Revised autobeam settings patch and ran
[lilypond/mpolesky.git] / Documentation / snippets /
1 % Do not edit this file; it is automatically
2 % generated from Documentation/snippets/new
3 % This file is in the public domain.
4 %% Note: this file works from version 2.13.20
5 \version "2.13.29"
7 \header {
8 %% Translation of GIT committish: 0b55335aeca1de539bf1125b717e0c21bb6fa31b
10 texidoces = "
11 Los objetos de extensión \cresc, \dim y \decresc ahora se pueden
12 redefinir como operadores postfijos y producir un solo objeto de
13 extensión de texto. La definición de extensores personalizados
14 también es fácil. Se pueden mezclar con facilidad los crescendi
15 textuales y en forma de reguladores. \< y \> producen reguladores
16 gráficos de forma predeterminada, \cresc etc. producen elementos
17 extensores de texto de forma predeterminada.
21 doctitlees = "Objetos extensores de texto postfijos para dinámica"
23 lsrtags = "expressive-marks, tweaks-and-overrides"
24 texidoc = "The \cresc, \dim and \decresc spanners can now be redefined as
25 postfix operators and produce one text spanner. Defining custom spanners is
26 also easy. Hairpin and text crescendi can be easily mixed. \< and \> produce
27 hairpins by default, \cresc etc. produce text spanners by default.
29 doctitle = "Dynamics text spanner postfix"
30 } % begin verbatim
33 % Some sample text dynamic spanners, to be used as postfix operators
34 crpoco =
35 #(make-music 'CrescendoEvent
36 'span-direction START
37 'span-type 'text
38 'span-text "cresc. poco a poco")
39 % Redefine the existing \cresc, \dim and \decresc commands to use postfix syntax
40 cresc =
41 #(make-music 'CrescendoEvent
42 'span-direction START
43 'span-type 'text
44 'span-text "cresc.")
45 dim =
46 #(make-music 'DecrescendoEvent
47 'span-direction START
48 'span-type 'text
49 'span-text "dim.")
50 decresc =
51 #(make-music 'DecrescendoEvent
52 'span-direction START
53 'span-type 'text
54 'span-text "decresc.")
56 \relative c' {
57 c4\cresc d4 e4 f4 |
58 g4 a4\! b4\crpoco c4 |
59 c4 d4 e4 f4 |
60 g4 a4\! b4\< c4 |
61 g4\dim a4 b4\decresc c4\!