LSR: Update.
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1 %% Do not edit this file; it is automatically
2 %% generated from LSR
3 %% This file is in the public domain.
4 \version "2.13.10"
6 \header {
7 lsrtags = "pitches, vocal-music"
9 texidoc = "
10 Ambitus indicate pitch ranges for voices.
13 Accidentals only show up if they are not part of the key signature.
14 @code{AmbitusNoteHead} grobs also have ledger lines.
17 doctitle = "Ambitus"
18 } % begin verbatim
20 \layout {
21 \context {
22 \Voice
23 \consists "Ambitus_engraver"
28 \new Staff {
29 \relative c' {
30 \time 2/4
31 c4 f'
34 \new Staff {
35 \relative c' {
36 \time 2/4
37 \key d \major
38 cis4 as'