[gitconv @ Prim.hs: more whitespace.]
[libmpd-haskell.git] / Prim.hs
1 {-
2 libmpd for Haskell, an MPD client library.
3 Copyright (C) 2005 Ben Sinclair <bsinclai@turing.une.edu.au>
5 This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6 modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
7 License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
8 version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
10 This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 Lesser General Public License for more details.
15 You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
16 License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
17 Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
20 -- | Module : Prim
21 -- Copyright : (c) Ben Sinclair 2005
22 -- License : LGPL
23 -- Maintainer : bsinclai@turing.une.edu.au
24 -- Stability : alpha
25 -- Portability : Haskell 98
27 -- MPD client library.
29 module Prim (
31 -- * Data types
32 MPD, ACK(..),
34 -- * Running an action
35 withMPD, withMPD_,
37 -- * Errors
38 throwMPD, catchMPD,
40 -- * Interacting
41 getResponse, clearerror, close, reconnect, kill,
43 module Control.Monad.Trans
44 ) where
46 import Control.Monad (liftM, unless)
47 import Control.Exception (finally)
48 import Control.Monad.Trans
49 import Prelude hiding (repeat)
50 import Data.IORef (IORef, newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef)
51 import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
52 import Data.Maybe
53 import Network
54 import System.IO
55 import System.IO.Error (isEOFError)
58 -- Data types.
61 -- | A connection to an MPD server.
62 -- don't export the field names.
63 data Connection = Conn { connHostName :: String
64 , connPortNum :: Integer
65 , connHandle :: IORef (Maybe Handle)
66 , connGetPass :: IO (Maybe String)
69 -- | Represents various MPD errors (aka. ACKs).
70 data ACK = NoMPD -- ^ MPD not responding
71 | Auth -- ^ ACK [4\@0]
72 | Busy -- ^ ACK [54\@0]
73 | UnknownCommand String -- ^ ACK [5\@0]
74 | FileNotFound String -- ^ ACK [50\@0]
75 | FileExists String -- ^ ACK [56\@0]
76 | Custom String
78 instance Show ACK where
79 show NoMPD = "Could not connect to MPD"
80 show Auth = "Password needed"
81 show Busy = "Already updating"
82 show (UnknownCommand s) = "Unknown command: " ++ s
83 show (FileNotFound s) = "File or directory does not exist: " ++ s
84 show (FileExists s) = "File or directory already exists: " ++ s
85 show (Custom s) = s
89 -- Export the type name but not the constructor or the field.
91 -- This is basically a state and an error monad combined. It's just
92 -- nice if we can have a few custom functions that fiddle with the
93 -- internals.
94 newtype MPD a = MPD { runMPD :: Connection -> IO (Either ACK a) }
96 instance Functor MPD where
97 fmap f m = MPD $ \conn -> either Left (Right . f) `liftM` runMPD m conn
99 instance Monad MPD where
100 return a = MPD $ \_ -> return (Right a)
101 m >>= f = MPD $ \conn -> runMPD m conn >>=
102 either (return . Left) (flip runMPD conn . f)
103 fail err = MPD $ \_ -> return $ Left (Custom err)
105 instance MonadIO MPD where
106 liftIO m = MPD $ \_ -> liftM Right m
108 -- | Throw an exception.
109 throwMPD :: ACK -> MPD ()
110 throwMPD e = MPD $ \_ -> return (Left e)
112 -- | Catch an exception from an action.
113 catchMPD :: MPD a -> (ACK -> MPD a) -> MPD a
114 catchMPD m h = MPD $ \conn ->
115 runMPD m conn >>= either (flip runMPD conn . h) (return . Right)
119 -- Basic connection functions
123 -- | Run an MPD action against a server.
124 withMPD :: String -- ^ Host name.
125 -> Integer -- ^ Port number.
126 -> IO (Maybe String) -- ^ An action that supplies passwords.
127 -> MPD a -- ^ The action to run.
128 -> IO (Either ACK a)
129 withMPD host port getpw m = do
130 hRef <- newIORef Nothing
131 connect host port hRef
132 readIORef hRef >>= maybe (return $ Left NoMPD)
133 (\_ -> finally (runMPD m (Conn host port hRef getpw)) (closeIO hRef))
135 -- | Run an MPD action against a server with no provision for passwords.
136 withMPD_ :: String -> Integer -> MPD a -> IO (Either ACK a)
137 withMPD_ = flip (flip . withMPD) (return Nothing)
139 -- Connect to an MPD server.
140 connect :: String -> Integer -- host and port
141 -> IORef (Maybe Handle) -> IO ()
142 connect host port hRef =
143 withSocketsDo $ do
144 closeIO hRef
145 handle <- connectTo host . PortNumber $ fromInteger port
146 writeIORef hRef (Just handle)
147 checkConn handle >>= flip unless (closeIO hRef)
149 -- Check that an MPD daemon is at the other end of a connection.
150 checkConn :: Handle -> IO Bool
151 checkConn h = isPrefixOf "OK MPD" `liftM` hGetLine h
153 -- Close a connection.
154 closeIO :: IORef (Maybe Handle) -> IO ()
155 closeIO hRef = do
156 readIORef hRef >>= maybe (return ())
157 (\h -> hPutStrLn h "close" >> hClose h)
158 writeIORef hRef Nothing
160 -- | Refresh a connection.
161 reconnect :: MPD ()
162 reconnect = MPD $ \(Conn host port hRef _) -> do
163 connect host port hRef
164 liftM (maybe (Left NoMPD) (const $ Right ())) (readIORef hRef)
166 -- XXX this doesn't use the password supplying feature.
168 -- | Kill the server. Obviously, the connection is then invalid.
169 kill :: MPD ()
170 kill = MPD $ \conn -> do
171 readIORef (connHandle conn) >>=
172 maybe (return ()) (\h -> hPutStrLn h "kill" >> hClose h)
173 writeIORef (connHandle conn) Nothing
174 return (Left NoMPD)
176 -- | Send a command to the MPD and return the result.
177 getResponse :: String -> MPD [String]
178 getResponse cmd = MPD $ \conn -> do
179 readIORef (connHandle conn) >>=
180 maybe (return $ Left NoMPD)
181 (\h -> hPutStrLn h cmd >> hFlush h >>
182 loop h (tryPassword conn (getResponse cmd)) [])
183 where loop h tryPw acc = do
184 getln h (\l -> parseResponse (loop h tryPw) l acc >>= either
185 (\x -> case x of Auth -> tryPw; _ -> return (Left x))
186 (return . Right))
187 getln h cont =
188 catch (liftM Right $ hGetLine h) (return . Left) >>=
189 either (\e -> if isEOFError e then return (Left NoMPD)
190 else ioError e)
191 cont
193 -- Send a password to MPD and run an action on success, return an ACK
194 -- on failure.
195 tryPassword :: Connection
196 -> MPD a -- run on success
197 -> IO (Either ACK a)
198 tryPassword conn cont = do
199 readIORef (connHandle conn) >>= maybe (return $ Left NoMPD)
200 (\h -> connGetPass conn >>= maybe (return $ Left Auth)
201 (\pw -> do hPutStrLn h ("password " ++ pw) >> hFlush h
202 result <- hGetLine h
203 case result of "OK" -> runMPD cont conn
204 _ -> tryPassword conn cont))
206 splitAck :: String -> (String, String, String)
207 splitAck s = (take 3 prefix, code, drop 2 msg)
208 where
209 (_, msg) = break (== '}') msg'
210 (code, msg') = break (== ' ') rest
211 (prefix, rest) = splitAt 4 s
213 -- > parseAck "ACK [5@0] {} unknown command \"pong\"" = Custom "unknown
214 -- command \"pong\""
215 parseAck :: String -> ACK
216 parseAck s = case code of
217 "[4@0]" -> Auth
218 "[54@0]" -> Busy
219 {- XXX need to extract what commands/files are
220 - unknown/missing/existing
221 "[5@0]" -> UnknownCommand
222 "[50@0]" -> FileNotFound
223 "[56@0]" -> FileExists
225 _ -> Custom msg
226 where (_, code, msg) = splitAck s
228 -- Consume response and return a Response.
229 parseResponse :: ([String] -> IO (Either ACK [String]))
230 -> String -> [String] -> IO (Either ACK [String])
231 parseResponse f s acc
232 | isPrefixOf "ACK" s = return $ Left (parseAck s)
233 | isPrefixOf "OK" s = return $ Right (reverse acc)
234 | otherwise = f (s:acc)
236 -- XXX this doesn't use the password supplying feature.
238 -- | Clear the current error message in status.
239 clearerror :: MPD ()
240 clearerror = MPD $ \conn -> do
241 readIORef (connHandle conn) >>= maybe (return $ Left NoMPD)
242 (\h -> hPutStrLn h "clearerror" >> hFlush h >> return (Right ()))
244 -- | Close an MPD connection.
245 close :: MPD ()
246 close = MPD $ \conn -> closeIO (connHandle conn) >> return (Right ())