Revised autobeam settings patch and ran
[lilypond/mpolesky.git] / Documentation / snippets /
1 % Do not edit this file; it is automatically
2 % generated from Documentation/snippets/new
3 % This file is in the public domain.
4 %% Note: this file works from version 2.13.10
5 \version "2.13.29"
7 \header {
8 %% Translation of GIT committish: 0b55335aeca1de539bf1125b717e0c21bb6fa31b
10 texidoces = "
12 Para la guitarra flamenca se utilizan ciertos elementos de notación
13 especiales:
16 @itemize
18 @item un símbolo para indicar un golpe sobre la caja de la guitarra
19 con el nudillo del dedo anular
21 @item una flecha para indicar la dirección de los rasgueos
23 @item distintas legras para las digitaciones (@qq{p}: pulgar, @qq{i}:
24 índice, @qq{m}: medio, @qq{a}: anular y @qq{x}: meñique)
26 @item Rasgueados de 3 y cautro dedos: hacia arriba con todos los dedos
27 y terminando con arriba y abajo con el índice
29 @item abanicos: rasgueos en serie con el pulgar, hacia abajo y el
30 meñique y el índice hacia arriba (hay también un abanico 2 en el que
31 los dedos medio y anular se usan en lugar del meñique)
33 @item alza púa: pulsaciones rápidas con el pulgar
35 @end itemize
38 Casi todas las figuras utilizan flechas combinadas con digitaciones;
39 con los abanicos y los rasgueados, las notas se imprimen con cabeza
40 sólo en el primer acorde.
42 Este fragmento de código contiene código de tipo cabecera que se puede
43 copiar como @samp{} e incluirse en los documentos fuente.
46 doctitlees = "Notación del flamenco"
48 lsrtags = "fretted-strings"
50 texidoc = "
51 For flamenco guitar, special notation is used:
54 @itemize
56 @item
57 a golpe symbol to indicate a slap on the guitar body with the nail of
58 the ring finger
60 @item
61 an arrow to indicate (the direction of) strokes
63 @item
64 different letters for fingering (@qq{p}: thumb, @qq{i}: index finger,
65 @qq{m}: middle finger, @qq{a}: ring finger and @qq{x}: little finger)
67 @item
68 3- and 4-finger rasgueados: stroke upwards with all fingers, ending
69 with an up- and down using the index finger
71 @item
72 abanicos: strokes (in tuples) with thumb (down), little and index finger
73 (both up) (there is also an abanico 2 where middle and ring finger are
74 used instead of the little finger)
76 @item
77 alza pua: fast playing with the thumb
79 @end itemize
82 Most figures use arrows in combination with fingering; with abanicos
83 and rasgueados, noteheads are printed only for the first chord.
85 This snippet contains some header-like code that can be copied as
86 @samp{} and included in source files.
89 doctitle = "Flamenco notation"
90 } % begin verbatim
93 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
94 %%%%%%% Cut here ----- Start ''
96 % Text indicators
97 abanico = \markup { \italic Abanico }
98 rasgueaso = \markup { \italic Ras. }
99 alzapua = \markup { \italic Alzapua }
101 % Finger stroke symbols
102 strokeUp = \markup { \postscript #"
103 0.1 setlinewidth
104 0.5 0 moveto
105 0.5 2 lineto
106 0.2 1.4 lineto
107 0.5 2 moveto
108 0.8 1.4 lineto
109 stroke
112 strokeDown = \markup { \postscript #"
113 0.1 setlinewidth
114 0.5 2 moveto
115 0.5 0 lineto
116 0.2 0.6 lineto
117 0.5 0 moveto
118 0.8 0.6 lineto
119 stroke
122 % Golpe symbol
123 golpe = \markup { \postscript #"
124 0.2 setlinewidth
125 0 0 moveto
126 1 0 lineto
127 1 1 lineto
128 stroke
129 "\postscript #"
130 0.1 setlinewidth
131 -0.6 -0.1 moveto
132 -0.6 1.0 lineto
133 0.5 1.0 lineto
134 stroke
137 strokeUpGolpe = \markup { \column { \golpe \line { \strokeUp } } }
138 iUpGolpe = \markup { \column { \golpe \line { \small i } \line { \strokeUp } } }
140 % Strokes for all fingers
141 pUp = \markup { \column { \small p \line { \strokeUp } } }
142 pDown = \markup { \column { \small p \line { \strokeDown } } }
143 iUp = \markup { \column { \small i \line { \strokeUp } } }
144 iDown = \markup { \column { \small i \line { \strokeDown } } }
145 mUp = \markup { \column { \small m \line { \strokeUp } } }
146 mDown = \markup { \column { \small m \line { \strokeDown } } }
147 aUp = \markup { \column { \small a \line { \strokeUp } } }
148 aDown = \markup { \column { \small a \line { \strokeDown } } }
149 xUp = \markup { \column { \small x \line { \strokeUp } } }
150 xDown = \markup { \column { \small x \line { \strokeDown } } }
153 % Just handy :)
154 tupletOff = {
155 \once \override TupletNumber #'stencil = ##f
156 \once \override TupletBracket #'stencil = ##f
159 tupletsOff = {
160 \override TupletNumber #'stencil = ##f
161 \override TupletBracket #'bracket-visibility = #'if-no-beam
164 tupletsOn = {
165 \override TupletBracket #'bracket-visibility = #'default
166 \revert TupletNumber #'stencil
169 headsOff = {
170 \override TabNoteHead #'transparent = ##t
171 \override NoteHead #'transparent = ##t
172 \override NoteHead #'no-ledgers = ##t
175 headsOn = {
176 \override TabNoteHead #'transparent = ##f
177 \override NoteHead #'transparent = ##f
178 \override NoteHead #'no-ledgers = ##f
181 %%%%%%% Cut here ----- End ''
182 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
184 part = \relative c' {
185 <a, e' a cis e>8^\iUp
186 <a e' a cis e>8^\iDown
188 r2^\golpe
190 <a e' a cis e>8^\iUp
191 <a e' a cis e>8^\iDown
192 <a e' a cis e>8^\iUpGolpe
193 <a e' a cis e>8^\iDown
196 <a e' a cis e>16^\aUp
197 \headsOff
198 <a e' a cis e>^\mUp
199 <a e' a cis e>^\iUp
200 <a e' a cis e>^\iDown~
201 \headsOn
202 <a e' a cis e>2
205 \tupletOff
206 \times 4/5 {
207 <a e' a cis e>16^\xUp
208 \headsOff
209 <a e' a cis e>^\aUp
210 <a e' a cis e>^\mUp
211 <a e' a cis e>^\iUp
212 <a e' a cis e>^\iDown~
213 \headsOn
215 <a e' a cis e>2
218 \tupletsOff
219 \times 2/3 {
220 <a e' a cis e>8^\pDown
221 \headsOff
222 <a e' a cis e>^\xUp
223 <a e' a cis e>^\iUp
224 \headsOn
227 \times 2/3 {
228 <a e' a cis e>8^\pDown
229 \headsOff
230 <a e' a cis e>^\xUp
231 <a e' a cis e>^\iUp
232 \headsOn
235 \times 2/3 {
236 <a e' a cis e>8^\pDown
237 \headsOff
238 <a e' a cis e>^\xUp
239 <a e' a cis e>^\iUp
240 \headsOn
242 \times 2/3 {
243 <a e' a cis e>8^\pDown
244 \headsOff
245 <a e' a cis e>^\xUp
246 <a e' a cis e>^\iUp
247 \headsOn
250 \tupletsOff
251 \override Beam #'positions = #'(2 . 2)
252 \times 2/3 {
253 a8^\markup{ \small p }
254 <e' a>^\strokeUpGolpe
255 <e a>^\strokeDown
257 \times 2/3 {
258 a,8^\markup{ \small p }
259 <e' a>^\strokeUpGolpe
260 <e a>^\strokeDown
262 \times 2/3 {
263 a,8^\markup{ \small p }
264 <e' a>^\strokeUpGolpe
265 <e a>^\strokeDown
267 \times 2/3 {
268 a,8^\markup{ \small p }
269 <e' a>^\strokeUpGolpe
270 <e a>^\strokeDown
272 \tupletsOn
274 \once \override TextScript #'extra-offset = #'(0 . -1)
275 <g, b f'>1_\golpe^\mUp
276 \bar "|."
279 \score {
280 \new StaffGroup <<
281 \context Staff = "part" <<
282 \clef G
283 \transpose c c'
285 \part
288 \context TabStaff {
289 \part
292 \layout {
293 ragged-right = ##t