composite type</a>. The low value defines
701 the lower bounds typically zero for C/C++. The high value is the upper
702 bounds. Values are 64 bit. High - low + 1 is the size of the array. If low
703 == high the array will be unbounded.</p>
705 </div>
707 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
708 <div class="doc_subsubsection">
709 <a name="format_enumeration">Enumerator descriptors</a>
710 </div>
712 <div class="doc_text">
714 <div class="doc_code">
715 <pre>
716 !6 = metadata !{
717 i32, ;; Tag = 40 + <a href="#LLVMDebugVersion">LLVMDebugVersion</a>
718 ;; (DW_TAG_enumerator)
719 metadata, ;; Name
720 i64 ;; Value
722 </pre>
723 </div>
725 <p>These descriptors are used to define members of an
726 enumeration <a href="#format_composite_type">composite type</a>, it
727 associates the name to the value.</p>
729 </div>
731 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
732 <div class="doc_subsubsection">
733 <a name="format_variables">Local variables</a>
734 </div>
736 <div class="doc_text">
738 <div class="doc_code">
739 <pre>
740 !7 = metadata !{
741 i32, ;; Tag (see below)
742 metadata, ;; Context
743 metadata, ;; Name
744 metadata, ;; Reference to file where defined
745 i32, ;; Line number where defined
746 metadata ;; Type descriptor
748 </pre>
749 </div>
751 <p>These descriptors are used to define variables local to a sub program. The
752 value of the tag depends on the usage of the variable:</p>
754 <div class="doc_code">
755 <pre>
756 DW_TAG_auto_variable = 256
757 DW_TAG_arg_variable = 257
758 DW_TAG_return_variable = 258
759 </pre>
760 </div>
762 <p>An auto variable is any variable declared in the body of the function. An
763 argument variable is any variable that appears as a formal argument to the
764 function. A return variable is used to track the result of a function and
765 has no source correspondent.</p>
767 <p>The context is either the subprogram or block where the variable is defined.
768 Name the source variable name. Compile unit and line indicate where the
769 variable was defined. Type descriptor defines the declared type of the
770 variable.</p>
772 </div>
774 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
775 <div class="doc_subsection">
776 <a name="format_common_intrinsics">Debugger intrinsic functions</a>
777 </div>
779 <div class="doc_text">
781 <p>LLVM uses several intrinsic functions (name prefixed with "llvm.dbg") to
782 provide debug information at various points in generated code.</p>
784 </div>
786 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
787 <div class="doc_subsubsection">
788 <a name="format_common_declare">llvm.dbg.declare</a>
789 </div>
791 <div class="doc_text">
792 <pre>
793 void %<a href="#format_common_declare">llvm.dbg.declare</a>(metadata, metadata)
794 </pre>
796 <p>This intrinsic provides information about a local element (ex. variable.) The
797 first argument is metadata holding alloca for the variable.</tt>. The
798 second argument is metadata containing description of the variable. </p>
799 </div>
801 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
802 <div class="doc_subsubsection">
803 <a name="format_common_value">llvm.dbg.value</a>
804 </div>
806 <div class="doc_text">
807 <pre>
808 void %<a href="#format_common_value">llvm.dbg.value</a>(metadata, i64, metadata)
809 </pre>
811 <p>This intrinsic provides information when a user source variable is set to a
812 new value. The first argument is the new value (wrapped as metadata). The
813 second argument is the offset in the user source variable where the new value
814 is written. The third argument is metadata containing description of the
815 user source variable. </p>
816 </div>
818 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
819 <div class="doc_subsection">
820 <a name="format_common_lifetime">Object lifetimes and scoping</a>
821 </div>
823 <div class="doc_text">
824 <p>In many languages, the local variables in functions can have their lifetimes
825 or scopes limited to a subset of a function. In the C family of languages,
826 for example, variables are only live (readable and writable) within the
827 source block that they are defined in. In functional languages, values are
828 only readable after they have been defined. Though this is a very obvious
829 concept, it is non-trivial to model in LLVM, because it has no notion of
830 scoping in this sense, and does not want to be tied to a language's scoping
831 rules.</p>
833 <p>In order to handle this, the LLVM debug format uses the metadata attached to
834 llvm instructions to encode line number and scoping information. Consider
835 the following C fragment, for example:</p>
837 <div class="doc_code">
838 <pre>
839 1. void foo() {
840 2. int X = 21;
841 3. int Y = 22;
842 4. {
843 5. int Z = 23;
844 6. Z = X;
845 7. }
846 8. X = Y;
847 9. }
848 </pre>
849 </div>
851 <p>Compiled to LLVM, this function would be represented like this:</p>
853 <div class="doc_code">
854 <pre>
855 define void @foo() nounwind ssp {
856 entry:
857 %X = alloca i32, align 4 ; &lt;i32*&gt; [#uses=4]
858 %Y = alloca i32, align 4 ; &lt;i32*&gt; [#uses=4]
859 %Z = alloca i32, align 4 ; &lt;i32*&gt; [#uses=3]
860 %0 = bitcast i32* %X to {}* ; &lt;{}*&gt; [#uses=1]
861 call void @llvm.dbg.declare(metadata !{i32 * %X}, metadata !0), !dbg !7
862 store i32 21, i32* %X, !dbg !8
863 %1 = bitcast i32* %Y to {}* ; &lt;{}*&gt; [#uses=1]
864 call void @llvm.dbg.declare(metadata !{i32 * %Y}, metadata !9), !dbg !10
865 store i32 22, i32* %Y, !dbg !11
866 %2 = bitcast i32* %Z to {}* ; &lt;{}*&gt; [#uses=1]
867 call void @llvm.dbg.declare(metadata !{i32 * %Z}, metadata !12), !dbg !14
868 store i32 23, i32* %Z, !dbg !15
869 %tmp = load i32* %X, !dbg !16 ; &lt;i32&gt; [#uses=1]
870 %tmp1 = load i32* %Y, !dbg !16 ; &lt;i32&gt; [#uses=1]
871 %add = add nsw i32 %tmp, %tmp1, !dbg !16 ; &lt;i32&gt; [#uses=1]
872 store i32 %add, i32* %Z, !dbg !16
873 %tmp2 = load i32* %Y, !dbg !17 ; &lt;i32&gt; [#uses=1]
874 store i32 %tmp2, i32* %X, !dbg !17
875 ret void, !dbg !18
878 declare void @llvm.dbg.declare(metadata, metadata) nounwind readnone
880 !0 = metadata !{i32 459008, metadata !1, metadata !"X",
881 metadata !3, i32 2, metadata !6}; [ DW_TAG_auto_variable ]
882 !1 = metadata !{i32 458763, metadata !2}; [DW_TAG_lexical_block ]
883 !2 = metadata !{i32 458798, i32 0, metadata !3, metadata !"foo", metadata !"foo",
884 metadata !"foo", metadata !3, i32 1, metadata !4,
885 i1 false, i1 true}; [DW_TAG_subprogram ]
886 !3 = metadata !{i32 458769, i32 0, i32 12, metadata !"foo.c",
887 metadata !"/private/tmp", metadata !"clang 1.1", i1 true,
888 i1 false, metadata !"", i32 0}; [DW_TAG_compile_unit ]
889 !4 = metadata !{i32 458773, metadata !3, metadata !"", null, i32 0, i64 0, i64 0,
890 i64 0, i32 0, null, metadata !5, i32 0}; [DW_TAG_subroutine_type ]
891 !5 = metadata !{null}
892 !6 = metadata !{i32 458788, metadata !3, metadata !"int", metadata !3, i32 0,
893 i64 32, i64 32, i64 0, i32 0, i32 5}; [DW_TAG_base_type ]
894 !7 = metadata !{i32 2, i32 7, metadata !1, null}
895 !8 = metadata !{i32 2, i32 3, metadata !1, null}
896 !9 = metadata !{i32 459008, metadata !1, metadata !"Y", metadata !3, i32 3,
897 metadata !6}; [ DW_TAG_auto_variable ]
898 !10 = metadata !{i32 3, i32 7, metadata !1, null}
899 !11 = metadata !{i32 3, i32 3, metadata !1, null}
900 !12 = metadata !{i32 459008, metadata !13, metadata !"Z", metadata !3, i32 5,
901 metadata !6}; [ DW_TAG_auto_variable ]
902 !13 = metadata !{i32 458763, metadata !1}; [DW_TAG_lexical_block ]
903 !14 = metadata !{i32 5, i32 9, metadata !13, null}
904 !15 = metadata !{i32 5, i32 5, metadata !13, null}
905 !16 = metadata !{i32 6, i32 5, metadata !13, null}
906 !17 = metadata !{i32 8, i32 3, metadata !1, null}
907 !18 = metadata !{i32 9, i32 1, metadata !2, null}
908 </pre>
909 </div>
911 <p>This example illustrates a few important details about LLVM debugging
912 information. In particular, it shows how the <tt>llvm.dbg.declare</tt>
913 intrinsic and location information, which are attached to an instruction,
914 are applied together to allow a debugger to analyze the relationship between
915 statements, variable definitions, and the code used to implement the
916 function.</p>
918 <div class="doc_code">
919 <pre>
920 call void @llvm.dbg.declare(metadata, metadata !0), !dbg !7
921 </pre>
922 </div>
924 <p>The first intrinsic
925 <tt>%<a href="#format_common_declare">llvm.dbg.declare</a></tt>
926 encodes debugging information for the variable <tt>X</tt>. The metadata
927 <tt>!dbg !7</tt> attached to the intrinsic provides scope information for the
928 variable <tt>X</tt>.</p>
930 <div class="doc_code">
931 <pre>
932 !7 = metadata !{i32 2, i32 7, metadata !1, null}
933 !1 = metadata !{i32 458763, metadata !2}; [DW_TAG_lexical_block ]
934 !2 = metadata !{i32 458798, i32 0, metadata !3, metadata !"foo",
935 metadata !"foo", metadata !"foo", metadata !3, i32 1,
936 metadata !4, i1 false, i1 true}; [DW_TAG_subprogram ]
937 </pre>
938 </div>
940 <p>Here <tt>!7</tt> is metadata providing location information. It has four
941 fields: line number, column number, scope, and original scope. The original
942 scope represents inline location if this instruction is inlined inside a
943 caller, and is null otherwise. In this example, scope is encoded by
944 <tt>!1</tt>. <tt>!1</tt> represents a lexical block inside the scope
945 <tt>!2</tt>, where <tt>!2</tt> is a
946 <a href="#format_subprograms">subprogram descriptor</a>. This way the
947 location information attached to the intrinsics indicates that the
948 variable <tt>X</tt> is declared at line number 2 at a function level scope in
949 function <tt>foo</tt>.</p>
951 <p>Now lets take another example.</p>
953 <div class="doc_code">
954 <pre>
955 call void @llvm.dbg.declare(metadata, metadata !12), !dbg !14
956 </pre>
957 </div>
959 <p>The second intrinsic
960 <tt>%<a href="#format_common_declare">llvm.dbg.declare</a></tt>
961 encodes debugging information for variable <tt>Z</tt>. The metadata
962 <tt>!dbg !14</tt> attached to the intrinsic provides scope information for
963 the variable <tt>Z</tt>.</p>
965 <div class="doc_code">
966 <pre>
967 !13 = metadata !{i32 458763, metadata !1}; [DW_TAG_lexical_block ]
968 !14 = metadata !{i32 5, i32 9, metadata !13, null}
969 </pre>
970 </div>
972 <p>Here <tt>!14</tt> indicates that <tt>Z</tt> is declared at line number 5 and
973 column number 9 inside of lexical scope <tt>!13</tt>. The lexical scope
974 itself resides inside of lexical scope <tt>!1</tt> described above.</p>
976 <p>The scope information attached with each instruction provides a
977 straightforward way to find instructions covered by a scope.</p>
979 </div>
981 <!-- *********************************************************************** -->
982 <div class="doc_section">
983 <a name="ccxx_frontend">C/C++ front-end specific debug information</a>
984 </div>
985 <!-- *********************************************************************** -->
987 <div class="doc_text">
989 <p>The C and C++ front-ends represent information about the program in a format
990 that is effectively identical
991 to <a href="">DWARF 3.0</a> in
992 terms of information content. This allows code generators to trivially
993 support native debuggers by generating standard dwarf information, and
994 contains enough information for non-dwarf targets to translate it as
995 needed.</p>
997 <p>This section describes the forms used to represent C and C++ programs. Other
998 languages could pattern themselves after this (which itself is tuned to
999 representing programs in the same way that DWARF 3 does), or they could
1000 choose to provide completely different forms if they don't fit into the DWARF
1001 model. As support for debugging information gets added to the various LLVM
1002 source-language front-ends, the information used should be documented
1003 here.</p>
1005 <p>The following sections provide examples of various C/C++ constructs and the
1006 debug information that would best describe those constructs.</p>
1008 </div>
1010 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
1011 <div class="doc_subsection">
1012 <a name="ccxx_compile_units">C/C++ source file information</a>
1013 </div>
1015 <div class="doc_text">
1017 <p>Given the source files <tt>MySource.cpp</tt> and <tt>MyHeader.h</tt> located
1018 in the directory <tt>/Users/mine/sources</tt>, the following code:</p>
1020 <div class="doc_code">
1021 <pre>
1022 #include "MyHeader.h"
1024 int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
1025 return 0;
1027 </pre>
1028 </div>
1030 <p>a C/C++ front-end would generate the following descriptors:</p>
1032 <div class="doc_code">
1033 <pre>
1036 ;; Define the compile unit for the main source file "/Users/mine/sources/MySource.cpp".
1038 !2 = metadata !{
1039 i32 524305, ;; Tag
1040 i32 0, ;; Unused
1041 i32 4, ;; Language Id
1042 metadata !"MySource.cpp",
1043 metadata !"/Users/mine/sources",
1044 metadata !"4.2.1 (Based on Apple Inc. build 5649) (LLVM build 00)",
1045 i1 true, ;; Main Compile Unit
1046 i1 false, ;; Optimized compile unit
1047 metadata !"", ;; Compiler flags
1048 i32 0} ;; Runtime version
1051 ;; Define the file for the file "/Users/mine/sources/MySource.cpp".
1053 !1 = metadata !{
1054 i32 524329, ;; Tag
1055 metadata !"MySource.cpp",
1056 metadata !"/Users/mine/sources",
1057 metadata !2 ;; Compile unit
1061 ;; Define the file for the file "/Users/mine/sources/Myheader.h"
1063 !3 = metadata !{
1064 i32 524329, ;; Tag
1065 metadata !"Myheader.h"
1066 metadata !"/Users/mine/sources",
1067 metadata !2 ;; Compile unit
1071 </pre>
1072 </div>
1074 <p>llvm::Instruction provides easy access to metadata attached with an
1075 instruction. One can extract line number information encoded in LLVM IR
1076 using <tt>Instruction::getMetadata()</tt> and
1077 <tt>DILocation::getLineNumber()</tt>.
1078 <pre>
1079 if (MDNode *N = I->getMetadata("dbg")) { // Here I is an LLVM instruction
1080 DILocation Loc(N); // DILocation is in DebugInfo.h
1081 unsigned Line = Loc.getLineNumber();
1082 StringRef File = Loc.getFilename();
1083 StringRef Dir = Loc.getDirectory();
1085 </pre>
1086 </div>
1088 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
1089 <div class="doc_subsection">
1090 <a name="ccxx_global_variable">C/C++ global variable information</a>
1091 </div>
1093 <div class="doc_text">
1095 <p>Given an integer global variable declared as follows:</p>
1097 <div class="doc_code">
1098 <pre>
1099 int MyGlobal = 100;
1100 </pre>
1101 </div>
1103 <p>a C/C++ front-end would generate the following descriptors:</p>
1105 <div class="doc_code">
1106 <pre>
1108 ;; Define the global itself.
1110 %MyGlobal = global int 100
1113 ;; List of debug info of globals
1115 !llvm.dbg.gv = !{!0}
1118 ;; Define the global variable descriptor. Note the reference to the global
1119 ;; variable anchor and the global variable itself.
1121 !0 = metadata !{
1122 i32 524340, ;; Tag
1123 i32 0, ;; Unused
1124 metadata !1, ;; Context
1125 metadata !"MyGlobal", ;; Name
1126 metadata !"MyGlobal", ;; Display Name
1127 metadata !"MyGlobal", ;; Linkage Name
1128 metadata !3, ;; Compile Unit
1129 i32 1, ;; Line Number
1130 metadata !4, ;; Type
1131 i1 false, ;; Is a local variable
1132 i1 true, ;; Is this a definition
1133 i32* @MyGlobal ;; The global variable
1137 ;; Define the basic type of 32 bit signed integer. Note that since int is an
1138 ;; intrinsic type the source file is NULL and line 0.
1140 !4 = metadata !{
1141 i32 524324, ;; Tag
1142 metadata !1, ;; Context
1143 metadata !"int", ;; Name
1144 metadata !1, ;; File
1145 i32 0, ;; Line number
1146 i64 32, ;; Size in Bits
1147 i64 32, ;; Align in Bits
1148 i64 0, ;; Offset in Bits
1149 i32 0, ;; Flags
1150 i32 5 ;; Encoding
1153 </pre>
1154 </div>
1156 </div>
1158 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
1159 <div class="doc_subsection">
1160 <a name="ccxx_subprogram">C/C++ function information</a>
1161 </div>
1163 <div class="doc_text">
1165 <p>Given a function declared as follows:</p>
1167 <div class="doc_code">
1168 <pre>
1169 int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
1170 return 0;
1172 </pre>
1173 </div>
1175 <p>a C/C++ front-end would generate the following descriptors:</p>
1177 <div class="doc_code">
1178 <pre>
1180 ;; Define the anchor for subprograms. Note that the second field of the
1181 ;; anchor is 46, which is the same as the tag for subprograms
1182 ;; (46 = DW_TAG_subprogram.)
1184 !6 = metadata !{
1185 i32 524334, ;; Tag
1186 i32 0, ;; Unused
1187 metadata !1, ;; Context
1188 metadata !"main", ;; Name
1189 metadata !"main", ;; Display name
1190 metadata !"main", ;; Linkage name
1191 metadata !1, ;; File
1192 i32 1, ;; Line number
1193 metadata !4, ;; Type
1194 i1 false, ;; Is local
1195 i1 true ;; Is definition
1198 ;; Define the subprogram itself.
1200 define i32 @main(i32 %argc, i8** %argv) {
1203 </pre>
1204 </div>
1206 </div>
1208 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
1209 <div class="doc_subsection">
1210 <a name="ccxx_basic_types">C/C++ basic types</a>
1211 </div>
1213 <div class="doc_text">
1215 <p>The following are the basic type descriptors for C/C++ core types:</p>
1217 </div>
1219 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
1220 <div class="doc_subsubsection">
1221 <a name="ccxx_basic_type_bool">bool</a>
1222 </div>
1224 <div class="doc_text">
1226 <div class="doc_code">
1227 <pre>
1228 !2 = metadata !{
1229 i32 524324, ;; Tag
1230 metadata !1, ;; Context
1231 metadata !"bool", ;; Name
1232 metadata !1, ;; File
1233 i32 0, ;; Line number
1234 i64 8, ;; Size in Bits
1235 i64 8, ;; Align in Bits
1236 i64 0, ;; Offset in Bits
1237 i32 0, ;; Flags
1238 i32 2 ;; Encoding
1240 </pre>
1241 </div>
1243 </div>
1245 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
1246 <div class="doc_subsubsection">
1247 <a name="ccxx_basic_char">char</a>
1248 </div>
1250 <div class="doc_text">
1252 <div class="doc_code">
1253 <pre>
1254 !2 = metadata !{
1255 i32 524324, ;; Tag
1256 metadata !1, ;; Context
1257 metadata !"char", ;; Name
1258 metadata !1, ;; File
1259 i32 0, ;; Line number
1260 i64 8, ;; Size in Bits
1261 i64 8, ;; Align in Bits
1262 i64 0, ;; Offset in Bits
1263 i32 0, ;; Flags
1264 i32 6 ;; Encoding
1266 </pre>
1267 </div>
1269 </div>
1271 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
1272 <div class="doc_subsubsection">
1273 <a name="ccxx_basic_unsigned_char">unsigned char</a>
1274 </div>
1276 <div class="doc_text">
1278 <div class="doc_code">
1279 <pre>
1280 !2 = metadata !{
1281 i32 524324, ;; Tag
1282 metadata !1, ;; Context
1283 metadata !"unsigned char",
1284 metadata !1, ;; File
1285 i32 0, ;; Line number
1286 i64 8, ;; Size in Bits
1287 i64 8, ;; Align in Bits
1288 i64 0, ;; Offset in Bits
1289 i32 0, ;; Flags
1290 i32 8 ;; Encoding
1292 </pre>
1293 </div>
1295 </div>
1297 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
1298 <div class="doc_subsubsection">
1299 <a name="ccxx_basic_short">short</a>
1300 </div>
1302 <div class="doc_text">
1304 <div class="doc_code">
1305 <pre>
1306 !2 = metadata !{
1307 i32 524324, ;; Tag
1308 metadata !1, ;; Context
1309 metadata !"short int",
1310 metadata !1, ;; File
1311 i32 0, ;; Line number
1312 i64 16, ;; Size in Bits
1313 i64 16, ;; Align in Bits
1314 i64 0, ;; Offset in Bits
1315 i32 0, ;; Flags
1316 i32 5 ;; Encoding
1318 </pre>
1319 </div>
1321 </div>
1323 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
1324 <div class="doc_subsubsection">
1325 <a name="ccxx_basic_unsigned_short">unsigned short</a>
1326 </div>
1328 <div class="doc_text">
1330 <div class="doc_code">
1331 <pre>
1332 !2 = metadata !{
1333 i32 524324, ;; Tag
1334 metadata !1, ;; Context
1335 metadata !"short unsigned int",
1336 metadata !1, ;; File
1337 i32 0, ;; Line number
1338 i64 16, ;; Size in Bits
1339 i64 16, ;; Align in Bits
1340 i64 0, ;; Offset in Bits
1341 i32 0, ;; Flags
1342 i32 7 ;; Encoding
1344 </pre>
1345 </div>
1347 </div>
1349 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
1350 <div class="doc_subsubsection">
1351 <a name="ccxx_basic_int">int</a>
1352 </div>
1354 <div class="doc_text">
1356 <div class="doc_code">
1357 <pre>
1358 !2 = metadata !{
1359 i32 524324, ;; Tag
1360 metadata !1, ;; Context
1361 metadata !"int", ;; Name
1362 metadata !1, ;; File
1363 i32 0, ;; Line number
1364 i64 32, ;; Size in Bits
1365 i64 32, ;; Align in Bits
1366 i64 0, ;; Offset in Bits
1367 i32 0, ;; Flags
1368 i32 5 ;; Encoding
1370 </pre></div>
1372 </div>
1374 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
1375 <div class="doc_subsubsection">
1376 <a name="ccxx_basic_unsigned_int">unsigned int</a>
1377 </div>
1379 <div class="doc_text">
1381 <div class="doc_code">
1382 <pre>
1383 !2 = metadata !{
1384 i32 524324, ;; Tag
1385 metadata !1, ;; Context
1386 metadata !"unsigned int",
1387 metadata !1, ;; File
1388 i32 0, ;; Line number
1389 i64 32, ;; Size in Bits
1390 i64 32, ;; Align in Bits
1391 i64 0, ;; Offset in Bits
1392 i32 0, ;; Flags
1393 i32 7 ;; Encoding
1395 </pre>
1396 </div>
1398 </div>
1400 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
1401 <div class="doc_subsubsection">
1402 <a name="ccxx_basic_long_long">long long</a>
1403 </div>
1405 <div class="doc_text">
1407 <div class="doc_code">
1408 <pre>
1409 !2 = metadata !{
1410 i32 524324, ;; Tag
1411 metadata !1, ;; Context
1412 metadata !"long long int",
1413 metadata !1, ;; File
1414 i32 0, ;; Line number
1415 i64 64, ;; Size in Bits
1416 i64 64, ;; Align in Bits
1417 i64 0, ;; Offset in Bits
1418 i32 0, ;; Flags
1419 i32 5 ;; Encoding
1421 </pre>
1422 </div>
1424 </div>
1426 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
1427 <div class="doc_subsubsection">
1428 <a name="ccxx_basic_unsigned_long_long">unsigned long long</a>
1429 </div>
1431 <div class="doc_text">
1433 <div class="doc_code">
1434 <pre>
1435 !2 = metadata !{
1436 i32 524324, ;; Tag
1437 metadata !1, ;; Context
1438 metadata !"long long unsigned int",
1439 metadata !1, ;; File
1440 i32 0, ;; Line number
1441 i64 64, ;; Size in Bits
1442 i64 64, ;; Align in Bits
1443 i64 0, ;; Offset in Bits
1444 i32 0, ;; Flags
1445 i32 7 ;; Encoding
1447 </pre>
1448 </div>
1450 </div>
1452 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
1453 <div class="doc_subsubsection">
1454 <a name="ccxx_basic_float">float</a>
1455 </div>
1457 <div class="doc_text">
1459 <div class="doc_code">
1460 <pre>
1461 !2 = metadata !{
1462 i32 524324, ;; Tag
1463 metadata !1, ;; Context
1464 metadata !"float",
1465 metadata !1, ;; File
1466 i32 0, ;; Line number
1467 i64 32, ;; Size in Bits
1468 i64 32, ;; Align in Bits
1469 i64 0, ;; Offset in Bits
1470 i32 0, ;; Flags
1471 i32 4 ;; Encoding
1473 </pre>
1474 </div>
1476 </div>
1478 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
1479 <div class="doc_subsubsection">
1480 <a name="ccxx_basic_double">double</a>
1481 </div>
1483 <div class="doc_text">
1485 <div class="doc_code">
1486 <pre>
1487 !2 = metadata !{
1488 i32 524324, ;; Tag
1489 metadata !1, ;; Context
1490 metadata !"double",;; Name
1491 metadata !1, ;; File
1492 i32 0, ;; Line number
1493 i64 64, ;; Size in Bits
1494 i64 64, ;; Align in Bits
1495 i64 0, ;; Offset in Bits
1496 i32 0, ;; Flags
1497 i32 4 ;; Encoding
1499 </pre>
1500 </div>
1502 </div>
1504 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
1505 <div class="doc_subsection">
1506 <a name="ccxx_derived_types">C/C++ derived types</a>
1507 </div>
1509 <div class="doc_text">
1511 <p>Given the following as an example of C/C++ derived type:</p>
1513 <div class="doc_code">
1514 <pre>
1515 typedef const int *IntPtr;
1516 </pre>
1517 </div>
1519 <p>a C/C++ front-end would generate the following descriptors:</p>
1521 <div class="doc_code">
1522 <pre>
1524 ;; Define the typedef "IntPtr".
1526 !2 = metadata !{
1527 i32 524310, ;; Tag
1528 metadata !1, ;; Context
1529 metadata !"IntPtr", ;; Name
1530 metadata !3, ;; File
1531 i32 0, ;; Line number
1532 i64 0, ;; Size in bits
1533 i64 0, ;; Align in bits
1534 i64 0, ;; Offset in bits
1535 i32 0, ;; Flags
1536 metadata !4 ;; Derived From type
1540 ;; Define the pointer type.
1542 !4 = metadata !{
1543 i32 524303, ;; Tag
1544 metadata !1, ;; Context
1545 metadata !"", ;; Name
1546 metadata !1, ;; File
1547 i32 0, ;; Line number
1548 i64 64, ;; Size in bits
1549 i64 64, ;; Align in bits
1550 i64 0, ;; Offset in bits
1551 i32 0, ;; Flags
1552 metadata !5 ;; Derived From type
1555 ;; Define the const type.
1557 !5 = metadata !{
1558 i32 524326, ;; Tag
1559 metadata !1, ;; Context
1560 metadata !"", ;; Name
1561 metadata !1, ;; File
1562 i32 0, ;; Line number
1563 i64 32, ;; Size in bits
1564 i64 32, ;; Align in bits
1565 i64 0, ;; Offset in bits
1566 i32 0, ;; Flags
1567 metadata !6 ;; Derived From type
1570 ;; Define the int type.
1572 !6 = metadata !{
1573 i32 524324, ;; Tag
1574 metadata !1, ;; Context
1575 metadata !"int", ;; Name
1576 metadata !1, ;; File
1577 i32 0, ;; Line number
1578 i64 32, ;; Size in bits
1579 i64 32, ;; Align in bits
1580 i64 0, ;; Offset in bits
1581 i32 0, ;; Flags
1582 5 ;; Encoding
1584 </pre>
1585 </div>
1587 </div>
1589 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
1590 <div class="doc_subsection">
1591 <a name="ccxx_composite_types">C/C++ struct/union types</a>
1592 </div>
1594 <div class="doc_text">
1596 <p>Given the following as an example of C/C++ struct type:</p>
1598 <div class="doc_code">
1599 <pre>
1600 struct Color {
1601 unsigned Red;
1602 unsigned Green;
1603 unsigned Blue;
1605 </pre>
1606 </div>
1608 <p>a C/C++ front-end would generate the following descriptors:</p>
1610 <div class="doc_code">
1611 <pre>
1613 ;; Define basic type for unsigned int.
1615 !5 = metadata !{
1616 i32 524324, ;; Tag
1617 metadata !1, ;; Context
1618 metadata !"unsigned int",
1619 metadata !1, ;; File
1620 i32 0, ;; Line number
1621 i64 32, ;; Size in Bits
1622 i64 32, ;; Align in Bits
1623 i64 0, ;; Offset in Bits
1624 i32 0, ;; Flags
1625 i32 7 ;; Encoding
1628 ;; Define composite type for struct Color.
1630 !2 = metadata !{
1631 i32 524307, ;; Tag
1632 metadata !1, ;; Context
1633 metadata !"Color", ;; Name
1634 metadata !1, ;; Compile unit
1635 i32 1, ;; Line number
1636 i64 96, ;; Size in bits
1637 i64 32, ;; Align in bits
1638 i64 0, ;; Offset in bits
1639 i32 0, ;; Flags
1640 null, ;; Derived From
1641 metadata !3, ;; Elements
1642 i32 0 ;; Runtime Language
1646 ;; Define the Red field.
1648 !4 = metadata !{
1649 i32 524301, ;; Tag
1650 metadata !1, ;; Context
1651 metadata !"Red", ;; Name
1652 metadata !1, ;; File
1653 i32 2, ;; Line number
1654 i64 32, ;; Size in bits
1655 i64 32, ;; Align in bits
1656 i64 0, ;; Offset in bits
1657 i32 0, ;; Flags
1658 metadata !5 ;; Derived From type
1662 ;; Define the Green field.
1664 !6 = metadata !{
1665 i32 524301, ;; Tag
1666 metadata !1, ;; Context
1667 metadata !"Green", ;; Name
1668 metadata !1, ;; File
1669 i32 3, ;; Line number
1670 i64 32, ;; Size in bits
1671 i64 32, ;; Align in bits
1672 i64 32, ;; Offset in bits
1673 i32 0, ;; Flags
1674 metadata !5 ;; Derived From type
1678 ;; Define the Blue field.
1680 !7 = metadata !{
1681 i32 524301, ;; Tag
1682 metadata !1, ;; Context
1683 metadata !"Blue", ;; Name
1684 metadata !1, ;; File
1685 i32 4, ;; Line number
1686 i64 32, ;; Size in bits
1687 i64 32, ;; Align in bits
1688 i64 64, ;; Offset in bits
1689 i32 0, ;; Flags
1690 metadata !5 ;; Derived From type
1694 ;; Define the array of fields used by the composite type Color.
1696 !3 = metadata !{metadata !4, metadata !6, metadata !7}
1697 </pre>
1698 </div>
1700 </div>
1702 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
1703 <div class="doc_subsection">
1704 <a name="ccxx_enumeration_types">C/C++ enumeration types</a>
1705 </div>
1707 <div class="doc_text">
1709 <p>Given the following as an example of C/C++ enumeration type:</p>
1711 <div class="doc_code">
1712 <pre>
1713 enum Trees {
1714 Spruce = 100,
1715 Oak = 200,
1716 Maple = 300
1718 </pre>
1719 </div>
1721 <p>a C/C++ front-end would generate the following descriptors:</p>
1723 <div class="doc_code">
1724 <pre>
1726 ;; Define composite type for enum Trees
1728 !2 = metadata !{
1729 i32 524292, ;; Tag
1730 metadata !1, ;; Context
1731 metadata !"Trees", ;; Name
1732 metadata !1, ;; File
1733 i32 1, ;; Line number
1734 i64 32, ;; Size in bits
1735 i64 32, ;; Align in bits
1736 i64 0, ;; Offset in bits
1737 i32 0, ;; Flags
1738 null, ;; Derived From type
1739 metadata !3, ;; Elements
1740 i32 0 ;; Runtime language
1744 ;; Define the array of enumerators used by composite type Trees.
1746 !3 = metadata !{metadata !4, metadata !5, metadata !6}
1749 ;; Define Spruce enumerator.
1751 !4 = metadata !{i32 524328, metadata !"Spruce", i64 100}
1754 ;; Define Oak enumerator.
1756 !5 = metadata !{i32 524328, metadata !"Oak", i64 200}
1759 ;; Define Maple enumerator.
1761 !6 = metadata !{i32 524328, metadata !"Maple", i64 300}
1763 </pre>
1764 </div>
1766 </div>
1768 <!-- *********************************************************************** -->
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1777 <a href="">Chris Lattner</a><br>
1778 <a href="">LLVM Compiler Infrastructure</a><br>
1779 Last modified: $Date$
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1783 </html>