FIX: media/liveleak.lua: Sanitize input for LuaJSON
[libquvi-scripts.git] / doc / asciidoc.conf
1 ## linkman: macro
2 # Inspired by/borrowed from the pacman source tree at doc/asciidoc.conf
4 # Usage: linkman:command[manpage-section]
6 # Note, {0} is the manpage section, while {target} is the command.
8 # Show man link as: <command>(<section>); if section is defined, else just show
9 # the command.
11 [macros]
12 (?su)[\\]?(?P<name>linkman):(?P<target>\S*?)\[(?P<attrlist>.*?)\]=
14 [attributes]
15 asterisk=&#42;
16 plus=&#43;
17 caret=&#94;
18 startsb=&#91;
19 endsb=&#93;
20 backslash=&#92;
21 tilde=&#126;
22 apostrophe=&#39;
23 backtick=&#96;
24 litdd=&#45;&#45;
26 ifdef::backend-docbook[]
27 [linkman-inlinemacro]
28 {0%{target}}
29 {0#<citerefentry>}
30 {0#<refentrytitle>{target}</refentrytitle><manvolnum>{0}</manvolnum>}
31 {0#</citerefentry>}
32 endif::backend-docbook[]
34 ifdef::backend-docbook[]
35 ifndef::docbook-xsl-172[]
36 # "unbreak" docbook-xsl v1.68 for manpages. v1.69 works with or without this.
37 # v1.72 breaks with this because it replaces dots not in roff requests.
38 [listingblock]
39 <example><title>{title}</title>
40 <literallayout>
42 </literallayout>
43 {title#}</example>
44 endif::docbook-xsl-172[]
45 endif::backend-docbook[]
47 ifdef::doctype-manpage[]
48 ifdef::backend-docbook[]
49 [header]
50 template::[header-declarations]
51 <refentry>
52 <refmeta>
53 <refentrytitle>{mantitle}</refentrytitle>
54 <manvolnum>{manvolnum}</manvolnum>
55 <refmiscinfo class="source">libquvi-scripts</refmiscinfo>
56 <refmiscinfo class="version">{pkg_version}</refmiscinfo>
57 <refmiscinfo class="manual">libquvi-scripts Manual</refmiscinfo>
58 </refmeta>
59 <refnamediv>
60   <refname>{manname}</refname>
61   <refpurpose>{manpurpose}</refpurpose>
62 </refnamediv>
63 endif::backend-docbook[]
64 endif::doctype-manpage[]