[llpp.git] / wsi / osx /
1 open Utils;;
3 type cursor =
10 type winstate =
11 | MaxVert
12 | MaxHorz
13 | Fullscreen
15 type visiblestate =
16 | Unobscured
17 | PartiallyObscured
18 | FullyObscured
20 let onot = object
21 method display = ()
22 method map _ = ()
23 method expose = ()
24 method visible _ = ()
25 method reshape _ _ = ()
26 method mouse _ _ _ _ _ = ()
27 method motion _ _ = ()
28 method pmotion _ _ = ()
29 method key _ _ = ()
30 method enter _ _ = ()
31 method leave = ()
32 method winstate _ = ()
33 method quit : 'a. 'a = exit 0
34 method scroll _ _ = ()
35 method zoom _ _ _ = ()
36 method opendoc _ = ()
37 end
39 class type t = object
40 method display : unit
41 method map : bool -> unit
42 method expose : unit
43 method visible : visiblestate -> unit
44 method reshape : int -> int -> unit
45 method mouse : int -> bool -> int -> int -> int -> unit
46 method motion : int -> int -> unit
47 method pmotion : int -> int -> unit
48 method key : int -> int -> unit
49 method enter : int -> int -> unit
50 method leave : unit
51 method winstate : winstate list -> unit
52 method quit : 'a. 'a
53 method scroll : int -> int -> unit
54 method zoom : float -> int -> int -> unit
55 method opendoc : string -> unit
56 end
58 type state =
60 mutable t: t;
61 mutable fd: Unix.file_descr;
62 buf: bytes;
63 mutable off: int;
64 path: Buffer.t;
67 let state =
69 t = onot;
70 fd = Unix.stdin;
71 buf = Bytes.create 512;
72 off = 0;
73 path = Buffer.create 0;
76 external setcursor: cursor -> unit = "ml_setcursor"
77 external settitle: string -> unit = "ml_settitle"
78 external swapb: unit -> unit = "ml_swapb"
79 external reshape: int -> int -> unit = "ml_reshape"
80 external makecurrentcontext: unit -> unit = "ml_makecurrentcontext"
81 external getw: unit -> int = "ml_getw"
82 external geth: unit -> int = "ml_geth"
83 external get_server_fd: unit -> Unix.file_descr = "ml_get_server_fd"
84 external get_backing_scale_factor: unit -> int = "ml_get_backing_scale_factor"
85 external fullscreen: unit -> unit = "ml_fullscreen"
86 external mapwin: unit -> unit = "ml_mapwin"
87 external setwinbgcol: int -> unit = "ml_setwinbgcol"
88 external nslog: string -> unit = "ml_nslog"
90 let nslog fmt =
91 Printf.ksprintf nslog fmt
93 (* 0 -> map
94 1 -> expose
95 2 -> visible
96 3 -> reshape
97 4 -> mouse
98 5 -> motion
99 6 -> pmotion
100 7 -> key
101 8 -> enter
102 9 -> leave
103 10 -> winstate
104 11 -> quit
105 12 -> scroll
106 13 -> zoom
107 20 -> open *)
109 let handleresp resp =
110 let opcode = r8 resp 0 in
111 match opcode with
112 | 0 ->
113 let mapped = r8 resp 16 <> 0 in
114 vlog "map %B" mapped;
115 state.t#map mapped
116 | 1 ->
117 vlog "expose";
118 state.t#expose
119 | 3 ->
120 let w = r16 resp 16 in
121 let h = r16 resp 18 in
122 vlog "reshape width %d height %d" w h;
123 state.t#reshape w h
124 | 4 ->
125 let down = r16 resp 10 <> 0 in
126 let b = r32 resp 12 in
127 let x = r16s resp 16 in
128 let y = r16s resp 20 in
129 let m = r32 resp 24 in
130 vlog "mouse %s b %d x %d y %d m 0x%x" (if down then "down" else "up") b x y m;
131 state.t#mouse b down x y m
132 | 5 ->
133 let x = r16s resp 16 in
134 let y = r16s resp 20 in
135 let m = r32 resp 24 in
136 vlog "motion x %d y %d m 0x%x" x y m;
137 state.t#motion x y
138 | 6 ->
139 let x = r16s resp 16 in
140 let y = r16s resp 20 in
141 let m = r32 resp 24 in
142 vlog "pmotion x %d y %d m 0x%x" x y m;
143 state.t#pmotion x y
144 | 7 ->
145 let key = r32 resp 16 in
146 let mask = r32 resp 20 in
147 vlog "keydown key %d mask %d" key mask;
148 state.t#key key mask
149 | 8 ->
150 let x = r16s resp 16 in
151 let y = r16s resp 20 in
152 vlog "enter x %d y %d" x y;
153 state.t#enter x y
154 | 9 ->
155 vlog "leave";
156 state.t#leave
157 | 10 ->
158 let x = r32 resp 16 <> 0 in
159 vlog "winstate %B" x;
160 state.t#winstate (if x then [Fullscreen] else []);
161 | 11 ->
162 vlog "quit";
163 state.t#quit
164 | 12 ->
165 let dx = r32s resp 16 in
166 let dy = r32s resp 20 in
167 vlog "scroll dx %d dy %d" dx dy;
168 state.t#scroll dx dy
169 | 13 ->
170 let z = float (r32s resp 16) /. 1000.0 in
171 let x = r16s resp 20 in
172 let y = r16s resp 22 in
173 vlog "zoom z %f x %d y %d" z x y;
174 state.t#zoom z x y
175 | 20 ->
176 begin match r16 resp 2 with
177 | 0 ->
178 let path = Buffer.contents state.path in
179 Buffer.reset state.path;
180 if false then nslog "open %S" path;
181 state.t#opendoc path
182 | chunk_len ->
183 if false then nslog "open-append %S" (Bytes.sub_string resp 4 chunk_len);
184 Buffer.add_subbytes state.path resp 4 chunk_len
186 | _ ->
187 vlog "unknown server message %d" opcode
189 let readresp sock =
190 let len =
191 match sock state.buf (Bytes.length state.buf - with
192 | exception Unix.Unix_error (Unix.EINTR, _, _) ->
193 | 0 -> state.t#quit
194 | n -> + n
196 let rec loop off =
197 (* vlog "loop off=%d len=%d\n%!" off len; *)
198 if off + 32 <= len then begin
199 let resp = Bytes.sub state.buf off 32 in
200 handleresp resp;
201 loop (off + 32)
202 end else if off < len then begin
203 Bytes.blit state.buf off state.buf 0 (len - off);
204 <- len -
205 end else
206 <- 0
208 loop 0
210 let fontsizefactor () =
211 get_backing_scale_factor ()
213 let init t _ w h _platform =
214 let fd = get_server_fd () in
215 state.t <- t;
216 state.fd <- fd;
217 makecurrentcontext ();
218 reshape w h;
219 fd, getw (), geth ()
221 let activatewin () = ()
223 let metamask = 1 lsl 19
225 let altmask = 1 lsl 19
227 let shiftmask = 1 lsl 17
229 let ctrlmask = 1 lsl 18
231 let withalt mask = mask land metamask != 0
233 let withctrl mask = mask land ctrlmask != 0
235 let withshift mask = mask land shiftmask != 0
237 let withmeta mask = mask land metamask != 0
239 let withnone mask = mask land (altmask + ctrlmask + shiftmask + metamask) = 0
241 let xlatt, xlatf =
242 let t = Hashtbl.create 20
243 and f = Hashtbl.create 20 in
244 let add n nl k =
245 List.iter (fun s -> Hashtbl.add t s k) (n::nl);
246 Hashtbl.add f k n
248 let addc c =
249 let s = String.make 1 c in
250 add s [] (Char.code c)
252 let addcr a b =
253 let an = Char.code a and bn = Char.code b in
254 for i = an to bn do addc (Char.chr i) done;
256 addcr '0' '9';
257 addcr 'a' 'z';
258 addcr 'A' 'Z';
259 String.iter addc "`~!@#$%^&*()-_=+\\|[{]};:,./<>?";
260 for i = 0 to 29 do add ("f" ^ string_of_int (i+1)) [] (0xf704 + i) done;
261 add "space" [] 32;
262 add "ret" ["return"; "enter"] 13;
263 add "tab" [] 9;
264 add "left" [] 0xff51;
265 add "right" [] 0xff53;
266 add "home" [] 0xf729;
267 add "end" [] 0xf72b;
268 add "ins" ["insert"] 0xf729;
269 add "del" ["delete"] 0x7f;
270 add "esc" ["escape"] 27;
271 add "pgup" ["pageup"] 0xf72c;
272 add "pgdown" ["pagedown"] 0xf72d;
273 add "backspace" [] 8;
274 add "up" [] 0xf700;
275 add "down" [] 0xf701;
276 (* add "menu" [] 0xff67; *) (* ? *)
277 t, f;
280 let keyname k =
281 try Hashtbl.find xlatf k
282 with Not_found -> Printf.sprintf "%#x" k;
285 let namekey name =
286 try Hashtbl.find xlatt name
287 with Not_found ->
288 if String.length name = 1
289 then Char.code name.[0]
290 else int_of_string name;
293 let kc2kt =
294 let open Keys in
295 function
296 | 8 -> Backspace
297 | 27 -> Escape
298 | 13 -> Enter
299 | 0xf727 -> Insert
300 | 0xf729 | 0xfff04 -> Home
301 | 0xf702 | 0xfff05 -> Left
302 | 0xfff0b | 0xf700 -> Up
303 | 0xfff0a | 0xF703 -> Right
304 | 0xfff01 | 0xf701-> Down
305 | 0xfff09 | 0xf72c -> Prior
306 | 0xf72d | 0xfff07 -> Next
307 | 0xfff02 | 0xf72b -> End
308 | 0x7f -> Delete
309 | 0xfff03 -> Enter
310 | 0xfff08 -> Ascii '+'
311 | 0xfff06 -> Ascii '-'
312 | code when code > 31 && code < 128 -> Ascii (Char.unsafe_chr code)
313 | code when code >= 0xffb0 && code <= 0xffb9 ->
314 Ascii (Char.unsafe_chr (code - 0xffb0 + 0x30))
315 | code when code >= 0xf704 && code <= 0xf70f -> Fn (code - 0xf704 + 1)
316 | code when code land 0xff00 = 0xff00 -> Ctrl code
317 | code -> Code code