LJSUP-17669: Login.bml form refactoring
[livejournal.git] / cgi-bin / ljuserpics.pl
1 package LJ;
2 use strict;
4 use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);
5 use HTTP::Request::Common qw/GET/;
7 # <LJFUNC>
8 # name: LJ::fetch_userpic
9 # des: Fetch source content of userpic by url or post
10 # args: userpic, src, urlpic
11 # return: hashref: { content, size }
12 # </LJFUNC>
13 sub fetch_userpic {
14 my %args = @_;
16 my $size = 0;
17 my $content = undef;
18 if ($args{userpic}){
19 ## Read uploaded image
20 my $upload = LJ::Request->upload('userpic');
22 return { undef, -1 }
23 unless $upload;
25 $size = $upload->size;
27 # upload image as temp file to mogileFS. this file is used in lj_upf_resize worker.
28 seek $upload->fh, 0,0;
29 read $upload->fh, $content, $upload->size; # read content
31 return {
32 content => $content,
33 size => $upload->size,
36 } elsif ($args{'src'} eq "url") {
37 ## Get image somewhere from internet
39 my $ua = LJ::get_useragent(
40 role => 'userpic',
41 max_size => $args{maxupload} + 1024,
42 timeout => 10,
45 my $res = $ua->get($args{urlpic});
46 if ($res && $res->is_success) {
47 # read downloaded file
48 $content = $res->content;
49 $size = length $content;
52 return {
53 content => $content,
54 size => $size,
59 # <LJFUNC>
60 # name: LJ::load_userpics
61 # des: Loads a bunch of userpics at once.
62 # args: dbarg?, upics, idlist
63 # des-upics: hashref to load pictures into, keys being the picids.
64 # des-idlist: [$u, $picid] or [[$u, $picid], [$u, $picid], +] objects
65 # also supports deprecated old method, of an array ref of picids.
66 # </LJFUNC>
67 sub load_userpics
69 &nodb;
70 my ($upics, $idlist) = @_;
72 return undef unless ref $idlist eq 'ARRAY' && $idlist->[0];
74 # deal with the old calling convention, just an array ref of picids eg. [7, 4, 6, 2]
75 if (! ref $idlist->[0] && $idlist->[0]) { # assume we have an old style caller
76 my $in = join(',', map { $_+0 } @$idlist);
77 my $dbr = LJ::get_db_reader();
78 my $sth = $dbr->prepare("SELECT userid, picid, width, height " .
79 "FROM userpic WHERE picid IN ($in)");
81 $sth->execute;
82 while ($_ = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
83 my $id = $_->{'picid'};
84 undef $_->{'picid'};
85 $upics->{$id} = $_;
87 return;
90 # $idlist needs to be an arrayref of arrayrefs,
91 # HOWEVER, there's a special case where it can be
92 # an arrayref of 2 items: $u (which is really an arrayref)
93 # as well due to 'fields' and picid which is an integer.
95 # [$u, $picid] needs to map to [[$u, $picid]] while allowing
96 # [[$u1, $picid1], [$u2, $picid2], [etc...]] to work.
97 if (scalar @$idlist == 2 && ! ref $idlist->[1]) {
98 $idlist = [ $idlist ];
101 ## avoid requesting upic multiple times.
102 ## otherwise memcached returns it multiple times too.
104 ## don't load (non-existent) upics with negative id
105 ## see also LJSUP-5502 and hook 'control_default_userpic'
106 my %uniq = ();
107 $idlist = [ grep {
108 my $u = $_->[0];
109 my $upicid = $_->[1];
110 $upicid>0 && not $uniq{$u}->{$upicid}++
111 } @$idlist ];
113 my @load_list;
114 foreach my $row (@{$idlist})
116 my ($u, $id) = @$row;
117 next unless ref $u;
119 if ($LJ::CACHE_USERPIC{$id}) {
120 $upics->{$id} = $LJ::CACHE_USERPIC{$id};
121 } elsif ($id+0) {
122 push @load_list, [$u, $id+0];
125 return unless @load_list;
128 my @mem_keys = map { [$_->[1],"userpic.$_->[1]"] } @load_list;
129 my $mem = LJ::MemCacheProxy::get_multi(@mem_keys) || {};
130 while (my ($k, $v) = each %$mem) {
131 next unless $v && $k =~ /(\d+)/;
132 my $id = $1;
133 $upics->{$id} = LJ::MemCache::array_to_hash("userpic", $v);
135 @load_list = grep { ! $upics->{$_->[1]} } @load_list;
136 return unless @load_list;
139 my %db_load;
140 my @load_list_d6;
141 foreach my $row (@load_list) {
142 # ignore users on clusterid 0
143 next unless $row->[0]->{clusterid};
145 if ($row->[0]->{'dversion'} > 6) {
146 push @{$db_load{$row->[0]->{'clusterid'}}}, $row;
147 } else {
148 push @load_list_d6, $row;
152 foreach my $cid (keys %db_load) {
153 my $dbcr = LJ::get_cluster_def_reader($cid);
154 unless ($dbcr) {
155 print STDERR "Error: LJ::load_userpics unable to get handle; cid = $cid\n";
156 next;
159 my (@bindings, @data);
160 foreach my $row (@{$db_load{$cid}}) {
161 push @bindings, "(userid=? AND picid=?)";
162 push @data, ($row->[0]->{userid}, $row->[1]);
164 next unless @data && @bindings;
166 my $sth = $dbcr->prepare("SELECT userid, picid, width, height, fmt, state, ".
167 " UNIX_TIMESTAMP(picdate) AS 'picdate', location, flags ".
168 "FROM userpic2 WHERE " . join(' OR ', @bindings));
169 $sth->execute(@data);
171 while (my $ur = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
172 my $id = delete $ur->{'picid'};
173 $upics->{$id} = $ur;
175 # force into numeric context so they'll be smaller in memcache:
176 foreach my $k (qw(userid width height flags picdate)) {
177 $ur->{$k} += 0;
179 $ur->{location} = uc(substr($ur->{location}, 0, 1));
181 $LJ::CACHE_USERPIC{$id} = $ur;
182 LJ::MemCacheProxy::set([$id,"userpic.$id"], LJ::MemCache::hash_to_array("userpic", $ur));
186 # following path is only for old style d6 userpics... don't load any if we don't
187 # have any to load
188 return unless @load_list_d6;
190 my $dbr = LJ::get_db_writer();
191 my $picid_in = join(',', map { $_->[1] } @load_list_d6);
192 my $sth = $dbr->prepare("SELECT userid, picid, width, height, contenttype, state, ".
193 " UNIX_TIMESTAMP(picdate) AS 'picdate' ".
194 "FROM userpic WHERE picid IN ($picid_in)");
195 $sth->execute;
196 while (my $ur = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
197 my $id = delete $ur->{'picid'};
198 $upics->{$id} = $ur;
200 # force into numeric context so they'll be smaller in memcache:
201 foreach my $k (qw(userid width height picdate)) {
202 $ur->{$k} += 0;
204 $ur->{location} = "?";
205 $ur->{flags} = undef;
206 $ur->{fmt} = {
207 'image/gif' => 'G',
208 'image/jpeg' => 'J',
209 'image/png' => 'P',
210 }->{delete $ur->{contenttype}};
212 $LJ::CACHE_USERPIC{$id} = $ur;
213 LJ::MemCacheProxy::set([$id,"userpic.$id"], LJ::MemCache::hash_to_array("userpic", $ur));
217 # <LJFUNC>
218 # name: LJ::expunge_userpic
219 # des: Expunges a userpic so that the system will no longer deliver this userpic. If
220 # your site has off-site caching or something similar, you can also define a hook
221 # "expunge_userpic" which will be called with a picid and userid when a pic is
222 # expunged.
223 # args: u, picid
224 # des-picid: ID of the picture to expunge.
225 # des-u: User object
226 # returns: undef on error, or the userid of the picture owner on success.
227 # </LJFUNC>
228 sub expunge_userpic {
229 # take in a picid and expunge it from the system so that it can no longer be used
230 my ($u, $picid) = @_;
231 $picid += 0;
232 return undef unless $picid && ref $u;
234 # get the pic information
235 my $state;
237 if ($u->{'dversion'} > 6) {
238 my $dbcm = LJ::get_cluster_master($u);
239 return undef unless $dbcm && $u->writer;
241 $state = $dbcm->selectrow_array('SELECT state FROM userpic2 WHERE userid = ? AND picid = ?',
242 undef, $u->{'userid'}, $picid);
243 return undef unless $state; # invalid pic
244 return $u->{'userid'} if $state eq 'X'; # already expunged
246 # else now mark it
247 $u->do("UPDATE userpic2 SET state='X' WHERE userid = ? AND picid = ?", undef, $u->{'userid'}, $picid);
248 return LJ::error($dbcm) if $dbcm->err;
249 $u->do("DELETE FROM userpicmap2 WHERE userid = ? AND picid = ?", undef, $u->{'userid'}, $picid);
250 } else {
251 my $dbr = LJ::get_db_reader();
252 return undef unless $dbr;
254 $state = $dbr->selectrow_array('SELECT state FROM userpic WHERE picid = ?',
255 undef, $picid);
256 return undef unless $state; # invalid pic
257 return $u->{'userid'} if $state eq 'X'; # already expunged
259 # else now mark it
260 my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer();
261 return undef unless $dbh;
262 $dbh->do("UPDATE userpic SET state='X' WHERE picid = ?", undef, $picid);
263 return LJ::error($dbh) if $dbh->err;
264 $dbh->do("DELETE FROM userpicmap WHERE userid = ? AND picid = ?", undef, $u->{'userid'}, $picid);
267 # now clear the user's memcache picture info
268 LJ::Userpic->delete_cache($u);
269 LJ::MemCacheProxy::delete([$picid, "userpic.$picid"]);
271 ## if this was the default userpic, "undefault" it
272 if ($u->{'defaultpicid'} && $u->{'defaultpicid'}==$picid) {
273 LJ::update_user($u, { defaultpicid => 0 });
276 # call the hook and get out of here
277 my @rval = LJ::run_hooks('expunge_userpic', $picid, $u->{'userid'});
278 return ($u->{'userid'}, map {$_->[0]} grep {$_ && @$_ && $_->[0]} @rval);
281 # <LJFUNC>
282 # name: LJ::activate_userpics
283 # des: des: Wrapper around [func[LJ::User::activate_userpics]] for compatibility.
284 # args: uuserid
285 # returns: undef on failure 1 on success
286 # </LJFUNC>
287 sub activate_userpics
289 my $u = shift;
290 return undef unless LJ::isu($u);
292 # if a userid was given, get a real $u object
293 $u = LJ::load_userid($u, "force") unless isu($u);
295 # should have a $u object now
296 return undef unless isu($u);
298 return $u->activate_userpics;
301 # <LJFUNC>
302 # name: LJ::get_userpic_info
303 # des: Given a user, gets their userpic information.
304 # args: uuid, opts?
305 # des-uuid: userid, or user object.
306 # des-opts: Optional; hash of options, 'load_comments'.
307 # returns: hash of userpicture information;
308 # for efficiency, we store the userpic structures
309 # in memcache in a packed format.
310 # info: memory format:
312 # version number of format,
313 # userid,
314 # "packed string", which expands to an array of {width=>..., ...}
315 # "packed string", which expands to { 'kw1' => id, 'kw2' => id, ...}
317 # </LJFUNC>
319 sub get_userpic_info
321 my ($uuid, $opts) = @_;
322 return undef unless $uuid;
323 my $userid = LJ::want_userid($uuid);
324 my $u = LJ::want_user($uuid); # This should almost always be in memory already
325 return undef unless $u && $u->{clusterid};
327 # in the cache, cool, well unless it doesn't have comments or urls
328 # and we need them
329 if (my $cachedata = $LJ::CACHE_USERPIC_INFO{$userid}) {
330 my $good = 1;
331 if ($u->{'dversion'} > 6) {
332 $good = 0 if $opts->{'load_comments'} && ! $cachedata->{'_has_comments'};
333 $good = 0 if $opts->{'load_urls'} && ! $cachedata->{'_has_urls'};
335 return $cachedata if $good;
338 my $VERSION_PICINFO = 3;
340 my $memkey = [$u->{'userid'},"upicinf:$u->{'userid'}"];
341 my ($info, $minfo);
343 if ($minfo = LJ::MemCacheProxy::get($memkey)) {
344 # the pre-versioned memcache data was a two-element hash.
345 # since then, we use an array and include a version number.
347 if (ref $minfo eq 'HASH' ||
348 $minfo->[0] != $VERSION_PICINFO) {
349 # old data in the cache. delete.
350 LJ::MemCacheProxy::delete($memkey);
351 } else {
352 my (undef, $picstr, $kwstr) = @$minfo;
353 $info = {
354 'pic' => {},
355 'kw' => {},
357 while (length $picstr >= 7) {
358 my $pic = { userid => $u->{'userid'} };
359 ($pic->{picid},
360 $pic->{width}, $pic->{height},
361 $pic->{state}) = unpack "NCCA", substr($picstr, 0, 7, '');
362 $info->{pic}->{$pic->{picid}} = $pic;
365 my ($pos, $nulpos);
366 $pos = $nulpos = 0;
367 while (($nulpos = index($kwstr, "\0", $pos)) > 0) {
368 my $kw = substr($kwstr, $pos, $nulpos-$pos);
369 my $id = unpack("N", substr($kwstr, $nulpos+1, 4));
370 $pos = $nulpos + 5; # skip NUL + 4 bytes.
371 $info->{kw}->{$kw} = $info->{pic}->{$id} if $info;
375 if ($u->{'dversion'} > 6) {
377 # Load picture comments
378 if ($opts->{'load_comments'}) {
379 my $commemkey = [$u->{'userid'}, "upiccom:$u->{'userid'}"];
380 my $comminfo = LJ::MemCacheProxy::get($commemkey);
382 if (defined $comminfo) {
383 my ($pos, $nulpos);
384 $pos = $nulpos = 0;
385 while (($nulpos = index($comminfo, "\0", $pos)) > 0) {
386 my $comment = substr($comminfo, $pos, $nulpos-$pos);
387 my $id = unpack("N", substr($comminfo, $nulpos+1, 4));
388 $pos = $nulpos + 5; # skip NUL + 4 bytes.
389 $info->{'pic'}->{$id}->{'comment'} = $comment;
390 $info->{'comment'}->{$id} = $comment;
392 $info->{'_has_comments'} = 1;
393 } else { # Requested to load comments, but they aren't in memcache
394 # so force a db load
395 undef $info;
399 # Load picture urls
400 if ($opts->{'load_urls'} && $info) {
401 my $urlmemkey = [$u->{'userid'}, "upicurl:$u->{'userid'}"];
402 my $urlinfo = LJ::MemCache::get($urlmemkey);
404 if (defined $urlinfo) {
405 my ($pos, $nulpos);
406 $pos = $nulpos = 0;
407 while (($nulpos = index($urlinfo, "\0", $pos)) > 0) {
408 my $url = substr($urlinfo, $pos, $nulpos-$pos);
409 my $id = unpack("N", substr($urlinfo, $nulpos+1, 4));
410 $pos = $nulpos + 5; # skip NUL + 4 bytes.
411 $info->{'pic'}->{$id}->{'url'} = $url;
413 $info->{'_has_urls'} = 1;
414 } else { # Requested to load urls, but they aren't in memcache
415 # so force a db load
416 undef $info;
422 my %minfocom; # need this in this scope
423 my %minfourl;
424 unless ($info) {
425 $info = {
426 'pic' => {},
427 'kw' => {},
429 my ($picstr, $kwstr);
430 my $sth;
431 my $dbcr = LJ::get_cluster_def_reader($u);
432 my $db = @LJ::MEMCACHE_SERVERS ? LJ::get_db_writer() : LJ::get_db_reader();
433 return undef unless $dbcr && $db;
435 if ($u->{'dversion'} > 6) {
436 $sth = $dbcr->prepare("SELECT picid, width, height, state, userid, comment, url ".
437 "FROM userpic2 WHERE userid=?");
438 } else {
439 $sth = $db->prepare("SELECT picid, width, height, state, userid ".
440 "FROM userpic WHERE userid=?");
442 $sth->execute($u->{'userid'});
443 my @pics;
444 while (my $pic = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
445 next if $pic->{state} eq 'X'; # no expunged pics in list
446 push @pics, $pic;
447 $info->{'pic'}->{$pic->{'picid'}} = $pic;
448 $minfocom{int($pic->{picid})} = $pic->{comment} if $u->{'dversion'} > 6
449 && $opts->{'load_comments'} && $pic->{'comment'};
450 $minfourl{int($pic->{'picid'})} = $pic->{'url'} if $u->{'dversion'} > 6
451 && $opts->{'load_urls'} && $pic->{'url'};
455 $picstr = join('', map { pack("NCCA", $_->{picid},
456 $_->{width}, $_->{height}, $_->{state}) } @pics);
458 if ($u->{'dversion'} > 6) {
459 $sth = $dbcr->prepare("SELECT k.keyword, m.picid FROM userpicmap2 m, userkeywords k ".
460 "WHERE k.userid=? AND m.kwid=k.kwid AND m.userid=k.userid");
461 } else {
462 $sth = $db->prepare("SELECT k.keyword, m.picid FROM userpicmap m, keywords k ".
463 "WHERE m.userid=? AND m.kwid=k.kwid");
465 $sth->execute($u->{'userid'});
466 my %minfokw;
467 while (my ($kw, $id) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
468 next unless $info->{'pic'}->{$id};
469 next if $kw =~ /[\n\r\0]/; # used to be a bug that allowed these to get in.
470 $info->{'kw'}->{$kw} = $info->{'pic'}->{$id};
471 $minfokw{$kw} = int($id);
473 $kwstr = join('', map { pack("Z*N", $_, $minfokw{$_}) } keys %minfokw);
475 $memkey = [$u->{'userid'},"upicinf:$u->{'userid'}"];
476 $minfo = [ $VERSION_PICINFO, $picstr, $kwstr ];
477 LJ::MemCache::set($memkey, $minfo);
479 if ($u->{'dversion'} > 6) {
481 if ($opts->{'load_comments'}) {
482 $info->{'comment'} = \%minfocom;
483 my $commentstr = join('', map { pack("Z*N", $minfocom{$_}, $_) } keys %minfocom);
485 my $memkey = [$u->{'userid'}, "upiccom:$u->{'userid'}"];
486 LJ::MemCache::set($memkey, $commentstr);
488 $info->{'_has_comments'} = 1;
491 if ($opts->{'load_urls'}) {
492 my $urlstr = join('', map { pack("Z*N", $minfourl{$_}, $_) } keys %minfourl);
494 my $memkey = [$u->{'userid'}, "upicurl:$u->{'userid'}"];
495 LJ::MemCache::set($memkey, $urlstr);
497 $info->{'_has_urls'} = 1;
502 $LJ::CACHE_USERPIC_INFO{$u->{'userid'}} = $info;
503 return $info;
506 # <LJFUNC>
507 # name: LJ::get_pic_from_keyword
508 # des: Given a userid and keyword, returns the pic row hashref.
509 # args: u, keyword
510 # des-keyword: The keyword of the userpic to fetch.
511 # returns: hashref of pic row found
512 # </LJFUNC>
513 sub get_pic_from_keyword
515 my ($u, $kw) = @_;
516 my $info = LJ::get_userpic_info($u) or
517 return undef;
519 if (my $pic = $info->{'kw'}{$kw}) {
520 return $pic;
523 # the lame "pic#2343" thing when they didn't assign a keyword
524 if ($kw =~ /^pic\#(\d+)$/) {
525 my $picid = $1;
526 if (my $pic = $info->{'pic'}{$picid}) {
527 return $pic;
531 return undef;
534 sub get_picid_from_keyword
536 my ($u, $kw, $default) = @_;
537 $default ||= (ref $u ? $u->{'defaultpicid'} : 0);
539 LJ::run_hook('control_default_userpic', \$default);
541 return $default unless $kw;
543 my $pic = LJ::get_pic_from_keyword($u, $kw)
544 or return $default;
545 return $pic->{'picid'};
548 # this will return a user's userpicfactory image stored in mogile scaled down.
549 # if only $size is passed, will return image scaled so the largest dimension will
550 # not be greater than $size. If $x1, $y1... are set then it will return the image
551 # scaled so the largest dimension will not be greater than 100
552 # all parameters are optional, default size is 640.
554 # if maxfilesize option is passed, get_upf_scaled will decrease the image quality
555 # until it reaches maxfilesize, in kilobytes. (only applies to the 100x100 userpic)
557 # returns [imageref, mime, width, height] on success, undef on failure.
559 # note: this will always keep the image's original aspect ratio and not distort it.
560 sub get_upf_scaled {
561 my @args = @_;
563 my $gc = LJ::gearman_client();
565 # no gearman, do this in-process
566 return LJ::_get_upf_scaled(@args)
567 unless $gc;
569 # invoke gearman
570 my $u = LJ::get_remote()
571 or die "No remote user";
572 unshift @args, "userid" => $u->id;
574 my $result;
575 my $arg = Storable::nfreeze(\@args);
576 my $task = Gearman::Task->new('lj_upf_resize', \$arg,
578 uniq => '-',
579 on_complete => sub {
580 my $res = shift;
581 return unless $res;
582 $result = Storable::thaw($$res);
586 my $ts = $gc->new_task_set();
587 $ts->add_task($task);
588 $ts->wait(timeout => 30); # 30 sec timeout;
590 # job failed ... error reporting?
591 die "Could not resize image down\n" unless $result;
593 return $result;
596 # <LJFUNC>
597 # name: _get_upf_scaled
598 # des: Crop and scale images
599 # agrs:
600 # size - max width of target image or [ width x height, ...]
601 # x1, x2, y1, y2 - coords in a source image for crop
602 # border (bool) - is it need to add border to target image
603 # save_to_FB (bool) - is it need to save to FB (FotoBilder)
604 # fb_gallery - gallery to save target image
605 # auto_crop - is it need to auto_crop image
606 # cancel_size - if size of picture is equal or smaller => cancel processing, caller will not use such small picture
607 # returns status 'small'
608 #####
609 # Sample for use as auto-crop:
611 # my $res = LJ::get_upf_scaled(
612 # source => \$content,
613 # size => [ "140x105" ],
614 # save_to_FB => 1,
615 # fb_gallery => 'test_gal',
616 # auto_crop => 1,
617 # );
618 #####
619 # </LJFUNC>
620 sub _get_upf_scaled
622 my %opts = @_;
623 my $dataref = delete $opts{source};
624 my $size = delete $opts{size} || 640;
625 my $x1 = delete $opts{x1};
626 my $y1 = delete $opts{y1};
627 my $x2 = delete $opts{x2};
628 my $y2 = delete $opts{y2};
629 my $border = delete $opts{border} || 0;
630 my $maxfilesize = delete $opts{maxfilesize} || 38;
631 my $u = LJ::want_user(delete $opts{userid} || delete $opts{u}) || LJ::get_remote();
632 my $mogkey = delete $opts{mogkey};
633 my $downsize_only = delete $opts{downsize_only};
634 my $save_to_FB = delete $opts{save_to_FB} || 0;
635 my $fb_gallery = delete $opts{fb_gallery};
636 my $fb_username = delete $opts{fb_username};
637 my $fb_password = delete $opts{fb_password};
638 my $auto_crop = delete $opts{auto_crop};
639 my $cancel_size = delete $opts{cancel_size};
640 croak "No userid or remote" unless $u || $mogkey || $dataref;
642 $maxfilesize *= 1024;
644 croak "Invalid parameters to get_upf_scaled\n" if scalar keys %opts;
646 my $mode = ($x1 || $y1 || $x2 || $y2 || $auto_crop) ? "crop" : "scale";
648 eval { require Image::Magick }
649 or return undef;
651 eval { require Image::Size }
652 or return undef;
654 $mogkey ||= 'upf:' . $u->{userid};
655 $dataref = LJ::mogclient()->get_file_data($mogkey)
656 unless $dataref;
658 return undef
659 unless $dataref;
661 # original width/height
662 my ($ow, $oh) = Image::Size::imgsize($dataref);
663 return undef unless $ow && $oh;
665 my @cancel_size = split /x/, $cancel_size;
666 return { status => 'small' }
667 if $cancel_size[0] and $ow < $cancel_size[0] or $cancel_size[1] and $oh < $cancel_size[1];
669 # converts an ImageMagick object to the form returned to our callers
670 my $imageParams = sub {
671 my $im = shift;
672 my $blob = $im->ImageToBlob;
673 return [\$blob, $im->Get('MIME'), $im->Get('width'), $im->Get('height')];
676 # compute new width and height while keeping aspect ratio
677 my $getSizedCoords = sub {
678 my $newsize = shift;
680 my $fromw = $ow;
681 my $fromh = $oh;
683 my $img = shift;
684 if ($img) {
685 $fromw = $img->Get('width');
686 $fromh = $img->Get('height');
689 return (int($newsize * $fromw/$fromh), $newsize) if $fromh > $fromw;
690 return ($newsize, int($newsize * $fromh/$fromw));
693 # get the "medium sized" width/height. this is the size which
694 # the user selects from
695 my @sizes = split /x/, $size;
696 my ($medw, $medh) = scalar @sizes > 1 ? @sizes : $getSizedCoords->($size);
697 return undef unless $medw && $medh;
699 # simple scaling mode
700 if ($mode eq "scale") {
701 my $image = Image::Magick->new(size => "${medw}x${medh}")
702 or return undef;
704 $image->BlobToImage($$dataref);
705 unless ($downsize_only && ($medw > $ow || $medh > $oh)) {
706 $image->Resize(width => $medw, height => $medh);
708 return $imageParams->($image);
711 # else, we're in 100x100 cropping mode
713 # scale user coordinates up from the medium pixelspace to full pixelspace
714 $x1 *= ($ow/$medw);
715 $x2 *= ($ow/$medw);
716 $y1 *= ($oh/$medh);
717 $y2 *= ($oh/$medh);
719 # cropping dimensions from the full pixelspace
720 my $tw = $x2 - $x1;
721 my $th = $y2 - $y1;
723 # but if their selected region in full pixelspace is 800x800 or something
724 # ridiculous, no point decoding the JPEG to its full size... we can
725 # decode to a smaller size so we get 100px when we crop
726 my $min_dim = $tw < $th ? $tw : $th;
727 my ($decodew, $decodeh) = ($ow, $oh);
728 if ($auto_crop) {
729 $decodew = $sizes[0];
730 $decodeh = $sizes[1];
731 } else {
732 my $wanted_size = 100;
733 if ($min_dim > $wanted_size) {
734 # then let's not decode the full JPEG down from its huge size
735 my $de_scale = $wanted_size / $min_dim;
737 $decodew = int($de_scale * $decodew);
738 $decodeh = int($de_scale * $decodeh);
740 $_ *= $de_scale foreach ($x1, $x2, $y1, $y2);
744 $_ = int($_) foreach ($x1, $x2, $y1, $y2, $tw, $th);
746 # make the pristine (uncompressed) 100x100 image
747 my $timage = $auto_crop ? Image::Magick->new() : Image::Magick->new(size => "${decodew}x${decodeh}");
748 return undef unless $timage;
750 $timage->BlobToImage($$dataref);
751 $timage->Set(magick => 'PNG');
753 if ($auto_crop) {
754 my ($crop_w, $crop_h) = ();
755 if ($oh <= $decodeh and $ow <= $decodew) {
756 ; # nothing to do
757 # else one (or two) size is bigger
758 } elsif ($oh < $decodeh) { # than ow > decodew
759 $crop_h = $oh;
760 $crop_w = $decodew;
761 $x1 = ($ow - $crop_w) / 2;
762 $y1 = 0;
763 } elsif ($ow < $decodew) { # than oh > decodeh
764 $crop_w = $ow;
765 $crop_h = $decodeh;
766 $y1 = ($oh - $crop_h) / 2;
767 $x1 = 0;
768 } elsif ($ow / $decodew >= $oh / $decodeh) {
769 $crop_w = $oh * $decodew / $decodeh;
770 $crop_h = $oh;
771 $x1 = ($ow - $crop_w) / 2;
772 $y1 = 0;
773 } else {
774 $crop_w = $ow;
775 $crop_h = $ow * $decodeh / $decodew;
776 $y1 = ($oh - $crop_h) / 2;
777 $x1 = 0;
779 if ($oh > $decodeh or $ow > $decodew) {
780 $timage->Crop($crop_w."x".$crop_h."+$x1+$y1");
781 if ($crop_h > $decodeh or $crop_w > $decodew) {
782 $timage->Scale(width => $decodew, height => $decodeh);
785 } else {
786 my $w = ($x2 - $x1);
787 my $h = ($y2 - $y1);
788 $timage->Scale(width => $decodew, height => $decodeh);
789 $timage->Mogrify(crop => "${w}x${h}+$x1+$y1");
792 if ($save_to_FB) {
793 my $im_blob = $timage->ImageToBlob;
794 my $res = upload_to_fb (
795 dataref => $im_blob,
796 gals => $fb_gallery,
797 username => $fb_username,
798 password => $fb_password,
800 return $res;
803 my $targetSize = $border ? 98 : 100;
805 my ($nw, $nh) = $getSizedCoords->($targetSize, $timage);
806 $timage->Scale(width => $nw, height => $nh);
808 # add border if desired
809 $timage->Border(geometry => "1x1", color => 'black') if $border;
811 # we are PNG here
812 # test, if we can skip compression
813 my $piccopy = $timage->Clone();
814 my $ret = $imageParams->($piccopy);
815 unless ( length(${ $ret->[0] }) < $maxfilesize ) {
816 $timage->Set(magick => 'JPG'); # need compression
819 foreach my $qual (qw(100 90 85 75)) {
820 # work off a copy of the image so we aren't recompressing it
821 $piccopy = $timage->Clone();
822 $piccopy->Set('quality' => $qual);
823 $ret = $imageParams->($piccopy);
824 last if length(${ $ret->[0] }) < $maxfilesize;
827 return $ret;
830 sub format_magic {
831 my $magic = shift;
832 my $default = shift;
834 my $magic_ref = (ref $magic) ? $magic : \$magic;
835 my $mime = $default || 'text/plain'; # default value
836 # image formats
837 $mime = 'image/jpeg' if $$magic_ref =~ /^\xff\xd8/; # JPEG
838 $mime = 'image/gif' if $$magic_ref =~ /^GIF8/; # GIF
839 $mime = 'image/png' if $$magic_ref =~ /^\x89PNG/; # PNG
841 return $mime;
844 sub get_challenge
846 my $username = shift;
848 my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
849 $ua->agent("FotoBilder_Uploader/0.2");
851 my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => "$LJ::FB_SITEROOT/interface/simple");
852 $req->push_header("X-FB-Mode" => "GetChallenge");
853 $req->push_header("X-FB-User" => $username);
855 my $res = $ua->request($req);
856 die "HTTP error: " . $res->content . "\n"
857 unless $res->is_success;
859 my $xmlres = XML::Simple::XMLin($res->content);
860 my $methres = $xmlres->{GetChallengeResponse};
862 if (my $err = $xmlres->{Error} || $methres->{Error}) {
863 use Data::Dumper;
864 die Dumper $err;
867 return $methres->{Challenge};
870 sub make_auth
872 my $chal = shift;
873 my $password = shift;
874 return "crp:$chal:" . md5_hex($chal . md5_hex($password));
877 sub upload_to_fb {
878 my %opts = @_;
880 my $dataref = $opts{dataref};
881 my $gals = $opts{gals} || [];
883 my $username = $opts{username} || $LJ::FB_USER;
884 my $password = $opts{password} || $LJ::FB_PASS;
886 my $chal = "";
887 unless ($chal) {
888 $chal = get_challenge($username)
889 or die "No challenge string available.\n";
892 my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
893 $ua->agent("FotoBilder_Uploader/0.2");
895 # Create a request
896 my $req = HTTP::Request->new(PUT => "$LJ::FB_SITEROOT/interface/simple");
897 $req->push_header("X-FB-Mode" => "UploadPic");
898 $req->push_header("X-FB-User" => $username);
899 $req->push_header("X-FB-Auth" => make_auth($chal, $password));
900 $req->push_header("X-FB-GetChallenge" => 1);
902 # picture security
903 my $sec = 255; ## public
904 $req->push_header("X-FB-UploadPic.PicSec" => $sec);
906 # add to galleries
907 if (@$gals) {
909 # initialize galleries struct array
910 $req->push_header(":X-FB-UploadPic.Gallery._size" => scalar(@$gals));
912 # add individual galleries
913 foreach my $idx (0..@$gals-1) {
914 my $gal = $gals->[$idx];
916 my @path = split(/\0/, $gal);
917 my $galname = pop @path;
919 $req->push_header
920 ("X-FB-UploadPic.Gallery.$idx.GalName" => $galname);
921 $req->push_header
922 ("X-FB-UploadPic.Gallery.$idx.GalDate" => time());
923 $req->push_header
924 ("X-FB-UploadPic.Gallery.$idx.GalSec" => $sec);
926 if (@path) {
927 $req->push_header
928 (":X-FB-UploadPic.Gallery.$idx.Path._size" => scalar(@path));
929 foreach (0..@path-1) {
930 $req->push_header
931 (":X-FB-UploadPic.Gallery.$idx.Path.$_" => $path[$_]);
938 $req->push_header("X-FB-UploadPic.ImageLength" => length($dataref));
939 $req->push_header("Content-Length" => length($dataref));
940 $req->content($dataref);
942 my $res = $ua->request($req);
943 die "HTTP error: " . $res->content . "\n"
944 unless $res->is_success;
946 my $xmlres = XML::Simple::XMLin($res->content);
947 my $methres = $xmlres->{UploadPicResponse};
948 my $chalres = $xmlres->{GetChallengeResponse};
950 $chal = $chalres->{Challenge};
952 if (my $err = $xmlres->{Error} || $methres->{Error} || $chalres->{Error}) {
953 return {
954 picid => -1,
955 url => undef,
956 status => 'error',
957 errstr => ref $err eq 'HASH' ? $err->{content} : (ref $err eq 'ARRAY' ? $err->[0] : $err),
958 opts => \%opts,
962 return {
963 picid => $methres->{PicID},
964 url => $methres->{URL},
965 status => 'ok',
969 # get picture from internet $opts{source} and crop it to $opts{size},
970 # than save result into $opts{galleries} (arrayref) of scrapbook of $opts{username}, using $opts{password}
971 # returns result of &upload_to_fb
972 sub crop_picture_from_web {
973 my %opts = @_;
974 my $data;
976 my $source = LJ::trim($opts{source});
978 if ($source) {
979 return {
980 url => '',
981 status => 'ok',
982 } unless $source;
984 ## fetch a photo from Net
985 my $ua = LJ::get_useragent( role => 'crop_picture',
986 max_size => 10 * 1024 * 1024,
987 timeout => 10,
989 my $result = $ua->request(GET($source));
990 unless ($result and $result->is_success) {
991 return {
992 picid => -1,
993 url => undef,
994 status => 'error',
995 errstr => $result ? $result->status_line : 'unknown error in downloading',
998 $data = $result->content;
999 $opts{data} = $result->content;
1000 } else {
1001 $data = ${$opts{'dataref'}};
1003 my $res = LJ::_get_upf_scaled(
1004 source => \$data,
1005 size => $opts{size},
1006 cancel_size => $opts{cancel_size},
1007 save_to_FB => 1,
1008 auto_crop => 1,
1009 fb_username => $opts{username},
1010 fb_password => $opts{password},
1011 fb_gallery => $opts{galleries},
1013 unless ($res) {
1014 return {
1015 picid => -1,
1016 url => undef,
1017 status => 'error',
1018 errstr => 'probably bad picture',
1021 # need to repeat? (because of bad auth in CentOS-32 ScrapBook)
1023 if ($res->{picid} == -1) {
1024 warn $res->{errstr} if $LJ::IS_DEV_SERVER;
1025 return upload_to_fb(%{$res->{opts}});
1027 return $res;