Revised autobeam settings patch and ran
[lilypond/mpolesky.git] / Documentation / snippets /
1 % Do not edit this file; it is automatically
2 % generated from Documentation/snippets/new
3 % This file is in the public domain.
4 %% Note: this file works from version 2.12.0
5 \version "2.13.29"
6 \include ""
7 #(set-global-staff-size 15)
8 \paper {
9 ragged-right = ##t
10 line-width = 17\cm
11 indent = 0\cm
14 \layout {
15 \context {
16 \Score
17 \override PaperColumn #'keep-inside-line = ##t
18 \override NonMusicalPaperColumn #'keep-inside-line = ##t
22 % NR 1.1 Pitches
24 \header {
25 lsrtags = "headwords"
26 texidoc = ""
27 doctitle = "headword"
28 } % begin verbatim
32 % L. v. Beethoven
33 % Piano sonata 21 - Dem Grafen von Waldstein Gewidmet
34 % chorale at measures 34 - 40+
36 \new PianoStaff <<
38 % RH Staff
39 \new Staff <<
41 % RH Voice 1
42 \new Voice {
43 \set Score.currentBarNumber = #34
44 \voiceOne
45 gs''2 ( ^ \markup \italic { dolce e molto ligato }
46 fs''4
47 e''4
49 ds''2
50 cs''2 )
52 ds''2 (
53 e''4
54 fs''4
56 <gs'' e''>2
57 <fs'' ds''>2 )
59 \oneVoice
60 \clef bass
61 <gs' e' b>2 (
62 <fs' ds' a>4
63 <e' cs' gs>4
65 <ds' bs fs>2
66 <cs' a e>2 )
68 \voiceOne
69 b2 %(
70 cs'4
71 ds'4
73 \clef treble
74 <e' gs>4 %)
75 r4 r2
78 % RH Voice 2
79 \new Voice {
80 \voiceTwo
81 \override Staff.DynamicLineSpanner #'staff-padding = #2.5
82 <e'' b'>2 \p
83 <ds'' a'>4
84 <cs'' gs'>4
86 <bs' fs'>2
87 e'2
89 \once \override TextScript #'staff-padding = #2.5
90 <b'! a'>2 _ \markup \italic { cresc. }
91 b'4
92 <e'' cs''>4
94 b'2. ( \sf \>
95 a'4 )
96 \clef bass
97 | \break
98 s1 \p
102 <gs e>4 (
103 <a fs>2. )
106 r4 r2
111 % LH Staff
112 \new Staff {
113 \override Staff.SustainPedalLineSpanner #'staff-padding = #5
114 <gs' e'>2 ( \sustainOn
115 <fs' ds' b>4 \sustainOff
116 <e' cs'>4
118 <ds' bs gs>2
119 <cs' a>2 ) \sustainOn
121 \clef bass
122 \slurDown
123 <ds' b! a fs>2 ( \sustainOff
124 <e' b gs>4
125 <fs' cs' a>4 \sustainOn
127 \clef treble
128 \voiceOne
131 <gs' e'>2
132 <fs' ds'>2 )
134 \new Voice {
135 \voiceTwo
136 b1 \sustainOff
139 \oneVoice
141 %\break
142 \clef bass
143 <gs e>2 (
144 <fs ds b,>4
145 <e cs>4
147 <ds bs, gs,>2
148 <cs a,>2 ) \sustainOn
150 <b,! b,,!>1 ( \sustainOff
152 <e e,>4 )
153 r4 r2