+Calculator and code looks
[lineal.git] / src / webui / matrixui.lisp
2 (in-package :lineal.webui)
4 ;V URL: /matrix_select_contents
5 ;V Return html code for the dropdown menu V
6 ;V (html's "select" element) to list all V
7 ;V stored matrices. V
8 (defun matrix-select-contents ()
9 (with-html-output-to-string
10 (s nil)
11 (:option "Name")
12 (dolist (v *saved-tuples*)
13 (with-html-output
14 (s) (:option (princ v s))))
15 (dolist (m *saved-matrices*)
16 (with-html-output
17 (s) (:option (princ m s))))))
19 ;V URL: /post_matrix_input
20 ;V Read input from client, store matrix.V
21 (defun get-matrix-input
22 (&aux (cols (read-from-string (parameter "cols"))))
23 (store-vrbl
24 (parameter "name")
25 ;V If there's only one column, user input a vector.V
26 (if (= cols 1)
27 (make-tuple
28 :dim (read-from-string (parameter "rows"))
29 :elems (mapcar #'car (read-from-string
30 (parameter "matrix"))))
31 (make-mtrix
32 :dimdom cols
33 :dimcodom (read-from-string (parameter "rows"))
34 :elems (read-from-string (parameter "matrix")))))
35 (matrix-select-contents))
37 ;V URL: /matrix_request
38 ;V Pass javascript code back to the client for eval, V
39 ;V which stores the matrix's elements in a 2D array V
40 ;V named /matrix/. Also pass code that sets variables V
41 ;V named /rows/ and /cols/ to their obvious values. V
42 (defun matrix-request
43 (&aux (name (parameter "name"))
44 (s (make-string-output-stream)))
45 "Return javascript code for storing"
46 ;^ the named matrix in the variable: /matrix/ ^
47 (let (matrows)
48 (let ((m (symbol-value
49 (find-symbol name :lineal.client-vars))))
50 ;V State the rows and columns of the matrix, V
51 ;V store the list of rows in /matrows/ V
52 (typecase m
53 (mtrix
54 (format s "rows = ~D; cols = ~D;"
55 (mtrix-dimcodom m)
56 (mtrix-dimdom m))
57 (setq matrows (mtrix-elems m)))
58 (tuple
59 (format s "rows = ~D; cols = ~D;"
60 (tuple-dim m) 1)
61 (setq matrows (mapcar #'list (tuple-elems m))))
62 (otherwise (throw 'unknown-variable name))))
63 (princ "matrix = new Array(" s)
64 (loop
65 :for row :in matrows
66 :and raystr = "new Array("
67 :then ",new Array("
68 :do (princ raystr s)
69 :do (format s "\"~D\"" (car row))
70 :do
71 (loop
72 :for elem :in (cdr row)
73 :do (format s ",\"~D\"" elem))
74 :do (princ ")" s))
75 (princ ");" s)
76 (get-output-stream-string s)))
78 ;V URL /input_matrix
79 ;V The matrix input page.V
80 (defun matrix-input-code
81 (&aux (rows (parameter "rows"))
82 (cols (parameter "cols")))
83 (unless (integerp rows) (setq rows 2))
84 (unless (integerp cols) (setq cols 2))
85 (with-html-output-to-string
86 (s nil :prologue t)
87 (:html
88 (:head
89 (jsfile s "matrix-edit")
90 (jsfile s "connects"))
91 (:body
92 (:div (:a :href "/" "Main") " Page" :br
93 (:a :href "/calcupage" "Calculate") " Things" :br)
94 (:div
95 (:select
96 :id "nameSelect"
97 :onchange (ps-inline (select-name-change))
98 (princ (matrix-select-contents) s))
99 " " (:input :type "text" :onfocus "select()" :id "nameField")
100 " " (:button :tabindex "-1"
101 :onclick (ps-inline (recall-matrix))
102 "Recall!"))
104 (:form
105 :action (ps-inline (reset-fields))
106 (:table
107 (:tr (:td "Rows") (:td "Columns") :td)
108 (:tr (:td (:input :id "rowField" :onfocus "select()" :value rows))
109 (:td (:input :id "colField" :onfocus "select()" :value cols))
110 (:td (:button :tabindex "-1" "Resize!" )))))
112 (:form
113 :action (ps-inline (send-matrix))
114 (:div :id "fieldDiv")
115 (:div (:button "Update")))
116 (:div :id "outDiv" "")
117 (ps-tag
119 (setf name-field (.get-element-by-id document "nameField")
120 name-select (.get-element-by-id document "nameSelect")
121 row-field (.get-element-by-id document "rowField")
122 col-field (.get-element-by-id document "colField")
123 field-div (.get-element-by-id document "fieldDiv")
124 out-div (.get-element-by-id document "outDiv"))
125 (reset-fields))))))