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[light-and-matter.git] / share / relativity / text / relativity_dynamics.tex
1 <% begin_sec("Dynamics",nil,'reldynamics') %>
2 So far we have said nothing about how to predict motion in
3 relativity. Do Newton's laws still work? Do conservation
4 laws still apply? The answer is yes, but many of the
5 definitions need to be modified, and certain entirely new
6 phenomena occur, such as the equivalence of energy and mass, as described by the famous equation
7 $E=mc^2$.
9 \vspace{15mm}
11 <% begin_sec("Momentum") %>\index{momentum!relativistic}
12 Consider the following scheme for traveling faster than the speed of light.
13 The basic idea can be demonstrated by dropping a ping-pong ball and a baseball
14 stacked on top of each other like a snowman. They separate slightly in mid-air,
15 and the baseball therefore has time to hit the floor and rebound before it
16 collides with the ping-pong ball, which is still on the way down. The result is
17 a surprise if you haven't seen it before: the ping-pong ball flies off at high
18 speed and hits the ceiling! A similar fact is known to people who investigate the
19 scenes of accidents involving pedestrians. If a car moving at 90 kilometers per
20 hour hits a pedestrian, the pedestrian flies off at nearly double that speed, 180
21 kilometers per hour. Now suppose the car was moving at 90 percent of the speed of
22 light. Would the pedestrian fly off at 180\% of $c$?
24 \vspace{15mm}
26 To see why not, we have to back up a little and think about where this speed-doubling
27 result comes from.
28 For any collision, there is a special frame of reference, the center-of-mass frame,
29 in which the two colliding objects approach each other,
30 collide, and rebound with their velocities reversed. In the center-of-mass frame,
31 the total momentum of the objects is zero both before and after the collision.
33 \pagebreak
36 fig(
37 'unequalcollision',
38 %q{%
39 An unequal collision, viewed in the center-of-mass frame, 1, and
40 in the frame where the small ball is initially at rest, 2. The motion is shown as it
41 would appear on the film of an old-fashioned movie camera, with an equal amount of time separating
42 each frame from the next. Film 1 was made by a camera that tracked the center of mass, film 2 by
43 one that was initially tracking the small ball, and kept on moving at the same speed after the collision.
46 'width'=>'wide',
47 'sidecaption'=>true
52 Figure \subfigref{unequalcollision}{1} shows such a frame of reference for objects of very unequal mass.
53 Before the collision, the large ball is moving relatively slowly toward the top of the page, but
54 because of its greater mass, its momentum cancels the momentum of the smaller ball, which is
55 moving rapidly in the opposite direction. The total momentum is zero. After the collision, the
56 two balls just reverse their directions of motion. We know that this is the
57 right result for the outcome of the collision because
58 it conserves both momentum and kinetic energy, and everything not forbidden is compulsory, i.e.,
59 in any experiment, there is only one possible outcome, which is the one that obeys all the
60 conservation laws.
62 <% self_check('unequalcollisioncons',<<-'SELF_CHECK'
63 How do we know that momentum and kinetic energy are conserved
64 in figure \subfigref{unequalcollision}{1}?
66 ) %>
68 Let's make up some numbers as an example. Say the small ball has a mass of 1 kg, the big
69 one 8 kg. In frame 1, let's make the velocities as follows:
71 <% if is_print then
72 print %q(
73 \\newcommand{\\smallvelocitytable}[6]{%
74 \\noindent\\hspace{5mm}\\begin{tabular}{|p{4mm}|p{40mm}|p{40mm}|}
75 \\hline
76 & before the collision
77 & after the collision \\\\
78 \\hline
79 \\anonymousinlinefig{#5} & #1 & #2 \\\\
80 \\anonymousinlinefig{#6} & #3 & #4 \\\\
81 \\hline
82 \\end{tabular}
85 end
89 def small_vel_table(a,b,c,d)
90 if is_print then
91 return "\\smallvelocitytable{#{a}}{#{b}}{#{c}}{#{d}}{../../../share/relativity/figs/smallball}{../../../share/relativity/figs/bigball}"
92 end
93 if is_web then
94 return %Q(
95 \\noindent\\begin{tabular}{|p{4mm}|p{40mm}|p{40mm}|}
96 \\hline
97 & before the collision
98 & after the collision \\\\
99 \\hline
100 small ball & #{a} & #{b} \\\\
101 big ball & #{c} & #{d} \\\\
102 \\hline
103 \\end{tabular}
109 <% print small_vel_table(-0.8,0.8,0.1,-0.1) %>
111 Figure \subfigref{unequalcollision}{2} shows the same collision in a frame of reference where
112 the small ball was initially at rest.
113 To find all the velocities in this frame, we
114 just add 0.8 to all the ones in the previous table.
116 <% print small_vel_table(0,1.6,0.9,0.7) %>
118 \noindent In this frame, as expected, the small ball flies off with a velocity, 1.6, that
119 is almost twice the initial velocity of the big ball, 0.9.
121 If all those velocities were in meters per second, then that's exactly what happened. But
122 what if all these velocities were in units of the speed of light? Now it's no longer a good
123 approximation just to add velocities. We need to combine them according to the relativistic
124 rules. For instance, the technique used in
125 problem \ref{hw:six-tenths-c-twice} on p.~\pageref{hw:six-tenths-c-twice}
126 can be used to show that combining a velocity of 0.8 times the
127 speed of light with another velocity of 0.8 results in 0.98, not 1.6. The results are very different:
129 <% print small_vel_table(0,0.98,0.83,0.76) %>
131 gamma = 1, 5.0, 1.8, 1.5
132 1/gamma = 1, 0.2, 0.56, .67
136 fig(
137 'unequalrel',
138 %q{%
139 An 8-kg ball moving at 83\% of the speed of light hits a 1-kg ball. The balls
140 appear foreshortened due to the relativistic distortion of space.
143 'width'=>'wide',
144 'sidecaption'=>true
149 We can interpret this as follows. Figure \subfigref{unequalcollision}{1} is one in which the
150 big ball is moving fairly slowly. This is very nearly the way the scene would be seen by an
151 ant standing on the big ball. According to an observer in frame \figref{unequalrel}, however,
152 both balls are moving at nearly the speed of light after the collision. Because of this, the
153 balls appear foreshortened, but the distance between the two balls is also shortened. To this
154 observer, it seems that the small ball isn't pulling away from the big ball very fast.
156 Now here's what's interesting about all this. The outcome shown in figure \subfigref{unequalcollision}{2}
157 was supposed to be the only one possible, the only one that satisfied both conservation of energy
158 and conservation of momentum. So how can the \emph{different} result shown in figure
159 \figref{unequalrel} be possible? The answer is that relativistically, momentum must not equal
160 $mv$. The old, familiar definition is only an approximation that's valid at low speeds. If
161 we observe the behavior of the small ball in figure \figref{unequalrel}, it looks as though it
162 somehow had some extra inertia. It's as though a football player tried to knock another player
163 down without realizing that the other guy had a three-hundred-pound bag full of lead shot
164 hidden under his uniform --- he just doesn't seem to react to the collision as much as he should.
165 As proved in section \ref{subsec:rel-dynamics-proofs},
166 this extra inertia is described by redefining momentum as
167 \begin{equation*}
168 p = m \mygamma v \qquad .
169 \end{equation*}
170 At very low velocities, $\mygamma$ is close to 1, and the result is very nearly $mv$, as demanded
171 by the correspondence principle. But at very high velocities, $\mygamma$ gets very big --- the
172 small ball in figure \figref{unequalrel} has a $\mygamma$ of 5.0, and therefore has five times
173 more inertia than we would expect nonrelativistically.\index{correspondence principle!for relativistic momentum}
175 This also explains the answer to another paradox often posed by beginners at relativity.
176 Suppose you keep on applying a steady force to an object that's already moving at $0.9999c$.
177 Why doesn't it just keep on speeding up past $c$? The answer is that force is the rate of
178 change of momentum. At $0.9999c$, an object already has a $\mygamma$ of 71, and therefore
179 has already sucked up 71 times the momentum you'd expect at that speed. As its velocity gets closer and
180 closer to $c$, its $\mygamma$ approaches infinity. To move at $c$, it would need an infinite
181 momentum, which could only be caused by an infinite force.
183 m4_include(../share/relativity/eg/bertozzi.tex)
186 <% end_sec() %> % Momentum
187 <% begin_sec("Equivalence of mass and energy") %>\index{energy!equivalence to mass}\index{mass!equivalence to energy}
188 Now we're ready to see why mass and energy must be equivalent as claimed
189 in the famous $E=mc^2$. So far we've only considered collisions
190 in which none of the kinetic energy is converted into any other form
191 of energy, such as heat or sound.
192 Let's consider what happens if a blob of putty moving at
193 velocity $v$ hits another blob that is initially at rest,
194 sticking to it. The nonrelativistic result is
195 that to obey conservation of momentum the two blobs must fly
196 off together at $v/2$. Half of the initial kinetic energy
197 has been converted to heat.\footnote{A double-mass object moving
198 at half the speed does not have the same kinetic energy. Kinetic
199 energy depends on the square of the velocity, so cutting the velocity
200 in half reduces the energy by a factor of 1/4, which, multiplied
201 by the doubled mass, makes 1/2 the original energy.}
203 Relativistically, however, an interesting thing happens. A
204 hot object has more momentum than a cold object! This is
205 because the relativistically correct expression for momentum
206 is $m\mygamma v$, and the more rapidly moving atoms in the hot
207 object have higher values of $\mygamma$.
208 In our collision, the final combined blob must therefore be
209 moving a little more slowly than the expected $v/2$, since
210 otherwise the final momentum would have been a little
211 greater than the initial momentum. To an observer who
212 believes in conservation of momentum and knows only about
213 the overall motion of the objects and not about their heat
214 content, the low velocity after the collision would seem
215 to be the result of a magical change in the mass, as if the mass
216 of two combined, hot blobs of putty was more than the sum of
217 their individual masses.
219 Now we know that the masses of all the atoms in the blobs
220 must be the same as they always were. The change is due to
221 the change in $\mygamma$ with heating, not to a change in mass.
222 The heat energy, however, seems to be acting as if it was
223 equivalent to some extra mass.
226 But this whole argument was based on the fact that heat is a
227 form of kinetic energy at the atomic level. Would $E=mc^2$
228 apply to other forms of energy as well? Suppose a rocket
229 ship contains some electrical energy stored in a
230 battery. If we believed that $E=mc^2$ applied to forms of
231 kinetic energy but not to electrical energy, then
232 we would have to believe that the pilot of the rocket could
233 slow the ship down by using the battery to run a heater!
234 This would not only be strange, but it would violate the
235 principle of relativity, because the result of the
236 experiment would be different depending on whether the ship
237 was at rest or not. The only logical conclusion is that all
238 forms of energy are equivalent to mass. Running the heater
239 then has no effect on the motion of the ship, because the
240 total energy in the ship was unchanged; one form of energy (electrical)
241 was simply converted to another (heat).
243 The equation $E=mc^2$
244 tells us how much energy is equivalent to how much mass: the conversion factor is the square
245 of the speed of light, $c$. Since $c$ a big number, you get a really really big number
246 when you multiply it by itself to get $c^2$. This means that even a small amount of mass
247 is equivalent to a very large amount of energy.
250 fig(
251 'eclipse',
252 %q{Example \ref{eg:eclipse}, page \pageref{eg:eclipse}.},
254 'width'=>'wide'
259 \pagebreak
261 \begin{eg}{Gravity bending light}\label{eg:eclipse}
262 Gravity is a universal attraction between things that have mass, and since the energy
263 in a beam of light is equivalent to some very small amount of mass, we expect that
264 light will be affected by gravity, although the effect should be very small.
265 The first important experimental confirmation of relativity
266 came in 1919 when stars next to the sun during a solar eclipse were
267 observed to have shifted a little from their ordinary
268 position. (If there was no eclipse, the glare of the sun
269 would prevent the stars from being observed.) Starlight had
270 been deflected by the sun's gravity. Figure \figref{eclipse} is a
271 photographic negative, so the circle that appears bright is actually the
272 dark face of the moon, and the dark area is really the bright corona of
273 the sun. The stars, marked by lines above and below them, appeared at
274 positions slightly different than their normal ones.
275 \end{eg}
276 <% marg(90) %>
278 fig(
279 'newspaper-eclipse',
280 %q{%
281 A New York Times headline from November 10, 1919, describing
282 the observations discussed in example \ref{eg:eclipse}.
286 <% end_marg %>
288 \begin{eg}{Black holes}\index{black hole}
289 A star with sufficiently strong gravity can prevent light
290 from leaving. Quite a few black holes have been detected via
291 their gravitational forces on neighboring stars or clouds of gas and dust.
292 \end{eg}
295 You've learned about conservation of mass and conservation of energy, but
296 now we see that they're not even separate conservation laws.
297 As a consequence of the theory of relativity, mass and energy are equivalent, and
298 are not separately conserved --- one can be converted into the other. Imagine that
299 a magician waves his wand, and changes a bowl of dirt into a bowl of lettuce. You'd be
300 impressed, because you were expecting that both dirt and lettuce would be conserved
301 quantities. Neither one can be made to vanish, or to appear out of thin air. However,
302 there are processes that can change one into the other. A farmer changes dirt into
303 lettuce, and a compost heap changes lettuce into dirt. At the most fundamental
304 level, lettuce and dirt aren't really different things at all; they're just collections
305 of the same kinds of atoms --- carbon, hydrogen, and so on.
306 Because mass and energy are like two different sides of the same coin, we may speak of
307 mass-energy, a single conserved quantity, found by adding up all the mass and energy,
308 with the appropriate conversion factor: $E+mc^2$.\index{mass-energy!conservation of}
310 \begin{eg}{A rusting nail}\label{eg:rustingnail}
311 \egquestion
312 An iron nail is left in a cup of water
313 until it turns entirely to rust. The energy released is
314 about 0.5 MJ. In theory, would a sufficiently
315 precise scale register a change in mass? If so, how much?
317 \eganswer
318 The energy will appear as heat, which will be lost
319 to the environment. The total mass-energy of the cup,
320 water, and iron will indeed be lessened by 0.5 MJ. (If it
321 had been perfectly insulated, there would have been no
322 change, since the heat energy would have been trapped in the
323 cup.) The speed of light is
324 $c=3\times10^8$ meters per second, so converting to mass units, we have
325 \begin{align*}
326 m &= \frac{E}{c^2} \\
327 &= \frac{0.5\times10^6\ \junit}{\left(3\times10^8\ \munit/\sunit\right)^2} \\
328 &= 6\times10^{-12}\ \text{kilograms} \qquad .
329 \end{align*}
330 The change in mass is too small to measure with any
331 practical technique. This is because the square of the speed
332 of light is such a large number.
333 \end{eg}
335 \begin{eg}{Electron-positron annihilation}\label{eg:eplus-eminus}\index{positron}
336 Natural radioactivity in the earth produces positrons, which are like electrons but have the
337 opposite charge. A form of antimatter, positrons annihilate with electrons to produce gamma
338 rays, a form of high-frequency light. Such a process would have been considered impossible
339 before Einstein, because conservation of mass and energy were believed to be separate
340 principles, and this process eliminates 100\% of the original mass. The amount of energy
341 produced by annihilating 1 kg of matter with 1 kg of antimatter is
342 \begin{align*}
343 E &= mc^2\\
344 &= (2\ \kgunit)\left(3.0\times10^8\ \munit/\sunit\right)^2\\
345 &= 2\times10^{17}\ \junit \qquad ,
346 \end{align*}
347 which is on the same order of magnitude as a day's energy consumption for the
348 entire world's population!
350 Positron annihilation forms the basis for the medical imaging technique called
351 a PET (positron emission tomography) scan, in which a positron-emitting chemical
352 is injected into the patient and map\-ped by the emission of gamma rays from the parts
353 of the body where it accumulates.
354 \end{eg}
355 <% marg(200) %>
357 fig(
358 'pet',
359 %q{Top: A PET scanner. Middle: Each positron annihilates with an electron, producing two gamma-rays that fly off back-to-back.
360 When two gamma rays are observed simultaneously in the ring of detectors, they are assumed to come from the same
361 annihilation event, and the point at which they were emitted must lie on the line connecting the two detectors.
362 Bottom: A scan of a person's torso. The body has concentrated the radioactive tracer around the stomach, indicating
363 an abnormal medical condition.}
366 <% end_marg %>
368 One commonly hears some misinterpretations of $E=mc^2$, one being that the equation tells us
369 how much kinetic energy an object would have if it was moving at the speed of light. This
370 wouldn't make much sense, both because the equation for kinetic energy has $1/2$ in it, $KE=(1/2)mv^2$, and
371 because a material object can't be made to move at the speed of light. However, this naturally leads to the
372 question of just how much mass-energy a moving object has. We know that when the object is at rest, it
373 has no kinetic energy, so its mass-energy is simply equal to the energy-equivalent of its mass, $mc^2$,
374 \begin{equation*}
375 \massenergy = mc^2 \ \text{when}\ v=0 \qquad ,
376 \end{equation*}
377 where the symbol $\massenergy$ (cursive ``E'') stands for mass-energy. The point of using the new symbol is simply
378 to remind ourselves that we're talking about relativity, so an object at rest has $\massenergy=mc^2$, not
379 $E=0$ as we'd assume in nonrelativistic physics.
381 Suppose we start accelerating the object with a constant force. A constant force means a constant
382 rate of transfer of momentum, but $p=m\mygamma v$ approaches infinity as $v$ approaches $c$, so the object
383 will only get closer and closer to the speed of light, but never reach it. Now what about the work being
384 done by the force? The force keeps doing work and doing work, which means that we keep on using up
385 energy. Mass-energy is conserved, so the energy being expended must equal the increase in the object's
386 mass-energy. We can continue this process for as long as we like, and the amount of mass-energy
387 will increase without limit. We therefore conclude that an object's mass-energy approaches infinity
388 as its speed approaches the speed of light,
389 \begin{equation*}
390 \massenergy \rightarrow \infty\ \text{when}\ v \rightarrow c \qquad .
391 \end{equation*}
393 \index{mass-energy!of a moving particle}
394 Now that we have some idea what to expect, what is the actual equation for the mass-energy?
395 As proved in section \ref{subsec:rel-dynamics-proofs}, it is
396 \begin{equation*}
397 \massenergy =m\mygamma c^2 \qquad .
398 \end{equation*}
400 <% self_check('mass-energy',<<-'SELF_CHECK'
401 Verify that this equation has the two properties we wanted.
403 ) %>
405 \begin{eg}{KE compared to $mc^2$ at low speeds}\label{eg:massenergy-low-speed}
406 \egquestion An object is moving at ordinary nonrelativistic speeds. Compare its
407 kinetic energy to the energy $mc^2$ it has purely because of its mass.
409 \eganswer The speed of light is a very big number, so $mc^2$ is a huge number of
410 joules. The object has a gigantic amount of energy because of its mass, and only
411 a relatively small amount of additional kinetic energy because of its motion.
413 Another way of seeing this is that at low speeds, $\mygamma$ is only a tiny bit
414 greater than 1, so $\massenergy$ is only a tiny bit greater than $mc^2$.
415 \end{eg}
417 \begin{eg}{The correspondence principle for mass-energy}\index{mass-energy!correspondence principle}\index{correspondence principle!for mass-energy}
418 \egquestion Show that the equation $\massenergy=m\mygamma c^2$ obeys the correspondence principle.
420 \eganswer As we accelerate an object from rest, its mass-energy becomes greater than
421 its resting value. Classically, we interpret this excess mass-energy as the object's
422 kinetic energy,
423 \begin{align*}
424 KE &= \massenergy(v)-\massenergy(v=0) \\
425 &= m\mygamma c^2 - m c^2 \\
426 &= m(\mygamma-1)c^2 \qquad .
427 \end{align*}
428 Expressing $\mygamma$ as $\left(1-v^2/c^2\right)^{-1/2}$ and making use of the
429 approximation $(1+\epsilon)^p\approx 1+p\epsilon$ for small $\epsilon$, we have
430 $\mygamma\approx 1+v^2/2c^2$, so
431 \begin{align*}
432 KE &\approx m(1+\frac{v^2}{2c^2}-1)c^2 \\
433 &= \frac{1}{2}mv^2 \qquad ,
434 \end{align*}
435 which is the classical expression. As demanded by the correspondence principle,
436 relativity agrees with classical physics at speeds that are small compared to
437 the speed of light.
438 \end{eg}
440 <% end_sec() %> % Equivalence of mass and energy
441 <% begin_sec("The energy-momentum four-vector",nil,'p-four-vector',{'optional'=>true}) %>\index{momentum!relativistic}\index{four-vector!energy-momentum}\index{energy-momentum four vector}
442 Starting from $\massenergy=m\mygamma$ and $p=m\mygamma v$, a little algebra allows one to prove the identity
443 \begin{equation*}
444 m^2 = \massenergy^2 - p^2 \qquad .
445 \end{equation*}
446 We can define an energy-momentum four-vector,
447 \begin{equation*}
448 \vc{p} = (\massenergy,p_x,p_y,p_z) \qquad ,
449 \end{equation*}
450 and the relation $m^2 = \massenergy^2 - p^2$ then arises from the inner product $\vc{p}\cdot\vc{p}$.
451 Since $\massenergy$ and $p$ are separately conserved, the energy-momentum four-vector is also conserved.
453 \begin{eg}{Energy and momentum of light}\label{eg:light-p-from-four-vector}
454 Light has $m=0$ and $\gamma=\infty$, so if we try to apply $\massenergy=m\mygamma$ and $p=m\mygamma v$ to light,
455 or to any massless particle, we get the indeterminate form $0\cdot\infty$, which can't be evaluated without
456 a delicate and laborious evaluation of limits as in problem \ref{hw:ultrarelativistic}
457 on p.~\pageref{hw:ultrarelativistic}.
459 Applying $m^2 = \massenergy^2 - p^2$ yields the same result, $\massenergy=p$, much more easily. This example
460 demonstrates that although we encountered the relations $\massenergy=m\mygamma$ and $p=m\mygamma v$ first,
461 the identity $m^2 = \massenergy^2 - p^2$ is actually more fundamental.
462 \end{eg}
464 \begin{eg}{Mass-energy, not energy, goes in the energy-momentum four-vector}
465 When we say that something is a four-vector, we mean that it behaves properly under a Lorentz transformation:
466 we can draw such a four-vector on graph paper, and then when we change frames of reference, we should be able
467 to measure the vector in the new frame of reference by using the new version of the graph-paper grid derived
468 from the old one by a Lorentz transformation.
470 If we had used the energy $E$ rather than the mass-energy $\massenergy$ to
471 construct the energy-momentum four-vector, we wouldn't have gotten a valid four-vector.
472 An easy way to see this is to consider the case where a noninteracting object is at rest in some frame of reference.
473 Its momentum and kinetic energy are both zero.
474 If we'd defined $\vc{p}=(E,p_x,p_y,p_z)$ rather than $\vc{p}=(\massenergy,p_x,p_y,p_z)$, we would have had $\vc{p}=0$ in this
475 frame. But when we draw a zero vector, we get a point, and a point remains a point regardless of how
476 we distort the graph paper we use to measure it. That wouldn't have made sense, because in other frames
477 of reference, we have $E\ne 0$.
478 \end{eg}
480 \begin{eg}{Metric units}
481 The relation $ m^2 = \massenergy^2 - p^2 $ is only valid in relativistic units. If we tried to apply it without
482 modification to numbers expressed in metric units, we would have
483 \begin{equation*}
484 \kgunit^2 = \kgunit^2\unitdot\frac{\munit^4}{\sunit^4} - \kgunit^2\unitdot\frac{\munit^2}{\sunit^2} \qquad ,
485 \end{equation*}
486 which would be nonsense because the three terms all have different units. As usual, we need to insert factors
487 of $c$ to make a metric version, and these factors of $c$ are determined by the need to fix the broken units:
488 \begin{equation*}
489 m^2c^4 = \massenergy^2 - p^2c^2
490 \end{equation*}
491 \end{eg}
493 \begin{eg}{Pair production requires matter}\label{eg:no-pair-prod-in-vacuum}
494 Example \ref{eg:eplus-eminus} on p.~\pageref{eg:eplus-eminus} discussed the annihilation of
495 an electron and a positron into two gamma rays, which is an example of turning matter into
496 pure energy. An opposite example is pair production,\index{pair production}\index{gamma ray!pair production}
497 a process in which a gamma ray disappears, and its energy goes into creating an electron and a positron.
499 Pair production cannot happen in a vacuum. For example, gamma rays from distant black holes
500 can travel through empty space for thousands of years before being detected on earth, and
501 they don't turn into electron-positron pairs before they can get here. Pair production can only
502 happen in the presence of matter. When lead is used as shielding against gamma rays, one of the
503 ways the gamma rays can be stopped in the lead is by undergoing pair production.
505 To see why pair production is forbidden in a vacuum, consider the process in the frame of reference
506 in which the electron-positron pair has zero total momentum. In this frame, the gamma ray would have to
507 have had zero momentum,
508 but a gamma ray with zero momentum must have zero energy as well (example \ref{eg:light-p-from-four-vector}).
509 This means that conservation of
510 \emph{four}-momentum
511 has been violated: the timelike component of the four-momentum is the mass-energy, and it has increased
512 from 0 in the initial state to at least $2mc^2$ in the final state.
513 \end{eg}
515 <% end_sec() %> % The energy-momentum four-vector
516 <% begin_sec("Proofs",4,'rel-dynamics-proofs',{'optional'=>true}) %>
517 This optional section proves some results claimed earlier.
518 <% begin_sec("Ultrarelativistic motion") %>
519 We start by considering the case of a particle, described as ``ultrarelativistic,''
520 that travels at very close to the speed of light.
521 A good way of thinking about such a particle is that it's one with a
522 very small mass. For example, the subatomic particle called the neutrino has a very small
523 mass, thousands of times smaller than that of the electron. Neutrinos are emitted in
524 radioactive decay, and because the neutrino's mass is so small, the amount of energy
525 available in these decays is always enough to accelerate it to very close to the speed
526 of light. Nobody has ever succeeded in observing a neutrino that was \emph{not} ultrarelativistic.
527 When a particle's mass is very small, the mass becomes difficult to measure. For almost 70 years after the
528 neutrino was discovered, its mass was thought to be zero. Similarly, we currently believe that
529 a ray of light has no mass, but it is always possible that its mass will be found to be nonzero
530 at some point in the future. A ray of light can be modeled as an ultrarelativistic particle.
532 Let's compare ultrarelativistic particles with train cars. A single car with kinetic energy $E$ has
533 different properties than a train of two cars each with kinetic energy $E/2$. The single car has
534 half the mass and a speed that is greater by a factor of $\sqrt{2}$. But the same is not true
535 for ultrarelativistic particles. Since an idealized ultrarelativistic particle has a mass too
536 small to be detectable in any experiment, we can't detect the difference between $m$ and $2m$.
537 Furthermore, ultrarelativistic particles move at close to $c$, so there is no observable
538 difference in speed. Thus we expect that a single ultrarelativistic particle with energy $E$
539 compared with two such particles, each with energy $E/2$,
540 should have all the same properties as measured by a mechanical detector.
542 An idealized zero-mass particle also has no frame in which it can be at rest. It
543 always travels at $c$, and no matter how fast we chase after it, we can never catch up.
544 We can, however, observe it in different frames of reference, and we will find that its
545 energy is different. For example, distant galaxies are receding from us at substantial fractions
546 of $c$, and when we observe them through a telescope, they appear very dim not just because they are very
547 far away but also because their light has less energy in our frame than in a frame at rest
548 relative to the source. This effect must be such that changing frames of reference according
549 to a specific Lorentz transformation always changes the energy of the particle by a fixed factor,
550 regardless of the particle's original energy;
551 for if not, then the effect of a Lorentz transformation on a single particle of energy $E$
552 would be different from its effect on two particles of energy $E/2$.
554 How does this energy-shift factor depend on the velocity $v$ of the Lorentz transformation?
555 Rather than $v$, it becomes more convenient to express things in terms of the Doppler shift factor $D$,
556 which multiplies when we change frames of reference.
557 Let's write $f(D)$ for the energy-shift factor that results from a given Lorentz transformation.
558 Since a Lorentz transformation $D_1$ followed by a second transformation $D_2$ is equivalent
559 to a single transformation by $D_1D_2$, we must have $f(D_1D_2)=f(D_1)f(D_2)$. This tightly
560 constrains the form of the function $f$; it must be something like $f(D)=s^n$, where $n$
561 is a constant. We postpone until p.~\pageref{pesky-exponent-proof} the proof that $n=1$, which is also in agreement with experiments with rays of light.\label{pesky-exponent-claim}
563 Our final result is that the energy of an ultrarelativistic particle is simply proportional
564 to its Doppler shift factor $D$. Even in the case where the particle is truly massless,
565 so that $D$ doesn't have any finite value, we can still
566 find how the energy differs according to different observers by finding the $D$ of the
567 Lorentz transformation between the two observers' frames of reference.
568 <% end_sec() %> % Ultrarelativistic motion
569 <% begin_sec("Energy") %>
570 The following argument is due to Einstein. Suppose that a material object O of mass $m$,
571 initially at rest in a certain frame A, emits two rays of light, each with energy $E/2$. By
572 conservation of energy, the object must have lost an amount of energy equal to $E$.
573 By symmetry, O remains at rest.
575 We now switch to a new frame of reference moving at a certain velocity $v$ in the $z$ direction relative to the original frame.
576 We assume that O's energy is different in this frame, but that the change in its energy amounts to multiplication by some unitless factor $x$,
577 which depends only on $v$, since there is nothing else it could depend on that could allow us to form a unitless quantity. In this frame the light rays have energies $ED(v)$ and
578 $ED(-v)$. If conservation of energy is to hold in the new frame as it did in the old, we must have $2xE=ED(v)+ED(-v)$.
579 After some algebra, we find $x=1/\sqrt{1-v^2}$, which we recognize as $\gamma$. This proves that
580 $E=m\gamma$ for a material object.
581 <% end_sec() %> % Energy
582 <% marg(-50) %>
584 fig(
585 'e-p-plane',
586 %q{In the $p$-$E$ plane, massless particles lie on the two diagonals, while particles with mass lie to the right.}
589 <% end_marg %>
590 <% begin_sec("Momentum") %>
591 We've seen that ultrarelativistic particles are ``generic,''
592 in the sense that they have no individual mechanical properties other than an energy and a direction
593 of motion. Therefore the relationship between energy and momentum must be \emph{linear}
594 for ultrarelativistic particles. Indeed, experiments verify that light has momentum, and
595 doubling the energy of a ray of light doubles its momentum rather than quadrupling it.
596 On a graph of $p$ versus $E$, massless particles, which have $E\propto|p|$, lie on two diagonal lines that connect at the
597 origin. If we like, we can pick units such that the slopes of these lines are plus and minus one. Material particles
598 lie to the right of these lines. For example, a car sitting in a parking lot has $p=0$ and $E=mc^2$.
600 Now what happens to such a graph when we change to a different frame or reference that is in motion relative to the
601 original frame? A massless particle still has to act like a massless particle, so the diagonals are simply stretched
602 or contracted along their own lengths.
603 In fact the transformation must be linear (p.~\pageref{fig:nonlinear-transformation}), because conservation of
604 energy and momentum involve addition, and we need these laws to be valid in all frames of reference.
605 By the same reasoning as in figure \figref{area-proof} on p.~\pageref{fig:area-proof}, the transformation must be area-preserving.
606 We then have the same three cases to consider as in figure \figref{three-cases} on p.~\pageref{fig:three-cases}.
607 Case I is ruled out because it would imply that particles keep the same energy when we change frames.
608 (This is what would happen if $c$ were infinite, so that the mass-equivalent $E/c^2$ of a given energy was zero,
609 and therefore $E$ would be interpreted purely as the mass.) Case II can't be right because it doesn't preserve
610 the $E=|p|$ diagonals. We are left with case III, which establishes the fact that
611 the $p$-$E$ plane transforms according to exactly the same kind of Lorentz transformation as the $x$-$t$ plane.
612 That is, $(E,p_x,p_y,p_z)$ is a four-vector.
614 The only remaining issue to settle is whether the choice of units that gives invariant 45-degree diagonals in the
615 $x$-$t$ plane is the same as the choice of units that gives such diagonals in the $p$-$E$ plane.
616 That is, we need to establish that the $c$ that applies to $x$ and $t$ is equal to the $c'$ needed for $p$ and $E$,
617 i.e., that the velocity scales of the two graphs are matched up.
618 This is true because in the Newtonian limit, the total mass-energy $E$ is essentially just the particle's mass,
619 and then $p/E \approx p/m \approx v$. This establishes that the velocity scales are matched at small velocities,
620 which implies that they coincide for all velocities, since a large velocity, even one approaching $c$,
621 can be built up from many small increments. (This also establishes that the exponent $n$ defined on p.~\pageref{pesky-exponent-claim}
622 equals 1 as claimed.)\label{pesky-exponent-proof}
624 Since $m^2=E^2-p^2$, it follows that for a material particle, $p=m\gamma v$.
625 \vfill
626 <% end_sec() %> % Momentum
627 <% end_sec() %> % Proofs
629 <% end_sec() %> % Dynamics