[gitconv @ Remove lsdirs, lsfiles and lsplaylists from TODO.]
[libmpd-haskell.git] / MPD.hs
1 {-
2 libmpd for Haskell, a MPD client library.
3 Copyright (C) 2005 Ben Sinclair <bsinclai@turing.une.edu.au>
5 This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6 modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
7 License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
8 version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
10 This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 Lesser General Public License for more details.
15 You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
16 License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
17 Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
20 -- | Module : MPD
21 -- Copyright : (c) Ben Sinclair 2005
22 -- License : LGPL
23 -- Maintainer : bsinclai@turing.une.edu.au
24 -- Stability : alpha
25 -- Portability : Haskell 98
27 -- MPD client library.
29 module MPD (
30 -- * Data types
31 Connection,
32 State(..), Status(..), Stats(..),
33 Device(..),
34 Artist, Album, Title, Seconds, PLIndex(..),
35 Song(..), Count(..),
37 -- * Connections
38 connect,
40 -- * Admin commands
41 disableoutput, enableoutput, kill, outputs, update,
43 -- * Database commands
44 -- $database
45 find, list, listAll, listAllinfo, lsinfo, search, count,
47 -- * Playlist commands
48 -- $playlist
49 add, add_, addid, clear, currentSong, delete, load, move,
50 playlistinfo, listplaylist, listplaylistinfo, playlist, plchanges,
51 plchangesposid, rm, rename, save, shuffle, swap,
53 -- * Playback commands
54 crossfade, next, pause, play, previous, random, repeat, seek,
55 setVolume, volume, stop,
57 -- * Miscellaneous commands
58 clearerror, close, commands, notcommands, tagtypes, urlhandlers,
59 password, ping, stats, status,
61 -- * Extensions\/shortcuts
62 addMany, crop, lsdirs, lsfiles, lsplaylists, findArtist,
63 findAlbum, findTitle, listArtists, listAlbums, listAlbum,
64 searchArtist, searchAlbum, searchTitle, getPlaylist,
65 toggle
66 ) where
68 import Control.Monad (liftM, unless)
69 import Prelude hiding (repeat)
70 import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
71 import Data.Maybe
72 import Network
73 import System.IO
76 -- Data Types
79 -- | A connection to an MPD server.
80 newtype Connection = Conn Handle
82 type Artist = String
83 type Album = String
84 type Title = String
85 type Seconds = Integer
87 -- | Represents a song's playlist index.
88 data PLIndex = PLNone -- ^ No index.
89 | Pos Integer -- ^ A playlist position index (starting from 1).
90 | ID Integer -- ^ A playlist ID number.
91 deriving Show
93 -- | Represents the different playback states.
94 data State = Playing
95 | Stopped
96 | Paused
97 deriving (Show, Eq)
99 -- | Container for MPD status.
100 data Status =
101 Status { stState :: State,
102 -- | A percentage (0-100).
103 stVolume :: Int,
104 stRepeat, stRandom :: Bool,
105 -- | This value gets incremented by the server every time the
106 -- playlist changes.
107 stPlaylistVersion :: Integer,
108 stPlaylistLength :: Integer,
109 -- | Current song's position in the playlist (starting from 1).
110 stSongPos :: PLIndex,
111 -- | Each song in the playlist has an identifier to more
112 -- robustly identify it.
113 stSongID :: PLIndex,
114 -- | (Seconds played, song length in seconds).
115 stTime :: (Seconds,Seconds),
116 -- | Bitrate of playing song in kilobytes per second.
117 stBitrate :: Int,
118 -- | MPD can fade between tracks. This is the time it takes to
119 -- do so.
120 stXFadeWidth :: Seconds,
121 -- | (samplerate, bits, channels)
122 stAudio :: (Int,Int,Int),
123 -- | Job id of currently running update (if any).
124 stUpdatingDb :: Integer,
125 -- | Last error message (if any)
126 stError :: String }
127 deriving Show
129 -- | Container for database statistics.
130 data Stats =
131 Stats { stsArtists :: Integer -- ^ Number of artists.
132 , stsAlbums :: Integer -- ^ Number of albums.
133 , stsSongs :: Integer -- ^ Number of songs.
134 , stsUptime :: Seconds -- ^ Daemon uptime in seconds.
135 , stsPlaytime :: Seconds -- ^ Time length of music played.
136 , stsDbPlaytime :: Seconds -- ^ Sum of all song times in db.
137 , stsDbUpdate :: Integer -- ^ Last db update in UNIX time.
139 deriving Show
141 -- | Description of a song.
142 data Song = Song { sgArtist, sgAlbum, sgTitle, sgFilePath, sgGenre, sgName
143 ,sgComposer, sgPerformer :: String
144 ,sgLength :: Seconds -- ^ length in seconds
145 ,sgDate :: Int -- ^ year
146 ,sgTrack :: (Int, Int) -- ^ (track number, total tracks)
147 ,sgDisc :: (Int, Int) -- ^ (pos. in set, total in set)
148 ,sgIndex :: PLIndex }
149 deriving Show
151 -- | Describes a 'count'.
152 data Count = Count { cSongs :: Integer -- ^ Number of songs that matches
153 -- a query
154 , cPlaytime :: Seconds -- ^ Total play time of matching
155 -- songs
157 deriving Show
159 -- | Represents an output device.
160 data Device =
161 Device { dOutputID :: Int -- ^ Output's id number
162 , dOutputName :: String -- ^ Output's name as defined in the MPD
163 -- configuration file
164 , dOutputEnabled :: Bool }
165 deriving Show
168 -- Basic connection functions
171 -- | Create an MPD connection.
172 connect :: String -- ^ Hostname.
173 -> PortNumber -- ^ Port number.
174 -> IO Connection
175 connect host port = withSocketsDo $ do
176 conn <- liftM Conn . connectTo host $ PortNumber port
177 mpd <- checkConn conn
178 if mpd then return conn
179 else close conn >> fail ("no MPD at " ++ host ++ ":" ++ show port)
181 -- | Check that an MPD daemon is at the other end of a connection.
182 checkConn :: Connection -> IO Bool
183 checkConn (Conn h) = liftM (isPrefixOf "OK MPD") (hGetLine h)
186 -- Admin commands
189 -- | Turn off an output device.
190 disableoutput :: Connection -> Int -> IO ()
191 disableoutput conn = getResponse_ conn . ("disableoutput " ++) . show
193 -- | Turn on an output device.
194 enableoutput :: Connection -> Int -> IO ()
195 enableoutput conn = getResponse_ conn . ("enableoutput " ++) . show
197 -- | Kill the server. Obviously, the connection is then invalid.
198 kill :: Connection -> IO ()
199 kill (Conn h) = hPutStrLn h "kill" >> hClose h
201 -- | Retrieve information for all output devices.
202 outputs :: Connection -> IO [Device]
203 outputs conn = liftM (map takeDevInfo . splitGroups . kvise)
204 (getResponse conn "outputs")
205 where
206 takeDevInfo xs = Device {
207 dOutputID = takeNum "outputid" xs,
208 dOutputName = takeString "outputname" xs,
209 dOutputEnabled = takeBool "outputenabled" xs
212 -- | Update the server's database.
213 update :: Connection -> [String] -> IO ()
214 update conn [] = getResponse_ conn "update"
215 update conn [x] = getResponse_ conn ("update " ++ x)
216 update conn xs = getResponses conn (map ("update " ++) xs) >> return ()
219 -- Database commands
221 -- $database
222 -- All scope modifiers (i.e. metadata to match against when searching for
223 -- database entries with certain metadata values) may be any of the
224 -- values listed by 'tagtypes'.
225 -- Also one may use \"any\" or \"filename\".
227 -- | List all metadata of metadata (sic).
228 list :: Connection
229 -> String -- ^ Metadata to list.
230 -> Maybe String -- ^ Optionally specify a scope modifier
231 -> String -- ^ Query (requires optional arg).
232 -> IO [String]
233 list conn metaType metaQuery query = liftM takeValues (getResponse conn cmd)
234 where cmd = "list " ++ metaType ++
235 maybe "" (\x -> " " ++ x ++ " " ++ show query) metaQuery
237 -- | Non-recursively list the contents of a database directory.
238 lsinfo :: Connection -> Maybe String -- ^ Optionally specify a path.
239 -> IO [Either String Song]
240 lsinfo conn path = do
241 (dirs,_,songs) <- liftM takeEntries
242 (getResponse conn ("lsinfo " ++ maybe "" show path))
243 return (map Left dirs ++ map Right songs)
245 -- | List the songs (without metadata) in a database directory recursively.
246 listAll :: Connection -> Maybe String -> IO [String]
247 listAll conn path = liftM (map snd . filter ((== "file") . fst) . kvise)
248 (getResponse conn ("listall " ++ maybe "" show path))
250 -- | Recursive 'lsinfo'.
251 listAllinfo :: Connection -> Maybe String -- ^ Optionally specify a path
252 -> IO [Either String Song]
253 listAllinfo conn path = do
254 (dirs,_,songs) <- liftM takeEntries
255 (getResponse conn ("listallinfo " ++ maybe "" show path))
256 return (map Left dirs ++ map Right songs)
258 -- | Search the database for entries exactly matching a query.
259 find :: Connection
260 -> String -- ^ Scope modifier
261 -> String -- ^ Query
262 -> IO [Song]
263 find conn searchType query = liftM takeSongs
264 (getResponse conn ("find " ++ searchType ++ " " ++ show query))
266 -- | Search the database using case insensitive matching.
267 search :: Connection
268 -> String -- ^ Scope modifier
269 -> String -- ^ Query
270 -> IO [Song]
271 search conn searchType query = liftM takeSongs
272 (getResponse conn ("search " ++ searchType ++ " " ++ show query))
274 -- | Count the number of entries matching a query.
275 count :: Connection
276 -> String -- ^ Scope modifier
277 -> String -- ^ Query
278 -> IO Count
279 count conn countType query = liftM (takeCountInfo . kvise)
280 (getResponse conn ("count " ++ countType ++ " " ++ show query))
281 where takeCountInfo xs = Count { cSongs = takeNum "songs" xs,
282 cPlaytime = takeNum "playtime" xs }
285 -- Playlist commands
287 -- $playlist
288 -- Unless otherwise noted all playlist commands operate on the current
289 -- playlist.
291 -- | Like 'add', but returns a playlist id.
292 addid :: Connection -> String -> IO Integer
293 addid conn x =
294 liftM (read . snd . head . kvise) (getResponse conn ("addid " ++ show x))
296 -- | Like 'add_' but returns a list of the files added.
297 add :: Connection -> Maybe String -> String -> IO [String]
298 add conn plname x = add_ conn plname x >> listAll conn (Just x)
300 -- | Add a song (or a whole directory) to a playlist.
301 -- Adds to current if no playlist is specified.
302 -- Will create a new playlist if the one specified does not already exist.
303 add_ :: Connection
304 -> Maybe String -- ^ Optionally specify a playlist to operate on
305 -> String
306 -> IO ()
307 add_ conn Nothing = getResponse_ conn . ("add " ++) . show
308 add_ conn (Just plname) = getResponse_ conn .
309 (("playlistadd " ++ show plname ++ " ") ++) . show
311 -- | Clear a playlist. Clears current playlist if no playlist is specified.
312 -- If the specified playlist does not exist, it will be created.
313 clear :: Connection
314 -> Maybe String -- ^ Optional name of a playlist to clear.
315 -> IO ()
316 clear conn Nothing = getResponse_ conn "clear"
317 clear conn (Just plname) = getResponse_ conn ("playlistclear " ++ show plname)
319 -- | Remove a song from a playlist.
320 -- If no playlist is specified, current playlist is used.
321 delete :: Connection
322 -> Maybe String -- ^ Optionally specify a playlist to operate on
323 -> PLIndex -> IO ()
324 delete _ _ PLNone = return ()
325 delete conn Nothing (Pos x) = getResponse_ conn ("delete " ++ show (x - 1))
326 delete conn Nothing (ID x) = getResponse_ conn ("deleteid " ++ show x)
327 -- XXX assume that playlistdelete expects positions and not ids.
328 delete conn (Just plname) (Pos x) =
329 getResponse_ conn ("playlistdelete " ++ show plname ++ " " ++ show (x - 1))
330 delete _ _ _ = return ()
332 -- | Load an existing playlist.
333 load :: Connection -> String -> IO ()
334 load conn = getResponse_ conn . ("load " ++) . show
336 -- | Move a song to a given position.
337 move :: Connection
338 -> Maybe String -- ^ Optionally specify a playlist to operate on
339 -> PLIndex -> Integer -> IO ()
340 move _ _ PLNone _ = return ()
341 move conn Nothing (Pos from) to =
342 getResponse_ conn ("move " ++ show (from - 1) ++ " " ++ show to)
343 move conn Nothing (ID from) to =
344 getResponse_ conn ("moveid " ++ show from ++ " " ++ show to)
345 -- XXX assumes that playlistmove expects positions and not ids
346 move conn (Just plname) (Pos from) to =
347 getResponse_ conn ("playlistmove " ++ show plname ++ " " ++ show (from - 1)
348 ++ " " ++ show to)
349 move _ _ _ _ = return ()
351 -- | Delete existing playlist.
352 rm :: Connection -> String -> IO ()
353 rm conn = getResponse_ conn . ("rm " ++) . show
355 -- | Rename an existing playlist.
356 rename :: Connection
357 -> String -- ^ Name of playlist to be renamed
358 -> String -- ^ New playlist name
359 -> IO ()
360 rename conn plname new =
361 getResponse_ conn ("rename " ++ show plname ++ " " ++ show new)
363 -- | Save the current playlist.
364 save :: Connection -> String -> IO ()
365 save conn = getResponse_ conn . ("save " ++) . show
367 -- | Swap the positions of two songs.
368 swap :: Connection -> PLIndex -> PLIndex -> IO ()
369 swap conn (Pos x) (Pos y) =
370 getResponse_ conn ("swap " ++ show (x - 1) ++ " " ++ show (y - 1))
371 swap conn (ID x) (ID y) =
372 getResponse_ conn ("swapid " ++ show x ++ " " ++ show y)
373 swap _ _ _ = return ()
375 -- | Shuffle the playlist.
376 shuffle :: Connection -> IO ()
377 shuffle = flip getResponse_ "shuffle"
379 -- | Retrieve metadata for songs in the current playlist.
380 playlistinfo :: Connection
381 -> PLIndex -- ^ Optional playlist index.
382 -> IO [Song]
383 playlistinfo conn x = liftM takeSongs (getResponse conn cmd)
384 where cmd = case x of
385 Pos x' -> "playlistinfo " ++ show (x' - 1)
386 ID x' -> "playlistid " ++ show x'
387 _ -> "playlistinfo"
389 -- | Retrieve metadata for files in a given playlist.
390 listplaylistinfo :: Connection -> String -> IO [Song]
391 listplaylistinfo conn = liftM takeSongs . getResponse conn .
392 ("listplaylistinfo " ++) . show
394 -- | Retrieve a list of files in a given playlist.
395 listplaylist :: Connection -> String -> IO [String]
396 listplaylist conn = liftM takeValues . getResponse conn .
397 ("listplaylist " ++) . show
399 -- | Retrieve file paths and positions of songs in the current playlist.
400 -- Note that this command is only included for completeness sake; it's
401 -- deprecated and likely to disappear at any time.
402 playlist :: Connection -> IO [(PLIndex, String)]
403 playlist = liftM (map f) . flip getResponse "playlist"
404 -- meh, the response here deviates from just about all other commands
405 where f s = let (pos, name) = break (== ':') s
406 in (Pos . (+1) $ read pos, drop 1 name)
408 -- | Retrieve a list of changed songs currently in the playlist since
409 -- a given playlist version.
410 plchanges :: Connection -> Integer -> IO [Song]
411 plchanges conn = liftM takeSongs . getResponse conn . ("plchanges " ++) . show
413 -- | Like 'plchanges' but only returns positions and ids.
414 plchangesposid :: Connection -> Integer -> IO [(PLIndex, PLIndex)]
415 plchangesposid conn plver =
416 liftM (map takePosid . splitGroups . kvise) (getResponse conn cmd)
417 where cmd = "plchangesposid " ++ show plver
418 takePosid xs = (Pos . (+1) $ takeNum "cpos" xs, ID $ takeNum "Id" xs)
420 -- | Get the currently playing song.
421 currentSong :: Connection -> IO (Maybe Song)
422 currentSong conn = do
423 currStatus <- status conn
424 if stState currStatus == Stopped
425 then return Nothing
426 else do ls <- liftM kvise (getResponse conn "currentsong")
427 return $ if null ls then Nothing
428 else Just (takeSongInfo ls)
431 -- Playback commands
434 -- | Set crossfading between songs.
435 crossfade :: Connection -> Seconds -> IO ()
436 crossfade conn = getResponse_ conn . ("crossfade " ++) . show
438 -- | Begin\/continue playing.
439 play :: Connection -> PLIndex -> IO ()
440 play conn PLNone = getResponse_ conn "play"
441 play conn (Pos x) = getResponse_ conn ("play " ++ show (x-1))
442 play conn (ID x) = getResponse_ conn ("playid " ++ show x)
444 -- | Pause playing.
445 pause :: Connection -> Bool -> IO ()
446 pause conn = getResponse_ conn . ("pause " ++) . showBool
448 -- | Stop playing.
449 stop :: Connection -> IO ()
450 stop = flip getResponse_ "stop"
452 -- | Play the next song.
453 next :: Connection -> IO ()
454 next = flip getResponse_ "next"
456 -- | Play the previous song.
457 previous :: Connection -> IO ()
458 previous = flip getResponse_ "previous"
460 -- | Seek to some point in a song.
461 -- Seeks in current song if no position is given.
462 seek :: Connection -> PLIndex -> Seconds -> IO ()
463 seek conn (Pos x) time =
464 getResponse_ conn ("seek " ++ show (x - 1) ++ " " ++ show time)
465 seek conn (ID x) time =
466 getResponse_ conn ("seekid " ++ show x ++ " " ++ show time)
467 seek conn PLNone time = do
468 st <- status conn
469 unless (stState st == Stopped) (seek conn (stSongID st) time)
471 -- | Set random playing.
472 random :: Connection -> Bool -> IO ()
473 random conn = getResponse_ conn . ("random " ++) . showBool
475 -- | Set repeating.
476 repeat :: Connection -> Bool -> IO ()
477 repeat conn = getResponse_ conn . ("repeat " ++) . showBool
479 -- | Set the volume.
480 setVolume :: Connection -> Int -> IO ()
481 setVolume conn = getResponse_ conn . ("setvol " ++) . show
483 -- | Increase or decrease volume by a given percent, e.g.
484 -- 'volume 10' will increase the volume by 10 percent, while
485 -- 'volume (-10)' will decrease it by the same amount.
486 -- Note that this command is only included for completeness sake ; it's
487 -- deprecated and may disappear at any time.
488 volume :: Connection -> Int -> IO ()
489 volume conn = getResponse_ conn . ("volume " ++) . show
492 -- Miscellaneous commands
495 -- | Clear the current error message in status.
496 clearerror :: Connection -> IO ()
497 clearerror (Conn h) = hPutStrLn h "clearerror" >> hClose h
499 -- | Close a MPD connection.
500 close :: Connection -> IO ()
501 close (Conn h) = hPutStrLn h "close" >> hClose h
503 -- | Retrieve a list of available commands.
504 commands :: Connection -> IO [String]
505 commands = liftM takeValues . flip getResponse "commands"
507 -- | Retrieve a list of unavailable commands.
508 notcommands :: Connection -> IO [String]
509 notcommands = liftM takeValues . flip getResponse "notcommands"
511 -- | Retrieve a list of available song metadata.
512 tagtypes :: Connection -> IO [String]
513 tagtypes = liftM takeValues . flip getResponse "tagtypes"
515 -- | Retrieve a list of supported urlhandlers.
516 urlhandlers :: Connection -> IO [String]
517 urlhandlers = liftM takeValues . flip getResponse "urlhandlers"
519 -- XXX should the password be quoted?
520 -- | Send password to server to authenticate session.
521 -- Password is sent as plain text.
522 password :: Connection -> String -> IO ()
523 password conn = getResponse_ conn . ("password " ++)
525 -- | Check that the server is still responding.
526 ping :: Connection -> IO ()
527 ping = flip getResponse_ "ping"
529 -- | Get server statistics.
530 stats :: Connection -> IO Stats
531 stats = liftM (parseStats . kvise) . flip getResponse "stats"
532 where parseStats xs =
533 Stats { stsArtists = takeNum "artists" xs,
534 stsAlbums = takeNum "albums" xs,
535 stsSongs = takeNum "songs" xs,
536 stsUptime = takeNum "uptime" xs,
537 stsPlaytime = takeNum "playtime" xs,
538 stsDbPlaytime = takeNum "db_playtime" xs,
539 stsDbUpdate = takeNum "db_update" xs }
541 -- | Get the server's status.
542 status :: Connection -> IO Status
543 status = liftM (parseStatus . kvise) . flip getResponse "status"
544 where parseStatus xs =
545 Status { stState = maybe Stopped parseState $ lookup "state" xs,
546 stVolume = takeNum "volume" xs,
547 stRepeat = takeBool "repeat" xs,
548 stRandom = takeBool "random" xs,
549 stPlaylistVersion = takeNum "playlist" xs,
550 stPlaylistLength = takeNum "playlistlength" xs,
551 stXFadeWidth = takeNum "xfade" xs,
552 stSongPos =
553 maybe PLNone (Pos . (1+) . read) $ lookup "song" xs,
554 stSongID = maybe PLNone (ID . read) $ lookup "songid" xs,
555 stTime = maybe (0,0) parseTime $ lookup "time" xs,
556 stBitrate = takeNum "bitrate" xs,
557 stAudio = maybe (0,0,0) parseAudio $ lookup "audio" xs,
558 stUpdatingDb = takeNum "updating_db" xs,
559 stError = takeString "error" xs
561 parseState x = case x of "play" -> Playing
562 "pause" -> Paused
563 _ -> Stopped
564 parseTime x = let (y,_:z) = break (== ':') x in (read y, read z)
565 parseAudio x =
566 let (u,_:u') = break (== ':') x; (v,_:w) = break (== ':') u' in
567 (read u, read v, read w)
570 -- Extensions\/shortcuts.
573 -- | Toggles play\/pause. Plays if stopped.
574 toggle :: Connection -> IO ()
575 toggle conn = do
576 st <- status conn
577 case stState st of
578 Playing -> pause conn True
579 _ -> play conn PLNone
581 -- | Add a list of songs\/folders to a playlist.
582 -- Should be more efficient than running 'add' many times.
583 addMany :: Connection -> Maybe String -> [String] -> IO ()
584 addMany _ _ [] = return ()
585 addMany conn plname [x] = add_ conn plname x
586 addMany conn plname xs = getResponses conn (map (cmd ++) xs) >> return ()
587 where cmd = maybe ("add ") (\pl -> "playlistadd " ++ show pl ++ " ") plname
589 -- | Crop playlist.
590 crop :: Connection -> PLIndex -> PLIndex -> IO ()
591 crop _ (Pos _) (Pos _) = undefined
592 crop _ _ _ = return ()
594 -- | List all directories in an optional directory.
595 lsdirs :: Connection -> Maybe String -> IO [String]
596 lsdirs conn path = liftM ((\(x,_,_) -> x) . takeEntries)
597 (getResponse conn ("lsinfo " ++ maybe "" show path))
599 -- | List all files in an optional directory.
600 lsfiles :: Connection -> Maybe String -> IO [String]
601 lsfiles conn path = liftM (map sgFilePath . (\(_,_,x) -> x) . takeEntries)
602 (getResponse conn ("lsinfo " ++ maybe "" show path))
604 -- | List all playlists.
605 lsplaylists :: Connection -> IO [String]
606 lsplaylists = liftM ((\(_,x,_) -> x) . takeEntries) . flip getResponse "lsinfo"
608 -- | Search the database for songs relating to an artist.
609 findArtist :: Connection -> String -> IO [Song]
610 findArtist = flip find "artist"
612 -- | Search the database for songs relating to an album.
613 findAlbum :: Connection -> String -> IO [Song]
614 findAlbum = flip find "album"
616 -- | Search the database for songs relating to a song title.
617 findTitle :: Connection -> String -> IO [Song]
618 findTitle = flip find "title"
620 -- | List the artists in the database.
621 listArtists :: Connection -> IO [Artist]
622 listArtists = liftM takeValues . flip getResponse "list artist"
624 -- | List the albums in the database, optionally matching a given
625 -- artist.
626 listAlbums :: Connection -> Maybe Artist -> IO [Album]
627 listAlbums conn artist =
628 liftM takeValues
629 -- XXX according to the spec this shouldn't work (but it does)
630 (getResponse conn ("list album " ++ maybe "" show artist))
632 -- | List the songs in an album of some artist.
633 listAlbum :: Connection -> Artist -> Album -> IO [Song]
634 listAlbum conn artist album = liftM (filter ((== artist) . sgArtist))
635 (findAlbum conn album)
637 -- | Search the database for songs relating to an artist using 'search'.
638 searchArtist :: Connection -> String -> IO [Song]
639 searchArtist = flip search "artist"
641 -- | Search the database for songs relating to an album using 'search'.
642 searchAlbum :: Connection -> String -> IO [Song]
643 searchAlbum = flip search "album"
645 -- | Search the database for songs relating to a song title.
646 searchTitle :: Connection -> String -> IO [Song]
647 searchTitle = flip search "title"
649 -- | Retrieve the current playlist.
650 -- Equivalent to 'playlistinfo PLNone'.
651 getPlaylist :: Connection -> IO [Song]
652 getPlaylist = flip playlistinfo PLNone
655 -- Miscellaneous functions.
658 -- | Run getResponse but discard the response.
659 getResponse_ :: Connection -> String -> IO ()
660 getResponse_ c x = getResponse c x >> return ()
662 -- | Get the lines of the daemon's response to a given command.
663 getResponse :: Connection -> String -> IO [String]
664 getResponse (Conn h) cmd = hPutStrLn h cmd >> hFlush h >> f []
665 where f acc = do
666 l <- hGetLine h
667 case l of
668 "OK" -> return acc
669 ('A':'C':'K':_:e) -> fail e
670 _ -> f (acc ++ [l])
672 -- | Get the lines of the daemon's response to a list of commands.
673 getResponses :: Connection -> [String] -> IO [String]
674 getResponses conn cmds = getResponse conn .
675 unlines $ "command_list_begin" : cmds ++ ["command_list_end"]
677 -- | Break up a list of strings into an assoc list, separating at
678 -- the first ':'.
679 kvise :: [String] -> [(String, String)]
680 kvise = map f
681 where f x = let (k,v) = break (== ':') x in
682 (k,dropWhile (== ' ') $ drop 1 v)
684 -- | Takes a assoc list with recurring keys, and groups each cycle of
685 -- keys with their values together. The first key of each cycle needs
686 -- to be present in every cycle for it to work, but the rest don't
687 -- affect anything.
689 -- > splitGroups [(1,'a'),(2,'b'),(1,'c'),(2,'d')] ==
690 -- > [[(1,'a'),(2,'b')],[(1,'c'),(2,'d')]]
691 splitGroups :: Eq a => [(a, b)] -> [[(a, b)]]
692 splitGroups [] = []
693 splitGroups (x:xs) = ((x:us):splitGroups vs)
694 where (us,vs) = break (\y -> fst x == fst y) xs
696 -- | Run 'kvise' and return only the values.
697 takeValues :: [String] -> [String]
698 takeValues = snd . unzip . kvise
700 -- | Separate the result of an lsinfo call into directories,
701 -- playlists, and songs.
702 takeEntries :: [String] -> ([String], [String], [Song])
703 takeEntries s =
704 (dirs, playlists, map takeSongInfo $ splitGroups (reverse filedata))
705 where (dirs, playlists, filedata) = foldl split ([], [], []) $ kvise s
706 split (ds, pls, ss) x@(k, v) | k == "directory" = (v:ds, pls, ss)
707 | k == "playlist" = (ds, v:pls, ss)
708 | otherwise = (ds, pls, x:ss)
710 -- | Build a list of song instances from a response.
711 -- Returns an empty list if input is empty.
712 takeSongs :: [String] -> [Song]
713 takeSongs = map takeSongInfo . splitGroups . kvise
715 -- | Builds a song instance from an assoc list.
716 takeSongInfo :: [(String,String)] -> Song
717 takeSongInfo xs =
718 Song {
719 sgArtist = takeString "Artist" xs,
720 sgAlbum = takeString "Album" xs,
721 sgTitle = takeString "Title" xs,
722 sgGenre = takeString "Genre" xs,
723 sgName = takeString "Name" xs,
724 sgComposer = takeString "Composer" xs,
725 sgPerformer = takeString "Performer" xs,
726 sgDate = takeNum "Date" xs,
727 sgTrack = maybe (0, 0) parseTrack $ lookup "Track" xs,
728 sgDisc = maybe (0, 0) parseTrack $ lookup "Disc" xs,
729 sgFilePath = takeString "file" xs,
730 sgLength = takeNum "Time" xs,
731 sgIndex = maybe PLNone (ID . read) $ lookup "Id" xs
733 where parseTrack x = let (trck, tot) = break (== '/') x
734 in (read trck, parseNum (drop 1 tot))
736 -- Helpers for retrieving values from an assoc. list.
737 takeString :: String -> [(String, String)] -> String
738 takeString v = fromMaybe "" . lookup v
740 takeNum :: (Read a, Num a) => String -> [(String, String)] -> a
741 takeNum v = maybe 0 parseNum . lookup v
743 takeBool :: String -> [(String, String)] -> Bool
744 takeBool v = maybe False parseBool . lookup v
746 -- Parse a numeric value, returning 0 on failure.
747 parseNum :: (Read a, Num a) => String -> a
748 parseNum = fromMaybe 0 . maybeReads
749 where maybeReads s = do ; [(x, "")] <- return (reads s) ; return x
751 -- Inverts 'parseBool'.
752 showBool :: Bool -> String
753 showBool x = if x then "1" else "0"
755 -- Parse a boolean response value.
756 parseBool :: String -> Bool
757 parseBool = (== "1") . take 1