[llpp.git] / parser.ml
1 (* based on Tor Andersson's XML parser from MuPDF's XPS module *)
3 let r_comment_terminator = Str.regexp "-->";;
4 let r_CDATA_terminator = Str.regexp "\\]\\]>";;
5 let r_q_terminator = Str.regexp "\\?>";;
7 let iswhite = function
8 | '\r' | '\n' | '\t' | ' ' -> true
9 | _ -> false
12 let isname = function
13 | '.' | '-' | '_' | ':' -> true
14 | c -> (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
15 || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z')
16 || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')
19 exception Parse_error of string * string * int;;
21 let parse_error msg s pos =
22 raise (Parse_error (msg, s, pos))
25 let enent s pos len =
26 let b = Buffer.create len in
27 let rec loop i =
28 if i - pos = len
29 then Buffer.contents b
30 else (
31 begin match s.[i] with
32 | '<' -> Buffer.add_string b "&lt;"
33 | '>' -> Buffer.add_string b "&gt;"
34 | '\'' -> Buffer.add_string b "&apos;"
35 | '\"' -> Buffer.add_string b "&quot;"
36 | '&' -> Buffer.add_string b "&amp;"
37 | c ->
38 let code = Char.code c in
39 if code < 32 || code > 127
40 then (
41 Buffer.add_string b "&#";
42 Buffer.add_string b (string_of_int code);
43 Buffer.add_char b ';';
45 else Buffer.add_char b c
46 end;
47 loop (i+1)
50 loop pos
53 let unent b s pos len =
54 let rec loop i =
55 if i = pos + len
56 then ()
57 else
58 let amppos =
59 try
60 String.index_from s i '&'
61 with Not_found -> -1
63 if amppos = -1 || amppos >= pos + len
64 then (
65 Buffer.add_substring b s i (pos + len - i)
67 else (
68 Buffer.add_substring b s i (amppos - i);
69 if amppos = i + len then Utils.error "lonely amp";
71 let semipos =
72 try
73 let semipos = String.index_from s (amppos+1) ';' in
74 if semipos >= pos + len then raise Not_found;
75 semipos
76 with Not_found ->
77 Utils.error "amp not followed by semicolon at %d" amppos
80 let subslen = semipos-amppos-1 in
81 if subslen = 0 then Utils.error "empty amp at %d" amppos;
83 let subs = String.sub s (amppos+1) subslen in
85 if subs.[0] = '#'
86 then (
87 if subslen = 1
88 then Utils.error "empty amp followed by hash at %d" amppos;
89 let code =
90 if subs.[1] = 'x'
91 then Scanf.sscanf subs "#x%x" (fun n -> n)
92 else int_of_string (String.sub subs 1 (subslen-1))
94 let c = Char.unsafe_chr code in
95 Buffer.add_char b c
97 else (
98 match subs with
99 | "lt" -> Buffer.add_char b '<'
100 | "gt" -> Buffer.add_char b '>'
101 | "amp" -> Buffer.add_char b '&'
102 | "apos" -> Buffer.add_char b '\''
103 | "quot" -> Buffer.add_char b '\"'
104 | _ -> Utils.error "unknown amp %S" subs
106 loop (semipos+1)
109 loop pos
112 let subs s pos =
113 let len = String.length s in
114 let left = len - pos in
115 if left < 0
116 then
117 Printf.sprintf "(pos=%d len=%d left=%d)"
118 pos len left
119 else
120 let len = min left 10 in
121 let s = String.sub s pos len in
125 let ts = function
126 | `text -> "text"
127 | `lt -> "lt"
128 | `close -> "close"
129 | `exclam -> "exclam"
130 | `question -> "question"
131 | `doctype -> "doctype"
132 | `comment -> "comment"
133 | `tag -> "tag"
136 type attr = string * string
137 and attrs = attr list
138 and vp =
139 | Vdata
140 | Vcdata
141 | Vopen of string * attrs * bool
142 | Vclose of string
143 | Vend
144 and 'a v = { f : 'a v -> vp -> int -> int -> 'a v; accu : 'a }
147 let parse v s =
148 let slen = String.length s in
150 let find_substr pos subs r =
151 let pos =
153 Str.search_forward r s pos
154 with Not_found ->
155 parse_error ("cannot find substring " ^ subs) s pos
159 let begins_with pos prefix = Utils.substratis s pos prefix in
160 let find_non_white pos =
161 let rec forward i =
162 if i >= slen
163 then parse_error "cannot find non white space character" s pos;
164 if iswhite s.[i] then forward (i+1) else i in
165 forward pos
168 let getname pos =
169 let non_name_pos =
170 let rec find_non_name i =
171 if i >= slen then parse_error "cannot find non name character" s pos;
172 if isname s.[i] then find_non_name (i+1) else i
174 find_non_name pos
176 non_name_pos, String.sub s pos (non_name_pos - pos)
179 let rec collect v pos t =
180 if pos >= slen && t != `text
181 then parse_error ("not enough data for " ^ ts t) s pos;
183 match t with
184 | `text ->
185 let ltpos =
187 String.index_from s pos '<'
188 with Not_found ->
189 let rec trailsbywhite i =
190 if pos+i = String.length s
191 then -1
192 else (
193 if not (iswhite s.[pos+i])
194 then parse_error "garbage at the end" s pos
195 else trailsbywhite (i+1)
198 trailsbywhite 0
200 if ltpos = -1
201 then
202 v.f v Vend pos slen, slen
203 else
204 let start_of_text_pos = find_non_white pos in
205 let end_of_text_pos =
206 if start_of_text_pos < ltpos
207 then
208 let rec find i =
209 if i = start_of_text_pos || not (iswhite s.[i])
210 then i+1
211 else find (i-1)
213 find (ltpos-1)
214 else start_of_text_pos
216 let v =
217 if start_of_text_pos != end_of_text_pos
218 then v.f v Vdata start_of_text_pos end_of_text_pos
219 else v
221 collect v (ltpos+1) `lt
223 | `lt ->
224 let pos, t =
225 match s.[pos] with
226 | '/' -> (pos+1), `close
227 | '!' -> (pos+1), `exclam
228 | '?' -> (pos+1), `question
229 | c when isname c -> pos, `tag
230 | _ -> parse_error "invalid data after <" s pos
232 collect v pos t
234 | `close ->
235 let tag_name_pos = find_non_white pos in
236 let tag_name_end_pos, close_tag_name = getname tag_name_pos in
237 let close_tag_pos = find_non_white tag_name_end_pos in
238 if s.[close_tag_pos] != '>'
239 then parse_error "missing >" s pos;
240 let pos' = close_tag_pos + 1 in
241 let v = v.f v (Vclose close_tag_name) pos pos' in
242 collect v pos' `text
244 | `doctype ->
245 let close_tag_pos =
247 String.index_from s pos '>'
248 with Not_found ->
249 parse_error "doctype is not terminated" s pos
251 collect v (close_tag_pos+1) `text
253 | `comment ->
254 let pos =
256 find_substr pos "-->" r_comment_terminator
257 with Not_found ->
258 parse_error "comment is not terminated" s pos
260 collect v (pos+3) `text
262 | `exclam ->
263 if begins_with pos "[CDATA["
264 then
265 let cdata_start = pos+7 in
266 let cdata_end = find_substr cdata_start "]]>" r_CDATA_terminator in
267 let v = v.f v Vcdata cdata_start cdata_end in
268 collect v (cdata_end+3) `text
269 else (
270 if begins_with pos "DOCTYPE"
271 then
272 collect v (pos+7) `doctype
273 else (
274 if begins_with pos "--"
275 then collect v (pos+2) `comment
276 else parse_error "unknown shit after exclamation mark" s pos
280 | `question ->
281 let pos = find_substr pos "?>" r_q_terminator in
282 collect v (pos+2) `text
284 | `tag ->
285 let pos', name = getname pos in
286 let attrs, pos', closed = collect_attributes pos' in
287 let v = v.f v (Vopen (name, attrs, closed)) pos pos' in
288 collect v pos' `text
290 and collect_attributes pos =
291 let rec f accu pos =
292 let nameval pos =
293 let pos, name = getname pos in
294 let pos = find_non_white pos in
295 if s.[pos] = '='
296 then
297 let qpos = pos+1 in
298 if qpos = slen
299 then parse_error "not enough data for attribute" s pos;
301 let qc = s.[qpos] in
302 if not (qc = '\'' || qc = '\"')
303 then parse_error "assignment is not followed by a quote" s pos;
305 let closing_q_pos =
306 let rec find i =
307 if i = slen
308 then parse_error "not enough data for attribute value" s pos;
310 if s.[i] = qc then i else find (i+1)
312 find (qpos+1)
315 let vallen = closing_q_pos - (qpos+1) in
316 let val' = String.sub s (qpos+1) vallen in
317 (name, val'), closing_q_pos+1
319 else parse_error "attribute name not followed by '='" s pos
322 let pos = find_non_white pos in
323 if s.[pos] = '>'
324 then
325 accu, pos+1, false
326 else (
327 if slen - pos > 2 && s.[pos] = '/' && s.[pos+1] = '>'
328 then
329 accu, pos+2, true
330 else (
331 if isname s.[pos]
332 then (
333 let nameval, pos = nameval pos in
334 let accu = nameval :: accu in
335 f accu pos
337 else parse_error "malformed attribute list" s pos;
341 f [] pos
343 let _, _ = collect v 0 `text in
344 v.accu;