+Calculator and code looks
[lineal.git] / src / overload / crop.lisp
2 (in-package :lineal.overload)
4 (defmethod over-crop ((n integer) (u tuple))
5 (declare (ignore n)) u)
6 (defmethod over-crop ((u tuple) (n integer))
7 (declare (ignore n)) u)
9 (defmethod over-vcrop ((n integer) (u tuple))
10 (if (= 1 n)
11 (car (tuple-elems u))
12 (loop :with dim = (min n (tuple-dim u))
13 :for elem :in (tuple-elems u)
14 :repeat dim
15 :collect elem :into elems
16 :finally
17 (return (make-tuple :dim dim :elems elems)))))
19 (defmethod over-vcrop ((u tuple) (n integer))
20 (if (= 1 n)
21 (car (last (tuple-elems u)))
22 (let ((dim (min n (tuple-dim u))))
23 (make-tuple :dim dim
24 :elems (nthcdr (- (tuple-dim u) dim)
25 (tuple-elems u))))))
27 (defmethod over-crop ((n integer) (a mtrix))
28 (if (= n 1)
29 (make-tuple
30 :dim (mtrix-dimcodom a)
31 :elems (mapcar #'car (mtrix-elems a)))
32 (loop
33 :with width = (min n (mtrix-dimdom a))
34 :for row :in (mtrix-elems a)
35 :collect (loop :for elem :in row
36 :repeat width
37 :collect elem)
38 :into rows
39 :finally
40 (return (make-mtrix
41 :dimdom width
42 :dimcodom (mtrix-dimcodom a)
43 :elems rows)))))
45 (defmethod over-crop ((a mtrix) (n integer))
46 (if (= n 1)
47 (make-tuple
48 :dim (mtrix-dimcodom a)
49 :elems (mapcar (lambda (row) (car (last row)))
50 (mtrix-elems a)))
51 (loop
52 :with width = (min n (mtrix-dimdom a))
53 :with prune-count = (- (mtrix-dimdom a) width)
54 :for row :in (mtrix-elems a)
55 :collect (nthcdr prune-count row) :into rows
56 :finally
57 (return (make-mtrix
58 :dimdom width
59 :dimcodom (mtrix-dimcodom a)
60 :elems rows)))))
62 (defmethod over-vcrop ((n integer) (a mtrix))
63 (let ((height (min n (mtrix-dimcodom a))))
64 (make-mtrix
65 :dimdom (mtrix-dimdom a)
66 :dimcodom height
67 :elems (loop :for row :in (mtrix-elems a)
68 :repeat height
69 :collect row))))
71 (defmethod over-vcrop ((a mtrix) (n integer))
72 (let ((height (min n (mtrix-dimcodom a))))
73 (make-mtrix
74 :dimdom (mtrix-dimdom a)
75 :dimcodom height
76 :elems (nthcdr (- (mtrix-dimcodom a) height)
77 (mtrix-elems a)))))
79 (defmethod over-crop :around ((a integer) b)
80 (if (plusp a) (call-next-method a b)
81 (throw 'over-ex "Can only crop a positive number of columns.")))
82 (defmethod over-crop :around (a (b integer))
83 (if (plusp b) (call-next-method a b)
84 (throw 'over-ex "Can only crop a positive number of columns.")))
86 (defmethod over-vcrop :around ((a integer) b)
87 (if (plusp a) (call-next-method a b)
88 (throw 'over-ex "Can only vcrop a positive number of rows.")))
89 (defmethod over-vcrop :around (a (b integer))
90 (if (plusp b) (call-next-method a b)
91 (throw 'over-ex "Can only vcrop a positive number of rows.")))
93 (defmethod over-crop (a b)
94 (throw 'over-ex
95 (format nil "crop usage: (crop [n] [thing]) ~
96 or (crop [thing] [n])~%where [n] is ~
97 the number of columns you want.")))
99 (defmethod over-vcrop (a b)
100 (throw 'over-ex
101 (format nil "vcrop usage: (vcrop [n] [thing]) ~
102 or (vcrop [thing] [n])~%where [n] is ~
103 the number of rows you want.")))