[lartc.git] / 2.4routing.sgml
1 <!doctype linuxdoc system>
3 <!-- $Id$
4 -->
6 <article>
8 <!-- Title information -->
10 <title>Linux 2.4 Advanced Routing HOWTO
11 <author>Netherlabs BV (bert hubert &lt;;)&nl;
12 Gregory Maxwell &lt;; &nl;
13 Remco van Mook &lt;; &nl;
14 Martijn van Oosterhout &lt;; &nl;
15 Paul B Schroeder &lt;; &nl;
16 Jasper Spaans &lt;; &nl;
18 <date>v0.3.0 $Date$
19 <abstract>
20 A very hands-on approach to iproute2, traffic shaping and a bit of netfilter
21 </abstract>
23 <!-- Table of contents -->
24 <toc>
26 <!-- Begin the document -->
28 <sect>Dedication
29 <p>
30 This document is dedicated to lots of people, and is my attempt to do
31 something back. To list but a few:
32 <p>
33 <itemize>
34 <item>Rusty Russell
35 <item>Alexey N. Kuznetsov
36 <item>The good folks from Google
37 <item>The staff of Casema Internet
38 </itemize>
40 <sect>Introduction
41 <p>
42 Welcome, gentle reader.
43 <p>
44 This document hopes to enlighten you on how to do more with Linux 2.2/2.4
45 routing. Unbeknownst to most users, you already run tools which allow you to
46 do spectacular things. Commands like 'route' and 'ifconfig' are actually
47 very thin wrappers for the very powerful iproute2 infrastructure
48 <p>
49 I hope that this HOWTO will become as readable as the ones by Rusty Russell
50 of (amongst other things) netfilter fame.
52 You can always reach us by writing to the <url name="HOWTO team"
53 url="">. However, please consider posting to the mailing
54 list (see the relevant section) if you have questions which are not directly
55 related to this HOWTO.
57 Before losing your way in this HOWTO, if all you want to do is simple
58 traffic shaping, skip everything and head to the 'Other possibilties'
59 chapter, and read about CBQ.init.
62 <sect1>Disclaimer &amp; License
63 <p>
64 This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
65 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
68 In short, if your STM-64 backbone breaks down and distributes pornography to
69 your most esteemed customers - it's never our fault. Sorry.
71 Copyright (c) 2001 by bert hubert, Gregory Maxwell, Martijn van
72 Oosterhout, Remco van Mook, Paul B. Schroeder and others.
74 Please freely copy and distribute (sell or give away) this document in any
75 format. It's requested that corrections and/or comments be fowarded to the
76 document maintainer. You may create a derivative work and distribute it
77 provided that you:
79 <enum>
80 <item>Send your derivative work (in the most suitable format such as sgml) to
81 the LDP (Linux Documentation Project) or the like for posting on the Internet.
82 If not the LDP, then let the LDP know where it is available.
84 <item>License the derivative work with this same license or use GPL. Include a
85 copyright notice and at least a pointer to the license used.
87 <item>Give due credit to previous authors and major contributors.
89 </enum>
90 If you're considering making a derived work other than a translation, it's
91 requested that you discuss your plans with the current maintainer.
93 It is also requested that if you publish this HOWTO in hardcopy that you
94 send the authors some samples for 'review purposes' :-)
97 <sect1>Prior knowledge
98 <p>
99 As the title implies, this is the 'Advanced' HOWTO. While by no means rocket
100 science, some prior knowledge is assumed.
102 Here are some other references which might help learn you more:
103 <descrip>
104 <tag><url
105 url=""
106 name="Rusty Russell's networking-concepts-HOWTO"></tag>
107 Very nice introduction, explaining what a network is, and how it is
108 connected to other networks
109 <tag>Linux Networking-HOWTO (Previously the Net-3 HOWTO)</tag>
110 Great stuff, although very verbose. It learns you a lot of stuff that's
111 already configured if you are able to connect to the internet.
112 Should be located in <file>/usr/doc/HOWTO/NET3-4-HOWTO.txt</file> but can be also be found
113 <url url=""
114 name="online">
115 </descrip>
117 <sect1>What Linux can do for you
119 A small list of things that are possible:
121 <itemize>
122 <item>Throttle bandwidth for certain computers
123 <item>Throttle bandwidth TO certain computers
124 <item>Help you to fairly share your bandwidth
125 <item>Protect your network from DoS attacks
126 <item>Protect the internet from your customers
127 <item>Multiplex several servers as one, for load balancing or
128 enhanced availability
129 <item>Restrict access to your computers
130 <item>Limit access of your users to other hosts
131 <item>Do routing based on user id (yes!), MAC address, source IP
132 address, port, type of service, time of day or content
133 </itemize>
135 Currently, not many people are using these advanced features. This is for
136 several reasons. While the provided documentation is verbose, it is not very
137 hands-on. Traffic control is almost undocumented.
138 <sect1>Housekeeping notes
140 There are several things which should be noted about this document. While I
141 wrote most of it, I really don't want it to stay that way. I am a strong
142 believer in Open Source, so I encourage you to send feedback, updates,
143 patches etcetera. Do not hesitate to inform me of typos or plain old errors.
144 If my English sounds somewhat wooden, please realise that I'm not a native
145 speaker. Feel free to send suggestions.
147 If you feel to you are better qualified to maintain a section, or think that
148 you can author and maintain new sections, you are welcome to do so. The SGML
149 of this HOWTO is available via CVS, I very much envision more people
150 working on it.
152 In aid of this, you will find lots of FIXME notices. Patches are always
153 welcome! Wherever you find a FIXME, you should know that you are treading in
154 unknown territory. This is not to say that there are no errors elsewhere,
155 but be extra careful. If you have validated something, please let us know so
156 we can remove the FIXME notice.
158 About this HOWTO, I will take some liberties along the road. For example, I
159 postulate a 10Mbit internet connection, while I know full well that those
160 are not very common.
161 <sect1>Access, CVS &amp; submitting updates
163 The canonical location for the HOWTO is <url
164 url="" name="here">.
166 We now have anonymous CVS access available to the world at large. This is
167 good in a number of ways. You can easily upgrade to newer versions of this
168 HOWTO and submitting patches is no work at all.
170 Furthermore, it allows the authors to work on the source independently,
171 which is good too.
173 <tscreen><verb>
174 $ export
175 $ cvs login
176 CVS password: [enter 'cvs' (without 's)]
177 $ cvs co 2.4routing
178 cvs server: Updating 2.4routing
179 U 2.4routing/2.4routing.sgml
180 </verb></tscreen>
182 If you spot an error, or want to add something, just fix it locally, and run
183 cvs diff -u, and send the result off to us.
185 A Makefile is supplied which should help you create postscript, dvi, pdf,
186 html and plain text. You may need to install sgml-tools, ghostscript and
187 tetex to get all formats.
189 <sect1>Mailing list
191 <label id="MLIST">
192 The authors receive an increasing amount of mail about this HOWTO. Because
193 of the clear interest of the community, it has been decided to start a
194 mailinglist where people can talk to each other about Advanced Routing and
195 Traffic Control. You can subscribe to the list
196 <url url="" name="here">.
198 It should be pointed out that the authors are very hesitant of answering
199 questions not asked on the list. We would like the archive of the list to
200 become some kind of knowledge base. If you have a question, please search
201 the archive, and then post to the mailinglist.
203 <sect1>Layout of this document
205 We will be doing interesting stuff almost immediately, which also means that
206 there will initially be parts that are explained incompletely or are not
207 perfect. Please gloss over these parts and assume that all will become clear.
209 Routing and filtering are two distinct things. Filtering is documented very
210 well by Rusty's HOWTOs, available here:
212 <itemize>
213 <item><url url=""
214 name="Rusty's Remarkably Unreliable Guides">
215 </itemize>
217 We will be focusing mostly on what is possible by combining netfilter and
218 iproute2.
219 <sect>Introduction to iproute2
220 <sect1>Why iproute2?
222 Most Linux distributions, and most UNIX's, currently use the
223 venerable 'arp', 'ifconfig' and 'route' commands. While these tools work,
224 they show some unexpected behaviour under Linux 2.2 and up. For example, GRE
225 tunnels are an integral part of routing these days, but require completely
226 different tools.
228 With iproute2, tunnels are an integral part of the tool set.
230 The 2.2 and above Linux kernels include a completely redesigned network
231 subsystem. This new networking code brings Linux performance and a feature
232 set with little competition in the general OS arena. In fact, the new
233 routing, filtering, and classifying code is more featureful than the one
234 provided by many dedicated routers and firewalls and traffic shaping
235 products.
237 As new networking concepts have been invented, people have found ways to
238 plaster them on top of the existing framework in existing OSes. This
239 constant layering of cruft has lead to networking code that is filled with
240 strange behaviour, much like most human languages. In the past, Linux
241 emulated SunOS's handling of many of these things, which was not ideal.
243 This new framework makes it possible to clearly express features
244 previously beyond Linux's reach.
246 <sect1>iproute2 tour
248 Linux has a sophisticated system for bandwidth provisioning called Traffic
249 Control. This system supports various method for classifying, prioritizing,
250 sharing, and limiting both inbound and outbound traffic.
253 We'll start off with a tiny tour of iproute2 possibilities.
254 <sect1>Prerequisites
256 You should make sure that you have the userland tools installed. This
257 package is called 'iproute' on both RedHat and Debian, and may otherwise be
258 found at <tt>"</tt>.
260 You can also try <url name="here" url="">
261 for the latest version.
263 Some parts of iproute require you to have certain kernel options enabled. It
264 should also be noted that all releases of RedHat up to and including 6.2
265 come without most of the traffic control features in the default kernel.
267 RedHat 7.2 has everything in by default.
269 Also make sure that you have netlink support, should you choose to roll your
270 own kernel. Iproute2 needs it.
272 <sect1>Exploring your current configuration
274 This may come as a surprise, but iproute2 is already configured! The current
275 commands <tt>ifconfig</tt> and <tt>route</tt> are already using the advanced
276 syscalls, but mostly with very default (ie. boring) settings.
278 The <tt>ip</tt> tool is central, and we'll ask it to display our interfaces
279 for us.
280 <sect2><tt>ip</tt> shows us our links
282 <tscreen><verb>
283 [ahu@home ahu]$ ip link list
284 1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP> mtu 3924 qdisc noqueue
285 link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
286 2: dummy: <BROADCAST,NOARP> mtu 1500 qdisc noop
287 link/ether 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
288 3: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,PROMISC,UP> mtu 1400 qdisc pfifo_fast qlen 100
289 link/ether 48:54:e8:2a:47:16 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
290 4: eth1: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,PROMISC,UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast qlen 100
291 link/ether 00:e0:4c:39:24:78 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
292 3764: ppp0: <POINTOPOINT,MULTICAST,NOARP,UP> mtu 1492 qdisc pfifo_fast qlen 10
293 link/ppp
295 </verb></tscreen>
296 <p>Your mileage may vary, but this is what it shows on my NAT router at
297 home. I'll only explain part of the output as not everything is directly
298 relevant.
300 We first see the loopback interface. While your computer may function
301 somewhat without one, I'd advise against it. The MTU size (Maximum Transfer
302 Unit) is 3924 octets, and it is not supposed to queue. Which makes sense
303 because the loopback interface is a figment of your kernel's imagination.
305 I'll skip the dummy interface for now, and it may not be present on your
306 computer. Then there are my two physical network interfaces, one at the side
307 of my cable modem, the other one serves my home ethernet segment.
308 Furthermore, we see a ppp0 interface.
310 Note the absence of IP addresses. iproute disconnects the concept of 'links'
311 and 'IP addresses'. With IP aliasing, the concept of 'the' IP address had
312 become quite irrelevant anyhow.
314 It does show us the MAC addresses though, the hardware identifier of our
315 ethernet interfaces.
316 <sect2><tt>ip</tt> shows us our IP addresses
318 <tscreen><verb>
319 [ahu@home ahu]$ ip address show
320 1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP> mtu 3924 qdisc noqueue
321 link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
322 inet brd scope host lo
323 2: dummy: <BROADCAST,NOARP> mtu 1500 qdisc noop
324 link/ether 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
325 3: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,PROMISC,UP> mtu 1400 qdisc pfifo_fast qlen 100
326 link/ether 48:54:e8:2a:47:16 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
327 inet brd scope global eth0
328 4: eth1: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,PROMISC,UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast qlen 100
329 link/ether 00:e0:4c:39:24:78 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
330 3764: ppp0: <POINTOPOINT,MULTICAST,NOARP,UP> mtu 1492 qdisc pfifo_fast qlen 10
331 link/ppp
332 inet peer scope global ppp0
333 </verb></tscreen>
335 This contains more information. It shows all our addresses, and to which
336 cards they belong. 'inet' stands for Internet (IPv4). There are lots of other
337 address families, but these don't concern us right now.
339 Let's examine eth0 somewhat closer. It says that it is related to the inet
340 address ''. What does this mean? The /8 stands for the number of
341 bits that are in the Network Address. There are 32 bits, so we have 24 bits
342 left that are part of our network. The first 8 bits of correspond
343 to, our Network Address, and our netmask is
345 The other bits are connected to this interface, so is directly
346 available on eth0, as is for example.
348 With ppp0, the same concept goes, though the numbers are different. Its
349 address is, without a subnet mask. This means that we have a
350 point-to-point connection and that every address, with the exception of
351, is remote. There is more information however, it tells us
352 that on the other side of the link there is yet again only one address,
353 The /32 tells us that there are no 'network bits'.
355 It is absolutely vital that you grasp these concepts. Refer to the
356 documentation mentioned at the beginning of this HOWTO if you have trouble.
358 You may also note 'qdisc', which stands for Queueing Discipline. This will
359 become vital later on.
361 <sect2><tt>ip</tt> shows us our routes
363 Well, we now know how to find 10.x.y.z addresses, and we are able to reach
364 This is not enough however, so we need instructions on how to
365 reach the world. The internet is available via our ppp connection, and it
366 appears that is willing to spread our packets around the
367 world, and deliver results back to us.
369 <tscreen><verb>
370 [ahu@home ahu]$ ip route show
371 dev ppp0 proto kernel scope link src
372 dev eth0 proto kernel scope link src
373 dev lo scope link
374 default via dev ppp0
375 </verb></tscreen>
377 This is pretty much self explanatory. The first 4 lines of output explicitly
378 state what was already implied by <tt>ip address show</tt>, the last line
379 tells us that the rest of the world can be found via, our
380 default gateway. We can see that it is a gateway because of the word
381 via, which tells us that we need to send packets to, and that it
382 will take care of things.
384 For reference, this is what the old 'route' utility shows us:
385 <tscreen><verb>
386 [ahu@home ahu]$ route -n
387 Kernel IP routing table
388 Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use
389 Iface
390 UH 0 0 0 ppp0
391 U 0 0 0 eth0
392 U 0 0 0 lo
393 UG 0 0 0 ppp0
394 </verb></tscreen>
396 <sect1>ARP
398 ARP is the Address Resolution Protocol as described in
399 <url url="" name="RFC 826">.
400 ARP is used by a networked machine to resolve the hardware location/address of
401 another machine on the same
402 local network. Machines on the Internet are generally known by their names
403 which resolve to IP
404 addresses. This is how a machine on the network is able to communicate
405 with another machine which is on the network. An IP address, though,
406 cannot tell you the physical location of a machine. This is where ARP comes
407 into the picture.
409 Let's take a very simple example. Suppose I have a network composed of several
410 machines. Two of the machines which are currently on my network are foo
411 with an IP address of and bar with an IP address of
412 Now foo wants to ping bar to see that he is alive, but alas, foo has no idea
413 where bar is. So when foo decides to ping bar he will need to send
414 out an ARP request.
415 This ARP request is akin to foo shouting out on the network "Bar (!
416 Where are you?" As a result of this every machine on the network will hear
417 foo shouting, but only bar ( will respond. Bar will then send an
418 ARP reply directly back to foo which is akin
419 bar saying,
420 "Foo ( I am here at 00:60:94:E9:08:12." After this simple transaction
421 that's used to locate his friend on the network, foo is able to communicate
422 with bar until he (his arp cache) forgets where bar is (typically after
423 15 minutes on Unix).
425 Now let's see how this works.
426 You can view your machines current arp/neighbor cache/table like so:
427 <tscreen><verb>
428 [root@espa041 /home/src/iputils]# ip neigh show
429 dev eth0 lladdr 00:60:08:3f:e9:f9 nud reachable
430 dev eth0 lladdr 00:06:29:21:73:c8 nud reachable
431 </verb></tscreen>
433 As you can see my machine espa041 ( knows where to find espa042
434 ( and
435 espagate ( Now let's add another machine to the arp cache.
437 <tscreen><verb>
438 [root@espa041 /home/paulsch/.gnome-desktop]# ping -c 1 espa043
439 PING ( from : 56(84) bytes of data.
440 64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=255 time=0.9 ms
442 --- ping statistics ---
443 1 packets transmitted, 1 packets received, 0% packet loss
444 round-trip min/avg/max = 0.9/0.9/0.9 ms
446 [root@espa041 /home/src/iputils]# ip neigh show
447 dev eth0 lladdr 00:06:29:21:80:20 nud reachable
448 dev eth0 lladdr 00:60:08:3f:e9:f9 nud reachable
449 dev eth0 lladdr 00:06:29:21:73:c8 nud reachable
450 </verb></tscreen>
452 As a result of espa041 trying to contact espa043, espa043's hardware
453 address/location has now been added to the arp/neighbor cache.
454 So until the entry for
455 espa043 times out (as a result of no communication between the two) espa041
456 knows where to find espa043 and has no need to send an ARP request.
458 Now let's delete espa043 from our arp cache:
460 <tscreen><verb>
461 [root@espa041 /home/src/iputils]# ip neigh delete dev eth0
462 [root@espa041 /home/src/iputils]# ip neigh show
463 dev eth0 nud failed
464 dev eth0 lladdr 00:60:08:3f:e9:f9 nud reachable
465 dev eth0 lladdr 00:06:29:21:73:c8 nud stale
466 </verb></tscreen>
468 Now espa041 has again forgotten where to find espa043 and will need to send
469 another ARP request the next time he needs to communicate with espa043.
470 You can also see from the above output that espagate ( has been
471 changed to the "stale" state. This means that the location shown is still
472 valid, but it will have to be confirmed at the first transaction to that
473 machine.
475 <sect>Rules - routing policy database
477 If you have a large router, you may well cater for the needs of different
478 people, who should be served differently. The routing policy database allows
479 you to do this by having multiple sets of routing tables.
481 If you want to use this feature, make sure that your kernel is compiled with
482 the "IP: advanced router" and "IP: policy routing" features.
484 When the kernel needs to make a routing decision, it finds out which table
485 needs to be consulted. By default, there are three tables. The old 'route'
486 tool modifies the main and local tables, as does the ip tool (by default).
488 The default rules:
489 <tscreen><verb>
490 [ahu@home ahu]$ ip rule list
491 0: from all lookup local
492 32766: from all lookup main
493 32767: from all lookup default
494 </verb></tscreen>
496 This lists the priority of all rules. We see that all rules apply to all
497 packets ('from all'). We've seen the 'main' table before, it is output by
498 <tt>ip route ls</tt>, but the 'local' and 'default' table are new.
500 If we want to do fancy things, we generate rules which point to different
501 tables which allow us to override system wide routing rules.
503 For the exact semantics on what the kernel does when there are more matching
504 rules, see Alexey's ip-cref documentation.
506 <sect1>Simple source routing
508 Let's take a real example once again, I have 2 (actually 3, about time I
509 returned them) cable modems, connected to a Linux NAT ('masquerading')
510 router. People living here pay me to use the internet. Suppose one of my
511 house mates only visits hotmail and wants to pay less. This is fine with me,
512 but you'll end up using the low-end cable modem.
514 The 'fast' cable modem is known as and is a PPP link to
515 The 'slow' cable modem is known by various ip addresses,
516 in this example and is a link to
518 The local table:
519 <tscreen><verb>
520 [ahu@home ahu]$ ip route list table local
521 broadcast dev lo proto kernel scope link src
522 local dev eth0 proto kernel scope host src
523 broadcast dev eth0 proto kernel scope link src
524 local dev ppp0 proto kernel scope host src
525 broadcast dev eth0 proto kernel scope link src
526 broadcast dev lo proto kernel scope link src
527 local dev ppp2 proto kernel scope host src
528 local dev lo proto kernel scope host src
529 local dev lo proto kernel scope host src
530 </verb></tscreen>
532 Lots of obvious things, but things that need to be specified somewhere.
533 Well, here they are. The default table is empty.
535 Let's view the 'main' table:
536 <tscreen><verb>
537 [ahu@home ahu]$ ip route list table main
538 dev ppp2 proto kernel scope link src
539 dev ppp0 proto kernel scope link src
540 dev eth0 proto kernel scope link src
541 dev lo scope link
542 default via dev ppp0
543 </verb></tscreen>
545 We now generate a new rule which we call 'John', for our hypothetical
546 house mate. Although we can work with pure numbers, it's far easier if we add
547 our tables to <file>/etc/iproute2/rt_tables</file>.
549 <tscreen><verb>
550 # echo 200 John >> /etc/iproute2/rt_tables
551 # ip rule add from table John
552 # ip rule ls
553 0: from all lookup local
554 32765: from lookup John
555 32766: from all lookup main
556 32767: from all lookup default
557 </verb></tscreen>
559 Now all that is left is to generate Johns table, and flush the route cache:
560 <tscreen><verb>
561 # ip route add default via dev ppp2 table John
562 # ip route flush cache
563 </verb></tscreen>
565 And we are done. It is left as an exercise for the reader to implement this
566 in ip-up.
567 <sect>GRE and other tunnels
569 There are 3 kinds of tunnels in Linux. There's IP in IP tunneling, GRE tunneling and tunnels that live outside the kernel (like, for example PPTP).
570 <sect1>A few general remarks about tunnels:
572 Tunnels can be used to do some very unusual and very cool stuff. They can also make things go horribly wrong when you don't configure them right. Don't point your default route to a tunnel device unless you know <bf>exactly</bf> what you are doing :-). Furthermore, tunneling increases overhead, because it needs an extra set of IP headers. Typically this is 20 bytes per packet, so if the normal packet size (MTU) on a network is 1500 bytes, a packet that is sent through a tunnel can only be 1480 bytes big. This is not necessarily a problem, but be sure to read up on IP packet fragmentation/reassembly when you plan to connect large networks with tunnels. Oh, and of course, the fastest way to dig a tunnel is to dig at both sides.
574 <sect1>IP in IP tunneling
576 This kind of tunneling has been available in Linux for a long time. It requires 2 kernel modules,
577 ipip.o and new_tunnel.o.
579 Let's say you have 3 networks: Internal networks A and B, and intermediate network C (or let's say, Internet).
580 So we have network A:
582 <tscreen><verb>
583 network
584 netmask
585 router
586 </verb></tscreen>
587 The router has address on network C.
589 and network B:
590 <tscreen><verb>
591 network
592 netmask
593 router
594 </verb></tscreen>
595 The router has address on network C.
597 As far as network C is concerned, we assume that it will pass any packet sent
598 from A to B and vice versa. You might even use the Internet for this.
600 Here's what you do:
602 First, make sure the modules are installed:
604 <tscreen><verb>
605 insmod ipip.o
606 insmod new_tunnel.o
607 </verb></tscreen>
608 Then, on the router of network A, you do the following:
609 <tscreen><verb>
610 ifconfig tunl0 pointopoint
611 route add -net netmask dev tunl0
612 </verb></tscreen>
613 And on the router of network B:
614 <tscreen><verb>
615 ifconfig tunl0 pointopoint
616 route add -net netmask dev tunl0
617 </verb></tscreen>
618 And if you're finished with your tunnel:
619 <tscreen><verb>
620 ifconfig tunl0 down
621 </verb></tscreen>
622 Presto, you're done. You can't forward broadcast or IPv6 traffic through
623 an IP-in-IP tunnel, though. You just connect 2 IPv4 networks that normally wouldn't be able to talk to each other, that's all. As far as compatibility goes, this code has been around a long time, so it's compatible all the way back to 1.3 kernels. Linux IP-in-IP tunneling doesn't work with other Operating Systems or routers, as far as I know. It's simple, it works. Use it if you have to, otherwise use GRE.
625 <sect1>GRE tunneling
627 GRE is a tunneling protocol that was originally developed by Cisco, and it
628 can do a few more things than IP-in-IP tunneling. For example, you can also
629 transport multicast traffic and IPv6 through a GRE tunnel.
631 In Linux, you'll need the ip_gre.o module.
633 <sect2>IPv4 Tunneling
635 Let's do IPv4 tunneling first:
637 Let's say you have 3 networks: Internal networks A and B, and intermediate network C (or let's say, Internet).
639 So we have network A:
640 <tscreen><verb>
641 network
642 netmask
643 router
644 </verb></tscreen>
645 The router has address on network C.
646 Let's call this network neta (ok, hardly original)
648 and network B:
649 <tscreen><verb>
650 network
651 netmask
652 router
653 </verb></tscreen>
654 The router has address on network C.
655 Let's call this network netb (still not original)
657 As far as network C is concerned, we assume that it will pass any packet sent
658 from A to B and vice versa. How and why, we do not care.
660 On the router of network A, you do the following:
661 <tscreen><verb>
662 ip tunnel add netb mode gre remote local ttl 255
663 ip link set netb up
664 ip addr add dev netb
665 ip route add dev netb
666 </verb></tscreen>
668 Let's discuss this for a bit. In line 1, we added a tunnel device, and
669 called it netb (which is kind of obvious because that's where we want it to
670 go). Furthermore we told it to use the GRE protocol (mode gre), that the
671 remote address is (the router at the other end), that our
672 tunneling packets should originate from (which allows your
673 router to have several IP addresses on network C and let you decide which
674 one to use for tunneling) and that the TTL field of the packet should be set
675 to 255 (ttl 255).
677 The second line enables the device.
679 In the third line we gave the newly born interface netb the address
680 This is OK for smaller networks, but when you're starting up a
681 mining expedition (LOTS of tunnels), you might want to consider using
682 another IP range for tunneling interfaces (in this example, you could use
685 <p>In the fourth line we set the route for network B. Note the different notation for the netmask. If you're not familiar with this notation, here's how it works: you write out the netmask in binary form, and you count all the ones. If you don't know how to do that, just remember that is /8, is /16 and is /24. Oh, and is /23, in case you were wondering.
687 But enough about this, let's go on with the router of network B.
688 <tscreen><verb>
689 ip tunnel add neta mode gre remote local ttl 255
690 ip link set neta up
691 ip addr add dev neta
692 ip route add dev neta
693 </verb></tscreen>
694 And when you want to remove the tunnel on router A:
695 <tscreen><verb>
696 ip link set netb down
697 ip tunnel del netb
698 </verb></tscreen>
699 Of course, you can replace netb with neta for router B.
701 <sect2>IPv6 Tunneling
704 A short bit about IPv6 addresses:<p>
705 IPv6 addresses are, compared to IPv4 addresses, monstrously big. An example:
706 <verb>3ffe:2502:200:40:281:48fe:dcfe:d9bc</verb>
707 So, to make writing them down easier, there are a few rules:
708 <itemize>
709 <item>Don't use leading zeroes. Same as in IPv4.
710 <item>Use colons to separate every 16 bits or two bytes.
711 <item>When you have lots of consecutive zeroes, you can write this down as ::. You can only do this once in an address and only for quantities of 16 bits, though.
712 </itemize>
713 Using these rules, the address 3ffe:0000:0000:0000:0000:0020:34A1:F32C can be written down as 3ffe::20:34A1:F32C, which is a lot shorter.
715 On with the tunnels.
717 Let's assume that you have the following IPv6 network, and you want to connect it to 6bone, or a friend.
719 <tscreen><verb>
720 Network 3ffe:406:5:1:5:a:2:1/96
721 </verb></tscreen>
722 Your IPv4 address is, and the 6bone router has IPv4 address
724 <tscreen><verb>
725 ip tunnel add sixbone mode sit remote local ttl 255
726 ip link set sixbone up
727 ip addr add 3ffe:406:5:1:5:a:2:1/96 dev sixbone
728 ip route add 3ffe::/15 dev sixbone
729 </verb></tscreen>
731 Let's discuss this. In the first line, we created a tunnel device called sixbone. We gave it mode sit (which is IPv6 in IPv4 tunneling) and told it where to go to (remote) and where to come from (local). TTL is set to maximum, 255. Next, we made the device active (up). After that, we added our own network address, and set a route for 3ffe::/15 (which is currently all of 6bone) through the tunnel.
733 GRE tunnels are currently the preferred type of tunneling. It's a standard that's also widely adopted outside the Linux community and therefore a Good Thing.
735 <sect1>Userland tunnels
737 There are literally dozens of implementations of tunneling outside the kernel. Best known are of course PPP and PPTP, but there are lots more (some proprietary, some secure, some that don't even use IP) and that is really beyond the scope of this HOWTO.
739 <sect>IPv6 tunneling with Cisco and/or 6bone
741 By Marco Davids &lt;;
743 NOTE to maintainer:
745 As far as I am concerned, this IPv6-IPv4 tunneling is not per definition
746 GRE tunneling. You could tunnel IPv6 over IPv4 by means of GRE tunnel devices
747 (GRE tunnels ANY to IPv4), but the device used here ("sit") only tunnels
748 IPv6 over IPv4 and is therefore something different.
750 <sect1>IPv6 Tunneling
752 This is another application of the tunneling capabilities of Linux. It is
753 popular among the IPv6 early adopters, or pioneers if you like.
754 The 'hands-on' example described below is certainly not the only way
755 to do IPv6 tunneling. However, it is the method that is often used to tunnel
756 between Linux and a Cisco IPv6 capable router and experience learned that
757 this is just the thing many people are after. Ten to one this applies to
758 you too ;-)
760 A short bit about IPv6 addresses:
762 IPv6 addresses are, compared to IPv4 addresses, really big: 128 bits
763 against 32 bits. And this provides us just with the thing we need: many, many
764 IP-addresses: 340,282,266,920,938,463,463,374,607,431,768,211,465 to be
765 precise. Apart from this, IPv6 (or IPng, for IP Next Generation) is supposed
766 to provide for smaller routing tables on the Internet's backbone routers,
767 simpler configuration of equipment, better security at the IP level and
768 better support for QoS.
770 An example: 2002:836b:9820:0000:0000:0000:836b:9886
772 Writing down IPv6 addresses can be quite a burden. Therefore, to make
773 life easier there are some rules:
775 <itemize>
776 <item>
777 Don't use leading zeroes. Same as in IPv4.
779 <item>Use colons to separate every 16 bits or two bytes.
781 <item>When you have lots of consecutive zeroes,
782 you can write this down as ::. You can only do this once in an
783 address and only for quantities of 16 bits, though.
784 </itemize>
786 The address 2002:836b:9820:0000:0000:0000:836b:9886 can be written down
787 as 2002:836b:9820::836b:9886, which is somewhat friendlier.
789 IPv6 is intended to be the successor of the current IPv4. Because it
790 is relatively new technology, there is no worldwide native IPv6 network
791 yet. To be able to move forward swiftly, the 6bone was introduced.
793 Native IPv6 networks are connected to each other by encapsulating the IPv6
794 protocol in IPv4 packets and sending them over the existing IPv4 infrastructure
795 from one IPv6 site to another.
797 That is precisely where the tunnel steps in.
799 To be able to use IPv6, we should have a kernel that supports it. There
800 are many good documents on how to achieve this. But it all comes down to
801 a few steps:
802 <itemize>
803 <item>Get yourself a recent Linux distribution, with suitable glibc.
804 <item>Then get yourself an up-to-date kernel source.
805 </itemize>
806 If you are all set, then you can go ahead and compile an IPv6 capable
807 kernel:
808 <itemize>
809 <item>Go to /usr/src/linux and type:
810 <item>make menuconfig
811 <item>Choose "Networking Options"
812 <item>Select "The IPv6 protocol", "IPv6: enable EUI-64 token format", "IPv6:
813 disable provider based addresses"
814 </itemize>
815 HINT: Don't go for the 'module' option. Often this won't work well.
817 In other words, compile IPv6 as 'built-in' in your kernel.
818 You can then save your config like usual and go ahead with compiling
819 the kernel.
821 HINT: Before doing so, consider editing the Makefile:
822 EXTRAVERSION = -x ; --> ; EXTRAVERSION = -x-IPv6
824 There is a lot of good documentation about compiling and installing
825 a kernel, however this document is about something else. If you run into
826 problems at this stage, go and look for documentation about compiling a
827 Linux kernel according to your own specifications.
829 The file /usr/src/linux/README might be a good start.
830 After you acomplished all this, and rebooted with your brand new kernel,
831 you might want to issue an '/sbin/ifconfig -a' and notice the brand
832 new 'sit0-device'. SIT stands for Simple Internet Transition. You may give
833 yourself a compliment; you are now one major step closer to IP, the Next
834 Generation ;-)
836 Now on to the next step. You want to connect your host, or maybe even
837 your entire LAN to another IPv6 capable network. This might be the "6bone"
838 that is setup especially for this particular purpose.
840 Let's assume that you have the following IPv6 network: 3ffe:604:6:8::/64 and
841 you want to connect it to 6bone, or a friend. Please note that the /64
842 subnet notation works just like with regular IP adresses.
844 Your IPv4 address is and the 6bone router has IPv4 address
846 <tscreen><verb>
847 # ip tunnel add sixbone mode sit remote [local ttl 225]
848 # ip link set sixbone up
849 # ip addr add 3FFE:604:6:7::2/126 dev sixbone
850 # ip route add 3ffe::0/16 dev sixbone
851 </verb></tscreen>
853 Let's discuss this. In the first line, we created a tunnel device called
854 sixbone. We gave it mode sit (which is IPv6 in IPv4 tunneling) and told it
855 where to go to (remote) and where to come from (local). TTL is set to
856 maximum, 255.
858 Next, we made the device active (up). After that, we added our own network
859 address, and set a route for 3ffe::/15 (which is currently all of 6bone)
860 through the tunnel. If the particular machine you run this on is your IPv6
861 gateway, then consider adding the following lines:
863 <tscreen><verb>
864 # echo 1 >/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/forwarding
865 # /usr/local/sbin/radvd
866 </verb></tscreen>
867 The latter, radvd is -like zebra- a router advertisement daemon, to
868 support IPv6's autoconfiguration features. Search for it with your favourite
869 search-engine if you like.
870 You can check things like this:
872 <tscreen><verb>
873 # /sbin/ip -f inet6 addr
874 </verb></tscreen>
876 If you happen to have radvd running on your IPv6 gateway and boot your
877 IPv6 capable Linux on a machine on your local LAN, you would be able to
878 enjoy the benefits of IPv6 autoconfiguration:
879 <tscreen><verb>
880 # /sbin/ip -f inet6 addr
881 1: lo: &lt;LOOPBACK,UP&gt; mtu 3924 qdisc noqueue inet6 ::1/128 scope host
883 3: eth0: &lt;BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP&gt; mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast qlen 100
884 inet6 3ffe:604:6:8:5054:4cff:fe01:e3d6/64 scope global dynamic
885 valid_lft forever preferred_lft 604646sec inet6 fe80::5054:4cff:fe01:e3d6/10
886 scope link
887 </verb></tscreen>
889 You could go ahead and configure your bind for IPv6 addresses. The A
890 type has an equivalent for IPv6: AAAA. The's equivalent is:
891 There's a lot of information available on this topic.
893 There is an increasing number of IPv6-aware applications available,
894 including secure shell, telnet, inetd, Mozilla the browser, Apache the
895 websever and a lot of others. But this is all outside the scope of this
896 Routing document ;-)
898 On the Cisco side the configuration would be something like this:
899 <tscreen><verb>
901 interface Tunnel1
902 description IPv6 tunnel
903 no ip address
904 no ip directed-broadcast
905 ipv6 enable
906 ipv6 address 3FFE:604:6:7::1/126
907 tunnel source Serial0
908 tunnel destination
909 tunnel mode ipv6ip
911 ipv6 route 3FFE:604:6:8::/64 Tunnel1
912 </verb></tscreen>
913 But if you don't have a Cisco at your disposal, try one of the many
914 IPv6 tunnel brokers available on the Internet. They are willing to configure
915 their Cisco with an extra tunnel for you. Mostly by means of a friendly
916 web interface. Search for "ipv6 tunnel broker" on your favourite search engine.
918 <sect>IPsec: secure IP over the internet
920 FIXME: editor vacancy.
921 In the meantime, see: <url url="" name="The
922 FreeS/WAN project">. Another IPSec implementation for Linux is Cerberus,
923 by NIST. However, their web pages have not been updated in over a year,
924 and their version tended to trail well behind the current Linux kernel.
925 USAGI, an alternative IPv6 implementation for Linux, also includes an
926 IPSec implementation, but that might only be for IPv6.
928 <sect>Multicast routing
930 FIXME: Editor Vacancy!
932 The Multicast-HOWTO is ancient (relatively-speaking) and may be inaccurate
933 or misleading in places, for that reason.
935 Before you can do any multicast routing, you need to configure the Linux
936 kernel to support the type of multicast routing you want to do. This, in
937 turn, requires you to decide what type of multicast routing you expect to
938 be using. There are essentially four "common" types - DVMRP (the Multicast
939 version of the RIP unicast protocol), MOSPF (the same, but for OSPF), PIM-SM
940 ("Protocol Independent Multicasting - Sparse Mode", which assumes that users
941 of any multicast group are spread out, rather than clumped) and PIM-DM (the
942 same, but "Dense Mode", which assumes that there will be significant clumps
943 of users of the same multicast group).
945 In the Linux kernel, you will notice that these options don't appear. This is
946 because the protocol itself is handled by a routing application, such as
947 Zebra, mrouted, or pimd. However, you still have to have a good idea of which
948 you're going to use, to select the right options in the kernel.
950 For all multicast routing, you will definitely need to enable "multicasting"
951 and "multicast routing". For DVMRP and MOSPF, this is sufficient. If you are
952 going to use PIM, you must also enable PIMv1 or PIMv2, depending on whether
953 the network you are connecting to uses version 1 or 2 of the PIM protocol.
955 Once you have all that sorted out, and your new Linux kernel compiled, you
956 will see that the IP protocols listed, at boot time, now include IGMP. This
957 is a protocol for managing multicast groups. At the time of writing, Linux
958 supports IGMP versions 1 and 2 only, although version 3 does exist and has
959 been documented. This doesn't really affect us that much, as IGMPv3 is still
960 new enough that the extra capabilities of IGMPv3 aren't going to be that
961 much use. Because IGMP deals with groups, only the features present in the
962 simplest version of IGMP over the entire group are going to be used. For the
963 most part, that will be IGMPv2, although IGMPv1 is sill going to be
964 encountered.
966 So far, so good. We've enabled multicasting. Now, we have to tell the Linux
967 kernel to actually do something with it, so we can start routing. This means
968 adding the Multicast virtual network to the router table:
970 ip route add dev eth0
972 (Assuming, of course, that you're multicasting over eth0! Substitute the
973 device of your choice, for this.)
975 Now, tell Linux to forward packets...
977 echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
979 At this point, you may be wondering if this is ever going to do anything. So,
980 to test our connection, we ping the default group,, to see if anyone
981 is alive. All machines on your LAN with multicasting enabled <em>should</em>
982 respond, but nothing else. You'll notice that none of the machines that
983 respond have an IP address of What a surprise! :) This is a group
984 address (a "broadcast" to subscribers), and all members of the group will
985 respond with their own address, not the group address.
987 ping -c 2
989 At this point, you're ready to do actual multicast routing. Well, assuming
990 that you have two networks to route between.
992 (To Be Continued!)
994 <sect>Queueing Disciplines for Bandwidth Management
996 Now, when I discovered this, it <em>really</em> blew me away. Linux 2.2/2.4
997 comes with everything to manage bandwidth in ways comparable to high-end
998 dedicated bandwidth management systems.
1000 Linux even goes far beyond what Frame and ATM provide.
1002 <sect1>Queues and Queueing Disciplines explained
1004 With queueing we determine the way in which data is <em>sent</em>. It is
1005 important to realise that we can only shape data that we transmit.
1007 With the way the internet works, we have no direct control of what people
1008 send us. It's a bit like your (physical!) mailbox at home. There is no way
1009 you can influence the world to modify the amount of mail they send you,
1010 short of contacting everybody.
1012 However, the internet is mostly based on TCP/IP which has a few features
1013 that help us. TCP/IP has no way of knowing the capacity of the network
1014 between two hosts, so it just starts sending data faster and faster ('slow
1015 start') and when packets start getting lost, because there is no room to
1016 send them, it will slow down. In fact it is a bit smarter than this, but
1017 more about that later.
1019 This is the equivalent of not reading half of your mail, and hoping that
1020 people will stop sending it to you. With the difference that it works for
1021 the Internet :-)
1023 If you have a router and wish to prevent certain hosts of networks from
1024 downloading too fast, you need to do your shaping on the *inner* interface
1025 of your router, the one that sends data to your own computers.
1027 <sect1>Simple, classless Queueing Disciplines
1029 As said, with queueing disciplines, we change the way data is sent.
1030 Classless queueing disciplines are those that, by and large accept data and
1031 only reorder, delay or drop it.
1033 These can be used to shape traffic for an entire interface, without any
1034 subdivisions. It is vital that you understand this part of queueing before
1035 we go on the the classful qdisc-containing-qdiscs!
1037 By far the most widely used discipline is the pfifo_fast queue - this is the
1038 default. This also explains why these advanced features are so robust. They
1039 are nothing more than 'just another queue'.
1041 Each of these queues has specific strengths and weaknesses. Not all of them
1042 may be as well tested.
1044 <sect2>pfifo_fast
1046 This queue is, as the name says, First In, First Out, which means that no
1047 packet receives special treatment. At least, not quite. This queue has 3 so
1048 called 'bands'. Within each band, FIFO rules apply. However, as long as
1049 there are packets waiting in band 0, band 1 won't be processed. Same goes
1050 for band 1 and band 2.
1052 The kernel honors the so called Type of Service flag of packets, and takes
1053 care to insert 'minimum delay' packets in band 0.
1055 Do not confuse this classless simple qdisc with the classful PRIO one!
1056 <sect3>Parameters &amp; usage
1058 <descrip>
1059 <tag>bands</tag>
1060 Number of bands. Defaults to three. If you change this, also change:
1061 <tag>priomap</tag>
1062 Determines how packet priorities, as assigned by the kernel, map to bands.
1063 Mapping occurs according to the following table, which identical to the one
1064 used by the PRIO qdisc:
1065 <verb>
1066 TC_PRIO.. Num TOS Band
1067 -------------------------------------------------------
1068 BESTEFFORT 0 Maximize Reliablity 1
1069 FILLER 1 Minimize Cost 2
1070 BULK 2 Maximize Throughput (0x8) 2
1072 INTERACTIVE 6 Minimize Delay (0x10) 1
1073 CONTROL 7 2
1076 10 1
1077 11 1
1078 12 1
1079 13 1
1080 14 1
1081 15 1
1082 </verb>
1083 FIXME: It is not known what the higher priorities correspond to.
1085 SSH sets TOS to 'Minimize Delay', unless it is doing scp, in which case it
1086 sets 'Maximize Throughput'. The numbers in parentheses denote the TOS value
1087 as reported by tcpdump and the kernel. If you divide this by two, you get
1088 the values mentioned by RFC1349.
1090 The default priomap is reasonable, you probably do not need to change
1091 it.
1092 <tag>txqueuelen</tag>
1093 The length of this queue is gleaned from the interface configuration, which
1094 you can see and set with ifconfig and ip. To set the queue length to 10,
1095 execute: ifconfig eth0 txqueuelen 10
1097 You can't set this parameter with tc!
1098 </descrip>
1099 <sect2>Token Bucket Filter
1101 The Token Bucket Filter (TBF) is a simple queue that only passes packets
1102 arriving at a rate which is not exceeding some administratively set rate,
1103 with the possibility to allow short bursts in excess of this rate.
1105 TBF is very precise, network- and processor friendly. It should be your
1106 first choice if you simple want to slow an interface down!
1108 The TBF implementation consists of a buffer (bucket), constantly filled by
1109 some virtual pieces of information called tokens, at a specific rate (token
1110 rate). The most important parameter of the bucket is its size, that is the
1111 number of tokens it can store.
1113 Each arriving token collects one incoming data packet from the data queue
1114 and is then deleted from the bucket. Associating this algorithm
1115 with the two flows -- token and data, gives us three possible scenarios:
1117 <itemize>
1118 <item> The data arrives in TBF at a rate that's <em>equal</em> to the rate
1119 of incoming tokens. In this case each incoming packet has its matching token
1120 and passes the queue without delay.
1122 <item> The data arrives in TBF at a rate that's <em>smaller</em> than the
1123 token rate. Only a part of the tokens are deleted at output of each data packet
1124 that's sent out the queue, so the tokens accumulate, up to the bucket size.
1125 The unused tokens can then be used to send data a a speed that's exceeding the
1126 standard token rate, in case short data bursts occur.
1128 <item> The data arrives in TBF at a rate <em>bigger</em> than the token rate.
1129 This means that the bucket will soon be devoid of tokens, which causes the
1130 TBF to throttle itself for a while. This is called an 'overlimit situation'.
1131 If packets keep coming in, packets will start to get dropped.
1132 </itemize>
1134 The last scenario is very important, because it allows to
1135 administratively shape the bandwidth available to data that's passing
1136 the filter.
1138 The accumulation of tokens allows a short burst of overlimit data to be
1139 still passed without loss, but any lasting overload will cause packets to be
1140 constantly delayed, and then dropped.
1142 Please note that in the actual implementation, tokens correspond to bytes,
1143 not packets.
1144 <sect3>Parameters &amp; usage
1146 Even though you will probably not need to change them, tbf has some knobs
1147 available. First the parameters that are always available:
1148 <descrip>
1149 <tag>limit or latency</tag>
1150 Limit is the number of bytes that can be queued waiting for tokens to become
1151 available. You can also specify this the other way around by setting the
1152 latency parameter, which specifies the maximum amount of time a packet can
1153 sit in the TBF. The latter calculation takes into account the size of the
1154 bucket, the rate and possibly the peakrate (if set).
1156 <tag>burst/buffer/maxburst</tag>
1157 Size of the bucket, in bytes. This is the maximum amount of bytes that
1158 tokens can be available for instantaneously. In general, larger shaping
1159 rates require a larger buffer. For 10mbit/s on Intel, you need at least
1160 10kbyte buffer if you want to reach your configured rate!
1162 If your buffer is too small, packets may be dropped because more tokens
1163 arrive per timer tick than fit in your bucket.
1164 <tag>mpu</tag>
1165 A zero-sized packet does not use zero bandwidth. For ethernet, no packet
1166 uses less than 64 bytes. The Minimum Packet Unit determines the minimal
1167 token usage for a packet.
1168 <tag>rate</tag>
1169 The speedknob. See remarks above about limits!
1170 </descrip>
1172 If the bucket contains tokens and is allowed to empty, by default it does so
1173 at infinite speed. If this is unacceptable, use the following parameters:
1175 <descrip>
1176 <tag>peakrate</tag>
1177 If tokens are available, and packets arrive, they are sent out immediately
1178 by default, at 'lightspeed' so to speak. That may not be what you want,
1179 especially if you have a large bucket.
1181 The peakrate can be used to specify how quickly the bucket is allowed to be
1182 depleted. If doing everything by the book, this is achieved by releasing a
1183 packet, and then wait just long enough, and release the next. We calculated
1184 our waits so we send just at peakrate.
1186 However, due to de default 10ms timer resolution of Unix, with 10.000 bits
1187 average packets, we are limited to 1mbit/s of peakrate!
1189 <tag>mtu/minburst</tag>
1190 The 1mbit/s peakrate is not very useful if your regular rate is more than
1191 that. A higher peakrate is possible by sending out more packets per
1192 timertick, which effectively means that we create a second bucket!
1194 This second bucket defaults to a single packet, which is not a bucket at
1195 all.
1197 To calculate the maximum possible peakrate, multiply the configured mtu by
1198 100 (or more correctly, HZ, which is 100 on intel, 1024 on Alpha).
1200 </descrip>
1201 <sect3>Sample configuration
1203 A simple but *very* useful configuration is this:
1204 <verb>
1205 # tc qdisc add dev ppp0 root tbf rate 220kbit latency 50ms burst 1500
1206 </verb>
1208 Ok, why is this useful? If you have a networking device with a large queue,
1209 like a DSL modem or a cablemodem, and you talk to it over a fast device,
1210 like over an ethernet interface, you will find that uploading absolutely
1211 destroys interactivity.
1213 This is because uploading will fill the queue in the modem, which is
1214 probably *huge* because this helps actually achieving good data throughput
1215 uploading. But this is not what you want, you want to have the queue not too
1216 big so interactivity remains and you can stil do other stuff while sending
1217 data.
1219 The line above slows down sending to a rate that does not lead to a queue in
1220 the modem - the queue will be in Linux, where we can control it to a limited
1221 size.
1223 Change 220kbit to your uplinks *actual* speed, minus a few percent. If you
1224 have a really fast modem, raise 'burst' a bit.
1225 <sect2>Stochastic Fairness Queueing
1227 Stochastic Fairness Queueing (SFQ) is a simple implementation of the fair
1228 queueing algorithms family. It's less accurate than others, but it also
1229 requires less calculations while being almost perfectly fair.
1231 The key word in SFQ is conversation (or flow), which mostly corresponds to a
1232 TCP session or a UDP stream. Traffic is divided into a pretty large number
1233 of FIFO queues, one for each conversation. Traffic is then sent in a round
1234 robin fashion, giving each session the chance to send data in turn.
1236 This leads to very fair behaviour and disallows any single conversation from
1237 drowning out the rest. SFQ is called 'Stochastic' because it doesn't really
1238 allocate a queue for each session, it has an algorithm which divides traffic
1239 over a limited number of queues using a hashing algorithm.
1241 Because of the hash, multiple sessions might end up in the same bucket, which
1242 would halve each session's chance of sending a packet, thus halving the
1243 effective speed available. To prevent this situation from becoming
1244 noticeable, SFQ changes its hashing algorithm quite often so that any two
1245 colliding sessions will only do so for a small number of seconds.
1247 It is important to note that SFQ is only useful in case your actual outgoing
1248 interface is really full! If it isn't then there will be no queue on your
1249 linux machine and hence no effect. Later on we will describe how to combine
1250 SFQ with other qdiscs to get a best-of-both worlds situation.
1252 Specifically, setting SFQ on the ethernet interface heading to your
1253 cablemodem or DSL router is pointless without further shaping!
1254 <sect3>Parameters &amp; usage
1256 The SFQ is pretty much selftuning:
1257 <descrip>
1258 <tag>perturb</tag>
1259 Reconfigure hashing once this many seconds. If unset, hash will never be
1260 reconfigured. Not recommended. 10 seconds is probably a good value.
1261 <tag>quantum</tag>
1262 Amount of bytes a stream is allowed to dequeue before the next queue gets a
1263 turn. Defaults to 1 maximum sized packet (MTU-sized). Do not set below the
1264 MTU!
1265 </descrip>
1266 <sect3>Sample configuration
1268 If you have a device which has identical link speed as actual available
1269 rate, like a phone modem, this configuration will help promote fairness:
1270 <verb>
1271 # tc qdisc add dev ppp0 root sfq perturb 10
1272 # tc -s -d qdisc ls
1273 qdisc sfq 800c: dev eth0 quantum 1514b limit 128p flows 128/1024 perturb 10sec
1274 Sent 4812 bytes 62 pkts (dropped 0, overlimits 0)
1275 </verb>
1277 The number 800c: is the automatically assigned handle number, limit means
1278 that 128 packets can wait in this queue. There are 1024 hashbuckets
1279 available for accounting, of which 128 can be active at a time (no more
1280 packets fit in the queue!) Once every 10 seconds, the hashes are
1281 reconfigured.
1283 <sect1>Advice for when to use which queue
1285 Summarizing, these are the simple queues that actually manage traffic by
1286 reordering, slowing or dropping packets.
1288 The following tips may help in chosing which queue to use. It mentions some
1289 qdiscs described in the 'Advanced &amp; less common queueing disciplines'.
1291 <itemize>
1292 <item>
1293 To purely slow down outgoing traffic, use the Token Bucket Filter. Works up
1294 to huge bandwidths, if you scale the bucket.
1295 <item>
1296 If your link is truly full and you want to make sure that no single session
1297 can dominate your outgoing bandwidth, use Stochastical Fairness Queueing.
1298 <item>
1299 If you have a big backbone and know what you are doing, consider Random
1300 Early Drop (see Advanced chapter).
1301 <item>
1302 To 'shape' incoming traffic which you are not forwarding, use the Ingress
1303 Policer.
1304 <item>
1305 If you *are* forwarding it, use a TBF on the interface you are forwarding
1306 the data to.
1307 <item>
1308 If you don't want to shape, but only want to see if your interface is so
1309 loaded that it has to queue, use the pfifo queue (not pfifo_fast). It lacks
1310 internal bands but does account the size of its backlog.
1311 </itemize>
1312 <sect1>Classful Queueing Disciplines
1314 Some queueing disciplines can contain other queueing disciplines, which are
1315 then suddenly called 'classes'. A class is nothing short of a qdisc, except
1316 that it lives within another qdisc. We use the terms 'inner qdisc'
1317 , 'sub-qdisc' and 'class' interchangeably.
1319 Classful qdiscs are very useful if you have different kinds of traffic which
1320 should have differing treatment. One of the classful qdiscs is called 'CBQ'
1321 , 'Class Based Queueing' - it is so widely mentioned that people identify
1322 queueing with classes solely with CBQ, but this is not the case.
1324 CBQ is merely the oldest kid on the block - yet it is by far the least
1325 useful qdisc and also the most complex one. I advise *against* using it.
1326 This may come as something of a shock to many who fell for the 'sendmail
1327 effect', which learns us that any complex technology which doesn't come with
1328 documentation must be the best available.
1330 More about CBQ and it's alternatives shortly.
1331 <sect2>Flow within classful qdiscs &amp; classes
1333 When traffic enters a classful qdisc, it needs to be sent to any of the
1334 qdiscs within - the classes. To determine what to do with a packet, the so
1335 called 'filters' are consulted. It is important to know that the filters are
1336 called from within a qdisc, and not the other way around!
1338 The filters attached to that qdisc then return with a decision, and the
1339 qdisc uses this to enqueue the packet into one of the classes. These classes
1340 don't know that they are part of an outer-qdisc, they act as they normally
1341 do: accepting packets on one end and outputting them again when asked.
1343 Besides containing other qdiscs, most classful qdiscs also perform shaping.
1344 This is useful to perform both packet reordering (with SFQ, for example) and
1345 rate control. You need this in cases where you have a high speed
1346 interface (for example, ethernet) to a slower device (a cable modem).
1348 If you were only to run SFQ, nothing would happen, as packets enter &amp;
1349 leave your router without delay: the output interface is far faster than
1350 your actual link speed. There is no queue to process then.
1352 <sect2>The qdisc family: roots, handles, siblings and parents
1354 Each interface has a 'root qdisc', by default the earlier mentioned
1355 classless pfifo_fast queueing discipline. Each qdisc can be assigned a
1356 handle, which can be used by later configuration statements to refer to that
1357 qdisc.
1359 These handles consist of two parts, a major number and a minor number. It is
1360 habitual to name the root qdisc '1:', which is equal to '1:0'.
1362 Because classful qdiscs can have a lot of children, you should give them
1363 their own namespace by giving them a separate major number.
1364 <sect3>How filters are used to classify traffic
1366 Recapping, a typical hierarchy might look like this:
1367 <verb>
1368 root 1:
1370 _1:1_
1371 / | \
1372 / | \
1373 / | \
1374 10: 11: 12:
1375 / \ / \
1376 10:1 10:2 12:1 12:2
1377 </verb>
1379 But don't let this tree fool you! You should *not* imagine the kernel to be
1380 at the apex of the tree and the network below, that is just not the case.
1381 Packets get enqueued and dequeued at the root qdisc, which is the only thing
1382 the kernel talks to.
1384 A packet might get enqueued in a chain like this:
1386 1: -> 1:1 -> 12: -> 12:2
1388 The packet now resides in a queue in qdisc 12:2. In this example, a filter
1389 was attached to each 'node' in the tree, each chosing a branch to take next.
1390 This can make sense. However, tnis is also possible:
1392 1: -> 12:2
1394 In this case, a filter attached to the root decided to send the packet
1395 directly to 12:2.
1397 <sect3>How packets are dequeued to the hardware
1399 When the kernel decides that it needs to extract packets to send to the
1400 interface, the root qdisc 1: gets a dequeue request, which is passed to
1401 1:1, which is in turn passed to 10:, 11: and 12:, which each query their
1402 siblings, and try to dequeue() from them. In this case, the kernel needs to
1403 walk the entire tree, because only 12:2 contains a packet.
1405 In short, nested qdiscs ONLY talk to their parent qdiscs, never to an
1406 interface. Only the root qdisc gets dequeued by the kernel!
1408 The upshot of this is that sub-qdiscs never get dequeued faster than their
1409 parents allow. And this is exactly what we want: this way we can have SFQ as
1410 an inner class, which doesn't do any shaping, only reordering, and have a
1411 shaping outer class, which does the shaping.
1412 <sect2>The PRIO qdisc
1414 The PRIO qdisc doesn't actually shape, it only subdivides traffic based on
1415 how you configured your filters. You can consider the PRIO qdisc a kind
1416 of pfifo_fast on stereoids, whereby each band is a separate qdisc instead of
1417 a simple FIFO.
1419 When a packet is enqueued to the PRIO qdisc, a sub-qdisc is chosen based on
1420 the filter commands you gave. By default, three pfifo sub-qdiscs are
1421 created. These sub-qdiscs are by default pure FIFO queues with no internal
1422 structure, but you can replace them by any qdisc you have available.
1424 Whenever a packet needs to be dequeued, class :1 is tried first. Higher
1425 classes are only used of lower bands all did not give up a packet.
1427 This queue is very useful in case you want to prioritize certain kinds of
1428 traffic without using TOS-flags but using all the power of the tc filters.
1429 Because it doesn't actually shape, the same warning as for SFQ holds: either
1430 use it only if your physical link is really full or wrap it inside a
1431 classful qdisc that does shape.
1433 The last holds for almost all cablemodems and DSL devices.
1434 <sect3>PRIO parameters &amp; usage
1436 The following parameters are recognized by tc:
1437 <descrip>
1438 <tag>bands</tag>
1439 Number of bands to create. Each band is in fact a class. If you change this
1440 number, you should probably also change the priomap.
1441 <tag>priomap</tag>
1442 If you do not provide tc filters to classify traffic, the PRIO qdisc looks
1443 at the TC_PRIO priority to decide how to enqueue traffic. The kernel assigns
1444 each packet a TC_PRIO priority, based on TOS flags or socket options passed
1445 by the application.
1447 The TC_PRIO is decided based on the TOS, and mapped as follows:
1449 <verb>
1450 TC_PRIO.. Num TOS Band
1451 -------------------------------------------------------
1452 BESTEFFORT 0 Maximize Reliablity 1
1453 FILLER 1 Minimize Cost 2
1454 BULK 2 Maximize Throughput (0x8) 2
1456 INTERACTIVE 6 Minimize Delay (0x10) 1
1457 CONTROL 7 2
1460 10 1
1461 11 1
1462 12 1
1463 13 1
1464 14 1
1465 15 1
1466 </verb>
1467 FIXME: It is not known what the higher priorities confirm to.
1469 SSH sets TOS to 'Minimize Delay', unless it is doing scp, in which case it
1470 sets 'Maximize Throughput'. The numbers in parentheses denote the TOS value
1471 as reported by tcpdump and the kernel. If you divide this by two, you get
1472 the values mentioned by RFC1349.
1474 The default values are reasonable, you probably do not need to change
1475 them.
1476 </descrip>
1477 The bands are classes, and are called major:1 to major:3 by default, so if
1478 your PRIO qdisc is called 12:, tc filter traffic to 12:1 to grant it more
1479 priority.
1481 Reiterating, band 0 goes to minor number 1! Band 1 to minor number 2, etc.
1482 <sect3>Sample configuration
1484 We will create this tree:
1485 <verb>
1486 root 1: prio
1487 / | \
1488 1:1 1:2 1:3
1489 | | |
1490 10: 20: 30:
1491 sfq tbf sfq
1492 band 0 1 2
1493 </verb>
1495 Bulk traffic will go to 30:, interactive traffic to 20: or 10:.
1497 Commandlines:
1498 <verb>
1499 # tc qdisc add dev eth0 root handle 1: prio
1500 ## This *instantly* creates 1:1, 1:2, 1:3
1502 # tc qdisc add dev eth0 parent 1:1 handle 10: sfq
1503 # tc qdisc add dev eth0 parent 1:2 handle 20: tbf rate 20kbit buffer 1600 limit 3000
1504 # tc qdisc add dev eth0 parent 1:3 handle 30: sfq
1505 </verb>
1507 Now lets's see what we created:
1508 <verb>
1509 # tc -s qdisc ls dev eth0
1510 qdisc sfq 30: quantum 1514b
1511 Sent 0 bytes 0 pkts (dropped 0, overlimits 0)
1513 qdisc tbf 20: rate 20Kbit burst 1599b lat 667.6ms
1514 Sent 0 bytes 0 pkts (dropped 0, overlimits 0)
1516 qdisc sfq 10: quantum 1514b
1517 Sent 132 bytes 2 pkts (dropped 0, overlimits 0)
1519 qdisc prio 1: bands 3 priomap 1 2 2 2 1 2 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1520 Sent 174 bytes 3 pkts (dropped 0, overlimits 0)
1521 </verb>
1522 As you can see, band 0 has already had some traffic, and one packet was sent
1523 while running this command!
1525 We now do some bulk data transfer with a tool that properly sets TOS flags,
1526 and take another look:
1527 <verb>
1528 # scp tc ahu@
1529 ahu@'s password:
1530 tc 100% |*****************************| 353 KB 00:00
1531 # tc -s qdisc ls dev eth0
1532 qdisc sfq 30: quantum 1514b
1533 Sent 384228 bytes 274 pkts (dropped 0, overlimits 0)
1535 qdisc tbf 20: rate 20Kbit burst 1599b lat 667.6ms
1536 Sent 2640 bytes 20 pkts (dropped 0, overlimits 0)
1538 qdisc sfq 10: quantum 1514b
1539 Sent 2230 bytes 31 pkts (dropped 0, overlimits 0)
1541 qdisc prio 1: bands 3 priomap 1 2 2 2 1 2 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1542 Sent 389140 bytes 326 pkts (dropped 0, overlimits 0)
1543 </verb>
1544 As you can see, all traffic went to handle 30:, which is the lowest priority
1545 band, just as intended. Now to verify that interactive traffic goes to
1546 higher bands, we create some interactive traffic:
1548 <verb>
1549 # tc -s qdisc ls dev eth0
1550 qdisc sfq 30: quantum 1514b
1551 Sent 384228 bytes 274 pkts (dropped 0, overlimits 0)
1553 qdisc tbf 20: rate 20Kbit burst 1599b lat 667.6ms
1554 Sent 2640 bytes 20 pkts (dropped 0, overlimits 0)
1556 qdisc sfq 10: quantum 1514b
1557 Sent 14926 bytes 193 pkts (dropped 0, overlimits 0)
1559 qdisc prio 1: bands 3 priomap 1 2 2 2 1 2 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1560 Sent 401836 bytes 488 pkts (dropped 0, overlimits 0)
1561 </verb>
1563 It worked - all additional traffic has gone to 10:, which is our highest
1564 priority qdisc. No traffic was sent to the lowest priority, which previously
1565 received our entire scp.
1567 <sect2>The famous CBQ qdisc
1569 As said before, CBQ is the most complex qdisc available, the most hyped, the
1570 least understood and possibly the worst queueing discipline for you in the
1571 entire Linux kernel. This is not because the authors are evil or
1572 incompetent, far from it, it's just that the CBQ algorithm isn't all that
1573 precise and doesn't really match the way Linux works.
1575 Besides being classful, CBQ is also a shaper and it is in that aspect that
1576 it really doesn't work very well. It should work like this. If you try to
1577 shape a 10mbit/s connection to 1mbit/s, the link should be idle 90% of the
1578 time. If it isn't, we need to throttle so that it IS idle 90% of the time.
1580 This is pretty hard to measure, so CBQ also needs to know how big an average
1581 packet is going to be, and instead derives the idle time from the number of
1582 microseconds that elapse between requests from the hardware layer for more
1583 data. Combined, this can be used to approximate how full or empty the link
1586 This is rather circumspect and doesn't always arrive at proper results. For
1587 example, what is the actual link speed of an interface that is not really
1588 able to transmit the full 100mbit/s of data, perhaps because of a badly
1589 implemented driver? A PCMCIA network card will also never achieve 100mbit/s
1590 because of the way the bus is designed - again, how do we calculate the idle
1591 time?
1593 It gets even worse if we consider not-quite-real network devices like PPP
1594 over Ethernet or PPTP over TCP/IP. The effective bandwidth in that case is
1595 probably determined by the efficiency of pipes to userspace - which is huge.
1597 People who have done measurements discover that CBQ is not very accurate and
1598 sometimes completely misses the mark.
1600 Besides not being all that good, it also comes with little or no
1601 documentation AND with about 20 knobs to tune. In fact, CBQ is so hard to
1602 configure that people use scripts to generate the needed commands.
1604 In short - I would advise AGAINST using CBQ if you want to have accurate
1605 results and want to understand what you are doing.
1606 <sect3>CBQ shaping in detail
1608 Because lots of people are using CBQ anyhow, possibly because they don't
1609 have anything else available, we will describe it here.
1611 As said before, CBQ works by making sure that the link is idle just long
1612 enough to bring down the real bandwidth to the configured rate. To do so, it
1613 calculates the time that should pass between average packets.
1615 During operations, the effective idletime is measured using an exponential
1616 weighted moving average (EWMA), which considers recent packets to be
1617 exponentially more important than past ones. The unix loadaverage is
1618 calculated in the same way.
1620 The calculated idle time is substracted from the EWMA measured one, the
1621 resulting number is called 'avgidle'. A perfectly loaded link has an avgidle
1622 of zero: packets arrive exactly once every calculated interval.
1624 An overloaded link has a negative avgidle and if it gets too negative, CBQ
1625 shuts down for a while and is then 'overlimit'.
1627 Conversely, an idle link might amass a huge avgidle, which would then allow
1628 infinite bandwidths after a few hours of silence. To prevent this, avgidle is
1629 capped at maxidle.
1631 If overlimit, in theory, the CBQ could throttle itself for exactly the
1632 amount of time that was calculated to pass between packets, and then pass
1633 one packet, and throttle again. But see the 'minburst' parameter below.
1635 These are parameters you can specify in order to configure shaping:
1637 <descrip>
1638 <tag>avpkt</tag>
1639 Average size of a packet, measured in bytes. Needed for idle time
1640 approximation.
1641 <tag>bandwidth</tag>
1642 The physical bandwidth of your device, also needed for idle time
1643 calculations.
1644 <tag>cell</tag>
1645 The time a packet takes to be transmitted over an ethernet device grows in
1646 steps, based on the packet size. An 800 and a 806 size packet may take just
1647 as long to send, for example - this sets the granularity. Most often set
1648 to '8'. Must be an integral power of two.
1649 <tag>maxburst</tag>
1650 This number of packets is used to calculate maxidle so that when avgidle is
1651 at maxidle, this number of average packets can be burst before avgidle drops
1652 to 0. Set it higher to be more tolerant of bursts. You can't set maxidle
1653 directly, only via this parameter.
1654 <tag>minburst</tag>
1655 As mentioned before, CBQ needs to throttle in case of overlimit. The ideal
1656 solution is to do so for exactly the calculated idle time, and pass 1
1657 packet. However, Unix kernels generally have a hard time scheduling events
1658 shorter than 10ms, so it is better to throttle for a longer period, and then
1659 pass minburst packets in one go, and then sleep minburst times longer.
1661 The time to wait is called the offtime. Higher values of minburst lead to
1662 more accurate shaping in the long term, but to bigger bursts at millisecond
1663 timescales.
1664 <tag>minidle</tag>
1665 If avgidle is below 0, we are overlimits and need to wait until avgidle will
1666 be big enough to send one packet. To prevent a sudden burst from shutting
1667 down the link for a prolonged period of time, avgidle is reset to minidle if
1668 it gets too low.
1670 Minidle is specified in negative microseconds, so 10 means that avgidle is
1671 capped at -10us.
1672 <tag>mpu</tag>
1673 Mininum packet size - needed because even a zero size packet is padded
1674 to 64 bytes on ethernet, and so takes a certain time to transmit. CBQ needs
1675 to know this to accurately measure the idle time.
1676 <tag>rate</tag>
1677 Desired rate of traffic leaving this qdisc - this is the 'speed knob'!
1678 </descrip>
1680 Internally, CBQ has a lot of finetuning. For example, classes which are
1681 known not to have data enqueued to them aren't queried. Overlimit classes
1682 are penalized by lowering their effective priority. All very smart &amp;
1683 complicated.
1685 <sect3>CBQ classful behaviour
1687 Besides shaping, using the aforementioned idletime approximations, CBQ also
1688 acts like the PRIO queue in the sense that classes can have differing
1689 priorities and that lower priority numbers will be polled before the higher
1690 priority ones.
1692 Each time a packet is requested by the hardware layer to be sent out to the
1693 network, a weighted round robin process starts, beginning with the lower
1694 priority classes.
1696 These are then grouped and queried if they have data available. If so, it is
1697 returned. After a class has been allowed to dequeue a number of bytes, the
1698 next class within that priority is tried.
1700 The following parameters control the WRR process:
1701 <descrip>
1702 <tag>allot</tag>
1703 When the outer cbq is asked for a packet to send out on the interface, it
1704 will try all inner qdiscs (classes) in turn, in order of the 'priority'
1705 parameter. Each time a class gets its turn, it can only send out a limited
1706 amount of data. 'Allot' is the base unit of this amount. See the 'weight'
1707 parameter for more information.
1710 <tag>prio</tag>
1711 The CBQ can also act like the PRIO device. Inner classes with lower priority
1712 are tried first and as long as they have traffic, other classes are not
1713 polled for traffic.
1715 <tag>weight</tag>
1716 Weight helps in the Weighted Round Robin process. Each class gets a chance
1717 to send in turn. If you have classes with significantly more bandwidth than
1718 other classes, it makes sense to allow them to send more data in one round
1719 than the others.
1721 A CBQ adds up all weights within a class, and normalizes them, so you can
1722 use arbitrary numbers: only the ratios are important. People have been
1723 using 'rate/10' as a rule of thumb and it appears to work well. The
1724 renormalized weight is multiplied by the 'allot' parameter to determine how
1725 much data can be sent in one round.
1726 </descrip>
1728 <sect3>CBQ parameters that determine link sharing &amp; borrowing
1730 Besides purely limiting certain kinds of traffic, it is also possible to
1731 specify which classes can borrow capacity from other classes or, conversely,
1732 lend out bandwidth.
1734 <descrip>
1735 <tag>Isolated/sharing</tag>
1736 A class that is configured with 'isolated' will not lend out bandwidth to
1737 sibling classes. Use this if you have competing or mutually-unfriendly
1738 agencies on your link who do want to give eachother freebies.
1740 The control program tc also knows about 'sharing', which is the reverse
1741 of 'isolated'.
1742 <tag>bounded/borrow</tag>
1743 A class can also be 'bounded', which means that it will not try to borrow
1744 bandwidth from sibling classes. tc also knows about 'borrow', which is the
1745 reverse of 'bounded'.
1746 </descrip>
1747 A typical situation might be where you have two agencies on your link which
1748 are both 'isolated' and 'bounded', which means that they are really limited
1749 to their assigened rate, and also won't allow each other to borrow.
1751 Within such an agency class, there might be other classes which are allowed
1752 to swap bandwidth.
1753 <sect3>Sample configuration
1755 This configuration limits webserver traffic to 5mbit and smtp traffic to 3
1756 mbit, and limits the sum to 5mbit:
1757 <verb>
1758 # tc qdisc add dev eth0 root handle 1:0 cbq bandwidth 100Mbit \
1759 avpkt 1000 cell 8
1760 # tc class add dev eth0 parent 1:0 classid 1:1 cbq bandwidth 100Mbit \
1761 rate 5Mbit weight 0.5Mbit prio 8 allot 1514 cell 8 maxburst 20 \
1762 avpkt 1000
1763 </verb>
1764 This part installs the root and the customary 1:0 sub-root. While it is
1765 possible to remove the first line, and attach the second line directly to
1766 the root, there are some subtleties involved which are avoided if adding
1767 this extra layer.
1769 As said before, CBQ requires a *lot* of knobs. All parameters are explained
1770 above, however. The corresponding HTB configuration is lots simpler.
1772 <verb>
1773 # tc class add dev eth0 parent 1:1 classid 10: cbq bandwidth 100Mbit \
1774 rate 5Mbit weight 0.5Mbit prio 5 allot 1514 cell 8 maxburst 20 \
1775 avpkt 1000 bounded
1776 # tc class add dev eth0 parent 1:1 classid 20: cbq bandwidth 100Mbit \
1777 rate 3Mbit weight 0.3Mbit prio 5 allot 1514 cell 8 maxburst 20 \
1778 avpkt 1000 bounded
1779 </verb>
1781 These are our two classes. Note how we scale the weight with the configured
1782 rate. Also note that both classes are bounded and won't therefore try to
1783 borrow traffic.
1785 <verb>
1786 # tc qdisc add dev eth0 parent 10: tbf rate 5Mbit buffer 10Kb/8 limit \
1787 15Kb mtu 1500
1788 # tc qdisc add dev eth0 parent 20: tbf rate 3Mbit buffer 10Kb/8 limit \
1789 15Kb mtu 1500
1790 </verb>
1792 Here we install token bucket filters in the two configured subclasses. The
1793 /8 corresponds to the cell size we mentioned earlier for CBQ. We create a
1794 bucket of 10kbytes of tokens, a maximum 'pre-bucket' backlog of 15kbyte.
1796 <verb>
1797 # tc filter add dev eth0 parent 1:0 protocol ip prio 1 u32 match ip \
1798 sport 80 0xffff flowid 10:0
1799 # tc filter add dev eth0 parent 1:0 protocol ip prio 1 u32 match ip \
1800 sport 25 0xffff flowid 20:0
1801 </verb>
1803 These commands, attached directly to the root, send traffic to the right
1804 qdiscs.
1806 Note that we use 'tc class add' to CREATE classes within a qdisc, but that
1807 we use 'tc qdisc add' to actually configure these classes.
1809 You may wonder what happens to traffic that is not classified by any of the
1810 two rules. It appears that in this case, data will then be processed within
1811 1:0, and be unlimited. This can be configured in a variety of ways, which I
1812 do not understand. Use HTB :-)
1814 If smtp+web together try to exceed the set limit of 5mbit/s, bandwidth will
1815 be divided according to the weight parameter, giving 5/8 of traffic to the
1816 webserver and 3/8 to the mailserver.
1818 <sect3>Other CBQ parameters: split &amp; defmap
1820 As said before, a classful qdisc needs to call filters to determine
1821 which class a packet will be enqueued to.
1823 Besides calling the filter, CBQ offers other options, defmap &amp; split.
1824 This is pretty complicated to understand, and it is not vital. But as this
1825 is the only known place where defmap &amp; split are properly explained, I'm
1826 doing my best.
1828 As you will often want to filter on the Type of Service field only, a special
1829 syntax is provided. Whenever the CBQ needs to figure out where a packet
1830 needs to be enqueued, it checks if this node is a 'split node'. If so, one
1831 of the sub-qdiscs has indicated that it wishes to receive all packets with
1832 a certain configured priority, as might be derived from the TOS field, or
1833 socket options set by applications.
1835 The packets' priority bits are or-ed with the defmap field to see if a match
1836 exists. In other words, this is a short-hand way of creating a very fast
1837 filter, which only matches certain priorities. A defmap of ff (hex) will
1838 match everything, a map of 0 nothing. A sample configuration may help make
1839 things clearer:
1841 <verb>
1842 # tc qdisc add dev eth1 root handle 1: cbq bandwidth 10Mbit allot 1514 \
1843 cell 8 avpkt 1000 mpu 64
1845 # tc class add dev eth1 parent 1:0 classid 1:1 cbq bandwidth 10Mbit \
1846 rate 10Mbit allot 1514 cell 8 weight 1Mbit prio 8 maxburst 20 \
1847 avpkt 1000
1848 </verb>
1849 Standard CBQ preamble. I never get used to the sheer amount of numbers
1850 required!
1852 Defmap refers to TC_PRIO bits, which are defined as follows:
1854 <verb>
1855 TC_PRIO.. Num Corresponds to TOS
1856 -------------------------------------------------
1857 BESTEFFORT 0 Maximuze Reliablity
1858 FILLER 1 Minimize Cost
1859 BULK 2 Maximize Throughput (0x8)
1861 INTERACTIVE 6 Minimize Delay (0x10)
1862 CONTROL 7
1863 </verb>
1865 This corresponds to bits, counted from the right. Now the interactive, and
1866 the bulk classes:
1868 <verb>
1869 # tc class add dev eth1 parent 1:1 classid 1:2 cbq bandwidth 10Mbit \
1870 rate 1Mbit allot 1514 cell 8 weight 100Kbit prio 3 maxburst 20 \
1871 avpkt 1000 split 1:0 defmap c0
1873 # tc class add dev eth1 parent 1:1 classid 1:3 cbq bandwidth 10Mbit \
1874 rate 8Mbit allot 1514 cell 8 weight 800Kbit prio 7 maxburst 20 \
1875 avpkt 1000 split 1:0 defmap 3f
1876 </verb>
1878 The 'split qdisc' is 1:0, which is where the choice will be made. C0 is
1879 binary for 11000000, 3F for 00111111, so these two together will match
1880 everything. The first class matches bits 7 & 6, and thus corresponds
1881 to 'interactive' and 'control' traffic. The second class matches the rest.
1883 Node 1:0 now has a table like this:
1884 <verb>
1885 priority send to
1886 0 1:3
1887 1 1:3
1888 2 1:3
1889 3 1:3
1890 4 1:3
1891 5 1:3
1892 6 1:2
1893 7 1:2
1894 </verb>
1897 For additional fun, you can also pass a 'change mask', which indicates
1898 exactly which priorities you wish to change. You only need to use this if you
1899 are running 'tc class change'. For example, to add best effort traffic to
1900 1:2, we could run this:
1902 <verb>
1903 # tc class change dev eth1 classid 1:2 cbq defmap 01/01
1904 </verb>
1906 The priority map over at 1:0 now looks like this:
1908 <verb>
1909 priority send to
1910 0 1:2
1911 1 1:3
1912 2 1:3
1913 3 1:3
1914 4 1:3
1915 5 1:3
1916 6 1:2
1917 7 1:2
1918 </verb>
1920 FIXME: did not test this, only looked at the source.
1921 <sect2>Hierarchical Token Bucket
1923 Martin Devera (&lt;devik&gt;) rightly realised that CBQ is complex and does
1924 not seem optimized for many typical situations. His Hierarchial approach is
1925 well suited for setups where you have a fixed amount of bandwidth which you
1926 want to divide for different purposes, giving each purpose a guaranteed
1927 bandwidth, with the possibility of specifying how much bandwidth can be
1928 borrowed.
1930 HTB works just like CBQ but does not resort to idle time calculations to
1931 shape. Instead, it is a classful Token Bucket Filter - hence the name. It
1932 has only a few parameters, which are well documented on his
1933 <url url=""
1934 name="site">.
1936 As your HTB configuration gets more complex, your configuration scales
1937 well. With CBQ it is already complex even in simple cases! HTB is not yet a
1938 part of the standard kernel, but it should soon be!
1940 If you are in a position to patch your kernel, by all means use HTB instead
1941 of CBQ.
1942 <sect3>Sample configuration
1944 Functionally almost identical to the CBQ sample configuration above:
1946 <tscreen><verb>
1947 # tc qdisc add dev eth0 root handle 1: htb default 30
1949 # tc class add dev eth0 parent 1: classid 1:1 htb rate 5mbit burst 15k
1951 # tc class add dev eth0 parent 1:1 classid 1:10 htb rate 5mbit burst 15k
1952 # tc class add dev eth0 parent 1:1 classid 1:20 htb rate 3mbit ceil 5mbit burst 15k
1953 # tc class add dev eth0 parent 1:1 classid 1:30 htb rate 1kbit ceil 5mbit burst 15k
1954 </verb></tscreen>
1956 The author then recommends SFQ for beneath these classes:
1957 <tscreen><verb>
1958 # tc qdisc add dev eth0 parent 1:10 handle 10: sfq perturb 10
1959 # tc qdisc add dev eth0 parent 1:20 handle 20: sfq perturb 10
1960 # tc qdisc add dev eth0 parent 1:30 handle 30: sfq perturb 10
1961 </verb></tscreen>
1963 Add the filters which direct traffic to the right classes:
1964 <tscreen><verb>
1965 # U32="tc filter add dev eth0 protocol ip parent 1:0 prio 1 u32"
1966 # $U32 match ip dport 80 0xffff flowid 1:10
1967 # $U32 match ip sport 25 0xffff flowid 1:20
1968 </verb></tscreen>
1969 And that's it - no unsightly unexplained numbers, no undocumented
1970 parameters.
1972 HTB certainly looks wonderful - if 10: and 20: both have their guaranteed
1973 bandwidth, and more is left to divide, they borrow in a 5:3 ratio, just as
1974 you would expect.
1976 Unclassified traffic gets routed to 30:, which has little bandwidth of its
1977 own but can borrow everything that is left over. Because we chose SFQ
1978 internally, we get fairness thrown in for free!
1980 <sect1>Classifying packets with filters
1982 To determine which class shall process a packet, the so-called 'classifier
1983 chain' is called each time a choice needs to be made. This chain consists of
1984 all filters attached to the classful qdisc that needs to decide.
1986 To reiterate the tree, which is not a tree:
1987 <verb>
1988 root 1:
1990 _1:1_
1991 / | \
1992 / | \
1993 / | \
1994 10: 11: 12:
1995 / \ / \
1996 10:1 10:2 12:1 12:2
1997 </verb>
1999 When enqueueing a packet, at each branch the filter chain is consulted for a
2000 relevant instruction. A typical setup might be to have a filter in 1:1 that
2001 directs a packet to 12: and a filter on 12: that sends the packet to 12:2.
2003 You might also attach this latter rule to 1:1, but you can make efficiency
2004 gains by having more specific tests lower in the chain.
2006 You can't filter a packet 'upwards', by the way. Also, with HTB, you should
2007 attach all filters to the root!
2009 And again - packets are only enqueued downwards! When they are dequeued,
2010 they go up again, where the interface lives. They do NOT fall off the end of
2011 the tree to the network adaptor!
2013 <sect2>Some simple filtering examples
2015 As explained in the Classifier chapter, you can match on literally anything,
2016 using a very complicated syntax. To start, we will show how to do the
2017 obvious things, which luckily are quite easy.
2019 Let's say we have a PRIO qdisc called '10:' which contains three classes, and
2020 we want to assign all traffic from and to port 22 to the highest priority
2021 band, the filters would be:
2023 <tscreen><verb>
2024 # tc filter add dev eth0 protocol ip parent 10: prio 1 u32 match \
2025 ip dport 22 0xffff flowid 10:1
2026 # tc filter add dev eth0 protocol ip parent 10: prio 1 u32 match \
2027 ip sport 80 0xffff flowid 10:1
2028 # tc filter add dev eth0 protocol ip parent 10: prio 2 flowid 10:2
2029 </verb></tscreen>
2031 What does this say? It says: attach to eth0, node 10: a priority 1 u32
2032 filter that matches on IP destination port 22 *exactly* and send it to band
2033 10:1. And it then repeats the same for source port 80. The last command says
2034 that anything unmatched so far should go to band 10:2, the next-highest
2035 priority.
2037 You need to add 'eth0', or whatever your interface is called, because each
2038 interface has a unique namespace of handles.
2040 To select on an IP address, use this:
2041 <tscreen><verb>
2042 # tc filter add dev eth0 parent 10:0 protocol ip prio 1 u32 \
2043 match ip dst flowid 10:1
2044 # tc filter add dev eth0 parent 10:0 protocol ip prio 1 u32 \
2045 match ip src flowid 10:1
2046 # tc filter add dev eth0 protocol ip parent 10: prio 2 \
2047 flowid 10:2
2048 </verb></tscreen>
2050 This assigns traffic to and traffic from to the highest
2051 priority queue, and the rest to the next-highest one.
2053 You can concatenate matches, to match on traffic from and from port
2054 80, do this:
2055 <tscreen><verb>
2056 # tc filter add dev eth0 parent 10:0 protocol ip prio 1 u32 match ip src
2057 match ip sport 80 0xffff flowid 10:1
2058 </verb></tscreen>
2060 <sect2>All the filtering commands you will normally need
2062 Most shaping commands presented here start with this preamble:
2063 <verb>
2064 # tc filter add dev eth0 parent 1:0 protocol ip prio 1 u32 ..
2065 </verb>
2066 These are the so called 'u32' matches, which can match on ANY part of a
2067 packet.
2068 <descrip>
2069 <tag>On source/destination address</tag>
2070 Source mask 'match ip src', destination mask 'match ip dst
2071'. To match a single host, use /32, or omit the mask.
2072 <tag>On source/destination port, all IP protocols</tag>
2073 Source: 'match ip sport 80 0xffff', 'match ip dport 0xffff'
2074 <tag>On ip protocol (tcp, udp, icmp, gre, ipsec)</tag>
2075 Use the numbers from /etc/protocols, for example, icmp is 1: 'match ip
2076 protocol 1 0xff'.
2077 <tag>On fwmark</tag>
2078 You can mark packets with either ipchains and have that mark survive routing
2079 across interfaces. This is really useful to for example only shape traffic on
2080 eth1 that came in on eth0. Syntax:
2081 # tc filter add dev eth1 protocol ip parent 1:0 prio 1 handle 6 fw classid 1:1
2082 Note that this is not a u32 match!
2084 You can place a mark like this:
2085 <verb>
2086 # iptables -A FORWARD -t mangle -i eth0 -j MARK --set-mark 6
2087 </verb>
2088 The number 6 is arbitrary.
2090 If you don't want to understand the full tc filter syntax, just use
2091 iptables, and only learn to select on fwmark.
2092 </descrip>
2094 For more filtering commands, see the Advanced Filters chapter.
2095 <sect>Loadsharing over multiple interfaces
2097 There are several ways of doing this. One of the easiest and straightforward
2098 ways is 'TEQL' - "True" (or "trivial") link equalizer. Like most things
2099 having to do with queueing, loadsharing goes both ways. Both ends of a link
2100 may need to participate for full effect.
2102 Imagine this situation:
2104 <tscreen><verb>
2105 +-------+ eth1 +-------+
2106 | |==========| |
2107 'network 1' ----| A | | B |---- 'network 2'
2108 | |==========| |
2109 +-------+ eth2 +-------+
2110 </verb></tscreen>
2112 A and B are routers, and for the moment we'll assume both run Linux. If
2113 traffic is going from network 1 to network 2, router A needs to distribute
2114 the packets over both links to B. Router B needs to be configured to accept
2115 this. Same goes the other way around, when packets go from network 2 to
2116 network 1, router B needs to send the packets over both eth1 and eth2.
2118 The distributing part is done by a 'TEQL' device, like this (it couldn't be
2119 easier):
2121 <tscreen><verb>
2122 # tc qdisc add dev eth1 root teql0
2123 # tc qdisc add dev eth2 root teql0
2124 </verb></tscreen>
2126 This needs to be done on both hosts. The device teql0 is basically a
2127 roundrobbin distributor over eth1 and eth2, for sending packets. No data
2128 ever comes in over an teql device, that just appears on the 'raw' eth1 and
2129 eth2.
2131 But now we just have devices, we also need proper routing. One way to do
2132 this is to assign a /31 network to both links, and a /31 to the teql0 device
2133 as well:
2135 FIXME: does this need something like 'nobroadcast'? A /31 is too small to
2136 house a network address and a broadcast address - if this doesn't work as
2137 planned, try a /30, and adjust the ip adresses accordingly. You might even
2138 try to make eth1 and eth2 do without an IP address!
2140 On router A:
2141 <tscreen><verb>
2142 # ip addr add dev eth1
2143 # ip addr add dev eth2
2144 # ip addr add dev teql0
2145 </verb></tscreen>
2147 On router B:
2148 <tscreen><verb>
2149 # ip addr add dev eth1
2150 # ip addr add dev eth2
2151 # ip addr add dev teql0
2152 </verb></tscreen>
2154 Router A should now be able to ping, and over the
2155 2 real links and the 1 equalized device. Router B should be able to ping
2156, and over the links.
2158 If this works, Router A should make its route for reaching network
2159 2, and Router B should make its route for reaching network 1. For
2160 the special case where network 1 is your network at home, and network 2 is
2161 the internet, Router A should make its default gateway.
2163 <sect1>Caveats
2165 Nothing is as easy as it seems. eth1 and eth2 on both router A and B need to
2166 have return path filtering turned off, because they will otherwise drop
2167 packets destined for ip addresses other than their own:
2169 <tscreen><verb>
2170 # echo 0 > /proc/net/ipv4/conf/eth1/rp_filter
2171 # echo 0 > /proc/net/ipv4/conf/eth2/rp_filter
2172 </verb></tscreen>
2174 Then there is the nasty problem of packet reordering. Let's say 6 packets
2175 need to be sent from A to B - eth1 might get 1, 3 and 5. eth2 would then do
2176 2, 4 and 6. In an ideal world, router B would receive this in order, 1, 2,
2177 3, 4, 5, 6. But the possibility is very real that the kernel gets it like
2178 this: 2, 1, 4, 3, 6, 5. The problem is that this confuses TCP/IP. While not
2179 a problem for links carrying many different TCP/IP sessions, you won't be
2180 able to to a bundle multiple links and get to ftp a single file lots faster,
2181 except when your receiving or sending OS is Linux, which is not easily
2182 shaken by some simple reordering.
2184 However, for lots of applications, link loadbalancing is a great idea.
2187 <sect>Netfilter &amp; iproute - marking packets
2189 So far we've seen how iproute works, and netfilter was mentioned a few
2190 times. This would be a good time to browse through <url name="Rusty's Remarkably
2191 Unreliable Guides"
2192 url="">. Netfilter itself
2193 can be found <url name="here"
2194 url="">.
2196 Netfilter allows us to filter packets, or mangle their headers. One special
2197 feature is that we can mark a packet with a number. This is done with the
2198 --set-mark facility.
2200 As an example, this command marks all packets destined for port 25, outgoing
2201 mail:
2203 <tscreen><verb>
2204 # iptables -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -t mangle -p tcp --dport 25 \
2205 -j MARK --set-mark 1
2206 </verb></tscreen>
2208 Let's say that we have multiple connections, one that is fast (and
2209 expensive, per megabyte) and one that is slower, but flat fee. We would most
2210 certainly like outgoing mail to go via the cheap route.
2212 We've already marked the packets with a '1', we now instruct the routing
2213 policy database to act on this:
2215 <tscreen><verb>
2216 # echo 201 mail.out >> /etc/iproute2/rt_tables
2217 # ip rule add fwmark 1 table mail.out
2218 # ip rule ls
2219 0: from all lookup local
2220 32764: from all fwmark 1 lookup mail.out
2221 32766: from all lookup main
2222 32767: from all lookup default
2223 </verb></tscreen>
2225 Now we generate the mail.out table with a route to the slow but cheap link:
2226 <tscreen><verb>
2227 # /sbin/ip route add default via dev ppp0 table mail.out
2228 </verb></tscreen>
2230 And we are done. Should we want to make exceptions, there are lots of ways
2231 to achieve this. We can modify the netfilter statement to exclude certain
2232 hosts, or we can insert a rule with a lower priority that points to the main
2233 table for our excepted hosts.
2235 We can also use this feature to honour TOS bits by marking packets with a
2236 different type of service with different numbers, and creating rules to act
2237 on that. This way you can even dedicate, say, an ISDN line to interactive
2238 sessions.
2240 Needless to say, this also works fine on a host that's doing NAT
2241 ('masquerading').
2243 IMPORTANT: We received a report that MASQ and SNAT at least collide
2244 with marking packets. Rusty Russell explains it in
2245 <url
2246 url=""
2247 name="this posting">. Turn off the reverse path filter to make it work
2248 properly.
2250 Note: to mark packets, you need to have some options enabled in your
2251 kernel:
2253 <tscreen><verb>
2254 IP: advanced router (CONFIG_IP_ADVANCED_ROUTER) [Y/n/?]
2255 IP: policy routing (CONFIG_IP_MULTIPLE_TABLES) [Y/n/?]
2256 IP: use netfilter MARK value as routing key (CONFIG_IP_ROUTE_FWMARK) [Y/n/?]
2257 </verb></tscreen>
2259 See also <ref id="SQUID" name="Transparent web-caching using netfilter, iproute2, ipchains and squid">
2260 in the Cookbook.
2261 <sect>Advanced filters for (re-)classifying packets
2263 As explained in the section on classful queueing disciplines, filters are
2264 needed to classify packets into any of the sub-queues. These filters are
2265 called from within the classful qdisc.
2267 Here is an incomplete list of classifiers available:
2268 <descrip>
2269 <tag>fw</tag>
2270 Bases the decision on how the firewall has marked the packet. This can be
2271 the easy way out if you don't want to learn tc filter syntax. See the
2272 Queueing chapter for details.
2274 <tag>u32</tag>
2275 Bases the decision on fields within the packet (i.e. source IP address, etc)
2277 <tag>route</tag>
2278 Bases the decision on which route the packet will be routed by
2280 <tag>rsvp, rsvp6</tag>
2281 Routes packets based on <url
2282 url="" name="RSVP ">. Only useful
2283 on networks you control - the internet does not respect RSVP.
2285 <tag>tcindex</tag>
2286 Used in the DSMARK qdisc, see the relevant section.
2287 </descrip>
2289 Note that in general there are many ways in which you can classify packet
2290 and that it generally comes down to preference as to which system you wish
2291 to use.
2293 Classifiers in general accept a few arguments in common. They are listed
2294 here for convenience:
2296 <descrip>
2297 <tag>protocol</tag>
2298 The protocol this classifier will accept. Generally you will only be
2299 accepting only IP traffic. Required.
2301 <tag>parent</tag>
2302 The handle this classifier is to be attached to. This handle must be
2303 an already existing class. Required.
2305 <tag>prio</tag>
2306 The priority of this classifier. Lower numbers get tested first.
2308 <tag>handle</tag>
2309 This handle means different things to different filters.
2311 </descrip>
2313 All the following sections will assume you are trying to shape the traffic
2314 going to <tt>HostA</tt>. They will assume that the root class has been
2315 configured on 1: and that the class you want to send the selected traffic to
2316 is 1:1.
2319 <sect1>The "u32" classifier
2321 The U32 filter is the most advanced filter available in the current
2322 implementation. It entirely based on hashing tables, which make it
2323 robust when there are many filter rules.
2325 In its simplest form the U32 filter is a list of records, each
2326 consisting of two fields: a selector and an action. The selectors,
2327 described below, are compared with the currently processed IP packet
2328 until the first match occurs, and then the associated action is performed.
2329 The simplest type of action would be directing the packet into defined
2330 CBQ class.
2332 The commandline of <tt>tc filter</tt> program, used to configure the filter,
2333 consists of three parts: filter specification, a selector and an action.
2334 The filter specification can be defined as:
2336 <tscreen><verb>
2337 tc filter add dev IF [ protocol PROTO ]
2338 [ (preference|priority) PRIO ]
2339 [ parent CBQ ]
2340 </verb></tscreen>
2342 The <tt>protocol</tt> field describes protocol that the filter will be
2343 applied to. We will only discuss case of <tt>ip</tt> protocol. The
2344 <tt>preference</tt> field (<tt>priority</tt> can be used alternatively)
2345 sets the priority of currently defined filter. This is important, since
2346 you can have several filters (lists of rules) with different priorities.
2347 Each list will be passed in the order the rules were added, then list with
2348 lower priority (higher preference number) will be processed. The <tt>parent</tt>
2349 field defines the CBQ tree top (e.g. 1:0), the filter should be attached
2352 The options decribed above apply to all filters, not only U32.
2354 <sect2>U32 selector
2356 The U32 selector contains definition of the pattern, that will be matched
2357 to the currently processed packet. Precisely, it defines which bits are
2358 to be matched in the packet header and nothing more, but this simple
2359 method is very powerful. Let's take a look at the following examples,
2360 taken directly from a pretty complex, real-world filter:
2362 <tscreen><verb>
2363 # tc filter add dev eth0 protocol ip parent 1:0 pref 10 u32 \
2364 match u32 00100000 00ff0000 at 0 flowid 1:10
2365 </verb></tscreen>
2368 For now, leave the first line alone - all these parameters describe
2369 the filter's hash tables. Focus on the selector line, containing
2370 <tt>match</tt> keyword. This selector will match to IP headers, whose
2371 second byte will be 0x10 (0010). As you can guess, the 00ff number is
2372 the match mask, telling the filter exactly which bits to match. Here
2373 it's 0xff, so the byte will match if it's exactly 0x10. The <tt>at</tt>
2374 keyword means that the match is to be started at specified offset (in
2375 bytes) -- in this case it's beginning of the packet. Translating all
2376 that to human language, the packet will match if its Type of Service
2377 field will have `low delay' bits set. Let's analyze another rule:
2379 <tscreen><verb>
2380 # tc filter add dev eth0 protocol ip parent 1:0 pref 10 u32 \
2381 match u32 00000016 0000ffff at nexthdr+0 flowid 1:10
2382 </verb></tscreen>
2385 The <tt>nexthdr</tt> option means next header encapsulated in the IP packet,
2386 i.e. header of upper-layer protocol. The match will also start here
2387 at the beginning of the next header. The match should occur in the
2388 second, 32-bit word of the header. In TCP and UDP protocols this field
2389 contains packet's destination port. The number is given in big-endian
2390 format, i.e. older bits first, so we simply read 0x0016 as 22 decimal,
2391 which stands for SSH service if this was TCP. As you guess, this match
2392 is ambigous without a context, and we will discuss this later.
2395 Having understood all the above, we will find the following selector
2396 quite easy to read: <tt>match c0a80100 ffffff00 at 16</tt>. What we
2397 got here is a three byte match at 17-th byte, counting from the IP
2398 header start. This will match for packets with destination address
2399 anywhere in 192.168.1/24 network. After analyzing the examples, we
2400 can summarize what we have learnt.
2402 <sect2>General selectors
2405 General selectors define the pattern, mask and offset the pattern
2406 will be matched to the packet contents. Using the general selectors
2407 you can match virtually any single bit in the IP (or upper layer)
2408 header. They are more difficult to write and read, though, than
2409 specific selectors that described below. The general selector syntax
2412 <tscreen><verb>
2413 match [ u32 | u16 | u8 ] PATTERN MASK [ at OFFSET | nexthdr+OFFSET]
2414 </verb></tscreen>
2417 One of the keywords <tt>u32</tt>, <tt>u16</tt> or <tt>u8</tt> specifies
2418 length of the pattern in bits. PATTERN and MASK should follow, of length
2419 defined by the previous keyword. The OFFSET parameter is the offset,
2420 in bytes, to start matching. If <tt>nexthdr+</tt> keyword is given,
2421 the offset is relative to start of the upper layer header.
2424 Some examples:
2426 <tscreen><verb>
2427 # tc filter add dev ppp14 parent 1:0 prio 10 u32 \
2428 match u8 64 0xff at 8 \
2429 flowid 1:4
2430 </verb></tscreen>
2433 Packet will match to this rule, if its time to live (TTL) is 64.
2434 TTL is the field starting just after 8-th byte of the IP header.
2436 <tscreen><verb>
2437 # tc filter add dev ppp14 parent 1:0 prio 10 u32 \
2438 match u8 0x10 0xff at nexthdr+13 \
2439 protocol tcp \
2440 flowid 1:3
2441 </verb></tscreen>
2443 FIXME: it has been pointed out that this syntax does not work currently.
2445 Stuart DJ Lynne uses this to match ACKs:
2447 <tscreen><verb>
2448 ## match acks the hard way,
2449 ## IP protocol 6,
2450 ## IP header length 0x5(32 bit words),
2451 ## IP Total length 0x34
2452 ## TCP ack set (bit 5, offset 33)
2453 # tc filter add dev ppp14 parent 1:0 protocol ip prio 10 u32 \
2454 match ip protocol 6 0xff \
2455 match u8 0x05 0x0f at 0 \
2456 match u8 0x34 0xff at 3 \
2457 match u8 0x10 0xff at 33 \
2458 flowid 1:3
2459 </verb></tscreen>
2462 This rule will only match TCP packets with ACK bit set. Here we can see
2463 an example of using two selectors, the final result will be logical AND
2464 of their results. If we take a look at TCP header diagram, we can see
2465 that the ACK bit is second older bit (0x10) in the 14-th byte of the TCP
2466 header (<tt>at nexthdr+13</tt>). As for the second selector, if we'd like
2467 to make our life harder, we could write <tt>match u8 0x06 0xff at 9</tt>
2468 instead of using the specific selector <tt>protocol tcp</tt>, because
2469 6 is the number of TCP protocol, present in 10-th byte of the IP header.
2470 On the other hand, in this example we couldn't use any specific selector
2471 for the first match - simply because there's no specific selector to match
2472 TCP ACK bits.
2474 <sect2>Specific selectors
2476 The following table contains a list of all specific selectors
2477 the author of this section has found in the <tt>tc</tt> program
2478 source code. They simply make your life easier and increase readability
2479 of your filter's configuration.
2481 FIXME: table placeholder - the table is in separate file ,,selector.html''
2483 FIXME: it's also still in Polish :-(
2485 FIXME: must be sgml'ized
2487 Some examples:
2490 <tscreen><verb>
2491 # tc filter add dev ppp0 parent 1:0 prio 10 u32 \
2492 match ip tos 0x10 0xff \
2493 flowid 1:4
2494 </verb></tscreen>
2496 The above rule will match packets which have the TOS field set to 0x10.
2497 The TOS field starts at second byte of the packet and is one byte big,
2498 so we could write an equivalent general selector: <tt>match u8 0x10 0xff
2499 at 1</tt>. This gives us hint to the internals of U32 filter -- the
2500 specific rules are always translated to general ones, and in this
2501 form they are stored in the kernel memory. This leads to another conclusion
2502 -- the <tt>tcp</tt> and <tt>udp</tt> selectors are exactly the same
2503 and this is why you can't use single <tt>match tcp dst 53 0xffff</tt>
2504 selector to match TCP packets sent to given port -- they will also
2505 match UDP packets sent to this port. You must remember to also specify
2506 the protocol and end up with the following rule:
2508 <tscreen><verb>
2509 # tc filter add dev ppp0 parent 1:0 prio 10 u32 \
2510 match tcp dst 53 0xffff \
2511 match ip protocol 0x6 0xff \
2512 flowid 1:2
2513 </verb></tscreen>
2515 <!--
2516 TODO:
2518 describe more options
2520 match
2521 offset
2522 hashkey
2523 classid | flowid
2524 divisor
2525 order
2526 link
2528 sample
2529 police
2533 <sect1>The "route" classifier
2536 This classifier filters based on the results of the routing tables. When a
2537 packet that is traversing through the classes reaches one that is marked
2538 with the "route" filter, it splits the packets up based on information in
2539 the routing table.
2541 <tscreen><verb>
2542 # tc filter add dev eth1 parent 1:0 protocol ip prio 100 route
2543 </verb></tscreen>
2545 Here we add a route classifier onto the parent node 1:0 with priority 100.
2546 When a packet reaches this node (which, since it is the root, will happen
2547 immediately) it will consult the routing table and if one matches will
2548 send it to the given class and give it a priority of 100. Then, to finally
2549 kick it into action, you add the appropriate routing entry:
2551 The trick here is to define 'realm' based on either destination or source.
2552 The way to do it is like this:
2554 <tscreen><verb>
2555 # ip route add Host/Network via Gateway dev Device realm RealmNumber
2556 </verb></tscreen>
2558 For instance, we can define our destination network with a realm
2559 number 10:
2561 <tscreen><verb>
2562 # ip route add via dev eth1 realm 10
2563 </verb></tscreen>
2565 When adding route filters, we can use realm numbers to represent the
2566 networks or hosts and specify how the routes match the filters.
2568 <tscreen><verb>
2569 # tc filter add dev eth1 parent 1:0 protocol ip prio 100 \
2570 route to 10 classid 1:10
2571 </verb></tscreen>
2573 The above rule says packets going to the network match class id
2574 1:10.
2576 Route filter can also be used to match source routes. For example, there is
2577 a subnetwork attached to the Linux router on eth2.
2579 <tscreen><verb>
2580 # ip route add dev eth2 realm 2
2581 # tc filter add dev eth1 parent 1:0 protocol ip prio 100 \
2582 route from 2 classid 1:2
2583 </verb></tscreen>
2585 Here the filter specifies that packets from the subnetwork
2586 (realm 2) will match class id 1:2.
2588 <sect1>Policing filters
2590 To make even more complicated setups possible, you can have filters that
2591 only match up to a certain bandwidth. In other words, if you have a 4mbit/s
2592 filter and offer it 5mbit/s of traffic, 1mbit/s of traffic will not be sent
2593 to the classid you specified, but will get other treatment.
2595 The default treatment is not to match, which will lead to reclassification
2596 to the 'best effort' class. You can also specify that overlimit packets
2597 should be dropped, or sent to another class.
2599 FIXME: continue
2601 <sect1>Hashing filters for very fast massive filtering
2603 If you have a need for thousands of rules, for example if you have a lot of
2604 clients or computers, all with different QoS specifications, you may find
2605 that the kernel spends a lot of time matching all those rules.
2607 By default, all filters reside in one big chain which is matched in
2608 descending order of priority. If you have 1000 rules, 1000 checks may be
2609 needed to determine what to do with a packet.
2611 Matching would go much quicker if you would have 256 chains with each four
2612 rules - if you could divide packets over those 256 chains, so that the right
2613 rule will be there.
2615 Hashing makes this possible. Let's say you have 1024 cablemodem customers in
2616 your network, with IP addresses ranging from to, and each
2617 has to go in another bin, for example 'lite', 'regular' and 'premium'. You
2618 would then have 1024 rules like this:
2620 <verb>
2621 # tc filter add dev eth1 parent 1:0 protocol ip prio 100 match ip src \
2622 classid 1:1
2623 # tc filter add dev eth1 parent 1:0 protocol ip prio 100 match ip src \
2624 classid 1:1
2626 # tc filter add dev eth1 parent 1:0 protocol ip prio 100 match ip src \
2627 classid 1:3
2628 # tc filter add dev eth1 parent 1:0 protocol ip prio 100 match ip src \
2629 classid 1:2
2630 </verb>
2632 To speed this up, we can use the last part of the IP address as a 'hash
2633 key'. We then get 256 tables, the first of which looks like this:
2634 <verb>
2635 # tc filter add dev eth1 parent 1:0 protocol ip prio 100 match ip src \
2636 classid 1:1
2637 # tc filter add dev eth1 parent 1:0 protocol ip prio 100 match ip src \
2638 classid 1:1
2639 # tc filter add dev eth1 parent 1:0 protocol ip prio 100 match ip src \
2640 classid 1:3
2641 # tc filter add dev eth1 parent 1:0 protocol ip prio 100 match ip src \
2642 classid 1:2
2643 </verb>
2645 The next one starts like this:
2646 <verb>
2647 # tc filter add dev eth1 parent 1:0 protocol ip prio 100 match ip src \
2648 classid 1:1
2650 </verb>
2652 This way, only four checks are needed at most, two on average.
2654 Configuration is pretty complicated, but very worth it by the time you have
2655 this many rules. First we make a filter root, then we create a table with
2656 256 entries:
2657 <verb>
2658 # tc filter add dev eth1 parent 1:0 prio 5 protocol ip u32
2659 # tc filter add dev eth1 parent 1:0 prio 5 handle 2: u32 divisor 256
2660 </verb>
2662 Now we add some rules to entries in the created table:
2664 <verb>
2665 # tc filter add dev eth1 protocol ip parent 1:0 prio 5 u32 ht 2:7b: \
2666 match ip src flowid 1:1
2667 # tc filter add dev eth1 protocol ip parent 1:0 prio 5 u32 ht 2:7b: \
2668 match ip src flowid 1:2
2669 # tc filter add dev eth1 protocol ip parent 1:0 prio 5 u32 ht 2:7b: \
2670 match ip src flowid 1:3
2671 # tc filter add dev eth1 protocol ip parent 1:0 prio 5 u32 ht 2:7b: \
2672 match ip src flowid 1:2
2673 </verb>
2674 This is entry 123, which contains matches for,,
2675,, and sends them to 1:1, 1:2, 1:3 and 1:2 respectively.
2676 Note that we need to specify our hash bucket in hex, 0x7b is 123.
2678 Next create a 'hashing filter' that directs traffic to the right entry in
2679 the hashing table:
2680 <verb>
2681 # tc filter add dev eth1 protocol ip parent 1:0 prio 5 u32 ht 800:: \
2682 match ip src \
2683 hashkey mask 0x000000ff at 12 \
2684 link 2:
2685 </verb>
2686 Ok, some numbers need explaining. The default hash table is called 800:: and
2687 all filtering starts there. Then we select the source address, which lives
2688 as position 12, 13, 14 and 15 in the IP header, and indicate that we are
2689 only interested in the last part. This we send to hash table 1:, which we
2690 created earlier.
2692 It is quite complicated, but it does work in practice and performance will
2693 be staggering.
2694 <sect>Kernel network parameters
2695 <p>
2696 The kernel has lots of parameters which
2697 can be tuned for different circumstances. While, as usual, the default
2698 parameters serve 99% of installations very well, we don't call this the
2699 Advanced HOWTO for the fun of it!
2701 The interesting bits are in /proc/sys/net, take a look there. Not everything
2702 will be documented here initially, but we're working on it.
2704 (FIXME)
2706 <sect1>Reverse Path Filtering
2708 By default, routers route everything, even packets which 'obviously' don't
2709 belong on your network. A common example is private IP space escaping onto
2710 the internet. If you have an interface with a route of to it,
2711 you do not expect packets from to arrive there.
2713 Lots of people will want to turn this feature off, so the kernel hackers
2714 have made it easy. There are files in <file>/proc</file> where you can tell
2715 the kernel to do this for you. The method is called "Reverse Path
2716 Filtering". Basically, if the reply to this packet wouldn't go out the
2717 interface this packet came in, then this is a bogus packet and should be
2718 ignored.
2720 The following fragment will turn this on for all current and future
2721 interfaces.
2723 <tscreen><verb>
2724 # for i in /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/*/rp_filter ; do
2725 &gt; echo 2 > $i
2726 &gt; done
2727 </verb></tscreen>
2729 Going by the example above, if a packet arrived on the Linux router on eth1
2730 claiming to come from the Office+ISP subnet, it would be dropped. Similarly,
2731 if a packet came from the Office subnet, claiming to be from somewhere
2732 outside your firewall, it would be dropped also.
2734 The above is full reverse path filtering. The default is to only filter
2735 based on IPs that are on directly connected networks. This is because the
2736 full filtering breaks in the case of asymmetric routing (where packets come
2737 in one way and go out another, like satellite traffic, or if you have
2738 dynamic (bgp, ospf, rip) routes in your network. The data comes down
2739 through the satellite dish and replies go back through normal land-lines).
2741 If this exception applies to you (and you'll probably know if it does) you
2742 can simply turn off the <file>rp_filter</file> on the interface where the
2743 satellite data comes in. If you want to see if any packets are being
2744 dropped, the <file>log_martians</file> file in the same directory will tell
2745 the kernel to log them to your syslog.
2747 <tscreen><verb>
2748 # echo 1 >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/<interfacename>/log_martians
2749 </verb></tscreen>
2751 FIXME: is setting the conf/{default,all}/* files enough? - martijn
2753 <sect1>Obscure settings
2755 Ok, there are a lot of parameters which can be modified. We try to list them
2756 all. Also documented (partly) in <file>Documentation/ip-sysctl.txt</file>.
2758 Some of these settings have different defaults based on whether you
2759 answered 'Yes' to 'Configure as router and not host' while compiling your
2760 kernel.
2762 <sect2>Generic ipv4
2764 As a generic note, most rate limiting features don't work on loopback, so
2765 don't test them locally. The limits are supplied in 'jiffies', and are
2766 enforced using the earlier mentioned token bucket filter.
2768 The kernel has an internal clock which runs at 'HZ' ticks (or 'jiffies') per
2769 second. On intel, 'HZ' is mostly 100. So setting a *_rate file to, say 50,
2770 would allow for 2 packets per second. The token bucket filter is also
2771 configured to allow for a burst of at most 6 packets, if enough tokens have
2772 been earned.
2774 Several entries in the following list have been copied from
2775 /usr/src/linux/Documentation/networking/ip-sysctl.txt, written by Alexey
2776 Kuznetsov &lt;; and Andi Kleen &lt;;
2777 <descrip>
2778 <tag>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/icmp_destunreach_rate</tag>
2779 If the kernel decides that it can't deliver a packet, it will drop it, and
2780 send the source of the packet an ICMP notice to this effect.
2781 <tag>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/icmp_echo_ignore_all</tag>
2782 Don't act on echo packets at all. Please don't set this by default, but if
2783 you are used as a relay in a DoS attack, it may be useful.
2784 <tag>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/icmp_echo_ignore_broadcasts [Useful]</tag>
2785 If you ping the broadcast address of a network, all hosts are supposed to
2786 respond. This makes for a dandy denial-of-service tool. Set this to 1 to
2787 ignore these broadcast messages.
2788 <tag>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/icmp_echoreply_rate</tag>
2789 The rate at which echo replies are sent to any one destination.
2790 <tag>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/icmp_ignore_bogus_error_responses</tag>
2791 Set this to ignore ICMP errors caused by hosts in the network reacting badly
2792 to frames sent to what they perceive to be the broadcast address.
2793 <tag>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/icmp_paramprob_rate</tag>
2794 A relatively unknown ICMP message, which is sent in response to incorrect
2795 packets with broken IP or TCP headers. With this file you can control the
2796 rate at which it is sent.
2797 <tag>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/icmp_timeexceed_rate</tag>
2798 This the famous cause of the 'Solaris middle star' in traceroutes. Limits
2799 number of ICMP Time Exceeded messages sent.
2800 <tag>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/igmp_max_memberships</tag>
2801 Maximum number of listening igmp (multicast) sockets on the host.
2802 FIXME: Is this true?
2803 <tag>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/inet_peer_gc_maxtime</tag>
2804 FIXME: Add a little explanation about the inet peer storage?&nl;
2805 Minimum interval between garbage collection passes. This interval is in
2806 effect under low (or absent) memory pressure on the pool. Measured in
2807 jiffies.
2808 <tag>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/inet_peer_gc_mintime</tag>
2809 Minimum interval between garbage collection passes. This interval is in
2810 effect under high memory pressure on the pool. Measured in jiffies.
2811 <tag>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/inet_peer_maxttl</tag>
2812 Maximum time-to-live of entries. Unused entries will expire after this
2813 period of time if there is no memory pressure on the pool (i.e. when the
2814 number of entries in the pool is very small). Measured in jiffies.
2815 <tag>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/inet_peer_minttl</tag>
2816 Minimum time-to-live of entries. Should be enough to cover fragment
2817 time-to-live on the reassembling side. This minimum time-to-live
2818 is guaranteed if the pool size is less than inet_peer_threshold.
2819 Measured in jiffies.
2820 <tag>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/inet_peer_threshold</tag>
2821 The approximate size of the INET peer storage. Starting from this threshold
2822 entries will be thrown aggressively. This threshold also determines
2823 entries' time-to-live and time intervals between garbage collection passes.
2824 More entries, less time-to-live, less GC interval.
2825 <tag>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_autoconfig</tag>
2826 This file contains the number one if the host received its IP configuration by
2827 RARP, BOOTP, DHCP or a similar mechanism. Otherwise it is zero.
2828 <tag>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_default_ttl</tag>
2829 Time To Live of packets. Set to a safe 64. Raise it if you have a huge
2830 network. Don't do so for fun - routing loops cause much more damage that
2831 way. You might even consider lowering it in some circumstances.
2832 <tag>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_dynaddr</tag>
2833 You need to set this if you use dial-on-demand with a dynamic interface
2834 address. Once your demand interface comes up, any local TCP sockets which haven't seen replies will be rebound to have the right address. This solves the problem that the
2835 connection that brings up your interface itself does not work, but the
2836 second try does.
2837 <tag>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward</tag>
2838 If the kernel should attempt to forward packets. Off by default.
2839 <tag>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range</tag>
2840 Range of local ports for outgoing connections. Actually quite small by
2841 default, 1024 to 4999.
2842 <tag>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_no_pmtu_disc</tag>
2843 Set this if you want to disable Path MTU discovery - a technique to
2844 determine the largest Maximum Transfer Unit possible on your path. See also
2845 the section on Path MTU discovery in the cookbook chapter.
2846 <tag>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ipfrag_high_thresh</tag>
2847 Maximum memory used to reassemble IP fragments. When
2848 ipfrag_high_thresh bytes of memory is allocated for this purpose,
2849 the fragment handler will toss packets until ipfrag_low_thresh
2850 is reached.
2851 <tag>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_nonlocal_bind</tag>
2852 Set this if you want your applications to be able to bind to an address
2853 which doesn't belong to a device on your system. This can be useful when
2854 your machine is on a non-permanent (or even dynamic) link, so your services
2855 are able to start up and bind to a specific address when your link is down.
2856 <tag>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ipfrag_low_thresh</tag>
2857 Minimum memory used to reassemble IP fragments.
2858 <tag>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ipfrag_time</tag>
2859 Time in seconds to keep an IP fragment in memory.
2860 <tag>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_abort_on_overflow</tag>
2861 A boolean flag controlling the behaviour under lots of incoming connections.
2862 When enabled, this causes the kernel to actively send RST packets when a
2863 service is overloaded.
2864 <tag>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_fin_timeout</tag>
2865 Time to hold socket in state FIN-WAIT-2, if it was closed by our side. Peer
2866 can be broken and never close its side, or even died unexpectedly. Default
2867 value is 60sec. Usual value used in 2.2 was 180 seconds, you may restore it,
2868 but remember that if your machine is even underloaded WEB server, you risk
2869 to overflow memory with kilotons of dead sockets, FIN-WAIT-2 sockets are
2870 less dangerous than FIN-WAIT-1, because they eat maximum 1.5K of memory, but
2871 they tend to live longer. Cf. tcp_max_orphans.
2872 <tag>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_keepalive_time</tag>
2873 How often TCP sends out keepalive messages when keepalive is enabled. &nl;
2874 Default: 2hours.
2875 <tag>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_keepalive_intvl</tag>
2876 How frequent probes are retransmitted, when a probe isn't acknowledged. &nl;
2877 Default: 75 seconds.
2878 <tag>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_keepalive_probes</tag>
2879 How many keepalive probes TCP will send, until it decides that the
2880 connection is broken. &nl;
2881 Default value: 9. &nl;
2882 Multiplied with tcp_keepalive_intvl, this gives the time a link can be
2883 nonresponsive after a keepalive has been sent.
2884 <tag>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_max_orphans</tag>
2885 Maximal number of TCP sockets not attached to any user file handle, held by
2886 system. If this number is exceeded orphaned connections are reset
2887 immediately and warning is printed. This limit exists only to prevent simple
2888 DoS attacks, you _must_ not rely on this or lower the limit artificially,
2889 but rather increase it (probably, after increasing installed memory), if
2890 network conditions require more than default value, and tune network
2891 services to linger and kill such states more aggressively. Let me remind you
2892 again: each orphan eats up to ~64K of unswappable memory.
2893 <tag>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_orphan_retries</tag>
2894 How may times to retry before killing TCP connection, closed by our side.
2895 Default value 7 corresponds to ~50sec-16min depending on RTO. If your machine
2896 is a loaded WEB server, you should think about lowering this value, such
2897 sockets may consume significant resources. Cf. tcp_max_orphans.
2898 <tag>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_max_syn_backlog</tag>
2899 Maximal number of remembered connection requests, which still did not
2900 receive an acknowledgement from connecting client. Default value is 1024 for
2901 systems with more than 128Mb of memory, and 128 for low memory machines. If
2902 server suffers of overload, try to increase this number. Warning! If you
2903 make it greater than 1024, it would be better to change TCP_SYNQ_HSIZE in
2904 include/net/tcp.h to keep TCP_SYNQ_HSIZE*16<=tcp_max_syn_backlog and to
2905 recompile kernel.
2906 <tag>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_max_tw_buckets</tag>
2907 Maximal number of timewait sockets held by system simultaneously. If this
2908 number is exceeded time-wait socket is immediately destroyed and warning is
2909 printed. This limit exists only to prevent simple DoS attacks, you _must_
2910 not lower the limit artificially, but rather increase it (probably, after
2911 increasing installed memory), if network conditions require more than
2912 default value.
2913 <tag>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_retrans_collapse</tag>
2914 Bug-to-bug compatibility with some broken printers.
2915 On retransmit try to send bigger packets to work around bugs in
2916 certain TCP stacks.
2917 <tag>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_retries1</tag>
2918 How many times to retry before deciding that something is wrong
2919 and it is necessary to report this suspection to network layer.
2920 Minimal RFC value is 3, it is default, which corresponds
2921 to ~3sec-8min depending on RTO.
2922 <tag>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_retries2</tag>
2923 How may times to retry before killing alive TCP connection.
2924 RFC1122 says that the limit should be longer than 100 sec.
2925 It is too small number. Default value 15 corresponds to ~13-30min
2926 depending on RTO.
2927 <tag>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_rfc1337</tag>
2928 This boolean enables a fix for 'time-wait assassination hazards in tcp', described
2929 in RFC 1337. If enabled, this causes the kernel to drop RST packets for
2930 sockets in the time-wait state.&nl;
2931 Default: 0
2932 <tag>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_sack</tag>
2933 Use Selective ACK which can be used to signify that specific packets are
2934 missing - therefore helping fast recovery.
2935 <tag>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_stdurg</tag>
2936 Use the Host requirements interpretation of the TCP urg pointer
2937 field. &nl;
2938 Most hosts use the older BSD interpretation, so if you turn this on
2939 Linux might not communicate correctly with them. &nl;
2940 Default: FALSE
2941 <tag>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_syn_retries</tag>
2942 Number of SYN packets the kernel will send before giving up on the new
2943 connection.
2944 <tag>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_synack_retries</tag>
2945 To open the other side of the connection, the kernel sends a SYN with a
2946 piggybacked ACK on it, to acknowledge the earlier received SYN. This is part
2947 2 of the threeway handshake. This setting determines the number of SYN+ACK
2948 packets sent before the kernel gives up on the connection.
2949 <tag>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_timestamps</tag>
2950 Timestamps are used, amongst other things, to protect against wrapping
2951 sequence numbers. A 1 gigabit link might conceivably re-encounter a previous
2952 sequence number with an out-of-line value, because it was of a previous
2953 generation. The timestamp will let it recognise this 'ancient packet'.
2954 <tag>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_tw_recycle</tag>
2955 Enable fast recycling TIME-WAIT sockets. Default value is 1.
2956 It should not be changed without advice/request of technical experts.
2958 <tag>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_window_scaling</tag>
2959 TCP/IP normally allows windows up to 65535 bytes big. For really fast
2960 networks, this may not be enough. The window scaling options allows for
2961 almost gigabyte windows, which is good for high bandwidth*delay products.
2963 </descrip>
2964 <sect2>Per device settings
2966 DEV can either stand for a real interface, or for 'all' or 'default'.
2967 Default also changes settings for interfaces yet to be created.
2968 <descrip>
2969 <tag>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/DEV/accept_redirects</tag>
2970 If a router decides that you are using it for a wrong purpose (ie, it needs
2971 to resend your packet on the same interface), it will send us a ICMP
2972 Redirect. This is a slight security risk however, so you may want to turn it
2973 off, or use secure redirects.
2974 <tag>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/DEV/accept_source_route</tag>
2975 Not used very much anymore. You used to be able to give a packet a list of
2976 IP addresses it should visit on its way. Linux can be made to honor this IP
2977 option.
2978 <tag>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/DEV/bootp_relay</tag>
2979 FIXME: fill this in
2980 <tag>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/DEV/forwarding</tag>
2981 FIXME:
2982 <tag>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/DEV/log_martians</tag>
2983 See the section on reverse path filters.
2984 <tag>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/DEV/mc_forwarding</tag>
2985 If we do multicast forwarding on this interface
2986 <tag>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/DEV/proxy_arp</tag>
2987 If you set this to 1, all other interfaces will respond to arp queries
2988 destined for addresses on this interface. Can be very useful when building 'ip
2989 pseudo bridges'. Do take care that your netmasks are very correct before
2990 enabling this!
2991 <tag>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/DEV/rp_filter</tag>
2992 See the section on reverse path filters.
2993 <tag>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/DEV/secure_redirects</tag>
2994 FIXME: fill this in
2995 <tag>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/DEV/send_redirects</tag>
2996 If we send the above mentioned redirects.
2997 <tag>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/DEV/shared_media</tag>
2998 FIXME: fill this in
2999 <tag>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/DEV/tag</tag>
3000 FIXME: fill this in
3002 </descrip>
3004 <sect2> Neighbor policy
3006 Dev can either stand for a real interface, or for 'all' or 'default'.
3007 Default also changes settings for interfaces yet to be created.
3008 <descrip>
3009 <tag>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/neigh/DEV/anycast_delay</tag>
3010 FIXME: fill this in
3011 <tag>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/neigh/DEV/app_solicit</tag>
3012 FIXME: fill this in
3013 <tag>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/neigh/DEV/base_reachable_time</tag>
3014 FIXME: fill this in
3015 <tag>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/neigh/DEV/delay_first_probe_time</tag>
3016 FIXME: fill this in
3017 <tag>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/neigh/DEV/gc_stale_time</tag>
3018 FIXME: fill this in
3019 <tag>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/neigh/DEV/locktime</tag>
3020 FIXME: fill this in
3021 <tag>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/neigh/DEV/mcast_solicit</tag>
3022 FIXME: fill this in
3023 <tag>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/neigh/DEV/proxy_delay</tag>
3024 FIXME: fill this in
3025 <tag>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/neigh/DEV/proxy_qlen</tag>
3026 FIXME: fill this in
3027 <tag>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/neigh/DEV/retrans_time</tag>
3028 FIXME: fill this in
3029 <tag>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/neigh/DEV/ucast_solicit</tag>
3030 FIXME: fill this in
3031 <tag>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/neigh/DEV/unres_qlen</tag>
3032 FIXME: fill this in
3034 </descrip>
3036 <sect2>Routing settings
3038 <descrip>
3039 <tag>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/route/error_burst</tag>
3040 FIXME: fill this in
3041 <tag>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/route/error_cost</tag>
3042 FIXME: fill this in
3043 <tag>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/route/flush</tag>
3044 FIXME: fill this in
3045 <tag>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/route/gc_elasticity</tag>
3046 FIXME: fill this in
3047 <tag>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/route/gc_interval</tag>
3048 FIXME: fill this in
3049 <tag>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/route/gc_min_interval</tag>
3050 FIXME: fill this in
3051 <tag>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/route/gc_thresh</tag>
3052 FIXME: fill this in
3053 <tag>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/route/gc_timeout</tag>
3054 FIXME: fill this in
3055 <tag>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/route/max_delay</tag>
3056 FIXME: fill this in
3057 <tag>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/route/max_size</tag>
3058 FIXME: fill this in
3059 <tag>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/route/min_adv_mss</tag>
3060 FIXME: fill this in
3061 <tag>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/route/min_delay</tag>
3062 FIXME: fill this in
3063 <tag>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/route/min_pmtu</tag>
3064 FIXME: fill this in
3065 <tag>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/route/mtu_expires</tag>
3066 FIXME: fill this in
3067 <tag>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/route/redirect_load</tag>
3068 FIXME: fill this in
3069 <tag>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/route/redirect_number</tag>
3070 FIXME: fill this in
3071 <tag>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/route/redirect_silence</tag>
3072 FIXME: fill this in
3073 </descrip>
3076 <sect>Advanced &amp; less common queueing disciplines
3078 Besides the queues mentioned earlier, the kernel contains some other more
3079 specialized queues which are mentioned here, should you find that you have
3080 needs not addressed by the other queues.
3081 <sect1>bfifo/pfifo
3083 These classless queues are even simpler than pfifo_fast in that they lack
3084 the internal bands - all traffic is really equal. They have one important
3085 benefit though, they have some statistics. So even if you don't need shaping
3086 or prioritizing, you can use this qdisc to determine the backlog on your
3087 interface.
3089 pfifo has a length measured in packets, bfifo in bytes.
3090 <sect2>Parameters &amp; usage
3092 <descrip>
3093 <tag>limit</tag>
3094 Specifies the length of the queue. Measured in bytes for bfifo, in packets
3095 for pfifo. Defaults to the interface txqueuelen (see pfifo_fast chapter)
3096 packets long or txqueuelen*mtu bytes for bfifo.
3097 </descrip>
3098 <sect1> Clark-Shenker-Zhang algorithm (CSZ)
3100 This is so theoretical that not even Alexey (the main CBQ author) claims to
3101 understand it. From his source:
3103 "David D. Clark, Scott Shenker and Lixia Zhang
3104 Supporting Real-Time Applications in an Integrated Services Packet
3105 Network: Architecture and Mechanism.
3107 As I understand it, the main idea is to create WFQ flows for each guaranteed
3108 service and to allocate the rest of bandwith to dummy flow-0. Flow-0
3109 comprises the predictive services and the best effort traffic; it is handled
3110 by a priority scheduler with the highest priority band allocated for
3111 predictive services, and the rest --- to the best effort packets.
3113 Note that in CSZ flows are NOT limited to their bandwidth. It is supposed
3114 that the flow passed admission control at the edge of the QoS network and it
3115 doesn't need further shaping. Any attempt to improve the flow or to shape it
3116 to a token bucket at intermediate hops will introduce undesired delays and
3117 raise jitter.
3119 At the moment CSZ is the only scheduler that provides true guaranteed
3120 service. Another schemes (including CBQ) do not provide guaranteed delay and
3121 randomize jitter."
3123 Does not currently seem like a good canidate to use, unless you've read and
3124 understand the article mentioned.
3125 <sect1>DSMARK
3127 Esteve Camps Chust &lt;;&nl;
3128 This text is an extract from my thesis on "QoS Support in Linux", September 2000.&nl;
3130 Source documents:&nl;
3131 <itemize>
3132 <item><url url="" name="Draft-almesberger-wajhak-diffserv-linux-01.txt">.
3133 <item>Examples in iproute2 distribution.
3134 <item><url url="" name="White Paper-QoS protocols and architectures"> and
3135 <url url="" name="IP QoS Frequently Asked Questions"> both by <em>Quality of Service Forum</em>.
3136 </itemize>
3138 This chapter was written by Esteve Camps &lt;;.
3139 <sect2>Introduction
3142 First of all, first of all, it would be a great idea for you to read RFCs
3143 written about this (RFC2474, RFC2475, RFC2597 and RFC2598) at <url
3144 url="" name="IETF
3145 DiffServ working Group web site"> and <url
3146 url="" name="Werner Almesberger web site">
3147 (he wrote the code to support Differentiated Services on Linux).
3149 <sect2>What is Dsmark related to?
3151 Dsmark is a queueing discipline that offers the capabilities needed in
3152 Differentiated Services (also called DiffServ or, simply, DS). DiffServ is
3153 one of two actual QoS architectures (the other one is called Integrated
3154 Services) that is based on a value carried by packets in the DS field of the
3155 IP header.
3158 One of the first solutions in IP designed to offer some QoS level was
3159 the Type of Service field (TOS byte) in IP header. By changing that value,
3160 we could choose a high/low level of throughput, delay or reliability.
3161 But this didn't provide sufficient flexibility to the needs of new
3162 services (such as real-time applications, interactive applications and
3163 others). After this, new architectures appeared. One of these was DiffServ
3164 which kept TOS bits and renamed DS field.
3165 <sect2>Differentiated Services guidelines
3167 Differentiated Services is group-oriented. I mean, we don't know nothing
3168 about flows (this will be the Integrated Services purpose); we know about
3169 flow aggregations and we will apply different behaviours depending on which
3170 aggregation a packet belongs to.
3173 When a packet arrives to an edge node (entry node to a DiffServ domain)
3174 entering to a DiffServ Domain we'll have to policy, shape and/or mark those
3175 packets (marking refers to assigning a value to the DS field. It's just like the
3176 cows :-) ). This will be the mark/value that the internal/core nodes on our
3177 DiffServ Domain will look at to determine which behaviour or QoS level
3178 apply.
3181 As you can deduce, Differentiated Services involves a domain on which
3182 all DS rules will have to be applied. In fact you can think &dquot;I
3183 will classify all the packets entering my domain. Once they enter my
3184 domain they will be subjected to the rules that my classification dictates
3185 and every traversed node will apply that QoS level&dquot;.
3187 In fact, you can apply your own policies into your local domains, but some
3188 <em>Service Level Agreements</em> should be considered when connecting to
3189 other DS domains.
3192 At this point, you maybe have a lot of questions. DiffServ is more than I've
3193 explained. In fact, you can understand that I can not resume more than 3
3194 RFC's in just 50 lines :-).
3196 <sect2>Working with Dsmark
3199 As the DiffServ bibliography specifies, we differentiate boundary nodes and
3200 interior nodes. These are two important points in the traffic path. Both
3201 types perform a classification when the packets arrive. Its result may be
3202 used in different places along the DS process before the packet is released
3203 to the network. It's just because of this that the diffserv code supplies an
3204 structure called sk_buff, including a new field called skb-&gt;tc_index
3205 where we'll store the result of initial classification that may be used in
3206 several points in DS treatment.
3209 The skb-&gt;tc_index value will be initially set by the DSMARK qdisc,
3210 retrieving it from the DS field in IP header of every received packet.
3211 Besides, cls_tcindex classifier will read all or part of skb-&gt;tcindex
3212 value and use it to select classes.
3215 But, first of all, take a look at DSMARK qdisc command and its parameters:
3216 <tscreen><verb>
3217 ... dsmark indices INDICES [ default_index DEFAULT_INDEX ] [ set_tc_index ]
3218 </verb></tscreen>
3219 What do these parameters mean?
3220 <itemize>
3221 <item><bf>indices</bf>: size of table of (mask,value) pairs. Maximum value is 2^n, where n&gt=0.
3222 <item><bf>Default_index</bf>: the default table entry index if classifier finds no match.
3223 <item><bf>Set_tc_index</bf>: instructs dsmark discipline to retrieve the DS field and store it onto skb-&gt;tc_index.
3224 </itemize>
3225 Let's see the DSMARK process.
3227 <sect2>How SCH_DSMARK works.
3229 This qdisc will apply the next steps:
3230 <itemize>
3231 <item>If we have declared set_tc_index option in qdisc command, DS field is retrieved and stored onto
3232 skb-&gt;tc_index variable.
3233 <item>Classifier is invoked. The classifier will be executed and it will return a class ID that will be stored in
3234 skb-&gt;tc_index variable.If no filter matches are found, we consider the default_index option to be the
3235 classId to store. If neither set_tc_index nor default_index has been declared results may be
3236 impredictibles.
3237 <item>After been sent to internal qdisc's where you can reuse the result of the filter, the classid returned by
3238 the internal qdisc is stored into skb-&gt;tc_index. We will use this value in the future to index a mask-
3239 value table. The final result to assign to the packet will be that resulting from next operation:
3240 <tscreen><verb>
3241 New_Ds_field = ( Old_DS_field & mask ) | value
3242 </verb></tscreen>
3244 <item>Thus, new value will result from "anding" ds_field and mask values and next, this result "ORed" with
3245 value parameter. See next diagram to understand all this process:
3246 </itemize>
3247 <tscreen>
3248 <verb>
3249 skb-&gt;ihp-&gt;tos
3250 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - &gt;
3251 | | ^
3252 | -- If you declare set_tc_index, we set DS | | &lt;-----May change
3253 | value into skb-&gt;tc_index variable | |O DS field
3254 | A| |R
3255 +-|-+ +------+ +---+-+ Internal +-+ +---N|-----|----+
3256 | | | | tc |---&gt;| | |--&gt; . . . --&gt;| | | D| | |
3257 | | |-----&gt;|index |---&gt;| | | Qdisc | |----&gt;| v | |
3258 | | | |filter|---&gt;| | | +---------------+ | ----&gt;(mask,value) |
3259 --&gt;| O | +------+ +-|-+--------------^----+ / | (. , .) |
3260 | | | ^ | | | | (. , .) |
3261 | | +----------|---------|----------------|-------|--+ (. , .) |
3262 | | sch_dsmark | | | | |
3263 +-|------------|---------|----------------|-------|------------------+
3264 | | | &lt;- tc_index -&gt; | |
3265 | |(read) | may change | | &lt;--------------Index to the
3266 | | | | | (mask,value)
3267 v | v v | pairs table
3268 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -&gt;
3269 skb-&gt;tc_index
3270 </verb>
3271 </tscreen>
3273 How to do marking? Just change the mask and value of the class you want to remark. See next line of code:
3274 <tscreen>
3275 tc class change dev eth0 classid 1:1 dsmark mask 0x3 value 0xb8
3276 </tscreen>
3277 This changes the (mask,value) pair in hash table, to remark packets belonging to class 1:1.You have to "change" this values
3278 because of default values that (mask,value) gets initially (see table below).
3280 Now, we'll explain how TC_INDEX filter works and how fits into this. Besides, TCINDEX filter can be
3281 used in other configurations rather than those including DS services.
3284 <sect2>TC_INDEX Filter
3286 This is the basic command to declare a TC_INDEX filter:
3287 <tscreen>
3288 <verb>
3289 ... tcindex [ hash SIZE ] [ mask MASK ] [ shift SHIFT ]
3290 [ pass_on | fall_through ]
3291 [ classid CLASSID ] [ police POLICE_SPEC ]
3292 </verb>
3293 </tscreen>
3294 Next, we show the example used to explain TC_INDEX operation mode. Pay attention to bolded words:
3295 &nl;&nl;
3296 tc qdisc add dev eth0 handle 1:0 root dsmark indices 64 <bf>set_tc_index</bf>&nl;
3297 tc filter add dev eth0 parent 1:0 protocol ip prio 1 tcindex <bf>mask 0xfc shift 2</bf>&nl;
3298 tc qdisc add dev eth0 parent 1:0 handle 2:0 cbq bandwidth 10Mbit cell 8 avpkt 1000 mpu 64&nl;
3299 # EF traffic class&nl;
3300 tc class add dev eth0 parent 2:0 classid 2:1 cbq bandwidth 10Mbit rate 1500Kbit avpkt 1000 prio 1 bounded isolated allot 1514 weight 1 maxburst 10&nl;
3301 # Packet fifo qdisc for EF traffic&nl;
3302 tc qdisc add dev eth0 parent 2:1 pfifo limit 5&nl;
3303 tc filter add dev eth0 parent 2:0 protocol ip prio 1 <bf>handle 0x2e</bf> tcindex <bf>classid 2:1 pass_on</bf>&nl;
3304 &nl;&nl;
3305 (This code is not complete. It's just an extract from EFCBQ example included in iproute2 distribution).
3307 First of all, suppose we receive a packet marked as EF . If you read RFC2598, you'll see that DSCP
3308 recommended value for EF traffic is 101110. This means that DS field will be 10111000 (remember that
3309 less signifiant bits in TOS byte are not used in DS) or 0xb8 in hexadecimal codification.
3311 <tscreen>
3312 <verb>
3315 +---+ +-------+ +---+-+ +------+ +-+ +-------+
3316 | | | | | | | |FILTER| +-+ +-+ | | | |
3317 | |-----&gt;| MASK | -&gt; | | | -&gt; |HANDLE|-&gt;| | | | -&gt; | | -&gt; | |
3318 | | . | =0xfc | | | | |0x2E | | +----+ | | | | |
3319 | | . | | | | | +------+ +--------+ | | | |
3320 | | . | | | | | | | | |
3321 --&gt;| | . | SHIFT | | | | | | | |--&gt;
3322 | | . | =2 | | | +----------------------------+ | | |
3323 | | | | | | CBQ 2:0 | | |
3324 | | +-------+ +---+--------------------------------+ | |
3325 | | | |
3326 | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ |
3327 | DSMARK 1:0 |
3328 +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
3330 </verb>
3331 </tscreen>
3333 The packet arrives, then, set with 0xb8 value at DS field. As we explained before, dsmark qdisc identified
3334 by 1:0 id in the example, retrieves DS field and store it in skb-&gt;tc_index variable.
3335 Next step in the example will correspond to the filter associated to this qdisc (second line in the example).
3336 This will perform next operations:
3337 <tscreen>
3338 <verb>
3339 Value1 = skb->tc_index & MASK
3340 Key = Value1 >> SHIFT
3341 </verb>
3342 </tscreen>
3345 In the example, MASK=0xFC i SHIFT=2.
3346 <tscreen>
3347 <verb>
3348 Value1 = 10111000 & 11111100 = 10111000
3349 Key = 10111000 >> 2 = 00101110 -> 0x2E in hexadecimal
3350 </verb>
3351 </tscreen>
3354 The returned value will correspond to a qdisc interal filter handle (in the example, identifier 2:0). If a
3355 filter with this id exists, policing and metering conditions will be verified (in case that filter includes this)
3356 and the classid will be returned (in our example, classid 2:1) and stored in skb-&gt;tc_index variable.
3359 But if any filter with that identifier is found, the result will depend on fall_through flag declaration. If so,
3360 value key is returned as classid. If not, an error is returned and process continues with the rest filters. Be
3361 careful if you use fall_through flag; this can be done if a simple relation exists between values
3362 &nl;of skb-&gt;tc_index variable and class id's.
3365 The latest parameters to comment on are hash and pass_on. The first one
3366 relates to hash table size. Pass_on will be used to indicate that if no classid
3367 equal to the result of this filter is found, try next filter.
3368 The default action is fall_through (look at next table).
3371 Finally, let's see which possible values can be set to all this TCINDEX parameters:
3372 <tscreen>
3373 <verb>
3374 TC Name Value Default
3375 -----------------------------------------------------------------
3376 Hash 1...0x10000 Implementation dependent
3377 Mask 0...0xffff 0xffff
3378 Shift 0...15 0
3379 Fall through / Pass_on Flag Fall_through
3380 Classid Major:minor None
3381 Police ..... None
3382 </verb>
3383 </tscreen>
3385 This kind of filter is very powerful. It's necessary to explore all possibilities. Besides, this filter is not only used in DiffServ configurations.
3386 You can use it as any other kind of filter.
3388 I recommend you to look at all DiffServ examples included in iproute2 distribution. I promise I will try to
3389 complement this text as soon as I can. Besides, all I have explained is the result of a lot of tests.
3390 I would thank you tell me if I'm wrong in any point.
3391 <sect1>Ingress policer qdisc
3392 <p>
3393 The Ingress qdisc comes in handy if you need to ratelimit a host without
3394 help from routers or other Linux boxes. You can police incoming bandwidth
3395 and drop packets when this bandwidth exceeds your desired rate. This can
3396 save your host from a SYN flood, for example, and also works to slow down
3397 TCP/IP, which responds to dropped packets by reducing speed.
3399 FIXME: shaping by dropping packets seems less desirable than using, for
3400 example, a token bucket filter. Not sure though, Cisco CAR works this
3401 way, and people appear to be happy with it.
3403 See the reference to <ref id="CAR" name="IOS Committed Access Rate"> at the
3404 end of this document.
3406 In short: you can use this to limit how fast your computer downloads files,
3407 thus leaving more of the available bandwidth for others.
3409 The ingress policer is not a regular qdisc, although it looks like one. It
3410 is in fact hooked to the interface via the Netfilter infrastructure.
3411 Configuration is achieved using 'tc filter police' commands.
3413 See the section on 'Protecting your host from SYN floods' for an example on
3414 how this works.
3417 <sect1>Random Early Drop (RED)
3419 This section is meant as an introduction to backbone routing, which often
3420 involves &lt;100 megabit bandwidths, which requires a different approach than
3421 your ADSL modem at home.
3423 The normal behaviour of router queues on the Internet is called tail-drop.
3424 Tail-drop works by queueing up to a certain amount, then dropping all traffic
3425 that 'spills over'. This is very unfair, and also leads to retransmit
3426 synchronisation. When retransmit synchronisation occurs, the sudden burst
3427 of drops from a router that has reached its fill will cause a delayed burst
3428 of retransmits, which will over fill the congested router again.
3430 In order to cope with transient congestion on links, backbone routers will
3431 often implement large queues. Unfortunately, while these queues are good for
3432 throughput, they can substantially increase latency and cause TCP
3433 connections to behave very bursty during congestion.
3435 These issues with tail-drop are becoming increasingly troublesome on the
3436 Internet because the use of network unfriendly applications is increasing.
3437 The Linux kernel offers us RED, short for Random Early Detect.
3439 RED isn't a cure-all for this, applications which inappropriately fail to
3440 implement exponential backoff still get an unfair share of the bandwidth,
3441 however, with RED they do not cause as much harm to the throughput and
3442 latency of other connections.
3444 RED statistically drops packets from flows before it reaches its hard
3445 limit. This causes a congested backbone link to slow more gracefully, and
3446 prevents retransmit synchronisation. This also helps TCP find its 'fair'
3447 speed faster by allowing some packets to get dropped sooner keeping queue
3448 sizes low and latency under control. The probability of a packet being
3449 dropped from a particular connection is proportional to its bandwidth usage
3450 rather than the number of packets it transmits.
3452 RED is a good queue for backbones, where you can't afford the
3453 complexity of per-session state tracking needed by fairness queueing.
3455 In order to use RED, you must decide on three parameters: Min, Max, and
3456 burst. Min sets the minimum queue size in bytes before dropping will begin,
3457 Max is a soft maximum that the algorithm will attempt to stay under, and
3458 burst sets the maximum number of packets that can 'burst through'.
3460 You should set the min by calculating that highest acceptable base queueing
3461 latency you wish, and multiply it by your bandwidth. For instance, on my
3462 64kbit/s ISDN link, I might want a base queueing latency of 200ms so I set
3463 min to 1600 bytes. Setting min too small will degrade throughput and too
3464 large will degrade latency. Setting a small min is not a replacement for
3465 reducing the MTU on a slow link to improve interactive response.
3467 You should make max at least twice min to prevent synchronisation. On slow
3468 links with small min's it might be wise to make max perhaps four or
3469 more times large then min.
3471 Burst controls how the RED algorithm responds to bursts. Burst must be set
3472 larger then min/avpkt. Experimentally, I've found (min+min+max)/(3*avpkt) to
3473 work okay.
3475 Additionally, you need to set limit and avpkt. Limit is a safety value, after
3476 there are limit bytes in the queue, RED 'turns into' tail-drop. I typical set
3477 limit to eight times max. Avpkt should be your average packet size. 1000
3478 works okay on high speed Internet links with a 1500byte MTU.
3480 Read <url url=""
3481 name="the paper on RED queueing"> by Sally Floyd and Van Jacobson for technical
3482 information.
3484 <sect1>VC/ATM emulation
3486 This is quite a major effort by Werner Almesberger to allow you to build
3487 Virtual Circuits over TCP/IP sockets. A Virtual Circuit is a concept from
3488 ATM network theory.
3490 For more information, see the <url url=""
3491 name="ATM on Linux homepage">.
3493 <sect1>Weighted Round Robin (WRR)
3495 This qdisc is not included in the standard kernels but can be downloaded from
3496 <url url="">.
3497 Currently the qdisc is only tested with Linux 2.2 kernels but it will
3498 probably work with 2.4 kernels too.
3500 The WRR qdisc distributes bandwidth between its classes using the weighted
3501 round robin scheme. That is, like the CBQ qdisc it contains classes
3502 into which arbitrary qdiscs can be plugged. All classes which have sufficient
3503 demand will get bandwidth proportional to the weights associated with the classes.
3504 The weights can be set manually using the <tt>tc</tt> program. But they
3505 can also be made automatically decreasing for classes transferring much data.
3507 The qdisc has a built-in classifier which assigns packets coming from or
3508 sent to different machines to different classes. Either the MAC or IP and
3509 either source or destination addresses can be used. The MAC address can only
3510 be used when the Linux box is acting as an ethernet bridge, however. The
3511 classes are automatically assigned to machines based on the packets seen.
3513 The qdisc can be very useful at sites such as dorms where a lot of unrelated
3514 individuals share an Internet connection. A set of scripts setting up a
3515 relevant behavior for such a site is a central part of the WRR distribution.
3517 <sect>Cookbook
3519 This section contains 'cookbook' entries which may help you solve problems.
3520 A cookbook is no replacement for understanding however, so try and comprehend
3521 what is going on.
3522 <!--
3523 <sect1>Reserving bandwidth for your IRC server
3525 Recently the IRC networks have been plagued by distributed denial of service
3526 attacks. The aim of some of these attacks is to disrupt communication
3527 between servers which split the network. You then join the splitted part
3528 of the network. Because nobody else is there, the server assigns you
3529 operator status. You then stop the disruption, the network rejoins and
3530 voila, you can take over the channel.
3532 This silly behaviour is seriously damaging IRC, and luckily, Linux is there
3533 to protect it :-)
3535 We need to be smarter than your average scriptkid, so we'll use some
3536 advanced netfilter features to help us.
3539 <sect1>Running multiple sites with different SLAs
3541 You can do this in several ways. Apache has some support for this with a
3542 module, but we'll show how Linux can do this for you, and do so for other
3543 services as well. These commands are stolen from a presentation by Jamal
3544 Hadi that's referenced below.
3546 Let's say we have two customers, with http, ftp and streaming audio, and we
3547 want to sell them a limited amount of bandwidth. We do so on the server itself.
3549 Customer A should have at most 2 megabits, customer B has paid for 5
3550 megabits. We separate our customers by creating virtual IP addresses on our
3551 server.
3553 <tscreen><verb>
3554 # ip address add dev eth0
3555 # ip address add dev eth0
3556 </verb></tscreen>
3558 It is up to you to attach the different servers to the right IP address. All
3559 popular daemons have support for this.
3561 We first attach a CBQ qdisc to eth0:
3562 <tscreen><verb>
3563 # tc qdisc add dev eth0 root handle 1: cbq bandwidth 10Mbit cell 8 avpkt 1000 \
3564 mpu 64
3565 </verb></tscreen>
3567 We then create classes for our customers:
3569 <tscreen><verb>
3570 # tc class add dev eth0 parent 1:0 classid 1:1 cbq bandwidth 10Mbit rate \
3571 2MBit avpkt 1000 prio 5 bounded isolated allot 1514 weight 1 maxburst 21
3572 # tc class add dev eth0 parent 1:0 classid 1:2 cbq bandwidth 10Mbit rate \
3573 5Mbit avpkt 1000 prio 5 bounded isolated allot 1514 weight 1 maxburst 21
3574 </verb></tscreen>
3576 Then we add filters for our two classes:
3577 <tscreen><verb>
3578 ##FIXME: Why this line, what does it do?, what is a divisor?:
3579 ##FIXME: A divisor has something to do with a hash table, and the number of
3580 ## buckets - ahu
3581 # tc filter add dev eth0 parent 1:0 protocol ip prio 5 handle 1: u32 divisor 1
3582 # tc filter add dev eth0 parent 1:0 prio 5 u32 match ip src
3583 flowid 1:1
3584 # tc filter add dev eth0 parent 1:0 prio 5 u32 match ip src
3585 flowid 1:2
3586 </verb></tscreen>
3588 And we're done.
3590 FIXME: why no token bucket filter? is there a default pfifo_fast fallback
3591 somewhere?
3593 <sect1>Protecting your host from SYN floods
3594 <p>From Alexey's iproute documentation, adapted to netfilter and with more
3595 plausible paths. If you use this, take care to adjust the numbers to
3596 reasonable values for your system.
3598 If you want to protect an entire network, skip this script, which is best
3599 suited for a single host.
3601 It appears that you need the very latest version of the iproute2 tools to
3602 get this to work with 2.4.0.
3604 <tscreen><verb>
3605 #! /bin/sh -x
3607 # sample script on using the ingress capabilities
3608 # this script shows how one can rate limit incoming SYNs
3609 # Useful for TCP-SYN attack protection. You can use
3610 # IPchains to have more powerful additions to the SYN (eg
3611 # in addition the subnet)
3613 #path to various utilities;
3614 #change to reflect yours.
3616 TC=/sbin/tc
3617 IP=/sbin/ip
3618 IPTABLES=/sbin/iptables
3619 INDEV=eth2
3621 # tag all incoming SYN packets through $INDEV as mark value 1
3622 ############################################################
3623 $iptables -A PREROUTING -i $INDEV -t mangle -p tcp --syn \
3624 -j MARK --set-mark 1
3625 ############################################################
3627 # install the ingress qdisc on the ingress interface
3628 ############################################################
3629 $TC qdisc add dev $INDEV handle ffff: ingress
3630 ############################################################
3634 # SYN packets are 40 bytes (320 bits) so three SYNs equals
3635 # 960 bits (approximately 1kbit); so we rate limit below
3636 # the incoming SYNs to 3/sec (not very useful really; but
3637 #serves to show the point - JHS
3638 ############################################################
3639 $TC filter add dev $INDEV parent ffff: protocol ip prio 50 handle 1 fw \
3640 police rate 1kbit burst 40 mtu 9k drop flowid :1
3641 ############################################################
3645 echo "---- qdisc parameters Ingress ----------"
3646 $TC qdisc ls dev $INDEV
3647 echo "---- Class parameters Ingress ----------"
3648 $TC class ls dev $INDEV
3649 echo "---- filter parameters Ingress ----------"
3650 $TC filter ls dev $INDEV parent ffff:
3652 #deleting the ingress qdisc
3653 #$TC qdisc del $INDEV ingress
3654 </verb></tscreen>
3655 <sect1>Ratelimit ICMP to prevent dDoS
3657 Recently, distributed denial of service attacks have become a major nuisance
3658 on the internet. By properly filtering and ratelimiting your network, you can
3659 both prevent becoming a casualty or the cause of these attacks.
3661 You should filter your networks so that you do not allow non-local IP source
3662 addressed packets to leave your network. This stops people from anonymously
3663 sending junk to the internet.
3665 <!-- FIXME: netfilter one liner. Is there a netfilter one-liner? Martijn -->
3668 Rate limiting goes much as shown earlier. To refresh your memory, our
3669 ASCIIgram again:
3671 <tscreen><verb>
3672 [The Internet] ---<E3, T3, whatever>--- [Linux router] --- [Office+ISP]
3673 eth1 eth0
3674 </verb></tscreen>
3676 We first set up the prerequisite parts:
3678 <tscreen><verb>
3679 # tc qdisc add dev eth0 root handle 10: cbq bandwidth 10Mbit avpkt 1000
3680 # tc class add dev eth0 parent 10:0 classid 10:1 cbq bandwidth 10Mbit rate \
3681 10Mbit allot 1514 prio 5 maxburst 20 avpkt 1000
3682 </verb></tscreen>
3684 If you have 100Mbit, or more, interfaces, adjust these numbers. Now you need
3685 to determine how much ICMP traffic you want to allow. You can perform
3686 measurements with tcpdump, by having it write to a file for a while, and
3687 seeing how much ICMP passes your network. Do not forget to raise the
3688 snapshot length!
3690 If measurement is impractical, you might want to choose 5% of your available
3691 bandwidth. Let's set up our class:
3692 <tscreen><verb>
3693 # tc class add dev eth0 parent 10:1 classid 10:100 cbq bandwidth 10Mbit rate \
3694 100Kbit allot 1514 weight 800Kbit prio 5 maxburst 20 avpkt 250 \
3695 bounded
3696 </verb></tscreen>
3698 This limits at 100Kbit. Now we need a filter to assign ICMP traffic to this
3699 class:
3700 <tscreen><verb>
3701 # tc filter add dev eth0 parent 10:0 protocol ip prio 100 u32 match ip
3702 protocol 1 0xFF flowid 10:100
3704 </verb></tscreen>
3706 <sect1>Prioritizing interactive traffic
3708 If lots of data is coming down your link, or going up for that matter, and
3709 you are trying to do some maintenance via telnet or ssh, this may not go too
3710 well. Other packets are blocking your keystrokes. Wouldn't it be great if
3711 there were a way for your interactive packets to sneak past the bulk
3712 traffic? Linux can do this for you!
3714 As before, we need to handle traffic going both ways. Evidently, this works
3715 best if there are Linux boxes on both ends of your link, although other
3716 UNIX's are able to do this. Consult your local Solaris/BSD guru for this.
3718 The standard pfifo_fast scheduler has 3 different 'bands'. Traffic in band 0
3719 is transmitted first, after which traffic in band 1 and 2 gets considered.
3720 It is vital that our interactive traffic be in band 0!
3722 We blatantly adapt from the (soon to be obsolete) ipchains HOWTO:
3724 There are four seldom-used bits in the IP header, called the Type of Service
3725 (TOS) bits. They effect the way packets are treated; the four bits are
3726 "Minimum Delay", "Maximum Throughput", "Maximum Reliability" and "Minimum
3727 Cost". Only one of these bits is allowed to be set. Rob van Nieuwkerk, the
3728 author of the ipchains TOS-mangling code, puts it as follows:
3730 <tscreen>
3731 Especially the "Minimum Delay" is important for me. I switch it on for
3732 "interactive" packets in my upstream (Linux) router. I'm
3733 behind a 33k6 modem link. Linux prioritizes packets in 3 queues. This
3734 way I get acceptable interactive performance while doing bulk
3735 downloads at the same time.
3736 </tscreen>
3738 The most common use is to set telnet & ftp control connections to "Minimum
3739 Delay" and FTP data to "Maximum Throughput". This would be
3740 done as follows, on your upstream router:
3742 <tscreen><verb>
3743 # iptables -A PREROUTING -t mangle -p tcp --sport telnet \
3744 -j TOS --set-tos Minimize-Delay
3745 # iptables -A PREROUTING -t mangle -p tcp --sport ftp \
3746 -j TOS --set-tos Minimize-Delay
3747 # iptables -A PREROUTING -t mangle -p tcp --sport ftp-data \
3748 -j TOS --set-tos Maximize-Throughput
3749 </verb></tscreen>
3751 Now, this only works for data going from your telnet foreign host to your
3752 local computer. The other way around appears to be done for you, ie, telnet,
3753 ssh & friends all set the TOS field on outgoing packets automatically.
3755 Should you have an application that does not do this, you can always do it
3756 with netfilter. On your local box:
3758 <tscreen><verb>
3759 # iptables -A OUTPUT -t mangle -p tcp --dport telnet \
3760 -j TOS --set-tos Minimize-Delay
3761 # iptables -A OUTPUT -t mangle -p tcp --dport ftp \
3762 -j TOS --set-tos Minimize-Delay
3763 # iptables -A OUTPUT -t mangle -p tcp --dport ftp-data \
3764 -j TOS --set-tos Maximize-Throughput
3765 </verb></tscreen>
3767 <sect1>Transparent web-caching using netfilter, iproute2, ipchains and squid
3769 <label id="SQUID">
3770 This section was sent in by reader Ram Narula from Internet for Education
3771 (Thailand).
3773 The regular technique in accomplishing this in Linux
3774 is probably with use of ipchains AFTER making sure
3775 that the "outgoing" port 80(web) traffic gets routed through
3776 the server running squid.
3778 There are 3 common methods to make sure "outgoing"
3779 port 80 traffic gets routed to the server running squid
3780 and 4th one is being introduced here.
3782 <descrip>
3783 <tag>Making the gateway router do it.</tag>
3784 If you can tell your gateway router to
3785 match packets that has outgoing destination port
3786 of 80 to be sent to the IP address of squid server.
3790 This would put additional load on the router and
3791 some commercial routers might not even support this.
3792 <tag>Using a Layer 4 switch.</tag>
3793 Layer 4 switches can handle this without any problem.
3797 The cost for this equipment is usually very high. Typical
3798 layer 4 switch would normally cost more than
3799 a typical router+good linux server.
3800 <tag>Using cache server as network's gateway.</tag>
3801 You can force ALL traffic through cache server.
3805 This is quite risky because Squid does
3806 utilize lots of cpu power which might
3807 result in slower over-all network performance
3808 or the server itself might crash and no one on the
3809 network will be able to access the internet if
3810 that occurs.
3813 <tag>Linux+NetFilter router.</tag>
3814 By using NetFilter another technique can be implemented
3815 which is using NetFilter for "mark"ing the packets
3816 with destination port 80 and using iproute2 to
3817 route the "mark"ed packets to the Squid server.
3818 </descrip>
3819 <tscreen><verb>
3820 |----------------|
3821 | Implementation |
3822 |----------------|
3824 Addresses used
3825 naret (NetFilter server)
3826 silom (Squid server)
3827 donmuang (Router connected to the internet)
3828 kaosarn (other server on network)
3829 RAS
3830 main network
3831 total network
3833 |---------------|
3834 |Network diagram|
3835 |---------------|
3837 Internet
3839 donmuang
3841 ------------hub/switch----------
3842 | | | |
3843 naret silom kaosarn RAS etc.
3844 </verb></tscreen>
3845 First, make all traffic pass through naret by making
3846 sure it is the default gateway except for silom.
3847 Silom's default gateway has to be donmuang ( or
3848 this would create web traffic loop.
3852 (all servers on my network had as the default gateway
3853 which was the former IP address of donmuang router so what I did
3854 was changed the IP address of donmuang to and gave
3855 naret ip address of
3857 <tscreen><verb>
3858 Silom
3859 -----
3860 -setup squid and ipchains
3861 </verb></tscreen>
3864 Setup Squid server on silom, make sure it does support
3865 transparent caching/proxying, the default port is usually
3866 3128, so all traffic for port 80 has to be redirected to port
3867 3128 locally. This can be done by using ipchains with the following:
3869 <tscreen><verb>
3870 silom# ipchains -N allow1
3871 silom# ipchains -A allow1 -p TCP -s -d 0/0 80 -j REDIRECT 3128
3872 silom# ipchains -I input -j allow1
3873 </verb></tscreen>
3875 <p>
3877 Or, in netfilter lingo:
3878 <tscreen><verb>
3879 silom# iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 3128
3880 </verb></tscreen>
3882 (note: you might have other entries as well)
3885 For more information on setting Squid server please refer
3886 to Squid faq page on <url
3887 url="" name="">).
3891 Make sure ip forwarding is enabled on this server and the default
3892 gateway for this server is donmuang router (NOT naret).
3896 <tscreen><verb>
3897 Naret
3898 -----
3899 -setup iptables and iproute2
3900 -disable icmp REDIRECT messages (if needed)
3901 </verb></tscreen>
3903 <enum>
3904 <item>"Mark" packets of destination port 80 with value 2
3905 <tscreen><verb>
3906 naret# iptables -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -t mangle -p tcp --dport 80 \
3907 -j MARK --set-mark 2
3908 </verb></tscreen>
3909 </item>
3910 <item>Setup iproute2 so it will route packets with "mark" 2 to silom
3911 <tscreen><verb>
3912 naret# echo 202 www.out >> /etc/iproute2/rt_tables
3913 naret# ip rule add fwmark 2 table www.out
3914 naret# ip route add default via dev eth0 table www.out
3915 naret# ip route flush cache
3917 </verb></tscreen>
3919 If donmuang and naret is on the same subnet then
3920 naret should not send out icmp REDIRECT messages.
3921 In this case it is, so icmp REDIRECTs has to be
3922 disabled by:
3923 <tscreen><verb>
3924 naret# echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/send_redirects
3925 naret# echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/default/send_redirects
3926 naret# echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/eth0/send_redirects
3928 </verb></tscreen>
3929 </item>
3930 </enum>
3932 The setup is complete, check the configuration
3934 <tscreen><verb>
3935 On naret:
3937 naret# iptables -t mangle -L
3938 Chain PREROUTING (policy ACCEPT)
3939 target prot opt source destination
3940 MARK tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:www MARK set 0x2
3942 Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
3943 target prot opt source destination
3945 naret# ip rule ls
3946 0: from all lookup local
3947 32765: from all fwmark 2 lookup www.out
3948 32766: from all lookup main
3949 32767: from all lookup default
3951 naret# ip route list table www.out
3952 default via dev eth0
3954 naret# ip route
3955 dev eth0 scope link
3956 dev eth0 proto kernel scope link src
3957 dev lo scope link
3958 default via dev eth0
3960 (make sure silom belongs to one of the above lines, in this case
3961 it's the line with
3963 |------|
3964 |-DONE-|
3965 |------|
3968 </verb></tscreen>
3969 <sect2>Traffic flow diagram after implementation
3971 <tscreen><verb>
3973 |-----------------------------------------|
3974 |Traffic flow diagram after implementation|
3975 |-----------------------------------------|
3981 -----------------donmuang router---------------------
3982 /\ /\ ||
3983 || || ||
3984 || \/ ||
3985 naret silom ||
3986 *destination port 80 traffic=========>(cache) ||
3987 /\ || ||
3988 || \/ \/
3989 \\===================================kaosarn, RAS, etc.
3991 </verb></tscreen>
3993 Note that the network is asymmetric as there is one extra hop on
3994 general outgoing path.
3996 <tscreen><verb>
3997 Here is run down for packet traversing the network from kaosarn
3998 to and from the internet.
4000 For web/http traffic:
4001 kaosarn http request->naret->silom->donmuang->internet
4002 http replies from internet->donmuang->silom->kaosarn
4004 For non-web/http requests(eg. telnet):
4005 kaosarn outgoing data->naret->donmuang->internet
4006 incoming data from internet->donmuang->kaosarn
4007 </verb></tscreen>
4009 <sect1>Circumventing Path MTU Discovery issues with per route MTU settings
4011 For sending bulk data, the internet generally works better when using larger
4012 packets. Each packet implies a routing decision, when sending a 1 megabyte
4013 file, this can either mean around 700 packets when using packets that are as
4014 large as possible, or 4000 if using the smallest default.
4016 However, not all parts of the internet support full 1460 bytes of payload
4017 per packet. It is therefore necessary to try and find the largest packet
4018 that will 'fit', in order to optimize a connection.
4020 This process is called 'Path MTU Discovery', where MTU stands for 'Maximum
4021 Transfer Unit.'
4023 When a router encounters a packet that's too big too send in one piece, AND
4024 it has been flagged with the "Don't Fragment" bit, it returns an ICMP
4025 message stating that it was forced to drop a packet because of this. The
4026 sending host acts on this hint by sending smaller packets, and by iterating
4027 it can find the optimum packet size for a connection over a certain path.
4029 This used to work well until the internet was discovered by hooligans who do
4030 their best to disrupt communications. This in turn lead administrators to
4031 either block or shape ICMP traffic in a misguided attempt to improve
4032 security or robustness of their internet service.
4034 What has happened now is that Path MTU Discovery is working less and less
4035 well and fails for certain routes, which leads to strange TCP/IP sessions
4036 which die after a while.
4038 Although I have no proof for this, two sites who I used to have this problem
4039 with both run Alteon Acedirectors before the affected systems - perhaps
4040 somebody more knowledgeable can provide clues as to why this happens.
4042 <sect2>Solution
4044 When you encounter sites that suffer from this problem, you can disable Path
4045 MTU discovery by setting it manually. Koos van den Hout, slightly edited,
4046 writes:
4048 <tscreen>
4050 The following problem: I set the mtu/mru of my leased line running ppp to
4051 296 because it's only 33k6 and I cannot influence the queueing on the
4052 other side. At 296, the response to a keypress is within a reasonable
4053 timeframe.
4055 And, on my side I have a masqrouter running (of course) Linux.
4057 Recently I split 'server' and 'router' so most applications are run on a
4058 different machine than the routing happens on.
4060 I then had trouble logging into irc. Big panic! Some digging did find
4061 out that I got connected to irc, even showed up as 'connected' on irc
4062 but I did not receive the motd from irc. I checked what could be wrong
4063 and noted that I already had some previous trouble reaching certain
4064 websites related to the MTU, since I had no trouble reaching them when
4065 the MTU was 1500, the problem just showed when the MTU was set to 296.
4066 Since irc servers block about every kind of traffic not needed for their
4067 immediate operation, they also block icmp.
4069 I managed to convince the operators of a webserver that this was the cause
4070 of a problem, but the irc server operators were not going to fix this.
4072 So, I had to make sure outgoing masqueraded traffic started with the lower
4073 mtu of the outside link. But I want local ethernet traffic to have the
4074 normal mtu (for things like nfs traffic).
4076 Solution:
4077 <tscreen><verb>
4078 ip route add default via mtu 296
4079 </verb></tscreen>
4081 ( being the default gateway, the inside address of the
4082 masquerading router)
4083 </tscreen>
4085 In general, it is possible to override PMTU Discovery by setting specific
4086 routes. For example, if only a certain subnet is giving problems, this
4087 should help:
4089 <tscreen><verb>
4090 ip route add via mtu 1000
4091 </verb></tscreen>
4092 <sect1>Circumventing Path MTU Discovery issues with MSS Clamping (for ADSL,
4093 cable, PPPoE &amp; PPtP users)
4095 As explained above, Path MTU Discovery doesn't work as well as it should
4096 anymore. If you know for a fact that a hop somewhere in your network has a
4097 limited (&lt;1500) MTU, you cannot rely on PMTU Discovery finding this out.
4099 Besides MTU, there is yet another way to set the maximum packet size, the so
4100 called Maximum Segment Size. This is a field in the TCP Options part of a
4101 SYN packet.
4103 Recent Linux kernels, and a few pppoe drivers (notably, the excellent
4104 Roaring Penguin one), feature the possibility to 'clamp the MSS'.
4106 The good thing about this is that by setting the MSS value, you are telling
4107 the remote side unequivocally 'do not ever try to send me packets bigger
4108 than this value'. No ICMP traffic is needed to get this to work.
4110 The bad thing is that it's an obvious hack - it breaks 'end to end' by
4111 modifying packets. Having said that, we use this trick in many places and it
4112 works like a charm.
4114 In order for this to work you need at least iptables-1.2.1a and Linux 2.4.3
4115 or higher. The basic commandline is:
4116 <tscreen><verb>
4117 # iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp --tcp-flags SYN,RST SYN -j TCPMSS --clamp-mss-to-pmtu
4118 </verb></tscreen>
4120 This calculates the proper MSS for your link. If you are feeling brave, or
4121 think that you know best, you can also do something like this:
4123 <tscreen><verb>
4124 # iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp --tcp-flags SYN,RST SYN -j TCPMSS --set-mss 128
4125 </verb></tscreen>
4127 This sets the MSS of passing SYN packets to 128. Use this if you have VoIP
4128 with tiny packets, and huge http packets which are causing chopping in your
4129 voice calls.
4130 <sect>Building bridges, and pseudo-bridges with Proxy ARP
4132 Bridges are devices which can be installed in a network without any
4133 reconfiguration. A network switch is basically a many-port bridge. A bridge
4134 is often a 2-port switch. Linux does however support multiple interfaces in
4135 a bridge, making it a true switch.
4137 Bridges are often deployed when confronted with a broken network that needs
4138 to be fixed without any alterations. Because the bridge is a layer-2 device,
4139 one layer below IP, routers and servers are not aware of its existence.
4140 This means that you can transparently block or modify certain packets, or do
4141 shaping.
4143 Another good thing is that a bridge can often be replaced by a cross cable
4144 or a hub, should it break down.
4146 The bad news is that a bridge can cause great confusion unless it is very
4147 well documented. It does not appear in traceroutes, but somehow packets
4148 disappear or get changed from point A to point B. You should also wonder if
4149 an organization that 'does not want to change anything' is doing the right
4150 thing.
4152 The Linux 2.4 bridge is documented on
4154 <url url="" name="this page">.
4156 <sect1>State of bridging and iptables
4158 As of Linux 2.4.14, bridging and iptables do not 'see' each other without
4159 help. If you bridge packets from eth0 to eth1, they do not 'pass' by
4160 iptables. This means that you cannot do filtering, or NAT or mangling or
4161 whatever.
4163 There are several projects going on to fix this, the truly right one is by
4164 the author of the Linux 2.4 bridging code, Lennert Buytenhek. He recently
4165 informed us that as of bridge-nf 0.0.2 (see the url above), the code is
4166 stable and usable in production environments. He is now asking the kernel
4167 people if and how the patch can be merged, stay tuned!
4169 <sect1>Bridging and shaping
4171 This does work as advertised. Be sure to figure out which side each
4172 interface is on, otherwise you might be shaping outbound traffic in your
4173 internal interface, which won't work. Use tcpdump if needed.
4175 <sect1>Pseudo-bridges with Proxy-ARP
4177 If you just want to implement a Pseudo-bridge, skip down a few sections
4178 to 'Implementing it', but it is wise to read a bit about how it works in
4179 practice.
4181 A Pseudo-bridge works a bit differently. By default, a bridge passes packets
4182 unaltered from one interface to the other. It only looks at the hardware
4183 address of packets to determine what goes where. This in turn means that you
4184 can bridge traffic that Linux does not understand, as long as it has an
4185 hardware address it does.
4187 A 'Pseudo-bridge' works differently and looks more like a hidden router than
4188 a bridge, but like a bridge, it has little impact on network design.
4190 An advantage of the fact that it is not a brige lies in the fact that
4191 packets really pass through the kernel, and can be filtered, changed,
4192 redirected or rerouted.
4194 A real bridge can also be made to perform these feats, but it needs special
4195 code, like the Ethernet Frame Diverter, or the above mentioned patch.
4197 Another advantage of a pseudo-bridge is that it does not pass packets it
4198 does not understand - thus cleaning your network of a lot of cruft. In cases
4199 where you need this cruft (like SAP packets, or Netbeui), use a real bridge.
4200 <sect2>ARP &amp; Proxy-ARP
4202 When a host wants to talk to another host on the same physical network
4203 segment, it sends out an Address Resolution Protocol packet, which, somewhat
4204 simplified, reads like this 'who has, tell'. In response
4205 to this, replies with a short 'here' packet.
4207 then sends packets to the hardware address mentioned in the 'here'
4208 packet. It caches this hardware address for a relatively long time, and
4209 after the cache expires, it reasks the question.
4211 When building a Pseudo-bridge, we instruct the bridge to reply to these ARP
4212 packets, which causes the hosts in the network to send its packets to the
4213 bridge. The brige then processes these packets, and sends them to the
4214 relevant interface.
4216 So, in short, whenever a host on one side of the bridge asks for the
4217 hardware address of a host on the other, the bridge replies with a packet
4218 that says 'hand it to me'.
4220 This way, all data traffic gets transmitted to the right place, and always
4221 passes through the bridge.
4222 <sect2>Implementing it
4224 In the bad old days, it used to be possible to instruct the Linux Kernel to
4225 perform 'proxy-ARP' for just any subnet. So, to configure a pseudo-bridge,
4226 you would have to specify both the proper routes to both sides of the bridge
4227 AND create matching proxy-ARP rules. This is bad in that it requires a lot
4228 of typing, but also because it easily allows you to make mistakes which make
4229 your bridge respond to ARP queries for networks it does not know how to
4230 route.
4232 With Linux 2.4 (and possibly 2.2), this possibility has been withdrawn and
4233 has been replaced by a flag in the /proc directory, called 'proxy_arp'. The
4234 procedure for building a pseudo-bridge is then:
4236 <enum>
4237 <item>Assign an IP address to both interfaces, the 'left' and the 'right'
4239 <item>Create routes so your machine knows which hosts reside on the left,
4240 and which on the right
4241 <item>Turn on proxy-ARP on both interfaces, echo 1 >
4242 /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/ethL/proxy_arp, echo 1 >
4243 /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/ethR/proxy_arp, where L and R stand for the numbers
4244 of your interfaces on the left and on the right side
4245 </enum>
4247 Also, do not forget to turn on the ip_forwarding flag! When converting from
4248 a true bridge, you may find that this flag was turned off as it is not
4249 needed when bridging.
4251 Another thing you might note when converting is that you need to clear the
4252 arp cache of computers in the network - the arp cache might contain old
4253 pre-bridge hardware addresses which are no longer correct.
4255 On a Cisco, this is done using the command 'clear arp-cache', under
4256 Linux, use 'arp -d ip.address'. You can also wait for the cache to expire
4257 manually, which can take rather long.
4258 <sect>Advanced Linux Routing
4260 This section is for all you people who either want to understand why the
4261 whole system works or have a configuration that's so bizarre that you
4262 need the low down to make it work.
4264 This section is completely optional. It's quite possible that this section
4265 will be quite complex and really not intended for normal users. You have
4266 been warned.
4268 FIXME: Decide what really needs to go in here.
4269 <sect1>How does packet queueing really work?
4270 <p>This is the low-down on how the packet queueing system really works.
4272 Lists the steps the kernel takes to classify a packet, etc...
4274 FIXME: Write this.
4276 <sect1>Advanced uses of the packet queueing system
4277 <p>Go through Alexey's extremely tricky example involving the unused bits
4278 in the TOS field.
4280 FIXME: Write this.
4282 <sect1>Other packet shaping systems
4283 <p>I'd like to include a brief description of other packet shaping systems
4284 in other operating systems and how they compare to the Linux one. Since Linux
4285 is one of the few OSes that has a completely original (non-BSD derived) TCP/IP
4286 stack, I think it would be useful to see how other people do it.
4288 Unfortunately I have no experience with other systems so cannot write this.
4290 FIXME: Anyone? - Martijn
4292 <sect>Dynamic routing - OSPF and BGP
4294 Once your network starts to get really big, or you start to consider 'the
4295 internet' as your network, you need tools which dynamically route your data.
4296 Sites are often connected to each other with multiple links, and more are
4297 popping up all the time.
4299 The Internet has mostly standardised on OSPF and BGP4 (rfc1771). Linux
4300 supports both, by way of <tt>gated</tt> and <tt>zebra</tt>
4302 While currently not within the scope of this document, we would like to
4303 point you to the definitive works:
4305 Overview:
4307 Cisco Systems
4308 <url
4309 url=""
4310 name="Designing large-scale IP internetworks">
4314 For OSPF:
4316 Moy, John T.
4317 "OSPF. The anatomy of an Internet routing protocol"
4318 Addison Wesley. Reading, MA. 1998.
4320 Halabi has also written a good guide to OSPF routing design, but this
4321 appears to have been dropped from the Cisco web site.
4324 For BGP:
4326 Halabi, Bassam
4327 "Internet routing architectures"
4328 Cisco Press (New Riders Publishing). Indianapolis, IN. 1997.
4330 also
4332 Cisco Systems
4334 <url
4335 url=""
4336 name="Using the Border Gateway Protocol for interdomain routing">
4339 Although the examples are Cisco-specific, they are remarkably similar
4340 to the configuration language in Zebra :-)
4341 <sect>Other possibilities
4343 This chapter is a list of projects having to do with advanced Linux routing
4344 &amp; traffic shaping. Some of these links may deserve chapters of their
4345 own, some are documented very well of themselves, and don't need more HOWTO.
4347 <descrip>
4348 <tag>802.1Q VLAN Implementation for Linux <url url=""
4349 name="(site)"></tag>
4351 VLANs are a very cool way to segregate your
4352 networks in a more virtual than physical way. Good information on VLANs can
4353 be found <url
4354 url=""
4355 name="here">. With this implementation, you can have your Linux box talk
4356 VLANs with machines like Cisco Catalyst, 3Com: {Corebuilder, Netbuilder II,
4357 SuperStack II switch 630}, Extreme Ntwks Summit 48, Foundry: {ServerIronXL,
4358 FastIron}.
4360 Update: has been included in the kernel as of 2.4.14 (perhaps 13).
4361 <tag>Alternate 802.1Q VLAN Implementation for Linux <url
4362 url=" "
4363 name="(site)"></tag>
4364 Alternative VLAN implementation for linux. This project was started out of
4365 disagreement with the 'established' VLAN project's architecture and coding
4366 style, resulting in a cleaner overall design.
4368 <tag>Linux Virtual Server <url url=""
4369 name="(site)"></tag>
4371 These people are brilliant. The Linux Virtual Server is a highly scalable and
4372 highly available server built on a cluster of real servers, with the load
4373 balancer running on the Linux operating system. The architecture of the
4374 cluster is transparent to end users. End users only see a single virtual
4375 server.
4377 In short whatever you need to loadbalance, at whatever level of traffic, LVS
4378 will have a way of doing it. Some of their techniques are positively evil!
4379 For example, they let several machines have the same IP address on a
4380 segment, but turn off ARP on them. Only the LVS machine does ARP - it then
4381 decides which of the backend hosts should handle an incoming packet, and
4382 sends it directly to the right MAC address of the backend server. Outgoing
4383 traffic will flow directly to the router, and not via the LVS machine, which
4384 does therefor not need to see your 5Gbit/s of content flowing to the world,
4385 and cannot be a bottleneck.
4387 The LVS is implemented as a kernel patch in Linux 2.0 and 2.2, but as a
4388 Netfilter module in 2.4, so it does not need kernel patches! Their 2.4
4389 support is still in early development, so beat on it and give feedback or
4390 send patches.
4392 <tag>CBQ.init <url url=""
4393 name="(site)"></tag>
4394 Configuring CBQ can be a bit daunting, especially if all you want to do is
4395 shape some computers behind a router. CBQ.init can help you configure Linux
4396 with a simplified syntax.
4398 For example, if you want all computers in your subnet
4399 (on 10mbit eth1) to be limited to 28kbit/s download speed, put
4400 this in the CBQ.init configuration file:
4402 <tscreen><verb>
4403 DEVICE=eth1,10Mbit,1Mbit
4404 RATE=28Kbit
4405 WEIGHT=2Kbit
4406 PRIO=5
4407 RULE=
4408 </verb></tscreen>
4410 By all means use this program if the 'how and why' don't interest you.
4411 We're using CBQ.init in production and it works very well. It can even do
4412 some more advanced things, like time dependent shaping. The documentation is
4413 embedded in the script, which explains why you can't find a README.
4415 <tag>Chronox easy shaping scripts <url url=""
4416 name="(site)"></tag>
4418 Stephan Mueller ( wrote two useful scripts, 'limit.conn'
4419 and 'shaper'. The first one allows you to easily throttle a single download
4420 session, like this:
4422 <tscreen><verb>
4423 # limit.conn -s SERVERIP -p SERVERPORT -l LIMIT
4424 </verb></tscreen>
4426 It works on Linux 2.2 and 2.4.
4428 The second script is more complicated, and can be used to make lots of
4429 different queues based on iptables rules, which are used to mark packets
4430 which are then shaped.
4432 <tag>Virtual Router
4433 Redundancy Protocol implementation <url url=""
4434 name="(site)"></tag>
4436 This is purely for redundancy. Two machines with their own IP address and
4437 MAC Address together create a third IP Address and MAC Address, which is
4438 virtual. Originally intended purely for routers, which need constant MAC
4439 addresses, it also works for other servers.
4441 The beauty of this approach is the incredibly easy configuration. No kernel
4442 compiling or patching required, all userspace.
4444 Just run this on all machines participating in a service:
4445 <tscreen><verb>
4446 # vrrpd -i eth0 -v 50
4447 </verb></tscreen>
4449 And you are in business! is now carried by one of your servers,
4450 probably the first one to run the vrrp daemon. Now disconnect that computer
4451 from the network and very rapidly one of the other computers will assume the
4452 address, as well as the MAC address.
4454 I tried this over here and had it up and running in 1 minute. For some
4455 strange reason it decided to drop my default gateway, but the -n flag
4456 prevented that.
4458 This is a 'live' failover:
4460 <tscreen><verb>
4461 64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=255 time=0.2 ms
4462 64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=255 time=0.2 ms
4463 64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=255 time=16.8 ms
4464 64 bytes from icmp_seq=6 ttl=255 time=1.8 ms
4465 64 bytes from icmp_seq=7 ttl=255 time=1.7 ms
4466 </verb></tscreen>
4468 Not *one* ping packet was lost! Just after packet 4, I disconnected my P200
4469 from the network, and my 486 took over, which you can see from the higher
4470 latency.
4471 </descrip>
4472 <sect>Further reading
4474 <descrip>
4475 <tag><url url=""
4476 name=""></tag>
4477 Contains lots of technical information, comments from the kernel
4478 <tag><url url=""
4479 name=""></tag>
4480 Slides by Jamal Hadi Salim, one of the authors of Linux traffic control
4481 <tag><url url=""
4482 name=""></tag>
4483 HTML version of Alexeys LaTeX documentation - explains part of iproute2 in
4484 great detail
4485 <tag><url url=""
4486 name=""></tag>
4487 Sally Floyd has a good page on CBQ, including her original papers. None of
4488 it is Linux specific, but it does a fair job discussing the theory and uses
4489 of CBQ.
4490 Very technical stuff, but good reading for those so inclined.
4492 <tag><url url=""
4493 name=""></tag>
4494 Yet another HOWTO, this time in Polish! You can copy/paste command lines
4495 however, they work just the same in every language. The author is
4496 cooperating with us and may soon author sections of this HOWTO.
4498 <tag><url
4499 url=""
4500 name="Differentiated Services on Linux"></tag>
4501 Discussion on how to use Linux in a diffserv compliant environment. Pretty
4502 far removed from your everyday routing needs, but very interesting none the
4503 less. We may include a section on this at a later date.
4505 <tag><url
4506 url=""
4507 name="IOS Committed Access Rate"></tag>
4508 <label id="CAR">
4509 From the helpful folks of Cisco who have the laudable habit of putting
4510 their documentation online. Cisco syntax is different but the concepts are
4511 the same, except that we can do more and do it without routers the price of
4512 cars :-)
4514 <tag>Docum experimental site<url url=""
4515 name="(site)"></tag>
4516 Stef Coene is busy convincing his boss to sell Linux support, and so he is
4517 experimenting a lot, especially with managing bandwidth. His site has a lot
4518 of practical information, examples, tests and also points out some CBQ/tc bugs.
4520 <tag>TCP/IP Illustrated, volume 1, W. Richard Stevens, ISBN 0-201-63346-9</tag>
4521 Required reading if you truly want to understand TCP/IP. Entertaining as
4522 well.
4524 </descrip>
4525 <sect>Acknowledgements
4526 <p>
4527 It is our goal to list everybody who has contributed to this HOWTO, or
4528 helped us demystify how things work. While there are currently no plans
4529 for a Netfilter type scoreboard, we do like to recognise the people who are
4530 helping.
4532 <itemize>
4533 <item>Ron Brinker &lt;;
4534 <item>Lennert Buytenhek &lt;;
4535 <item>Esteve Camps &lt;;
4536 <item>Gerry Creager N5JXS &lt;;
4537 <item>Marco Davids &lt;;
4538 <item>Jonathan Day &lt;;
4539 <item>Martin Devera aka devik &lt;;
4540 <item>Stephan "Kobold" Gehring &lt;;
4541 <item>Jacek Glinkow&lt;;
4542 <item>Nadeem Hasan &lt;;
4543 <item>Vik Heyndrickx &lt;;
4544 <item>Koos van den Hout &lt;;
4545 <item>Martin Josefsson &lt;;
4546 <item>Pawel Krawczyk &lt;;
4547 <item>Philippe Latu &lt;;
4548 <item>Jason Lunz &lt;;
4549 <item>Stuart Lynne &lt;;
4550 <item>Alexey Mahotkin &lt;;
4551 <item>Andreas Mohr &lt;;
4552 <item>Wim van der Most
4553 <item>Stephan Mueller &lt;;
4554 <item>Ram Narula &lt;;
4555 <item>Jorge Novo &lt;;
4556 <item>Patrik &lt;;
4557 <item>Jason Pyeron &lt;;
4558 <item>Rusty Russell (with apologies for always misspelling your name)
4559 <item>Jamal Hadi Salim &lt;;
4560 <item>David Sauer &lt;;
4561 <item>Sheharyar Suleman Shaikh &lt;;
4562 <item>Nick Silberstein &lt;;
4563 <item>Konrads Smelkov &lt;;
4564 <item>Andreas Steinmetz &lt;;
4565 <item>Jason Tackaberry &lt;;
4566 <item>Charles Tassell &lt;;
4567 <item>Glen Turner &lt;;
4568 <item>Song Wang &lt;;
4569 </itemize>
4571 </article>