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[light-and-matter.git] / share / optics / text / 5_wave_optics.tex
1 Electron microscopes can make images of individual atoms,
2 but why will a visible-light microscope never be able to?
3 Stereo speakers create the illusion of music that comes from
4 a band arranged in your living room, but why doesn't the
5 stereo illusion work with bass notes? Why are computer chip
6 manufacturers investing billions of dollars in equipment to
7 etch chips with x-rays instead of visible light?
9 The answers to all of these questions have to do with the
10 subject of wave optics. So far this book has discussed the
11 interaction of light waves with matter, and its practical
12 applications to optical devices like mirrors, but we have
13 used the ray model of light almost exclusively. Hardly ever
14 have we explicitly made use of the fact that light is an
15 electromagnetic wave. We were able to get away with the
16 simple ray model because the chunks of matter we were
17 discussing, such as lenses and mirrors, were thousands of
18 times larger than a wavelength of light. We now turn to
19 phenomena and devices that can only be understood using the
20 wave model of light.
22 <% begin_sec("Diffraction",0) %>
24 <% marg(m4_ifelse(__sn,1,[:40:],[:0:])) %>
26 fig(
27 'double-slit-water-waves',
28 %q{%
29 In this view from overhead, a straight, sinusoidal
30 water wave encounters a barrier with two gaps in it. Strong wave vibration occurs at
31 angles X and Z, but there is none at all at angle Y. (The figure has been retouched
32 from a real photo of water waves. In reality, the waves beyond the barrier would be
33 much weaker than the ones before it, and they would therefore be difficult to see.)
37 \spacebetweenfigs
39 fig(
40 'double-slit-no-diffraction',
41 %q{This doesn't happen.}
45 <% end_marg %>
46 Figure \figref{double-slit-water-waves} shows a typical problem in wave optics, enacted
47 with water waves. It may seem surprising that we don't get a
48 simple pattern like figure \figref{double-slit-no-diffraction}, but the pattern would only
49 be that simple if the wavelength was hundreds of times
50 shorter than the distance between the gaps in the barrier
51 and the widths of the gaps.
53 Wave optics is a broad subject, but this example will help
54 us to pick out a reasonable set of restrictions to make
55 things more manageable:
57 (1) We restrict ourselves to cases in which a wave travels
58 through a uniform medium, encounters a certain area in which
59 the medium has different properties, and then emerges on the
60 other side into a second uniform region.
62 (2) We assume that the incoming wave is a nice tidy
63 sine-wave pattern with wavefronts that are lines (or, in
64 three dimensions, planes).
66 (3) In figure \figref{double-slit-water-waves} we can see that the wave pattern
67 immediately beyond the barrier is rather complex, but
68 farther on it sorts itself out into a set of wedges
69 separated by gaps in which the water is still. We will
70 restrict ourselves to studying the simpler wave patterns
71 that occur farther away, so that the main question of
72 interest is how intense the outgoing wave is at a given angle.
74 The kind of phenomenon described by restriction (1) is
75 called \index{diffraction!defined}\emph{diffraction}. Diffraction
76 can be defined as the behavior of a wave when it encounters
77 an obstacle or a nonuniformity in its medium. In general,
78 diffraction causes a wave to bend around obstacles and make
79 patterns of strong and weak waves radiating out beyond the
80 obstacle. Understanding diffraction is the central problem
81 of wave optics. If you understand diffraction, even the
82 subset of diffraction problems that fall within restrictions
83 (2) and (3), the rest of wave optics is icing on the cake.
85 Diffraction can be used to find the structure of an unknown
86 diffracting object: even if the object is too small to study
87 with ordinary imaging, it may be possible to work backward
88 from the diffraction pattern to learn about the object. The
89 structure of a crystal, for example, can be determined from
90 its x-ray diffraction pattern.
92 Diffraction can also be a bad thing. In a telescope, for
93 example, light waves are diffracted by all the parts of the
94 instrument. This will cause the image of a star to appear
95 fuzzy even when the focus has been adjusted correctly. By
96 understanding diffraction, one can learn how a telescope
97 must be designed in order to reduce this problem ---
98 essentially, it should have the biggest possible diameter.
100 There are two ways in which restriction (2) might commonly
101 be violated. First, the light might be a mixture of
102 wavelengths. If we simply want to observe a diffraction
103 pattern or to use diffraction as a technique for studying
104 the object doing the diffracting (e.g., if the object is too
105 small to see with a microscope), then we can pass the light
106 through a colored filter before diffracting it.
107 <% marg(m4_ifelse(__sn,1,[:50:],[:25:])) %>
109 fig(
110 'double-slit-setup',
111 %q{%
112 A practical, low-tech setup for observing
113 diffraction of light.
117 \vspace{15mm}
119 fig(
120 'scaling',
121 %q{%
122 The bottom figure is simply a copy of the
123 middle portion of the top one, scaled up by a factor of two. All the angles
124 are the same. Physically, the angular pattern of the diffraction fringes
125 can't be any different if we scale both $\lambda$ and $d$ by the same
126 factor, leaving $\lambda/d$ unchanged.
130 <% end_marg %>
132 A second issue is that light from sources such as the sun or
133 a lightbulb does not consist of a nice neat plane wave,
134 except over very small regions of space. Different parts of
135 the wave are out of step with each other, and the wave is
136 referred to as \index{incoherent light}\emph{incoherent}. One way
137 of dealing with this is shown in figure \figref{double-slit-setup}. After filtering
138 to select a certain wavelength of red light, we pass the
139 light through a small pinhole. The region of the light that
140 is intercepted by the pinhole is so small that one part of
141 it is not out of step with another. Beyond the pinhole,
142 light spreads out in a spherical wave; this is analogous to
143 what happens when you speak into one end of a paper towel
144 roll and the sound waves spread out in all directions from
145 the other end. By the time the spherical wave gets to the
146 double slit it has spread out and reduced its curvature, so
147 that we can now think of it as a simple plane wave.
149 If this seems laborious, you may be relieved to know that
150 modern technology gives us an easier way to produce a
151 single-wavelength, coherent beam of light: the laser.
153 The parts of the final image on the screen in \figref{double-slit-setup} are called
154 diffraction \index{diffraction!fringe}\index{fringe!diffraction}fringes.
155 The center of each fringe is a point of maximum brightness,
156 and halfway between two fringes is a minimum.
158 \startdq
160 \begin{dq}
161 Why would x-rays rather than visible light be used to find
162 the structure of a crystal? Sound waves are used to make
163 images of fetuses in the womb. What would influence the
164 choice of wavelength?
165 \end{dq}
167 <% end_sec() %>
168 <% begin_sec("Scaling of Diffraction",0) %>\index{diffraction!scaling of}
170 This chapter has ``optics'' in its title, so it is nominally
171 about light, but we started out with an example involving
172 water waves. Water waves are certainly easier to visualize,
173 but is this a legitimate comparison? In fact the analogy
174 works quite well, despite the fact that a light wave has a
175 wavelength about a million times shorter. This is because
176 diffraction effects scale uniformly. That is, if we enlarge
177 or reduce the whole diffraction situation by the same
178 factor, including both the wavelengths and the sizes of the
179 obstacles the wave encounters, the result is still a valid solution.
181 This is unusually simple behavior! In __subsection_or_section(scaling)
182 we saw many examples of more complex scaling, such as
183 the impossibility of bacteria the size of dogs, or the need
184 for an elephant to eliminate heat through its ears because
185 of its small surface-to-volume ratio, whereas a tiny shrew's
186 life-style centers around conserving its body heat.
188 Of course water waves and light waves differ in many ways,
189 not just in scale, but the general facts you will learn
190 about diffraction are applicable to all waves. In some ways
191 it might have been more appropriate to insert this chapter
192 after __section_or_chapter(bounded-waves) on bounded waves, but many of the
193 important applications are to light waves, and you would
194 probably have found these much more difficult without any
195 background in optics.
197 Another way of stating the simple scaling behavior of
198 diffraction is that the diffraction angles we get depend
199 only on the unitless ratio $\lambda $/d, where $\lambda$ is
200 the wavelength of the wave and $d$ is some dimension of the
201 diffracting objects, e.g., the center-to-center spacing
202 between the slits in figure \figref{double-slit-water-waves}. If, for instance, we scale
203 up both $\lambda $ and $d$ by a factor of 37, the ratio
204 $\lambda /d$ will be unchanged.
205 m4_ifelse(__sn,1,[:
206 %%%%%%%%%%%% figure needs to be on a different page for LM -- see below
207 <% marg() %>
209 fig(
210 'huygens',
211 %q{Christiaan Huygens (1629-1695).}
214 <% end_marg %>
215 :],[::])
217 <% end_sec() %>
218 <% begin_sec("The Correspondence Principle",0) %>
220 The only reason we don't usually notice diffraction of light
221 in everyday life is that we don't normally deal with objects
222 that are comparable in size to a wavelength of visible
223 light, which is about a millionth of a meter. Does this mean
224 that wave optics contradicts ray optics, or that wave optics
225 sometimes gives wrong results? No. If you hold three fingers
226 out in the sunlight and cast a shadow with them, \emph{either}
227 wave optics or ray optics can be used to predict the
228 straightforward result: a shadow pattern with two bright
229 lines where the light has gone through the gaps between your
230 fingers. Wave optics is a more general theory than ray
231 optics, so in any case where ray optics is valid, the two
232 theories will agree. This is an example of a general idea
233 enunciated by the physicist \index{Bohr!Niels}Niels Bohr,
234 called the \index{correspondence principle}\emph{correspondence
235 principle:\/} when flaws in a physical theory lead to the
236 creation of a new and more general theory, the new theory
237 must still agree with the old theory within its more
238 restricted area of applicability. After all, a theory is
239 only created as a way of describing experimental observations.
240 If the original theory had not worked in any cases at all,
241 it would never have become accepted.
243 m4_ifelse(__sn,1,[::],[:
244 %%%%%%%%%%%% figure needs to be on a different page for SN -- see above
245 <% marg(70) %>
247 fig(
248 'huygens',
249 %q{Christiaan Huygens (1629-1695).}
252 <% end_marg %>
255 In the case of optics, the correspondence principle tells us
256 that when $\lambda /d$ is small, both the ray and the wave
257 model of light must give approximately the same result.
258 Suppose you spread your fingers and cast a shadow with them
259 using a coherent light source. The quantity $\lambda /d$ is
260 about $10^{-4}$, so the two models will agree very closely. (To
261 be specific, the shadows of your fingers will be outlined by
262 a series of light and dark fringes, but the angle subtended
263 by a fringe will be on the order of $10^{-4}$ radians, so
264 they will be too tiny to be visible.
266 \pagebreak
268 <% self_check('diffract-around-body',<<-'SELF_CHECK'
269 What kind of wavelength would an electromagnetic wave have
270 to have in order to diffract dramatically around your body?
271 Does this contradict the correspondence principle?
273 ) %>
275 <% end_sec() %>
276 <% begin_sec("Huygens' Principle",0) %>
278 <% marg(m4_ifelse(__sn,1,[:70:],[:10:])) %>
280 fig(
281 'double-slit-water-waves-photo',
282 %q{Double-slit diffraction.}
285 \spacebetweenfigs
287 fig(
288 'huygens-1',
289 %q{%
290 A wavefront can be analyzed by the principle of superposition,
291 breaking it down into many small parts.
295 \spacebetweenfigs
297 fig(
298 'huygens-2',
299 %q{%
300 If it was by itself, each of the parts would spread out as a
301 circular ripple.
305 \spacebetweenfigs
307 fig(
308 'huygens-3',
309 %q{Adding up the ripples produces a new wavefront.}
313 <% end_marg %>
314 Returning to the example of double-slit diffraction, \figref{double-slit-water-waves-photo},
315 note the strong visual impression of two overlapping sets of
316 concentric semicircles. This is an example of \index{Huygens'
317 principle}\emph{Huygens' principle}, named after a Dutch physicist
318 and astronomer. (The first syllable rhymes with ``boy.'')
319 Huygens' principle states that any wavefront can be broken
320 down into many small side-by-side wave peaks, \figref{huygens-1}, which
321 then spread out as circular ripples, \figref{huygens-2}, and by the
322 principle of superposition, the result of adding up these
323 sets of ripples must give the same result as allowing the
324 wave to propagate forward, \figref{huygens-3}. In the case of sound or
325 light waves, which propagate in three dimensions, the
326 ``ripples'' are actually spherical rather than circular, but
327 we can often imagine things in two dimensions for simplicity.
329 In double-slit diffraction the application of Huygens'
330 principle is visually convincing: it is as though all the
331 sets of ripples have been blocked except for two. It is a
332 rather surprising mathematical fact, however, that Huygens'
333 principle gives the right result in the case of an
334 unobstructed linear wave, \figref{huygens-2} and \figref{huygens-3}. A theoretically
335 infinite number of circular wave patterns somehow conspire
336 to add together and produce the simple linear wave motion
337 with which we are familiar.
339 Since Huygens' principle is equivalent to the principle of
340 superposition, and superposition is a property of waves,
341 what Huygens had created was essentially the first wave
342 theory of light. However, he imagined light as a series of
343 pulses, like hand claps, rather than as a sinusoidal wave.
345 The history is interesting. Isaac \index{Newton, Isaac!particle theory of light}Newton
346 loved the atomic theory of matter so much that he searched
347 enthusiastically for evidence that light was also made of
348 tiny particles. The paths of his light particles would
349 correspond to rays in our description; the only significant
350 difference between a ray model and a particle model of light
351 would occur if one could isolate individual particles and
352 show that light had a ``graininess'' to it. Newton never did
353 this, so although he thought of his model as a particle
354 model, it is more accurate to say he was one of the builders
355 of the ray \index{ray model of light}model.
357 Almost all that was known about reflection and refraction of
358 light could be interpreted equally well in terms of a
359 \index{particle model of light}particle model or a wave
360 model, but Newton had one reason for strongly opposing
361 Huygens' \index{wave model of light}wave theory. Newton knew
362 that waves exhibited diffraction, but diffraction of light
363 is difficult to observe, so Newton believed that light did
364 not exhibit diffraction, and therefore must not be a wave.
365 Although Newton's criticisms were fair enough, the debate
366 also took on the overtones of a nationalistic dispute
367 between England and continental Europe, fueled by English
368 resentment over Leibniz's supposed plagiarism of Newton's
369 calculus. Newton wrote a book on optics, and his prestige
370 and political prominence tended to discourage questioning of his model.
372 <% marg(m4_ifelse(__sn,1,[:70:],[:53.5:])) %>
374 fig(
375 'young',
376 %q{Thomas Young}
379 \spacebetweenfigs
381 fig(
382 'double-slit-water-waves',
383 %q{Double-slit diffraction.},
384 {'suffix'=>'2'}
387 \spacebetweenfigs
389 fig(
390 'double-slit-overlapping',
391 %q{Use of Huygens' principle.}
394 \spacebetweenfigs
396 fig(
397 'double-slit-path-length',
398 %q{Constructive interference along the center-line.}
402 <% end_marg %>
403 \index{Young, Thomas}Thomas Young (1773-1829) was the person
404 who finally, a hundred years later, did a careful search for
405 wave interference effects with light and analyzed the
406 results correctly. He observed double-slit diffraction of
407 light as well as a variety of other diffraction effects, all
408 of which showed that light exhibited wave interference
409 effects, and that the wavelengths of visible light waves
410 were extremely short. The crowning achievement was the
411 demonstration by the experimentalist Heinrich \index{Hertz,
412 Heinrich!Heinrich}Hertz and the theorist James Clerk
413 \index{Maxwell, James Clerk}Maxwell that light was an
414 \emph{electromagnetic} wave. Maxwell is said to have related
415 his discovery to his wife one starry evening and told her
416 that she was the only other person in the world who knew what starlight was.
418 <% end_sec() %>
419 <% begin_sec("Double-Slit Diffraction",0) %>\index{double-slit diffraction}\index{diffraction!double-slit}
421 Let's now analyze double-slit diffraction, \figref{double-slit-water-waves2}, using
422 Huygens' principle. The most interesting question is how to
423 compute the angles such as X and Z where the wave
424 intensity is at a maximum, and the in-between angles like
425 Y where it is minimized. Let's measure all our angles
426 with respect to the vertical center line of the figure,
427 which was the original direction of propagation of the wave.
429 If we assume that the width of the slits is small (on the
430 order of the wavelength of the wave or less), then we can
431 imagine only a single set of Huygens ripples spreading out
432 from each one, \figref{double-slit-overlapping}. White lines represent peaks, black
433 ones troughs. The only dimension of the diffracting
434 slits that has any effect on the geometric pattern of the
435 overlapping ripples is then the center-to-center distance,
436 $d$, between the slits.
438 We know from our discussion of the scaling of diffraction
439 that there must be some equation that relates an angle like
440 $\theta_Z$ to the ratio $\lambda /d$,
441 \begin{equation*}
442 \frac{\lambda}{d} \leftrightarrow \theta_Z \qquad .
443 \end{equation*}
444 If the equation for $\theta_Z$ depended on some other
445 expression such as $\lambda +d$ or $\lambda^2/d$, then it
446 would change when we scaled $\lambda $ and $d$ by the same
447 factor, which would violate what we know about the
448 scaling of diffraction.
450 Along the central maximum line, X, we always have positive
451 waves coinciding with positive ones and negative waves
452 coinciding with negative ones. (I have arbitrarily chosen to
453 take a snapshot of the pattern at a moment when the waves
454 emerging from the slit are experiencing a positive peak.)
455 The superposition of the two sets of ripples therefore
456 results in a doubling of the wave amplitude along this line.
457 There is constructive interference. This is easy to explain,
458 because by symmetry, each wave has had to travel an equal
459 number of wavelengths to get from its slit to the center line, \figref{double-slit-path-length}:
460 Because both sets of ripples have ten wavelengths to cover in
461 order to reach the point along direction X, they will be in step when they get there.
463 <% marg(55) %>
465 fig(
466 'double-slit-derivation-1',
467 %q{%
468 The waves travel distances $L$ and $L'$ from the two
469 slits to get to the same point in space, at an angle $\theta$ from the center line.
473 \spacebetweenfigs
475 fig(
476 'double-slit-derivation-2',
477 %q{%
478 A close-up view of figure \figref{double-slit-derivation-1}, showing
479 how the path length difference $L-L'$ is related to $d$ and to the angle $\theta$.
484 <% end_marg %>
485 At the point along direction Y shown in the same figure,
486 one wave has traveled ten wavelengths, and is therefore at a
487 positive extreme, but the other has traveled only nine and a
488 half wavelengths, so it at a negative extreme. There is
489 perfect cancellation, so points along this line experience no wave motion.
491 But the distance traveled does not have to be equal in order
492 to get constructive interference. At the point along
493 direction Z, one wave has gone nine wavelengths and the
494 other ten. They are both at a positive extreme.
496 <% self_check('trough-trough',<<-'SELF_CHECK'
497 At a point half a wavelength below the point marked along
498 direction X, carry out a similar analysis.
500 ) %>
502 To summarize, we will have perfect constructive interference
503 at any point where the distance to one slit differs from the
504 distance to the other slit by an integer number of
505 wavelengths. Perfect destructive interference will occur
506 when the number of wavelengths of path length difference
507 equals an integer plus a half.
509 Now we are ready to find the equation that predicts the
510 angles of the maxima and minima. The waves travel different
511 distances to get to the same point in space, \figref{double-slit-derivation-1}. We need to
512 find whether the waves are in phase (in step) or out of
513 phase at this point in order to predict whether there will
514 be constructive interference, destructive interference, or
515 something in between.
517 One of our basic assumptions in this chapter is that we will
518 only be dealing with the diffracted wave in regions very far
519 away from the object that diffracts it, so the triangle is
520 long and skinny. Most real-world examples with diffraction
521 of light, in fact, would have triangles with even skinner
522 proportions than this one. The two long sides are therefore
523 very nearly parallel, and we are justified in drawing the
524 right triangle shown in figure \figref{double-slit-derivation-2}, labeling one leg of the
525 right triangle as the difference in path length , $L-L'$,
526 and labeling the acute angle as $\theta $. (In reality this
527 angle is a tiny bit greater than the one labeled $\theta $
528 in figure \figref{double-slit-derivation-1}.)
530 The difference in path length is related to $d$ and
531 $\theta $ by the equation
532 \begin{equation*}
533 \frac{L-L'}{d} = \sin \theta \qquad .
534 \end{equation*}
535 Constructive interference will result in a maximum at angles
536 for which $L-L'$ is an integer number of wavelengths,
537 \begin{multline*}
538 L-L' = m\lambda \qquad . \hfill
539 \shoveright{\text{[condition for a maximum;}}\\
540 \text{$m$ is an integer]}
541 \end{multline*}
542 Here $m$ equals 0 for the central maximum, $-1$ for the first
543 maximum to its left, $+2$ for the second maximum on the right,
544 etc. Putting all the ingredients together, we find
545 $m\lambda/d=\sin \theta $, or
546 \begin{multline*}
547 \frac{\lambda}{d} = \frac{\sin\theta}{m} \qquad . \hfill
548 \shoveright{\text{[condition for a maximum;}}\\
549 \text{$m$ is an integer]}
550 \end{multline*}
551 Similarly, the condition for a minimum is
552 \begin{multline*}
553 \frac{\lambda}{d} = \frac{\sin\theta}{m} \qquad . \hfill
554 \shoveright{\text{[condition for a minimum;}}\\
555 \text{$m$ is an integer plus $1/2$]}
556 \end{multline*}
557 That is, the minima are about halfway between the maxima.
559 \vspace{2mm plus 3mm}
561 As expected based on scaling, this equation relates angles
562 to the unitless ratio $\lambda /d$. Alternatively, we could
563 say that we have proven the scaling property in the special
564 case of double-slit diffraction. It was inevitable that the
565 result would have these scaling properties, since the whole
566 proof was geometric, and would have been equally valid when
567 enlarged or reduced on a photocopying machine!
569 <% marg(m4_ifelse(__sn,1,[:120:],[:81:])) %>
571 fig(
572 'double-slit-d',
573 %q{Cutting $d$ in half doubles the angles of the diffraction fringes.}
576 \spacebetweenfigs
578 fig(
579 'double-slit-wavelength',
580 %q{%
581 Double-slit diffraction patterns of long-wavelength red light (top)
582 and short-wavelength blue light (bottom).
587 <% end_marg %>
589 \vspace{2mm plus 3mm}
591 Counterintuitively, this means that a diffracting object
592 with smaller dimensions produces a bigger diffraction pattern, \figref{double-slit-d}.
594 \vspace{4mm plus 3mm}
596 \enlargethispage{-4\baselineskip}
598 \begin{eg}{Double-slit diffraction of blue and red light}
599 Blue light has a shorter wavelength than red. For a given
600 double-slit spacing $d$, the smaller value of $\lambda /d$
601 for leads to smaller values of $\sin \theta $, and
602 therefore to a more closely spaced set of diffraction fringes, (g)
603 \end{eg}
605 \vspace{2mm plus 3mm}
607 \begin{eg}{The correspondence principle}
608 Let's also consider how the equations for double-slit
609 diffraction relate to the correspondence principle. When the
610 ratio $\lambda /d$ is very small, we should recover the case
611 of simple ray optics. Now if $\lambda /d$ is small,
612 $\sin\theta $ must be small as well, and the spacing between the
613 diffraction fringes will be small as well. Although we have
614 not proven it, the central fringe is always the brightest,
615 and the fringes get dimmer and dimmer as we go farther from
616 it. For small values of $\lambda /d$, the part of the
617 diffraction pattern that is bright enough to be detectable
618 covers only a small range of angles. This is exactly what we
619 would expect from ray optics: the rays passing through the
620 two slits would remain parallel, and would continue moving
621 in the $\theta =0$ direction. (In fact there would be images
622 of the two separate slits on the screen, but our analysis
623 was all in terms of angles, so we should not expect it to
624 address the issue of whether there is structure within a set
625 of rays that are all traveling in the $\theta =0$ direction.)
626 \end{eg}
627 <% marg(-20) %>
629 fig(
630 'diffraction-graph',
631 %q{Interpretation of the angular spacing $\Delta\theta$ in example \ref{eg:diffraction-delta-theta}.
632 It can be defined
633 either from maximum to maximum or from
634 minimum to minimum. Either way, the result is the same. It does not make sense to try to interpret
635 $\Delta\theta$ as the width of a fringe; one can see from the graph and from the
636 image below that it is not obvious either
637 that such a thing is well defined or that it would be the same for all fringes.}
640 <% end_marg %>
642 \enlargethispage{\baselineskip}
644 \begin{eg}{Spacing of the fringes at small angles}\label{eg:diffraction-delta-theta}
645 At small angles, we can use the approximation $\sin\theta\approx\theta$, which is
646 valid if $\theta $ is measured in radians. The equation for
647 double-slit diffraction becomes simply
648 \begin{equation*}
649 \frac{\lambda}{d} = \frac{\theta}{m} \qquad ,
650 \end{equation*}
651 which can be solved for $\theta $ to give
652 \begin{equation*}
653 \theta = \frac{m\lambda}{d} \qquad .
654 \end{equation*}
655 The difference in angle between successive fringes is the
656 change in $\theta $ that results from changing $m$
657 by plus or minus one,
658 \begin{equation*}
659 \Delta\theta = \frac{\lambda}{d} \qquad .
660 \end{equation*}
661 For example, if we write $\theta_7$ for the angle of the
662 seventh bright fringe on one side of the central maximum and
663 $\theta_8$ for the neighboring one, we have
664 \begin{align*}
665 \theta_8-\theta_7 &= \frac{8\lambda}{d}-\frac{7\lambda}{d}\\
666 &= \frac{\lambda}{d} \qquad ,
667 \end{align*}
668 and similarly for any other neighboring pair of fringes.
669 \end{eg}
671 Although the equation $\lambda /d=\sin \theta /m$ is only
672 valid for a double slit, it is can still be a guide to our
673 thinking even if we are observing diffraction of light by a
674 virus or a flea's leg: it is always true that
676 (1) large values of $\lambda /d$ lead to a broad diffraction pattern, and
678 (2) diffraction patterns are repetitive.
680 In many cases the equation looks just like
681 $\lambda /d =\sin \theta /m$ but with an extra numerical factor thrown
682 in, and with $d$ interpreted as some other dimension of the
683 object, e.g., the diameter of a piece of wire.
685 \enlargethispage{-4\baselineskip}
687 <% end_sec() %>
688 <% begin_sec("Repetition",3) %>
690 Suppose we replace a double slit with a triple slit, \figref{triple-slit}. We
691 can think of this as a third \index{repetition of
692 diffracting objects}repetition of the structures that were
693 present in the double slit. Will this device be an
694 improvement over the double slit for any practical reasons?
695 <% marg(0) %>
697 fig(
698 'triple-slit',
699 %q{A triple slit.}
702 \spacebetweenfigs
704 fig(
705 'two-slits-and-five',
706 %q{A double-slit diffraction pattern (top), and a pattern made by five slits (bottom).}
709 <% end_marg %>
711 The answer is yes, as can be shown using figure \figref{triple-slit-numerical}.
712 For ease of visualization, I have violated our usual
713 rule of only considering points very far from the diffracting
714 object. The scale of the drawing is such that a wavelengths
715 is one cm. In \subfigref{triple-slit-numerical}{1}, all three waves travel an integer number
716 of wavelengths to reach the same point, so there is a bright
717 central spot, as we would expect from our experience with
718 the double slit. In figure \subfigref{triple-slit-numerical}{2}, we show the path lengths to
719 a new point. This point is farther from slit A by a quarter
720 of a wavelength, and correspondingly closer to slit C. The
721 distance from slit B has hardly changed at all. Because
722 the paths lengths traveled from slits A and C differ by
723 half a wavelength, there will be perfect destructive
724 interference between these two waves. There is still some
725 uncanceled wave intensity because of slit B, but the
726 amplitude will be three times less than in figure \subfigref{triple-slit-numerical}{1},
727 resulting in a factor of 9 decrease in brightness. Thus, by
728 moving off to the right a little, we have gone from the
729 bright central maximum to a point that is quite dark.
731 fig(
732 'triple-slit-numerical',
733 %q{%
734 1. There is a bright central maximum. 2. At this point
735 just off the central maximum, the path lengths traveled by the three waves have changed.
738 'width'=>'fullpage'
743 Now let's compare with what would have happened if slit C
744 had been covered, creating a plain old double slit. The
745 waves coming from slits A and B would have been out of
746 phase by 0.23 wavelengths, but this would not have caused
747 very severe interference. The point in figure \subfigref{triple-slit-numerical}{2} would have
748 been quite brightly lit up.
750 \enlargethispage{-\baselineskip}
752 To summarize, we have found that adding a third slit narrows
753 down the central fringe dramatically. The same is true for
754 all the other fringes as well, and since the same amount of
755 energy is concentrated in narrower diffraction fringes, each
756 fringe is brighter and easier to see, \figref{two-slits-and-five}.
758 This is an example of a more general fact about diffraction:
759 if some feature of the diffracting object is repeated, the
760 locations of the maxima and minima are unchanged, but
761 they become narrower.
763 Taking this reasoning to its logical conclusion, a
764 diffracting object with thousands of slits would produce
765 extremely narrow fringes. Such an object is called a
766 \index{diffraction grating}diffraction grating.
768 <% end_sec() %>
769 <% begin_sec("Single-Slit Diffraction",0) %>\index{single-slit!diffraction}\index{diffraction!single-slit}
771 <% marg(m4_ifelse(__sn,1,[:0:],[:0:])) %>
773 fig(
774 'single-slit-water-waves',
775 %q{Single-slit diffraction of water waves.}
778 \spacebetweenfigs
780 fig(
781 'single-slit',
782 %q{Single-slit diffraction of red light. Note the double width of the central maximum.}
785 \spacebetweenfigs
787 fig(
788 'single-slit-simulated-with-three-sources',
789 %q{%
790 A pretty good simulation of the single-slit pattern of figure \figref{single-slit-water-waves}, made
791 by using three motors to produce overlapping ripples from three neighboring points in the water.
796 <% end_marg %>
797 If we use only a single slit, is there diffraction? If the
798 slit is not wide compared to a wavelength of light, then we
799 can approximate its behavior by using only a single set of
800 Huygens ripples. There are no other sets of ripples to add
801 to it, so there are no constructive or destructive
802 interference effects, and no maxima or minima. The result
803 will be a uniform spherical wave of light spreading out in
804 all directions, like what we would expect from a tiny
805 lightbulb. We could call this a diffraction pattern, but it
806 is a completely featureless one, and it could not be used,
807 for instance, to determine the wavelength of the light, as
808 other diffraction patterns could.
810 All of this, however, assumes that the slit is narrow
811 compared to a wavelength of light. If, on the other hand,
812 the slit is broader, there will indeed be interference among
813 the sets of ripples spreading out from various points along
814 the opening. Figure \figref{single-slit-water-waves} shows an example with water waves,
815 and figure \figref{single-slit} with light.
817 <% self_check('single-slit-wavelength',<<-'SELF_CHECK'
818 How does the wavelength of the waves compare with the width
819 of the slit in figure \figref{single-slit-water-waves}?
821 ) %>
823 We will not go into the details of the analysis of
824 single-slit diffraction, but let us see how its properties
825 can be related to the general things we've learned about
826 diffraction. We know based on scaling arguments that the
827 angular sizes of features in the diffraction pattern must be
828 related to the wavelength and the width, $a$, of the slit by
829 some relationship of the form
830 \begin{equation*}
831 \frac{\lambda}{a} \leftrightarrow \theta \qquad .
832 \end{equation*}
833 This is indeed true, and for instance the angle between the
834 maximum of the central fringe and the maximum of the next
835 fringe on one side equals $1.5\lambda/a$. Scaling arguments will
836 never produce factors such as the 1.5, but they tell us that
837 the answer must involve $\lambda /a$, so all the familiar
838 qualitative facts are true. For instance, shorter-wavelength
839 light will produce a more closely spaced diffraction pattern.
841 \enlargethispage{-\baselineskip}
843 An important scientific example of single-slit diffraction
844 is in telescopes. Images of individual stars, as in
845 figure \figref{pleiades-closeup}, are a good way to examine diffraction effects,
846 because all stars except the sun are so far away that no
847 telescope, even at the highest magnification, can image
848 their disks or surface features. Thus any features of a
849 star's image must be due purely to optical effects such as
850 diffraction. A prominent cross appears around the brightest
851 star, and dimmer ones surround the dimmer stars. Something
852 like this is seen in most telescope photos, and indicates
853 that inside the tube of the telescope there were two
854 perpendicular struts or supports. Light diffracted around
855 these struts. You might think that diffraction could be
856 eliminated entirely by getting rid of all obstructions in
857 the tube, but the circles around the stars are diffraction
858 effects arising from single-slit diffraction at the mouth of
859 the \index{telescope}telescope's tube! (Actually we have not
860 even talked about diffraction through a circular opening, but
861 the idea is the same.) Since the angular sizes of the
862 diffracted images depend on $\lambda $/a, the only way to
863 improve the resolution of the images is to increase the
864 diameter, $a$, of the tube. This is one of the main reasons
865 (in addition to light-gathering power) why the best
866 telescopes must be very large in diameter.
868 <% marg(131) %>
870 fig(
871 'pleiades-closeup',
872 %q{%
873 An image of the Pleiades star cluster.
874 The circular rings around the bright stars are due to single-slit
875 diffraction at the mouth of the telescope's tube.
880 <% end_marg %>
881 <% self_check('radio-telescopes',<<-'SELF_CHECK'
882 What would this imply about radio telescopes as compared
883 with visible-light telescopes?
885 ) %>
887 <% marg(30) %>
889 fig(
890 'very-large-array',
891 %q{A radio telescope.}
895 <% end_marg %>
897 m4_ifelse(__sn,1,[:\enlargethispage{\baselineskip}:],[::])
898 Double-slit diffraction is easier to understand conceptually
899 than single-slit diffraction, but if you do a double-slit
900 diffraction experiment in real life, you are likely to
901 encounter a complicated pattern like figure \subfigref{double-slit-fringes-realistic}{1},
902 rather than the simpler one, 2, you were expecting.
903 This is because the slits are fairly big compared to the
904 wavelength of the light being used. We really have two
905 different distances in our pair of slits: $d$, the distance
906 between the slits, and $w$, the width of each slit. Remember
907 that smaller distances on the object the light diffracts
908 around correspond to larger features of the diffraction
909 pattern. The pattern 1 thus has two spacings in it: a short
910 spacing corresponding to the large distance $d$, and a long
911 spacing that relates to the small dimension $w$.
914 fig(
915 'double-slit-fringes-realistic',
916 %q{%
917 1. A diffraction pattern formed by a real double slit. The width of each slit is fairly big
918 compared to the wavelength of the light. This is a real photo. 2. This idealized pattern is not likely to occur in real life. To get it,
919 you would need each slit to be so narrow that its width was comparable to the wavelength of the light, but that's not usually possible. This is not a real
920 photo. 3. A real photo of a single-slit diffraction pattern caused by a slit whose width is the same as the widths of the slits used to make the
921 top pattern.
924 'width'=>'fullpage'
930 \startdq
932 \begin{dq}
933 Why is it optically impossible for bacteria to evolve eyes
934 that use visible light to form images?
935 \end{dq}
937 <% end_sec() %>
938 <% begin_sec("The Principle of Least Time",nil,'',{'optional'=>true,'calc'=>true}) %>
940 In m4_ifelse(__sn,1,[:subsection:],[:section:])
941 __bare_subsection_or_section(least-time-reflection)
943 __bare_subsection_or_section(least-time-refraction),
944 we saw how in the ray model of
945 light, both refraction and reflection can be described in an
946 elegant and beautiful way by a single principle, the
947 principle of least time. We can now justify the principle of
948 least time based on the wave model of light. Consider an
949 example involving reflection, \figref{reflection-least-time}. Starting at point A,
950 Huygens' principle for waves tells us that we can think of
951 the wave as spreading out in all directions. Suppose we
952 imagine all the possible ways that a ray could travel from A
953 to B. We show this by drawing 25 possible paths, of which
954 the central one is the shortest. Since the principle of
955 least time connects the wave model to the ray model, we
956 should expect to get the most accurate results when the
957 wavelength is much shorter than the distances involved ---
958 for the sake of this numerical example, let's say that a
959 wavelength is 1/10 of the shortest reflected path from A to
960 B. The table, 2, shows the distances traveled by the 25 rays.
961 m4_ifelse(__sn,0,[:
962 <% marg(0) %>
964 fig(
965 'reflection-least-time',
966 %q{Light could take many different paths from A to B.}
969 <% end_marg %>
973 Note how similar are the distances traveled by the group of
974 7 rays, indicated with a bracket, that come closest to
975 obeying the principle of least time. If we think of each one
976 as a wave, then all 7 are again nearly in phase at point
977 B. However, the rays that are farther from satisfying the
978 principle of least time show more rapidly changing
979 distances; on reuniting at point B, their phases are a
980 random jumble, and they will very nearly cancel each other
981 out. Thus, almost none of the wave energy delivered to point
982 B goes by these longer paths. Physically we find, for
983 instance, that a wave pulse emitted at A is observed at B
984 after a time interval corresponding very nearly to the
985 shortest possible path, and the pulse is not very ``smeared
986 out'' when it gets there. The shorter the wavelength
987 compared to the dimensions of the figure, the more accurate
988 these approximate statements become.\index{least time, principle of}
990 Instead of drawing a finite number of rays, such 25, what
991 happens if we think of the angle, $\theta $, of emission of
992 the ray as a continuously varying variable? Minimizing the
993 distance $L$ requires
994 \begin{equation*}
995 \frac{\der L}{\der\theta} = 0 \qquad .
996 \end{equation*}
998 Because $L$ is changing slowly in the vicinity of the angle
999 that satisfies the principle of least time, all the rays
1000 that come out close to this angle have very nearly the same
1001 $L$, and remain very nearly in phase when they reach B.
1002 This is the basic reason why the discrete table, \subfigref{reflection-least-time}{2}, turned
1003 out to have a group of rays that all traveled nearly the same distance.
1004 m4_ifelse(__sn,1,[:
1005 <% marg(150) %>
1007 fig(
1008 'reflection-least-time',
1009 %q{Light could take many different paths from A to B.}
1012 <% end_marg %>
1015 As discussed in __subsection_or_section(least-time-reflection), the principle of least time is
1016 really a principle of least \emph{or greatest} time. This
1017 makes perfect sense, since $\der L/\der \theta =0$ can in general
1018 describe either a minimum or a maximum
1020 The principle of least time is very general. It does not
1021 apply just to refraction and reflection --- it can even be
1022 used to prove that light rays travel in a straight line
1023 through empty space, without taking detours! This general
1024 approach to wave motion was used by Richard Feynman, one of
1025 the pioneers who in the 1950's reconciled quantum mechanics
1026 with relativity. A very readable explanation is
1027 given in a book Feynman wrote for laypeople, QED: The
1028 Strange Theory of Light and Matter.
1030 <% end_sec() %>