N.M.Commands.hs: replaced intercalate with concat . intersperse for compatibility...
[libmpd_haskell.git] / tests / Properties.hs
1 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans -fno-warn-missing-methods #-}
2 module Properties (main) where
3 import Network.MPD.Utils
4 import Network.MPD.Parse
6 import Control.Monad
7 import Data.Char
8 import Data.List
9 import Data.Maybe
10 import System.Environment
11 import Text.Printf
12 import Test.QuickCheck
14 main :: IO ()
15 main = do
16 n <- (maybe 100 read . listToMaybe) `liftM` getArgs
17 mapM_ (\(s, f) -> printf "%-25s : " s >> f n) tests
18 where tests = [("splitGroups / reversible",
19 mytest prop_splitGroups_rev)
20 ,("splitGroups / integrity",
21 mytest prop_splitGroups_integrity)
22 ,("parseBool", mytest prop_parseBool)
23 ,("parseBool / reversible",
24 mytest prop_parseBool_rev)
25 ,("showBool", mytest prop_showBool)
26 ,("toAssoc / reversible",
27 mytest prop_toAssoc_rev)
28 ,("toAssoc / integrity",
29 mytest prop_toAssoc_integrity)
30 ,("parseNum", mytest prop_parseNum)
31 ,("parseDate / simple",
32 mytest prop_parseDate_simple)
33 ,("parseDate / complex",
34 mytest prop_parseDate_complex)
35 ,("parseCount", mytest prop_parseCount)
36 ,("parseOutputs", mytest prop_parseOutputs)
37 ,("parseSong", mytest prop_parseSong)]
39 mytest :: Testable a => a -> Int -> IO ()
40 mytest a n = check defaultConfig { configMaxTest = n } a
42 instance Arbitrary Char where
43 arbitrary = choose ('\0', '\128')
45 -- an assoc. string is a string of the form "key: value".
46 newtype AssocString = AS String
47 deriving Show
49 instance Arbitrary AssocString where
50 arbitrary = do
51 key <- arbitrary
52 val <- arbitrary
53 return . AS $ key ++ ": " ++ val
55 newtype IntegralString = IS String
56 deriving Show
58 instance Arbitrary IntegralString where
59 arbitrary = fmap (IS . show) (arbitrary :: Gen Integer)
61 newtype BoolString = BS String
62 deriving Show
64 instance Arbitrary BoolString where
65 arbitrary = fmap BS $ oneof [return "1", return "0"]
67 -- Positive integers.
68 newtype PosInt = PI Integer
70 instance Show PosInt where
71 show (PI x) = show x
73 instance Arbitrary PosInt where
74 arbitrary = (PI . abs) `fmap` arbitrary
76 -- Simple date representation, like "2004" and "1998".
77 newtype SimpleDateString = SDS String
78 deriving Show
80 instance Arbitrary SimpleDateString where
81 arbitrary = (SDS . show) `fmap` (arbitrary :: Gen PosInt)
83 -- Complex date representations, like "2004-20-30".
84 newtype ComplexDateString = CDS String
85 deriving Show
87 instance Arbitrary ComplexDateString where
88 arbitrary = do
89 -- eww...
90 [y,m,d] <- replicateM 3 (arbitrary :: Gen PosInt)
91 return . CDS . concat . intersperse "-" $ map show [y,m,d]
93 prop_parseDate_simple :: SimpleDateString -> Bool
94 prop_parseDate_simple (SDS x) = isJust $ parseDate x
96 prop_parseDate_complex :: ComplexDateString -> Bool
97 prop_parseDate_complex (CDS x) = isJust $ parseDate x
99 prop_toAssoc_rev :: [AssocString] -> Bool
100 prop_toAssoc_rev x = toAssoc (fromAssoc r) == r
101 where r = toAssoc (fromAS x)
102 fromAssoc = map (\(a, b) -> a ++ ": " ++ b)
104 prop_toAssoc_integrity :: [AssocString] -> Bool
105 prop_toAssoc_integrity x = length (toAssoc $ fromAS x) == length x
107 fromAS :: [AssocString] -> [String]
108 fromAS s = [x | AS x <- s]
110 prop_parseBool_rev :: BoolString -> Bool
111 prop_parseBool_rev (BS x) = showBool (fromJust $ parseBool x) == x
113 prop_parseBool :: BoolString -> Bool
114 prop_parseBool (BS "1") = fromJust $ parseBool "1"
115 prop_parseBool (BS x) = not (fromJust $ parseBool x)
117 prop_showBool :: Bool -> Bool
118 prop_showBool True = showBool True == "1"
119 prop_showBool x = showBool x == "0"
121 prop_splitGroups_rev :: [(String, String)] -> Property
122 prop_splitGroups_rev xs = not (null xs) ==>
123 let wrappers = [(fst $ head xs, id)]
124 r = splitGroups wrappers xs
125 in r == splitGroups wrappers (concat r)
127 prop_splitGroups_integrity :: [(String, String)] -> Property
128 prop_splitGroups_integrity xs = not (null xs) ==>
129 sort (concat $ splitGroups [(fst $ head xs, id)] xs) == sort xs
131 prop_parseNum :: IntegralString -> Bool
132 prop_parseNum (IS xs@"") = parseNum xs == Nothing
133 prop_parseNum (IS xs@('-':_)) = fromMaybe 0 (parseNum xs) <= 0
134 prop_parseNum (IS xs) = fromMaybe 0 (parseNum xs) >= 0
137 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
138 -- Parsers
139 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
141 -- MPD fields can't contain newlines and the parser skips initial spaces.
142 field :: Gen String
143 field = (filter (/= '\n') . dropWhile isSpace) `fmap` arbitrary
145 -- | A uniform interface for types that
146 -- can be turned into raw responses
147 class Displayable a where
148 empty :: a -- ^ An empty instance
149 display :: a -> String -- ^ Transform instantiated object to a
150 -- string
152 instance Displayable Count where
153 empty = Count { cSongs = 0, cPlaytime = 0 }
154 display s = unlines $
155 ["songs: " ++ show (cSongs s)
156 ,"playtime: " ++ show (cPlaytime s)]
158 instance Arbitrary Count where
159 arbitrary = do
160 songs <- arbitrary
161 time <- arbitrary
162 return $ Count { cSongs = songs, cPlaytime = time }
164 prop_parseCount :: Count -> Bool
165 prop_parseCount c = Right c == (parseCount . lines $ display c)
167 instance Displayable Device where
168 empty = Device 0 "" False
169 display d = unlines $
170 ["outputid: " ++ show (dOutputID d)
171 ,"outputname: " ++ dOutputName d
172 ,"outputenabled: " ++ showBool (dOutputEnabled d)]
174 instance Arbitrary Device where
175 arbitrary = do
176 did <- arbitrary
177 name <- field
178 enabled <- arbitrary
179 return $ Device did name enabled
181 prop_parseOutputs :: [Device] -> Bool
182 prop_parseOutputs ds =
183 Right ds == (parseOutputs . lines $ concatMap display ds)
185 instance Displayable Song where
186 empty = Song { sgArtist = "", sgAlbum = "", sgTitle = "", sgFilePath = ""
187 , sgGenre = "", sgName = "", sgComposer = ""
188 , sgPerformer = "", sgLength = 0, sgDate = 0
189 , sgTrack = (0,0), sgDisc = (0,0), sgIndex = Nothing }
190 display s = unlines $
191 ["file: " ++ sgFilePath s
192 ,"Artist: " ++ sgArtist s
193 ,"Album: " ++ sgAlbum s
194 ,"Title: " ++ sgTitle s
195 ,"Genre: " ++ sgGenre s
196 ,"Name: " ++ sgName s
197 ,"Composer: " ++ sgComposer s
198 ,"Performer: " ++ sgPerformer s
199 ,"Date: " ++ show (sgDate s)
200 ,"Track: " ++ (let (x,y) = sgTrack s in show x++"/"++show y)
201 ,"Disc: " ++ (let (x,y) = sgDisc s in show x++"/"++show y)
202 ,"Time: " ++ show (sgLength s)]
203 ++ maybe [] (\x -> [case x of Pos n -> "Pos: " ++ show n
204 ID n -> "Id: " ++ show n]) (sgIndex s)
206 instance Arbitrary Song where
207 arbitrary = do
208 [file,artist,album,title,genre,name,cmpsr,prfmr] <- replicateM 8 field
209 date <- abs `fmap` arbitrary
210 len <- abs `fmap` arbitrary
211 track <- two $ abs `fmap` arbitrary
212 disc <- two $ abs `fmap` arbitrary
213 idx <- oneof [return Nothing
214 ,liftM (Just . Pos) $ abs `fmap` arbitrary
215 ,liftM (Just . ID) $ abs `fmap` arbitrary]
216 return $ Song { sgArtist = artist, sgAlbum = album, sgTitle = title
217 , sgFilePath = file, sgGenre = genre, sgName = name
218 , sgComposer = cmpsr, sgPerformer = prfmr, sgLength = len
219 , sgDate = date, sgTrack = track, sgDisc = disc
220 , sgIndex = idx }
222 prop_parseSong :: Song -> Bool
223 prop_parseSong s = Right s == (parseSong . toAssoc . lines $ display s)