1 ##=== TEST.nightly.report - Report description for nightly -----*- perl -*-===##
3 # This file defines a report to be generated for the nightly tests.
5 ##===----------------------------------------------------------------------===##
9 $TrimRepeatedPrefix = 1;
11 my $WallTimeRE = "Time: ([0-9.]+) seconds \\([0-9.]+ wall clock";
13 # FormatTime - Convert a time from 1m23.45 into 83.45
16 if ($Time =~ m/([0-9]+)[m:]([0-9.]+)/) {
17 return sprintf("%7.4f", $1*60.0+$2);
20 return sprintf("%7.4f", $Time);
24 my ($Cols, $Col) = @_;
25 my $GCC = $Cols->[$Col-6];
26 my $CBE = $Cols->[$Col-5];
27 return "n/a" if ($GCC eq "*" or $CBE eq "*");
28 return sprintf("%3.2f", $GCC/$CBE) if ($GCC >= 0.1 and $CBE >= 0.1);
33 my ($Cols, $Col) = @_;
34 my $GCC = $Cols->[$Col-7];
35 my $LLC = $Cols->[$Col-5];
36 return "n/a" if ($GCC eq "*" or $LLC eq "*");
37 return sprintf("%3.2f", $GCC/$LLC) if ($GCC >= 0.1 and $LLC >= 0.1);
41 sub GCCLLC_BETARatio {
42 my ($Cols, $Col) = @_;
43 my $GCC = $Cols->[$Col-8];
44 my $LLC_BETA = $Cols->[$Col-5];
45 return "n/a" if ($GCC eq "*" or $LLC_BETA eq "*");
46 return sprintf("%3.2f", $GCC/$LLC_BETA) if ($GCC >= 0.1 and $LLC_BETA >= 0.1);
51 my ($Cols, $Col) = @_;
52 my $LLC = $Cols->[$Col-7];
53 my $LLC_BETA = $Cols->[$Col-6];
54 return "n/a" if ($LLC eq "*" or $LLC_BETA eq "*");
55 return sprintf("%3.2f", $LLC/$LLC_BETA) if ($LLC >= 0.1 and $LLC_BETA >= 0.1);
59 # highlight the RATIO columns with green/red.
60 $HilightColumns{14} = 1;
61 $HilightColumns{15} = 1;
62 $HilightColumns{16} = 1;
63 $HilightColumns{17} = 1;
65 # These are the columns for the report. The first entry is the header for the
66 # column, the second is the regex to use to match the value. Empty list create
67 # separators, and closures may be put in for custom processing.
70 ["Program" , '\'([^\']+)\' Program'],
73 ["GCCAS" , "TEST-RESULT-compile: .*$WallTimeRE"],
74 ["Bytecode" , 'TEST-RESULT-compile: *([0-9]+)'],
75 ["LLC compile" , "TEST-RESULT-llc: .*$WallTimeRE"],
77 ["GCC" , 'TEST-RESULT-nat-time: program\s*([.0-9m:]+)', \&FormatTime],
78 ["LLC" , 'TEST-RESULT-llc-time: program\s*([.0-9m:]+)', \&FormatTime],
79 ["OPT-BETA" , 'TEST-RESULT-opt-beta-time: program\s*([.0-9m:]+)',\&FormatTime],
81 ["GCC/LLC" , \&GCCLLCRatio],