[gitconv @ Rename Prim.hs to Core.hs.]
[libmpd-haskell.git] / Network / MPD / Core.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
2 {-
3 libmpd for Haskell, an MPD client library.
4 Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Ben Sinclair <bsinclai@turing.une.edu.au>
6 This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
7 modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
8 License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
9 version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11 This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 Lesser General Public License for more details.
16 You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
17 License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
18 Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
21 -- | Module : Network.MPD.Core
22 -- Copyright : (c) Ben Sinclair 2005-2007
23 -- License : LGPL
24 -- Maintainer : bsinclai@turing.une.edu.au
25 -- Stability : alpha
26 -- Portability : not Haskell 98 (uses MultiParamTypeClasses)
28 -- Core functionality.
30 module Network.MPD.Core (
31 -- * Data types
32 MPD(..), Conn(..), MPDError(..), ACKType(..), Response,
33 -- * Interacting
34 getResponse, close, reconnect, kill,
35 ) where
37 import Control.Monad (liftM)
38 import Control.Monad.Error (Error(..), MonadError(..))
39 import Control.Monad.Trans
40 import Prelude hiding (repeat)
41 import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
42 import Data.Maybe
43 import System.IO
46 -- Data types.
49 -- A class of transports with which to connect to MPD servers.
50 data Conn = Conn { cOpen :: IO () -- Open connection
51 , cClose :: IO () -- Close connection
52 , cSend :: String -> IO (Response String) -- Write to connection
53 , cGetPW :: IO (Maybe String) } -- Password function
55 -- | The MPDError type is used to signal errors, both from the MPD and
56 -- otherwise.
57 data MPDError = NoMPD -- ^ MPD not responding
58 | TimedOut -- ^ The connection timed out
59 | Custom String -- ^ Used for misc. errors
60 | ACK ACKType String -- ^ ACK type and a message from the
61 -- server
62 deriving Eq
64 instance Show MPDError where
65 show NoMPD = "Could not connect to MPD"
66 show TimedOut = "MPD connection timed out"
67 show (Custom s) = s
68 show (ACK _ s) = s
70 -- | Represents various MPD errors (aka. ACKs).
71 data ACKType = InvalidArgument -- ^ Invalid argument passed (ACK 2)
72 | InvalidPassword -- ^ Invalid password supplied (ACK 3)
73 | Auth -- ^ Authentication required (ACK 4)
74 | UnknownCommand -- ^ Unknown command (ACK 5)
75 | FileNotFound -- ^ File or directory not found ACK 50)
76 | PlaylistMax -- ^ Playlist at maximum size (ACK 51)
77 | System -- ^ A system error (ACK 52)
78 | PlaylistLoad -- ^ Playlist loading failed (ACK 53)
79 | Busy -- ^ Update already running (ACK 54)
80 | NotPlaying -- ^ An operation requiring playback
81 -- got interrupted (ACK 55)
82 | FileExists -- ^ File already exists (ACK 56)
83 | UnknownACK -- ^ An unknown ACK (aka. bug)
84 deriving (Eq)
86 -- | A response is either an 'MPDError' or some result.
87 type Response a = Either MPDError a
89 -- Export the type name but not the constructor or the field.
90 -- | The MPD monad is basically a reader and error monad
91 -- combined.
93 -- To use the error throwing\/catching capabilities:
95 -- > import Control.Monad.Error
97 -- To run IO actions within the MPD monad:
99 -- > import Control.Monad.Trans
100 data MPD a = MPD { runMPD :: Conn -> IO (Response a) }
102 instance Functor MPD where
103 fmap f m = MPD $ \conn -> either Left (Right . f) `liftM` runMPD m conn
105 instance Monad MPD where
106 return a = MPD $ \_ -> return $ Right a
107 m >>= f = MPD $ \conn -> runMPD m conn >>=
108 either (return . Left) (flip runMPD conn . f)
109 fail err = MPD $ \_ -> return . Left $ Custom err
111 instance MonadIO MPD where
112 liftIO m = MPD $ \_ -> liftM Right m
114 instance MonadError MPDError MPD where
115 throwError e = MPD $ \_ -> return (Left e)
116 catchError m h = MPD $ \conn ->
117 runMPD m conn >>= either (flip runMPD conn . h) (return . Right)
119 instance Error MPDError where
120 noMsg = Custom "An error occurred"
121 strMsg = Custom
124 -- Basic connection functions
127 -- | Refresh a connection.
128 reconnect :: MPD ()
129 reconnect = MPD $ \conn -> Right `liftM` cOpen conn
131 -- | Kill the server. Obviously, the connection is then invalid.
132 kill :: MPD ()
133 kill = getResponse "kill" `catchError` cleanup >> return ()
134 where
135 cleanup TimedOut = MPD $ \conn -> cClose conn >> return (Right [])
136 cleanup x = throwError x >> return []
138 -- | Close an MPD connection.
139 close :: MPD ()
140 close = MPD $ \conn -> cClose conn >> return (Right ())
143 -- Sending messages and handling responses.
146 -- | Send a command to the MPD and return the result.
147 getResponse :: String -> MPD [String]
148 getResponse cmd = MPD f
149 where
150 f conn = catchAuth . either Left parseResponse =<< cSend conn cmd
151 where
152 catchAuth (Left (ACK Auth _)) = tryPassword conn (f conn)
153 catchAuth x = return x
155 -- Send a password to MPD and run an action on success.
156 tryPassword :: Conn -> IO (Response a) -> IO (Response a)
157 tryPassword conn cont = do
158 resp <- cGetPW conn >>= maybe failAuth (cSend conn . ("password " ++))
159 case resp of
160 Left e -> return $ Left e
161 Right x -> either (return . Left) (const cont) $ parseResponse x
162 where failAuth = return . Left $ ACK Auth "Password required"
164 -- Consume response and return a Response.
165 parseResponse :: String -> Response [String]
166 parseResponse s | null xs = Left $ NoMPD
167 | isPrefixOf "ACK" (head xs) = Left $ parseAck s
168 | otherwise = Right $ takeWhile ("OK" /=) xs
169 where xs = lines s
171 parseAck :: String -> MPDError
172 parseAck s = ACK ack msg
173 where
174 ack = case code of
175 "2" -> InvalidArgument
176 "3" -> InvalidPassword
177 "4" -> Auth
178 "5" -> UnknownCommand
179 "50" -> FileNotFound
180 "51" -> PlaylistMax
181 "52" -> System
182 "53" -> PlaylistLoad
183 "54" -> Busy
184 "55" -> NotPlaying
185 "56" -> FileExists
186 _ -> UnknownACK
187 (code, _, msg) = splitAck s
189 -- Break an ACK into (error code, current command, message).
190 -- ACKs are of the form:
191 -- ACK [error@command_listNum] {current_command} message_text\n
192 splitAck :: String -> (String, String, String)
193 splitAck s = (code, cmd, msg)
194 where (code, notCode) = between (== '[') (== '@') s
195 (cmd, notCmd) = between (== '{') (== '}') notCode
196 msg = drop 1 . snd $ break (== ' ') notCmd
198 -- take whatever is between 'f' and 'g'.
199 between f g xs = let (_, y) = break f xs
200 in break g (drop 1 y)