5 llpp - a graphical document pager which aims to superficially resemble
9 llpp [-c path] [-css path] [-dest named-dest] [-f path] [-gc]
10 [-help|--help] [-last] [-no-title] [-origin origin] [-p password]
11 [-page page-number] [-remote path] [-tcf path] [-layout-height height]
15 *llpp* is a graphical document pager utilizing MuPDF
16 (https://mupdf.com/) library. The default keybindings resemble those
17 of less(1), but can be configured by the user.
21 Set path to the configuration file
24 Set path to the style sheet to use with EPUB/HTML
30 Set path to the user interface font
33 Collect config garbage
36 Display this list of options
54 Set path to the source of remote commands
57 Set path to the trim cache file
59 -layout-height height::
60 Set page height for reflowable documents (-1 == default, 0 == unlimited)
63 Print version and exit
67 === ~/.config/llpp.conf
68 This is the user specific configuration file. If $XDG_CONFIG_HOME is
69 set $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/llpp.conf is used instead. It has an XML
72 You can specify a custom path using the -c option.
74 .Configuration structure
75 -------------------------------------------------------------
82 use-document-css='true'/>
83 <doc path='/some/path/file1.pdf'
87 <doc path='/some/path/file2.pdf'
93 -------------------------------------------------------------
95 ==== Some configuration tips
96 - To change the user interface font add a ui-font in the followig way:
97 -------------------------------------------------------------
100 <![CDATA[/path/to/fonts/PTF55F.ttf]]>
104 -------------------------------------------------------------
105 - To change the key bindings, add keymaps to the defaults element,
106 e.g. disable Escape key in the view mode:
108 -------------------------------------------------------------
116 -------------------------------------------------------------
118 The different modes are _birdseye_, _global_, _help_, _info_,
119 _listview_, _outline_, and _view_.
122 llppac(1), llpphtml(1)
125 https://github.com/moosotc/llpp/issues or mailto://moosotc@gmail.com
128 Nicolás Ojeda Bär contributed macOS port.