Revised autobeam settings patch and ran
[lilypond/mpolesky.git] / Documentation / snippets /
1 % Do not edit this file; it is automatically
2 % generated from Documentation/snippets/new
3 % This file is in the public domain.
4 %% Note: this file works from version 2.13.29
6 % Passage from Johann Kaspar Mertz "Opern Revue, Op. 8, no. 17" %
7 % on melodies from Bellini's "Norma" %
8 %*****************************************************************%
10 \version "2.13.29"
12 #(set-global-staff-size 15)
13 \paper {
14 line-width = 17\cm
15 indent = 0\cm
18 \header {
19 lsrtags = "headwords"
20 texidoc = ""
21 doctitle = "headword"
22 } % begin verbatim
26 \layout {
27 \context {
28 \Score
29 \remove "Bar_number_engraver"
30 \override PaperColumn #'keep-inside-line = ##t
31 \override NonMusicalPaperColumn #'keep-inside-line = ##t
35 %%%% shortcuts
36 % fingering orientations
37 sfol = \set fingeringOrientations = #'(left)
38 sfor = \set fingeringOrientations = #'(right)
39 sfod = \set fingeringOrientations = #'(down)
40 sfou = \set fingeringOrientations = #'(up)
42 % string number orientations
43 ssnol = \set stringNumberOrientations = #'(left) %(down right up)
44 ssnou = \set stringNumberOrientations = #'(up)
45 ssnod = \set stringNumberOrientations = #'(down)
46 ssnor = \set stringNumberOrientations = #'(right)
48 % define fingering offset
49 FO = #(define-music-function (parser location offsetX offsetY) (number? number?)
51 \once \override Voice.Fingering #'extra-offset = #(cons $offsetX $offsetY)
52 #})
54 % markups
55 rit = \markup \center-align { \bold { \italic { " rit." } } }
56 dimin = \markup \center-align { \italic { " dim." } }
57 andantino = \markup \left-align { \italic { \bold { \fontsize #2.5 { "Andantino" } } } }
58 benmarcato = \markup { \italic { \bold { "il canto ben marcato" } } }
59 pdolce = #(make-dynamic-script (markup #:line (#:dynamic "p" #:normal-text #:italic "dol.")))
61 %%% THE MUSIC %%%
63 melody = \relative c {
64 \clef "treble_8"
65 \key d \major
66 \time 4/4
67 \voiceOne
68 \sfol
69 e,32 a' c e
70 e, a c e
71 e,, a' c e
72 e, a c e
73 f4\rest <e'-4>4-> | % m. 1
75 e,,,32 gis' b e
76 e, gis b e
77 e,, gis' b e
78 e, gis b e
79 f4\rest \FO #'0.4 #'0.5 <gis-1 e'-4>4 | % m. 2
81 d4\rest <b e>-> d4\rest^\rit <b e>4-> | % m. 3
82 <gis b e>1 | % m. 4
84 \bar "||"
85 \key a \minor
86 R1 % m. 5
88 e'4^\benmarcato e8. d16-4
89 d4-4 \times 2/3 { \sfou \FO #'-0.3 #'0.6 <c-2>4 b8 } | % end of m. 6
91 \FO #'-0.3 #'0.3
92 <a-3>4 \times 2/3 { c4 b8 } a4 e'8. e16 | % m. 7
94 \FO #'-0.3 #'0.3
95 <g-4>4 \times 2/3 { \sfol \FO #'0.3 #'0.0 <f-1>4 e8 } e4 % beg of m. 8
96 \times 2/3 { \sfou <d-4>4 c8 } | % end of m. 8
98 b4 \times 2/3 { d4-4 c8 } \sfou \FO #'-1.7 #'-1.5 <b-0>4 e | % end of m. 9
100 e4 e8. d16-4 d4 \times 2/3 { c4 b8 } | % m. 10
102 \times 2/3 { a4 a8 b4 c8 } % beg of m. 11
103 \sfou \FO #'-0.3 #'0.3
104 <d-4>4^\< \times 2/3 { e4 <d f>8\! } | % end of m. 11
107 bass = \relative c {
108 \key d \major
109 \time 4/4
110 \voiceTwo
112 e,8\fp[ e'] e,[ e'] e, \sfol <c''-1> <a'-2> c, | % m. 1
114 e,,8\fp[ e'] e,[ e'] e, \sfod \FO #'0.2 #'-0.2 <b''-1> % beg m. 2
115 \sfol \FO #'0.3 #'0.0 <e-1> b | % end m. 2
117 e,,8 e' gis e e, e' gis_\dimin e | % m. 3
119 e,1 | % m. 4
121 %% new section starts here in A minor
122 \set Score.beamExceptions = #'()
123 \once \override TextScript #'staff-padding = #1.7
124 \times 2/3 { a8\p^\andantino e' a c a e a, e' a c a e } | % m. 5
126 \times 2/3 { a,8\pdolce e' a c a e } % beg m. 6
127 \times 2/3 { e,8 \sfou <e'-3> <gis-1> c gis e } | % end m. 6
129 \times 2/3 { a,8 <e'-2> a c e, b' a, e' a c a e } | % m. 7
131 \times 2/3 { f,8 f' a \sfol \FO #'0.3 #'-0.5 <d-4> a f fis, d' a' d a d, } | % m. 8
133 \times 2/3 { <g,-3>8 d' g d' g, d % beg m. 9
134 \sfod \FO #'0.0 #'-2.0 <gis,-4> \sfou <e'-2> <gis-1> b gis e } | % end m. 9
136 \times 2/3 { a,8 e' a c a e e, e' gis c gis e } | % m. 10
138 \times 2/3 { a,8 e' a b a e f, f' a d a f } | % m. 11
141 \score {
142 \new Staff = "guitar" <<
143 \context Voice = "upper" { \melody }
144 \context Voice = "lower" { \bass }
146 \layout {
147 \context {
148 \Score
149 \override Fingering #'staff-padding = #'()
150 \override TupletNumber #'stencil = ##f
151 \override TupletBracket #'bracket-visibility = ##f
154 \midi { }