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1 \version "2.13.20"
3 \header {
4 lsrtags = "expressive-marks, tweaks-and-overrides"
5 texidoc = "The \cresc, \dim and \decresc spanners can now be redefined as
6 postfix operators and produce one text spanner. Defining custom spanners is
7 also easy. Hairpin and text crescendi can be easily mixed. \< and \> produce
8 hairpins by default, \cresc etc. produce text spanners by default.
10 doctitle = "Dynamics text spanner postfix"
13 % Some sample text dynamic spanners, to be used as postfix operators
14 crpoco =
15 #(make-music 'CrescendoEvent
16 'span-direction START
17 'span-type 'text
18 'span-text "cresc. poco a poco")
19 % Redefine the existing \cresc, \dim and \decresc commands to use postfix syntax
20 cresc =
21 #(make-music 'CrescendoEvent
22 'span-direction START
23 'span-type 'text
24 'span-text "cresc.")
25 dim =
26 #(make-music 'DecrescendoEvent
27 'span-direction START
28 'span-type 'text
29 'span-text "dim.")
30 decresc =
31 #(make-music 'DecrescendoEvent
32 'span-direction START
33 'span-type 'text
34 'span-text "decresc.")
36 \relative c' {
37 c4\cresc d4 e4 f4 |
38 g4 a4\! b4\crpoco c4 |
39 c4 d4 e4 f4 |
40 g4 a4\! b4\< c4 |
41 g4\dim a4 b4\decresc c4\!