+Calculator and code looks
[lineal.git] / src / webui / psfiles / calcupage-buttons.lisp
2 (defvar calc-in)
4 (defun add-break (elem)
5 (.append-child elem (.create-element document "br")))
7 ;V Insert text into /calc-in/ at cursor and give it focus.V
8 (defun uinput (str)
9 (defvar curpos (+ calc-in.selection-start str.length))
10 (setf
11 calc-in.value
12 (+ (.substring calc-in.value 0 calc-in.selection-start)
13 str (.substring calc-in.value calc-in.selection-end)))
14 (setf calc-in.selection-start curpos
15 calc-in.selection-end curpos)
16 (.focus calc-in))
18 ;V Called when the "clear" button is pressed.V
19 (defun cleartext ()
20 (setf calc-in.value "")
21 (.focus calc-in))
23 ;V Called when the "OK" button is pressed.V
24 (defun send-calc ()
25 (post-params
26 "/process"
27 (+ "text=" (.replace calc-in.value (regex "/\\+/g") "%2B"))
28 (lambda (response)
29 (setf (slot-value (.get-element-by-id document "resultPre")
30 'inner-h-t-m-l)
31 response)
32 (.focus calc-in))))
34 (defun show-a-button (name elem onclick width fcolor bcolor)
35 (unless width (setf width 25))
36 (unless fcolor (setf fcolor "#000000"))
37 (unless bcolor (setf bcolor "#D3D3D3"))
38 (let ((b (.create-element document "button")))
39 (setf b.inner-h-t-m-l name)
40 (.set-attribute
41 b "style"
42 (+ "color: " fcolor "; background-color: " bcolor
43 "; height: 25px; width: " width "px"))
44 (.set-attribute b "onclick" onclick)
45 (.append-child elem b)))
48 (defun show-input-button (name elem tosend width fcolor bcolor)
49 (show-a-button name elem (+ "uinput(\"" tosend "\")")
50 width fcolor bcolor))
52 (defun show-num (name elem)
53 (show-input-button
54 name elem name 25 "white" "black"))
56 ;V Use the button operation as a name.V
57 (defun show-binop (name elem width fcolor bcolor)
58 (show-input-button
59 name elem name width fcolor bcolor))
61 (defun show-func (name elem width fcolor bcolor)
62 (show-input-button name elem (+ "(" name " ")
63 width fcolor bcolor))
65 (defun clear-button (elem)
66 (show-a-button "clear" elem "cleartext()" 45 "white" "darkred"))
68 (defun ok-button (elem)
69 (show-a-button "ok" elem "sendCalc()" 25 "white" "green"))
71 (defun memory-buttons (elem)
72 (show-input-button "recall" elem "(recall \\\"" 50 "white" "DarkSlateGray")
73 (show-input-button "store" elem "(store \\\"" 50 "white" "SlateBlue"))
77 ;V Show the calculator-layout thing. V
78 (defun show-standops (elem)
79 (show-input-button "^" elem "(expt ")
80 (clear-button elem)
81 (add-break elem)
82 (show-input-button "√" elem "(sqrt ")
83 (show-binop "(" elem)
84 (show-binop ")" elem)
85 (show-func "/" elem)
86 (add-break elem)
87 (show-num "7" elem) (show-num "8" elem) (show-num "9" elem)
88 (show-input-button "×" elem "(* ")
89 (add-break elem)
90 (show-num "4" elem) (show-num "5" elem) (show-num "6" elem)
91 (show-func "-" elem)
92 (add-break elem)
93 (show-num "1" elem) (show-num "2" elem) (show-num "3" elem)
94 (show-func "+" elem)
95 (add-break elem)
96 (show-input-button "0" elem "0" 50 "white" "black")
97 (show-num "." elem)
98 (ok-button elem)
99 (add-break elem)
100 (memory-buttons elem))
102 ;V Show linear algebra functions/operations.V
103 ;V (not linear operators :) V
104 (defun show-linops (elem)
105 (show-func "rr-ef" elem 40)
106 (show-func "r-ef" elem 40)
107 (show-func "det" elem 35)
108 (add-break elem)
109 (show-func "transpose" elem 80)
110 (show-func "inverse" elem 60)
111 (add-break elem)
112 (show-func "dot" elem 35)
113 (show-func "cross" elem 45)
114 (show-func "proj" elem 40)
115 (show-func "orth" elem 40)
116 (add-break elem)
117 (show-func "cat" elem 35)
118 (show-func "vcat" elem 40)
119 (show-func "crop" elem 40)
120 (show-func "vcrop" elem 45))
123 (defun append-name-buttons (names vardiv)
124 (defvar curbutt) (defvar curname)
125 (dotimes (x names.length)
126 (setf curname (aref names x)
127 curbutt (.create-element document "button")
128 curbutt.inner-h-t-m-l curname)
129 ;V When you click on a name, call the uinput V
130 ;V function with the name as an argument. V
131 (.set-attribute curbutt "onClick"
132 (+ "uinput(\"" curname "\");"))
133 (.append-child vardiv curbutt)))