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1 <% begin_sec("Vector Notation",0) %>
3 The idea of components freed us from the confines of
4 one-dimensional physics, but the component notation can be
5 unwieldy, since every one-dimensional equation has to be
6 written as a set of three separate equations in the
7 three-dimensional case. Newton was stuck with the component
8 notation until the day he died, but eventually someone
9 sufficiently lazy and clever figured out a way of abbreviating
10 three equations as one.
12 \noindent \begin{tabular}{|llll|}
13 \hline
14 (a) & $\overrightarrow{F}_{\text{A on B}}=-\overrightarrow{F}_{\text{B on A}}$ & stands for &
15 $\begin{matrix}
16 F_{\text{A on B},x} = -F_{\text{B on A},x} \\
17 F_{\text{A on B},y} = -F_{\text{B on A},y} \\
18 F_{\text{A on B},z} = -F_{\text{B on A},z} \\
19 \end{matrix}$ \\
20 \hline
21 (b) & $\overrightarrow{F}_{\text{total}}=\overrightarrow{F}_1+\overrightarrow{F}_2+\ldots$ & stands for &
22 $\begin{matrix}
23 F_{\text{total},x} = F_{1,x}+F_{2,x}+\ldots\\
24 F_{\text{total},y} = F_{1,y}+F_{2,y}+\ldots\\
25 F_{\text{total},z} = F_{1,z}+F_{2,z}+\ldots\\
26 \end{matrix}$ \\
27 \hline
28 (c) & $\overrightarrow{a}=\frac{\Delta \overrightarrow{v}}{\Delta t}$ & stands for &
29 $\begin{matrix}
30 a_x = \Delta v_x / \Delta t \\
31 a_y = \Delta v_y / \Delta t \\
32 a_z = \Delta v_z / \Delta t \\
33 \end{matrix}$ \\
34 \hline
35 \end{tabular}
37 \noindent Example (a) shows both ways of writing Newton's third law.
38 Which would you rather write?
40 \pagebreak
42 The idea is that each of the algebra symbols with an arrow
43 written on top, called a \index{vector!defined}vector, is
44 actually an abbreviation for three different numbers, the
45 $x$, $y$, and $z$ components. The three components are referred
46 to as the components of the vector, e.g., $F_x$ is the $x$
47 component of the vector $\overrightarrow{F}$. The notation with an arrow on top
48 is good for handwritten equations, but is unattractive in a
49 printed book, so books use boldface, $\vc{F}$, to represent
50 vectors. After this point, I'll use boldface for vectors
51 throughout this book.
53 Quantities can be classified as vectors or scalars. In a phrase like
54 ``a \_\_\_\_\_ to the northeast,'' it makes sense to fill in the blank
55 with ``force'' or ``velocity,'' which are vectors, but not with ``mass''
56 or ``time,'' which are scalars.
57 Any nonzero vector has both a direction and an amount.
58 The amount is called its \index{magnitude of a vector!defined}\index{vector!magnitude of}
59 magnitude. The notation for the magnitude of a vector $\vc{A}$
60 is $|\vc{A}|$, like the absolute value sign used with scalars.
62 Often, as in example (b), we wish to use the vector notation
63 to represent adding up all the $x$ components to get a total
64 $x$ component, etc. The plus sign is used between two
65 vectors to indicate this type of component-by-component
66 addition. Of course, vectors are really triplets of numbers,
67 not numbers, so this is not the same as the use of the plus
68 sign with individual numbers. But since we don't want to
69 have to invent new words and symbols for this operation on
70 vectors, we use the same old plus sign, and the same old
71 addition-related words like ``add,'' ``sum,'' and ``total.''
72 Combining vectors this way is called \index{vector!addition}vector addition.
74 Similarly, the minus sign in example (a) was used to
75 indicate negating each of the vector's three components
76 individually. The equals sign is used to mean that all three
77 components of the vector on the left side of an equation are
78 the same as the corresponding components on the right.
80 Example (c) shows how we abuse the division symbol in a
81 similar manner. When we write the vector $\Delta \vc{v}$ divided
82 by the scalar $\Delta $t, we mean the new vector formed by
83 dividing each one of the velocity components by $\Delta t$.
85 It's not hard to imagine a variety of operations that would
86 combine vectors with vectors or vectors with scalars, but
87 only four of them are required in order to express Newton's laws:
89 \pagebreak
91 \begin{tabular}{lp{60mm}}
92 operation & definition \\
93 $\text{\textbf{vector}}+\text{\textbf{vector}}$ & Add component by component to make a new set of three numbers.\\
94 $\text{\textbf{vector}}-\text{\textbf{vector}}$ & Subtract component by component to make a new set of three numbers.\\
95 $\text{\textbf{vector}}\cdot\text{scalar}$ & Multiply each component of the vector by the scalar.\\
96 $\text{\textbf{vector}}/\text{scalar}$ & Divide each component of the vector by the scalar.
97 \end{tabular}
99 As an example of an operation that is not useful for
100 physics, there just aren't any useful physics applications
101 for dividing a vector by another vector component by
102 component. In optional section \ref{sec:rotational-invariance}, we discuss in more
103 detail the fundamental reasons why some vector operations
104 are useful and others useless.
106 We can do algebra with vectors, or with a mixture of vectors
107 and scalars in the same equation. Basically all the normal
108 rules of algebra apply, but if you're not sure if a certain
109 step is valid, you should simply translate it into three
110 component-based equations and see if it works.
112 \begin{eg}{Order of addition}
113 \egquestion If we are adding two force vectors, $\vc{F}+\vc{G}$, is it
114 valid to assume as in ordinary algebra that $\vc{F}+\vc{G}$ is the same as $\vc{G}+\vc{F}$?
116 \eganswer To tell if this algebra rule also applies to
117 vectors, we simply translate the vector notation into
118 ordinary algebra notation. In terms of ordinary numbers, the
119 components of the vector $\vc{F}+\vc{G}$ would be $F_x+G_x$, $F_y+G_y$,
120 and $F_z+G_z$, which are certainly the same three numbers as
121 $G_x+F_x$, $G_y+F_y$, and $G_z+F_z$. Yes, $\vc{F}+\vc{G}$ is the same as $\vc{G}+\vc{F}$.
122 \end{eg}
124 It is useful to define a symbol $\vc{r}$ for the vector whose
125 components are $x$, $y$, and $z$, and a symbol $\Delta\vc{r}$ made
126 out of $\Delta x$, $\Delta y$, and $\Delta z$.
128 Although this may all seem a little formidable, keep in mind
129 that it amounts to nothing more than a way of abbreviating
130 equations! Also, to keep things from getting too confusing
131 the remainder of this chapter focuses mainly on the
132 $\Delta \vc{r}$ vector, which is relatively easy to visualize.
134 <% self_check('translate-to-vector',<<-'SELF_CHECK'
135 Translate the equations $v_x=\\Delta x/\\Delta t$,
136 $v_y=\\Delta y/\\Delta t$, and $v_z=\\Delta z/\\Delta t$ for motion with
137 constant velocity into a single equation in vector notation.
139 ) %>
141 <% begin_sec("Drawing vectors as arrows",4) %>
143 A vector in two dimensions can be easily visualized by
144 drawing an arrow whose length represents its magnitude and
145 whose direction represents its direction. The $x$ component
146 of a vector can then be visualized as the length of the
147 shadow it would cast in a beam of light projected onto the
148 $x$ axis, and similarly for the $y$ component. Shadows with
149 arrowheads pointing back against the direction of the
150 positive axis correspond to negative components.
151 <% marg(130) %>
153 fig(
154 'flashlight-shadows',
155 %q{%
156 The $x$ and $y$ components of
157 a vector can be thought of as the shadows it casts onto the $x$ and
158 $y$ axes.
162 \spacebetweenfigs
164 fig(
165 'sc-scale-vector',
166 %q{%
167 Self-check \ref{sc:scale-vector}.
171 <% end_marg %>
173 In this type of diagram, the negative of a vector is the
174 vector with the same magnitude but in the opposite
175 direction. Multiplying a vector by a scalar is represented
176 by lengthening the arrow by that factor, and similarly for division.
178 <% self_check('scale-vector',<<-'SELF_CHECK'
179 Given vector $\\vc{Q}$ represented by an arrow in figure \\figref{sc-scale-vector}, draw arrows
180 representing the vectors $1.5\\vc{Q}$ and $-\\vc{Q}$.
182 ) %>
184 This leads to a way of defining vectors and scalars that reflects how physicists think
185 in general about these things:
187 \begin{important}[definition of vectors and scalars]
188 A general type of measurement (force, velocity, \ldots)
189 is a vector if it can be drawn as an arrow so that
190 rotating the paper produces the same result as rotating the actual quantity.
191 A type of quantity that never changes at all under rotation is a scalar.
192 \end{important}
194 For example, a force reverses itself under a 180-degree rotation, but a mass doesn't.
195 We could have defined a vector as something that had both a magnitude and a direction,
196 but that would have left out zero vectors, which don't have a direction.\index{scalar!defined}\index{vector!defined}
197 A zero vector is a legitimate vector, because it behaves the same way under rotations
198 as a zero-length arrow, which is simply a dot.
199 <% marg(-50) %>
201 fig(
202 'playing-card',
203 %q{%
204 A playing card returns to its original state when rotated by 180 degrees.
208 <% end_marg %>
210 A remark for those who enjoy brain-teasers: not everything is a vector or a scalar.
211 An American football is distorted compared to
212 a sphere, and we can measure the orientation and amount of that distortion quantitatively.
213 The distortion is not a vector, since
214 a 180-degree rotation brings it back to its original state. Something similar happens with
215 playing cards, figure \figref{playing-card}. For some subatomic particles, such as electrons, 360 degrees
216 isn't even \emph{enough}; a 720-degree rotation is needed to put them back the way they were!
218 \startdqs
220 \begin{dq}
221 You drive to your friend's house. How does the magnitude
222 of your $\Delta\vc{r}$ vector compare with the distance you've
223 added to the car's odometer?
224 \end{dq}
226 <% end_sec() %>
227 <% end_sec() %>
228 <% begin_sec("Calculations with Magnitude and Direction",0) %>
230 If you ask someone where Las Vegas is compared to Los
231 Angeles, they are unlikely to say that the $\Delta x$ is 290
232 km and the $\Delta y$ is 230 km, in a coordinate system
233 where the positive $x$ axis is east and the $y$ axis points
234 north. They will probably say instead that it's 370 km to
235 the northeast. If they were being precise, they might
236 give the direction as $38\degunit$ counterclockwise from east.
237 In two dimensions, we can always specify a vector's
238 direction like this, using a single angle. A magnitude plus
239 an angle suffice to specify everything about the vector. The
240 following two examples show how we use trigonometry and the
241 Pythagorean theorem to go back and forth between the $x-y$
242 and magnitude-angle descriptions of vectors.
244 <% marg(-8) %>
246 fig(
247 'eg-la-vegas',
248 %q{Examples \ref{eg:la-vegas} and \ref{eg:la-vegas-components}.}
251 <% end_marg %>
252 \begin{eg}{Finding magnitude and angle from components}\label{eg:la-vegas}
253 \egquestion Given that the $\Delta \vc{r}$ vector from LA to Las
254 Vegas has $\Delta x=290\ \zu{km}$ and $\Delta y=230\ \zu{km}$, how would
255 we find the magnitude and direction of $\Delta $r?
257 \eganswer We find the magnitude of $\Delta \vc{r}$ from the
258 Pythagorean theorem:
259 \begin{align*}
260 |\Delta \vc{r}| &= \sqrt{\Delta x^2 + \Delta y^2} \\
261 &= 370\ \zu{km}
262 \end{align*}
263 We know all three sides of the triangle, so the angle
264 $\theta $ can be found using any of the inverse trig
265 functions. For example, we know the opposite and adjacent sides, so
266 \begin{align*}
267 \theta &= \tan^{-1}\frac{\Delta y}{\Delta x} \\
268 &= 38\degunit \qquad .
269 \end{align*}
270 \end{eg}
272 \begin{eg}{Finding components from magnitude and angle}\label{eg:la-vegas-components}
273 \egquestion Given that the straight-line distance from Los
274 Angeles to Las Vegas is 370 km, and that the angle $\theta $
275 in the figure is 38\degunit, how can the $x$ and $y$ components of
276 the $\Delta \vc{r}$ vector be found?
278 \eganswer The sine and cosine of $\theta $ relate the given
279 information to the information we wish to find:
280 \begin{align*}
281 \cos \theta &= \frac{\Delta x}{|\Delta\vc{r}|} \\
282 \sin \theta &= \frac{\Delta y}{|\Delta\vc{r}|}
283 \end{align*}
284 Solving for the unknowns gives
285 \begin{align*}
286 \Delta x &= |\Delta\vc{r}|\cos\theta \\
287 &= 290\ \zu{km} \qquad \text{and}\\
288 \Delta y &= |\Delta\vc{r}|\sin\theta \\
289 &= 230\ \zu{km} \qquad .
290 \end{align*}
291 \end{eg}
293 The following example shows the correct handling of the plus
294 and minus signs, which is usually the main cause of mistakes.
295 <% marg(-8) %>
297 fig(
298 'eg-sd-la',
299 %q{Example \ref{eg:sd-la}.}
302 <% end_marg %>
303 \begin{eg}{Negative components}\label{eg:sd-la}
304 \egquestion San Diego is 120 km east and 150 km south of Los
305 Angeles. An airplane pilot is setting course from San Diego
306 to Los Angeles. At what angle should she set her course,
307 measured counterclockwise from east, as shown in the figure?
309 \eganswer If we make the traditional choice of coordinate
310 axes, with $x$ pointing to the right and $y$ pointing up on
311 the map, then her $\Delta x$ is negative, because her final
312 $x$ value is less than her initial $x$ value. Her $\Delta y$
313 is positive, so we have
314 \begin{align*}
315 \Delta x &= -120\ \zu{km} \\
316 \Delta y &= 150\ \zu{km} \qquad .
317 \end{align*}
318 If we work by analogy with example \ref{eg:la-vegas}, we get
319 \begin{align*}
320 \theta &= \tan^{-1}\frac{\Delta y}{\Delta x} \\
321 &= \tan^{-1}(-1.25) \\
322 &= -51\degunit \qquad .
323 \end{align*}
324 According to the usual way of defining angles in trigonometry,
325 a negative result means an angle that lies clockwise from
326 the x axis, which would have her heading for the Baja
327 California. What went wrong? The answer is that when you ask
328 your calculator to take the arctangent of a number, there
329 are always two valid possibilities differing by 180\degunit.
330 That is, there are two possible angles whose tangents equal -1.25:
331 \begin{align*}
332 \tan 129\degunit &= -1.25 \\
333 \tan -51\degunit &= -1.25
334 \end{align*}
336 You calculator doesn't know which is the correct one, so it
337 just picks one. In this case, the one it picked was the
338 wrong one, and it was up to you to add 180\degunit to it to
339 find the right answer.
340 \end{eg}
342 \vfill
344 \begin{eg}{A shortcut}\label{eg:component-shortcut}
345 \egquestion A split second after nine o'clock, the hour hand on a clock dial
346 has moved clockwise past the nine-o'clock position by some imperceptibly small
347 angle $\phi$. Let positive $x$ be to the right and positive $y$ up.
348 If the hand, with length $\ell$, is represented by a $\Delta\vc{r}$ vector
349 going from the dial's center to the tip of the hand,
350 find this vector's $\Delta x$.
352 \eganswer The following shortcut is the easiest way to work out examples like
353 these, in which a vector's direction is known relative to one of the axes.
354 We can tell that $\Delta\vc{r}$ will have a large, negative $x$ component
355 and a small, positive $y$.
356 Since $\Delta x<0$, there are really only
357 two logical possibilities: either $\Delta x = -\ell \cos\phi$, or
358 $\Delta x = -\ell \sin\phi$. Because $\phi$ is small, $\cos\phi$ is large
359 and $\sin\phi$ is small. We conclude that $\Delta x = -\ell \cos\phi$.
361 A typical application of this technique to force vectors is given in
362 example \ref{eg:layback} on p.~\pageref{eg:layback}.
363 \end{eg}
365 \vfill
367 \startdq
369 \begin{dq}
370 In example \ref{eg:sd-la}, we dealt with \emph{components} that
371 were negative. Does it make sense to classify \emph{vectors} as positive and
372 negative?
373 \end{dq}
375 \vfill
377 <% end_sec() %>
378 <% begin_sec("Techniques for Adding Vectors",4,'vector-addition') %>
380 Vector addition is one of the three essential mathematical skills, summarized on pp.\pageref{begin-skills}-\pageref{end-skills},
381 that you need for success in this course.
383 \vfill
385 <% begin_sec("Addition of vectors given their components") %>\label{subsec:vector-addition-analytic}
387 The easiest type of vector addition is when you are in
388 possession of the components, and want to find the
389 components of their sum.
391 \vfill
393 \begin{eg}{Adding components}\label{eg:sd-vegas}
394 \egquestion Given the $\Delta x$ and $\Delta y$ values from
395 the previous examples, find the $\Delta x$ and $\Delta y$
396 from San Diego to Las Vegas.
398 <% marg(0) %>
400 fig(
401 'eg-sd-vegas',
402 %q{Example \ref{eg:sd-vegas}.}
405 \spacebetweenfigs
407 fig(
408 'tip-to-tail',
409 %q{%
410 Vectors can be added graphically by
411 placing them tip to tail, and then
412 drawing a vector from the tail of the
413 first vector to the tip of the second
414 vector.
418 <% end_marg %>
419 \eganswer
420 \begin{align*}
421 \Delta x_{total} &= \Delta x_1 + \Delta x_2 \\
422 &= -120\ \zu{km} + 290\ \zu{km} \\
423 &= 170\ \zu{km} \\
424 \Delta y_{total} &= \Delta y_1 + \Delta y_2 \\
425 &= 150\ \zu{km} + 230\ \zu{km} \\
426 &= 380
427 \end{align*}
428 Note how the signs of the $x$ components take care of the
429 westward and eastward motions, which partially cancel.
431 \end{eg}
433 <% end_sec() %>
434 \vfill
435 <% begin_sec("Addition of vectors given their magnitudes and directions") %>\label{subsec:vector-add-given-mag}
437 In this case, you must first translate the magnitudes and
438 directions into components, and the add the components.
439 In our San Diego-Los Angeles-Las Vegas example, we can
440 simply string together the preceding examples; this is done on p.~\pageref{skills-vector-addition}.
442 <% end_sec() %>
443 \vfill
444 <% begin_sec("Graphical addition of vectors") %>\label{subsec:vector-addition-graphical}
446 Often the easiest way to add vectors is by making a scale
447 drawing on a piece of paper. This is known as graphical
448 addition, as opposed to the analytic techniques discussed previously.
449 (It has nothing to do with $x-y$ graphs or graph paper. ``Graphical''
450 here simply means drawing. It comes from the Greek verb ``\emph{grapho},'' to write,
451 like related English words including ``graphic.'')\index{vector!addition!graphical}
453 \pagebreak
455 \begin{eg}{LA to Vegas, graphically}\label{eg:sd-vegas-graphical}
456 \egquestion Given the magnitudes and angles of the $\Delta \vc{r}$
457 vectors from San Diego to Los Angeles and from Los Angeles
458 to Las Vegas, find the magnitude and angle of the $\Delta \vc{r}$
459 vector from San Diego to Las Vegas.
461 \eganswer Using a protractor and a ruler, we make a careful
462 scale drawing, as shown in figure \figref{eg-sd-vegas-graphical}.
463 The protractor can be conveniently aligned with the blue rules on
464 the notebook paper.
465 A scale of
466 $1\ \zu{mm}\rightarrow 2\ \zu{km}$ was chosen for this solution because
467 it was as big as possible (for accuracy) without being so big that the
468 drawing wouldn't fit on the page. With a
469 ruler, we measure the distance from San Diego to Las Vegas
470 to be 206 mm, which corresponds to 412 km. With a protractor,
471 we measure the angle $\theta $ to be 65\degunit.
472 \end{eg}
475 fig(
476 'eg-sd-vegas-graphical',
477 %q{Example \ref{eg:sd-vegas-graphical}.},
479 'width'=>'wide',
480 'sidecaption'=>true
485 Even when we don't intend to do an actual graphical
486 calculation with a ruler and protractor, it can be
487 convenient to diagram the addition of vectors in this way.
488 With $\Delta \vc{r}$ vectors, it intuitively makes sense to lay
489 the vectors tip-to-tail and draw the sum vector from the
490 tail of the first vector to the tip of the second vector. We
491 can do the same when adding other vectors such as force vectors.
493 <% self_check('subtract-vectors',<<-'SELF_CHECK'
494 How would you subtract vectors graphically?
496 ) %>
498 \startdqs
500 \begin{dq}
501 If you're doing \emph{graphical} addition of vectors,
502 does it matter which vector you start with and which vector
503 you start from the other vector's tip?
504 \end{dq}
506 \begin{dq}
507 If you add a vector with magnitude 1 to a vector of
508 magnitude 2, what magnitudes are possible for the vector sum?
509 \end{dq}
511 \begin{dq}
512 Which of these examples of vector addition are correct,
513 and which are incorrect?
514 \end{dq}
515 \anonymousinlinefig{../../../share/mechanics/figs/dq-check-tip-to-tail}
517 <% end_sec() %>
518 <% end_sec() %>
519 <% begin_sec("Unit Vector Notation",nil,'unit-vector-notation',{'optional'=>true}) %>\index{unit vectors}
521 When we want to specify a vector by its components, it can
522 be cumbersome to have to write the algebra symbol for each component:
523 \begin{equation*}
524 \Delta x= 290\ \zu{km},\ \Delta y=230\ \zu{km}
525 \end{equation*}
526 A more compact notation is to write
527 \begin{equation*}
528 \Delta \vc{r} = (290\ \zu{km})\hat{\vc{x}} + (230\ \zu{km})\hat{\vc{y}} \qquad ,
529 \end{equation*}
530 where the vectors $\hat{\vc{x}}$, $\hat{\vc{y}}$, and $\hat{\vc{z}}$, called the unit vectors, are
531 defined as the vectors that have magnitude equal to 1 and
532 directions lying along the $x$, $y$, and $z$ axes. In speech,
533 they are referred to as ``x-hat'' and so on.
535 A slightly different, and harder to remember, version of
536 this notation is unfortunately more prevalent. In this
537 version, the unit vectors are called $\hat{\vc{i}}$, $\hat{\vc{j}}$, and $\hat{\vc{k}}$:
538 \begin{equation*}
539 \Delta \vc{r} = (290\ \zu{km})\hat{\vc{i}} + (230\ \zu{km})\hat{\vc{j}} \qquad .
540 \end{equation*}
542 <% end_sec() %>
543 <% begin_sec("Rotational Invariance",4,'rotational-invariance',{'optional'=>true}) %>
545 Let's take a closer look at why certain vector operations
546 are useful and others are not. Consider the operation of
547 multiplying two vectors component by component to produce a third vector:
548 \begin{align*}
549 R_x &= P_x Q_x \\
550 R_y &= P_y Q_y \\
551 R_z &= P_z Q_z
552 \end{align*}
553 As a simple example, we choose vectors $\vc{P}$ and $\vc{Q}$ to have
554 length 1, and make them perpendicular to each other, as
555 shown in figure \figref{invariance}/1. If we compute the result of our new
556 vector operation using the coordinate system in \figref{invariance}/2, we find:
557 \begin{align*}
558 R_x &= 0 \\
559 R_y &= 0 \\
560 R_z &= 0
561 \end{align*}
562 The $x$ component is zero because $P_x=0$, the $y$ component
563 is zero because $Q_y=0$, and the $z$ component is of course
564 zero because both vectors are in the $x-y$ plane. However,
565 if we carry out the same operations in coordinate system
566 \figref{invariance}/3, rotated 45 degrees with respect to the previous one, we find
567 \begin{align*}
568 R_x &= 1/2 \\
569 R_y &= -1/2 \\
570 R_z &= 0
571 \end{align*}
572 The operation's result depends on what coordinate system we
573 use, and since the two versions of $\vc{R}$ have different
574 lengths (one being zero and the other nonzero), they don't
575 just represent the same answer expressed in two different
576 coordinate systems. Such an operation will never be useful
577 in physics, because experiments show physics works the same
578 regardless of which way we orient the laboratory building!
579 The \emph{useful} vector operations, such as addition and
580 scalar multiplication, are rotationally invariant, i.e., come
581 out the same regardless of the orientation of the coordinate system.
582 <% marg(150) %>
584 fig(
585 'invariance',
586 %q{%
587 Component-by-component multiplication of
588 the vectors in 1 would produce different vectors in coordinate
589 systems 2 and 3.
593 <% end_marg %>
595 \begin{eg}{Calibrating an electronic compass}
596 Some smart phones and GPS units contain electronic compasses that can sense the direction of the earth's magnetic
597 field vector, notated $\vc{B}$. Because all vectors work according to the same rules, you don't need to know
598 anything special about magnetism in order to understand this example.
599 Unlike a traditional compass that uses a magnetized needle on a bearing, an electronic compass
600 has no moving parts. It contains two sensors oriented perpendicular to one another, and each sensor is only
601 sensitive to the component of the earth's field that lies along its own axis. Because a choice of coordinates
602 is arbitrary, we can take one of these sensors as defining the $x$ axis and the other the $y$. Given the two
603 components $B_x$ and $B_y$, the device's computer chip can compute the angle of magnetic north relative to its sensors,
604 $\tan^{-1}(B_y/B_x)$.
606 All compasses are vulnerable to errors because of nearby magnetic materials, and in particular it may happen
607 that some part of the compass's own housing becomes magnetized. In an electronic compass, rotational invariance
608 provides a convenient way of calibrating away such effects by having the user rotate the device in a horizontal circle.
610 Suppose that when
611 the compass is oriented in a certain way, it measures $B_x=1.00$ and $B_y=0.00$ (in certain units).
612 We then expect that when it is rotated 90 degrees clockwise, the sensors will detect $B_x=0.00$ and $B_y=1.00$.
614 But imagine instead that we get $B_x=0.20$ and $B_y=0.80$. This would violate rotational invariance, since rotating
615 the coordinate system is supposed to give a different description of the \emph{same} vector. The magnitude
616 appears to have changed from 1.00 to $\sqrt{0.20^2+0.80^2}=0.82$, and a vector can't change its magnitude just
617 because you rotate it. The compass's computer chip figures out that some effect, possibly a slight magnetization of its housing, must
618 be adding an erroneous 0.2 units to all the $B_x$ readings, because subtracting this amount from all the $B_x$ values gives
619 vectors that have the same magnitude, satisfying rotational invariance.
620 \end{eg}
622 <% end_sec() %>\begin{summary}
624 \begin{vocab}
626 \vocabitem{vector}{a quantity that has both an amount (magnitude) and
627 a direction in space}
629 \vocabitem{magnitude}{the ``amount'' associated with a vector}
631 \vocabitem{scalar}{a quantity that has no direction in space, only an amount}
633 \end{vocab}
635 \begin{notation}
637 \notationitem{$\vc{A}$}{a vector with components $A_x$, $A_y$, and $A_z$}
638 \notationitem{$\overrightarrow{A}$}{handwritten notation for a vector}
639 \notationitem{$|\vc{A}|$}{the magnitude of vector $\vc{A}$}
640 \notationitem{$\vc{r}$}{the vector whose components are $x$, $y$, and $z$}
641 \notationitem{$\Delta\vc{r}$}{the vector whose components are $\Delta x$, $\Delta y$, and $\Delta z$}
642 \notationitem{$\hat{\vc{x}}$, $\hat{\vc{y}}$, $\hat{\vc{z}}$}{(optional topic) unit vectors; the vectors with magnitude 1 lying along the $x$, $y$, and $z$ axes}
643 \notationitem{$\hat{\vc{i}}$, $\hat{\vc{j}}$, $\hat{\vc{k}}$}{a harder to remember notation for the unit vectors}
644 \end{notation}
646 \begin{othernotation}
647 \notationitem{displacement vector}{a name for the symbol $\Delta \vc{r}$}
648 \notationitem{speed}{the magnitude of the velocity vector, i.e., the
649 velocity stripped of any information about its direction}
650 \end{othernotation}
651 \begin{summarytext}
653 A vector is a quantity that has both a magnitude (amount)
654 and a direction in space, as opposed to a scalar, which has
655 no direction. The vector notation amounts simply to an
656 abbreviation for writing the vector's three components.
658 In two dimensions, a vector can be represented either by its
659 two components or by its magnitude and direction. The two
660 ways of describing a vector can be related by trigonometry.
662 The two main operations on vectors are addition of a vector
663 to a vector, and multiplication of a vector by a scalar.
665 Vector addition means adding the components of two vectors
666 to form the components of a new vector. In graphical terms,
667 this corresponds to drawing the vectors as two arrows laid
668 tip-to-tail and drawing the sum vector from the tail of the
669 first vector to the tip of the second one. Vector subtraction
670 is performed by negating the vector to be subtracted and then adding.
672 Multiplying a vector by a scalar means multiplying each of
673 its components by the scalar to create a new vector.
674 Division by a scalar is defined similarly.
676 m4_ifelse(__me,1,[:
677 Differentiation and integration of vectors is defined component by component.
680 \end{summarytext}
682 \end{summary}