lots of changes
[lartc.git] / manpages / index.php3
1 <html>
2 <head><title>Linux Advanced Routing &amp; Traffic Control Manpages</title></head>
3 <body bgcolor=#ffffff>
5 <table width=100%><tr><td>
6 <H1>Linux Advanced Routing &amp; Traffic Control</H1>
7 <?
8 if(!ereg("^\/lartc\/",$SCRIPT_NAME))
9 print("<font color=#ff0000>You are not using the canonical URL: <a
10 href=http://ds9a.nl/lartc>http://ds9a.nl/lartc</a> -
11 not all links may work!</font>");
13 </td><td valign=top align=right><a href=http://www.powerdns.com><img
14 src=http://ds9a.nl/pub/pdns88x33c.gif></a><p></td>
15 <tr><td><a href="http://ds9a.nl/">bert hubert</a> (<a
16 href=http://www.powerdns.com>PowerDNS.COM BV</a>) <a href=mailto:bert.hubert@netherlabs.nl>&lt;bert.hubert@netherlabs.nl&gt;</a>,<br>
17 <a href="mailto:HOWTO@ds9a.nl">HOWTO@ds9a.nl</a> <small>(HOWTO related only, do
18 <strong>not</strong> send questions)</small> <br>
19 <a href="#mailinglist">lartc@mailman.ds9a.nl</a>
20 (<small>mailing list</a>/<a
21 href=http://mailman.ds9a.nl/pipermail/lartc/>archive</a>, the <strong>only</strong> place to send
22 questions!</a></small>)</td><td valign=bottom align=right><table border=1>
23 <tr><td>
24 <a href="http://ds9a.nl/lartc/#news">News</a> </td>
25 <td><a href="http://ds9a.nl/lartc/#mailinglist">Mailinglist</a> </td>
26 <td><a href="http://ds9a.nl/lartc/#jobs">Jobs</a> </td>
27 <td><a href="http://ds9a.nl/lartc/#bazaar">Bazaar</a></td>
28 <td><a href="#sponsor">Sponsor</a>
29 </td></tr>
30 </table></td>
31 </table>
32 <center>
33 Massive thanks to:<br>
34 <small>
36 readfile("../contriblist");
38 </small></center>
39 <p>
40 <H2>Manpages</H2>
41 I'm attempting, with your help, to write manpages for tc. These pages will
42 complement the <a href=http://ds9a.nl/lartc>HOWTO</a> and are intented to be
43 donated to Alexey, the tc author, for inclusion in the distribution.
44 <p>
45 HTML output is somewhat shoddy in places, but looks nice:
46 <table border=1>
48 function manpage($name,$desc="",$there=0)
50 print("<tr><td><td>$name</td><td>$desc</td>");
51 if($there) {
52 print("<td><a href=$name.txt>txt</a></td>");
53 print("<td><a href=$name.html>html</a></td>");
54 print("<td><a href=$name.8>man</a></td>");
55 print("<td><a href=$name.pdf>pdf</a></td>");
56 print("<td><a href=$name.ps>ps</a>/<a href=$name.ps.gz>ps.gz</a></td>");
57 print("<td><a href=$name.dvi>dvi</a></td>");
59 else print("<td colspan=6 align=center><font color=#999999>forthcoming</font></td>");
60 print("</tr>");
62 manpage("tc","The main command",1);
63 manpage("tc-filter","tc filters in depth",0);
64 manpage("tc-cbq","The Class Based Queueing qdisc",1);
65 manpage("tc-dsmark","The DiffServ qdisc");
66 manpage("tc-htb","The Hierarchy Token Bucket qdisc");
67 manpage("tc-sfq","Stochastic Fairness Queueing",1);
68 manpage("tc-red","Random Early Detection",1);
69 manpage("tc-tbf","Token Bucket Filter",1);
70 manpage("tc-pfifo","Packet limited First In First Out");
71 manpage("tc-bfifo","Byte limited First In First Out");
72 manpage("tc-prio","N-band classful scheduler",1);
73 manpage("tc-pfifo_fast","Default three-band scheduler");
75 </table>
77 <H2>Sponsor</h2>
78 <a href=http://www.powerdns.com>
79 This site made possible by PowerDNS, for all your domain needs and
80 nameserver software.
81 </a>
82 <br>
83 <a href=http://ds9a.nl/>Other ds9a.nl projects.</a>
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86 <FORM method=GET action="http://www.google.com/search">
87 <TABLE bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><tr><td>
88 <A HREF="http://www.google.com/">
89 <IMG SRC="http://www.google.com/logos/Logo_40wht.gif" border="0"
90 ALT="Google" align="absmiddle"></A>
91 <INPUT TYPE=text name=q size=31 maxlength=255 value="">
92 <INPUT type=submit name=sa VALUE="Google Search">
93 </td></tr></TABLE>
94 </FORM>
95 </center>
96 <!-- Search Google -->
97 <center>
98 <small>
99 $Id$
101 </small>
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103 </body>
104 </html>