Add point-and-click to non-default rehearsal marks.
[lilypond/mpolesky.git] / Documentation / snippets /
1 % Do not edit this file; it is automatically
2 % generated from Documentation/snippets/new
3 % This file is in the public domain.
4 %% Note: this file works from version 2.13.4
5 \version "2.13.29"
7 \header {
8 %% Translation of GIT committish: 0b55335aeca1de539bf1125b717e0c21bb6fa31b
9 texidoces = "
10 Este código muestra cómo recortar (extraer) fragmentos a partir de una
11 partitura completa.
13 Este archivo tiene que procesarse de forma separada con la opción
14 @code{-dclip-systems}; la página de fragmentos de código podría no
15 mostrar el resultado adecuadamente.
17 La salida consiste en archivos con los nombres
18 @samp{base-from-inicio-to-final[-número].eps}.
21 Si se incluyen los comienzos y finales de los sistemas, incluyen las
22 dimensiones del grob del sistema, por ejemplo los nombres de
23 instrumento.
26 Las notas de adorno en el punto final de la región no se incluyen.
29 Las regiones pueden abarcar varios sistemas. En este caso, se generan
30 varios archivos EPS.
33 doctitlees = "Recorte de sistemas"
35 lsrtags = "paper-and-layout"
37 texidoc = "
38 This code shows how to clip (extract) snippets from a full score.
40 This file needs to be run separately with @code{-dclip-systems}; the
41 snippets page may not adequately show the results.
43 The result will be files named
44 @samp{base-from-start-to-end[-count].eps}.
47 If system starts and ends are included, they include extents of the
48 System grob, e.g., instrument names.
51 Grace notes at the end point of the region are not included.
54 Regions can span multiple systems. In this case, multiple EPS files
55 are generated.
58 doctitle = "Clip systems"
59 } % begin verbatim
62 #(ly:set-option 'clip-systems)
63 #(define output-suffix "1")
65 origScore = \score {
66 \relative c' {
67 \set Staff.instrumentName = #"bla"
70 \grace c16 e1
71 \key d \major
72 f1 \break
73 \clef bass
74 g,1
75 fis1
79 \book {
80 \score {
81 \origScore
82 \layout {
83 % Each clip-region is a (START . END) pair
84 % where both are rhythmic-locations.
86 % (make-rhythmic-locations BAR-NUMBER NUM DEN)
87 % means NUM/DEN whole-notes into bar numbered BAR-NUMBER
89 clip-regions = #(list
90 (cons
91 (make-rhythmic-location 2 0 1)
92 (make-rhythmic-location 4 0 1))
94 (cons
95 (make-rhythmic-location 0 0 1)
96 (make-rhythmic-location 4 0 1))
98 (cons
99 (make-rhythmic-location 0 0 1)
100 (make-rhythmic-location 6 0 1))
106 #(ly:set-option 'clip-systems #f)
107 #(define output-suffix #f)
109 \book {
110 \score { \origScore }
111 \markup { \bold \fontsize #6 clips }
112 \score {
113 \lyrics {
114 \markup { from-2.0.1-to-4.0.1-clip.eps }
115 \markup {
116 \epsfile #X #30.0 #(format #f "~a-1-from-2.0.1-to-4.0.1-clip.eps"
117 (ly:parser-output-name parser)) }