LSR: Local update.
[lilypond/mpolesky.git] / Documentation / snippets /
1 % Do not edit this file; it is automatically
2 % generated from Documentation/snippets/new
3 % This file is in the public domain.
4 %% Note: this file works from version 2.13.4
5 \version "2.13.10"
7 \header {
8 %% Translation of GIT committish: 341940d3830b59f93a80131471d622c2818afddb
9 texidoces = "
10 Muchas partituras de piano tienen las indicaciones dinámicas centradas
11 entre los dos pentagramas. El contexto @code{Dynamics}, si se sitúa
12 entre pentagramas, coloca los matices dinámicos correctamente de forma
13 automática.
16 doctitlees = "Plantilla de piano con matices centrados"
19 %% Translation of GIT committish: 06d99c3c9ad1c3472277b4eafd7761c4aadb84ae
20 texidocja = "
21 多くのピアノ譜は、強弱記号を 2 つの譜の間に置きます。これを実現するにはちょっ@c
22 とした調整が必要ですが、そのテンプレートがここにあるので、あなた自身が調整を行@c
23 う必要はありません。
26 %% Translation of GIT committish: d96023d8792c8af202c7cb8508010c0d3648899d
27 texidocde = "
28 In der meisten Klaviernotation werden die Dynamikzeichen zwischen
29 den beiden Systemen zentriert. Für LilyPond muss man die Einstellungen
30 etwas anpassen, aber Sie können ja das angepasste Beispiel von hier
31 kopieren.
35 %% Translation of GIT committish: 9ba35398048fdf1ca8c83679c7c144b1fd48e75b
36 texidocfr = "
37 Nombre d'ouvrages pour piano font apparaître les nuances entre les deux
38 portées. Bien que cela nécessite quelques subtilités, voici de quoi
39 obtenir un tel résultat.
42 doctitlefr = "Piano et nuances entre les portées"
44 lsrtags = "expressive-marks, keyboards, template"
45 texidoc = "
46 Many piano scores have the dynamics centered between the two staves.
47 The @code{Dynamics} context, if placed between staves, will
48 automatically position dynamics correctly.
51 doctitle = "Piano template with centered dynamics"
52 } % begin verbatim
55 global = {
56 \key c \major
57 \time 4/4
60 upper = \relative c'' {
61 \clef treble
62 a4 b c d
65 lower = \relative c {
66 \clef bass
67 a2 c
70 dynamics = {
71 s2\fff\> s4 s\!\pp
74 pedal = {
75 s2\sustainOn s\sustainOff
78 \score {
79 \new PianoStaff = "PianoStaff_pf" <<
80 \new Staff = "Staff_pfUpper" << \global \upper >>
81 \new Dynamics = "Dynamics_pf" \dynamics
82 \new Staff = "Staff_pfLower" << \global \lower >>
83 \new Dynamics = "pedal" \pedal
85 \layout { }
88 \score {
89 \new PianoStaff = "PianoStaff_pf" <<
90 \new Staff = "Staff_pfUpper" << \global \upper \dynamics \pedal >>
91 \new Staff = "Staff_pfLower" << \global \lower \dynamics \pedal >>
93 \midi { }